Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 34 of 49 →
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Brother G . H . NOTON , of Manchester , in a neat speech , replete with pure Masonic feeling , then proposed the health of " the Presiding Master , Brother John Standring , with long life and prosperity , " which was received with every feeling of affection and respect , with full honours , and applause that continued for a considerable time . Brother STANDRING returned thanks , and said , although but small in personhe would yield to no one in labouring hard in fulfilling the duties
, of any Masonic situation he might be called upon to perform , and would ever lend his aid and assistance to make Freemasonry complete . He concluded by drinking " good health to all present , —their wives and families . " Brother J . LAMBERT proposed as the next toast , " the health of the visitors , and the members of the respective Lodges to which they belong , their wives and families , and that Masonry may flourish like the green
bay tree , " which was drunk with due honours , and "Prosper the art . " Brother JESSE LEE returned thanks on behalf of himself and visiting Brethren , observing , if happiness is to be found on earth , a Lodge of Freemasons is the elysium . A number of other toasts , songs , & c . were given , ivhich we are obliged to omit for want of room . Too much praise cannot be given to the stewards , for the ample preparations which they made for the occasion .
The Brethren , after a most happy meeting , separated in " Love , Peace , Unity , and Concord . " LIVERPOOL , Jan . 1839 . *—LODGE OF SINCERITY , NO . 368 . Between thirty and forty of the Brethren assembled at the Royal Hotel , Dale Street , amongst whom were Brother John Drinkwater , R . W . D . P . G . M ., Brother Lewis Samuel , P . G . T ., Bro . Nrcgli , P . G . S . B ., and several other members of the Prov . Grand Lodge for the W . division of Lancashire .
After the installation of Brother Molineaux , P . G . O ., as W . M . for the ensuing year , appointing the other Officers , and transacting the remaining business , the Brethren partook of a sumptuous banquet , when the R . W . D . P . G . M ., in the joint names of himself and the other members of Lodge 368 , presented Brother Joseph Hess , their late W . M ., with a splendid Past Master ' s Jewel , bearing the following inscription : — " Presented by the Members of the Lodge of Sincerity , No . 368 , to
their late W . M ., Brother Joseph Hess , as a mark of their esteem for his truly Masonic and gentlemanly conduct whilst presiding over them . January 14 th , 1839 . A . L . 5839 . " Brother Hess returned thanks in a most fraternal speech . The R . W . D . P . G . M . then announced the appointment of Brother James Norris , S . W . of this Lodge , as W . Provincial Grand Secretary for the AVestern division of Lancashire , vice Brother A . S . Woodward , who had resigned .
{ Abridged from " The Liverpool Mail" ) LIVERPOOL , Dec . 21 . One of those spirit-stirring festivals , reminding us at once of the days of chivalry and of oriental mythology , inviting the gallant bearing of belted and bearded knights , with all the " pride , pomp , and circumstance , " not of war , but of brotherly love , and created by the most sacred ties , has just taken place in Liverpool . We scarcely know how to
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Brother G . H . NOTON , of Manchester , in a neat speech , replete with pure Masonic feeling , then proposed the health of " the Presiding Master , Brother John Standring , with long life and prosperity , " which was received with every feeling of affection and respect , with full honours , and applause that continued for a considerable time . Brother STANDRING returned thanks , and said , although but small in personhe would yield to no one in labouring hard in fulfilling the duties
, of any Masonic situation he might be called upon to perform , and would ever lend his aid and assistance to make Freemasonry complete . He concluded by drinking " good health to all present , —their wives and families . " Brother J . LAMBERT proposed as the next toast , " the health of the visitors , and the members of the respective Lodges to which they belong , their wives and families , and that Masonry may flourish like the green
bay tree , " which was drunk with due honours , and "Prosper the art . " Brother JESSE LEE returned thanks on behalf of himself and visiting Brethren , observing , if happiness is to be found on earth , a Lodge of Freemasons is the elysium . A number of other toasts , songs , & c . were given , ivhich we are obliged to omit for want of room . Too much praise cannot be given to the stewards , for the ample preparations which they made for the occasion .
The Brethren , after a most happy meeting , separated in " Love , Peace , Unity , and Concord . " LIVERPOOL , Jan . 1839 . *—LODGE OF SINCERITY , NO . 368 . Between thirty and forty of the Brethren assembled at the Royal Hotel , Dale Street , amongst whom were Brother John Drinkwater , R . W . D . P . G . M ., Brother Lewis Samuel , P . G . T ., Bro . Nrcgli , P . G . S . B ., and several other members of the Prov . Grand Lodge for the W . division of Lancashire .
After the installation of Brother Molineaux , P . G . O ., as W . M . for the ensuing year , appointing the other Officers , and transacting the remaining business , the Brethren partook of a sumptuous banquet , when the R . W . D . P . G . M ., in the joint names of himself and the other members of Lodge 368 , presented Brother Joseph Hess , their late W . M ., with a splendid Past Master ' s Jewel , bearing the following inscription : — " Presented by the Members of the Lodge of Sincerity , No . 368 , to
their late W . M ., Brother Joseph Hess , as a mark of their esteem for his truly Masonic and gentlemanly conduct whilst presiding over them . January 14 th , 1839 . A . L . 5839 . " Brother Hess returned thanks in a most fraternal speech . The R . W . D . P . G . M . then announced the appointment of Brother James Norris , S . W . of this Lodge , as W . Provincial Grand Secretary for the AVestern division of Lancashire , vice Brother A . S . Woodward , who had resigned .
{ Abridged from " The Liverpool Mail" ) LIVERPOOL , Dec . 21 . One of those spirit-stirring festivals , reminding us at once of the days of chivalry and of oriental mythology , inviting the gallant bearing of belted and bearded knights , with all the " pride , pomp , and circumstance , " not of war , but of brotherly love , and created by the most sacred ties , has just taken place in Liverpool . We scarcely know how to