Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 39 of 49 →
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ship did Hot receive your invitation in time to enable yourself and officers to attend upon that interesting occasion . I then said , I hoped as it joined the two counties together , so it would in future cement the good feeling of the Craft toivards each other , and be the means of facilitating their more frequent intercourse ; and your Lordship ' s presence amongst us this day is a proof that my hopes and wishes will not be disappointed . — ( Cheers . ) W . Masters and Brethren , when I look around this festive
board , and see so many individuals enjoying themselves with the good things ivhich Providence has so abundantly poured down upon usavoiding the folly and nonsense of total abstinence on the one hand , as well as the iniquity of abusing b y excess these blessings on the other—( cheers)—and when I call to mind that our Fraternity includes all nations , kindred , and languages , professing different politics , principles , and creeds—meeting togetherrationallto enjoy themselvesand to promote
, y , kindly feeling , and brotherly love and charity towards each other—( cheers)—I am ready to exclaim , this is neutral ground , where all agree to lay aside their differences , like the oasis in the desert to the wandering Arab , to refresh us after the vexations and differences we daily meet with in our intercourse with the world , I would , my Brethren , it were possible
for those ignorant fanatics , with whom this town has lately been inundated , to be now present . I know I am touching upon tender ground , but it is only for the sake of comparison that I mention it . I repeat , I wish those persons could witness the present happy scene—where nothing but kindness , brotherly love , and charity are practically illustrated ; instead of going about , setting neighbour in hostility against neighbour , and friend against friend , producing the very contrary effects of those which we , as Masonsare the supporters of—namelycharity—orin other
words—, , , Freemasonry . Brethren , I feel obliged for the patience and attention you have paid to my address ; but , before I sit down , let me again thank you for the handsome and substantial mark of your approbation of my Masonic conduct , by this morning presenting me with a handsome gold medal , which I shall always prize , more as a token of your kindness than for its intrinsic value . I shall now conclude with wishing you all , collectively and individuallyhealthhappinessand prosperity , —( Loud
, , , cheers , which continued for a long time . ) Brother DHINKWATER again rose , the Grand Master having requested him to propose the next toast ; without further preface he would propose — " The Provincial Grand AVardens , W . D . Lancashire . " Brother PERRIN returned thanks .
The next toast introduced was— " The Provincial Grand Chaplain . " Le G . N . STARKIE then proposed— "The Provincial Grand Treasurer , Brother Lewis Samuel . " Brother LEWIS SAMUEL , in a very neat speech , returned thanks . Brother DRINKWATER proposed— " The Provincial Grand Secretary , " who returned thanks . The PROVINCIAL GRAND SECRETARY rose , and said he felt highly
honoured by the R . AA . P . G . Master allowing him to propose the next toast . It was one to which he was confident every Brother present ivould respond with the greatest cordiality and delight . The subject of it was nearest and dearest to us all : to the gentler sex we are indebted for every blessing ive possess ; to them we owe our infant nurture and cultivation ; through life we are assisted by their affectionate and endearing attentions , whether as mothers , wives , sisters , or daughters ; and , at the closing
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ship did Hot receive your invitation in time to enable yourself and officers to attend upon that interesting occasion . I then said , I hoped as it joined the two counties together , so it would in future cement the good feeling of the Craft toivards each other , and be the means of facilitating their more frequent intercourse ; and your Lordship ' s presence amongst us this day is a proof that my hopes and wishes will not be disappointed . — ( Cheers . ) W . Masters and Brethren , when I look around this festive
board , and see so many individuals enjoying themselves with the good things ivhich Providence has so abundantly poured down upon usavoiding the folly and nonsense of total abstinence on the one hand , as well as the iniquity of abusing b y excess these blessings on the other—( cheers)—and when I call to mind that our Fraternity includes all nations , kindred , and languages , professing different politics , principles , and creeds—meeting togetherrationallto enjoy themselvesand to promote
, y , kindly feeling , and brotherly love and charity towards each other—( cheers)—I am ready to exclaim , this is neutral ground , where all agree to lay aside their differences , like the oasis in the desert to the wandering Arab , to refresh us after the vexations and differences we daily meet with in our intercourse with the world , I would , my Brethren , it were possible
for those ignorant fanatics , with whom this town has lately been inundated , to be now present . I know I am touching upon tender ground , but it is only for the sake of comparison that I mention it . I repeat , I wish those persons could witness the present happy scene—where nothing but kindness , brotherly love , and charity are practically illustrated ; instead of going about , setting neighbour in hostility against neighbour , and friend against friend , producing the very contrary effects of those which we , as Masonsare the supporters of—namelycharity—orin other
words—, , , Freemasonry . Brethren , I feel obliged for the patience and attention you have paid to my address ; but , before I sit down , let me again thank you for the handsome and substantial mark of your approbation of my Masonic conduct , by this morning presenting me with a handsome gold medal , which I shall always prize , more as a token of your kindness than for its intrinsic value . I shall now conclude with wishing you all , collectively and individuallyhealthhappinessand prosperity , —( Loud
, , , cheers , which continued for a long time . ) Brother DHINKWATER again rose , the Grand Master having requested him to propose the next toast ; without further preface he would propose — " The Provincial Grand AVardens , W . D . Lancashire . " Brother PERRIN returned thanks .
The next toast introduced was— " The Provincial Grand Chaplain . " Le G . N . STARKIE then proposed— "The Provincial Grand Treasurer , Brother Lewis Samuel . " Brother LEWIS SAMUEL , in a very neat speech , returned thanks . Brother DRINKWATER proposed— " The Provincial Grand Secretary , " who returned thanks . The PROVINCIAL GRAND SECRETARY rose , and said he felt highly
honoured by the R . AA . P . G . Master allowing him to propose the next toast . It was one to which he was confident every Brother present ivould respond with the greatest cordiality and delight . The subject of it was nearest and dearest to us all : to the gentler sex we are indebted for every blessing ive possess ; to them we owe our infant nurture and cultivation ; through life we are assisted by their affectionate and endearing attentions , whether as mothers , wives , sisters , or daughters ; and , at the closing