Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 40 of 49 →
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hour of our existence , their soft and kindly offices prove our greatest solace and support on earth ; in short , from first to last , from the cradle to the grave , woman is most constant and unwearied in promoting our happiness . Further preface to the toast he was about to propose would , in a Masonic Lodge particularly , be useless ; he therefore gave— " The Ladies . "—( Great applause . ) Song— " Onothing in life can sadden us "
, . " The Prov . Grand Officers of the Western Division of Lancashire . " Brother PENKETT returned thanks . Brother JOHN DRINXWATER , W . D ., begged to offer another toast , and proposed— " The Prov . Grand Steivards . " Brother RAYMOND returned thanks in a very excellent speech . The next toast in succession , by Brother DRINKWATER , was— " The Masters and AVardens of Lodges , AV . D . Lancashire . "
Brother HESS was called for , and addressed the assembly in an admirable speech . " F . Maddock , Esq ., R . W . D . P . G . M . Cheshire . " Brother MADDOCK returned thanks . Several other toasts were given , and the meeting , perhaps the most interesting ever held in Liverpool , soon after separated . jJWe have been compelled , for want of time and space , to give other than a very brief outline of the day ' s proceedings . !
STALYBRIDGE , Oct . 8 . —The Provincial Grand Master , Viscount Lord Combermere , having accepted an invitation of the Brethren of the Moira Lodge , held at the Spread Eagle , to spend the evening with them , the Lodge was adjourned to the Town Hall , at eight o ' clock . A considerable number of Brethren from the surrounding Lodges of Cheshire and the adjoining counties of Lancashire and Derbyshire , assembled together , in order to testify their respect for his Lordship , who arrived about halfpast eight , and remained until midnight , expressing himself highly
gratified with the kindness and hospitality he had always received from the Brethren . The arrangements of" the evening , under the superintendence of Brother Goddard , were unexceptionable . Lady Combermere honoured the Brethren ivith her presence , in the gallery , to ivhich ladies were admitted by ticket . Nothing could be more gratifying to his Lordship than the manner in ivhich her Ladyship was received by the Brethren . Her Ladyship retired about eleven o ' clock , having been much pleased with the evening ' s entertainment .
NORTHWICH . —On Thursday , the 17 th October , the Provincial Grand Lodge of this county , was held at Northwich . At the time appointed , ( ten o ' clock ) , the Prov . G . M . Viscount Combermere , the Deputy Prov . G . M ., J . F . Maddock , Esq ., and deputations from the various Lodges , had assembled at the house of Brother Wheeler , the Talbot Hotel . Shortly after the business of the day commenced with the examination of the transaction books of each Lodge for the past year , and which appeared to give general satisfaction—after which the Lodge was dulopened by
y Bros . T . R . Barker , W . M . 620 , Charles Hamilton , S . W . 615 , and Bro . Moodey , J . AV . In a few minutes the approach of the R . W . P . G . M ., the Deputy P . G . M . and P . G . Masters were announced , and immediately entered , and proceeded to their respective stations . The R . W . P . G . M . Viscount Combermere , was then pleased to appoint the following
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hour of our existence , their soft and kindly offices prove our greatest solace and support on earth ; in short , from first to last , from the cradle to the grave , woman is most constant and unwearied in promoting our happiness . Further preface to the toast he was about to propose would , in a Masonic Lodge particularly , be useless ; he therefore gave— " The Ladies . "—( Great applause . ) Song— " Onothing in life can sadden us "
, . " The Prov . Grand Officers of the Western Division of Lancashire . " Brother PENKETT returned thanks . Brother JOHN DRINXWATER , W . D ., begged to offer another toast , and proposed— " The Prov . Grand Steivards . " Brother RAYMOND returned thanks in a very excellent speech . The next toast in succession , by Brother DRINKWATER , was— " The Masters and AVardens of Lodges , AV . D . Lancashire . "
Brother HESS was called for , and addressed the assembly in an admirable speech . " F . Maddock , Esq ., R . W . D . P . G . M . Cheshire . " Brother MADDOCK returned thanks . Several other toasts were given , and the meeting , perhaps the most interesting ever held in Liverpool , soon after separated . jJWe have been compelled , for want of time and space , to give other than a very brief outline of the day ' s proceedings . !
STALYBRIDGE , Oct . 8 . —The Provincial Grand Master , Viscount Lord Combermere , having accepted an invitation of the Brethren of the Moira Lodge , held at the Spread Eagle , to spend the evening with them , the Lodge was adjourned to the Town Hall , at eight o ' clock . A considerable number of Brethren from the surrounding Lodges of Cheshire and the adjoining counties of Lancashire and Derbyshire , assembled together , in order to testify their respect for his Lordship , who arrived about halfpast eight , and remained until midnight , expressing himself highly
gratified with the kindness and hospitality he had always received from the Brethren . The arrangements of" the evening , under the superintendence of Brother Goddard , were unexceptionable . Lady Combermere honoured the Brethren ivith her presence , in the gallery , to ivhich ladies were admitted by ticket . Nothing could be more gratifying to his Lordship than the manner in ivhich her Ladyship was received by the Brethren . Her Ladyship retired about eleven o ' clock , having been much pleased with the evening ' s entertainment .
NORTHWICH . —On Thursday , the 17 th October , the Provincial Grand Lodge of this county , was held at Northwich . At the time appointed , ( ten o ' clock ) , the Prov . G . M . Viscount Combermere , the Deputy Prov . G . M ., J . F . Maddock , Esq ., and deputations from the various Lodges , had assembled at the house of Brother Wheeler , the Talbot Hotel . Shortly after the business of the day commenced with the examination of the transaction books of each Lodge for the past year , and which appeared to give general satisfaction—after which the Lodge was dulopened by
y Bros . T . R . Barker , W . M . 620 , Charles Hamilton , S . W . 615 , and Bro . Moodey , J . AV . In a few minutes the approach of the R . W . P . G . M ., the Deputy P . G . M . and P . G . Masters were announced , and immediately entered , and proceeded to their respective stations . The R . W . P . G . M . Viscount Combermere , was then pleased to appoint the following