Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 43 of 49 →
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and orphans of deceased Brethren . Its members are increasing daily , and it will , ere long , become one of the most popular Lodges in this province . The jugs were made to order by Mr . Riley , Dresden Rooms , Grosvenor Street . Chester .
DERBY —We are requested to state that the Tyrian Lodge of Freemasons , No . 315 , ( George Fritche , Esq ., W . M . ) ivhich for many years has been held at the Tiger Inn , in this town , has been removed to the Royal Hotel . MILFORD . —ST . DAVID ' LODGE , No . 474 . —Br . Parry has been put in nomination again for the Mastership of this Lodge , which is in a flourishing condition .
PEMBROKE DOCK . —LOYAL AVELSH LODGE , No . 525 . —Br . Edwards has been unanimously re-elected Master for the ensuing year . The number of Members has been considerably augmented during the last two years ; indeed , prosperity seems to attend the Craft generally throughout the neighbourhood .
HAVERFORDWEST . —CAMBRIAN LODGE . —A Lodge under this title is shortly to be opened here ; the following are to be the principal officers —Br . W . H . Scourfield , Master ; Br . Millar , Senior Warden ; and Br . Beynon , Junior Warden . The business of the Lodge will be conducted by Br . Parry , acting Master . *
CHUDLEIGH . —The Brethren of No . 650 , Union Lodge , held their last regular seated Lodge for this year at the Clifford Arms , Chudleigh ; at which there was a full attendance of the Members and visiting Brethren . On the completion of the Masonic duties , a dinner was excellently served , at which Brother Captain Powney , R . N ., AV . M . ably presided , and the Brethren were all highly gratified with the truly Masonic spirit and harmony of the meeting . With the customary toasts , the health
of the D . P . G . M . of Devon , Brother the Rev . Dr . Carwithen , who was present , and to whom the Lodge is indebted for its formation and present efficient state , was drunk ivith much enthusiasm . CHAPTER OF JERUSALEM . —This little town offers a rich Masonic example to any portion of the Brotherhood , whose " light might be hid under a bushel , '' from inertness or apprehension ; it boasts an admirable Lodge , to which is now added a Chapter , formed from the same excellent
materials . On the 9 th Nov . the R . A . C . was solemnly opened by M . E . Z . Dr . Carwithen ; Rev . J . Huyshe , H . ; and W . D . Moore , J . ; when Bros . Rev . AV . H . Carwithen , T . Pinsent , J . Laidman , S . AVhitway , W . Merry , and J . Pidsley , all of 650 , were exalted ; and the AV . M . Bro . Capt . Jno . Powney , R . N ., JOT ., was promoted to the principal chair of J . The working was of the first order . AVith such materials ivithin hail as Bros . Dr . Carwithen , Captains Powney and Dickson , who so abundantly mingle the worth of the man ivith the ability and profession of the Mason , it would be strange indeed if the fortunate sojourners in their locality did not become fraternized . The Brethren sat down to
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and orphans of deceased Brethren . Its members are increasing daily , and it will , ere long , become one of the most popular Lodges in this province . The jugs were made to order by Mr . Riley , Dresden Rooms , Grosvenor Street . Chester .
DERBY —We are requested to state that the Tyrian Lodge of Freemasons , No . 315 , ( George Fritche , Esq ., W . M . ) ivhich for many years has been held at the Tiger Inn , in this town , has been removed to the Royal Hotel . MILFORD . —ST . DAVID ' LODGE , No . 474 . —Br . Parry has been put in nomination again for the Mastership of this Lodge , which is in a flourishing condition .
PEMBROKE DOCK . —LOYAL AVELSH LODGE , No . 525 . —Br . Edwards has been unanimously re-elected Master for the ensuing year . The number of Members has been considerably augmented during the last two years ; indeed , prosperity seems to attend the Craft generally throughout the neighbourhood .
HAVERFORDWEST . —CAMBRIAN LODGE . —A Lodge under this title is shortly to be opened here ; the following are to be the principal officers —Br . W . H . Scourfield , Master ; Br . Millar , Senior Warden ; and Br . Beynon , Junior Warden . The business of the Lodge will be conducted by Br . Parry , acting Master . *
CHUDLEIGH . —The Brethren of No . 650 , Union Lodge , held their last regular seated Lodge for this year at the Clifford Arms , Chudleigh ; at which there was a full attendance of the Members and visiting Brethren . On the completion of the Masonic duties , a dinner was excellently served , at which Brother Captain Powney , R . N ., AV . M . ably presided , and the Brethren were all highly gratified with the truly Masonic spirit and harmony of the meeting . With the customary toasts , the health
of the D . P . G . M . of Devon , Brother the Rev . Dr . Carwithen , who was present , and to whom the Lodge is indebted for its formation and present efficient state , was drunk ivith much enthusiasm . CHAPTER OF JERUSALEM . —This little town offers a rich Masonic example to any portion of the Brotherhood , whose " light might be hid under a bushel , '' from inertness or apprehension ; it boasts an admirable Lodge , to which is now added a Chapter , formed from the same excellent
materials . On the 9 th Nov . the R . A . C . was solemnly opened by M . E . Z . Dr . Carwithen ; Rev . J . Huyshe , H . ; and W . D . Moore , J . ; when Bros . Rev . AV . H . Carwithen , T . Pinsent , J . Laidman , S . AVhitway , W . Merry , and J . Pidsley , all of 650 , were exalted ; and the AV . M . Bro . Capt . Jno . Powney , R . N ., JOT ., was promoted to the principal chair of J . The working was of the first order . AVith such materials ivithin hail as Bros . Dr . Carwithen , Captains Powney and Dickson , who so abundantly mingle the worth of the man ivith the ability and profession of the Mason , it would be strange indeed if the fortunate sojourners in their locality did not become fraternized . The Brethren sat down to