Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 45 of 49 →
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Among the Past Grand Officers present we noticed Brothers Maher , Parsons , Eales AVhite , Rolle , Leigh , Tomkins , Etheridge , Temple , Chippett , Abraham , & c . & c . The D . P . G . M ., Bro . Maddison , was also as usual at his post . The Grand Lodge was honoured bv the visit of the R . W . P . G . M . of Monmouth ; the visiting P . G . Lodge of Dorset was likewise represented by their P . G . Sec , Bro . Hill . In accordance with the sublime princiles of the Order" Charity "
p , occupied the first attention of the assembly . Bro . Eales AVhite successfully appealed in behalf of the distressed widow of a deceased Brother , late of No . 327 , which appeal was most ably seconded by Bro . Sam . Bennett , Grand Registrar . The tears of the widow have been dried up , and blessings invoked on the Lodge b y the handsome grant which rewarded that Brother ' s animated address on the occasion . Bro . Francis was equally fortunate in another appeal for an afflicted Brother . Bro .
Tomkins as eloquently and modestly preferred the suit of an "Aged and decayed Mason , " a faithful T yler of seme thirty years' standing , and who , now in his eighty-fifth year , still struggled hard with infirmity to continue his duties . The Provincial Grand Master , whose active benevolence is always prompt and liberal , rendered it unnecessary to make a large collection . The financial and other arrangements were then satisfactorildisposed
y of , and the Brethren retired to the banquet-room , where an excellent repast had been provided by Bro . May ; the venison was presented by the R . W . P . G . M ., with his accustomed kindness . The cloth being removed , " Non Nobis" was sung in excellent taste by Brothers Rolle , Burr , Eales AVhite , Haseler , and Temple , to whom the Brethren were
indebted for some charming glees , & c , admirably sung during the evening . The R . AV . asserted the usual loyalty of the Craft by proposing first the daughter of a Mason , and the niece of the first Mason in the world , viz ., " The Queen . " ( AVith full honours ) . And next he er . pressed his conviction , that but to mention the name of the illustrious individual would be all-sufficient to elicit the warmest emotions of a Mason's heart , he therefore congratulated the Craft on their possessing so eminent a chief
, and proposed the health of the M . W . G . M . His R . H . the Duke of Sussex . ( All the honours ) . " Visiting Grand Lodge of Dorset . "—Bro . Hill acknowledged the attention , and thanked the P . G . M . for the eulogium he had been pleased to pass on the late G . M . of Dorset , Bro . Williams . " The Lodges of Devon . "—Bro . Sander returned thanks . COL . TYNTE then paid a most deserved eulogium to the merits and
character of his Deputy Grand Master , who possessed the great power of bringing " rough surfaces to smooth , " wherever necessary . —( Full honours ) . Brother MADDISON , in acknowledging the compliment , expatiated with peculiar eloquence on the beneficial tendency ivhich the pure principles of the Science of Masonry , were so singularly calculated to produce . Masonry is the most sublime of all institutions , ( continued the AVorthy
Brother ) in drawing out the best and warmest feelings of the heart , here as associated friends of humanity , cultivating Charity in its largest exercise , and mutual help in its most extensive and generous character , we enjoy the sweets of social life with peculiar relish—some there are who wear the warmth of summer in their face , while ice is chilling the heart and the affections , but in the true Mason , deceit cannot exist ,
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Among the Past Grand Officers present we noticed Brothers Maher , Parsons , Eales AVhite , Rolle , Leigh , Tomkins , Etheridge , Temple , Chippett , Abraham , & c . & c . The D . P . G . M ., Bro . Maddison , was also as usual at his post . The Grand Lodge was honoured bv the visit of the R . W . P . G . M . of Monmouth ; the visiting P . G . Lodge of Dorset was likewise represented by their P . G . Sec , Bro . Hill . In accordance with the sublime princiles of the Order" Charity "
p , occupied the first attention of the assembly . Bro . Eales AVhite successfully appealed in behalf of the distressed widow of a deceased Brother , late of No . 327 , which appeal was most ably seconded by Bro . Sam . Bennett , Grand Registrar . The tears of the widow have been dried up , and blessings invoked on the Lodge b y the handsome grant which rewarded that Brother ' s animated address on the occasion . Bro . Francis was equally fortunate in another appeal for an afflicted Brother . Bro .
Tomkins as eloquently and modestly preferred the suit of an "Aged and decayed Mason , " a faithful T yler of seme thirty years' standing , and who , now in his eighty-fifth year , still struggled hard with infirmity to continue his duties . The Provincial Grand Master , whose active benevolence is always prompt and liberal , rendered it unnecessary to make a large collection . The financial and other arrangements were then satisfactorildisposed
y of , and the Brethren retired to the banquet-room , where an excellent repast had been provided by Bro . May ; the venison was presented by the R . W . P . G . M ., with his accustomed kindness . The cloth being removed , " Non Nobis" was sung in excellent taste by Brothers Rolle , Burr , Eales AVhite , Haseler , and Temple , to whom the Brethren were
indebted for some charming glees , & c , admirably sung during the evening . The R . AV . asserted the usual loyalty of the Craft by proposing first the daughter of a Mason , and the niece of the first Mason in the world , viz ., " The Queen . " ( AVith full honours ) . And next he er . pressed his conviction , that but to mention the name of the illustrious individual would be all-sufficient to elicit the warmest emotions of a Mason's heart , he therefore congratulated the Craft on their possessing so eminent a chief
, and proposed the health of the M . W . G . M . His R . H . the Duke of Sussex . ( All the honours ) . " Visiting Grand Lodge of Dorset . "—Bro . Hill acknowledged the attention , and thanked the P . G . M . for the eulogium he had been pleased to pass on the late G . M . of Dorset , Bro . Williams . " The Lodges of Devon . "—Bro . Sander returned thanks . COL . TYNTE then paid a most deserved eulogium to the merits and
character of his Deputy Grand Master , who possessed the great power of bringing " rough surfaces to smooth , " wherever necessary . —( Full honours ) . Brother MADDISON , in acknowledging the compliment , expatiated with peculiar eloquence on the beneficial tendency ivhich the pure principles of the Science of Masonry , were so singularly calculated to produce . Masonry is the most sublime of all institutions , ( continued the AVorthy
Brother ) in drawing out the best and warmest feelings of the heart , here as associated friends of humanity , cultivating Charity in its largest exercise , and mutual help in its most extensive and generous character , we enjoy the sweets of social life with peculiar relish—some there are who wear the warmth of summer in their face , while ice is chilling the heart and the affections , but in the true Mason , deceit cannot exist ,