Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 49 of 49
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A ball took place at the Beneficial Society ' s Hall , Kent Street , Portsea , on the 12 th of December 1839 , under the patronage of Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis , Bart ., D . P . G . M ., & c . & c , and the Masonic Brethren , in aid of the funds of the Beneficial Society ' s Charities—the Boys' and Girls' Schools . Lady Patronesses : —Lady Geo . Lennox , Hon . Lady Pakenham , Lady CurtisLadHastingsMrs . Colonel ArnoldMrs . Col . Jones
, y , , , Hon . Mrs . Bouverie , Mrs . Admiral Patterson , Mrs . Capt . Ellice . The evening passed off with great eclat . It will be long remembered as one of the most brilliant affairs ever produced in this county . AVe regret that the late arrivahof the report prevents our giving an account of the interesting proceedings .
GOSPORT . —The Lodge of Harmony ( 387 ) , after being somewhat dormant , is again at work , under the fostering care of Brothers Adams and Grant . Several new members are proposed , and many old ones are again rally round its standard . WEYMOUTH , November 5 . —ALL SOULS' CHAPTER . —A Royal Arch Chapter was this day held for the annual festival , and for installing the officers elected . E . Comp . James Milledge was installed as M . E . Z ., and Comp . AV . J . Hill as J ., Comp . Jacob , as H ., having been installed at a former Chapter ; after which , the Companions sat down to banquet . The P . G . M . and other Past Principals were present .
ALL SOULS' LODGE , Dee . 13 . —There was a very full attendance . The P . G . M . presided ; when our highly-respected W . M ., Bro . AV . J . Hill , was unanimousl y re-elected , and returned his acknowledgments in a very energetic address , which he concluded by saying that his best exertions should be used to deserve this continuance of their kindness ; upon which occasion the R . W . P . G . M ., in his usual strain of eloquence , congratulated the Lodge upon their choice of such a Master . The annual festival takes place on the 27 th instant ( St . John ' s Day ) , when the W . M . will appoint his officers for the year ensuing , no doubt , with his usual impartiality and discrimination . A very full attendance is expected .
GUERNSEY . —MASONIC ROOMS , STATES ARCADE . —A lecture was delivered ou AVednesday , the llth of December , at seven o ' clock precisely , on Masonic Obligations , by Brother F . S . Wallis , of Doyle ' s Lodge of Fellowship , No . 99 . The lecture was gratuitous , nothing more being required than that Brethren should subscribe their names and Masonic rank on admission . It was most respectfully and earnestly desired that Brethren should countenance and support , by their attendance , the object being a conscientious endeavour , to arouse and recal to a
recollective sense of duty , dormant Brethren . VOL . vi . 4 A
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A ball took place at the Beneficial Society ' s Hall , Kent Street , Portsea , on the 12 th of December 1839 , under the patronage of Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis , Bart ., D . P . G . M ., & c . & c , and the Masonic Brethren , in aid of the funds of the Beneficial Society ' s Charities—the Boys' and Girls' Schools . Lady Patronesses : —Lady Geo . Lennox , Hon . Lady Pakenham , Lady CurtisLadHastingsMrs . Colonel ArnoldMrs . Col . Jones
, y , , , Hon . Mrs . Bouverie , Mrs . Admiral Patterson , Mrs . Capt . Ellice . The evening passed off with great eclat . It will be long remembered as one of the most brilliant affairs ever produced in this county . AVe regret that the late arrivahof the report prevents our giving an account of the interesting proceedings .
GOSPORT . —The Lodge of Harmony ( 387 ) , after being somewhat dormant , is again at work , under the fostering care of Brothers Adams and Grant . Several new members are proposed , and many old ones are again rally round its standard . WEYMOUTH , November 5 . —ALL SOULS' CHAPTER . —A Royal Arch Chapter was this day held for the annual festival , and for installing the officers elected . E . Comp . James Milledge was installed as M . E . Z ., and Comp . AV . J . Hill as J ., Comp . Jacob , as H ., having been installed at a former Chapter ; after which , the Companions sat down to banquet . The P . G . M . and other Past Principals were present .
ALL SOULS' LODGE , Dee . 13 . —There was a very full attendance . The P . G . M . presided ; when our highly-respected W . M ., Bro . AV . J . Hill , was unanimousl y re-elected , and returned his acknowledgments in a very energetic address , which he concluded by saying that his best exertions should be used to deserve this continuance of their kindness ; upon which occasion the R . W . P . G . M ., in his usual strain of eloquence , congratulated the Lodge upon their choice of such a Master . The annual festival takes place on the 27 th instant ( St . John ' s Day ) , when the W . M . will appoint his officers for the year ensuing , no doubt , with his usual impartiality and discrimination . A very full attendance is expected .
GUERNSEY . —MASONIC ROOMS , STATES ARCADE . —A lecture was delivered ou AVednesday , the llth of December , at seven o ' clock precisely , on Masonic Obligations , by Brother F . S . Wallis , of Doyle ' s Lodge of Fellowship , No . 99 . The lecture was gratuitous , nothing more being required than that Brethren should subscribe their names and Masonic rank on admission . It was most respectfully and earnestly desired that Brethren should countenance and support , by their attendance , the object being a conscientious endeavour , to arouse and recal to a
recollective sense of duty , dormant Brethren . VOL . vi . 4 A