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DUBLIN . —The Festival of St . John was as usual celebrated by the opening of the Grand Lodge , at five o ' clock in the afternoon ; the Grand Officers liaving been recognized , confirmed , and proclaimed , were invested with jewels , placed in their Chairs , and received the homage of the Brethren in due form , and according to ancient custom . The Officers of the Grand Lodge of Ireland remain as before .
SUPREME GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF TEMPLARS , —AVhich holds jurisdiction over the Orders of the Hol y Temple and Sepulchre , Malta , Sword or Red Cross , Knights of the East and AVest Hospitallers , & c . in Ireland . —AVe need not enter into minutice , but merely add the names of those Knights who , we believe , have received the imprimatur of election to the several official stations in the Militia Templi . The Duke of Leinster , M . E . Commander ; Geo . AVright Creighton
and Thos . J . Tenison , Barristers-at-Law , Aides-de-Camp to his Grace the Grand Commander ; AA illiam White , E . Depute Com . ; John Norman , Captain General ; Rev . Smythe Whitelaw Fox , M . A ., Prelate ; Richard Wright , Constable of the Temple ; Thos . Wright , M . D . M . R C . S ., Marshall ; Thomas Keck , Sword Bearer ; The Hon , T . F . W . Butler , Captain ofthe Lines ; Joseph AVhite , Standard Bearer ; John Fowler , Keeper of the Archives ; AVilliam Guy , Herald ; Robert Lee , Centinel .
THE SUPREME ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER . GRAND PRINCIPALS . —Most W . the Grand Master of Ireland , M . E . Z . ; the Deputy Grand Master of the Craft , H . ; the Marquis of Sligo , P . S . G . AV . J . GRAND SOJOURNERS . —Sir AVilliam Grace , Bart . ; AV . H . Ellis , Chairman of AVestmeath ; Sir Josias C . Coghill , Captain R . N . HIGH PRIEST . —Rev . Thomas FlynnA . M . Trinity CollegeDublin
, , , GRAND SCRIBES . —Sir Josias AV . Host , Bart . ; the Deputy Grand Secretary of Ireland . TRUSTEES . —W . White , D . G . M ., Thos . Benson , Martin Meara , Past Masters of St . Patrick ' s Lodge , No . 50 . INNER GUARD . —Robert Lee .
ARMAGH MASONIC COUNCIL . —The Brethren composing this body , which consists of the Masters of forty Lodges , held their annual assemblage in the city of Armagh , on the 25 th day of September . At one o ' clock Bro . Wm . Oliver opened Lodge , under warrant No . 44 , and immediately afterwards surrendered the maul to the President , Thomas J . Tenison , Esq ,, who , on taking the chair , touched on several subjects of a local nature , and explained the nature , objects , and operations of the
second and third of Victoria , cap . LXXIV ., which legalizes the Masonic bodies , and in a great measure regulates their future meetings in Ireland . After a desultory conversation , in ivhich Bro . Sinclair Carroll , M . and P . M . of No . 409 ; Bro . John Eldon , M . of No . 789 , Eglish ; the Rev . Bro . Sin ton , M . of No . 328 , Richhill , took a part . Arrangements , ivhich seemed expedient , were adopted ; and the Secretary ( Bro . G . W . Young , J . W . of No . 210 , Middletown ) , was directed to reply to a communication from the D . G . M . of Ireland , which had been laid before the meeting by Bro . Tenison . At the termination of the general business
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DUBLIN . —The Festival of St . John was as usual celebrated by the opening of the Grand Lodge , at five o ' clock in the afternoon ; the Grand Officers liaving been recognized , confirmed , and proclaimed , were invested with jewels , placed in their Chairs , and received the homage of the Brethren in due form , and according to ancient custom . The Officers of the Grand Lodge of Ireland remain as before .
SUPREME GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF TEMPLARS , —AVhich holds jurisdiction over the Orders of the Hol y Temple and Sepulchre , Malta , Sword or Red Cross , Knights of the East and AVest Hospitallers , & c . in Ireland . —AVe need not enter into minutice , but merely add the names of those Knights who , we believe , have received the imprimatur of election to the several official stations in the Militia Templi . The Duke of Leinster , M . E . Commander ; Geo . AVright Creighton
and Thos . J . Tenison , Barristers-at-Law , Aides-de-Camp to his Grace the Grand Commander ; AA illiam White , E . Depute Com . ; John Norman , Captain General ; Rev . Smythe Whitelaw Fox , M . A ., Prelate ; Richard Wright , Constable of the Temple ; Thos . Wright , M . D . M . R C . S ., Marshall ; Thomas Keck , Sword Bearer ; The Hon , T . F . W . Butler , Captain ofthe Lines ; Joseph AVhite , Standard Bearer ; John Fowler , Keeper of the Archives ; AVilliam Guy , Herald ; Robert Lee , Centinel .
THE SUPREME ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER . GRAND PRINCIPALS . —Most W . the Grand Master of Ireland , M . E . Z . ; the Deputy Grand Master of the Craft , H . ; the Marquis of Sligo , P . S . G . AV . J . GRAND SOJOURNERS . —Sir AVilliam Grace , Bart . ; AV . H . Ellis , Chairman of AVestmeath ; Sir Josias C . Coghill , Captain R . N . HIGH PRIEST . —Rev . Thomas FlynnA . M . Trinity CollegeDublin
, , , GRAND SCRIBES . —Sir Josias AV . Host , Bart . ; the Deputy Grand Secretary of Ireland . TRUSTEES . —W . White , D . G . M ., Thos . Benson , Martin Meara , Past Masters of St . Patrick ' s Lodge , No . 50 . INNER GUARD . —Robert Lee .
ARMAGH MASONIC COUNCIL . —The Brethren composing this body , which consists of the Masters of forty Lodges , held their annual assemblage in the city of Armagh , on the 25 th day of September . At one o ' clock Bro . Wm . Oliver opened Lodge , under warrant No . 44 , and immediately afterwards surrendered the maul to the President , Thomas J . Tenison , Esq ,, who , on taking the chair , touched on several subjects of a local nature , and explained the nature , objects , and operations of the
second and third of Victoria , cap . LXXIV ., which legalizes the Masonic bodies , and in a great measure regulates their future meetings in Ireland . After a desultory conversation , in ivhich Bro . Sinclair Carroll , M . and P . M . of No . 409 ; Bro . John Eldon , M . of No . 789 , Eglish ; the Rev . Bro . Sin ton , M . of No . 328 , Richhill , took a part . Arrangements , ivhich seemed expedient , were adopted ; and the Secretary ( Bro . G . W . Young , J . W . of No . 210 , Middletown ) , was directed to reply to a communication from the D . G . M . of Ireland , which had been laid before the meeting by Bro . Tenison . At the termination of the general business