Article SAVINGS' BANK DEPARTMENT. Page 1 of 1 Article ^Printer ^ Hand Court. Dowgatc, Page 1 of 1
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Savings' Bank Department.
1 his Branch of the Establishment will afford means to industrious Tradesmen and Others of depositing small sums of money securely , and of withdrawing ; the same with facility ; whilst it will encoura ge habits of saving , by allowing interest on limited amounts remaining in the Bank . This Bank will therefore partake of the character of the Deposit and the Savings ' Banks . °
In order to secure the above advantages to Depositors , and afford reasonable profit and protection to the Association , the following Regulations have been framed : 1 . That the Bank shall be open daily , from Three o'clock in the afternoon until Five . 2 . That sums of not less than Two Pounds at one time shall be received , and no sum under that amount shall be paid except it be to close an account 3 . That each Depositor shall be furnished with a Pass Book , for which he shall be charged Sixpencein which book shall be entered
; all sums paid into the Bank , and all sums withdrawn by him . 4 . That no money shall be withdrawn except by Cheques properly signed ; and that Cheque Books be furnished to Depositors , at a charge of Sixpence for each Book . 5 . That every Depositor whose Balance amounts to i ? 10 , shall be allowed interest thereon at the rate of Five-pence per calendar mouth , provided such Balance shall not have been reduced below that amount at time
any during the current month ; Interest to be computed from the first day of the month following such Deposit . And similar Interest shall be allowed upon the same Conditions for every additional i ? 10 , but none on any intermediate sums . 6 . That no Depositor upon the preceding Conditions shall be allowed Interest for any sum exceeding i ? 30 O ; but sums above that amount will be received , and Interest paid , upon such terms as shall be specially agreed upon . °
7 . That the amount of Interest shall be made up monthly , and paid to the Depositor when required . 8 . That any Depositor may withdraw b y one or more Cheques to the amount of , but not exceeding £ 90 per day ; and larger amounts shall onl y be withdrawn upon notice in writing , allowing one clear day for every additional sum of £ 20 , or any part of such sum , that may be required to be withdrawn ; except in cases of special agreement , as provided for in the Sixth Regulation .
S 3 VIAX . X . LOAMS . Limited Advances will be made on the approved personal security of the Borrowers and that of Householders , under the Regulations of the Sth & Gth William IV . c . 23 such advances to be returned by Weekly Payments ; for which purposes the Office will be opened from Six till Eight o'clock every Tuesday and Friday evening . Prospectuses be obtained at the present Offices of the AssociationM
may , OIRA CHAMBERS , IRONMONGER LANE , CHEAPSIDE ; where Letters ( post free ) containing Applications for Agencies and for the remaining Shares , or requiring any information , maybe addressed to Bro . J . LEE STEVENS , Secretary .
London , 2 bth November , 1339 .
^Printer ^ Hand Court. Dowgatc,
^ Printer ^ Hand Court . Dowgatc ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Savings' Bank Department.
1 his Branch of the Establishment will afford means to industrious Tradesmen and Others of depositing small sums of money securely , and of withdrawing ; the same with facility ; whilst it will encoura ge habits of saving , by allowing interest on limited amounts remaining in the Bank . This Bank will therefore partake of the character of the Deposit and the Savings ' Banks . °
In order to secure the above advantages to Depositors , and afford reasonable profit and protection to the Association , the following Regulations have been framed : 1 . That the Bank shall be open daily , from Three o'clock in the afternoon until Five . 2 . That sums of not less than Two Pounds at one time shall be received , and no sum under that amount shall be paid except it be to close an account 3 . That each Depositor shall be furnished with a Pass Book , for which he shall be charged Sixpencein which book shall be entered
; all sums paid into the Bank , and all sums withdrawn by him . 4 . That no money shall be withdrawn except by Cheques properly signed ; and that Cheque Books be furnished to Depositors , at a charge of Sixpence for each Book . 5 . That every Depositor whose Balance amounts to i ? 10 , shall be allowed interest thereon at the rate of Five-pence per calendar mouth , provided such Balance shall not have been reduced below that amount at time
any during the current month ; Interest to be computed from the first day of the month following such Deposit . And similar Interest shall be allowed upon the same Conditions for every additional i ? 10 , but none on any intermediate sums . 6 . That no Depositor upon the preceding Conditions shall be allowed Interest for any sum exceeding i ? 30 O ; but sums above that amount will be received , and Interest paid , upon such terms as shall be specially agreed upon . °
7 . That the amount of Interest shall be made up monthly , and paid to the Depositor when required . 8 . That any Depositor may withdraw b y one or more Cheques to the amount of , but not exceeding £ 90 per day ; and larger amounts shall onl y be withdrawn upon notice in writing , allowing one clear day for every additional sum of £ 20 , or any part of such sum , that may be required to be withdrawn ; except in cases of special agreement , as provided for in the Sixth Regulation .
S 3 VIAX . X . LOAMS . Limited Advances will be made on the approved personal security of the Borrowers and that of Householders , under the Regulations of the Sth & Gth William IV . c . 23 such advances to be returned by Weekly Payments ; for which purposes the Office will be opened from Six till Eight o'clock every Tuesday and Friday evening . Prospectuses be obtained at the present Offices of the AssociationM
may , OIRA CHAMBERS , IRONMONGER LANE , CHEAPSIDE ; where Letters ( post free ) containing Applications for Agencies and for the remaining Shares , or requiring any information , maybe addressed to Bro . J . LEE STEVENS , Secretary .
London , 2 bth November , 1339 .
^Printer ^ Hand Court. Dowgatc,
^ Printer ^ Hand Court . Dowgatc ,