Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER. Page 1 of 1 Article QUARTERLY CONVOCATION.—Nov. 6, 1839. Page 1 of 1 Article QUARTERLY COMMUNICATION.*—DEC. 4, 1839. Page 1 of 3 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
The above circular is most important : it compasses the effectual mode of defining who are the qualified parties to sit and vote in Grand Lodge ; and if it could be but promptly and honestly acted on , would prevent any repetition of the scene that occurred on the 4 th of December last . We understand that the scrutineers construed this circular into a direction to exclude members , because returns were not made ; if so ,
their handiwork was offensive , for the circular has no such penalty attached to it . We presume the circular is to extend to the provinces , —indeed , to confine its utility to London , ivould be to create ( what , we feel assured , the Grand Master does not intend ) a very different feeling ; for , if confined to London , it ivould appear to bear some other construction . The provinces ( we speak advisedly ) , require very strict examination into the qualification of their muster-roll ; and , by this course , we shall not only obtain the general information , but bring the provinces into closer approximation with head-quarters .
Supreme Grand Chapter.
Oct . 30 . —COMMITTEE OF GENERAL PURPOSES . Present—Comps . Ramsbottom , Henderson , Burckhardt , Crucefix , Philipe , R . L . Wilson , L . Thompson . It was recommended that a Chapter be granted to 334 , Oldham , and that 300 / . consols be purchased in the names of H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex , the Earl of Zetland , J . Ramsbottom , M . P ., and R . Percival , jun ., Esq . The accounts were audited , and a report agreed on .
Quarterly Convocation.—Nov. 6, 1839.
The Report of the Committee of General Purposes was approved . — No other business . Nov . 12 . —COMMITTEE OF THE LAWS . Present—Comps . Henderson , Burckhardt , Crucefix , Philipe . The subject matter was entered upon , and advanced a stage . . Adjourned until December 17 , and then again until the 20 th .
Quarterly Communication.*—Dec. 4, 1839.
PRESENT . The Rt . Hon . and M . W . the Earl of Durham , Pro-G . M ., on the Throne . The Rt . Hon . and R . W . Lord Monson , Prov . G . M . for Surrey . R . W . John Ramsbottom , M . P ., P . G . M . for Berks . " S . M'Gillivray , P . G . M . for Upper Canada . " D . Pollock , B . B . Cabbell , as Grand Wardens , f
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Intelligence.
The above circular is most important : it compasses the effectual mode of defining who are the qualified parties to sit and vote in Grand Lodge ; and if it could be but promptly and honestly acted on , would prevent any repetition of the scene that occurred on the 4 th of December last . We understand that the scrutineers construed this circular into a direction to exclude members , because returns were not made ; if so ,
their handiwork was offensive , for the circular has no such penalty attached to it . We presume the circular is to extend to the provinces , —indeed , to confine its utility to London , ivould be to create ( what , we feel assured , the Grand Master does not intend ) a very different feeling ; for , if confined to London , it ivould appear to bear some other construction . The provinces ( we speak advisedly ) , require very strict examination into the qualification of their muster-roll ; and , by this course , we shall not only obtain the general information , but bring the provinces into closer approximation with head-quarters .
Supreme Grand Chapter.
Oct . 30 . —COMMITTEE OF GENERAL PURPOSES . Present—Comps . Ramsbottom , Henderson , Burckhardt , Crucefix , Philipe , R . L . Wilson , L . Thompson . It was recommended that a Chapter be granted to 334 , Oldham , and that 300 / . consols be purchased in the names of H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex , the Earl of Zetland , J . Ramsbottom , M . P ., and R . Percival , jun ., Esq . The accounts were audited , and a report agreed on .
Quarterly Convocation.—Nov. 6, 1839.
The Report of the Committee of General Purposes was approved . — No other business . Nov . 12 . —COMMITTEE OF THE LAWS . Present—Comps . Henderson , Burckhardt , Crucefix , Philipe . The subject matter was entered upon , and advanced a stage . . Adjourned until December 17 , and then again until the 20 th .
Quarterly Communication.*—Dec. 4, 1839.
PRESENT . The Rt . Hon . and M . W . the Earl of Durham , Pro-G . M ., on the Throne . The Rt . Hon . and R . W . Lord Monson , Prov . G . M . for Surrey . R . W . John Ramsbottom , M . P ., P . G . M . for Berks . " S . M'Gillivray , P . G . M . for Upper Canada . " D . Pollock , B . B . Cabbell , as Grand Wardens , f