Article QUARTERLY COMMUNICATION.*—DEC. 4, 1839. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Quarterly Communication.*—Dec. 4, 1839.
R . W . J . Easthope , M . P ., S . Majoribanks , — Hebeler , — Buimester , Past Grand Wardens . V . W . Rev . J . Fallofield , Grand Chaplain . " John Henderson , Past Grand Registrar . " W . H . White , Grand Secretary . W . S . C . Norris , Grand Deacon . " J . C . Burckhardt , F . W . Bossy , W . Cuthbert , R . T . Crucefix , Dobie
M . D ., A . , J . S . Gascoign , A . B . Granville , M . D . J . R . Hayward , B . Lawrence , R . F . Mestayer , W . Shadbolt , T . F . Savory , W . Silvester , Past Grand Deacons . " P . Hardwick , Grand Superintendent of Works . " R . W . Jennings , Assistant Director of Ceremonies . " J . C . M'Mullen , Grand Sword Bearer . " W . Simpson , J . Laivrie , G . P . Philipe , Past Grand Sv . ord Bearers . " Sir George Smart , Grand Organist .
The Grand Lodge was opened in ample form , and with solemn prayer . The minutes of the last Grand Lodge were read and confirmed . The minutes of an Especial Grand Lodge , held at Sunderland , were then read . A motion was made by Brother H . Udall , on the gracious message of H . R . H . the Grand Master , that the rank of Past Senior Grand Warden be conferred upon Sir Cuthbert SharpeBart . the Dep . Prov . G . M . for
, , the province of Durham , in testimony of his important services . The motion was seconded and carried unanimously . H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex was then put in nomination as Grand Master for the « nsuing year . After some observations from Brother Crucefix , in which he claimed , equally for others as for himself , a participation in the firmest loyalty and purest veneration for the Grand Master , the motion was carried by acclamation .
The report of the Board of General Purposes was satisfactory , and was ordered to be entered on the minutes . A resolution , that an annuity of twenty pounds be granted from the fund of General Purposes to Ann Miller , widow of the late Grand Tyler , was carried unanimously . The notices of motion given in at the Committee of Masters could not be proceeded ivithin consequence of the remainder of the time of
, the Grand Lodge having been taken up in discussion upon the informal admission of a person ivithin its precincts . The Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form , and ivith solemn prayer .
BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES , Sept . —Business generally important . Oct . 22 . —Present , Bro . B . B . Cabbell , and other Members . Case for investigation . Some time elapsed before the quorum * was formed;—business then proceeded , and the Board adjourned at a quarter before four .
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Quarterly Communication.*—Dec. 4, 1839.
R . W . J . Easthope , M . P ., S . Majoribanks , — Hebeler , — Buimester , Past Grand Wardens . V . W . Rev . J . Fallofield , Grand Chaplain . " John Henderson , Past Grand Registrar . " W . H . White , Grand Secretary . W . S . C . Norris , Grand Deacon . " J . C . Burckhardt , F . W . Bossy , W . Cuthbert , R . T . Crucefix , Dobie
M . D ., A . , J . S . Gascoign , A . B . Granville , M . D . J . R . Hayward , B . Lawrence , R . F . Mestayer , W . Shadbolt , T . F . Savory , W . Silvester , Past Grand Deacons . " P . Hardwick , Grand Superintendent of Works . " R . W . Jennings , Assistant Director of Ceremonies . " J . C . M'Mullen , Grand Sword Bearer . " W . Simpson , J . Laivrie , G . P . Philipe , Past Grand Sv . ord Bearers . " Sir George Smart , Grand Organist .
The Grand Lodge was opened in ample form , and with solemn prayer . The minutes of the last Grand Lodge were read and confirmed . The minutes of an Especial Grand Lodge , held at Sunderland , were then read . A motion was made by Brother H . Udall , on the gracious message of H . R . H . the Grand Master , that the rank of Past Senior Grand Warden be conferred upon Sir Cuthbert SharpeBart . the Dep . Prov . G . M . for
, , the province of Durham , in testimony of his important services . The motion was seconded and carried unanimously . H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex was then put in nomination as Grand Master for the « nsuing year . After some observations from Brother Crucefix , in which he claimed , equally for others as for himself , a participation in the firmest loyalty and purest veneration for the Grand Master , the motion was carried by acclamation .
The report of the Board of General Purposes was satisfactory , and was ordered to be entered on the minutes . A resolution , that an annuity of twenty pounds be granted from the fund of General Purposes to Ann Miller , widow of the late Grand Tyler , was carried unanimously . The notices of motion given in at the Committee of Masters could not be proceeded ivithin consequence of the remainder of the time of
, the Grand Lodge having been taken up in discussion upon the informal admission of a person ivithin its precincts . The Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form , and ivith solemn prayer .
BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES , Sept . —Business generally important . Oct . 22 . —Present , Bro . B . B . Cabbell , and other Members . Case for investigation . Some time elapsed before the quorum * was formed;—business then proceeded , and the Board adjourned at a quarter before four .