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Asylum For The Worthy Aged And Decayed Freemason.
Present : Bro . R . T . Crucefix , M . D ., ( the Treasurer ) , in the Chair , and about forty five other Subscribers . The following Letter from His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , the Most Worshipful Grand Master , dated the 26 th of August , 1839 , and addressed to Brothers Crucefix , M'Mullen , Bell , and Watkins , the Committee appointed by the last General Meeting of this Institution , was read : —
AUGUSTUS F ., Grand Master . " GENTLEMEN AND BROTHERS , Having received from Brother Crucefix , a note communicating to me various resolutions which had been passed at different Meetings , by several Brethren who have at heart the establishment of some Institution calculated to relieve Decayed and Aged MasonsI feel it incumbent
, upon me to repeat the statement which I first made upon that subject , at the Grand Festival in the present year . On that occasion I stated , that as to an Asylum or a building , I could not , and never would lend either the sanction of my name , or any pecuniary assistance , inasmuch as I was convinced that it would be a useless expenditure—a waste of money , without the slightest chance of any profitable or beneficial result therefrom ; but that if such project were given up , and then the Brethren
were disposed to form a plan for granting Annuities , ivhich were to be taken solely from the interest of monies collected , and not break in upon the capital , that to such a proposition I would listen . Since that time , a proposition was made to me to receive a Deputation on the subject , which I left unanswered , in consequence of seeing a circular which the Committee had in the interim circulated , and ivhich had misrepresented the statement I have here made , without any communication to me .
In the paper now communicated to me , it is stated " the sum of 2 , 000 ? . shall be the nucleus of a Fund , for the erection of the Asylum . " This , 1 have no hesitation in saying , is completely at variance ivith my statement . From the whole tenor of the paper , it is clear the same disposition and inclination on the part of some individuals , as to the erection of an Asylum , still remains . Now , without imputing motives to any one , there be doubt the Craft will be misled in that have iven
can no supposing I g a silent consent to such a plan , which I am equally determined as before to resist ; therefore , unless it is clearly understood that the intention of erecting an Asylum is totally abandoned , I feel myself under the necessity of declining any communication upon the subject . I hope this will be deemed a fair answer to the application made to me , and as such , I wish it to be communicated to those Brethren who
framed the Resolutions upon which the request of an interview with me has been grounded , and which I consequently decline ; but to shew that this determination has been taken in conformity with those opinions which have actuated the whole of my conduct in this transaction , I will further add , that until next April , if it please God to spare my life , I will take no further step ; but should the Brethren , at that time , have made no advance in the matter , I shall think myself at liberty to stale my own plan , when I have no doubt the Brethren will see which is the most
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Asylum For The Worthy Aged And Decayed Freemason.
Present : Bro . R . T . Crucefix , M . D ., ( the Treasurer ) , in the Chair , and about forty five other Subscribers . The following Letter from His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , the Most Worshipful Grand Master , dated the 26 th of August , 1839 , and addressed to Brothers Crucefix , M'Mullen , Bell , and Watkins , the Committee appointed by the last General Meeting of this Institution , was read : —
AUGUSTUS F ., Grand Master . " GENTLEMEN AND BROTHERS , Having received from Brother Crucefix , a note communicating to me various resolutions which had been passed at different Meetings , by several Brethren who have at heart the establishment of some Institution calculated to relieve Decayed and Aged MasonsI feel it incumbent
, upon me to repeat the statement which I first made upon that subject , at the Grand Festival in the present year . On that occasion I stated , that as to an Asylum or a building , I could not , and never would lend either the sanction of my name , or any pecuniary assistance , inasmuch as I was convinced that it would be a useless expenditure—a waste of money , without the slightest chance of any profitable or beneficial result therefrom ; but that if such project were given up , and then the Brethren
were disposed to form a plan for granting Annuities , ivhich were to be taken solely from the interest of monies collected , and not break in upon the capital , that to such a proposition I would listen . Since that time , a proposition was made to me to receive a Deputation on the subject , which I left unanswered , in consequence of seeing a circular which the Committee had in the interim circulated , and ivhich had misrepresented the statement I have here made , without any communication to me .
In the paper now communicated to me , it is stated " the sum of 2 , 000 ? . shall be the nucleus of a Fund , for the erection of the Asylum . " This , 1 have no hesitation in saying , is completely at variance ivith my statement . From the whole tenor of the paper , it is clear the same disposition and inclination on the part of some individuals , as to the erection of an Asylum , still remains . Now , without imputing motives to any one , there be doubt the Craft will be misled in that have iven
can no supposing I g a silent consent to such a plan , which I am equally determined as before to resist ; therefore , unless it is clearly understood that the intention of erecting an Asylum is totally abandoned , I feel myself under the necessity of declining any communication upon the subject . I hope this will be deemed a fair answer to the application made to me , and as such , I wish it to be communicated to those Brethren who
framed the Resolutions upon which the request of an interview with me has been grounded , and which I consequently decline ; but to shew that this determination has been taken in conformity with those opinions which have actuated the whole of my conduct in this transaction , I will further add , that until next April , if it please God to spare my life , I will take no further step ; but should the Brethren , at that time , have made no advance in the matter , I shall think myself at liberty to stale my own plan , when I have no doubt the Brethren will see which is the most