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Asylum For The Worthy Aged And Decayed Freemason.
wishes of His Royal Highness ; and in order that no misunderstanding or misconception might arise , they deputed the Brethren alread y mentioned to wait upon His Royal Highness for the purpose of giving such explanations as might be required , and making such modifications in the detail as His Royal Highness might suggest , consistent with the spirit of the resolutions . That the Subscribers to this Institution , throughout the whole of their proceedings , have been most desirous of deferring to the wishes of His
Royal Highness and to the opinion ofthe Grand Lodge ; and baring received the qualified approval of His Royal Highness , under date of the 6 th De .. cember , 1837 , and the unconditional and unanimous votes of two consecutive meetings of the Grand Lodge ; and seeing also , how eagerly similar advantages are sought for in the public companies of London , as well as in the foundation of the Charter House , they conscientiously believe that the building of an Asylum , as soon as their funds ivill permit of its erection and endowmentwill be hihladvantageous to Freemasonry
, gy . That the sum at present vested in the names of the Provisional Trustees , having been subscribed upon the faith that the Asylum should be eventually erected , this meeting conceives that there can exist no right to appropriate the money so subscribed to any other purpose ; and that to attempt to do so would be to act in breach of faith towards those who made the members of this Institution guardians of their bounty for that especial purpose ; and they feel a strong conviction that on this being submitted to His Royal Highness the Most Worshipful Grand Master , they will obtain his respect
for the motives which actuate them , in declaring their inability to divert the application of such money from the object of the donors . That the utility of this Institution has already been partially proved , by the granting of life-annuities to five aged and worthy Brethren ; and that to establish another Charity for granting annuities or pensions only , being a part of the plan of this Institution , ivould be to divide the interests and resources of Freemasons , and weaken and embarrass the efforts of both ; independently of its injurious tendency on the other tiro Masonic Charities
—the Girls' and Boys' Schools . And although the fears entertained by his Royal Highness , in his letter of the 6 th of December , 1837 , that a third Charity and Board of Stewards would probably interfere with the prosperity ofthe two ( then ) existing Charities , have not been fulfilled in the progress of the Asylum for Worthy Aged and Decayed Freemasons , by reason of the latter Charity differing so greatly in its objects from those previously in existence , yet that a fourth Charity , for granting Annuities , being a part of the objects of this Institution , as now in operation , would not only embarrass
, but in all probability would " peril the charitable institutions already existing . " And that , for these reasons , although the erection of an Asylum for Worthy Aged and Decayed Freemasons be delayed , in accordance with the recommendation of the Most Worshipful Grand Master , as expressed in the letter of His Royal Highness of tbe Oth of December , 1837 , until a sufficient sum be collected to build the same , and to make a provision for its inmates , the future erection of the Asylum be not abandoned . — { Minority against—FIVE . )
It was resolved—That the Letter of His Royal Highness the Most Worshipful Grand Master , under date the 26 th of August last , and the above Resolution this day passed , be printed and circulated among the Subscribers , and that the said Resolution be put for confirmation at a General Meeting to be held on Wednesday , the 13 th of November . —{ Minority against—FIVE . ) VOL . VI . . 3 Q
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Asylum For The Worthy Aged And Decayed Freemason.
wishes of His Royal Highness ; and in order that no misunderstanding or misconception might arise , they deputed the Brethren alread y mentioned to wait upon His Royal Highness for the purpose of giving such explanations as might be required , and making such modifications in the detail as His Royal Highness might suggest , consistent with the spirit of the resolutions . That the Subscribers to this Institution , throughout the whole of their proceedings , have been most desirous of deferring to the wishes of His
Royal Highness and to the opinion ofthe Grand Lodge ; and baring received the qualified approval of His Royal Highness , under date of the 6 th De .. cember , 1837 , and the unconditional and unanimous votes of two consecutive meetings of the Grand Lodge ; and seeing also , how eagerly similar advantages are sought for in the public companies of London , as well as in the foundation of the Charter House , they conscientiously believe that the building of an Asylum , as soon as their funds ivill permit of its erection and endowmentwill be hihladvantageous to Freemasonry
, gy . That the sum at present vested in the names of the Provisional Trustees , having been subscribed upon the faith that the Asylum should be eventually erected , this meeting conceives that there can exist no right to appropriate the money so subscribed to any other purpose ; and that to attempt to do so would be to act in breach of faith towards those who made the members of this Institution guardians of their bounty for that especial purpose ; and they feel a strong conviction that on this being submitted to His Royal Highness the Most Worshipful Grand Master , they will obtain his respect
for the motives which actuate them , in declaring their inability to divert the application of such money from the object of the donors . That the utility of this Institution has already been partially proved , by the granting of life-annuities to five aged and worthy Brethren ; and that to establish another Charity for granting annuities or pensions only , being a part of the plan of this Institution , ivould be to divide the interests and resources of Freemasons , and weaken and embarrass the efforts of both ; independently of its injurious tendency on the other tiro Masonic Charities
—the Girls' and Boys' Schools . And although the fears entertained by his Royal Highness , in his letter of the 6 th of December , 1837 , that a third Charity and Board of Stewards would probably interfere with the prosperity ofthe two ( then ) existing Charities , have not been fulfilled in the progress of the Asylum for Worthy Aged and Decayed Freemasons , by reason of the latter Charity differing so greatly in its objects from those previously in existence , yet that a fourth Charity , for granting Annuities , being a part of the objects of this Institution , as now in operation , would not only embarrass
, but in all probability would " peril the charitable institutions already existing . " And that , for these reasons , although the erection of an Asylum for Worthy Aged and Decayed Freemasons be delayed , in accordance with the recommendation of the Most Worshipful Grand Master , as expressed in the letter of His Royal Highness of tbe Oth of December , 1837 , until a sufficient sum be collected to build the same , and to make a provision for its inmates , the future erection of the Asylum be not abandoned . — { Minority against—FIVE . )
It was resolved—That the Letter of His Royal Highness the Most Worshipful Grand Master , under date the 26 th of August last , and the above Resolution this day passed , be printed and circulated among the Subscribers , and that the said Resolution be put for confirmation at a General Meeting to be held on Wednesday , the 13 th of November . —{ Minority against—FIVE . ) VOL . VI . . 3 Q