Article MASONIC CHIT CHAT. ← Page 5 of 6 →
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Masonic Chit Chat.
WEST SOMERSET REGIMENT OF YEOMANRY CAVALRY . —The banquet given by the officers in honour of their gallant and esteemed Colonel , Brother Tynte , on the 13 th , was indeed worthy the gratifying occasion . The committee most ably accomplished the duty entrusted to them , namely , to exhibit every testimony of respect and regard of the officers to the excellent man by whom they have the pleasure of being commanded . W e have seldom witnessed a more splendid spectacle ; and it
is certain the circumstance will long exist among the most agreeable recollections of this distinguished regiment . The large room at the Castle was decorated with a profusion of flowers and evergreens , among ivhich waved the eight superb standards of the regiment , posted in commanding positions , flanked also and immediately supported by a brilliant staff of numerous silk and embroidered banners ( kindly lent by Mr . Bales White ) , thrown out in front as most effective skirmishes ; the
magnificent vase presented by the officers to Colonel Tynte ornamented the centre table , and the sideboard was graced with the massive salver , the offering of the non-commissioned officers and privates to their esteemed commander , and the elegant candelabrum presented to Captain Maher by Colonel Tynte and the officers of the regiment , in testimony of their estimation of his merits as an officer and a man . The variety of the different uniforms added considerably to the splendour of
the interesting scene , while the display on the banquet table , together with the selection of viands and wines , justly proclaimed Pattison ' s Castle Hotel as among tbe best of the west . At six o ' clock Captain Sandford , M . P ., took the chair , and Capt . Maher was called to the vicechair , amid smart and reiterated vollies of satisfactory demonstrations . On the right of the chairman we observed Col . Tynte , Col . Sir Charles DanceK . H . Capt . Pipon ( 85 th ) Major ColesCapt . PinneyM . P .
, , , , , , Capt . Groves ( Rifles ) , Capt . Graham , Ensign Tynte ( 85 th ) , & c . ; and on the left , General Sir John Slade , Major Tynte , Capt . Keates , Cornet Tynte , Rev . E . T . Halliday , Capt . Carew , Capt . Dickson , Capt . Marriott , & c . & c . About seventy sat down to this elegant entertainment ; the regimental band was in attendance in full dress , and played many appropriate and martial airs on the announcement of each toast , with their accustomed excellence .
THE NAWAB JUBBAR KHAN , brother of Dost Mohammed , the chief of Cabool , supposed Captain ( now Sir Alexander ) Burnes to possess the secrets of the philosopher ' s stone . " I informed him , " says the latter , " that I belonged to a sect called Freemasons , and gave some account of the Craft . It was an institution , I said , where , though we did not change the baser metals into gold , we sought to transform the baser and blacker passions of man into philanthropy and charity . He particularly requested that he might be admitted into the Fraternity without
delay ; hut , as the number of the Brethren must be equal to that of the Pleiades , 1 put it off' to a convenient opportunity . He confidently believed that he had at last got sight of magic in its purest dye ; and had it been in my power , I would have willingly initiated him . "Barnes' Travels to Bokhara . We hope that recent circumstances may again bring Brother Burnes into friendly contact with the worthy Nawab ; and that he may be enabled duly to induct that curious inquirer into the mysteries of the Masonic alchemy . Such a convert might not be without his use to the , cause of humanity .
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Masonic Chit Chat.
WEST SOMERSET REGIMENT OF YEOMANRY CAVALRY . —The banquet given by the officers in honour of their gallant and esteemed Colonel , Brother Tynte , on the 13 th , was indeed worthy the gratifying occasion . The committee most ably accomplished the duty entrusted to them , namely , to exhibit every testimony of respect and regard of the officers to the excellent man by whom they have the pleasure of being commanded . W e have seldom witnessed a more splendid spectacle ; and it
is certain the circumstance will long exist among the most agreeable recollections of this distinguished regiment . The large room at the Castle was decorated with a profusion of flowers and evergreens , among ivhich waved the eight superb standards of the regiment , posted in commanding positions , flanked also and immediately supported by a brilliant staff of numerous silk and embroidered banners ( kindly lent by Mr . Bales White ) , thrown out in front as most effective skirmishes ; the
magnificent vase presented by the officers to Colonel Tynte ornamented the centre table , and the sideboard was graced with the massive salver , the offering of the non-commissioned officers and privates to their esteemed commander , and the elegant candelabrum presented to Captain Maher by Colonel Tynte and the officers of the regiment , in testimony of their estimation of his merits as an officer and a man . The variety of the different uniforms added considerably to the splendour of
the interesting scene , while the display on the banquet table , together with the selection of viands and wines , justly proclaimed Pattison ' s Castle Hotel as among tbe best of the west . At six o ' clock Captain Sandford , M . P ., took the chair , and Capt . Maher was called to the vicechair , amid smart and reiterated vollies of satisfactory demonstrations . On the right of the chairman we observed Col . Tynte , Col . Sir Charles DanceK . H . Capt . Pipon ( 85 th ) Major ColesCapt . PinneyM . P .
, , , , , , Capt . Groves ( Rifles ) , Capt . Graham , Ensign Tynte ( 85 th ) , & c . ; and on the left , General Sir John Slade , Major Tynte , Capt . Keates , Cornet Tynte , Rev . E . T . Halliday , Capt . Carew , Capt . Dickson , Capt . Marriott , & c . & c . About seventy sat down to this elegant entertainment ; the regimental band was in attendance in full dress , and played many appropriate and martial airs on the announcement of each toast , with their accustomed excellence .
THE NAWAB JUBBAR KHAN , brother of Dost Mohammed , the chief of Cabool , supposed Captain ( now Sir Alexander ) Burnes to possess the secrets of the philosopher ' s stone . " I informed him , " says the latter , " that I belonged to a sect called Freemasons , and gave some account of the Craft . It was an institution , I said , where , though we did not change the baser metals into gold , we sought to transform the baser and blacker passions of man into philanthropy and charity . He particularly requested that he might be admitted into the Fraternity without
delay ; hut , as the number of the Brethren must be equal to that of the Pleiades , 1 put it off' to a convenient opportunity . He confidently believed that he had at last got sight of magic in its purest dye ; and had it been in my power , I would have willingly initiated him . "Barnes' Travels to Bokhara . We hope that recent circumstances may again bring Brother Burnes into friendly contact with the worthy Nawab ; and that he may be enabled duly to induct that curious inquirer into the mysteries of the Masonic alchemy . Such a convert might not be without his use to the , cause of humanity .