Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 49 →
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by the Salisbury , Watford , Hertford , and St . Alban ' s Lodges , all of which called Meetings of Emergency to offer their condolence to the Provincial Grand Master upon the demise of that universally esteemed lady—his much-beloved wife . The various addresses are expressive of the affectionate regard entertained for the person of the Marquis , and breathe a fervid hope that a merciful Providence will impart consolation under his bereavement .
Brother Harrison has been re-elected W . M . of the Salisbury Lodge , at Waltham Cross , where a R . A . Chapter was held on the 18 th instant . The Cecil Lodge is progressing well , the members amounting to thirtythree , and the St . Alban ' s have added three to their number . BIRMINGHAM , Oct . li . —The annual meeting ofthe P . G . L . of Warwickshire was held at the Union Plotel , Birmingham . The Brethren assembled
at one o ' clock , when the D . P . G . M ., Mr . N . L . Torre , ( editor of the Leamington Chronicle ) , and the officers assembled , took their stations , with the usual formalities . The P . G . L . was then opened in form , and with solemn prayer . The business of the meeting was transacted , and P . G . officers for the year invested with their jewels , —a handsome new set of which has lately been presented to the Lodge by that old , respected , and consistent Mason , the Earl of Ferrers , under whose
presidency , during periods of unexampled interest to the Craft , the province of Warwick has ever upheld a principle of healthful action , ivhich has produced the happiest results . It is a fact deserving of especial notice , that never were the funds of the P . G . L . in so favourable a state ; and this reminds us of the active services of the Treasurer , to whom the Brethren are under many and lasting obligations for the zeal and efficiency which he has brought to their service . At four o ' clock the Brethren sat down to banquet , and the conviviality was worthy the many happy souls assembled in fraternal affection , peace , goodwill , and charity . Bro . Torre presided in the East , whilst the honours of the table in the
West were discharged by Bro . Lloyd , of Handsworth , and in the South by Bro . C . Harris , of Warwick . The health of our young queen ( as a " Mason ' s daughter" ) was received with great enthusiasm , and drank with suitable honours . " The beloved consort of our late Royal Patron , William the Fourth , " was the next toast , and it was responded to with hearty cheers . A bumper was then filled to the Masonic Ruler , H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex , who for more than a quarter of a century has
enjoyed the high privilege of officiating as Grand Master of the Order . " The health of the Earl of Ferrers , P . G . M . of Warwickshire , " was accompanied with an universal wish that the day might be far distant in which the misfortune of a separation from that aged nobleman might ensue . " The healths of the D . P . G . M ., and the other provincial officers , " were drank with a quick and hearty Masonic fire , and acknowledged , in appropriate terms , by Bros . Torre and Atkins , D . C . Bro .
Ribbans , ( of St . Paul ' s Lodge , Birmingham ) in an address marked with great fervour and eloquence , proposed " The Masonic Charities , " and concluded by calling upon Bro . J . Sharp , jun . ( editor of the Leamington Courier ) to enlarge upon the interesting topic . Bro . Sharp responded to the call , in some brief remarks , which were favourably received , congratulating the Brethren upon the prosperous condition of " the Charities ; " alluding to the recent handsome contribution from St . Paul ' s Lodge , Birmingham , to the Girls' School ; and remarking upon the perseverance of many of the Craft in their advocacy of a most high and
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by the Salisbury , Watford , Hertford , and St . Alban ' s Lodges , all of which called Meetings of Emergency to offer their condolence to the Provincial Grand Master upon the demise of that universally esteemed lady—his much-beloved wife . The various addresses are expressive of the affectionate regard entertained for the person of the Marquis , and breathe a fervid hope that a merciful Providence will impart consolation under his bereavement .
Brother Harrison has been re-elected W . M . of the Salisbury Lodge , at Waltham Cross , where a R . A . Chapter was held on the 18 th instant . The Cecil Lodge is progressing well , the members amounting to thirtythree , and the St . Alban ' s have added three to their number . BIRMINGHAM , Oct . li . —The annual meeting ofthe P . G . L . of Warwickshire was held at the Union Plotel , Birmingham . The Brethren assembled
at one o ' clock , when the D . P . G . M ., Mr . N . L . Torre , ( editor of the Leamington Chronicle ) , and the officers assembled , took their stations , with the usual formalities . The P . G . L . was then opened in form , and with solemn prayer . The business of the meeting was transacted , and P . G . officers for the year invested with their jewels , —a handsome new set of which has lately been presented to the Lodge by that old , respected , and consistent Mason , the Earl of Ferrers , under whose
presidency , during periods of unexampled interest to the Craft , the province of Warwick has ever upheld a principle of healthful action , ivhich has produced the happiest results . It is a fact deserving of especial notice , that never were the funds of the P . G . L . in so favourable a state ; and this reminds us of the active services of the Treasurer , to whom the Brethren are under many and lasting obligations for the zeal and efficiency which he has brought to their service . At four o ' clock the Brethren sat down to banquet , and the conviviality was worthy the many happy souls assembled in fraternal affection , peace , goodwill , and charity . Bro . Torre presided in the East , whilst the honours of the table in the
West were discharged by Bro . Lloyd , of Handsworth , and in the South by Bro . C . Harris , of Warwick . The health of our young queen ( as a " Mason ' s daughter" ) was received with great enthusiasm , and drank with suitable honours . " The beloved consort of our late Royal Patron , William the Fourth , " was the next toast , and it was responded to with hearty cheers . A bumper was then filled to the Masonic Ruler , H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex , who for more than a quarter of a century has
enjoyed the high privilege of officiating as Grand Master of the Order . " The health of the Earl of Ferrers , P . G . M . of Warwickshire , " was accompanied with an universal wish that the day might be far distant in which the misfortune of a separation from that aged nobleman might ensue . " The healths of the D . P . G . M ., and the other provincial officers , " were drank with a quick and hearty Masonic fire , and acknowledged , in appropriate terms , by Bros . Torre and Atkins , D . C . Bro .
Ribbans , ( of St . Paul ' s Lodge , Birmingham ) in an address marked with great fervour and eloquence , proposed " The Masonic Charities , " and concluded by calling upon Bro . J . Sharp , jun . ( editor of the Leamington Courier ) to enlarge upon the interesting topic . Bro . Sharp responded to the call , in some brief remarks , which were favourably received , congratulating the Brethren upon the prosperous condition of " the Charities ; " alluding to the recent handsome contribution from St . Paul ' s Lodge , Birmingham , to the Girls' School ; and remarking upon the perseverance of many of the Craft in their advocacy of a most high and