Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
¦ - ¦" ft » EDINBURGH . Defensive Band Chair-Master Lodge , No . i . The annual supper was held in the lodge-room on 15 th ultimo , when there was a good turn-out of the members , the R . W . M . in the chair . The
supper was served out in Bro . Gunn ' s best style , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to by the brethren in their usual hearty manner . During the course of the evening Bro . Reith , in the name of the lodge , presented the R . W . M ., Bro . George Borland , with
a handsome Past Master's jewel , and also a Mark jewel , in recognition of valuable services rendered by him to the lodge . After a pleasant night ' s enjoyment , the meeting was closed at high twelve by " Happy to meet , sorry to part , and happy to meet again . "
GLASGOW . St . John ' s Lodge , No . 3 bis . A special meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , 28 th February , Bro . Baird , R . W . M ., on the throne , supported right and left byBros . Robert Neilson , Dep . M ., and J ames M'Millan , Sub . M .
Bro . Kyle , S . W . ; Bro . Fletcher , J . W . ; and about fixty-six brethren being present . The lodge being opened , the Secretary read a circular calling the meeting , and also lodge minute of date 7 th February , in both of which it was intimated that this meeting was called in order to
" consider the language used by Bro . Buchan to the R . W . M . Bro . Baird , at a meeting of the Grand Lodge of Scotland held on the 6 th inst . " After these were read , Bro . Buchan tabled the following protest : " Under the circumstances , and as a member of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , I
protest against your whole proceedings in this matter as an unwarrantable interference with my privileges as a member of Grand Lodge , as also an unwarrantable encroachment upon the prerogatives of Grand Lodge , —( Signed ) W . P . BUCHAN . " The business then went on , the RAV . M ., Bro .
Baird , asking the brethren present to state their opinions on the matter . It was stated that at the meeting of Grand Lodge on 6 th February Bro . Buchan had applied the words " false statements , " or " tissue of falsehoods , " to certain remarks made by Bro . Baird at said meeting of Grand Lodge , and
that therefore he ought to be punished by this lodge for doing so . Bro . Robert Gray , Past Treas ., having observed that , as it seemed the present business arose out of the memorial presented to Grand Lodge on the 7 th November last , he should like to know when said
memorial was laid before St . John's Lodge and approved of by it ? The R . AV . M . said it was got up by him and the office-bearers in a hurry , and that they had no time under the circumstances to lay it before thc lodge . Bro . Gray : In that case , by your own confession ,
you presented a new memorial to Grand Lodge superseding the original one , pretending to be from St . John ' s Lodge , while , at the time , St . John ' s Lodge knew nothing about it . However ( observed Bro . Gray ) I desire to hear this memorial read over now for the information of myself and others of thc brethren assembled .
This being done , Bro . Gray observed that he considered Bro . Buchan was perfectly entitled to speak as he had done in Grand Lodge , for he ( Bro . Gray ) found fault with many tilings in it ; for example , he was astonished that they were so foolish as to go before Grand Lodge with such a thing as
their pretended Malcolm Charter , a document which any brothir of St . John ' s might easily perceive by perusing a copy of their own by-laws , the Grand Lodge of Scotland had already refused to acknowledge ; whi e also the report on their memorial
approved oi by Grand Lodge entirely contradicted the statemei t he had heard made that St . John's Lodgecarriel the working tools at Mossbank . Bro . Park . - . nd other brethren re-asserted the statement that St John ' s did carry the working tools at Mossbank .
Bro . David Walker observed that they were departing from t le proper business of thc meeting . Bro . McMillan , Sub . M ., observed that in his opinion , Buchai had been disturbing their ' jmcctings for some time back , and that therefore Buchan— severa' of the members here called out
" Brother Buchai , " but neither the speaker nor the chair took any notice—ought b y some means to be prevented from ittending their meetings , if some means could be idopted to that effect . For that purpose he proposed that the R . W . M . should send
Buchan a letter crdenng him not to attend any more meetings of St . John's Lodge as long as he was Master . ( This motion was not seconded . ) Bro . Park , P . M , proposed that Bro . Buchan should be suspended for five years , and went on to say that Bro . Buchan had , on several occasions
disturbed the harmony of their lodge ; for example , above four years ago an occurrence took place between the then R . W . M . and him in open lodge , for which he ( Bro . Buchan ) was called to account in a very severe manner , yet by his writings and remarks he still persisted in lowering the dignity
and status of their ancient and honourable lodge . Bro . Park ' s motion was seconded by Bro , McDonald . Bro . Robert Gray begged to correct Bro . Park in reference to the upshot as to what took place between Bro . Buchan and their R . W . M . ofthe time
referred to , as the conclusion of the meeting was quite the opposite of what Bro . Park had stated ; for at the meeting referred to only Bro . McMillan and another brother spoke against Bro . Buchan , all the rest of the office-bearers , with that exception , holding that it was the R . W . M . who had made a
slip in the matter , while Bro . Buchan , who was then Senior Warden , was quite justified in what he had done . Bro . D . Carrick asked if Bro . Buchan had got a proper legal summons ? The Secretary , in view of the summons issued by
him to Bro . Buchan on the nth February , replied in the affirmative , the opinion of Bro . J . B . Walker , P . M ., as to its informality , as expressed by him at the lodge meeting on the 21 st February being ignored . Bro . Smillie made several remarks , stating *
that if Bro . Buchan had expressed any sentiments of contritition for what he had said in Grand Lodge , he would have been ready , even now , to propose an easy termination to their proceedings ; but instead of this , Bro . Buchan had even gone the length of protesting against all they were doing .
Bro . David Walker then rose to propose a motion , but the R . AV . M . checked him , " stating that he was too late , as Bro . Park's motion was carried . This being , however , strenuously objected to by the meeting , Bro . Walker was allowed to proceed , and he proposed that Bro . Buchan should be
suspended for two years . He had , he stated , formerly supported Bro . Buchan for the chair , but seeing the manner in which he had attacked the interests of his lodge , his opinion of him had now changed . Bro . AValker ' s motion was seconded by Bro . Cameron .
Bro . Charles B . Grassby then rose , and stated that he considered they were going too fast in this matter , as they were quite overlooking what was properly due by this lodge to the brother whose case was now before them . He ( Bro . Grassby ) had been a member of this lodge for the last six years ,
and during all that time Bro . Buchan had been taking a warm and active interest in its affairs . About four years ago the whole work of the lodge had devolved upon Bro . Buchan , and he had done it in a manner that had never been surpassed . Bro . Buchan was just as able , if necessary , to do
the work now as lie was then ; and if he would only stop " touching them up " in thc way he occasionally did , he was quite sure he had many friends in the lodge who would rally round him still . Taking these and other things into consideration , he therefore considered that it would he quite
sufncicnt to ask Bro . Buchan to apologise for what he had said , and if he would do so that ought to satisfy the lodge . Bro . Neilson , Deputy M ., said : Bro . Buchan will be a great fool if he apologises . Bro . Grassby ' s motion was not seconded .
Bro . Gray then asked if Bro . Buchan ' s remarks in Grand Lodge had been objected to by the M . AV . G . M ., or by thc Grand Lodge , but received no response Then , continued Bro . Gray , since neither the Grand . Alasler in the chair nor Grand Lodge found fault with what Bro . Buchan said , I cannot see upon what grounds St . John ' s Lodge can
take upon itself to proceed in this matter in the arbitrary way in which it is now doing . If this lodgs objects to what took place in Grand Lodge , I consider it ought to lay a complaint there on the subject , and I propose that as a motion . This was not seconded , Bro . D . M . Neilson objecting against allowing Grand Lodge to interfere in thc matter .
Upon thc motions of Bros . Park and AValker bsing about to be put to the meeting , Bro . Park seemed desirous to withdraw his motion in favour of Bro . AValker ' s , but the R . AV . M ., Bro . Baird
objected , observing that " five years was little enough . " Two brethren then voted for Bro . AValker ' s motion , and twenty-seven for Bro . Park's , the remaining brethren not voting . Bro . Park ' s motion was declared carried .
Bro . Baird , who had acted both as pursuer and judge in the case , then intimated to Bro . Buchan that he was suspended for five years as a member of thc lodge . Bro . Buchan thanked him for thc information
but intimated his intention to appeal . The RAV . M . then desired the Secretary to read over thc minutes of proceedings before closing . Bros . Gray , Buchan , and others retired , after which thc brethren were called to refreshment .
The Thistle and Rose Lodge , No , 73 , This lodge met in their hall on the 17 th ult ., Bro . G . M'Donald , R . W . M ., in the chair , supported by Bros . G . W . AVheeler , Acting S . AV . ; W . Donaldson , J . W . ; Thomas Stewart , I . P . M . ; P . Thompson , Treas , ; J . S . Ampleford , Sec . ; and a goodly
muster of the brethren . On the east we also observed the R . AV . M . of 441 , Bro . Willson , and five other visiting brethren . The business of the evening consisted in the passing and raising of Bros , James Branagan and James Watt . The P . M ., Bro . Stewart , at the request of the R . W . M .,
conducted the ceremonies in his usual excellent style The case of a distressed brother was brought before the lodge , and the R . W . M . promised to see Bro . AA ' allace and request him to make the necessary inquiries , so that the case may be reported to Grand Lodge . Refreshment followed labour .
Festivities in honour of thc Marriage of Princess Louise with the Lord of Lome . The Operative Lodge , No . 47 , took occasion to celebrate this happy event on the eve of Tuesday , the 21 st ult ., when about fifty of the brethren assembled , at seven o ' clock , and sat down to a
splendid repast in the lodge room . The R . W . M ., Bro . AVm . Longmuir , presided . After the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal , Masonic , and patriotic toasts were given and responded to with great spirit . At nine o ' clock arrangements were made for visiting the illuminations of the public buildings ,
the fireworks , crystal fountain , and Queen ' s arch , all of which reflected much honour on Bro . Fairweather , of this lodge , for the really beautiful designs displayed throughout . A return was then made to the lodge hall , where the lady friends of the brethren joined them . Dancing was then
engaged in by the whole company , and kept up with untiring vigour till an early hour in the morning . The music was supplied by members of the lodge , and at intervals during the evening songs and sentiments were given by different members of the company . Tlie only invitations sent out were
to the RAV . M . of Lodge Ancient , No . 49 , and the R . AV . M . and the Past Master of Forfar and Kincardine , No . 225 , who were present , and seemed to enter fully into the spirit of the joyous occasion . Votes of thanks and the National Anthem by the whole company terminated this most successful
meeting . The brethren of Lodge Forfar and Kincardine , No . 225 , along with their fair friends , assembled in their lodge hall , Meadow-street , on Thursday evening , the 23 rd ult ., to celebrate the happy event of " Lorn's wedding . " Infall , about seventy sat down
to an excellent supper , purveyed and attended to by the Committee of thc lodge . The R . W . M ., Bro . Geo . F . Rogers , presided . Thc programme of toasts included the " Queen and the Craft , " the " Prince of AVales , Grand Patron ofthe Order , and the other members of the Royal Family , " and
" Princess Louise and Lord Lome , during which the greatest enthusiasm prevailed . The meeting was honoured by the presence ofthe R . AV . M . ' s of Nos . 47 and 49 , who responded to the "Visiting Brethren . " Some excellent songs were rendered by Bros . Kidd , Adams , and M'Nab , and at eleven
o ' clock the ladies retired to the ante-rooms until thc hall was cleared for dancing , which was heartily carried on till long past the " wee short hour . " A general desire seemed to pervade the brethren that such happy reunions , with ladies present , should
be held more frequently , as being preferable to the ordinary " sallbeef-and-mustard " meetings of the Craft . The meeting closed by singing " Auld Lang Syne " and the National Anthem , all seeming to have thoroughly enjoyed themselves .
THE new edition of thc " Book of Constitutions , " printed by order of Grand Lodge , is now ready , and is to be had only at thc office of the Grand Secretary . Tar . BEST FIRST . —Turner ' s Tamarind Cough Emulsion for the Throat and Bronchia , lj ^ d . and 2 / 9 per hot . —All wholesale houses in London and Liverpool , and any respectable Chemist . —[ Advt . ]
REPORT of Dr . Arthur Hill Hassall , Analyst of the " Lancet" Sanitary Commission , Author of " Food and its Adulterations , " & c , & c , on Mayar ' s Semolina : " I have carefully tested , chemically and microscopically , the samples of . Semolina sent hy Messrs . L . M . ivar & Co ., 36 , Mark Lane , London , ICC . I find ther .. . > be perfectly genuine , of excellent quality , and cminuitly nutritious . They contain a very large percentage of
nitrogenous matter , chiefly gluten , and are far more nutritious than any other food , such as Arrowroot , Tapioca , Sago , Corn Flour , Farinaceous Food , ordinary Wheat Flour , or any of thc Cereals in use as food in this country . — ( Signed ) ARTHUR HILL HASSALL , M . D ., London . "Highly recommended by the Faculty for Infants , Invalids , & c . Makes delicious Pudding , Custards , Blanc Mange , & c . After a trial no family will be without Mayar ' s Semolina .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
¦ - ¦" ft » EDINBURGH . Defensive Band Chair-Master Lodge , No . i . The annual supper was held in the lodge-room on 15 th ultimo , when there was a good turn-out of the members , the R . W . M . in the chair . The
supper was served out in Bro . Gunn ' s best style , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to by the brethren in their usual hearty manner . During the course of the evening Bro . Reith , in the name of the lodge , presented the R . W . M ., Bro . George Borland , with
a handsome Past Master's jewel , and also a Mark jewel , in recognition of valuable services rendered by him to the lodge . After a pleasant night ' s enjoyment , the meeting was closed at high twelve by " Happy to meet , sorry to part , and happy to meet again . "
GLASGOW . St . John ' s Lodge , No . 3 bis . A special meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , 28 th February , Bro . Baird , R . W . M ., on the throne , supported right and left byBros . Robert Neilson , Dep . M ., and J ames M'Millan , Sub . M .
Bro . Kyle , S . W . ; Bro . Fletcher , J . W . ; and about fixty-six brethren being present . The lodge being opened , the Secretary read a circular calling the meeting , and also lodge minute of date 7 th February , in both of which it was intimated that this meeting was called in order to
" consider the language used by Bro . Buchan to the R . W . M . Bro . Baird , at a meeting of the Grand Lodge of Scotland held on the 6 th inst . " After these were read , Bro . Buchan tabled the following protest : " Under the circumstances , and as a member of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , I
protest against your whole proceedings in this matter as an unwarrantable interference with my privileges as a member of Grand Lodge , as also an unwarrantable encroachment upon the prerogatives of Grand Lodge , —( Signed ) W . P . BUCHAN . " The business then went on , the RAV . M ., Bro .
Baird , asking the brethren present to state their opinions on the matter . It was stated that at the meeting of Grand Lodge on 6 th February Bro . Buchan had applied the words " false statements , " or " tissue of falsehoods , " to certain remarks made by Bro . Baird at said meeting of Grand Lodge , and
that therefore he ought to be punished by this lodge for doing so . Bro . Robert Gray , Past Treas ., having observed that , as it seemed the present business arose out of the memorial presented to Grand Lodge on the 7 th November last , he should like to know when said
memorial was laid before St . John's Lodge and approved of by it ? The R . AV . M . said it was got up by him and the office-bearers in a hurry , and that they had no time under the circumstances to lay it before thc lodge . Bro . Gray : In that case , by your own confession ,
you presented a new memorial to Grand Lodge superseding the original one , pretending to be from St . John ' s Lodge , while , at the time , St . John ' s Lodge knew nothing about it . However ( observed Bro . Gray ) I desire to hear this memorial read over now for the information of myself and others of thc brethren assembled .
This being done , Bro . Gray observed that he considered Bro . Buchan was perfectly entitled to speak as he had done in Grand Lodge , for he ( Bro . Gray ) found fault with many tilings in it ; for example , he was astonished that they were so foolish as to go before Grand Lodge with such a thing as
their pretended Malcolm Charter , a document which any brothir of St . John ' s might easily perceive by perusing a copy of their own by-laws , the Grand Lodge of Scotland had already refused to acknowledge ; whi e also the report on their memorial
approved oi by Grand Lodge entirely contradicted the statemei t he had heard made that St . John's Lodgecarriel the working tools at Mossbank . Bro . Park . - . nd other brethren re-asserted the statement that St John ' s did carry the working tools at Mossbank .
Bro . David Walker observed that they were departing from t le proper business of thc meeting . Bro . McMillan , Sub . M ., observed that in his opinion , Buchai had been disturbing their ' jmcctings for some time back , and that therefore Buchan— severa' of the members here called out
" Brother Buchai , " but neither the speaker nor the chair took any notice—ought b y some means to be prevented from ittending their meetings , if some means could be idopted to that effect . For that purpose he proposed that the R . W . M . should send
Buchan a letter crdenng him not to attend any more meetings of St . John's Lodge as long as he was Master . ( This motion was not seconded . ) Bro . Park , P . M , proposed that Bro . Buchan should be suspended for five years , and went on to say that Bro . Buchan had , on several occasions
disturbed the harmony of their lodge ; for example , above four years ago an occurrence took place between the then R . W . M . and him in open lodge , for which he ( Bro . Buchan ) was called to account in a very severe manner , yet by his writings and remarks he still persisted in lowering the dignity
and status of their ancient and honourable lodge . Bro . Park ' s motion was seconded by Bro , McDonald . Bro . Robert Gray begged to correct Bro . Park in reference to the upshot as to what took place between Bro . Buchan and their R . W . M . ofthe time
referred to , as the conclusion of the meeting was quite the opposite of what Bro . Park had stated ; for at the meeting referred to only Bro . McMillan and another brother spoke against Bro . Buchan , all the rest of the office-bearers , with that exception , holding that it was the R . W . M . who had made a
slip in the matter , while Bro . Buchan , who was then Senior Warden , was quite justified in what he had done . Bro . D . Carrick asked if Bro . Buchan had got a proper legal summons ? The Secretary , in view of the summons issued by
him to Bro . Buchan on the nth February , replied in the affirmative , the opinion of Bro . J . B . Walker , P . M ., as to its informality , as expressed by him at the lodge meeting on the 21 st February being ignored . Bro . Smillie made several remarks , stating *
that if Bro . Buchan had expressed any sentiments of contritition for what he had said in Grand Lodge , he would have been ready , even now , to propose an easy termination to their proceedings ; but instead of this , Bro . Buchan had even gone the length of protesting against all they were doing .
Bro . David Walker then rose to propose a motion , but the R . AV . M . checked him , " stating that he was too late , as Bro . Park's motion was carried . This being , however , strenuously objected to by the meeting , Bro . Walker was allowed to proceed , and he proposed that Bro . Buchan should be
suspended for two years . He had , he stated , formerly supported Bro . Buchan for the chair , but seeing the manner in which he had attacked the interests of his lodge , his opinion of him had now changed . Bro . AValker ' s motion was seconded by Bro . Cameron .
Bro . Charles B . Grassby then rose , and stated that he considered they were going too fast in this matter , as they were quite overlooking what was properly due by this lodge to the brother whose case was now before them . He ( Bro . Grassby ) had been a member of this lodge for the last six years ,
and during all that time Bro . Buchan had been taking a warm and active interest in its affairs . About four years ago the whole work of the lodge had devolved upon Bro . Buchan , and he had done it in a manner that had never been surpassed . Bro . Buchan was just as able , if necessary , to do
the work now as lie was then ; and if he would only stop " touching them up " in thc way he occasionally did , he was quite sure he had many friends in the lodge who would rally round him still . Taking these and other things into consideration , he therefore considered that it would he quite
sufncicnt to ask Bro . Buchan to apologise for what he had said , and if he would do so that ought to satisfy the lodge . Bro . Neilson , Deputy M ., said : Bro . Buchan will be a great fool if he apologises . Bro . Grassby ' s motion was not seconded .
Bro . Gray then asked if Bro . Buchan ' s remarks in Grand Lodge had been objected to by the M . AV . G . M ., or by thc Grand Lodge , but received no response Then , continued Bro . Gray , since neither the Grand . Alasler in the chair nor Grand Lodge found fault with what Bro . Buchan said , I cannot see upon what grounds St . John ' s Lodge can
take upon itself to proceed in this matter in the arbitrary way in which it is now doing . If this lodgs objects to what took place in Grand Lodge , I consider it ought to lay a complaint there on the subject , and I propose that as a motion . This was not seconded , Bro . D . M . Neilson objecting against allowing Grand Lodge to interfere in thc matter .
Upon thc motions of Bros . Park and AValker bsing about to be put to the meeting , Bro . Park seemed desirous to withdraw his motion in favour of Bro . AValker ' s , but the R . AV . M ., Bro . Baird
objected , observing that " five years was little enough . " Two brethren then voted for Bro . AValker ' s motion , and twenty-seven for Bro . Park's , the remaining brethren not voting . Bro . Park ' s motion was declared carried .
Bro . Baird , who had acted both as pursuer and judge in the case , then intimated to Bro . Buchan that he was suspended for five years as a member of thc lodge . Bro . Buchan thanked him for thc information
but intimated his intention to appeal . The RAV . M . then desired the Secretary to read over thc minutes of proceedings before closing . Bros . Gray , Buchan , and others retired , after which thc brethren were called to refreshment .
The Thistle and Rose Lodge , No , 73 , This lodge met in their hall on the 17 th ult ., Bro . G . M'Donald , R . W . M ., in the chair , supported by Bros . G . W . AVheeler , Acting S . AV . ; W . Donaldson , J . W . ; Thomas Stewart , I . P . M . ; P . Thompson , Treas , ; J . S . Ampleford , Sec . ; and a goodly
muster of the brethren . On the east we also observed the R . AV . M . of 441 , Bro . Willson , and five other visiting brethren . The business of the evening consisted in the passing and raising of Bros , James Branagan and James Watt . The P . M ., Bro . Stewart , at the request of the R . W . M .,
conducted the ceremonies in his usual excellent style The case of a distressed brother was brought before the lodge , and the R . W . M . promised to see Bro . AA ' allace and request him to make the necessary inquiries , so that the case may be reported to Grand Lodge . Refreshment followed labour .
Festivities in honour of thc Marriage of Princess Louise with the Lord of Lome . The Operative Lodge , No . 47 , took occasion to celebrate this happy event on the eve of Tuesday , the 21 st ult ., when about fifty of the brethren assembled , at seven o ' clock , and sat down to a
splendid repast in the lodge room . The R . W . M ., Bro . AVm . Longmuir , presided . After the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal , Masonic , and patriotic toasts were given and responded to with great spirit . At nine o ' clock arrangements were made for visiting the illuminations of the public buildings ,
the fireworks , crystal fountain , and Queen ' s arch , all of which reflected much honour on Bro . Fairweather , of this lodge , for the really beautiful designs displayed throughout . A return was then made to the lodge hall , where the lady friends of the brethren joined them . Dancing was then
engaged in by the whole company , and kept up with untiring vigour till an early hour in the morning . The music was supplied by members of the lodge , and at intervals during the evening songs and sentiments were given by different members of the company . Tlie only invitations sent out were
to the RAV . M . of Lodge Ancient , No . 49 , and the R . AV . M . and the Past Master of Forfar and Kincardine , No . 225 , who were present , and seemed to enter fully into the spirit of the joyous occasion . Votes of thanks and the National Anthem by the whole company terminated this most successful
meeting . The brethren of Lodge Forfar and Kincardine , No . 225 , along with their fair friends , assembled in their lodge hall , Meadow-street , on Thursday evening , the 23 rd ult ., to celebrate the happy event of " Lorn's wedding . " Infall , about seventy sat down
to an excellent supper , purveyed and attended to by the Committee of thc lodge . The R . W . M ., Bro . Geo . F . Rogers , presided . Thc programme of toasts included the " Queen and the Craft , " the " Prince of AVales , Grand Patron ofthe Order , and the other members of the Royal Family , " and
" Princess Louise and Lord Lome , during which the greatest enthusiasm prevailed . The meeting was honoured by the presence ofthe R . AV . M . ' s of Nos . 47 and 49 , who responded to the "Visiting Brethren . " Some excellent songs were rendered by Bros . Kidd , Adams , and M'Nab , and at eleven
o ' clock the ladies retired to the ante-rooms until thc hall was cleared for dancing , which was heartily carried on till long past the " wee short hour . " A general desire seemed to pervade the brethren that such happy reunions , with ladies present , should
be held more frequently , as being preferable to the ordinary " sallbeef-and-mustard " meetings of the Craft . The meeting closed by singing " Auld Lang Syne " and the National Anthem , all seeming to have thoroughly enjoyed themselves .
THE new edition of thc " Book of Constitutions , " printed by order of Grand Lodge , is now ready , and is to be had only at thc office of the Grand Secretary . Tar . BEST FIRST . —Turner ' s Tamarind Cough Emulsion for the Throat and Bronchia , lj ^ d . and 2 / 9 per hot . —All wholesale houses in London and Liverpool , and any respectable Chemist . —[ Advt . ]
REPORT of Dr . Arthur Hill Hassall , Analyst of the " Lancet" Sanitary Commission , Author of " Food and its Adulterations , " & c , & c , on Mayar ' s Semolina : " I have carefully tested , chemically and microscopically , the samples of . Semolina sent hy Messrs . L . M . ivar & Co ., 36 , Mark Lane , London , ICC . I find ther .. . > be perfectly genuine , of excellent quality , and cminuitly nutritious . They contain a very large percentage of
nitrogenous matter , chiefly gluten , and are far more nutritious than any other food , such as Arrowroot , Tapioca , Sago , Corn Flour , Farinaceous Food , ordinary Wheat Flour , or any of thc Cereals in use as food in this country . — ( Signed ) ARTHUR HILL HASSALL , M . D ., London . "Highly recommended by the Faculty for Infants , Invalids , & c . Makes delicious Pudding , Custards , Blanc Mange , & c . After a trial no family will be without Mayar ' s Semolina .