Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Meetings (Metropolitan)
For the week ending Saturday , May 9 , 1896 . The Editor vvill be glad to receive notice from Secretaries for Craft Lodges , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , Rose Croix Chap ters , Preceptories , Conclaves , & c , of any change in place , jay . or iu ° ' ' > meeting .
MONDAY , MAY 4 . CMfT LODGES . 16 Royal Alpha , Hotel Metropole . * A , Royal Jubilee , Anderton ' s Hotel . iSS loppa , Freemasons' Tavern . 2 ^ 1 ' Unions , Freemasons' Hall , .-in , Asaph , Freemasons' Hall . i « r ' Emblematic , Criterion . 162 s ' Tredegar , London Tavern . StPeterHall
1024 . Wickham , . ' s , Brockley . ino 6 , Priory Lodge of Acton , Rerrymcad Priory . -00 S , Harlesden , National Schools . 2 : 42 , Tyssen-Amherst , Amherst Club House , Hackney . ~ , \ tf , Fellowship , Frascati Restaurant . ROYAL A RCH CHAPTER . 4 , Royal Somerset House and Inverness , Freemasons' Hall . MARK L ODGE . no , Panmure , Mark Masons' Hall ,
LODOS 3 AND CBAFTJKS OJ INSTHDCTIOW . Blackheath , Stirling Castle , Church-street , Camberwell . at 8 . Cripplegate , Goldsmiths * Arms , Gutter-lane , at 6 . 30 . Eleanor , Rose and Crown , High Cross , Tottenham , at 8 . Friars , The White Horse , 94 , White Horse-lane , Mile End-rd ., E ., at 8 . Hyde Park , Prince of Wales Hotel , Eastbourne-terr ., Bishop's-rd ., Paddington , at 8 .
Kingsland , Cock Tavern , Highbury , N .. at 8 . 30 . Marauess of Ripon , Mildmay Tavern , Hall ' s Pond-road , N ., 7 . 30 . Metropolitan , Moorgate Tavern , 15 , Finsbury-pavement , at 7 . 30 . Neptune , Gauden Hotel , Clapham , S . W ., at 7 . 30 . North London Chapter , Cock Hotel , Highbury , at 8 . Perseverance , Ridter's Hotel , Ho'born , E . C , at 7 . Queen ' s Westminster , Criterion , Piccadilly , W ., at 8 . Regent ' s Park , Frascati Restaurant , 32 , Oxford-street , at 8 .
Royal Arthur , Prince of Wales Hotel ( opposite Wimbledon Railway Station ) , at 7 . 30 . Royal Commemoration , Railway Hotel , Putney , at 8 . St . James ' s Union , St . James ' s Restaurant ( Piccadilly entrance ) St . Mark ' s , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New-road . St . Michael ' s , Norland Arms , Addison-rd . North , Uxbridge-rd ., 8 Sincerity , Blackwall Railway Hotel , Fenchurch-street , at 7 . Stockwell , White Hart , Abchurch-lane , E . C , at 6 .
United Military , Earl of Chatham , Thomas-st ., Woolwich , at } . 30 Upton , Great Eastern Hotel , Bishopsgate-street , at 8 . Walthamstow , The Chequers , Hi g h-street , Walthamstow , at 8 . Wellington , New Cross House , New Cross , at 8 . " iVoodrow , Star and Garter Hotel , Pall Mall , W ., at 3 . Zetland , "The Falkland , " Falkland-road , N . W ., at 8 . Doric Chapter , Duke's Head , 79 , Whitechapel-road , at 6 . Lewis Chapter , Fishmongers' Arms Hotel , Wood Green , N ., at 8 . North London Chapter , Cock Tavern , Highbury , at 8
TUESDAY , MAY 5 . Colonial Board , at 4 .
CRAFT LODGES . 18 , Old Dundee , Cannon-street Hotel . 171 , Amity , Ship and Turtle Tavern . 1257 , Grosvenor , Freemasons * Hall . 1259 , Duke of Edinburgh , Eastern Hotel , West India Dock-rd . 1261 , Golden Rule , Cafe Royal . I 4 ? 2 , IJenJey , Thrce Crowns , North Woolwich . 16 I 12 , Ucaconslield , The Chequers . Walthamstow .
201 , 2 , Richmond , Greyhound Hotel . 2128 , United Northern Counties , Inns of Court Hotel . 2190 , Savage Club , Freemasons' Hall . 35 * 4 . Train-Bands , Finsbury Barracks . ROVAL ARCH CHAPTER . 1159 , Marquisof Dalhousie , 33 , Gnldrn-snunrc . MARK LODGES , 1 , St . Mark ' s , Mark Masons' Hall . 315 , Henniker , . Mark Masons' Hall .
LODGES AND CHAPTERS OP INSTRUCTION . Brixton , Prince Regent , Dulwich-road , Heme Hill , S . E ., at 8 . tapper , City Arms , St . Mary Axe , at 6 . Clarence and Avondale , Green Man Hotel , Leytonstone , E ., at 8 constitutional , "Apple Tree and Mitre , " 30 , Cursitor-strcet , Chancery-lane , W . C , at 7 . Chaucer , Grapes Tavern ( Slee & Pike ' s ) , m . Borough High . street , at 8 . Corinthian , George Hotel , Cubitt Town , Poplar , at 8 . Dalhousie , Lord Truro , Dalston-lane , at 8 .
Domatic , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New-road , at 7 . 30 . Duke of Cornwall , Queen ' s Arms , Queen-street , Cheapside , at 7 Egyptian , Salutation , Newgate-street , at 7 . Emblematic , St . James ' s Restaurant , Piccadilly , at 8 . Enfield , Rose and Crown , Church-street , Edmonton , at 8 . Excelsior , Commercial Dock Tavern , Plough-road , Rotherhithe , Faith , Victoria Mansions Restaurant , Victoria-street , S . W ., at 8 Finsbury , Thc Bell Hotel , Old Bailey , it 7 .
WEDNESDAY , MAY 6 . GRAND CHAPTER at 6 . Committee Benevolent Institution , ut 4 . CRAFT LODGES . 1298 , Royal Standard , Cock Tavern . 1491 , Athen . Tum , Criterion . 15 S 5 , Royal Commemoration , Holborn Restaurant . ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER . no :, St . Marvlebonc , Cafe Roya ' .
THURSDAY , MAY 7 . CRAFT LODGES . 10 " , Westminster and Keystone , Freemasons * Hall . 17 , Egyptian , Andertons' Hotel . 4 < , Strong Man , Guildhall Tavern . 231 , St . Andrew's , Freemasons' Hall . H 5 < , Excelsior , Royal Crystal Palace Hotel , nib , Macdonald , Surrey Masonic Hall .
12 S 8 , Finsburv Park , Cock Tavern , Highbury . 1361 , I'nited Strenjftli , Cafe Royal . 1425 , Hyde Park , The Westbourne . 1445 , Prince Leopold , Three Nmrs Hotel , Aldgate . 1724 , Kaisar-i-Hind , Cafe Royal . 1765 , Trinity College , i . r , Mandeville-place . 1790 , Old England , Masonic Hall . Thornton Heath . 1950 , Southgate , Railway Hotel , New Snutligate . ROYAL ARCH CHAPTERS .
6 , Friendship , Criterion . 1507 , Metropolitan , Anderton's Hotel . MARK LODGE . 197 , Studholme , 33 , Golden-square . FRIDAY , MAY 8 . CRAFT LODGES . 33 , Britannic , Freemasons' Hall . 134 , Caledonian , Ship and Turtle Tavern . 1602 , Sir Hugh Myddelton , Agricultural Hall . * 997 . Jolm Carpenter , Alhion Tavern . 2399 , Ordnance , Freemasons' Hall , Plumstead . 2552 , Stoke Newington , Stoke Newington Assembly Rooms .
ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER . 569 , Fitzroy , Head-quarters Hon . Artillery Company , City-rd KNIGHTS' TEMPLAR . 29 , Faith and Fidelity , Mark Masons' Hall .
SATURDAY MAY 9 . CRAFT LODGES . 173 , I'lurnix , Freemasons' Hall . 176 , Caveac , Albion Tavern . 1328 , Granite , Holborn Restaurant , 1685 , Giielpli , Ton 11 Hall Leyton . 1686 , Paxton , Surrey Masonic HaU . 2029 , King Solomon , Mark Masons' Hall . 220 O , Hendon , Midland Grand Hotel . 2579 , Lewisham , Parish Hall , Lewisham . ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER . 1297 , West Kent , Crystal Palace .
To Australia , New Zealand , Cape , Bombay , Mnilras , Calcutta , ' { iuiK <) Oii , C'liiim anil . bipati , River Plate , Brur . il , West imtics , West Coast ol Africa , and all parts of tlic world .
NDIA , £ 15 ISs . AUSTRALIA , £ 13 133
Through Fare , including New Ship's Outfit , Deck Chair , £ i 10 Good food and accommodation .
Third Class Fare to River Plato nnd Hrazilian Ports , £ 7 . INDIA . -Cheap fares all classes , 1 st class from £ 15 15 s . to £ 25 .
ppli / to T . & R . Brocklebank , 29 Leadenhall St ., London , E . C
. . s . A ,
PLANET BUILDINGSOCIETY, 7 , FINSBURY SQUIRE , LOXDON , K . C . Established IS 1-8 . Incorporated 1 S 75 . LIBERAL , ADVANCES OFl'EHED OX FREEHOLD AXD LEASEHOLD HOUSES AXD SHOPS ON THE BEST TERMS OF ANY LOXDOX SOCIETY ' . N . B . — MINIMUM LAW CHARGES . NOMINAL SURVEY FKES . MONKV READY . FREEDOM OF REDEM 1 * L'lOX . NON-LIABILITY OF MEMOEKS ( seo IhtiUlinp ; Societies' Act ) . MILLIONS STERLIXC ! CIRCULATED BY THIS SOCIETY ( onaljling Tenants to become Owners ) . ( A Commission of Cl ]> : * -r eent . paid to Introdiietors of new Customers ii ] iiin advances not exeecdiiifr , ITiOU , and 10 s . per cent , upon tbe amount in excess of , Co ( K ) upon any of tlie Society ' s scales uf monthly repayments ) . DEPOSITS AT . CH PER CKXT . IMOll ANNUM INTEREST . Directors meet every Friday . OHico hours 10 to -1- ; Saturdays 10 to 2 ; and ( i to 7 p . m . on lirst Wednesdays in each iiuinlli . Apply to—OSWALD R . GREEN , Secretary .
Office and Board-Eoom Furniture , AMERICAN DESKS , Bookcases , Turkey Carpets , Fireproof Safes . The largest Stock of Oilice Tables , Desks , Copying Presses . Fittings of every description , at W . H , TRAVERS' Warehouses CASTLE-STREET AXD ENDELL-STREET , LONG-ACRE , LONDON , W . C . Catalogues free . Established 1826 .
CANCER IS N 0 T INCUItABLK . An hupi'i'sMiii ) prevails Hint Cam-or U hicurnMf . Tliu menus < Ji \] inarilV n > - sorttM lo nre certainly rarely siuve > s |' ul ; lint in eases i . l' external cancer , wliere tlie llnd-on priieess * is : n 1 t > i > tc . I a eunijilele cure Kenerallv follows in a tew week ; -.. The routs uf the disease are mmiiUtMy eslrjivtwl wiUimil V \ M \ -Alion . I ' or external cancer ; i special c < mii » , uinl is prepared , which sometimes ctviitciito .- ( lie disc-iM ' . ht every cice it will alleviate the pain ami extend tile . Otwespoivdeiice is sulu-iti'd from ir ,.. * , ono interested . MR . HUDSON , 12 , York Buildings , John Street , Adelphi , London .
Bound in Cloth , Qilt Edges , Price 10 o . DR.SPARK'SLIBERMUSICUS. The Copyright of this valuable and useful Musical Work , which has for some time been ont of print , has been purchased by Bro . GEORGE KENNING , and is re-[ nb' . ished in the same attractive form as hitherto issued .
STILL&SPARKLINGH0CKS&MOSELLES KEMPF BROS ., L - % i ? ET £ ^ Purveyors to tho Royal Bavarian Court . Established 1840 . IKHENISH PALATINATE . ) Sole Agents-F . QUANDT & CO ., MARKET BUILDINGS , 29 , MINCING LANE , LONDON , E . C ,
r^^_WHELPTON'SVEGETABLEPURIFYINGPILLS W ^ J ^ w ^^ - ^ ^^ THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE , ^¦^ . Jij m y ^ f >« ^*~ * ' * ^ * " ^« ^^ Recommended for Headache , Bile , Indigestion , nnd Obstinate Constipation , ^ - » »« ^^ ¦ ^^ J U ^ I ffi li > ^* " ~* ' * * ^ * ^«^ a ' ' ' •' tt ' lemiin '' " ) nil ( ' "" SI * - ' " Dieases—these Pills being a ^^^^^*/iv'OvT""^^imt ^ ^ --^^ ** * O Ptf- ^ ^ ^* -- ^ _ PURIFIER OF THE WHELPTON'S ^ ^ "" ^ - ^^^ tf yTT "^ - ^ BL ° 0 D ' HEALINGOINTMENT^^^C ^4i\T/)/T"^^_ $ jjk Stands unrivalled for the cure of Cuts , Burns , ~ ^ - ^ ^^ " ^^ ii T \ Yf fy ^ * - ^ ^^ fgllLfe ^ , Bruises-, Ulcers , Sores , and all kinds of Skin Diseases . * " * " — . ^ ^^ ^ - / f ilt / TTl - * *"""" ""* ^ SC 5 Z 5 H = j' A Specilic for Eczema . ^ ^^ " < - ^ XjP A /^ lt Bums , Scalds , Gnte , fye ,, happen when lead expected—Be prepared . I „ ' ! " „ , , ^* * " ~ *'~ -- « ^ " * ¥ i J ' , * ll i ~ . , ... •*Mi'iliciiie t emlors nt ^ ^**« ^ _____ *^ L " ¦¦•s and Ointment are sold in Boxes , Price 7 w * d ., Is . Hd „ and 2 s 9 d bv ir i u i , <¦ i , ^ — *^ _ ' ' - " - " « » ° » » 2 * * - M ** " " ^ a « C 7 U ., uy Home anil Abroiul , nont fi * ou liy jiosfc ^^•- •^ ^ G . WHELPTON & SON , 3 , Crane Court , Fleet Street , London . | iu the United Kin ^ io ,,, f . ,,- 3 , JI , «»¦ 3 . 1 sinmiis . [ 0378
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Meetings (Metropolitan)
For the week ending Saturday , May 9 , 1896 . The Editor vvill be glad to receive notice from Secretaries for Craft Lodges , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , Rose Croix Chap ters , Preceptories , Conclaves , & c , of any change in place , jay . or iu ° ' ' > meeting .
MONDAY , MAY 4 . CMfT LODGES . 16 Royal Alpha , Hotel Metropole . * A , Royal Jubilee , Anderton ' s Hotel . iSS loppa , Freemasons' Tavern . 2 ^ 1 ' Unions , Freemasons' Hall , .-in , Asaph , Freemasons' Hall . i « r ' Emblematic , Criterion . 162 s ' Tredegar , London Tavern . StPeterHall
1024 . Wickham , . ' s , Brockley . ino 6 , Priory Lodge of Acton , Rerrymcad Priory . -00 S , Harlesden , National Schools . 2 : 42 , Tyssen-Amherst , Amherst Club House , Hackney . ~ , \ tf , Fellowship , Frascati Restaurant . ROYAL A RCH CHAPTER . 4 , Royal Somerset House and Inverness , Freemasons' Hall . MARK L ODGE . no , Panmure , Mark Masons' Hall ,
LODOS 3 AND CBAFTJKS OJ INSTHDCTIOW . Blackheath , Stirling Castle , Church-street , Camberwell . at 8 . Cripplegate , Goldsmiths * Arms , Gutter-lane , at 6 . 30 . Eleanor , Rose and Crown , High Cross , Tottenham , at 8 . Friars , The White Horse , 94 , White Horse-lane , Mile End-rd ., E ., at 8 . Hyde Park , Prince of Wales Hotel , Eastbourne-terr ., Bishop's-rd ., Paddington , at 8 .
Kingsland , Cock Tavern , Highbury , N .. at 8 . 30 . Marauess of Ripon , Mildmay Tavern , Hall ' s Pond-road , N ., 7 . 30 . Metropolitan , Moorgate Tavern , 15 , Finsbury-pavement , at 7 . 30 . Neptune , Gauden Hotel , Clapham , S . W ., at 7 . 30 . North London Chapter , Cock Hotel , Highbury , at 8 . Perseverance , Ridter's Hotel , Ho'born , E . C , at 7 . Queen ' s Westminster , Criterion , Piccadilly , W ., at 8 . Regent ' s Park , Frascati Restaurant , 32 , Oxford-street , at 8 .
Royal Arthur , Prince of Wales Hotel ( opposite Wimbledon Railway Station ) , at 7 . 30 . Royal Commemoration , Railway Hotel , Putney , at 8 . St . James ' s Union , St . James ' s Restaurant ( Piccadilly entrance ) St . Mark ' s , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New-road . St . Michael ' s , Norland Arms , Addison-rd . North , Uxbridge-rd ., 8 Sincerity , Blackwall Railway Hotel , Fenchurch-street , at 7 . Stockwell , White Hart , Abchurch-lane , E . C , at 6 .
United Military , Earl of Chatham , Thomas-st ., Woolwich , at } . 30 Upton , Great Eastern Hotel , Bishopsgate-street , at 8 . Walthamstow , The Chequers , Hi g h-street , Walthamstow , at 8 . Wellington , New Cross House , New Cross , at 8 . " iVoodrow , Star and Garter Hotel , Pall Mall , W ., at 3 . Zetland , "The Falkland , " Falkland-road , N . W ., at 8 . Doric Chapter , Duke's Head , 79 , Whitechapel-road , at 6 . Lewis Chapter , Fishmongers' Arms Hotel , Wood Green , N ., at 8 . North London Chapter , Cock Tavern , Highbury , at 8
TUESDAY , MAY 5 . Colonial Board , at 4 .
CRAFT LODGES . 18 , Old Dundee , Cannon-street Hotel . 171 , Amity , Ship and Turtle Tavern . 1257 , Grosvenor , Freemasons * Hall . 1259 , Duke of Edinburgh , Eastern Hotel , West India Dock-rd . 1261 , Golden Rule , Cafe Royal . I 4 ? 2 , IJenJey , Thrce Crowns , North Woolwich . 16 I 12 , Ucaconslield , The Chequers . Walthamstow .
201 , 2 , Richmond , Greyhound Hotel . 2128 , United Northern Counties , Inns of Court Hotel . 2190 , Savage Club , Freemasons' Hall . 35 * 4 . Train-Bands , Finsbury Barracks . ROVAL ARCH CHAPTER . 1159 , Marquisof Dalhousie , 33 , Gnldrn-snunrc . MARK LODGES , 1 , St . Mark ' s , Mark Masons' Hall . 315 , Henniker , . Mark Masons' Hall .
LODGES AND CHAPTERS OP INSTRUCTION . Brixton , Prince Regent , Dulwich-road , Heme Hill , S . E ., at 8 . tapper , City Arms , St . Mary Axe , at 6 . Clarence and Avondale , Green Man Hotel , Leytonstone , E ., at 8 constitutional , "Apple Tree and Mitre , " 30 , Cursitor-strcet , Chancery-lane , W . C , at 7 . Chaucer , Grapes Tavern ( Slee & Pike ' s ) , m . Borough High . street , at 8 . Corinthian , George Hotel , Cubitt Town , Poplar , at 8 . Dalhousie , Lord Truro , Dalston-lane , at 8 .
Domatic , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New-road , at 7 . 30 . Duke of Cornwall , Queen ' s Arms , Queen-street , Cheapside , at 7 Egyptian , Salutation , Newgate-street , at 7 . Emblematic , St . James ' s Restaurant , Piccadilly , at 8 . Enfield , Rose and Crown , Church-street , Edmonton , at 8 . Excelsior , Commercial Dock Tavern , Plough-road , Rotherhithe , Faith , Victoria Mansions Restaurant , Victoria-street , S . W ., at 8 Finsbury , Thc Bell Hotel , Old Bailey , it 7 .
WEDNESDAY , MAY 6 . GRAND CHAPTER at 6 . Committee Benevolent Institution , ut 4 . CRAFT LODGES . 1298 , Royal Standard , Cock Tavern . 1491 , Athen . Tum , Criterion . 15 S 5 , Royal Commemoration , Holborn Restaurant . ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER . no :, St . Marvlebonc , Cafe Roya ' .
THURSDAY , MAY 7 . CRAFT LODGES . 10 " , Westminster and Keystone , Freemasons * Hall . 17 , Egyptian , Andertons' Hotel . 4 < , Strong Man , Guildhall Tavern . 231 , St . Andrew's , Freemasons' Hall . H 5 < , Excelsior , Royal Crystal Palace Hotel , nib , Macdonald , Surrey Masonic Hall .
12 S 8 , Finsburv Park , Cock Tavern , Highbury . 1361 , I'nited Strenjftli , Cafe Royal . 1425 , Hyde Park , The Westbourne . 1445 , Prince Leopold , Three Nmrs Hotel , Aldgate . 1724 , Kaisar-i-Hind , Cafe Royal . 1765 , Trinity College , i . r , Mandeville-place . 1790 , Old England , Masonic Hall . Thornton Heath . 1950 , Southgate , Railway Hotel , New Snutligate . ROYAL ARCH CHAPTERS .
6 , Friendship , Criterion . 1507 , Metropolitan , Anderton's Hotel . MARK LODGE . 197 , Studholme , 33 , Golden-square . FRIDAY , MAY 8 . CRAFT LODGES . 33 , Britannic , Freemasons' Hall . 134 , Caledonian , Ship and Turtle Tavern . 1602 , Sir Hugh Myddelton , Agricultural Hall . * 997 . Jolm Carpenter , Alhion Tavern . 2399 , Ordnance , Freemasons' Hall , Plumstead . 2552 , Stoke Newington , Stoke Newington Assembly Rooms .
ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER . 569 , Fitzroy , Head-quarters Hon . Artillery Company , City-rd KNIGHTS' TEMPLAR . 29 , Faith and Fidelity , Mark Masons' Hall .
SATURDAY MAY 9 . CRAFT LODGES . 173 , I'lurnix , Freemasons' Hall . 176 , Caveac , Albion Tavern . 1328 , Granite , Holborn Restaurant , 1685 , Giielpli , Ton 11 Hall Leyton . 1686 , Paxton , Surrey Masonic HaU . 2029 , King Solomon , Mark Masons' Hall . 220 O , Hendon , Midland Grand Hotel . 2579 , Lewisham , Parish Hall , Lewisham . ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER . 1297 , West Kent , Crystal Palace .
To Australia , New Zealand , Cape , Bombay , Mnilras , Calcutta , ' { iuiK <) Oii , C'liiim anil . bipati , River Plate , Brur . il , West imtics , West Coast ol Africa , and all parts of tlic world .
NDIA , £ 15 ISs . AUSTRALIA , £ 13 133
Through Fare , including New Ship's Outfit , Deck Chair , £ i 10 Good food and accommodation .
Third Class Fare to River Plato nnd Hrazilian Ports , £ 7 . INDIA . -Cheap fares all classes , 1 st class from £ 15 15 s . to £ 25 .
ppli / to T . & R . Brocklebank , 29 Leadenhall St ., London , E . C
. . s . A ,
PLANET BUILDINGSOCIETY, 7 , FINSBURY SQUIRE , LOXDON , K . C . Established IS 1-8 . Incorporated 1 S 75 . LIBERAL , ADVANCES OFl'EHED OX FREEHOLD AXD LEASEHOLD HOUSES AXD SHOPS ON THE BEST TERMS OF ANY LOXDOX SOCIETY ' . N . B . — MINIMUM LAW CHARGES . NOMINAL SURVEY FKES . MONKV READY . FREEDOM OF REDEM 1 * L'lOX . NON-LIABILITY OF MEMOEKS ( seo IhtiUlinp ; Societies' Act ) . MILLIONS STERLIXC ! CIRCULATED BY THIS SOCIETY ( onaljling Tenants to become Owners ) . ( A Commission of Cl ]> : * -r eent . paid to Introdiietors of new Customers ii ] iiin advances not exeecdiiifr , ITiOU , and 10 s . per cent , upon tbe amount in excess of , Co ( K ) upon any of tlie Society ' s scales uf monthly repayments ) . DEPOSITS AT . CH PER CKXT . IMOll ANNUM INTEREST . Directors meet every Friday . OHico hours 10 to -1- ; Saturdays 10 to 2 ; and ( i to 7 p . m . on lirst Wednesdays in each iiuinlli . Apply to—OSWALD R . GREEN , Secretary .
Office and Board-Eoom Furniture , AMERICAN DESKS , Bookcases , Turkey Carpets , Fireproof Safes . The largest Stock of Oilice Tables , Desks , Copying Presses . Fittings of every description , at W . H , TRAVERS' Warehouses CASTLE-STREET AXD ENDELL-STREET , LONG-ACRE , LONDON , W . C . Catalogues free . Established 1826 .
CANCER IS N 0 T INCUItABLK . An hupi'i'sMiii ) prevails Hint Cam-or U hicurnMf . Tliu menus < Ji \] inarilV n > - sorttM lo nre certainly rarely siuve > s |' ul ; lint in eases i . l' external cancer , wliere tlie llnd-on priieess * is : n 1 t > i > tc . I a eunijilele cure Kenerallv follows in a tew week ; -.. The routs uf the disease are mmiiUtMy eslrjivtwl wiUimil V \ M \ -Alion . I ' or external cancer ; i special c < mii » , uinl is prepared , which sometimes ctviitciito .- ( lie disc-iM ' . ht every cice it will alleviate the pain ami extend tile . Otwespoivdeiice is sulu-iti'd from ir ,.. * , ono interested . MR . HUDSON , 12 , York Buildings , John Street , Adelphi , London .
Bound in Cloth , Qilt Edges , Price 10 o . DR.SPARK'SLIBERMUSICUS. The Copyright of this valuable and useful Musical Work , which has for some time been ont of print , has been purchased by Bro . GEORGE KENNING , and is re-[ nb' . ished in the same attractive form as hitherto issued .
STILL&SPARKLINGH0CKS&MOSELLES KEMPF BROS ., L - % i ? ET £ ^ Purveyors to tho Royal Bavarian Court . Established 1840 . IKHENISH PALATINATE . ) Sole Agents-F . QUANDT & CO ., MARKET BUILDINGS , 29 , MINCING LANE , LONDON , E . C ,
r^^_WHELPTON'SVEGETABLEPURIFYINGPILLS W ^ J ^ w ^^ - ^ ^^ THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE , ^¦^ . Jij m y ^ f >« ^*~ * ' * ^ * " ^« ^^ Recommended for Headache , Bile , Indigestion , nnd Obstinate Constipation , ^ - » »« ^^ ¦ ^^ J U ^ I ffi li > ^* " ~* ' * * ^ * ^«^ a ' ' ' •' tt ' lemiin '' " ) nil ( ' "" SI * - ' " Dieases—these Pills being a ^^^^^*/iv'OvT""^^imt ^ ^ --^^ ** * O Ptf- ^ ^ ^* -- ^ _ PURIFIER OF THE WHELPTON'S ^ ^ "" ^ - ^^^ tf yTT "^ - ^ BL ° 0 D ' HEALINGOINTMENT^^^C ^4i\T/)/T"^^_ $ jjk Stands unrivalled for the cure of Cuts , Burns , ~ ^ - ^ ^^ " ^^ ii T \ Yf fy ^ * - ^ ^^ fgllLfe ^ , Bruises-, Ulcers , Sores , and all kinds of Skin Diseases . * " * " — . ^ ^^ ^ - / f ilt / TTl - * *"""" ""* ^ SC 5 Z 5 H = j' A Specilic for Eczema . ^ ^^ " < - ^ XjP A /^ lt Bums , Scalds , Gnte , fye ,, happen when lead expected—Be prepared . I „ ' ! " „ , , ^* * " ~ *'~ -- « ^ " * ¥ i J ' , * ll i ~ . , ... •*Mi'iliciiie t emlors nt ^ ^**« ^ _____ *^ L " ¦¦•s and Ointment are sold in Boxes , Price 7 w * d ., Is . Hd „ and 2 s 9 d bv ir i u i , <¦ i , ^ — *^ _ ' ' - " - " « » ° » » 2 * * - M ** " " ^ a « C 7 U ., uy Home anil Abroiul , nont fi * ou liy jiosfc ^^•- •^ ^ G . WHELPTON & SON , 3 , Crane Court , Fleet Street , London . | iu the United Kin ^ io ,,, f . ,,- 3 , JI , «»¦ 3 . 1 sinmiis . [ 0378