Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 5 of 5 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article BOHEMIAN CONCERT BY THE ST. JAMES'S UNION LODGE, No. 180. Page 1 of 1 Article The Craft Abroad. Page 1 of 2 →
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Craft Masonry.
second year , for he never performed the work so well as when he was called upon to give up the office . ,, , _ _„ r- ,,, Bro . Streeter , P . M ., answered for "The Past Masters , " and Bros . Elkin , S . W ., Rev . C . J . Smith , J . W ., and T . Simpson , Sec , for ' * The Officers . ' Bro . E . Sainsbury and Mr . Coyle sang several songs , but the great feature in this lodge is the part singing by all the brethren present .
Cordwainer Ward Lodge , No . 2241 . The brethren held their first meeting for the last year of the century at the Cannon-street Hotel , E . C , on the 17 th ult ., under the presidency of Bro . W . Bauer , W . M . The Secretary , Bro . H . Lovegrove , P . G . S . B ., announced the somewhat sudden also that
death of Bro . J . F . Hepburn , C . C ., one of the senior Past Masters , Bro . W . T . Buck was absent in consequence of the death of his wife and only sister . Ihe only business was the passing of Bro . Alban Bavnham ( nephew of Bro . Sir John Monckton , P . G . W . ) , who is about to leave for Africa with the Yeomanry . The brethren afterwards dined together .
Hiram Lodge , No . 2416 . The installation meeting was held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on the 24 th ult . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . S . Jackson , and after the reading of the minutes and some routine business , the W . M . elect . Bro . W . Henry White , was
duly installed by Bro . Henry Lovegrove , P . G . S . B . The officers were invested as follows : Bros . H . J . Pain , S . W . ; M . Garbutt , J . W . ; S . J ackson , I . P . M . ; F . R . Farrow , P . M ., Treas . ; H . Lovegrove , P . M ., P . G . S . B ., Sec . ; J . Merntt , S . D . ; F . W . Pearce , J . D . ; F . Tupper White , I . G . ; C . Bassett-Smith . D . C . ; Col . F . S . Leslie , R . E ., A . D . C . ; Lawrance and Herring , Stwds . ; and G . Austin , Tyler .
Other members present were Bros . F . A . Powell . P . P . S . G . W . Monmouth ; H . T . Bonner , P . M . ; G . Elkington , P . M . ; A . F . Wrightson , P . M . ; and W . West , P . M . ; the whole of the Past Masters being present ; Bros . A . Oliver , W . Heelis , E . Oito Sachs , R . G . Young , Gordon Hills , A . H . Coyle , J . Rush Dixon , W . A . Haskins , F . L . M . WaUh , and W . A . Woodington ; and there were also a number ot visitors present . The brethren dined at Freemisons Tavern . .
_ Bros . H . Lovegrove , P . G . S . B ., and John Reid , P . G . Std . Br ., responded for "The Grand Officers . " A jewel was presented to the retiring W . M . An excellent musical programme was given under the direction of Bro . John Read .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
Fidelity Chapter , No . 3 . A meeting of this chapter was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on the 5 th ult . Among those present were Comps . H . J . Lardner . P . Z . 1745 , P . P . G . Std . Br ., M . E . Z . ; Lieut .-Col . W . Hart , H ., M . E . Z . elect ; S . Cochrane , P . Z ., P . G . Treas ., H . elect , vice H . Nash , P . Z . ( deceased ); J . J . Birch , S . N ., J . elect ; W . J . Collins , P . Z ., P . P . G . S . N ., S . E . ; J . C . Pratt , P . S . ; A . B . bpawforth , ist A . S ; J . Cooper , 2 nd A . S . ; ] . C . Besch , Stwd . ; F . McDougall , P . Z . ; A . W . G . Weeks , P . Z ;; C . E . Birch , P . Z . ; W . Radcliffe , P . Z . ; Major T . C . Walls , P . Z ., P . D . G . D . C . England ; and C . W . Mapleton , I . P . Z .
The minutes of the last convocation were read and confirmed . Comp . H . J . Lardner , M . E . Z ., installed the Three Principals in a most admirable manner . A Past Piincipal ' s jewel was presented to him and a vote of thanks recorded on the minutes for his services as Installing Principil . The resignation of Comp . J . B . Stevens was received with regret . Apologies for non-attendance were received from Comps . f , Graves , P . Z . ; j . Heming , P . Z ., Treas . ; and others . The chapter was then closed , and a banquet followed . Ccmp . S . Cochrane responded on behalf of "The Grand Officers " in a neatlyworded speech .
The I . P . Z . then submitted the toast of "The M . E . Z . " He said that Comp . Col . Hait , who was exalted in the Fidelity Chapter in 1 SS 8 , had been a most regulir attendant , and had performed all the minor offices well . He had every reason to believe that in the position of First Principal he would merit the esteem and confidence of all the companions . . The M . E . Z . having replied then gave "The H . and J . " He said that their Second Principal had kindly stepped in to fill the place that would have been taken by their late respected Comp . Nash . The Fidelity Chapter regarded it as an honour to have a
Past Grand Treasurer of England holding a chair therein . Comp . Birch was a good worker in the Craft , and no doubt would do every justice to the position of J . This toast having been honoured the Second and Third Principals duly responded . The toast of "The Installing Prirxipal" followed . The M . E . Z . in submitting this toast spoke of the excellent working ot Comp . II . J . Lardner . Tney had all witnessed his efforts in the exaltation ceremony , but only a few had seen his working of installation . He hoped for many years that Comp . Lardner would live to be a member of No . 3 , as no companion was more highly respected . Comn . Lardner having responded in feeling terms ,
" The Health of the Visitors " followed , and was coupled with the names of Comps Eustace Anderson and H . Potter . This pledge having been drunk with enthusiasm , the companions mentioned re spec lively acknowledged the compliment . The toast of " The Past Principals" was coupled with the name of Comp . F McDougallwho replied .
, _ In submitting the teast of "The S . E . and Treasurer , " the M . E . Z . said that the chapter was under a debt ol great obligation to these old and respected members of No . 3 . Comp . Collens was one of the best Scribes that he had ever met , and as to Comp . Heming he was geniality personified . He regretted that the latter was not able to be present that evening . .,.,,,.. „ j , the toast behaf of himself and absent
Comp . Collens having acknowledged on ' colleagues , " The Health of the Officecs " terminated the proceedings . During the evening an excellent programme oi instruments and vocal musi ; was The M . E . Z . is to be congratulated on the success that attended his delnit as First Principal .
Fidelity Chapter , No . 441 . The half-yearly convocation of this chapter was held at the Lion Hotel , Cambridge , on Wednesday , the 24 th ult ., when the Principals were installed , and the officers invested as under : Comps . H . King , P Z ., P . P . G . S . N ., M . E . Z . ; J . F . Symonds , P . Z ., P G . S . N ., H . ; F . Dewberry , P . Z .. Piov . G . J ., J . ; S . H . Sharman , P . P . G . D . of C , I . P . Z . ; J . Sheldrick , P . Z ., P . P . G . R ., S . E . ; J . Vail , P . P . A . G . Soi ., S . N . and ist Miller
Treas . ; F . R . Leach , P . G . Std . Br ., P . S . ; G . R . Barnes , A . S . ; F . W . , 2 nd A . S . ; J . Royston , P . Z ., P . P . A . G . S ., D . of C . ; E . E . Ing and A . R . Jennings , Stwds . ; and A . F . O'C . Hurrv , Janitor . Several companions were unable to attend through indisposition . There was one candidate for exaltation . The work ot the P . S . was afterwards well done in conjunction with the First Principil by Comp . G . F . Knowles . The M . E . Z . gave the signs , Comp . Frank Piggott , Prov . G . H ., the symbolical lectureand Comp . B . Chennell , P . P . G . H .. the pedestal .
, After the transaction of other business , the companions adjourned to banquet , at the close of which the customary Masonic toasts were given .
Pattison Chapter , No . 913 . The above influential chapter held a convocation on Thursday , the iSth ult ., at Freemasons' Hall , Mount-pleasant , Plumstead , Comp . I . Turton , M . E Z ., presiding , who Mas supported by Comps . J . O . Cook , H . ; Dr . E . Bryceson , J . ; II . Turtoi , Scribe N . ; A . Penfold , L . C . C ., V . L ., P . Z . 13 , P . Z . M 7 ^ , P-G . H ., Treas . ; H . j .
Royal Arch.
Butter , P . Z ., P . P . G . S ., Scribe E . ; Busbridge , P . S . ; E . M . Taylor , ist A . S . ; Hammond , 2 nd A . S . ; H . Mason , P . Z .. P . P . G . S ., D . C ; R . J . Cook . P . Z ., P . P . G . R ., Stwd . ; E . B . Hohson , P . Z .. P . P . G . Org . ; G . F . Taylor , P . Z .. P . P . G . Org . ; G . R . Nichols , P . Z ., P . A . G . S . E . ; S . Horton , P . Z . ; C . Jolly , P . Z ., P . Z . 1472 , P Z . 2184 , P . P . G . S . B . Essex ; and others to the number of 40 . Bro . Hallam , of the Pattison Lodge , was exalted , the ritual being admirably worked
by the M . E . Z . and his colleagues . Comp . Turton is to be congratulated on his indefatigable work in the cause of Masonry , having only jnst installed his successor in the Saye and Sele Mark Lodge , where he was highly complimented on his admirable working . The banquet was served at the Royal Mortar Hotel , Woolwich , and was followed by a capital vocal and instrumental concert under the direction of Comp . Sydney Horton and Bro . Jefferson Nell , the latter of the Pattison Lodge .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
Mount Calvary Preceptory ( D ) . The installation meeting of this distinguished preceptory wis held at the Inns of Court Hotel , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , on the 12 th ultimo . Among those present were Sir Knights J . R . Carter , E . P . ; C . Horst , Constable ; Lieut .-Col . F . I . Stohwasser , P . G . S . B ., P . E . C ., Treas . ; Major T . C . Walls , P . G . C . G ., P . E . C ., Reg . ; Ubsdell , Marshal ; Fisher , Herald ; Capt . G . Carpenter , Std . Br . ; F . W . Driver , M . A ., P . E . P . ; H . J . Lardner , P . E . P . ; B . Stewart , P . E . P . ; C . Slater , P . E . P . ; and VV . Crombie . Sir Knight Nelson Prower , M . A ., P . E . P ., was a visitor .
1 he minutes of the previous preceptory having been read and confirmed , Sir Knight H . J . Lardner impressively installed Sir Knight C . Horst as E . P . The officers appointed and invested were Sir Knights F . F . Bonney and ] . R . Uosddl , Constables ; Lieut .-Col . Stohwasser , Treas . ; Major T . C . Walls , Reg . ; Haysom , Marshal ; Fisher , C . of the G . ; Capt . G . Carpenter , Herald ; Capt . Bertram and J . V . Sherrin , Std . Brs . ; W . Crombie , D . C . ; and Egbert Roberts , Org . A Past Preceptor ' s jewel was presented to Sir Knight J . R . Carter . A vote of thanks was passed to the Installing
Preceptor . The report of the Audit Committee was received and adopted . Apologies for non-attendance were received from Sir Knights G . Graveley , P . E . C . ; L . Steele , P . E . C . ; T . Wood , P . E . C ; VV . Maple , P . E . C ; the Rev . R . C . Fillingham , M . A ., P . E . C ; Capt . Bertram , H . Hills , J . P ., P . E . C . ; J . V . Sherrin , Egbert Roberts , and others . The resignation of Sir Knight H . Schartau was received with regret , after which the preceptory was closed . An excellent banquet followed .
Sir Knight Colonel Stohwasser responded on behalf of " The Officers of Great Priory . " The toast of "The Health of the E . P . " having been proposed , was warmly received .
The E . P . then gave " The Visitor . " In submitting the toast , he regretted that Sir Knight N . Prower had resigned the preceptory , of which he had been so many years a member . However , they were all glad to see him again , and looking so well . * - The toast was acknowledged . 'The Health of the Installing Preceptor " followed . In giving this pledge the E . P . expressed his personal indebtedness to Sir Knight H . J . Lardner for his kindness in
attending to perform the ceremony . This toast having been warmly drunk , the recipient briefly expressed his thanks . " The Past Preceptors , " " The Treasurer and Registrar , " and " The Officers " followed in quick succession , and these toasts having been respectively acknowledged , the proceedings terminated .
During the evening Sir Knight F . VV . Dnver contributed some original patriotic poems , which ere long will be published , and " The Absent-Minded Beggar " having been recited , resulted in the sum of if 5 S shillings being con'ributed to " The Dtilv Telegraph Fund . "
Bohemian Concert By The St. James's Union Lodge, No. 180.
The above concert , in aid of the Masonic Charities , was held in the Grand Hall of Freemasons' Tavern , on Friday , the 26 th ult . It was organised by the St . James ' s Union Lodge , which has ever been prominent in promoting the cause of Masonic Charity . Judging from the appearance of the Hall , which was crowded with the brethren , their lady and other friends , we imagine a goodly
sum was realised for the benefit of the three Institutions . It should be mentioned that the services of all the talented artistes were gratuitous . The Chairman was Bro . W . 0 . Parson , P . M ., Sec ; Vice-Chairmin , Bro . T . J . Dibley , P .. VI , Treas Musical Director , Bro . W . Wiight , P . M ., P . P . G . Org . Middx . ; and Bro . John Porter , Stage Manager .
The programme was a liberal one , in fact , larger than could be carried out . All the artistes exerted themselves to the utmost to please their audience , and their efforts were duly appreciated . Miss Marie Vagnolini sang , ; Dear Heart , " by M . ittei , and in answer to an encore , " Robert toi que j ' aime , " from " Robert le Diable , " by Meyerbeer ; " The Lost Chord , " by Sir Arthur Sullivan , was finely rendered by Miss Almi Jones ; Miss Ada Cleveland , A R . A . M ., in \ violin solo , " Souvenir de Haydn , " brilliant
variations on " The Hymn of the Emperor , " gave proof of her skilled execution ; Master Charles Potter , with x bright clear voice , gave "Beloved , it is Morn " F . Allitzen , with great feeling ; The old song , "My Sweetheart when a Boy , " Morgan , was sweetly sung by Mr . Robert Debonnaire ; a recitation , ¦ ' How the Colour was saved , " an episode in the Peninsular War , was delivered by Bro ,
Allan Bilby , with emphasis , tempered with discretion ; there was an excerpt fiom his original entertainment , given by Bro . R . A . Roberts , which was very amusing , as an encore he gave " Three Nice Girls , " a parody on " Tnree Blind Mice ; " Bro . ] . Porter related the adventures of " Geo . Giles , a bit of old Worcester , " an amusing sketch of which he is the author ; Mr . Frank Perceval afforded amusement by his ventriloquial sketch .
We have mentioned these few items of the entertainment , but all deserved commendation .
Just before the conclusion , Bro , J . Porter proposed a vote of thanks to the worthy Chairman , Bro . W . C . Parson , P . M ., Sec . 180 , which was carried unanimously . " God save the Queen " brought an enjoyable and successful evening to a close .
The Craft Abroad.
The Craft Abroad .
Christchurch Lodge , No . 91 . The installation meeting of the above lodge , under the Grand Lodge of New Zealand took place at Freemisons' Hall , Christchurcn , on November 2 Sth last , the new VV . M . ' being Bro . A . C . Andrews . From the opening of the lodge by Bro . S . C Bingham , VV . M ., and after the minutes had been confirmed , the immense and imposing array of visitors from the district , wearing collars and jewels of office in their respective lodges were with sundry visitors admitted , the time occupied therewith being nearly two hours ! Thus it will be gathered that visits " in state " were numerous , and furnishes proof of the growing popularity and attainments of the lodge , which entered 01 the last year Qf its first symbolical period of " seven" years ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
second year , for he never performed the work so well as when he was called upon to give up the office . ,, , _ _„ r- ,,, Bro . Streeter , P . M ., answered for "The Past Masters , " and Bros . Elkin , S . W ., Rev . C . J . Smith , J . W ., and T . Simpson , Sec , for ' * The Officers . ' Bro . E . Sainsbury and Mr . Coyle sang several songs , but the great feature in this lodge is the part singing by all the brethren present .
Cordwainer Ward Lodge , No . 2241 . The brethren held their first meeting for the last year of the century at the Cannon-street Hotel , E . C , on the 17 th ult ., under the presidency of Bro . W . Bauer , W . M . The Secretary , Bro . H . Lovegrove , P . G . S . B ., announced the somewhat sudden also that
death of Bro . J . F . Hepburn , C . C ., one of the senior Past Masters , Bro . W . T . Buck was absent in consequence of the death of his wife and only sister . Ihe only business was the passing of Bro . Alban Bavnham ( nephew of Bro . Sir John Monckton , P . G . W . ) , who is about to leave for Africa with the Yeomanry . The brethren afterwards dined together .
Hiram Lodge , No . 2416 . The installation meeting was held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on the 24 th ult . The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . S . Jackson , and after the reading of the minutes and some routine business , the W . M . elect . Bro . W . Henry White , was
duly installed by Bro . Henry Lovegrove , P . G . S . B . The officers were invested as follows : Bros . H . J . Pain , S . W . ; M . Garbutt , J . W . ; S . J ackson , I . P . M . ; F . R . Farrow , P . M ., Treas . ; H . Lovegrove , P . M ., P . G . S . B ., Sec . ; J . Merntt , S . D . ; F . W . Pearce , J . D . ; F . Tupper White , I . G . ; C . Bassett-Smith . D . C . ; Col . F . S . Leslie , R . E ., A . D . C . ; Lawrance and Herring , Stwds . ; and G . Austin , Tyler .
Other members present were Bros . F . A . Powell . P . P . S . G . W . Monmouth ; H . T . Bonner , P . M . ; G . Elkington , P . M . ; A . F . Wrightson , P . M . ; and W . West , P . M . ; the whole of the Past Masters being present ; Bros . A . Oliver , W . Heelis , E . Oito Sachs , R . G . Young , Gordon Hills , A . H . Coyle , J . Rush Dixon , W . A . Haskins , F . L . M . WaUh , and W . A . Woodington ; and there were also a number ot visitors present . The brethren dined at Freemisons Tavern . .
_ Bros . H . Lovegrove , P . G . S . B ., and John Reid , P . G . Std . Br ., responded for "The Grand Officers . " A jewel was presented to the retiring W . M . An excellent musical programme was given under the direction of Bro . John Read .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
Fidelity Chapter , No . 3 . A meeting of this chapter was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on the 5 th ult . Among those present were Comps . H . J . Lardner . P . Z . 1745 , P . P . G . Std . Br ., M . E . Z . ; Lieut .-Col . W . Hart , H ., M . E . Z . elect ; S . Cochrane , P . Z ., P . G . Treas ., H . elect , vice H . Nash , P . Z . ( deceased ); J . J . Birch , S . N ., J . elect ; W . J . Collins , P . Z ., P . P . G . S . N ., S . E . ; J . C . Pratt , P . S . ; A . B . bpawforth , ist A . S ; J . Cooper , 2 nd A . S . ; ] . C . Besch , Stwd . ; F . McDougall , P . Z . ; A . W . G . Weeks , P . Z ;; C . E . Birch , P . Z . ; W . Radcliffe , P . Z . ; Major T . C . Walls , P . Z ., P . D . G . D . C . England ; and C . W . Mapleton , I . P . Z .
The minutes of the last convocation were read and confirmed . Comp . H . J . Lardner , M . E . Z ., installed the Three Principals in a most admirable manner . A Past Piincipal ' s jewel was presented to him and a vote of thanks recorded on the minutes for his services as Installing Principil . The resignation of Comp . J . B . Stevens was received with regret . Apologies for non-attendance were received from Comps . f , Graves , P . Z . ; j . Heming , P . Z ., Treas . ; and others . The chapter was then closed , and a banquet followed . Ccmp . S . Cochrane responded on behalf of "The Grand Officers " in a neatlyworded speech .
The I . P . Z . then submitted the toast of "The M . E . Z . " He said that Comp . Col . Hait , who was exalted in the Fidelity Chapter in 1 SS 8 , had been a most regulir attendant , and had performed all the minor offices well . He had every reason to believe that in the position of First Principal he would merit the esteem and confidence of all the companions . . The M . E . Z . having replied then gave "The H . and J . " He said that their Second Principal had kindly stepped in to fill the place that would have been taken by their late respected Comp . Nash . The Fidelity Chapter regarded it as an honour to have a
Past Grand Treasurer of England holding a chair therein . Comp . Birch was a good worker in the Craft , and no doubt would do every justice to the position of J . This toast having been honoured the Second and Third Principals duly responded . The toast of "The Installing Prirxipal" followed . The M . E . Z . in submitting this toast spoke of the excellent working ot Comp . II . J . Lardner . Tney had all witnessed his efforts in the exaltation ceremony , but only a few had seen his working of installation . He hoped for many years that Comp . Lardner would live to be a member of No . 3 , as no companion was more highly respected . Comn . Lardner having responded in feeling terms ,
" The Health of the Visitors " followed , and was coupled with the names of Comps Eustace Anderson and H . Potter . This pledge having been drunk with enthusiasm , the companions mentioned re spec lively acknowledged the compliment . The toast of " The Past Principals" was coupled with the name of Comp . F McDougallwho replied .
, _ In submitting the teast of "The S . E . and Treasurer , " the M . E . Z . said that the chapter was under a debt ol great obligation to these old and respected members of No . 3 . Comp . Collens was one of the best Scribes that he had ever met , and as to Comp . Heming he was geniality personified . He regretted that the latter was not able to be present that evening . .,.,,,.. „ j , the toast behaf of himself and absent
Comp . Collens having acknowledged on ' colleagues , " The Health of the Officecs " terminated the proceedings . During the evening an excellent programme oi instruments and vocal musi ; was The M . E . Z . is to be congratulated on the success that attended his delnit as First Principal .
Fidelity Chapter , No . 441 . The half-yearly convocation of this chapter was held at the Lion Hotel , Cambridge , on Wednesday , the 24 th ult ., when the Principals were installed , and the officers invested as under : Comps . H . King , P Z ., P . P . G . S . N ., M . E . Z . ; J . F . Symonds , P . Z ., P G . S . N ., H . ; F . Dewberry , P . Z .. Piov . G . J ., J . ; S . H . Sharman , P . P . G . D . of C , I . P . Z . ; J . Sheldrick , P . Z ., P . P . G . R ., S . E . ; J . Vail , P . P . A . G . Soi ., S . N . and ist Miller
Treas . ; F . R . Leach , P . G . Std . Br ., P . S . ; G . R . Barnes , A . S . ; F . W . , 2 nd A . S . ; J . Royston , P . Z ., P . P . A . G . S ., D . of C . ; E . E . Ing and A . R . Jennings , Stwds . ; and A . F . O'C . Hurrv , Janitor . Several companions were unable to attend through indisposition . There was one candidate for exaltation . The work ot the P . S . was afterwards well done in conjunction with the First Principil by Comp . G . F . Knowles . The M . E . Z . gave the signs , Comp . Frank Piggott , Prov . G . H ., the symbolical lectureand Comp . B . Chennell , P . P . G . H .. the pedestal .
, After the transaction of other business , the companions adjourned to banquet , at the close of which the customary Masonic toasts were given .
Pattison Chapter , No . 913 . The above influential chapter held a convocation on Thursday , the iSth ult ., at Freemasons' Hall , Mount-pleasant , Plumstead , Comp . I . Turton , M . E Z ., presiding , who Mas supported by Comps . J . O . Cook , H . ; Dr . E . Bryceson , J . ; II . Turtoi , Scribe N . ; A . Penfold , L . C . C ., V . L ., P . Z . 13 , P . Z . M 7 ^ , P-G . H ., Treas . ; H . j .
Royal Arch.
Butter , P . Z ., P . P . G . S ., Scribe E . ; Busbridge , P . S . ; E . M . Taylor , ist A . S . ; Hammond , 2 nd A . S . ; H . Mason , P . Z .. P . P . G . S ., D . C ; R . J . Cook . P . Z ., P . P . G . R ., Stwd . ; E . B . Hohson , P . Z .. P . P . G . Org . ; G . F . Taylor , P . Z .. P . P . G . Org . ; G . R . Nichols , P . Z ., P . A . G . S . E . ; S . Horton , P . Z . ; C . Jolly , P . Z ., P . Z . 1472 , P Z . 2184 , P . P . G . S . B . Essex ; and others to the number of 40 . Bro . Hallam , of the Pattison Lodge , was exalted , the ritual being admirably worked
by the M . E . Z . and his colleagues . Comp . Turton is to be congratulated on his indefatigable work in the cause of Masonry , having only jnst installed his successor in the Saye and Sele Mark Lodge , where he was highly complimented on his admirable working . The banquet was served at the Royal Mortar Hotel , Woolwich , and was followed by a capital vocal and instrumental concert under the direction of Comp . Sydney Horton and Bro . Jefferson Nell , the latter of the Pattison Lodge .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
Mount Calvary Preceptory ( D ) . The installation meeting of this distinguished preceptory wis held at the Inns of Court Hotel , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , on the 12 th ultimo . Among those present were Sir Knights J . R . Carter , E . P . ; C . Horst , Constable ; Lieut .-Col . F . I . Stohwasser , P . G . S . B ., P . E . C ., Treas . ; Major T . C . Walls , P . G . C . G ., P . E . C ., Reg . ; Ubsdell , Marshal ; Fisher , Herald ; Capt . G . Carpenter , Std . Br . ; F . W . Driver , M . A ., P . E . P . ; H . J . Lardner , P . E . P . ; B . Stewart , P . E . P . ; C . Slater , P . E . P . ; and VV . Crombie . Sir Knight Nelson Prower , M . A ., P . E . P ., was a visitor .
1 he minutes of the previous preceptory having been read and confirmed , Sir Knight H . J . Lardner impressively installed Sir Knight C . Horst as E . P . The officers appointed and invested were Sir Knights F . F . Bonney and ] . R . Uosddl , Constables ; Lieut .-Col . Stohwasser , Treas . ; Major T . C . Walls , Reg . ; Haysom , Marshal ; Fisher , C . of the G . ; Capt . G . Carpenter , Herald ; Capt . Bertram and J . V . Sherrin , Std . Brs . ; W . Crombie , D . C . ; and Egbert Roberts , Org . A Past Preceptor ' s jewel was presented to Sir Knight J . R . Carter . A vote of thanks was passed to the Installing
Preceptor . The report of the Audit Committee was received and adopted . Apologies for non-attendance were received from Sir Knights G . Graveley , P . E . C . ; L . Steele , P . E . C . ; T . Wood , P . E . C ; VV . Maple , P . E . C ; the Rev . R . C . Fillingham , M . A ., P . E . C ; Capt . Bertram , H . Hills , J . P ., P . E . C . ; J . V . Sherrin , Egbert Roberts , and others . The resignation of Sir Knight H . Schartau was received with regret , after which the preceptory was closed . An excellent banquet followed .
Sir Knight Colonel Stohwasser responded on behalf of " The Officers of Great Priory . " The toast of "The Health of the E . P . " having been proposed , was warmly received .
The E . P . then gave " The Visitor . " In submitting the toast , he regretted that Sir Knight N . Prower had resigned the preceptory , of which he had been so many years a member . However , they were all glad to see him again , and looking so well . * - The toast was acknowledged . 'The Health of the Installing Preceptor " followed . In giving this pledge the E . P . expressed his personal indebtedness to Sir Knight H . J . Lardner for his kindness in
attending to perform the ceremony . This toast having been warmly drunk , the recipient briefly expressed his thanks . " The Past Preceptors , " " The Treasurer and Registrar , " and " The Officers " followed in quick succession , and these toasts having been respectively acknowledged , the proceedings terminated .
During the evening Sir Knight F . VV . Dnver contributed some original patriotic poems , which ere long will be published , and " The Absent-Minded Beggar " having been recited , resulted in the sum of if 5 S shillings being con'ributed to " The Dtilv Telegraph Fund . "
Bohemian Concert By The St. James's Union Lodge, No. 180.
The above concert , in aid of the Masonic Charities , was held in the Grand Hall of Freemasons' Tavern , on Friday , the 26 th ult . It was organised by the St . James ' s Union Lodge , which has ever been prominent in promoting the cause of Masonic Charity . Judging from the appearance of the Hall , which was crowded with the brethren , their lady and other friends , we imagine a goodly
sum was realised for the benefit of the three Institutions . It should be mentioned that the services of all the talented artistes were gratuitous . The Chairman was Bro . W . 0 . Parson , P . M ., Sec ; Vice-Chairmin , Bro . T . J . Dibley , P .. VI , Treas Musical Director , Bro . W . Wiight , P . M ., P . P . G . Org . Middx . ; and Bro . John Porter , Stage Manager .
The programme was a liberal one , in fact , larger than could be carried out . All the artistes exerted themselves to the utmost to please their audience , and their efforts were duly appreciated . Miss Marie Vagnolini sang , ; Dear Heart , " by M . ittei , and in answer to an encore , " Robert toi que j ' aime , " from " Robert le Diable , " by Meyerbeer ; " The Lost Chord , " by Sir Arthur Sullivan , was finely rendered by Miss Almi Jones ; Miss Ada Cleveland , A R . A . M ., in \ violin solo , " Souvenir de Haydn , " brilliant
variations on " The Hymn of the Emperor , " gave proof of her skilled execution ; Master Charles Potter , with x bright clear voice , gave "Beloved , it is Morn " F . Allitzen , with great feeling ; The old song , "My Sweetheart when a Boy , " Morgan , was sweetly sung by Mr . Robert Debonnaire ; a recitation , ¦ ' How the Colour was saved , " an episode in the Peninsular War , was delivered by Bro ,
Allan Bilby , with emphasis , tempered with discretion ; there was an excerpt fiom his original entertainment , given by Bro . R . A . Roberts , which was very amusing , as an encore he gave " Three Nice Girls , " a parody on " Tnree Blind Mice ; " Bro . ] . Porter related the adventures of " Geo . Giles , a bit of old Worcester , " an amusing sketch of which he is the author ; Mr . Frank Perceval afforded amusement by his ventriloquial sketch .
We have mentioned these few items of the entertainment , but all deserved commendation .
Just before the conclusion , Bro , J . Porter proposed a vote of thanks to the worthy Chairman , Bro . W . C . Parson , P . M ., Sec . 180 , which was carried unanimously . " God save the Queen " brought an enjoyable and successful evening to a close .
The Craft Abroad.
The Craft Abroad .
Christchurch Lodge , No . 91 . The installation meeting of the above lodge , under the Grand Lodge of New Zealand took place at Freemisons' Hall , Christchurcn , on November 2 Sth last , the new VV . M . ' being Bro . A . C . Andrews . From the opening of the lodge by Bro . S . C Bingham , VV . M ., and after the minutes had been confirmed , the immense and imposing array of visitors from the district , wearing collars and jewels of office in their respective lodges were with sundry visitors admitted , the time occupied therewith being nearly two hours ! Thus it will be gathered that visits " in state " were numerous , and furnishes proof of the growing popularity and attainments of the lodge , which entered 01 the last year Qf its first symbolical period of " seven" years ,