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Ladies' Banquet And Dance Of The Eccleston Lodge, No. 1624.
Bros E . B ADDKRLY , S . W ., and W . J . HELLYAR , P . M ., J . W ., having suitably acknowled ged the toast , the W . M . gave " The Ladies and Visitors , " and said he considered it a very great honour to propose this toast . There was no lodge in London or England that had greater pleasure in receiving the ladies and visitors , for the Eccleston was one of the first to invite -ladies . Nothing gave rrreater p leasure to a Mason than to be able to have his lady friends with him to take some little part in their proceedings . If the ladies could only participate in . 1— Ksriniipt there was some amount of satisfaction even in that .
Bro . E . NICE , S . D ., on behalf of the ladies expressed their thanks . He carded these annual assemblies as milestones in their life and its journey . Perhaps as a single man they would consider he had spent a very lonely journey , but these meetings really constituted an important part in their life . The young people engaged in the dance found their steps suited and others followed , for often they found that their hearts also beat in unison . Bros . REDFERN , P . M . ; WOODROW , P . M . ; DEACON , P . M . ; and W . BATES ,
P . M . ; rep lied for the visitors . A short interval followed , during which Miss Mayes rendered several songs in pleasing manner and excellent style , and Bro . Field proved himself a valuable acquisition to the lodge with baritone songs . Dancing was then commenced , with Bro . C . Longworth as M . C ., and was enjoyed with zest until the small hours of the morning were well advanced . Great credit is due to the W . M ., Stewards , and especially the Secretary , Bro . Smith , P . M ., for the excellent arrangements which conduced to a brilliant success .
Bro. And Mrs. James Stephens's "At Home."
In celebration of his 50 th birthday , Bro . Jamss Stephen , P . D . G . D . C , invited a large number of friends to an " At Home" at the Frascati Restaurant , Oxford-street , W ., on the 23 rd ult . The guests—who numbered about 160—included a large proportion of brethren well known in the Craft , and for this reason it was almost a Masonic event , and testified to the popularity and genialty of the host and hostess . A sumptuous banquet was served in the large hill , during which the salon orchestra discoursed sweet music . " The Queen " was afterwards loyally honoured and the National Anthem
sung , Bro . Sir J B . MONCKTON , P . G . W ., in felicitous terms proposed "The Host and Hostess , " and said it was without doubt the evening ' s toast . Most people said— "the toast of the evening "—but he wished to put a little glamour and lustre about it . They all knew the reason for this assembly . It was that
their young friend had arrived at his happy half hundred . That was why they were there and their worthy and distinguished friend hoped to be present for the next half century . He would not himself say he expected to be able to attend , but he would endeavour to come up if he could . He would ask them all to rise and drink the health of their dear friend , James Stephens , and wish him " Many happy returns of the day , " in the words of the melody they had just heard ..
Bro . J AMES STEPHENS , P . D . G . D . C , on behalf of his wife and himself , said they were delighted and honoured at seeing such a goodly number of friends around them . They were proud beyond description that two as humble as themselves should be held in such estimation . There were many present who knew him as a boy and when he reflected that he was then a weak stripling , hewas thankful to have been spared for 50 years . . He thanked Providence that he
had prospered in life . He took unto himself a wife 25 years ago when he was not then the hale hearty man he now was , but he had received kind , tender and loving nursing at her hands . They were delighted to see so many present and greeted them most heartily . He had to limit his invitations , and only the previous day he had 18 disappointments , owing to illness . It was to him a great honour to have their dear friend , Sir John B . Monckton , with them , for he had
made personal sacrifice to be present . He wished to give 50 guineas to some charity and should give it to the Royal Female Orphanage , with which Sir John Monckton was connected . He gave it in the name of his niece . He hoped they would all go away with pleasant recollections of his 50 th birthday . Bro . W . H . BAILEY , P . G . Treas ., proposed "The Ladies , " to which Bro . CYRIL SIMS—who is just off to South Africa—responded .
A choice concert was then provided in the Rothesay Room , in which the following artistes assisted : Miss Annie Bartle , Miss Emily Foxcroft , Mr . Wills Page , and Mr . Broughton Black ; sleight of hand , Mr . Alfred O . Clark ; pianist , Mr . H . L . Cooke .
A dance was . speedily in full swing in the large hall , where Messrs . B . Carter , W . Godson , ] . Hutton Hayler , and Cyril Sims acted as M . Cs . Midnight had chimed before the guests began to depart from what was unanimously agreed to be a most successful and enjoyable evening . The company included Bro . and Mrs . Jas . Stephens ; Bro . Sir Jno . Monckton ,
Bro . and Mrs . A . Ritchie ; Bro , and Mrs . H . W . Davie ; Bro . and Mrs . James Terry ; Bro . and Mrs . J . M . McLeod ; Bro . and Mrs . W . J . Mason ; Bro ., Mrs ., and Miss Dearing ; Bro . and Mrs . J . J . Thomas ; Bro . and Mrs . Schuler ; Bro . and Mrs . J . Speller ; Bro . and > lrs . W . Thomas ; Bro . and Mrs . B . Carter ; Bro . and Mrs . J . H . Haylorj Bro . and Mrs . G . A . Sims ; Bro . J . W . Morrell , and many others .
Consecration Of The Lodge L'Entente Cordiale, No. 2796.
As is known , there has been in existence for a number of years , several Metropolitan lodges working , with the special tolerance of the Grand Lodge of England , the English ritual in a foreign tongue . The membership naturally appeals to a limited number of brethren , and amongst such lodges is the Lodge La France , No . 206 i , the visitors to which very often exceed
the regular members . The working there has always been conducted with the minutest accurracy and impressiveness by the successive Worshipful Masters ; it being often remarked that the beauty and fineness of the ceremony were all the more apparent in the translation , Bro . II . Buc ( of Christ ' s Hospital ) , P . G . Std . Br ., having devoted many years of his life to that task .
As to the Lodge La Frar . cc itself , a tacit by-law is in existence , according to which Frenchmen , and only those having fulfilled the military obligations in their own country , are eligible for membership , so that visitors and friends of the lodge have at various times expressed their regret at being debarred from joining . In order to mett their wishes there has been called into life a new lodge , in which all nationalities can meet , but the business of which is to be transacted in French . It is L'Entente Cordiale , No . 2706 .
Consecration Of The Lodge L'Entente Cordiale, No. 2796.
On Tuesday last the consecration took place at the Regent Masonic Hall , the Consecrating Officers being Bros . E . Letchworth , G . Secretary ; Major J . -W . Woodall , P . G . T ., as S . W . ; Ernest St . Clair , P . A . G . D . C , as J . W . ; the Rev . Canon Brownrigg , P . G . C ., as Chap . ; Frank Richardson , P . G . D ., as D . of C . ; and J . M . McLeod , P . G . S . B ., Sec . R . M . I . B ., as I . G .
The Grand Secretary , with his well-known and impressive manner , performed the usual ceremony of consecration , and subsequently installed the W . M ., Bro . Captain Henri Mondehare , P . M . 2060 , who in his turn appointed and invested his officers—after the election as Treasurer of Bro . Imre Kiralfy , P . M . 2581 , P . A . G . D . C . —for the ensuing year as follows
Bros . Edouard Roehrich , W . M . 27 S 9 , S . W . ; Jules Oppenheim , W . M . 2060 , J . W . ; Leon Clere , P . M . 2060 , Secretary ; Dr . F . Pocock , P . M . 2030 , P . D . G . D . C , S . D . ; A . Berthoud , 231 , J . D . ; D . D . Bril , 2060 , I . G . j Henry Garrard , P . M . 188 , D . C . ; Harold A . Smith , P . M . 222 , and C . E . Hauvette , 20 C 0 , Stewards ; and Edward Cutler , Q . C ., P . G . Organist , Organist .
Besides the officers , the following brethren are founders of the new lodge : Bros . St . Barlet , P . M . 2060 , I . P . M . ; Charles D . Hoblyn , P . M . 231 , P . G . S . B . ; H . Buu , P . M . 2 c 63 , P . G . Std . Br . ; D . De Lara-Cohen , P . M . 29 ; Germain Colladon , P . M . 34 ; John F . Saunders , P . M . 1507 ; Dr . R . Poulter , P . M . 1693 ; C Mottu , 34 ; Alfr . Duchu , 1691 ; and Edg . Duche , 1691 .
To the founders has bsen given a Masonic jewel bearing on an enamelled centre the Angel of Universal Peace standing on a globe and holding in one hand an olive branch and in the other a laurel wreath . Upon the ribbon is a clasp with the motto of the Lodge L'Entente Cordiale , " Mon Devoir . " Before the W . M . closed the lodge , several gentlemen were proposed as candidates for initiation and many brethren as joining members .
At the conclusion of a splendid banquet in the Great Hall of the Cafe Royal , the customary loyal toasts were proposed and received hearty recognition . Bro . W . J . Dyer , 2030 , presided at the piano , and conducted the enthusiastic singing of the National Anthem . Many other toasts were well proposed and cordially replied to , the whole proceedings betokening success and prosperity .
The concert which followed , was contributed by many excellent artists , amongst whom were the Misses Louise and Jeanne Douste de Forbes , who admirably rendered the first scene of " Hansel and Gretel ; " the clever Welsh mezzo-soprano , Miss Edith Denorben ; the violinist , Charles Schilsky ; and the tenor , Mr . Murri Moncrieff . A special word of praise is to be accorded to the clever American actress , Miss Baverly Silgreaves , who
exceedingly well imitated Sarah Bernhardt , and recited in a spirited manner " The Absent-Minded Beggar . " Amidst the applause of the assembled brethren Miss Silgreaves madea " whip " round the tables , collecting £ S 8 s ., which , together with the ^ 10 10 s . voted by the lodge , brings up the contribution to the Soldiers' Widows' and Orphans' Fund to £ 18 iSs . By special request Bro . Henry Neville , P . A . G . D . C , the favourite of several generations , recited , and Bro . K . L . Lefevre sung some French songs .
Besides the brethren already mentioned , the visitors included Bros , A . Smith , P . M . 355 , P . J . G . W . ; J . R . Dunlop , P . G . Std . Br . ; C . Belton , P . D . G . D . C . ; J . Speller , P . P . G . D . Essex ; J . J . Lamigeon , P . G . Std . Br . Surrey ; L . Seve , Rose Croix , Belg ., and J . D . Langston , P . D . G . D . C .
Fifth Annual Ladies' Night Of The Lion And Lamb Lodge, No. 192.
Once again it is our privilege- and very great pleasure to report a most successful and enjoyable evening , spent by the ladies and gentlemen friends of the brethren and members of this old established lodge , on the 18 th ult ., at Cannon-street Hotel . The reception was timed for 5 . 30 , when the W . M ., Bro . John G . Robeson , ably supported by his sister , Mrs . Crook , was at his post to receive the guests ,
and at six o clock , the band commencing a lively waltz tune , the company lost no time , but at once started tripping the light fantastic toe , and kept it up without any flagging until soon after eight , when supper was announced as ready . An adjournment was accordingly made to the Pillar Hall , where a wellarranged and enjoyable supper was served up , in keeping with the traditions of this well-known hostelry .
As usual on these occasions the toast list was of a very brief character , con . sisting only of " The Queen , " "The Ladies , " and "The W . M . " The company returned as speedily as possible to the Great Hall , when dancing was resumed , and kept up with great spirit and enjoyment until 11 . 4 s , the proceedings concluding with the playing and singing ot " God save the Queen . "
The company present , numbering 150 , included Bro . John G . Robeson , W . M . ; Mr . and Mrs . Crook ; Mr . and Mrs . Hyde ; Bro . E . and Mrs . Windsor ; Bro . W . and Mrs . Windsor ; Mr . and Mrs . A . E . Jackson ; Bro . A . and Mrs . Windsor ; Mr . and Mrs . G . Duggua ; Miss Plumb ; Bro . Miller ; Bro . William Baker , I . P . M . ; Mrs ., Miss , and Mr . G . K . Baker ; Miss Newman ; Mr . E . Coote ; Bro . John Morris ; Bro . Cohu , P . M ., Treas ., and Mrs . Cohu ; Miss Lea ; Bro . T . Stokes , S . W ., and Mrs . Stokes ; Mr . II . L . and Miss Beamish ; Bro .
A . Fergussan , J . W ., and Mrs . Fergusson ; Bro ., Mrs ., and MissBrough ; Mr . and Miss Bird ; Bro . T . Fergusson ; Mr . Schrier and Miss L . Fergusson ; Miss and Miss E . Fergusson ; Bro . James Smith , P . M ., Sec . ; Bro . A . J . Kippin , J . D , and Mrs . Rippin ; Bro . A . P . and Mrs . MacLarty ; Bro . Neil MacLarty ; Mist A . Dowling ; Bro . and Mrs . Creech ; Bro . C . and Mrs . Sienesi ; Mr . and Mrs . E . Sienesi ; Bro . and Mrs . Gould ; Bro . G . Wetton ; Bro . and Mrs . A . Rymer ; Bro . J J . Bassett ; Bro . F . Hughes , P . M ., and Mrs . Hughes ; tiro . J . Speller , P . M ., and
Mrs . Speller ; Mr . R . Speller ; Bro . Tyler and Misses D . and L . Tyler ; Mr . and Mrs . Price ; Mr . Bruce ; Bro . C . Carton , P . M ., Mrs . and Miss Carton ; Bro . and Mrs . Lockett ; Bro . Fishleigh ; Mr . and Mrs . J . Bishop ; Bro . and Mrs . J . Collins ; Mr . and Mrs . Martin ; Mr . T . Simpson ; Miss Davis ; Bro . II . J . Gibbs ; Bro . H . J . and Miss Jackson ; Mr . E . Collins ; Miss and Miss E . Collins ; Bro . Farr ; Miss Morgan ; Mr . and Mrs . E . Peachey ; Mr . and Mrs . Woodhouse ; Bro . and Mrs ,
Lloyd ; Bro . S . and Mrs . Rippin , Mr . W . (' .. Rippin , Misses F . and M . Rippin ; Miss F . Jennings ; Miss Mansfield ; Mr . and Mrs . A . Shcphard ; Mr . II , A . Jones ; Bro . Crawshaw ; Bro . II . Williams ; Mr . F . R . and Miss K . E . Williams ; Mr . 1 . W . and Miss M . L . Williams ; Mr . P . R . Carter ; Miss Johnson ; Miss Kirby ; Mr . Smart ; MitsHauley ; Mr . and Mrs . Cohen ; Miss Bull ; Mr . and Mrs . Goulding ; Mr . and Mrs . M . Cohen ; Bro . and Mrs . Fisher ; Bro . Ward ; Bro . and Mrs . Bamford ; Mr . and Mrs . Copper ; Mrs . Tipler ; Mr . R . and Mrs . Bell ; Mr . H . R . Thompson ; Mr . Mein ; Bro . T . Davies ; Mrs . H . Fletcher ; Bro . Leach ; and Bro . Prevost .
THE FOLLOWING BULLETIN regarding the Duke of Argyll ' s health was issued on Wednesday i " Ihe Duke of Argyll is recovering from his illness , and is now able to leave his room . No more bulletins will be issued . " On Saturday la ^ t , Mi . Walter Cimpbell , of Innischonnan , arrived at Inveraray Castle .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ladies' Banquet And Dance Of The Eccleston Lodge, No. 1624.
Bros E . B ADDKRLY , S . W ., and W . J . HELLYAR , P . M ., J . W ., having suitably acknowled ged the toast , the W . M . gave " The Ladies and Visitors , " and said he considered it a very great honour to propose this toast . There was no lodge in London or England that had greater pleasure in receiving the ladies and visitors , for the Eccleston was one of the first to invite -ladies . Nothing gave rrreater p leasure to a Mason than to be able to have his lady friends with him to take some little part in their proceedings . If the ladies could only participate in . 1— Ksriniipt there was some amount of satisfaction even in that .
Bro . E . NICE , S . D ., on behalf of the ladies expressed their thanks . He carded these annual assemblies as milestones in their life and its journey . Perhaps as a single man they would consider he had spent a very lonely journey , but these meetings really constituted an important part in their life . The young people engaged in the dance found their steps suited and others followed , for often they found that their hearts also beat in unison . Bros . REDFERN , P . M . ; WOODROW , P . M . ; DEACON , P . M . ; and W . BATES ,
P . M . ; rep lied for the visitors . A short interval followed , during which Miss Mayes rendered several songs in pleasing manner and excellent style , and Bro . Field proved himself a valuable acquisition to the lodge with baritone songs . Dancing was then commenced , with Bro . C . Longworth as M . C ., and was enjoyed with zest until the small hours of the morning were well advanced . Great credit is due to the W . M ., Stewards , and especially the Secretary , Bro . Smith , P . M ., for the excellent arrangements which conduced to a brilliant success .
Bro. And Mrs. James Stephens's "At Home."
In celebration of his 50 th birthday , Bro . Jamss Stephen , P . D . G . D . C , invited a large number of friends to an " At Home" at the Frascati Restaurant , Oxford-street , W ., on the 23 rd ult . The guests—who numbered about 160—included a large proportion of brethren well known in the Craft , and for this reason it was almost a Masonic event , and testified to the popularity and genialty of the host and hostess . A sumptuous banquet was served in the large hill , during which the salon orchestra discoursed sweet music . " The Queen " was afterwards loyally honoured and the National Anthem
sung , Bro . Sir J B . MONCKTON , P . G . W ., in felicitous terms proposed "The Host and Hostess , " and said it was without doubt the evening ' s toast . Most people said— "the toast of the evening "—but he wished to put a little glamour and lustre about it . They all knew the reason for this assembly . It was that
their young friend had arrived at his happy half hundred . That was why they were there and their worthy and distinguished friend hoped to be present for the next half century . He would not himself say he expected to be able to attend , but he would endeavour to come up if he could . He would ask them all to rise and drink the health of their dear friend , James Stephens , and wish him " Many happy returns of the day , " in the words of the melody they had just heard ..
Bro . J AMES STEPHENS , P . D . G . D . C , on behalf of his wife and himself , said they were delighted and honoured at seeing such a goodly number of friends around them . They were proud beyond description that two as humble as themselves should be held in such estimation . There were many present who knew him as a boy and when he reflected that he was then a weak stripling , hewas thankful to have been spared for 50 years . . He thanked Providence that he
had prospered in life . He took unto himself a wife 25 years ago when he was not then the hale hearty man he now was , but he had received kind , tender and loving nursing at her hands . They were delighted to see so many present and greeted them most heartily . He had to limit his invitations , and only the previous day he had 18 disappointments , owing to illness . It was to him a great honour to have their dear friend , Sir John B . Monckton , with them , for he had
made personal sacrifice to be present . He wished to give 50 guineas to some charity and should give it to the Royal Female Orphanage , with which Sir John Monckton was connected . He gave it in the name of his niece . He hoped they would all go away with pleasant recollections of his 50 th birthday . Bro . W . H . BAILEY , P . G . Treas ., proposed "The Ladies , " to which Bro . CYRIL SIMS—who is just off to South Africa—responded .
A choice concert was then provided in the Rothesay Room , in which the following artistes assisted : Miss Annie Bartle , Miss Emily Foxcroft , Mr . Wills Page , and Mr . Broughton Black ; sleight of hand , Mr . Alfred O . Clark ; pianist , Mr . H . L . Cooke .
A dance was . speedily in full swing in the large hall , where Messrs . B . Carter , W . Godson , ] . Hutton Hayler , and Cyril Sims acted as M . Cs . Midnight had chimed before the guests began to depart from what was unanimously agreed to be a most successful and enjoyable evening . The company included Bro . and Mrs . Jas . Stephens ; Bro . Sir Jno . Monckton ,
Bro . and Mrs . A . Ritchie ; Bro , and Mrs . H . W . Davie ; Bro . and Mrs . James Terry ; Bro . and Mrs . J . M . McLeod ; Bro . and Mrs . W . J . Mason ; Bro ., Mrs ., and Miss Dearing ; Bro . and Mrs . J . J . Thomas ; Bro . and Mrs . Schuler ; Bro . and Mrs . J . Speller ; Bro . and > lrs . W . Thomas ; Bro . and Mrs . B . Carter ; Bro . and Mrs . J . H . Haylorj Bro . and Mrs . G . A . Sims ; Bro . J . W . Morrell , and many others .
Consecration Of The Lodge L'Entente Cordiale, No. 2796.
As is known , there has been in existence for a number of years , several Metropolitan lodges working , with the special tolerance of the Grand Lodge of England , the English ritual in a foreign tongue . The membership naturally appeals to a limited number of brethren , and amongst such lodges is the Lodge La France , No . 206 i , the visitors to which very often exceed
the regular members . The working there has always been conducted with the minutest accurracy and impressiveness by the successive Worshipful Masters ; it being often remarked that the beauty and fineness of the ceremony were all the more apparent in the translation , Bro . II . Buc ( of Christ ' s Hospital ) , P . G . Std . Br ., having devoted many years of his life to that task .
As to the Lodge La Frar . cc itself , a tacit by-law is in existence , according to which Frenchmen , and only those having fulfilled the military obligations in their own country , are eligible for membership , so that visitors and friends of the lodge have at various times expressed their regret at being debarred from joining . In order to mett their wishes there has been called into life a new lodge , in which all nationalities can meet , but the business of which is to be transacted in French . It is L'Entente Cordiale , No . 2706 .
Consecration Of The Lodge L'Entente Cordiale, No. 2796.
On Tuesday last the consecration took place at the Regent Masonic Hall , the Consecrating Officers being Bros . E . Letchworth , G . Secretary ; Major J . -W . Woodall , P . G . T ., as S . W . ; Ernest St . Clair , P . A . G . D . C , as J . W . ; the Rev . Canon Brownrigg , P . G . C ., as Chap . ; Frank Richardson , P . G . D ., as D . of C . ; and J . M . McLeod , P . G . S . B ., Sec . R . M . I . B ., as I . G .
The Grand Secretary , with his well-known and impressive manner , performed the usual ceremony of consecration , and subsequently installed the W . M ., Bro . Captain Henri Mondehare , P . M . 2060 , who in his turn appointed and invested his officers—after the election as Treasurer of Bro . Imre Kiralfy , P . M . 2581 , P . A . G . D . C . —for the ensuing year as follows
Bros . Edouard Roehrich , W . M . 27 S 9 , S . W . ; Jules Oppenheim , W . M . 2060 , J . W . ; Leon Clere , P . M . 2060 , Secretary ; Dr . F . Pocock , P . M . 2030 , P . D . G . D . C , S . D . ; A . Berthoud , 231 , J . D . ; D . D . Bril , 2060 , I . G . j Henry Garrard , P . M . 188 , D . C . ; Harold A . Smith , P . M . 222 , and C . E . Hauvette , 20 C 0 , Stewards ; and Edward Cutler , Q . C ., P . G . Organist , Organist .
Besides the officers , the following brethren are founders of the new lodge : Bros . St . Barlet , P . M . 2060 , I . P . M . ; Charles D . Hoblyn , P . M . 231 , P . G . S . B . ; H . Buu , P . M . 2 c 63 , P . G . Std . Br . ; D . De Lara-Cohen , P . M . 29 ; Germain Colladon , P . M . 34 ; John F . Saunders , P . M . 1507 ; Dr . R . Poulter , P . M . 1693 ; C Mottu , 34 ; Alfr . Duchu , 1691 ; and Edg . Duche , 1691 .
To the founders has bsen given a Masonic jewel bearing on an enamelled centre the Angel of Universal Peace standing on a globe and holding in one hand an olive branch and in the other a laurel wreath . Upon the ribbon is a clasp with the motto of the Lodge L'Entente Cordiale , " Mon Devoir . " Before the W . M . closed the lodge , several gentlemen were proposed as candidates for initiation and many brethren as joining members .
At the conclusion of a splendid banquet in the Great Hall of the Cafe Royal , the customary loyal toasts were proposed and received hearty recognition . Bro . W . J . Dyer , 2030 , presided at the piano , and conducted the enthusiastic singing of the National Anthem . Many other toasts were well proposed and cordially replied to , the whole proceedings betokening success and prosperity .
The concert which followed , was contributed by many excellent artists , amongst whom were the Misses Louise and Jeanne Douste de Forbes , who admirably rendered the first scene of " Hansel and Gretel ; " the clever Welsh mezzo-soprano , Miss Edith Denorben ; the violinist , Charles Schilsky ; and the tenor , Mr . Murri Moncrieff . A special word of praise is to be accorded to the clever American actress , Miss Baverly Silgreaves , who
exceedingly well imitated Sarah Bernhardt , and recited in a spirited manner " The Absent-Minded Beggar . " Amidst the applause of the assembled brethren Miss Silgreaves madea " whip " round the tables , collecting £ S 8 s ., which , together with the ^ 10 10 s . voted by the lodge , brings up the contribution to the Soldiers' Widows' and Orphans' Fund to £ 18 iSs . By special request Bro . Henry Neville , P . A . G . D . C , the favourite of several generations , recited , and Bro . K . L . Lefevre sung some French songs .
Besides the brethren already mentioned , the visitors included Bros , A . Smith , P . M . 355 , P . J . G . W . ; J . R . Dunlop , P . G . Std . Br . ; C . Belton , P . D . G . D . C . ; J . Speller , P . P . G . D . Essex ; J . J . Lamigeon , P . G . Std . Br . Surrey ; L . Seve , Rose Croix , Belg ., and J . D . Langston , P . D . G . D . C .
Fifth Annual Ladies' Night Of The Lion And Lamb Lodge, No. 192.
Once again it is our privilege- and very great pleasure to report a most successful and enjoyable evening , spent by the ladies and gentlemen friends of the brethren and members of this old established lodge , on the 18 th ult ., at Cannon-street Hotel . The reception was timed for 5 . 30 , when the W . M ., Bro . John G . Robeson , ably supported by his sister , Mrs . Crook , was at his post to receive the guests ,
and at six o clock , the band commencing a lively waltz tune , the company lost no time , but at once started tripping the light fantastic toe , and kept it up without any flagging until soon after eight , when supper was announced as ready . An adjournment was accordingly made to the Pillar Hall , where a wellarranged and enjoyable supper was served up , in keeping with the traditions of this well-known hostelry .
As usual on these occasions the toast list was of a very brief character , con . sisting only of " The Queen , " "The Ladies , " and "The W . M . " The company returned as speedily as possible to the Great Hall , when dancing was resumed , and kept up with great spirit and enjoyment until 11 . 4 s , the proceedings concluding with the playing and singing ot " God save the Queen . "
The company present , numbering 150 , included Bro . John G . Robeson , W . M . ; Mr . and Mrs . Crook ; Mr . and Mrs . Hyde ; Bro . E . and Mrs . Windsor ; Bro . W . and Mrs . Windsor ; Mr . and Mrs . A . E . Jackson ; Bro . A . and Mrs . Windsor ; Mr . and Mrs . G . Duggua ; Miss Plumb ; Bro . Miller ; Bro . William Baker , I . P . M . ; Mrs ., Miss , and Mr . G . K . Baker ; Miss Newman ; Mr . E . Coote ; Bro . John Morris ; Bro . Cohu , P . M ., Treas ., and Mrs . Cohu ; Miss Lea ; Bro . T . Stokes , S . W ., and Mrs . Stokes ; Mr . II . L . and Miss Beamish ; Bro .
A . Fergussan , J . W ., and Mrs . Fergusson ; Bro ., Mrs ., and MissBrough ; Mr . and Miss Bird ; Bro . T . Fergusson ; Mr . Schrier and Miss L . Fergusson ; Miss and Miss E . Fergusson ; Bro . James Smith , P . M ., Sec . ; Bro . A . J . Kippin , J . D , and Mrs . Rippin ; Bro . A . P . and Mrs . MacLarty ; Bro . Neil MacLarty ; Mist A . Dowling ; Bro . and Mrs . Creech ; Bro . C . and Mrs . Sienesi ; Mr . and Mrs . E . Sienesi ; Bro . and Mrs . Gould ; Bro . G . Wetton ; Bro . and Mrs . A . Rymer ; Bro . J J . Bassett ; Bro . F . Hughes , P . M ., and Mrs . Hughes ; tiro . J . Speller , P . M ., and
Mrs . Speller ; Mr . R . Speller ; Bro . Tyler and Misses D . and L . Tyler ; Mr . and Mrs . Price ; Mr . Bruce ; Bro . C . Carton , P . M ., Mrs . and Miss Carton ; Bro . and Mrs . Lockett ; Bro . Fishleigh ; Mr . and Mrs . J . Bishop ; Bro . and Mrs . J . Collins ; Mr . and Mrs . Martin ; Mr . T . Simpson ; Miss Davis ; Bro . II . J . Gibbs ; Bro . H . J . and Miss Jackson ; Mr . E . Collins ; Miss and Miss E . Collins ; Bro . Farr ; Miss Morgan ; Mr . and Mrs . E . Peachey ; Mr . and Mrs . Woodhouse ; Bro . and Mrs ,
Lloyd ; Bro . S . and Mrs . Rippin , Mr . W . (' .. Rippin , Misses F . and M . Rippin ; Miss F . Jennings ; Miss Mansfield ; Mr . and Mrs . A . Shcphard ; Mr . II , A . Jones ; Bro . Crawshaw ; Bro . II . Williams ; Mr . F . R . and Miss K . E . Williams ; Mr . 1 . W . and Miss M . L . Williams ; Mr . P . R . Carter ; Miss Johnson ; Miss Kirby ; Mr . Smart ; MitsHauley ; Mr . and Mrs . Cohen ; Miss Bull ; Mr . and Mrs . Goulding ; Mr . and Mrs . M . Cohen ; Bro . and Mrs . Fisher ; Bro . Ward ; Bro . and Mrs . Bamford ; Mr . and Mrs . Copper ; Mrs . Tipler ; Mr . R . and Mrs . Bell ; Mr . H . R . Thompson ; Mr . Mein ; Bro . T . Davies ; Mrs . H . Fletcher ; Bro . Leach ; and Bro . Prevost .
THE FOLLOWING BULLETIN regarding the Duke of Argyll ' s health was issued on Wednesday i " Ihe Duke of Argyll is recovering from his illness , and is now able to leave his room . No more bulletins will be issued . " On Saturday la ^ t , Mi . Walter Cimpbell , of Innischonnan , arrived at Inveraray Castle .