Article Correspondence. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Notes and Queries. Page 1 of 1 Article Reviews. Page 1 of 1 Article Reviews. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 5 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Correspondence .
We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents , but we wish , in a spirit of fair play to all , to permit—within certain necessary limitsfree discussion .
INITIATIONS AT LODGE CONSECRATIONS . ' To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , I gratefully acknowledge your courtesy in dealing with this subject in the ably-written article that appeared in the Freemason of January 13 th , which clearly proves that long before the period referred to in my previous letter the
practice prevailed of initiating candidates immediately after the consecration of lodges . The instances cited from Bro . G . Blizard Abbott ' s " History of Freemasonry in Hertfordshire " —evidently a most interesting book , but which I have not had the privilege of reading—abundantly prove the custom . In none of them , however , is there any reference made to any previous dispensation having
been granted for working before constitution and consecration . I am aware that in the various Grand Jurisdictions in the United States at the present time a " dispensation , " in the first instance , is almost invariably granted to brethren to form a new lodge , which as such works for a year or upwards , and if there is a good prospect for the success of the lodge , a charter is then granted by the Grand Lodge , otherwise the dispensation is withdrawn .
In the case of the United Pilgrims' Lodge , to which I made special reference in my letter that appeared in the Freemason of the 6 th ult ., there certainly is not a line or suggestion either in the lodge summons announcing the consecration of that lodge , nor yet in the report of the proceedings , of any previous " dispensation " having been granted . I am indebted to Bro . T . A , Withey , P . P . G . Reg . W . Lanes ., who sent me for reference the Book of Constitutions of 1842 ( in operation in 184-5 ) tnat
contained the Emergency Initiation Rule which is identical with the rule in the latest edition of the Book of Constitutions ; it is , however , difficult to conceive how such a rule could be strained to admit of initiations at the consecration of a lodge , inasmuch as there would be only an inchoate Master , nominated by warrant but not installed . It may be that considerable latitude was allowed in those days .
It has been gratifying to me that arising out of my previous letter is the considerable interest that Bro . W . Chaney , a P . M . of the United Pilgrims' Lodge , No . 507 , has manifested in the subject ; there need be no surprise at this , seeing that 55 years have elapsed since the consecration of the lodge , and all the earlier
members have long since passed away . It has afforded me great pleasure to send Bro . Chaney a full copy of the report of the consecration of his lodge , and I can conceive that there will be no lack of interest in the matter when he brings this link with the past up before the members of the lodge , as he doubtless will at the earliest opportunity . —Yours fraternally , J . T . LAST , P . P . G . Reg . W . Yorks . Bradford , Yorks .
LA TOLERANCE LODGE . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , I have expressed my regret to Bro . Terry that in my previous letter 1 used his name instead of that of Bro . Kench . I may point out that I stated my absolute disbelief that Bro . Terry had installed the W . M . Bro . Terry tells me that far from advising Bro . Kench to instal , he "distinctly stated no ceremony could be gone through . "
Rule 136 provides that " upon his installation the Master shall appoint and invest his Wardens and other Officers , " and as there was no installation of W . M ,, or should have been none , there should have been no appointment of officers , whether with or without Bro . Terry's consent . Of course , the gift of a P . M . 's jewel to a continuing W . M . was wrong , but this is less important than the other serious irregularities . —Yours fraternally , J . E . LE FEUVRE . 30 th January ,
LABOUR AND REFRESHMENT . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , The answer of Bro . J . Ramsden Riley is very clear and it must be evident that the evil example of the last century has wrought much injury to the
Craft . There are many highly respectable people who still think that there is nothing in Freemasonry but carousing , and it is difficult to persuade them to the contrary . I know a most estimable lady now deceased who made a condition that the husband of her only daughter should not join the Craft because her father gave the members such a bad character . As Bro . Riley stales , habits and customs have changed for the better . —Yours fraternally , OBSERVER .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
Masonic Notes and Queries .
1122 ] THE YORK GRAND LODGE , & c . In reply to Bio . C . Gardner Vatcher ' s query , let me say that 1 used the words " superior to proof , " as equivalent to beyond or impossible of proof . The year 926 , in relation to the " Constitutions of York , " is purely fanciful and guess work , on a par with numerous random statements long current as to the Fraternity . The sooner such assertions are relegated to the waste-paper basket the better . Their retention in so-called Masonic histories should no longer be tolerated , for they lead not a few would-be students to jump to the conclusion that other declarations and evidences are equally faulty and erroneous . W . J . HUGHAN .
Reviews .
"MASUNIC CAI . KMJAK AND DIRECTORY FOR THE P ROVINCE UF SURREY , 11 , 00 . "— 'Il . is laiKe ind most inleiesting annual is edited b y Bros . Charles T . Tyler , Prov . G . Stc , and W . H . Latham , Prov . Asst , G . Sec , is issued under the authority of the R . W . the Prov . G . M ., the Earl of Onslow ( whose portrait forms the frontispiece ) , and assuredly has no superior , either as lespecls it contents , or its excellent arrangement . It is strong in poitiaits , for there are also inserted those of the Dep . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Frederick West , P . G . D ., and the esteemed Prov . G . Secretary . An able preface adds much to the usefulness of the Directory , as it supplies quite a number of valuable
facts respecting the province from 1772 . The short memoirs of the trio named are welcome additions to the usual fare provided in such publications , and a number of tables communicate so much information that they leave nothing to be desired . There are now 45 lodges in the Province of Surrey , including No . 1790 , Croydon , which was included in the province during last year . The statistics of 43 lodges show that there were 1692 on the register in June of last year , being an average of nearly 40 to each lodge ; which is lower than many provinces , but being so near the Metropolis is still
very satisfactory , and exhibits an increase from the last return . In the Royal Arch it is not such pleasant reading , there being only 17 chapters and 339 companions ; whi ' st in the Mark Degree the figures are only half that number . The by-laws of the Prov . Grand Lodge , the Provincial Charity Committee , and the Prov . Grand Chapter of Surrey , are appended , and all that is needed to make it perfect , is the usual particulars respecting the Central Masonic Charities and the votes held in the province . The Annual reflects the greatest credit on the editors and publishers .
"MASONIC CALENDAR OF LODGES , COUNCILS , & C , MEETING AT MARK MASONS' HALL , AND ROLL OF GRAND OFFICERS FROM 1856 . " —This ably edited , compact and accurate compilation of great utility and value for reference locally and generally , is edited by the courteous Grand Mark Secretary , Bro . C . F . Matier , and is now in the 15 th year of its issue . For use by the lodges and other Bodies assembling in the Mark Masons' Hall and other fine Halls , it must prove a real boon , and ft is equally
useful and valuable for its List of Grand Officers , arranged in order of precedence and dates of appointment from 1856 , when Mark Grand Lodge was formed . The compilation must have involved an immense amount of labour , especially to ensure its uniform accuracy , and the number of tables exhibiting the numerical , financial , and general prosperity of Mark Masonry are of considerable interest and importance . Copies may be had for 7 d . post free , as usual from the Grand Secretary ' s office , and no Master or Secretary can possibly afford to do without a copy .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
Industry Lodge , No . 48 . The regular monthly meeting was held on Monday , the 22 nd ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Gateshead , when tkere * as a eood attendance and plenty of work . The W . M ., Bro . John Armstrong , presided , and was supported by Bros . W . C . A . Holzapfel , I . P . M . ; H . Jackson , P . M . ; A . Dodds , P . M . ; R . Whitfield , P . M . ; R . F . Cook , P . M . ; J . T . Pragnell , S . W . ; R . Atkinson , as J . W . ; W . J . Jobson , P . M ., Treas . ; H . H . Pitt , Sec ; W . E . Peacock , S . D . ; R . Laverick , J . D .: R . Ferry , Org . ; 1 .
B . McKenzie , as I . G . ; G . T . Bootes , Stwd . ; J . Curry , Tyler ; W . W . Nichols , W . Blythe , W . Irving , R . Brason , E . E . Elliott , J . Lightbawn , J . Lawson , R . Richardson , A . Dodds , C . H . T . Pelmear , J . Thompson , W . Turnbull , J . B . Thompson , E . Histon , W . Witherineton , and others . Amongst the numerous visitors present were Bros . W . F . Phillips , W . M . 424 ; R . Stewart , P . M . 424 ; J . Burrell , P . M . 424 ; J . Howe ,
S . W . 424 ; H . Knox , 424 ; G . Short , 424 ; | . Ross , 424 ; W . J . Davidson , J . W . 424 ; C . VV . Hodgson , W . M . 6 59 ; J . B . McKenzie , S . W . 659 ; H . Doncaster , W . M 1119 ; J . Wood , S . W . 1119 ; P . Wotherspoon , I . G . inoj H . Phillips , n 19 ; G . Andrews , 2557 ; L . Blakey , 659 ; E . Johnson , 2720 ; C . Walker , 2557 ; A . James , 424 ; E . Bowman , W . M . 1427 ; A . Man , 1427 ; T . Wright , P . M . 1342 ; W . Howe , 424 ; and others .
The ballot for Dr . A . Page Arnold being favourable , he was duly initiated by the W . M ., the tools and the charge being explained by the acting J . W ., and the tracing board was propounded by the W . M . In continuance of the resolution pissed at last meeting , when £ 5 5 s . was voted to the Reservists ( local ) Fund , a similar amount was voted for the Sailors' and Soldiers' Association . A sum of L 5 55 . was also voted to the widow of a deceased member . Votes of condolence to the families of two deceased members were passe J , after which the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the refreshment baard .
Acacia Lodge , No . 2321 . This lodge held its regular monthly meeting on Thursday , the 4 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Bradford , when Bro . Robt . S . Hird , W . M ., presided for the first time since his installation . Several of the officers were absent , but their duties were ably discharged by substitutes . Among those present were Bros . Jis . B . Fearnley , I . P . M .: John Morton , P . M . ; S . A . Bailey , P . M ., Treas . ; J . T . List , P . M ., P . P . G . Reg ., Sec . ; Fredk . Betteridge , B . A ., Chap . ; Wm . Djcksey , S . W . ; J . S . Hedley , J . W . ; W . Shaw Smith , as S . D . ; J . L . Turner , as J . D . ; R . H . Markham , I . G . ; J . Wood ,
Org . ; J . S . Cooper , Tyler ; and a number of the brethren . Visitors : Bros . George Whittaker , I . P . M . 40 S ; John Spencer , P . M . 408 , P . P . G . Std . Br . ; W . Whitley ; J . D . 40 S ; Jones Bradley , Org . 40 S ; Joseph Smith , 40 S ; W . Leach , 40 S ; J . Walker , 1034 ; W . Holroyd , 1034 ; and G . Collon , Org . 164 S . After the minutes of the installation meeting had been read and confirmed , Bro . Storey was passed to the Degree of a F . C . by the W . M ., assisted by Bro . S . A . Biiley , P . M ., Treas ., the working tools being explained by Bro . Hedley , J . W ., and the charge in the Second _ Degree given by Bro . Docksey , S . W . Several accounts were ordered to be paid , and after " Hearty good wishes" from the visitors , the lodge was closed .
The brethren afterwards dined together , and spent a harmonious and convivial evening . Numerous songs and recitations were contributed by Bros . Whittaker , Town , Collon , Townend , Sykes , Hedley , Durrance , Fearnley , Smith , and List , The usual Maaonic toasts were duly honoured .
Lodge of Israel , No . 205 . The installation meeting of this well-known lodge was held at the Holborn Restaurant on Tuesday , the 23 rd ult . There were present Bros . Joseph Marcus , W . M . ; Joseph Trenner , S . W ., W . M . elect ; H . Lichtenfeld , J . W . ; B . Marcus , P . M ., Treas . ; H . J . Phillips , P . M ., Sec ; J . Richmond , S . D . ; M . M . Friedlander , J . D . ; W . Wright , P . M ., P . P . G . O . Middx ., Org . ; D . Greenberg and A . L . London , Stwds . ; Jas . W . Harding . P . M ., Tyler ; J . Rosalke , P . M . ; L . Norden , P . M . ; J . Levy ,
P . M . ; H . M . Harris , P . M ., D . of C ; Chas . Lemel , J . S . Forlswsky , A . Shaw , P . Marcus , E . Mendelssohn , T . Silvermann , A . Lipowsky , 11 . Holtz , G . Saling , C . Jones , Sol , B . Lotheim , S , Samson , H . Levy , M . Ruben , E . Harris , E . Schumann , S . London , M . Angel , Ph . Greenspan , J . F . Silvermann , A . Englander , S . Schumann , J . Mindel , Emanuel Nathan , T . Lyons , T . Weiss , David Gould , R . Phillips , L . Abrahams , L . Brook , J . Gassner , M . Isaacs , B . L . Israel , E . Solomon , and others . A large number of visitors were present .
The lodge was opened by the W . M ., and the minutes of the last regular lodge meeting read and confirmed . The minutes of the Emergency and Audit Committee were next read and confirmed . The Report of the Committee of the Benevolent Fund was received . The Secretary read a communication from the G . Secretary re Hiram Lodge , under the jurisdiction of the Grand Orient of France . A motion was made by Bro . H . J . Phillips , P . M ., Sec , seconded by Bro . H . M . Harris , P . M ., " That the sum of two guineas be voted from the lodge funds towards a testimonial to Bro . B . Da Costa ,
P . M . 1349 , Preceptor of the Israel Lodge of Instruction , " which was carried unanimously . A committee of inquiry into the character and circumstances of proposed candidates for initiation was elected , consisting of live members of the lodge . The W . M . elect , Bro . Joseph Trenner , was presented by Bro . II . M . Harm , P . M ., Dir . of Ceremonies , to the Worshipful Master , the Installing Master . The Worshipful Master elect was obligated , invested , and placed in the chair .
He invested Bro . Joseph Marcus as I . P . M . The Worshipful Master invested his officers as follows : Bros . Hermann Lichtenfeld , P . M . 2353 , S . W . ; J . Richmond , J . W . ; B . Marcus , P . M ., Treas . ; Humphrey J . Phillips , P . M ., Sec ; M . M . Friedlander , S . D . ; David Greenberg , J . D . ; Ii . M . Harris , P . M ., D . C . ; Reuben Marcus , l . G . j A . L . London , S . Weiss , and M . Rudolf , Stwds . ; and J . W . Harding , P . M ., Tyler . Three candidates tor initiation were proposed . The Secretary read the coirespondence . After " Hearty good wishes " from the visiting brethren the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , after which the usual toasts were proposed .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Correspondence .
We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents , but we wish , in a spirit of fair play to all , to permit—within certain necessary limitsfree discussion .
INITIATIONS AT LODGE CONSECRATIONS . ' To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , I gratefully acknowledge your courtesy in dealing with this subject in the ably-written article that appeared in the Freemason of January 13 th , which clearly proves that long before the period referred to in my previous letter the
practice prevailed of initiating candidates immediately after the consecration of lodges . The instances cited from Bro . G . Blizard Abbott ' s " History of Freemasonry in Hertfordshire " —evidently a most interesting book , but which I have not had the privilege of reading—abundantly prove the custom . In none of them , however , is there any reference made to any previous dispensation having
been granted for working before constitution and consecration . I am aware that in the various Grand Jurisdictions in the United States at the present time a " dispensation , " in the first instance , is almost invariably granted to brethren to form a new lodge , which as such works for a year or upwards , and if there is a good prospect for the success of the lodge , a charter is then granted by the Grand Lodge , otherwise the dispensation is withdrawn .
In the case of the United Pilgrims' Lodge , to which I made special reference in my letter that appeared in the Freemason of the 6 th ult ., there certainly is not a line or suggestion either in the lodge summons announcing the consecration of that lodge , nor yet in the report of the proceedings , of any previous " dispensation " having been granted . I am indebted to Bro . T . A , Withey , P . P . G . Reg . W . Lanes ., who sent me for reference the Book of Constitutions of 1842 ( in operation in 184-5 ) tnat
contained the Emergency Initiation Rule which is identical with the rule in the latest edition of the Book of Constitutions ; it is , however , difficult to conceive how such a rule could be strained to admit of initiations at the consecration of a lodge , inasmuch as there would be only an inchoate Master , nominated by warrant but not installed . It may be that considerable latitude was allowed in those days .
It has been gratifying to me that arising out of my previous letter is the considerable interest that Bro . W . Chaney , a P . M . of the United Pilgrims' Lodge , No . 507 , has manifested in the subject ; there need be no surprise at this , seeing that 55 years have elapsed since the consecration of the lodge , and all the earlier
members have long since passed away . It has afforded me great pleasure to send Bro . Chaney a full copy of the report of the consecration of his lodge , and I can conceive that there will be no lack of interest in the matter when he brings this link with the past up before the members of the lodge , as he doubtless will at the earliest opportunity . —Yours fraternally , J . T . LAST , P . P . G . Reg . W . Yorks . Bradford , Yorks .
LA TOLERANCE LODGE . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , I have expressed my regret to Bro . Terry that in my previous letter 1 used his name instead of that of Bro . Kench . I may point out that I stated my absolute disbelief that Bro . Terry had installed the W . M . Bro . Terry tells me that far from advising Bro . Kench to instal , he "distinctly stated no ceremony could be gone through . "
Rule 136 provides that " upon his installation the Master shall appoint and invest his Wardens and other Officers , " and as there was no installation of W . M ,, or should have been none , there should have been no appointment of officers , whether with or without Bro . Terry's consent . Of course , the gift of a P . M . 's jewel to a continuing W . M . was wrong , but this is less important than the other serious irregularities . —Yours fraternally , J . E . LE FEUVRE . 30 th January ,
LABOUR AND REFRESHMENT . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , The answer of Bro . J . Ramsden Riley is very clear and it must be evident that the evil example of the last century has wrought much injury to the
Craft . There are many highly respectable people who still think that there is nothing in Freemasonry but carousing , and it is difficult to persuade them to the contrary . I know a most estimable lady now deceased who made a condition that the husband of her only daughter should not join the Craft because her father gave the members such a bad character . As Bro . Riley stales , habits and customs have changed for the better . —Yours fraternally , OBSERVER .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
Masonic Notes and Queries .
1122 ] THE YORK GRAND LODGE , & c . In reply to Bio . C . Gardner Vatcher ' s query , let me say that 1 used the words " superior to proof , " as equivalent to beyond or impossible of proof . The year 926 , in relation to the " Constitutions of York , " is purely fanciful and guess work , on a par with numerous random statements long current as to the Fraternity . The sooner such assertions are relegated to the waste-paper basket the better . Their retention in so-called Masonic histories should no longer be tolerated , for they lead not a few would-be students to jump to the conclusion that other declarations and evidences are equally faulty and erroneous . W . J . HUGHAN .
Reviews .
"MASUNIC CAI . KMJAK AND DIRECTORY FOR THE P ROVINCE UF SURREY , 11 , 00 . "— 'Il . is laiKe ind most inleiesting annual is edited b y Bros . Charles T . Tyler , Prov . G . Stc , and W . H . Latham , Prov . Asst , G . Sec , is issued under the authority of the R . W . the Prov . G . M ., the Earl of Onslow ( whose portrait forms the frontispiece ) , and assuredly has no superior , either as lespecls it contents , or its excellent arrangement . It is strong in poitiaits , for there are also inserted those of the Dep . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Frederick West , P . G . D ., and the esteemed Prov . G . Secretary . An able preface adds much to the usefulness of the Directory , as it supplies quite a number of valuable
facts respecting the province from 1772 . The short memoirs of the trio named are welcome additions to the usual fare provided in such publications , and a number of tables communicate so much information that they leave nothing to be desired . There are now 45 lodges in the Province of Surrey , including No . 1790 , Croydon , which was included in the province during last year . The statistics of 43 lodges show that there were 1692 on the register in June of last year , being an average of nearly 40 to each lodge ; which is lower than many provinces , but being so near the Metropolis is still
very satisfactory , and exhibits an increase from the last return . In the Royal Arch it is not such pleasant reading , there being only 17 chapters and 339 companions ; whi ' st in the Mark Degree the figures are only half that number . The by-laws of the Prov . Grand Lodge , the Provincial Charity Committee , and the Prov . Grand Chapter of Surrey , are appended , and all that is needed to make it perfect , is the usual particulars respecting the Central Masonic Charities and the votes held in the province . The Annual reflects the greatest credit on the editors and publishers .
"MASONIC CALENDAR OF LODGES , COUNCILS , & C , MEETING AT MARK MASONS' HALL , AND ROLL OF GRAND OFFICERS FROM 1856 . " —This ably edited , compact and accurate compilation of great utility and value for reference locally and generally , is edited by the courteous Grand Mark Secretary , Bro . C . F . Matier , and is now in the 15 th year of its issue . For use by the lodges and other Bodies assembling in the Mark Masons' Hall and other fine Halls , it must prove a real boon , and ft is equally
useful and valuable for its List of Grand Officers , arranged in order of precedence and dates of appointment from 1856 , when Mark Grand Lodge was formed . The compilation must have involved an immense amount of labour , especially to ensure its uniform accuracy , and the number of tables exhibiting the numerical , financial , and general prosperity of Mark Masonry are of considerable interest and importance . Copies may be had for 7 d . post free , as usual from the Grand Secretary ' s office , and no Master or Secretary can possibly afford to do without a copy .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
Industry Lodge , No . 48 . The regular monthly meeting was held on Monday , the 22 nd ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Gateshead , when tkere * as a eood attendance and plenty of work . The W . M ., Bro . John Armstrong , presided , and was supported by Bros . W . C . A . Holzapfel , I . P . M . ; H . Jackson , P . M . ; A . Dodds , P . M . ; R . Whitfield , P . M . ; R . F . Cook , P . M . ; J . T . Pragnell , S . W . ; R . Atkinson , as J . W . ; W . J . Jobson , P . M ., Treas . ; H . H . Pitt , Sec ; W . E . Peacock , S . D . ; R . Laverick , J . D .: R . Ferry , Org . ; 1 .
B . McKenzie , as I . G . ; G . T . Bootes , Stwd . ; J . Curry , Tyler ; W . W . Nichols , W . Blythe , W . Irving , R . Brason , E . E . Elliott , J . Lightbawn , J . Lawson , R . Richardson , A . Dodds , C . H . T . Pelmear , J . Thompson , W . Turnbull , J . B . Thompson , E . Histon , W . Witherineton , and others . Amongst the numerous visitors present were Bros . W . F . Phillips , W . M . 424 ; R . Stewart , P . M . 424 ; J . Burrell , P . M . 424 ; J . Howe ,
S . W . 424 ; H . Knox , 424 ; G . Short , 424 ; | . Ross , 424 ; W . J . Davidson , J . W . 424 ; C . VV . Hodgson , W . M . 6 59 ; J . B . McKenzie , S . W . 659 ; H . Doncaster , W . M 1119 ; J . Wood , S . W . 1119 ; P . Wotherspoon , I . G . inoj H . Phillips , n 19 ; G . Andrews , 2557 ; L . Blakey , 659 ; E . Johnson , 2720 ; C . Walker , 2557 ; A . James , 424 ; E . Bowman , W . M . 1427 ; A . Man , 1427 ; T . Wright , P . M . 1342 ; W . Howe , 424 ; and others .
The ballot for Dr . A . Page Arnold being favourable , he was duly initiated by the W . M ., the tools and the charge being explained by the acting J . W ., and the tracing board was propounded by the W . M . In continuance of the resolution pissed at last meeting , when £ 5 5 s . was voted to the Reservists ( local ) Fund , a similar amount was voted for the Sailors' and Soldiers' Association . A sum of L 5 55 . was also voted to the widow of a deceased member . Votes of condolence to the families of two deceased members were passe J , after which the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the refreshment baard .
Acacia Lodge , No . 2321 . This lodge held its regular monthly meeting on Thursday , the 4 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Bradford , when Bro . Robt . S . Hird , W . M ., presided for the first time since his installation . Several of the officers were absent , but their duties were ably discharged by substitutes . Among those present were Bros . Jis . B . Fearnley , I . P . M .: John Morton , P . M . ; S . A . Bailey , P . M ., Treas . ; J . T . List , P . M ., P . P . G . Reg ., Sec . ; Fredk . Betteridge , B . A ., Chap . ; Wm . Djcksey , S . W . ; J . S . Hedley , J . W . ; W . Shaw Smith , as S . D . ; J . L . Turner , as J . D . ; R . H . Markham , I . G . ; J . Wood ,
Org . ; J . S . Cooper , Tyler ; and a number of the brethren . Visitors : Bros . George Whittaker , I . P . M . 40 S ; John Spencer , P . M . 408 , P . P . G . Std . Br . ; W . Whitley ; J . D . 40 S ; Jones Bradley , Org . 40 S ; Joseph Smith , 40 S ; W . Leach , 40 S ; J . Walker , 1034 ; W . Holroyd , 1034 ; and G . Collon , Org . 164 S . After the minutes of the installation meeting had been read and confirmed , Bro . Storey was passed to the Degree of a F . C . by the W . M ., assisted by Bro . S . A . Biiley , P . M ., Treas ., the working tools being explained by Bro . Hedley , J . W ., and the charge in the Second _ Degree given by Bro . Docksey , S . W . Several accounts were ordered to be paid , and after " Hearty good wishes" from the visitors , the lodge was closed .
The brethren afterwards dined together , and spent a harmonious and convivial evening . Numerous songs and recitations were contributed by Bros . Whittaker , Town , Collon , Townend , Sykes , Hedley , Durrance , Fearnley , Smith , and List , The usual Maaonic toasts were duly honoured .
Lodge of Israel , No . 205 . The installation meeting of this well-known lodge was held at the Holborn Restaurant on Tuesday , the 23 rd ult . There were present Bros . Joseph Marcus , W . M . ; Joseph Trenner , S . W ., W . M . elect ; H . Lichtenfeld , J . W . ; B . Marcus , P . M ., Treas . ; H . J . Phillips , P . M ., Sec ; J . Richmond , S . D . ; M . M . Friedlander , J . D . ; W . Wright , P . M ., P . P . G . O . Middx ., Org . ; D . Greenberg and A . L . London , Stwds . ; Jas . W . Harding . P . M ., Tyler ; J . Rosalke , P . M . ; L . Norden , P . M . ; J . Levy ,
P . M . ; H . M . Harris , P . M ., D . of C ; Chas . Lemel , J . S . Forlswsky , A . Shaw , P . Marcus , E . Mendelssohn , T . Silvermann , A . Lipowsky , 11 . Holtz , G . Saling , C . Jones , Sol , B . Lotheim , S , Samson , H . Levy , M . Ruben , E . Harris , E . Schumann , S . London , M . Angel , Ph . Greenspan , J . F . Silvermann , A . Englander , S . Schumann , J . Mindel , Emanuel Nathan , T . Lyons , T . Weiss , David Gould , R . Phillips , L . Abrahams , L . Brook , J . Gassner , M . Isaacs , B . L . Israel , E . Solomon , and others . A large number of visitors were present .
The lodge was opened by the W . M ., and the minutes of the last regular lodge meeting read and confirmed . The minutes of the Emergency and Audit Committee were next read and confirmed . The Report of the Committee of the Benevolent Fund was received . The Secretary read a communication from the G . Secretary re Hiram Lodge , under the jurisdiction of the Grand Orient of France . A motion was made by Bro . H . J . Phillips , P . M ., Sec , seconded by Bro . H . M . Harris , P . M ., " That the sum of two guineas be voted from the lodge funds towards a testimonial to Bro . B . Da Costa ,
P . M . 1349 , Preceptor of the Israel Lodge of Instruction , " which was carried unanimously . A committee of inquiry into the character and circumstances of proposed candidates for initiation was elected , consisting of live members of the lodge . The W . M . elect , Bro . Joseph Trenner , was presented by Bro . II . M . Harm , P . M ., Dir . of Ceremonies , to the Worshipful Master , the Installing Master . The Worshipful Master elect was obligated , invested , and placed in the chair .
He invested Bro . Joseph Marcus as I . P . M . The Worshipful Master invested his officers as follows : Bros . Hermann Lichtenfeld , P . M . 2353 , S . W . ; J . Richmond , J . W . ; B . Marcus , P . M ., Treas . ; Humphrey J . Phillips , P . M ., Sec ; M . M . Friedlander , S . D . ; David Greenberg , J . D . ; Ii . M . Harris , P . M ., D . C . ; Reuben Marcus , l . G . j A . L . London , S . Weiss , and M . Rudolf , Stwds . ; and J . W . Harding , P . M ., Tyler . Three candidates tor initiation were proposed . The Secretary read the coirespondence . After " Hearty good wishes " from the visiting brethren the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet , after which the usual toasts were proposed .