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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the Clarence Hotel , where a substantial repast awaited them . The only toasts proposed were " The Queen and Craft , " "Thc W . AL , " and "Thc Officers ; " the latter toast being coupled with thc name of Bro . Goodchild , vvho responded . The proceedings shortly afterwards terminated .
SHEPHERD'S BUSH LODGE ( No . iSaS ) . — The annual meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 2 Sth ult ., at the Athena - rum , Shepherd's Bush , on which occasion the following officers and others were present : Bros . A . B . Baker , W . AL ; G . Harrison , S . W . ; B . Pierpoint , J . W . ; W . Game , P . M ., Treas . ; A . C . Alais , P . M ., Sec ; ' Lewis Bryett , P . M . ; Richard Josey , S . D . ; Peter BurtonJ . D . ; W . Williams , I . G . ; Robt . Schofield , P . AL ,
, Tyler ; W . Clarke , G . P .: J . Terry , J . Carter , and S . H . Parkhouse , honorary members . Amongst the visitors vvho signed the book were Bros . G . P . Hazell , 697 ; W . R . Holman , P . M . 24 G ; John F . Alaidment , iGS »; H . G . Penney , S 36 ; E . IT . Vovvle , S 34 ; J . R . Allman , 1425 ; W . G . Vass ' te , 17 G 7 ; C . Cordingley , W . AI . 45 ; Robert Whitaker , 1 G 72 ; T . Collings , W . M . 15 S 5 ; R . King , 1 G 42 ; W . Cubitt , 193 ; A . Love , 13 S 7 ;
George Read , ' P . M . 511 ; L . Lichtwitz , 1642 ; A . Barfield , P . M . 35 ; W . W . Alorgan , jun ., J . W . 1107 ; IT . Phillips , 1 G 42 ; Stephen A . Cooper , I . P . M . 1 G 37 ; James Baker , 511 ; Joseph Moyle , S 34 ; W . H . Gastrell , S . D . 24 G ; James Houghton , 173 ; John Avery , P . M . 511 ; C . Holland , 1 GS 1 ; E . Collins , 733 J F . j- Oliver , S . D . S 34 ; and others . The lodge having been advanced , Bro . Paul vvas raised
to the Sublime Degree of AI . AL Ihe ballot was taken , and proved favourable on behalf of Mr . G . White . The other business before the lodge was the installation of thc W . AI ., and into that office Bro . G . Harrison was in due form inducted . The newly elected W . AL having appointed his officers , and the ceremony of installation having been completed , the lodge was closed , the brethren afterwards dining together
under the presidency of the newly installed . Master . At thc conclusion of the banquet grace was said , and then the W . AI . gave the toast of "'The Queen , " coupling with it " Prosperity to the Craft . " This toast vvas duly honoured , as were also those of "The Grand AIaster , " "The Pro Grand Master , " " The Deputy Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers . " With this latter was coupled thc name of Bro . Clarke , who , in acknowledgment , tendered
his thanks . He assured thc company lhat it was with a great amount of pride and p leasure that he heard his name associated with this toast , more especially in the Shepherd ' s Bush Lodge , of which he had the honour of really being one of the founders , having taken part in the ceremony of its consecration . He hoped that at all times the Grand Officers would enjoy the confidence of the Craft as they did at the present , and that the brethren generally would
consider they really did their duty . The I . P . M ., Bro . Baker , then proposed the health of the W . AI . Thc toast , he considered , was one of whicii Masons were wonderfully proud to drink no mattar in what lodge it was proposed . He congratulated the Alaster on the number of tlie brethren who had assembled to support him on the first night of his presidency as W . M . of the Shepherd's Bush Lodge . Considering the short time it had been in existence , but two
years , he thought the presence of so many visitors was a nappy sign . It proved that the Shepherd ' s Bush Lodge had acquired some reputation , and that Alasons of other lodges were not ashamed of giving it their approval , lie trusted that the W . AI . might have health and prosperity during his year of ollicc . He felt sure that he was capable of ruling the lodge to the satisfaction of the brethren , and only hoped there would be ample opportunities
for him to show his ability . The W . AI . tendered his sincere thanks . He could only hope that the predictions of Bro . Baker as to his ruling of the lodge wonld be fulfilled . It would be his endeavour to do everything possible to advance the comfort of the members and the prosperity of thc lodge . He then proposed what he might term a toasl somewhat nearer home than any he had that evening called the brethren to drink . It was that of the Past Alasters . I le
felt somewhat at a loss to express his feelings concerning them . This was his first appearance in the chair , whi c they had had long experience , and consequently felt more at home . He could not make a long speech on their behalf , neither did he think it was necessary . He cordially wished t-iein good health , and felt sure that the brethren would , in thc same sincere manner , join in drinking the toast . The LP . AL was the first to reply . Speaking for
himself , he could not omit to thank the members for the very high compliments they had paid him , he was really very proud to listen to their expressions of approval of the remarks of the W . M . Hc hoped the louge would always goon with the same amount of cordiality that had been enjoyed in it during the short period of its existence . With regard to their W . AL , he could but again wish him success , and trusted he might at all times meet as hearty a
reception as had just been accorded to the toast ot the Past Alasters . Bro . Bryett also thanked the brethren . As the first Worshipful Master of the lodge lie looked around with feelings of great pride on the Shepherd ' s Bush Lodge as presented that evening . It was true very many of those then present were visitors , but even that fact reflected to the cretlit of the few members of the lodge . It showed , as the I . P . M .
had said , that the lodge working vvas approved of , and that the efforts of the members were appreciated outside their own circle . He felt he could add little to the remarks of his brother P . AI . in his wishes for the prosperity of thc new Master , but at the same time he felt he could endorse all that brother had said . He looked forward to continued prosperity under the rule of Bro . Harrison . The W . M . then proposed " The Visitors , " welcoming them and
expressing the thanks of the members at the honour the guests had paid them . Bro . Barfield was thc first to reply , congratulating the lodge on the successful prospe-1 it presented . Bro . Collings also congratulated the brethren on the way in which they had established the lodge , and thanked them for their hospitality . Bro . Cordingley , who had thc pl-asurc of being present at the consecration of
Ihe lodge , thought its advancemt nt coultl but be gratifying to its founders ; he was delighted to see that the true Alasonic spirit prevailed among ils members , and that the working ofthe ritual was so well accomplished . Th ' s he thought vvas exemplified by the way in which the I . P . M . had installed his successor . Bro . Collins and others followed , endorsing the remarks of the previous speakers . The Worshipful Alaster gave the next toast , that of "The
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Honorary Members of the Lodge , to which Bro . Ierry in a very humorous manner replied . He referred to thc fact of the investiture of two of the Consecrating Officers of the Shepherd's Bush Lodge with the purple of Grand Lodge , and trusted the day might arrive when H . R . H . The Grand Master might confer the coveted prize on the others , so that the Lodge might , if possible , have
greater cause to honor the brethren who really brought it into existence . He thought the lodge was one to which any brother might be proud to belong , and to which any brother might consider it a great honor to be attached as an honorary member , For himself , he might say that he looked forward year by year to the pleasure of attending their installation , and of the many Lodges he had assisted
to bring into being , none occupied a warmer place in his affections than did ' thcirs . Hc hoped it might be his good fortune to attend with his brother honorary members for many years to come , and that from time to time they would be able to congratulate the members as heartily as they could on the present occasion . The health of the Treasurer and Secretary vvas next given . The W . AI . considered that
very much of the prosperity of a Lodge depended on the sort of man vvho vvas entrusted with the office of Treasurer at the start . It was then necessary to be prompt with every payment , and as it was not always the case that the receipts werc also prompt , it very often fell upon the Treasurer to come to thc rescue . 'The brother who had undertaken the duty in Ihe lodge had done
everything it was possible for man to do , and he could but feel that no very small portion of the success of the lodge was due to him . As regards their Secretary , he was also a brother suited to the office , and was ever ready to do anything that laid in his power for the lodge or its members . The W . M . trusted that the lodge might long have the benefit of these two brethren to
assist in its management . Bro . Game thanked the W . AI , and brethren for their approval . He felt it a great compliment to be spoken of as thc W . AI . had spoken of him that night , especially in the presence of so many visitors . He felt that if the lodge went on in the future as it had
done in the past , it would always enjoy the reputation of being a great success . After a reply from the Secretary the W . M . gave the toast of "The Charities , " to which Bro . Terry replied in a forcible speech . " The Officers of the Lodge also received the honour due to them , and thc Tyler in due course brought the proceedings to a close .
DUKE OF CORNWALL LODGE ( No . 18 39 . ) — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday , the 12 th ult ., at Freemasons' Hall , W . C . Thc following officers were present : Bros . T . C . Corp- * , I . P . M ., acting W . AL ; W . A . Maloney , P . M . ; G . F . Smith , jun ,, S . W . ; A . Stokes , J . W . ; J . W . Dewsnap , Treas . and J . D . . J . C . Wilkins , S . D . ; G . F . Smith , I . G . ;
A . Williams , D . C . ; II . S . Trego , Org . ; IT . Cattermole , W . S . ; R . TL Goddard , Tyler ; J . Brooke , P . M ., Hon . Secretary ; J . Miller , F . Gent , A . T . Bascliinski , E . J . Hodge , C . H . Cox , A . IT . Jakins , F . Darton ; and visitors , Bros . A . C . Payne , 192 , and J . E . Aldis , 359 . In the absenre of liro . W . Gibson Bott , the W . AL , on account of the death of his amiable and esteemed wife ,
whose funeral hatl taken place that day , the chair was taken by the LP . AL The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed . The ballot was taken for , as a re-joining member , Bro . Henry Cruse , of Lodge 13 S 1 , and a founder of this lodge , which was unanimous in his favour , and Bro . Cruse was warmly welcomed on his return to the lodge . A ballot was next taken for Mr . Francis Arthur
Darton as an initiate , which was unanimous in his favour , and that gentleman being in attendance he was duly initiated into the Order . A proposition was made for the initiation of Mr . Joseph Bladon at the next meeting of the lodge . Bro . J . W . Brooke , proposed , and Bro . T . C . Corpc seconded , that a letter of condolence be written by Ihe Secretary on behalf of the lodge to the W . AL ,
expressing their deep and heartfelt sympathy with him under the heavy affliction that had befallen him in the untimely death of his amiable and beloved wife , whicii was carried unanimously . There being no other business , the lodge was closed . On account of the sad circumstances under whicii the lodge met the brethren separated immediately the working was
over . GATESHEAD - ON - TYNE . —Lodge of Industry ( No . 48 ) . —Another of these interesting and agreeable meetings whicii always arc looked forward to in connection with this lodge was held on Alonday , the 2 SH 1 ult ., at the rooms No . 34 , Denmark-street . The W . AI ., Bro . J . G . Smith assumed the chair , and the proceedings
commenced shortly after scicn p . m . There was a good muster present , amongst whom wc noticed Bros . John Wood , LP . AL ; Robt . Whitfield , P . M . ; AL Corbitt , P . AL ; D . Sinclair , P . AL ; 13 . P . Ord , P . AL ; Al . TL Dodds , P . M . ; E . Liddell , S . W . ; E . W . Aliddlemast , J . W . ; W . li . Elsdon ,, Treas . ; A . Rhagg . Sec ; J . Moult . S . D . ; W . M . Pybus , J . D . ; Win . Dalrymple , J . S .
as I . G . ; Robt . Ferry , Org . ; W . !• . Raebutn , S . S . ; J . Curry , 'T yler ; J . R . Bewley , R . T . Swallow , R . Locke , A . Simpson , W . Whitfield , R . Tate , Jos . Ridley , W . F . Brown , R . Dixon , J . Ivison , T . Campbell , R . lirason , J . Snowdon , W . * F . Cannon , Jos . Cook , P . M . 4 S 1 ; T . Dinning , J . D . 4 S 1 ; \ V . M . Lyons , J . S . 40 G ; Wm . Cooper , I . P . M . 1342 ; D . G . Anderson , S . W . 1 GG 4 ; W . 13 .
. McLaren , S . W . 431 ; T . S . Miller , 424 ; W . A . Gillies , 424 ; and ethers . The minutes liaving been confirmed , the W . M . initiated Mr . John Phillips into the mysteries . The J . W . explained the working tools , and the I . P . AI gave the charge of the Degree . A proposition to increase the yearly subscription from fourteen shillings to twenty-one was then
aftenvatds debated and agreed to . Other minor mailers were discussed , and the lodge was closed in due form at nine o ' clock . A couple of hours were afterwards spent in love and harmony at the refreshment board , and the brethren dispersed after listening to the glees and songs by the noted musical brethren with whicii this lodge abounds .
LIVERPOOL . —Derby Lodge ( No . 724 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Alasonic HaU , 22 , Hope-street , on Wednesday , the 23 rd ult . There were present Bros . Gen . Gordon , W . M . j IT . Trevitt , I . P . M . j Thos . Chesivorlli , P . M ., P . P . G . D . of C . Cheshire ; R . Crisp , P . M . ; J . Pendleton , S . W . ; J . Commins , J . W . j S . Davis , S . D , ; J , Thomas , J . D , ; IT ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Ellis , I . G . j J . Sharpies , S . S . ; J . Hoblin , J . S . ; H . Evans , S . ; R . Cain , P . M ., Treasurer , and a " number of members and visitors . 'The lodge was opened at 6 . 30 p . m ., by the W . AL , and after the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed , Mr . Cvetney , who had been balloted for , was initiated . Bro . Green having given proofs of his proficiency , was raised to the Sublime Degree of a AI . AL , the work in both degrees being * verv ably rendered bv the W . AL J
After the lodge had been closed the brethren adjourned to the banquet room for refreshment . Upon the removal of the cloth the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and responded to . Bro . Trevett , I . P . AI ., proposed "The Health of the W . AL , " and spoke in eulogistic terms of the manner he had done the work that evening . After the W . M . had responded , "The Health of the Newly-Initiate " and other toasts followed . After a very pleasant evening had been spent the brethren separated .
WHITEHAVEN . —Lewis Lodge ( No . S 72 ) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 21 st ult . Bro . Chas . J . Dalton , W . AL , P . G . Stwd ., occupied the chair , there being a good muster of Past Masters , members , and visitors . After the minutes were confirmed , the chief business was one initiation and
election of W . AL aid Treasurer for the ensuing year . By a unanimous vote Bro . George Dalrymple , P . AL 1660 , P . G . A . D . of C , was declared W . M . elect ; and , by a similar vote , Bro . John Spittal , P . M . S 72 , P . P . G . D . of C , Treasurer . After several propositions was made , the lodge vvas closed in form and good harmony .
LIVERPOOL . —Dramatic Lodge ( No . 1609 ) . — The monthly meeting of the members of this lodge vvas held on Tuesday , the 22 nd ult .,-at thc Alasonic Hall , Hopestreet . , Bro . Fohn Atkinson , W . M ., wasin his place , and there were also present Bros . W . W . Sandbrook , LP . AL ; W . [ . Constantine , P . M ., acting S . W . j W . Savage , J . W . j J . Al . Boyd , Secretary ; 11 . P . ' Squire , S . D . ; I . L . Shrapnel ! , J . D . ; 1 ) . W . Sanderson , I . G . ; Dr . Whittle , S . S . ;
IT . Kound , J . S . ; J . J . . Monk . Asst . Organist ; and W . H . Ball , Tyler . Amongst the members of the lodge present were Bros . B . B . Alarson , P . AI . 1356 , P . P . G . S . B . ; I . Keet , W . M . 135 G ; Captain Conby , Captain Asnscow , D . Gumming , C . Buchanan , Hould , John Wainwri ght , J . 1 <\ Calder , Chambers , E . Graham , Webster , William ' s , Parker , 1 . Ballard , P . Buck , G . Martin , W . Campion , Neubert ,
Watterson , IT . Williams , Harries , Walter Hildyard , N . Gr-en , Luya , Jones , Striem , Carter , Penny , and others . The list of visitors included the names of Bros . Lightfoot , W . AI 425 ; Thompson , 241 ; Captain Alarley , 1-174 ; Godfrey , P . AL 9 ;; J . C . Leuman , P . AL , P . G . O ., NT ; Jones , 292 ; Cook , J . D . 1325 ; W . Aloulding , 1356 ; Trevitt , 135 G ; Luya , 6 ( 17 ; Butters , S 07 ; and Warren , 241 . Air . T . L . Duncan , duly elected , was initiated , and Bros .
Gumming and Calder were passed to the Degree of F . C . During the business proceedings it vvas resolved to send a letter of condolence to Bro . R . Williams , one of the founders of the lodge , in connection with the loss he had sustained by the death of his wife . The brethren subsequently sat down to banquet , and during the evening songs and iccitations were given by Bros . W . Williams , Carter , Alanley , Constantine , Leuman , and Alonk , vvho accompanied .
MANCHESTER . —Avon Lodge ( No . 1633 ) The usual monthly meeting of this lod ge took place at the Denmark Hotel , Greenheys , on Wednesday , the 23 rd ult . The following members were present : Bros . A . B . Whittaker , W . AL ; G . AlacFarlane , S . W . j W . Brown , J . W . ; T . Cavanah , P . AL , Treas . j A . F . Forrest , Sec . j H . Bracewcll , S . D . j George Yates , J . D . ; W . Byway , I . G . :
O . Burrows , 1 ylcr ; W . II . Leigh , LP . AL ,- W . Bostock , P . M . ; T . J . Hooper , P . M ., P . P . G . Treas . ; J . D . Curtis ^ A . Tairbank , Joseph Lytic , R . A . Green , C . Sivinn , John Edgar , G . F . Webb , W . T . Allitt , J . N . Squirrel ! , W . Craven , and B . T . Marshall . Visitors : Bros . John Chadwick , P . M . 44 . Prov . G . Sec . ; G . Fisher , P . AI . i-n , Paisley . P . G . S . W . Renfrewshire , G . Bible Br . Scotland
W . W . Dawson , W . AL 1219 ; W . Needham , P . M . 1219 ; W . Schofield , I 2 ig ; ] . IT . Roberts , 993 j J . Boden , S . W . 15 SS ; R . Dottie , W . A ' L IIGI j W . Hardcastle , S . W . 177-, W . Nicholl , W . M . 317 ; J . Nettlcton , W . AI . IOIIJ F . Garner-, 992 ; Matthew Owen , 1 G 3 ; and R . R . Lisenden , 317 ( Freemason ) . The brethren met at tea at six o ' clock , and at seven o'clock
congregated in thc lodge-room . After thc lodge had been opened the minutes of thc previous meeting were read and c . nfirmed . 'The ballot vvas taken for Air . Jacob Samuel Leigh , and being declared in his favour , he was dul y initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry by the W . M . in a very careful and painstaking manner . The S W presented and explained the working tools to the
candidate , antl Bro . H . Bracewcll , S . D ., delivered the charge in such masterly style as is seldom heard in any lodge , and for which Bro . Bracewcll was deservedl y complimented later on . The W . AI . delivered what was announced on the circular as an explanation of the third tracing board , but which , in our humble opinion , and also that of several of the visitors , was a recapitulation of the Third [ Degree ceremony . It was , however , exhaustively
treated , and well delivered , and reflects great credit on Bro . Whittaker for the study and time he has devoted to the various duties ' which have fallen to his lot during his . Mastership . "Hearty good wishes" having been expressed ) by thc visitors , the lodge vvas closed in peace and harmony , at S . 50 . The brethren afterwards spent a p leasant two hours at the social board , during which Bro . T . J . Hooper proposed " The Health of the Initiate , " which was heartily drank , and responded to .
LIVERPOOL . —Kirkdale Lodge ( No . 1756 ) . — The fourth annual installation meeting of the members of this lodge was held on Wednesday evening , the 23 rd ult ., at the Skelmersdale Alasonic Hall . There were nearly 100 brethren present at the annivctsary . Amongst the visitors were Bros . II . S . Alpass , P . G . S . j Councillor
M'Arthur ( . liootle * , I' . ftl ., P . / .., IOSG John Moulding , P . P . G . R . ; J . T . Callow , P . P . G . Treas . j and numeroSs representatives of the Ancient Union , No . 203 , of which the Kirkdale Lodge is an offshoot . 'The W . M . elect , Bro . James Gnerson , vvas present-d by Bros . E . Johnson , P . AL , and Dr . Costine , P . AI . 21 G , and was installed by Bro . H . Ferguson , the retiring Master . Ihe newly appointed W . M . began his year of ofiice b y initiating three candi-
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
the Clarence Hotel , where a substantial repast awaited them . The only toasts proposed were " The Queen and Craft , " "Thc W . AL , " and "Thc Officers ; " the latter toast being coupled with thc name of Bro . Goodchild , vvho responded . The proceedings shortly afterwards terminated .
SHEPHERD'S BUSH LODGE ( No . iSaS ) . — The annual meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 2 Sth ult ., at the Athena - rum , Shepherd's Bush , on which occasion the following officers and others were present : Bros . A . B . Baker , W . AL ; G . Harrison , S . W . ; B . Pierpoint , J . W . ; W . Game , P . M ., Treas . ; A . C . Alais , P . M ., Sec ; ' Lewis Bryett , P . M . ; Richard Josey , S . D . ; Peter BurtonJ . D . ; W . Williams , I . G . ; Robt . Schofield , P . AL ,
, Tyler ; W . Clarke , G . P .: J . Terry , J . Carter , and S . H . Parkhouse , honorary members . Amongst the visitors vvho signed the book were Bros . G . P . Hazell , 697 ; W . R . Holman , P . M . 24 G ; John F . Alaidment , iGS »; H . G . Penney , S 36 ; E . IT . Vovvle , S 34 ; J . R . Allman , 1425 ; W . G . Vass ' te , 17 G 7 ; C . Cordingley , W . AI . 45 ; Robert Whitaker , 1 G 72 ; T . Collings , W . M . 15 S 5 ; R . King , 1 G 42 ; W . Cubitt , 193 ; A . Love , 13 S 7 ;
George Read , ' P . M . 511 ; L . Lichtwitz , 1642 ; A . Barfield , P . M . 35 ; W . W . Alorgan , jun ., J . W . 1107 ; IT . Phillips , 1 G 42 ; Stephen A . Cooper , I . P . M . 1 G 37 ; James Baker , 511 ; Joseph Moyle , S 34 ; W . H . Gastrell , S . D . 24 G ; James Houghton , 173 ; John Avery , P . M . 511 ; C . Holland , 1 GS 1 ; E . Collins , 733 J F . j- Oliver , S . D . S 34 ; and others . The lodge having been advanced , Bro . Paul vvas raised
to the Sublime Degree of AI . AL Ihe ballot was taken , and proved favourable on behalf of Mr . G . White . The other business before the lodge was the installation of thc W . AI ., and into that office Bro . G . Harrison was in due form inducted . The newly elected W . AL having appointed his officers , and the ceremony of installation having been completed , the lodge was closed , the brethren afterwards dining together
under the presidency of the newly installed . Master . At thc conclusion of the banquet grace was said , and then the W . AI . gave the toast of "'The Queen , " coupling with it " Prosperity to the Craft . " This toast vvas duly honoured , as were also those of "The Grand AIaster , " "The Pro Grand Master , " " The Deputy Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers . " With this latter was coupled thc name of Bro . Clarke , who , in acknowledgment , tendered
his thanks . He assured thc company lhat it was with a great amount of pride and p leasure that he heard his name associated with this toast , more especially in the Shepherd ' s Bush Lodge , of which he had the honour of really being one of the founders , having taken part in the ceremony of its consecration . He hoped that at all times the Grand Officers would enjoy the confidence of the Craft as they did at the present , and that the brethren generally would
consider they really did their duty . The I . P . M ., Bro . Baker , then proposed the health of the W . AI . Thc toast , he considered , was one of whicii Masons were wonderfully proud to drink no mattar in what lodge it was proposed . He congratulated the Alaster on the number of tlie brethren who had assembled to support him on the first night of his presidency as W . M . of the Shepherd's Bush Lodge . Considering the short time it had been in existence , but two
years , he thought the presence of so many visitors was a nappy sign . It proved that the Shepherd ' s Bush Lodge had acquired some reputation , and that Alasons of other lodges were not ashamed of giving it their approval , lie trusted that the W . AI . might have health and prosperity during his year of ollicc . He felt sure that he was capable of ruling the lodge to the satisfaction of the brethren , and only hoped there would be ample opportunities
for him to show his ability . The W . AI . tendered his sincere thanks . He could only hope that the predictions of Bro . Baker as to his ruling of the lodge wonld be fulfilled . It would be his endeavour to do everything possible to advance the comfort of the members and the prosperity of thc lodge . He then proposed what he might term a toasl somewhat nearer home than any he had that evening called the brethren to drink . It was that of the Past Alasters . I le
felt somewhat at a loss to express his feelings concerning them . This was his first appearance in the chair , whi c they had had long experience , and consequently felt more at home . He could not make a long speech on their behalf , neither did he think it was necessary . He cordially wished t-iein good health , and felt sure that the brethren would , in thc same sincere manner , join in drinking the toast . The LP . AL was the first to reply . Speaking for
himself , he could not omit to thank the members for the very high compliments they had paid him , he was really very proud to listen to their expressions of approval of the remarks of the W . M . Hc hoped the louge would always goon with the same amount of cordiality that had been enjoyed in it during the short period of its existence . With regard to their W . AL , he could but again wish him success , and trusted he might at all times meet as hearty a
reception as had just been accorded to the toast ot the Past Alasters . Bro . Bryett also thanked the brethren . As the first Worshipful Master of the lodge lie looked around with feelings of great pride on the Shepherd ' s Bush Lodge as presented that evening . It was true very many of those then present were visitors , but even that fact reflected to the cretlit of the few members of the lodge . It showed , as the I . P . M .
had said , that the lodge working vvas approved of , and that the efforts of the members were appreciated outside their own circle . He felt he could add little to the remarks of his brother P . AI . in his wishes for the prosperity of thc new Master , but at the same time he felt he could endorse all that brother had said . He looked forward to continued prosperity under the rule of Bro . Harrison . The W . M . then proposed " The Visitors , " welcoming them and
expressing the thanks of the members at the honour the guests had paid them . Bro . Barfield was thc first to reply , congratulating the lodge on the successful prospe-1 it presented . Bro . Collings also congratulated the brethren on the way in which they had established the lodge , and thanked them for their hospitality . Bro . Cordingley , who had thc pl-asurc of being present at the consecration of
Ihe lodge , thought its advancemt nt coultl but be gratifying to its founders ; he was delighted to see that the true Alasonic spirit prevailed among ils members , and that the working ofthe ritual was so well accomplished . Th ' s he thought vvas exemplified by the way in which the I . P . M . had installed his successor . Bro . Collins and others followed , endorsing the remarks of the previous speakers . The Worshipful Alaster gave the next toast , that of "The
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Honorary Members of the Lodge , to which Bro . Ierry in a very humorous manner replied . He referred to thc fact of the investiture of two of the Consecrating Officers of the Shepherd's Bush Lodge with the purple of Grand Lodge , and trusted the day might arrive when H . R . H . The Grand Master might confer the coveted prize on the others , so that the Lodge might , if possible , have
greater cause to honor the brethren who really brought it into existence . He thought the lodge was one to which any brother might be proud to belong , and to which any brother might consider it a great honor to be attached as an honorary member , For himself , he might say that he looked forward year by year to the pleasure of attending their installation , and of the many Lodges he had assisted
to bring into being , none occupied a warmer place in his affections than did ' thcirs . Hc hoped it might be his good fortune to attend with his brother honorary members for many years to come , and that from time to time they would be able to congratulate the members as heartily as they could on the present occasion . The health of the Treasurer and Secretary vvas next given . The W . AI . considered that
very much of the prosperity of a Lodge depended on the sort of man vvho vvas entrusted with the office of Treasurer at the start . It was then necessary to be prompt with every payment , and as it was not always the case that the receipts werc also prompt , it very often fell upon the Treasurer to come to thc rescue . 'The brother who had undertaken the duty in Ihe lodge had done
everything it was possible for man to do , and he could but feel that no very small portion of the success of the lodge was due to him . As regards their Secretary , he was also a brother suited to the office , and was ever ready to do anything that laid in his power for the lodge or its members . The W . M . trusted that the lodge might long have the benefit of these two brethren to
assist in its management . Bro . Game thanked the W . AI , and brethren for their approval . He felt it a great compliment to be spoken of as thc W . AI . had spoken of him that night , especially in the presence of so many visitors . He felt that if the lodge went on in the future as it had
done in the past , it would always enjoy the reputation of being a great success . After a reply from the Secretary the W . M . gave the toast of "The Charities , " to which Bro . Terry replied in a forcible speech . " The Officers of the Lodge also received the honour due to them , and thc Tyler in due course brought the proceedings to a close .
DUKE OF CORNWALL LODGE ( No . 18 39 . ) — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday , the 12 th ult ., at Freemasons' Hall , W . C . Thc following officers were present : Bros . T . C . Corp- * , I . P . M ., acting W . AL ; W . A . Maloney , P . M . ; G . F . Smith , jun ,, S . W . ; A . Stokes , J . W . ; J . W . Dewsnap , Treas . and J . D . . J . C . Wilkins , S . D . ; G . F . Smith , I . G . ;
A . Williams , D . C . ; II . S . Trego , Org . ; IT . Cattermole , W . S . ; R . TL Goddard , Tyler ; J . Brooke , P . M ., Hon . Secretary ; J . Miller , F . Gent , A . T . Bascliinski , E . J . Hodge , C . H . Cox , A . IT . Jakins , F . Darton ; and visitors , Bros . A . C . Payne , 192 , and J . E . Aldis , 359 . In the absenre of liro . W . Gibson Bott , the W . AL , on account of the death of his amiable and esteemed wife ,
whose funeral hatl taken place that day , the chair was taken by the LP . AL The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed . The ballot was taken for , as a re-joining member , Bro . Henry Cruse , of Lodge 13 S 1 , and a founder of this lodge , which was unanimous in his favour , and Bro . Cruse was warmly welcomed on his return to the lodge . A ballot was next taken for Mr . Francis Arthur
Darton as an initiate , which was unanimous in his favour , and that gentleman being in attendance he was duly initiated into the Order . A proposition was made for the initiation of Mr . Joseph Bladon at the next meeting of the lodge . Bro . J . W . Brooke , proposed , and Bro . T . C . Corpc seconded , that a letter of condolence be written by Ihe Secretary on behalf of the lodge to the W . AL ,
expressing their deep and heartfelt sympathy with him under the heavy affliction that had befallen him in the untimely death of his amiable and beloved wife , whicii was carried unanimously . There being no other business , the lodge was closed . On account of the sad circumstances under whicii the lodge met the brethren separated immediately the working was
over . GATESHEAD - ON - TYNE . —Lodge of Industry ( No . 48 ) . —Another of these interesting and agreeable meetings whicii always arc looked forward to in connection with this lodge was held on Alonday , the 2 SH 1 ult ., at the rooms No . 34 , Denmark-street . The W . AI ., Bro . J . G . Smith assumed the chair , and the proceedings
commenced shortly after scicn p . m . There was a good muster present , amongst whom wc noticed Bros . John Wood , LP . AL ; Robt . Whitfield , P . M . ; AL Corbitt , P . AL ; D . Sinclair , P . AL ; 13 . P . Ord , P . AL ; Al . TL Dodds , P . M . ; E . Liddell , S . W . ; E . W . Aliddlemast , J . W . ; W . li . Elsdon ,, Treas . ; A . Rhagg . Sec ; J . Moult . S . D . ; W . M . Pybus , J . D . ; Win . Dalrymple , J . S .
as I . G . ; Robt . Ferry , Org . ; W . !• . Raebutn , S . S . ; J . Curry , 'T yler ; J . R . Bewley , R . T . Swallow , R . Locke , A . Simpson , W . Whitfield , R . Tate , Jos . Ridley , W . F . Brown , R . Dixon , J . Ivison , T . Campbell , R . lirason , J . Snowdon , W . * F . Cannon , Jos . Cook , P . M . 4 S 1 ; T . Dinning , J . D . 4 S 1 ; \ V . M . Lyons , J . S . 40 G ; Wm . Cooper , I . P . M . 1342 ; D . G . Anderson , S . W . 1 GG 4 ; W . 13 .
. McLaren , S . W . 431 ; T . S . Miller , 424 ; W . A . Gillies , 424 ; and ethers . The minutes liaving been confirmed , the W . M . initiated Mr . John Phillips into the mysteries . The J . W . explained the working tools , and the I . P . AI gave the charge of the Degree . A proposition to increase the yearly subscription from fourteen shillings to twenty-one was then
aftenvatds debated and agreed to . Other minor mailers were discussed , and the lodge was closed in due form at nine o ' clock . A couple of hours were afterwards spent in love and harmony at the refreshment board , and the brethren dispersed after listening to the glees and songs by the noted musical brethren with whicii this lodge abounds .
LIVERPOOL . —Derby Lodge ( No . 724 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Alasonic HaU , 22 , Hope-street , on Wednesday , the 23 rd ult . There were present Bros . Gen . Gordon , W . M . j IT . Trevitt , I . P . M . j Thos . Chesivorlli , P . M ., P . P . G . D . of C . Cheshire ; R . Crisp , P . M . ; J . Pendleton , S . W . ; J . Commins , J . W . j S . Davis , S . D , ; J , Thomas , J . D , ; IT ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Ellis , I . G . j J . Sharpies , S . S . ; J . Hoblin , J . S . ; H . Evans , S . ; R . Cain , P . M ., Treasurer , and a " number of members and visitors . 'The lodge was opened at 6 . 30 p . m ., by the W . AL , and after the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and confirmed , Mr . Cvetney , who had been balloted for , was initiated . Bro . Green having given proofs of his proficiency , was raised to the Sublime Degree of a AI . AL , the work in both degrees being * verv ably rendered bv the W . AL J
After the lodge had been closed the brethren adjourned to the banquet room for refreshment . Upon the removal of the cloth the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and responded to . Bro . Trevett , I . P . AI ., proposed "The Health of the W . AL , " and spoke in eulogistic terms of the manner he had done the work that evening . After the W . M . had responded , "The Health of the Newly-Initiate " and other toasts followed . After a very pleasant evening had been spent the brethren separated .
WHITEHAVEN . —Lewis Lodge ( No . S 72 ) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 21 st ult . Bro . Chas . J . Dalton , W . AL , P . G . Stwd ., occupied the chair , there being a good muster of Past Masters , members , and visitors . After the minutes were confirmed , the chief business was one initiation and
election of W . AL aid Treasurer for the ensuing year . By a unanimous vote Bro . George Dalrymple , P . AL 1660 , P . G . A . D . of C , was declared W . M . elect ; and , by a similar vote , Bro . John Spittal , P . M . S 72 , P . P . G . D . of C , Treasurer . After several propositions was made , the lodge vvas closed in form and good harmony .
LIVERPOOL . —Dramatic Lodge ( No . 1609 ) . — The monthly meeting of the members of this lodge vvas held on Tuesday , the 22 nd ult .,-at thc Alasonic Hall , Hopestreet . , Bro . Fohn Atkinson , W . M ., wasin his place , and there were also present Bros . W . W . Sandbrook , LP . AL ; W . [ . Constantine , P . M ., acting S . W . j W . Savage , J . W . j J . Al . Boyd , Secretary ; 11 . P . ' Squire , S . D . ; I . L . Shrapnel ! , J . D . ; 1 ) . W . Sanderson , I . G . ; Dr . Whittle , S . S . ;
IT . Kound , J . S . ; J . J . . Monk . Asst . Organist ; and W . H . Ball , Tyler . Amongst the members of the lodge present were Bros . B . B . Alarson , P . AI . 1356 , P . P . G . S . B . ; I . Keet , W . M . 135 G ; Captain Conby , Captain Asnscow , D . Gumming , C . Buchanan , Hould , John Wainwri ght , J . 1 <\ Calder , Chambers , E . Graham , Webster , William ' s , Parker , 1 . Ballard , P . Buck , G . Martin , W . Campion , Neubert ,
Watterson , IT . Williams , Harries , Walter Hildyard , N . Gr-en , Luya , Jones , Striem , Carter , Penny , and others . The list of visitors included the names of Bros . Lightfoot , W . AI 425 ; Thompson , 241 ; Captain Alarley , 1-174 ; Godfrey , P . AL 9 ;; J . C . Leuman , P . AL , P . G . O ., NT ; Jones , 292 ; Cook , J . D . 1325 ; W . Aloulding , 1356 ; Trevitt , 135 G ; Luya , 6 ( 17 ; Butters , S 07 ; and Warren , 241 . Air . T . L . Duncan , duly elected , was initiated , and Bros .
Gumming and Calder were passed to the Degree of F . C . During the business proceedings it vvas resolved to send a letter of condolence to Bro . R . Williams , one of the founders of the lodge , in connection with the loss he had sustained by the death of his wife . The brethren subsequently sat down to banquet , and during the evening songs and iccitations were given by Bros . W . Williams , Carter , Alanley , Constantine , Leuman , and Alonk , vvho accompanied .
MANCHESTER . —Avon Lodge ( No . 1633 ) The usual monthly meeting of this lod ge took place at the Denmark Hotel , Greenheys , on Wednesday , the 23 rd ult . The following members were present : Bros . A . B . Whittaker , W . AL ; G . AlacFarlane , S . W . j W . Brown , J . W . ; T . Cavanah , P . AL , Treas . j A . F . Forrest , Sec . j H . Bracewcll , S . D . j George Yates , J . D . ; W . Byway , I . G . :
O . Burrows , 1 ylcr ; W . II . Leigh , LP . AL ,- W . Bostock , P . M . ; T . J . Hooper , P . M ., P . P . G . Treas . ; J . D . Curtis ^ A . Tairbank , Joseph Lytic , R . A . Green , C . Sivinn , John Edgar , G . F . Webb , W . T . Allitt , J . N . Squirrel ! , W . Craven , and B . T . Marshall . Visitors : Bros . John Chadwick , P . M . 44 . Prov . G . Sec . ; G . Fisher , P . AI . i-n , Paisley . P . G . S . W . Renfrewshire , G . Bible Br . Scotland
W . W . Dawson , W . AL 1219 ; W . Needham , P . M . 1219 ; W . Schofield , I 2 ig ; ] . IT . Roberts , 993 j J . Boden , S . W . 15 SS ; R . Dottie , W . A ' L IIGI j W . Hardcastle , S . W . 177-, W . Nicholl , W . M . 317 ; J . Nettlcton , W . AI . IOIIJ F . Garner-, 992 ; Matthew Owen , 1 G 3 ; and R . R . Lisenden , 317 ( Freemason ) . The brethren met at tea at six o ' clock , and at seven o'clock
congregated in thc lodge-room . After thc lodge had been opened the minutes of thc previous meeting were read and c . nfirmed . 'The ballot vvas taken for Air . Jacob Samuel Leigh , and being declared in his favour , he was dul y initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry by the W . M . in a very careful and painstaking manner . The S W presented and explained the working tools to the
candidate , antl Bro . H . Bracewcll , S . D ., delivered the charge in such masterly style as is seldom heard in any lodge , and for which Bro . Bracewcll was deservedl y complimented later on . The W . AI . delivered what was announced on the circular as an explanation of the third tracing board , but which , in our humble opinion , and also that of several of the visitors , was a recapitulation of the Third [ Degree ceremony . It was , however , exhaustively
treated , and well delivered , and reflects great credit on Bro . Whittaker for the study and time he has devoted to the various duties ' which have fallen to his lot during his . Mastership . "Hearty good wishes" having been expressed ) by thc visitors , the lodge vvas closed in peace and harmony , at S . 50 . The brethren afterwards spent a p leasant two hours at the social board , during which Bro . T . J . Hooper proposed " The Health of the Initiate , " which was heartily drank , and responded to .
LIVERPOOL . —Kirkdale Lodge ( No . 1756 ) . — The fourth annual installation meeting of the members of this lodge was held on Wednesday evening , the 23 rd ult ., at the Skelmersdale Alasonic Hall . There were nearly 100 brethren present at the annivctsary . Amongst the visitors were Bros . II . S . Alpass , P . G . S . j Councillor
M'Arthur ( . liootle * , I' . ftl ., P . / .., IOSG John Moulding , P . P . G . R . ; J . T . Callow , P . P . G . Treas . j and numeroSs representatives of the Ancient Union , No . 203 , of which the Kirkdale Lodge is an offshoot . 'The W . M . elect , Bro . James Gnerson , vvas present-d by Bros . E . Johnson , P . AL , and Dr . Costine , P . AI . 21 G , and was installed by Bro . H . Ferguson , the retiring Master . Ihe newly appointed W . M . began his year of ofiice b y initiating three candi-