Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 3 of 3 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
3 oth . Comps . J . W . Avery , M . E . Z . ; F . Walters , P . Z ., as H . ; and II . Muggeridge , P . Z ., as J ., opened the chapter punctually at 1 . 30 p . m . Comp . John Trickett , S . E . and J . -elect , was , in a most admirable and impressive manner , installed into the chair of Joshua . The chapter
was then closed . 1 here were also present : Comps . Dr . Dixon , P . Z ., Dr . Lilley , P . Z ., R . AA'atts , P . Z ., and the following visitors : Comps . AV . B . Heath ( P . Z . 22 ) , G . A . Taylor ( P . Z . 22 ) , E . Sillifant ( J . 22 ) , J . Lacey ( M . E . Z . 176 ) , J- Terry ( P . Z . 174 ) , E . Clark " ( H . 1 S 6 ) , F . B . Davagc ( H . 185 ) , J . AV . Halsey ( P . Z . 597 ) , e . c .
PROVINCIAL . LEICESTER . —Chapter of Fortitude , No . 279 . —A convocation of this chapter was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Monday last week , there being present Comps . Kelly , P . Z . and Prov . G . Supt . ; Rev . J . Spittal , M . E . Z . ; AV . Pettifor , P . Z . ; AV . AVearc , P . Z . ; Rev . John Denton . P . Z . 779 ; Rev . AV . Langley , P . Z . 1130 ; G . II . Hodges .
J . and H .-elcct 279 ; Geo . ' 1 oiler , jun ., J . -clect 279 ; G . Fowler Brown , M . E . Z .-elect ; II . E . Smith , H .-elect ; S . Love , J .-elect 779 , Ashby-de-la-Zouch ; E . J . Orford , J ., and ll .-elect ; II . Douglas , J .-elcct 1130 , Melton Mowbray ; Stretton , I'd ; Partridge , P . S . ; Hunt , Richardson , Moir , Deane , Crow , Duncomb , and other companions . The chapter having been opened , a board of
installed Principals was constituted , presided over by the Prov . Grand Superintendent , Comp . Kelly , who , assisted by the other P . Z . ' s , installed the above-named Principals-elect of Chapters 279 , 779 , and 1130 into their respective chairs . Comps . Clarke , M . E . Z .-elect 279 , and F . PeruNewcomc , M . E . Z .-elect 1130 , were unavoidably absent . On the conclusion of this portion of the work
the other companions were admitted , when a ballot was taken for Bros , thc Rev . Nathaniel Haycroft , D . D . 523 , Leicester ; Fred . Eachus AVilkinson , M . D ., P . M . 1 S 1 , London ; AA'illiam Ralcliffe Bryan , 1007 , Loughborough ; and Joseph Elgood , 523 ; all of whom were duly elected . Bros . F . Parsons ( elected at a former meeting ) , Dr . Hajcrofl , and XV . R . Brvan were then severally exalted by
Comp . Kelly , tlie duty of P . S . being ( for the first time ) performed by Comp . Partridge in a most perfect and efficient manner . Comp . Toller , J . ( also for the first time ) , gave most perfectly the historical lecture , after which Comp . Kelly delivered thc symbolical and mystical lectures . Two brethren having been proposed for exaltation , the chapter was closed , and the companions adjourned to refreshment .
GAINSIIOROUGII . —All Saints' Chapter , No . 422 . —A convocation of this chapter took place at the Freemasons ' Hall , Gainsborough , on Friday , April 29 th . The chapter was opened at two o ' clock by the E . Comp . Major Smyth , P . Z . ( D . P . G . M . ) , as Z ., James F . Spurr , P . Z . 200 , II . ; Cotton , P . Z . ( Lincoln ) , as J . ; Thos . Hewson , P . Z . 57 ; Thos . II . Oldman , Scribe E ; John Moxon ,
P . S . ; AV . Johnson ( 57 ) and B . Box , Asst . Soj . ' s ; John Hawkworth , Josh . Laughton , E . Landsdale , Plaskitt , Bailes , Harrison , Patrick , Szc . The minutes having been read and confirmed , Bros . D . Mackindcr , M . D . ; AA " . S . Bladon , and Robinson Goodman were exalted to thc Royal Arch degree . The Board of Installed Principals was then formed , and Comp . Major Smyth , P . Z .,
proceeded to instal Comp > . Spurr , Z ., Hawkworth IL , and Laughton , J ., for the ensuing year , after which Bro . Alfred Kirk was admitted a companion of the Order . Comp . Hewson , P . Z ., delivered a very interesting lecture upon the Royal Arch degree . The chapter was closed at five o ' clock , when thc companions adjourned tothe AVhite Hart Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet was provided for
the occasion by Bro . Oldham , and was served 111 excellent style , the wines being of first-class quality . Grace being said , a few loyal and Masonic toasts were given , some Masonic papers were read , and an interesting conversation upon Freemasonry ensued , which was kept up with great spirit until about eleven o ' clock . MlDDLKSlloitoueil . —Manuj . 'd Chap . ' ei , No . 602 . — The annual meeting of this chapter was held on the 191 I 1
ult ., for ihe purpose of installing the Principals , Sec . The ceremony was performed in an admirable manner by Comp . ' Marwood , P . D . P . G . M ., N . and E . Ridings , Yorkshire . Tbe officers appointed were Comp . Doughty , M . E . Z ., second aud third chairs being filled by Comps . J . A . Manners and A . Farmer respectively . Scribe li ., Comp . J . Ingram , jun . ; Scribe N ., Comp . T . Davidson ; P . S ., Comp , J , -Jon- ; . The companions afterwards dined together at the Corporation Hotel .
MARK MASOMRY . LEICESTER . —Foro . ' -e lo . lac , No . 19 . — A regular bi-monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons llall , on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., AV . M . Bro . A . M . Duff , in the ch . iir . A ballot was taken for Bros . Frank Billingsley AA'illiams , of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 , and James Frederick Smith , of the John of Gaunt
Lodge , No . 523 , who were duly elected , and being in attendance were advanced by the AV . M ., after which the Prov . G . Maater , Bro . Kelly , gave the explanation of thc working tools , the lecture , and thc final charge of the degree . There werelhrccolhercandidates , who wercunable to attend . The AV . M . announced that he had received an official letter from the P . G . Sec . giving directions , by
order of the P . G . M ., for thc members ofthe Marl ; Lodges in the county to wear Masonic mourning fur six months , as a token of respect to the late Uro . Earl Howe , P . P . G . S . AVarden in the Provincial Grind Lodge , and a resolution expressive of ihe deep regret of the brethren at the elcccas . of lhat most estimable nohlcmin was ordered
to be recorded on th . minutes . Two candidates having been propose ! for the degree , and the P . G . M . having referred to the meeting of the Mark Grand Lodge of England being fixed to take place iu this town in ihe ensuing autumn , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . Among the brethren present were Bros . Kelly , P . G . M . ; Duff , AV . M . ; Johnson , S . AV . ; AV . B .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Smith , as J . AV . ; Partridge , M . O . ; Rev . Dr . Haycroft , S . O . and Chap . ; L . A . Clarke , J . O . ; Stretton , Treas . ; Sctilthorpe , Reg ., as I . G . ; Richardson , See . ; Toller , S . D . ; Baines , J . D . ; Bembridge , Tyler ; Gosling , Palmer , Moor and Bryan . AVe are glad to learn that the old Mark Lodge at Hinckley ( one ofthe " time immemorial "
lodges ) , which has been in abeyance for some years past , is about to resume work , and to give in its adhesion to the Mark Grand Lodge of England , an example whicb we tsust will be followed by the old Mark Lodge at Nottingham ( in connection with the Newstead Lodge ) , and thc few other old lodges which arc still acting independently of its control .
Orders Of Chivalry.
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . Provincial Graud Conclave ofSuffolk and Cambridgeshire . This Grand Conclave met , at the quarters ofthe Prudence Encampment , under the command of thc Very Eminent Sir Knight Nathaniel George Philips , P . G . S . P ., at the
Masonic Hall , Ipswich , on Wednesday , the 25 th ult . Thc Prudence Encampment was opened in due form ; the private business of the Encampment was transacted , and two Companions installed ; the Provincial Grand Commander was then received under thc Arch of Steel .
The Provincial Grand Commander then opened thc Provincial Grand Canelave , and the minutes of the last Provincial Grand Conclave were read by the P . G . Chancellor and confirmed . The report of the Managing Committee was then read , received and adopted . The V . E . P . G . Commander then appointed and invested
the following officers : — E . Sir Knt . R . N . Sanderson D . P . G . Commander . Hardy P . G . Prior . Sims P . G . Sub Prior . Sir Knt . Palmer P . G . Prelate . E . Sir Knt . Pilcher P . G . ist Capt .
,, Westgate P . G . 2 nd Capt . ,, C . T . Townsend ... P . G . Chancellor . ,, Emra Holmes . ... P . G . Registrar . Sir Knt . Eraser P . O . Almoner . E . Sir Knt . Pettit P . G . D . ofC . Sir Knt . E . O . Chambers ... P . G . Expert . ,, Cucko . v P . O . tst S . B .
A . AV . Cook ... P . G . 2 nd S . B . ., AA ' oods P . O . Aidc-de-Camp . ,, T- Townsend ... P . O . Capt . of Lines . ,, AVhitbread P . O . ist Herald . „ Helms P . G . 2 nd Herald . ,, Barber P . G . Organist . ,, Alloway P . G . Treas .
,, Spalding P . G . Equerry . Thc V . E . Commander stated that as this was the first time the P . G . Conclave had met at thc quarters of the Prudence , he would mark the event by conferring upon the Eminent Commander of that Encampment , the rank of Past Grand Captain , and Sir Knt . Davy was invested ,
proclaimed , and saluted agreeably with ancient usage . Amongst the visitors were the Em . Sir Knts . Montague and Rosenthal , to whom a cordial vote of thanks was recorded , for thc honour they had conferred upon the province by their presence .
As a mark of esteem nnd as an acknowledgment of eminent services rendered by Sir Knt . C . T . Townsend , Past G . Capt . of Lines , Chancellor of the P . G . Conclave of Suffolk aud Cambridgeshire , Ihe A ' . E . P . G . Commander conferred the rank of P . P . G . Captain upon him . Alms were collected and handed to tie E . C . of thc
Prudence for his disposal . The P . G . Commander then closed thc Conclave in due form . A large number of the Sir Knig hts afterwards adjourned to the banquetting room , and partook of an excellent dinner , prepared liy the Hall-keeper , Frater Spalding .
SCHWEITZER ' S COCOATINA . —AA c are not surprise ;! to find that this preparation has found much favour with the medical profession and ihe public generally , and we can fully endorse ihe proprietors' statement when they say "Cocoatina is the highest class of Cocoa or
Chocolate that can possibly be produced . " For purity , solubility , richness of flavour , and strength , it certainty leaves nothing to be desired . The Cocoalina a la Vanille is a delicious preparation , and equal to the best French and Spanish Chocolates , but , unlike those preparations , requires no cooking , but is made instantaneously .
THE BLOOD IN OLD AGE . — As age advances the blood becomes thin and cloudy—or , in a full habit , thick and cloudy . The failing of tlie powers of life requires extra nutrition and support , and the blood yielding the excess required is soon overcharged with carbon , which gives to it the cloudy appearance . Being then impure , day by day the vitiated matter increases , and thc bod y suffers from a thousand ailments . "The Blood Purifier ,
old Dr . Jacob Townscnd's Sarsaparilla , supplies the extra nutrition to the blood and restores to it its florid hue , aid then thc progress of decay is arrested and the ailment disappear— man lives out his days , and the sunset of life is unattended with suffering . Testimonials with each bo ' . llc from the Hon . the Dean of Lismorc . General AVm .
Gilbert , of the Indian Army ; and Rev . Francis Monck , of "The Gospel Evangelist . " Ordered also for Apothecaries' llall , London . Sold by all druggists , in bottles 2 s . 6 J ., 4 s ., 4 s . 6 d ., 7 s . 6 d ! ., us . Pills and Ointment , each in boxes is . lj <_ d ., 2 S . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d . —Caution : Get the red and blue wrappers , with the old Doctor ' s head in the centre . No other genuine . —[ Advt . l
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
For the AA'eek ending June 11 , 1 S 70 . MONDAY , J 6 . Lodge 16 , Royal Alpha , Willis ' s Rooms , King-street , St . James ' s . ,, iSS , Joppa , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . Chap . 1056 , Victoria , George Hotel , Aldermanbury .
Sincerity Lodge of Instruction ( 174 ) , Railway Tavern , Fenchurch-street Station , at 7 . Wellington Lodge of Instruction , AVhite Swan Tavern , Deptford , at 8 . Camden Lodge of Instruction ( 704 ) , Adelaide Tavern , Haverstock-hill , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Eastern Star Lodge of Instruction ( 95 ) , Royal Hotel ,
Mileend-road , at 7 . 30 , Bro . E . Gottheil , Preceptor . British Oak Lodge of Instruction , Bank of Friendship Tavern , Mile End , at 7 for S . TUESDAY , J 7 . Colonial Board , Freemasons' Hall , at 3 . Lodge 167 , St . John ' s , Holly Bush Tavern , Hampstead . ,, 1259 , Duke of Edinburgh , New Globe Tavern ,
Bow-road . ,, 1261 , Golden Rule , Great AA estem Htl ., Bayswater . Chap . 16 9 , Temperance , AVhite Swan Tavern , Deptford . MelropolitanChapter of Instruction , George Hotel , Aldermanbury , at 7 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor .
Domatic Lodge of Instruction , PalmerstonTav ., Grosvenorpark , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 . Royal Union Lodge of Instruction ( 382 ) , Hotel de Cologne , 60 and 61 , Haymarket , at 8 ; Bro . T . AAdams , Preceptor . Faith Lodge of Instruction , Metropolitan Railway , Victoria
Station , at 8 ; Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , Preceptor . Yarborough Lodge of Instruction , Green Dragon , Stepney , at S ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . Prince Fredk . AA'illiam Lodge of Instruction ( 753 ) Knights of St . John's Tavern , St . John ' s-wood ; Bro . F . " G . Baker , Preceptor . Prestonian Club of Instruction ( for M . M . ' s only ) , Lyceum Tavern , Strand .
AVEDNESDAA * , J 8 . Committee R . M . Benevolent Institution , at 3 . Lodge 147 , Justice , AA'hite Swan , Deptford . ,, 1017 , Montefiore , Freemasons' Hall . ,, 122 S , Beacontree , private rooms , Leytonstone . ,, 1260 , Hervey , George Hotel , AA'alham Green . Chap . 619 , Beadon , Greyhound , Dulwich ,
Pythagorean Lodge of Instruction ( 79 ) , Prince of Orange , Greenwich , at 8 ; J . Robt . Nash , Preceptor . United Strength Lodge of Instruction ( 22 S ) , Bull & Gate , Kentish Town-road , at 8 ; Bro . J . N . Frost , Preceptor . Israel Lodge of Instruction , Rising Sun Tavern , Globeroad , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . Confidence Lodge of Instruction ( 193 ) , Railway Tavern ,
Railway-place , Fenchurch-street , at 7 . Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , The Grapes Tavern , Duke-street , Manchester-square , at S ; Bro . T . A . Adams , P . G . P ., Preceptor . New Concord Lodge of Instruction , Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton , at 8 . Sydney Lodge of Instruction ( S 29 ) , Cambridge Hotel ,
Upper Norwood , at 7 . 30 . Peckham Lodge of Instruction , Maismorc Arms , Parkroad , Peckham ; Bro . David Rose , Preceptor . Temperance in the East Lodge of Instruction , George the Fourth , Catherine-street , Poplar . Burdett Coutts Lodge of Instruction ( 127 S ) , Approach Tavern , Approach-road , A'ictoria-park , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . T . Terry , Preceptor .
rnuRSDAY , J 9 . Lodge 263 , Bank of England , Radley ' s Htl ., Blackfriars . ,, 1227 , Upton , Spotted Dog Tavern , Upton . Chap . 72 , Royal Jubilee , Horns Tavern , Kennington . Fidelity Lodge of Instruction ( 3 ) , Goat and Compasses , Elision-road , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor .
Finsbury Club of Instruction , Jolly Anglers Tavern , 42 , Bath-street , City-road . United Mariners' Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes , Mile-cnd-road , at S ; Bro . T . J . Baines , Preceptor . St . George ' s Lodge of Instruction ( 140 ) , Globe Tavern , Royal Hill , Greenwich , at 8 .
FRIDAY , J UNE IO . Lodge 134 , Caledonian , Ship ec Turtle , Leadenhall-st . Chap . 6 , Friendship , AVillis ' -.. Rooms , St . James ' s . > i 33 . Britannic , Freemasons' Hall . St . Luke ' s Lodge of Instiuction ( 144 ) , Pier Htl ., Chelsea . Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ' s , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 .
Domatic Chapter of Instiuction , Metropolitan Railway , Victoria Station , at 8 ; Comp . Cottebrune , Preceptor . Pythagorean Chapter of Instruction ( No . 79 ) , Prince of Orange , Greenwich-road , at 8 ; Comp . AV . AA ' est Smith , Preceptor . Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , George Hotel , Aldermanbury , at 7 ; Bro . Brett , Preceptor .
United Pilgrims' Lodge of Instruction , Homs Tavern , Kennington , at 7 . Belgrave Lodge of Instruction , Duke of AVellington Htl ., Spring-gardens , Charing-cross ; Br . Pulsford , Preceptor Doric Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes Tavern , Milecnd-road , at 8 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor .
Duke of Edinburgh Lodge of Instruction , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar , at 7 ; Br . D . S . Potts , Preceptor . Temperance Lodge of Instruction , Victoria Tav ., Victoriaroad , Deptford , at 8 . Chattel house Club of Instruction , Hat and Feathers Tavern , 25 , Goswcll-road , at 8 ; Bro . J . Mathct , P . M . 65 , Preceptor .
SATURDAY , JUNE II . Lodge 168 , London , Freemasons' Hall . ,, 176 , Caveac , Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars . Star Lodge of Instruction ( 1275 ) , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-road , at 7 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
3 oth . Comps . J . W . Avery , M . E . Z . ; F . Walters , P . Z ., as H . ; and II . Muggeridge , P . Z ., as J ., opened the chapter punctually at 1 . 30 p . m . Comp . John Trickett , S . E . and J . -elect , was , in a most admirable and impressive manner , installed into the chair of Joshua . The chapter
was then closed . 1 here were also present : Comps . Dr . Dixon , P . Z ., Dr . Lilley , P . Z ., R . AA'atts , P . Z ., and the following visitors : Comps . AV . B . Heath ( P . Z . 22 ) , G . A . Taylor ( P . Z . 22 ) , E . Sillifant ( J . 22 ) , J . Lacey ( M . E . Z . 176 ) , J- Terry ( P . Z . 174 ) , E . Clark " ( H . 1 S 6 ) , F . B . Davagc ( H . 185 ) , J . AV . Halsey ( P . Z . 597 ) , e . c .
PROVINCIAL . LEICESTER . —Chapter of Fortitude , No . 279 . —A convocation of this chapter was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Monday last week , there being present Comps . Kelly , P . Z . and Prov . G . Supt . ; Rev . J . Spittal , M . E . Z . ; AV . Pettifor , P . Z . ; AV . AVearc , P . Z . ; Rev . John Denton . P . Z . 779 ; Rev . AV . Langley , P . Z . 1130 ; G . II . Hodges .
J . and H .-elcct 279 ; Geo . ' 1 oiler , jun ., J . -clect 279 ; G . Fowler Brown , M . E . Z .-elect ; II . E . Smith , H .-elect ; S . Love , J .-elect 779 , Ashby-de-la-Zouch ; E . J . Orford , J ., and ll .-elect ; II . Douglas , J .-elcct 1130 , Melton Mowbray ; Stretton , I'd ; Partridge , P . S . ; Hunt , Richardson , Moir , Deane , Crow , Duncomb , and other companions . The chapter having been opened , a board of
installed Principals was constituted , presided over by the Prov . Grand Superintendent , Comp . Kelly , who , assisted by the other P . Z . ' s , installed the above-named Principals-elect of Chapters 279 , 779 , and 1130 into their respective chairs . Comps . Clarke , M . E . Z .-elect 279 , and F . PeruNewcomc , M . E . Z .-elect 1130 , were unavoidably absent . On the conclusion of this portion of the work
the other companions were admitted , when a ballot was taken for Bros , thc Rev . Nathaniel Haycroft , D . D . 523 , Leicester ; Fred . Eachus AVilkinson , M . D ., P . M . 1 S 1 , London ; AA'illiam Ralcliffe Bryan , 1007 , Loughborough ; and Joseph Elgood , 523 ; all of whom were duly elected . Bros . F . Parsons ( elected at a former meeting ) , Dr . Hajcrofl , and XV . R . Brvan were then severally exalted by
Comp . Kelly , tlie duty of P . S . being ( for the first time ) performed by Comp . Partridge in a most perfect and efficient manner . Comp . Toller , J . ( also for the first time ) , gave most perfectly the historical lecture , after which Comp . Kelly delivered thc symbolical and mystical lectures . Two brethren having been proposed for exaltation , the chapter was closed , and the companions adjourned to refreshment .
GAINSIIOROUGII . —All Saints' Chapter , No . 422 . —A convocation of this chapter took place at the Freemasons ' Hall , Gainsborough , on Friday , April 29 th . The chapter was opened at two o ' clock by the E . Comp . Major Smyth , P . Z . ( D . P . G . M . ) , as Z ., James F . Spurr , P . Z . 200 , II . ; Cotton , P . Z . ( Lincoln ) , as J . ; Thos . Hewson , P . Z . 57 ; Thos . II . Oldman , Scribe E ; John Moxon ,
P . S . ; AV . Johnson ( 57 ) and B . Box , Asst . Soj . ' s ; John Hawkworth , Josh . Laughton , E . Landsdale , Plaskitt , Bailes , Harrison , Patrick , Szc . The minutes having been read and confirmed , Bros . D . Mackindcr , M . D . ; AA " . S . Bladon , and Robinson Goodman were exalted to thc Royal Arch degree . The Board of Installed Principals was then formed , and Comp . Major Smyth , P . Z .,
proceeded to instal Comp > . Spurr , Z ., Hawkworth IL , and Laughton , J ., for the ensuing year , after which Bro . Alfred Kirk was admitted a companion of the Order . Comp . Hewson , P . Z ., delivered a very interesting lecture upon the Royal Arch degree . The chapter was closed at five o ' clock , when thc companions adjourned tothe AVhite Hart Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet was provided for
the occasion by Bro . Oldham , and was served 111 excellent style , the wines being of first-class quality . Grace being said , a few loyal and Masonic toasts were given , some Masonic papers were read , and an interesting conversation upon Freemasonry ensued , which was kept up with great spirit until about eleven o ' clock . MlDDLKSlloitoueil . —Manuj . 'd Chap . ' ei , No . 602 . — The annual meeting of this chapter was held on the 191 I 1
ult ., for ihe purpose of installing the Principals , Sec . The ceremony was performed in an admirable manner by Comp . ' Marwood , P . D . P . G . M ., N . and E . Ridings , Yorkshire . Tbe officers appointed were Comp . Doughty , M . E . Z ., second aud third chairs being filled by Comps . J . A . Manners and A . Farmer respectively . Scribe li ., Comp . J . Ingram , jun . ; Scribe N ., Comp . T . Davidson ; P . S ., Comp , J , -Jon- ; . The companions afterwards dined together at the Corporation Hotel .
MARK MASOMRY . LEICESTER . —Foro . ' -e lo . lac , No . 19 . — A regular bi-monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons llall , on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., AV . M . Bro . A . M . Duff , in the ch . iir . A ballot was taken for Bros . Frank Billingsley AA'illiams , of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 , and James Frederick Smith , of the John of Gaunt
Lodge , No . 523 , who were duly elected , and being in attendance were advanced by the AV . M ., after which the Prov . G . Maater , Bro . Kelly , gave the explanation of thc working tools , the lecture , and thc final charge of the degree . There werelhrccolhercandidates , who wercunable to attend . The AV . M . announced that he had received an official letter from the P . G . Sec . giving directions , by
order of the P . G . M ., for thc members ofthe Marl ; Lodges in the county to wear Masonic mourning fur six months , as a token of respect to the late Uro . Earl Howe , P . P . G . S . AVarden in the Provincial Grind Lodge , and a resolution expressive of ihe deep regret of the brethren at the elcccas . of lhat most estimable nohlcmin was ordered
to be recorded on th . minutes . Two candidates having been propose ! for the degree , and the P . G . M . having referred to the meeting of the Mark Grand Lodge of England being fixed to take place iu this town in ihe ensuing autumn , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . Among the brethren present were Bros . Kelly , P . G . M . ; Duff , AV . M . ; Johnson , S . AV . ; AV . B .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Smith , as J . AV . ; Partridge , M . O . ; Rev . Dr . Haycroft , S . O . and Chap . ; L . A . Clarke , J . O . ; Stretton , Treas . ; Sctilthorpe , Reg ., as I . G . ; Richardson , See . ; Toller , S . D . ; Baines , J . D . ; Bembridge , Tyler ; Gosling , Palmer , Moor and Bryan . AVe are glad to learn that the old Mark Lodge at Hinckley ( one ofthe " time immemorial "
lodges ) , which has been in abeyance for some years past , is about to resume work , and to give in its adhesion to the Mark Grand Lodge of England , an example whicb we tsust will be followed by the old Mark Lodge at Nottingham ( in connection with the Newstead Lodge ) , and thc few other old lodges which arc still acting independently of its control .
Orders Of Chivalry.
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . Provincial Graud Conclave ofSuffolk and Cambridgeshire . This Grand Conclave met , at the quarters ofthe Prudence Encampment , under the command of thc Very Eminent Sir Knight Nathaniel George Philips , P . G . S . P ., at the
Masonic Hall , Ipswich , on Wednesday , the 25 th ult . Thc Prudence Encampment was opened in due form ; the private business of the Encampment was transacted , and two Companions installed ; the Provincial Grand Commander was then received under thc Arch of Steel .
The Provincial Grand Commander then opened thc Provincial Grand Canelave , and the minutes of the last Provincial Grand Conclave were read by the P . G . Chancellor and confirmed . The report of the Managing Committee was then read , received and adopted . The V . E . P . G . Commander then appointed and invested
the following officers : — E . Sir Knt . R . N . Sanderson D . P . G . Commander . Hardy P . G . Prior . Sims P . G . Sub Prior . Sir Knt . Palmer P . G . Prelate . E . Sir Knt . Pilcher P . G . ist Capt .
,, Westgate P . G . 2 nd Capt . ,, C . T . Townsend ... P . G . Chancellor . ,, Emra Holmes . ... P . G . Registrar . Sir Knt . Eraser P . O . Almoner . E . Sir Knt . Pettit P . G . D . ofC . Sir Knt . E . O . Chambers ... P . G . Expert . ,, Cucko . v P . O . tst S . B .
A . AV . Cook ... P . G . 2 nd S . B . ., AA ' oods P . O . Aidc-de-Camp . ,, T- Townsend ... P . O . Capt . of Lines . ,, AVhitbread P . O . ist Herald . „ Helms P . G . 2 nd Herald . ,, Barber P . G . Organist . ,, Alloway P . G . Treas .
,, Spalding P . G . Equerry . Thc V . E . Commander stated that as this was the first time the P . G . Conclave had met at thc quarters of the Prudence , he would mark the event by conferring upon the Eminent Commander of that Encampment , the rank of Past Grand Captain , and Sir Knt . Davy was invested ,
proclaimed , and saluted agreeably with ancient usage . Amongst the visitors were the Em . Sir Knts . Montague and Rosenthal , to whom a cordial vote of thanks was recorded , for thc honour they had conferred upon the province by their presence .
As a mark of esteem nnd as an acknowledgment of eminent services rendered by Sir Knt . C . T . Townsend , Past G . Capt . of Lines , Chancellor of the P . G . Conclave of Suffolk aud Cambridgeshire , Ihe A ' . E . P . G . Commander conferred the rank of P . P . G . Captain upon him . Alms were collected and handed to tie E . C . of thc
Prudence for his disposal . The P . G . Commander then closed thc Conclave in due form . A large number of the Sir Knig hts afterwards adjourned to the banquetting room , and partook of an excellent dinner , prepared liy the Hall-keeper , Frater Spalding .
SCHWEITZER ' S COCOATINA . —AA c are not surprise ;! to find that this preparation has found much favour with the medical profession and ihe public generally , and we can fully endorse ihe proprietors' statement when they say "Cocoatina is the highest class of Cocoa or
Chocolate that can possibly be produced . " For purity , solubility , richness of flavour , and strength , it certainty leaves nothing to be desired . The Cocoalina a la Vanille is a delicious preparation , and equal to the best French and Spanish Chocolates , but , unlike those preparations , requires no cooking , but is made instantaneously .
THE BLOOD IN OLD AGE . — As age advances the blood becomes thin and cloudy—or , in a full habit , thick and cloudy . The failing of tlie powers of life requires extra nutrition and support , and the blood yielding the excess required is soon overcharged with carbon , which gives to it the cloudy appearance . Being then impure , day by day the vitiated matter increases , and thc bod y suffers from a thousand ailments . "The Blood Purifier ,
old Dr . Jacob Townscnd's Sarsaparilla , supplies the extra nutrition to the blood and restores to it its florid hue , aid then thc progress of decay is arrested and the ailment disappear— man lives out his days , and the sunset of life is unattended with suffering . Testimonials with each bo ' . llc from the Hon . the Dean of Lismorc . General AVm .
Gilbert , of the Indian Army ; and Rev . Francis Monck , of "The Gospel Evangelist . " Ordered also for Apothecaries' llall , London . Sold by all druggists , in bottles 2 s . 6 J ., 4 s ., 4 s . 6 d ., 7 s . 6 d ! ., us . Pills and Ointment , each in boxes is . lj <_ d ., 2 S . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d . —Caution : Get the red and blue wrappers , with the old Doctor ' s head in the centre . No other genuine . —[ Advt . l
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
For the AA'eek ending June 11 , 1 S 70 . MONDAY , J 6 . Lodge 16 , Royal Alpha , Willis ' s Rooms , King-street , St . James ' s . ,, iSS , Joppa , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . Chap . 1056 , Victoria , George Hotel , Aldermanbury .
Sincerity Lodge of Instruction ( 174 ) , Railway Tavern , Fenchurch-street Station , at 7 . Wellington Lodge of Instruction , AVhite Swan Tavern , Deptford , at 8 . Camden Lodge of Instruction ( 704 ) , Adelaide Tavern , Haverstock-hill , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Eastern Star Lodge of Instruction ( 95 ) , Royal Hotel ,
Mileend-road , at 7 . 30 , Bro . E . Gottheil , Preceptor . British Oak Lodge of Instruction , Bank of Friendship Tavern , Mile End , at 7 for S . TUESDAY , J 7 . Colonial Board , Freemasons' Hall , at 3 . Lodge 167 , St . John ' s , Holly Bush Tavern , Hampstead . ,, 1259 , Duke of Edinburgh , New Globe Tavern ,
Bow-road . ,, 1261 , Golden Rule , Great AA estem Htl ., Bayswater . Chap . 16 9 , Temperance , AVhite Swan Tavern , Deptford . MelropolitanChapter of Instruction , George Hotel , Aldermanbury , at 7 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor .
Domatic Lodge of Instruction , PalmerstonTav ., Grosvenorpark , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 . Royal Union Lodge of Instruction ( 382 ) , Hotel de Cologne , 60 and 61 , Haymarket , at 8 ; Bro . T . AAdams , Preceptor . Faith Lodge of Instruction , Metropolitan Railway , Victoria
Station , at 8 ; Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , Preceptor . Yarborough Lodge of Instruction , Green Dragon , Stepney , at S ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . Prince Fredk . AA'illiam Lodge of Instruction ( 753 ) Knights of St . John's Tavern , St . John ' s-wood ; Bro . F . " G . Baker , Preceptor . Prestonian Club of Instruction ( for M . M . ' s only ) , Lyceum Tavern , Strand .
AVEDNESDAA * , J 8 . Committee R . M . Benevolent Institution , at 3 . Lodge 147 , Justice , AA'hite Swan , Deptford . ,, 1017 , Montefiore , Freemasons' Hall . ,, 122 S , Beacontree , private rooms , Leytonstone . ,, 1260 , Hervey , George Hotel , AA'alham Green . Chap . 619 , Beadon , Greyhound , Dulwich ,
Pythagorean Lodge of Instruction ( 79 ) , Prince of Orange , Greenwich , at 8 ; J . Robt . Nash , Preceptor . United Strength Lodge of Instruction ( 22 S ) , Bull & Gate , Kentish Town-road , at 8 ; Bro . J . N . Frost , Preceptor . Israel Lodge of Instruction , Rising Sun Tavern , Globeroad , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . Confidence Lodge of Instruction ( 193 ) , Railway Tavern ,
Railway-place , Fenchurch-street , at 7 . Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , The Grapes Tavern , Duke-street , Manchester-square , at S ; Bro . T . A . Adams , P . G . P ., Preceptor . New Concord Lodge of Instruction , Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton , at 8 . Sydney Lodge of Instruction ( S 29 ) , Cambridge Hotel ,
Upper Norwood , at 7 . 30 . Peckham Lodge of Instruction , Maismorc Arms , Parkroad , Peckham ; Bro . David Rose , Preceptor . Temperance in the East Lodge of Instruction , George the Fourth , Catherine-street , Poplar . Burdett Coutts Lodge of Instruction ( 127 S ) , Approach Tavern , Approach-road , A'ictoria-park , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . T . Terry , Preceptor .
rnuRSDAY , J 9 . Lodge 263 , Bank of England , Radley ' s Htl ., Blackfriars . ,, 1227 , Upton , Spotted Dog Tavern , Upton . Chap . 72 , Royal Jubilee , Horns Tavern , Kennington . Fidelity Lodge of Instruction ( 3 ) , Goat and Compasses , Elision-road , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor .
Finsbury Club of Instruction , Jolly Anglers Tavern , 42 , Bath-street , City-road . United Mariners' Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes , Mile-cnd-road , at S ; Bro . T . J . Baines , Preceptor . St . George ' s Lodge of Instruction ( 140 ) , Globe Tavern , Royal Hill , Greenwich , at 8 .
FRIDAY , J UNE IO . Lodge 134 , Caledonian , Ship ec Turtle , Leadenhall-st . Chap . 6 , Friendship , AVillis ' -.. Rooms , St . James ' s . > i 33 . Britannic , Freemasons' Hall . St . Luke ' s Lodge of Instiuction ( 144 ) , Pier Htl ., Chelsea . Unions Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ' s , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 .
Domatic Chapter of Instiuction , Metropolitan Railway , Victoria Station , at 8 ; Comp . Cottebrune , Preceptor . Pythagorean Chapter of Instruction ( No . 79 ) , Prince of Orange , Greenwich-road , at 8 ; Comp . AV . AA ' est Smith , Preceptor . Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , George Hotel , Aldermanbury , at 7 ; Bro . Brett , Preceptor .
United Pilgrims' Lodge of Instruction , Homs Tavern , Kennington , at 7 . Belgrave Lodge of Instruction , Duke of AVellington Htl ., Spring-gardens , Charing-cross ; Br . Pulsford , Preceptor Doric Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes Tavern , Milecnd-road , at 8 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor .
Duke of Edinburgh Lodge of Instruction , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar , at 7 ; Br . D . S . Potts , Preceptor . Temperance Lodge of Instruction , Victoria Tav ., Victoriaroad , Deptford , at 8 . Chattel house Club of Instruction , Hat and Feathers Tavern , 25 , Goswcll-road , at 8 ; Bro . J . Mathct , P . M . 65 , Preceptor .
SATURDAY , JUNE II . Lodge 168 , London , Freemasons' Hall . ,, 176 , Caveac , Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars . Star Lodge of Instruction ( 1275 ) , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-road , at 7 .