Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
WASHING WELL DONE AND ACCURATELY RETURNED . Old Established . VICTORIA LAUNDRY WORKS , Child ' s Hill , Hendon . Prospectus free .
r ^ T ^ iaToHN READ , P . M ., P . Z ., W . p . G . ( Ma-k ) Org ., P . G . ( Chap . ) Org ., P . G . A . D . C . •Knisrht Templars and 30 ° , P . P . G . Org ., Royal Order , ' undertakes all MUSICAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR MASONIC MEETINGS . Speciality—Orchestral Arrangeents during Banquet , and Select Madrigals , Glees , and Part Songs after Dinner . Address : 49 Somerleytonroad , Brixton , S . W .
G " ~~~ ENTLEMAN ( 40 ) , 20 YEARS ' London exnerier . ee , used to management of large clafT iu- * -t returned from Australia , seeks EMPLOYMENT in any ' POSITION OF TRUST ; manufacturing preferred ; no objection to Country ; highest references . F . E . W ., care of Freemason , iG , Great Queen-street , w . c ;
ARMFIELD'S SOUTH PLACE HOTEL , FINSBURY , LONDON , E . C , This new and Hndsomely-furnished Hotel is now FULLY LICENCED . Its position is . central , and charges are moderate ; the sanitation is perfect . Passenger lift to SPECIAL CONVENIENCE FOR MASONIC LODGES , DINNERS AND CINDERELLAS .
A Feature of the Metropolis . SPIERS & POND'S / CRITERION RESTAURANT , PICCADILLY CIRCUS , LONDON , W . EAST ROOM . Finest Cuisine , unsurpassed by the most renowned Parisian Restaurants , Luncheons , Dinners and Suppers a la carte and prix fixe . Viennese Band . GRAND MALL . Musical Dinner 3 s . Cd . per head . Accompanied by thc Imperial Austrian Band . WEST ROOM . Academy Luncheon 2 S . 0 J ., Diner Parisien 5 s ., during both of which the renowned Mandolin Quartette performs . BUFFET & GRILL ROOM . Quick service ;\ la carte and moderate prices . Joints in each room fresh from thc Spit every half-hour . AMERICAN BAR . Service of special American Dishes , Grills , & c . Splendid Suites of Rooms for Military and other Dinncr : \
^!^ fi ^^^ 7- ^^' ' . ^^^ _ s _^ sViK . m i AJcM ££ * J $ ^reggasoig
Masonic Notes.
Masonic Notes .
Itoiall ! , ° rCS ,, CClful con Bralulali « ., to their ' ^ I " -T "le PfinCC and P »' " ^ ^ Walcson KinK 't . ; r SCapefrom thuha ''* "rf assassins of P'i c « ofW , l ^ u Ma i V » * ^ thcr of the ^* W . Gr ° a d MSc a r nd ^ - *> a » . therefore , of our '" aster . 1 he King , acccompanicd by his SATURDAY , MARCH 5 ) 18 9 S .
Masonic Notes.
daughter , the Princess , was driving in an open landau , when the attempt was made , and the groom in attendance was wounded in the leg , while one of the horses
was slightly hurt . Happily both his Majesty and his daughter escaped . Indignation is felt everywhere throughout Greece , while the King has received innumerable letters and telegrams of congratulation .
* * * Thc Quarterly Communication of United Grand Lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , under the presidency of Bro . Earl Amherst , Deputy Grand Master , when the business , as published in our
last week ' s issue , was transacted . There is nothing of special moment upon which to offer any comment , but we gladly avail ourselves of this opportunity of congratulating Bro . Col . Clifford Probyn on his election to the office of Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year .
Bro . Probyn has , in his time , done good service to the Craft , and we doubt not that in his new and more exalted position he will render still greater service , thereby placing it under far greater obligations to him than it is at the present moment .
* * The Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales was held at Mark Masons' Hall on Tuesday , the ist inst ., under the presidency of Bro . the Earl of Euston ,
M . W . Pro Grand Master . The one matter to which we think it advisable to refer is the election of Bro . W . Mason Stiles to the office of Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year . We offer him our sincere congratulations on the honour thus conferred upon him , more
especially as it is the third time it has been so conferred by a Supreme Masonic Body . In 1894 , in consequence ot thc Craft Grand Treasurer not being qualified to hold thc corresponding office in Supreme G . Chapter , Comp . W . M . Stiles was elected by a narrow
majority Royal Arch Grand Treasurer . In 1 S 95 he was elected , after a severe contest , Grand Treasurer of United Grand Lodge , and he is now , without having gone through the ordeal of a contested election , Grand
Treasurer of the Mark Cl rand Lodge . There is no other case of its kind , that we are aware of , in Masonry , and hence in this instance our more than usually hearty felicitations .
In addition to the two new lodges the consecration of which wc announced last week , there are two others which will start on their career in the course of the next few days . To-morrow ( Saturday ) the Alfred Newton Lodge , No . 2686 , will be consecrated , the
ceremony being performed by the Grand Secretary . When the lodge has been constituted , Bro . Alderman James Newton , P . M ., will be installed in the chair as the first W . M . The meeting will take place at thc Chelsea Town HaU , at 4 . 30 p . m ., and when lodge has been closed , the customary banquet will follow .
* * The other new lodge is the Arcadian , No . 2696 , which will be consecrated at thc Hotel Cecil , at 5 p . m . In the proceedings on this occasion , the Graud Secretary will preside as Consecrating Officer , and will be
assisted by Bro . Alderman W . Vaughan Morgan , G . Treasurer , and other distinguished members of Grand Lodge . When the lodge has bcen constituted , Bro .
James Rosedale , P . M ., W . M . designate , will be installed in the chair of K . S ., and the officers having been appointed and invested , thc rest of the business will be transacted , and the banquet will follow .
In ii sermon he recently preached in West Parish Church , Crieff , before thc local lodge , Bro . Dr . Rankin , of Westhill , though he was by no means sparing in his remarks on thc faults and foibles of thc brethren , was in the main exceedingly complimentary .
Heobserved " that Masonry well managed was a system capable of sweetening and calming general society . A pacific ocean , " he said , " was too much to hope in this life for a very long time to come , but if they could get a few specimens of pure and stormless water , even
thc size of Loch Turret , great vvould be the boon , " and he added , "for the practical attainment of a few figurative Loch Turrets , he would rather trust a dozen Masonic lodges than a dozen churches each different
from thc other . " This shows that Bro . Dr . Rankin has a very high opinion of Freemasonry , though we think he would have shown better judgment had he abstained from instituting any comparison between our Society and religions bodies .
" Ex-Secretary P . M ., our correspondent of last week on Article 141 of the Book of Constitutions is to be commended for his anxiety in behalf of a strict
Masonic Notes.
observance of the laws of Masonry , but we are afraid he is somewhat rash in taking all the words that appear in a report in their literal sense . It is quite true that in the face of the provisions made in Article 141 for the occupation of the chair in the Master ' s absence , it
would be unconstitutional for a W . M . to depute any particular P . M . to act in his stead . The law lays it down that " in the Master ' s absence , the Immediate Past Master , or , if he be absent , the Senior Past Master ot the Lodge present , or if no Past Master of
the Lodge be present , then the Senior Past Master , who is a subscribing member of the Lodge shall take the chair . " But " depute " may not have been the word actually used in the passage he quoted from our report , and if it were actually used , it may not have been intended to be used in its ordinary acceptation .
* * On looking , indeed , into our report we find that the word is that of our reporter , who probably never dreamt that every word he employed in his interesting little introductory paragraph , would be interpreted
strictly . It is more than probable that our correspondent ' s suggestion as to the arrangement having been made with the full concurrence of the I . P . M ., who was present , is correct . It occurs to us that the I . P . M . must have forgone his right to preside under Article
141 , in favour of Bro . Barker , in order that the latter might have the " privilege " to quote the word attributed later in the report to Bro . Malcolm of initiating his own son into Masonry . Still , our correspondent is justified , in view of the experience he mentions in the the second paragraph of his letter , in calling attention
to the law , and is probably right in his surmise as to there being W . Ms , who think they can depute any P . M . they like to act in their stead in their enforced absence . The point we are desirous of emphasising is that in the case of the Mirfield Lodge , there is nothing to show that the W . M ., now absent in Riviera , "deputed " any particular P . M . to act for him .
* * * There will be a meeting at thc Masonic Hall , Hopestreet , Liverpool , this ( Friday ) evening of the Court of Governors of the West Lancashire Masonic Edncational Institution , when 20 children will be elected upon the funds . Of these eight will be placed on the
Educational Fund , seven on the Combined Funds , and five upon the Advancement Fund . These children having all been recommended by the General Committee . We have received a copy of the Report of the Institution for thc year 18 97 , and shall take an early opportunity of calling attention to the leading matters mentioned therein .
Wc have received copy of a circular , from which it appears that the Masonic Charities' Association , established by ihe Citadel Lodge of Instruction , No . 1 S 97 , in 1 S 95 , is on thc eve of terminating its career , having bcen instrumental in providing upwards of 400 guineas in Life Subscriberships for our three Central
Masonic Institutions , nor is it surprising that after having achieved so great a measure of success , the members , at their last meeting , should have resolved on forming a second Association of a piecisely similar character . We congratulate the lodge of instruction on the extent of the service it has thus been the means of rendering to our Charities .
» « Thc formation of a second Association comes most opportunely just now , as it will enable brethren of moderate means and others who are inclined to encourage and support this kind of organisation to
support our Institutions without any serious effort , all they have to do is to contribute by easy instalments at the rate of one shilling per week—though not necessarily payable weekly—one or more sums of five guineas each , and they become in due course Life Subscribers or Life Governors of which one of the
three Masonic Charities they may elect to support . Ladies , Lewises , and gentlemen who are not Masons are eligible to become members . Full particulars of the Hon . Sec , Bro . Harry Wilsher , 4 6 , Birchingtonroad , Kilburn , N . W . * * *
We have much pleasure in announcing that of thc 74 pupils of thc Royal Masonic Institution for Girls who were entered for the Cambridge Middle Class and College of Preceptors' Examinations in December
last , as many as 6 S were successful , a fair proportion of thc honours and distinctions awarded being distributed amo -gst them . This is irrespective of the success scored at the Cambridge preliminary , which we recorded recently , when 19 out of 21 satisfied the examiners .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
WASHING WELL DONE AND ACCURATELY RETURNED . Old Established . VICTORIA LAUNDRY WORKS , Child ' s Hill , Hendon . Prospectus free .
r ^ T ^ iaToHN READ , P . M ., P . Z ., W . p . G . ( Ma-k ) Org ., P . G . ( Chap . ) Org ., P . G . A . D . C . •Knisrht Templars and 30 ° , P . P . G . Org ., Royal Order , ' undertakes all MUSICAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR MASONIC MEETINGS . Speciality—Orchestral Arrangeents during Banquet , and Select Madrigals , Glees , and Part Songs after Dinner . Address : 49 Somerleytonroad , Brixton , S . W .
G " ~~~ ENTLEMAN ( 40 ) , 20 YEARS ' London exnerier . ee , used to management of large clafT iu- * -t returned from Australia , seeks EMPLOYMENT in any ' POSITION OF TRUST ; manufacturing preferred ; no objection to Country ; highest references . F . E . W ., care of Freemason , iG , Great Queen-street , w . c ;
ARMFIELD'S SOUTH PLACE HOTEL , FINSBURY , LONDON , E . C , This new and Hndsomely-furnished Hotel is now FULLY LICENCED . Its position is . central , and charges are moderate ; the sanitation is perfect . Passenger lift to SPECIAL CONVENIENCE FOR MASONIC LODGES , DINNERS AND CINDERELLAS .
A Feature of the Metropolis . SPIERS & POND'S / CRITERION RESTAURANT , PICCADILLY CIRCUS , LONDON , W . EAST ROOM . Finest Cuisine , unsurpassed by the most renowned Parisian Restaurants , Luncheons , Dinners and Suppers a la carte and prix fixe . Viennese Band . GRAND MALL . Musical Dinner 3 s . Cd . per head . Accompanied by thc Imperial Austrian Band . WEST ROOM . Academy Luncheon 2 S . 0 J ., Diner Parisien 5 s ., during both of which the renowned Mandolin Quartette performs . BUFFET & GRILL ROOM . Quick service ;\ la carte and moderate prices . Joints in each room fresh from thc Spit every half-hour . AMERICAN BAR . Service of special American Dishes , Grills , & c . Splendid Suites of Rooms for Military and other Dinncr : \
^!^ fi ^^^ 7- ^^' ' . ^^^ _ s _^ sViK . m i AJcM ££ * J $ ^reggasoig
Masonic Notes.
Masonic Notes .
Itoiall ! , ° rCS ,, CClful con Bralulali « ., to their ' ^ I " -T "le PfinCC and P »' " ^ ^ Walcson KinK 't . ; r SCapefrom thuha ''* "rf assassins of P'i c « ofW , l ^ u Ma i V » * ^ thcr of the ^* W . Gr ° a d MSc a r nd ^ - *> a » . therefore , of our '" aster . 1 he King , acccompanicd by his SATURDAY , MARCH 5 ) 18 9 S .
Masonic Notes.
daughter , the Princess , was driving in an open landau , when the attempt was made , and the groom in attendance was wounded in the leg , while one of the horses
was slightly hurt . Happily both his Majesty and his daughter escaped . Indignation is felt everywhere throughout Greece , while the King has received innumerable letters and telegrams of congratulation .
* * * Thc Quarterly Communication of United Grand Lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , under the presidency of Bro . Earl Amherst , Deputy Grand Master , when the business , as published in our
last week ' s issue , was transacted . There is nothing of special moment upon which to offer any comment , but we gladly avail ourselves of this opportunity of congratulating Bro . Col . Clifford Probyn on his election to the office of Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year .
Bro . Probyn has , in his time , done good service to the Craft , and we doubt not that in his new and more exalted position he will render still greater service , thereby placing it under far greater obligations to him than it is at the present moment .
* * The Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales was held at Mark Masons' Hall on Tuesday , the ist inst ., under the presidency of Bro . the Earl of Euston ,
M . W . Pro Grand Master . The one matter to which we think it advisable to refer is the election of Bro . W . Mason Stiles to the office of Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year . We offer him our sincere congratulations on the honour thus conferred upon him , more
especially as it is the third time it has been so conferred by a Supreme Masonic Body . In 1894 , in consequence ot thc Craft Grand Treasurer not being qualified to hold thc corresponding office in Supreme G . Chapter , Comp . W . M . Stiles was elected by a narrow
majority Royal Arch Grand Treasurer . In 1 S 95 he was elected , after a severe contest , Grand Treasurer of United Grand Lodge , and he is now , without having gone through the ordeal of a contested election , Grand
Treasurer of the Mark Cl rand Lodge . There is no other case of its kind , that we are aware of , in Masonry , and hence in this instance our more than usually hearty felicitations .
In addition to the two new lodges the consecration of which wc announced last week , there are two others which will start on their career in the course of the next few days . To-morrow ( Saturday ) the Alfred Newton Lodge , No . 2686 , will be consecrated , the
ceremony being performed by the Grand Secretary . When the lodge has been constituted , Bro . Alderman James Newton , P . M ., will be installed in the chair as the first W . M . The meeting will take place at thc Chelsea Town HaU , at 4 . 30 p . m ., and when lodge has been closed , the customary banquet will follow .
* * The other new lodge is the Arcadian , No . 2696 , which will be consecrated at thc Hotel Cecil , at 5 p . m . In the proceedings on this occasion , the Graud Secretary will preside as Consecrating Officer , and will be
assisted by Bro . Alderman W . Vaughan Morgan , G . Treasurer , and other distinguished members of Grand Lodge . When the lodge has bcen constituted , Bro .
James Rosedale , P . M ., W . M . designate , will be installed in the chair of K . S ., and the officers having been appointed and invested , thc rest of the business will be transacted , and the banquet will follow .
In ii sermon he recently preached in West Parish Church , Crieff , before thc local lodge , Bro . Dr . Rankin , of Westhill , though he was by no means sparing in his remarks on thc faults and foibles of thc brethren , was in the main exceedingly complimentary .
Heobserved " that Masonry well managed was a system capable of sweetening and calming general society . A pacific ocean , " he said , " was too much to hope in this life for a very long time to come , but if they could get a few specimens of pure and stormless water , even
thc size of Loch Turret , great vvould be the boon , " and he added , "for the practical attainment of a few figurative Loch Turrets , he would rather trust a dozen Masonic lodges than a dozen churches each different
from thc other . " This shows that Bro . Dr . Rankin has a very high opinion of Freemasonry , though we think he would have shown better judgment had he abstained from instituting any comparison between our Society and religions bodies .
" Ex-Secretary P . M ., our correspondent of last week on Article 141 of the Book of Constitutions is to be commended for his anxiety in behalf of a strict
Masonic Notes.
observance of the laws of Masonry , but we are afraid he is somewhat rash in taking all the words that appear in a report in their literal sense . It is quite true that in the face of the provisions made in Article 141 for the occupation of the chair in the Master ' s absence , it
would be unconstitutional for a W . M . to depute any particular P . M . to act in his stead . The law lays it down that " in the Master ' s absence , the Immediate Past Master , or , if he be absent , the Senior Past Master ot the Lodge present , or if no Past Master of
the Lodge be present , then the Senior Past Master , who is a subscribing member of the Lodge shall take the chair . " But " depute " may not have been the word actually used in the passage he quoted from our report , and if it were actually used , it may not have been intended to be used in its ordinary acceptation .
* * On looking , indeed , into our report we find that the word is that of our reporter , who probably never dreamt that every word he employed in his interesting little introductory paragraph , would be interpreted
strictly . It is more than probable that our correspondent ' s suggestion as to the arrangement having been made with the full concurrence of the I . P . M ., who was present , is correct . It occurs to us that the I . P . M . must have forgone his right to preside under Article
141 , in favour of Bro . Barker , in order that the latter might have the " privilege " to quote the word attributed later in the report to Bro . Malcolm of initiating his own son into Masonry . Still , our correspondent is justified , in view of the experience he mentions in the the second paragraph of his letter , in calling attention
to the law , and is probably right in his surmise as to there being W . Ms , who think they can depute any P . M . they like to act in their stead in their enforced absence . The point we are desirous of emphasising is that in the case of the Mirfield Lodge , there is nothing to show that the W . M ., now absent in Riviera , "deputed " any particular P . M . to act for him .
* * * There will be a meeting at thc Masonic Hall , Hopestreet , Liverpool , this ( Friday ) evening of the Court of Governors of the West Lancashire Masonic Edncational Institution , when 20 children will be elected upon the funds . Of these eight will be placed on the
Educational Fund , seven on the Combined Funds , and five upon the Advancement Fund . These children having all been recommended by the General Committee . We have received a copy of the Report of the Institution for thc year 18 97 , and shall take an early opportunity of calling attention to the leading matters mentioned therein .
Wc have received copy of a circular , from which it appears that the Masonic Charities' Association , established by ihe Citadel Lodge of Instruction , No . 1 S 97 , in 1 S 95 , is on thc eve of terminating its career , having bcen instrumental in providing upwards of 400 guineas in Life Subscriberships for our three Central
Masonic Institutions , nor is it surprising that after having achieved so great a measure of success , the members , at their last meeting , should have resolved on forming a second Association of a piecisely similar character . We congratulate the lodge of instruction on the extent of the service it has thus been the means of rendering to our Charities .
» « Thc formation of a second Association comes most opportunely just now , as it will enable brethren of moderate means and others who are inclined to encourage and support this kind of organisation to
support our Institutions without any serious effort , all they have to do is to contribute by easy instalments at the rate of one shilling per week—though not necessarily payable weekly—one or more sums of five guineas each , and they become in due course Life Subscribers or Life Governors of which one of the
three Masonic Charities they may elect to support . Ladies , Lewises , and gentlemen who are not Masons are eligible to become members . Full particulars of the Hon . Sec , Bro . Harry Wilsher , 4 6 , Birchingtonroad , Kilburn , N . W . * * *
We have much pleasure in announcing that of thc 74 pupils of thc Royal Masonic Institution for Girls who were entered for the Cambridge Middle Class and College of Preceptors' Examinations in December
last , as many as 6 S were successful , a fair proportion of thc honours and distinctions awarded being distributed amo -gst them . This is irrespective of the success scored at the Cambridge preliminary , which we recorded recently , when 19 out of 21 satisfied the examiners .