Article PROV. GRAND LODGE OF OXFORD SHIRE, & ALFRED LODGE, 340. ← Page 2 of 2 Article GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASONS OF ENGLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article Agents. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Prov. Grand Lodge Of Oxford Shire, & Alfred Lodge, 340.
had that day been installed in the chair of K . S . ; and he might tiuly say that a worthy f . ithcr had been succeeded by a -wormy son . ( Chc-rs . ) He saw another son of their excellent D . P . G . M . receive the secrets of Freemasonry , and what he had that day witnessed was altogether sufficient to move the hearts of them
all . ( Hear , hear . ) In conclusion , he thanked his Oxford brethren very heartily for their kindness aud hospitality . ( Cheers . ) The P . G . M . said he now rose to propose a toast most interes . in _ r . to the province and Provincial Grand Lodge—it was the health ofthe V . W . D Prov . Grnad
Master , and the Prov . G . Officers , past and present . ( Cheers . ) They could do very little in the province , without the zealous assistance of the Prov . Grand Officers . ( Hear , hear . ) He assured the brethren it was quite impossible for him to express in adequate terms , what ho felt with regard to the D . Prov . Grand Muster , and he would not attempt to say
much m his presence . Indeed , no remarks of his were necessary , as Bro . Spiers had for some quarter of a century lost no opportunity in advancing theinteresls of Freemasonry , but had devoted himself to the Craft in a manner which one could scarcely conceive possible , seeing that he had many other duties to
perform . ( Hear , hear . ) Having referred to the great good Bro . S piers had done as a Mason , the P G . M ., complimented other officers in the province for the efficient way in which they had prompted the welfare ofthe Order . '' Bro SPIERS , the D . P . G . M ., ably returned thanks ,
and spoke of the pleasure he felt in installing his son as W . M . of the " Alfred Lodge , " and in seeing his third son initiated . Whenever the Masons of this province thought he could do anything to promote the interest of the Craft , they might rely on his services , as that object was one of the greatest he had in view . ( Cheers . )
Bro . Captain LAMERT , AV . M . of the "Apollo " Lodge , also responded , and was followed b y Bro . S . P . SriKits , W . M ., of the " Alfred " Lodge , who expressed the feelings of pride realised by ihe brethren of that Lodge in entertaining the Provincial Grand Lodge , and assured the brethren in different
parts of the province that they would always meet » hearty welcome in the Lodge over which he had now the honour to preside . ( Cheers . ) Speaking on behalf of himself , Bro . Spiers said he had received so much kindness and good feeling from everyone present that he scarcely knew how to express his thanks . Suffice it to say , he had always endeavoured
to do his duty , both as a man and a Mason ( bear , hear )—and for anything he had done he had been amply repaid by the honour conferred upon him that day . ( Cheers ) They could well understand how much his pleasure had been enhanced by the fact that he had been installed by his father . ( Hear , hear . )
It had also been a source of much gratification to him to initiate his younger brother into Freemasonry . ( Hear , hear . ) In conclusion , he again thanked the P . G . M . and brethren for the honour they had done him . ( Cheers . ) Bro . GUMIILKTOK , AV . M . " Churchill" Lodge , Bro .
Looker , P . M . " Olicrwell" Lod ge , and Bro . Iloreock , AV . M . " Bowyer" Lodge , sevcraly responded . The P . G . M . then proposed the health of the Alsitors , associating with it the name of Bro . G . J . OOSUURN ( Sec . Lodge of Hope , Newbury ) , who returned thanks .
Bro . S . P . SPIERS , gave the health of the Entered Apprentices , and the D . P . G . M . admirably rendered tho Entered Apprentice ' s Song , after which Bro . Frank Spiers , and Bro . Kichard Williams ( Paymaster in the Royal Navy ) , duly returned thanks .
' * ihe Masonic Charities" and other toasts were honoured and this most agreeable gathering of Masons broke up about midnight . The P . G . M . entrusted the banquet to the charge of the " Alfred" Lodge , and the whole of the arrangements were excellent .
Grand Lodge Of Mark Masons Of England.
Tho Half-Yearly Communication of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters was held at Freemasons ' Tavern on Tuesday , the 1 st inst , when about fifty 'brethren were present . Bro . the Rev . G . R . Portal , D . G . M ., was installed as Grand Master for tho ensuing year , and then appointed the following brethren as officers : —
Sir E . Lechmero , Dep . Q . M . ; T . Mansel Talbot , S . Q . W . ; J . Conroy , J . O . W . ; Major Woodall , G . O . ; Kay Robinson , & Q . O ; John Walker , J . G . O . ; Rev . W . It . Bedford , O . Chnpl . iin ; llev . lt . N Sanderson , G . C . ; J . 11 . Stebbing , 0 . Treasurer ; Maim , O . Registrar ; F . Hiuckea , G . Secretary ; Blithe , G . S . D . ; Hillman , O J . D . ; If . N . Canity , O . Supt . f Woiks ; W . H Warr , G . Dir . of Ceremonies ; T . J . Sabine . Asst . G D . Cer . ; Thos . Weseombe , G .
Swordbearer ; Blacklock G . Standard-bearer ; Iteid , G . Org ; Week * , O . Timo-keeper . Stewards r Rosenthal , Luke , Bigg , May , If . Massey Jus . Stevens . McCiillum . General Board : , M . Talbot , J . Conroy , Udall ( President ) , Gumbleton , Meggy , Stebbing J . II . Wynne W . II . Warr , T . J . Sabine , Davidson , Baxter , and Levander . After the transaction of tho usual business , tho Graud Lodgo was closed .
Agents .
? CANADA : Messrs . DKVRIB & SON , Ottawa . CISYLON : Messrs . W . h . SKEENE & Co ., Columbo . CONSTANTINOPLE :-Bro . J . L . HANLY , Levant Times ' Office .
GALATA : IPSICK KAUN , Perchembc-Bajar . LONDON : AV . H . SMITH & Soxs , ISC , Strand , and all Railway Stations . Bro . C . L . PHILPOTT ., G 5 , King William-street , E . C . Bro . F . FAKHAM , 282 , Strand . Bro . BURN , 115 , Loudon Wall .
Bro . POTTLE & Son , 14 and 15 , Royal Exchange . Bro . GILBIUT . 18 , Graccchurch-street . J . B . IJUOWXING , 58 , Murray-street , Hoxton . C . W . LITTLE . 14 , Broadway . E . C . CUUSE , 73 , Little Britain . T . DUISCOLL , Black Horse Alley , Fleet-street . LAYTON , la , Liverpool-street , Bishopsgate .
LLOYD , 21 , Great yueeu street , W . C . Bro . J . LAMBERT , 4 , Royal Oak Ten-ace , Bayswater . Bro . A . MOIIEAU , 98 , Queen's-ro-d , Bayswater . Bro . JAS . WILLIS , 173 , Church-street , Chelsea . Bro . EDMONDS , Brommel-road . Clapham . Bro . EDW . P . FOSTER , 31 & 33 , Higti-st .. Peckham .
SPALDING ' LIBRARY , High-street , Notting Hill . Bro . SAMUEL CDIVBKS , 209 , High-street , Poplar . Bro . HENDERSON , Woolwich . Bro . J . L . WINN , 8 , Greenwich-road , Greenwich . 2 , London-street , opposite Orchard's Dining-rooms , Greenwich .
ARDROSSAN : Bro Huou BOYD . BANGOR : Bro . NIXON . BELFAST : Bros . MCCORMICK & HUDSON , Masonie Rooms , Douegall-place . „ Bro . ALEXANDER WYNNE , Donegall-street . BIRMINGHAM : Bro . J . WILLEY , Union-passage and Union-street .
BRECHIN : Bros . BLACK & JOHNSTON , 40 , High-street . BRISTOL : Bro . li . B PENNY , 1 C , Clare-street . CANTERBURY : Bro . DAVEY , St . Margaret ' s-street . CARDIFF : Bro . T . HAYNES , 6 , James-street . CHATHAM : Bro . JAMIS G ALE . CHELMSFORD : Bro J . L . B RICKELI ,. COCKERMOUTH : Bro . E . TUWAITES , 29 & 30 ,
Marketplace . COLCHESTER : Bro . GEORGE H . RAY . , CORK : Bro . S . Woou , 46 , Patrick-street , Agent for the South of Ireland . DEAL : Bro . B . R . lisr' .. s , 140 , Lower-street . DEVONPORT : Bro . J . K . H . SritY , 100 , Fore-street . DUBLIN : Bro . A . MAXWELL HAUTE , Freemasons' HaU .
DUDLEY : Bro . JAMKS FOSSDIU , 102 , Hall-street DUNDEE : Bro . C . D . CHALMERS , 10 , Castle-street . DURHAM : Bro . R . COOKE , 1 , Silver-street . EDINBURGH : Bro . JAS . N . SCOBIE , 177 . High-street . „ Bro . GEO . DARLING , 39 , Clerk-street . GLASGOW : Bro . JOHN DAVIDSON & Co ., 170 , Buchanaustreet .
GUERNSEY : Bro J . M ILLINOTON , Bookseller . HALIFAX : Bro . WM . COOKE , Courier Offico . HARTLEPOOL , WEST , Bro J . FiiuCTOR , Bookseller . HULL : Bro . B . S . OATKS , C , Market-plnce . IPSWICH : Bro . C T . TOWNSEND , Masonic Hill . „ Bro . C . DAVY , 8 , Upper Brook-street .
ISLE OF MAN : Bro . W . KNEALE , 38 , Duke-st , Douglas . KILMARNOCK .: Bro . JAMHS MOKIK . LANARKSHIRE : Bro . J . W . C RAIQ , Coatbridge . LEICESTER : Bro . A . H . II . Ross , C , Market-place . LEOMINSTER : Bro . S . PAirriubGE . LIVERPOOL : Bro . JOSEPH W OOD , 18 , Norton-street . ,. Bro . EDWARD HOWELL , 20 , Church street .
„ Bro . G . G . WAIMSLEY , 50 , lord-street . LUDLOW : Bro E . J . PARTRIDGE , 53 , Broad-street MANCHESTER : Bros . J . & E . AV . JACKSON , 02 , Corporation-street . MARGATE : Bro . W . C . BUASIER , 37 , High-street NEWCASTLE ON-TYNE , SHIELDS , & ALNWICK .: Bro . W . E . FRANKLIN , Bookseller .
NORWICH : Bro . U . JK . UIY , 70 St . Stephen ' s-streot OLD BROMPTON , ld-. NT : Sprac'iling ' s Library . OXFORD : Bro . SPIERS & SON , 102 & 103 , High-street . PAISLEY : Bro . RKID , High-street PEMBROKE DOCK : Bro . W . G . PHILLIPS , GuzctteO & ce . PENZANCE : W CORNISH , 2 , Market place . PLYMOUTH : Bro . J . THOMAS . Cornwall-street
READING : F . GOI . DING . 11 , Minster-street . „ GEO . LovrJOY , Southern Counties Library . ,. HENKY PACK REDRUTH : Bro . WM . TREGASKIS . RICHMOND , SsURliEY : Bro . RICHARD GURNEY , Royal Assembly Rooms . ROCHESTER : Bro . JAMES SALE .
SCARBOROUGH : Bro . II . MARTIN , 9 , Oxford-street . SHEERNESS : Bro . J II . MCDONALD . STAFFORDSHIRE : Bro . Wmuur , Bookseller , Longton . „ Bro . CIIAB . HEAD , Stoke-on Trent STOKESLEY : Bro TWI : DDI . LL & SONS , Cleveland Printing and Publishing OUice . STOCKPORT : Bro . W . C . FLEMING .
STROOO : Bro . JAMKS SALE . SUNDERLAND : Bro . WM . HALL , High-street . TIVERTON : Bro . THOS . PARKIIOUSH , Bookseller , TRURO : Bro . W . LAKE . WARWICK : Bros . H . T . COOKE & SON , High-street WESTON-SUPER-MARE : Bro . O . U . POWKI . L . WHITEHAVEN : BroB . PAOKN & GlLl , ! & 2 , Mnrket-plac * . WINCHESTER : Bro . C . SHERRY , 2 , Clifton-terrace . YORK : Bro . M . J . SIMPSON , Bookseller .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For the Week ending June 12 , 1869 . Monday , June 7 . Lodge No . 16 , " Royal Alpha , " St . James ' s Htl . Piccadilly , U . A . Chap , 1066 , "Victoria , " George Hotel , Aldermanbury .
Tuesday , June 8 . Lodge No . 548 , " Wellington , " White Swan Tav ., Deptford . „ 83 ^ " Ranelagh , ' ' Windsor Castle Hotel , Hammersmith
„ 933 , " Doric , " Anderton ' s Hotel Fleet-street . Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , George Hotel , Aldermanbury at 7 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor . Domatic Lodge of Instruction , Palmerston Tavern , Grosvenorpark , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 .
Wednesday , June 9 . Committee Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , at 3 . Lodge No . 1017 , " Monteflore , " Freemasons' Hall . „ 1228 , " Beacoiitree , " private rooms , Leytonstone ^ Thursday , June 10 .
Lodge No . 263 , " Bank of England , " Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars . „ 1076 , " Capper , " Marine lltl ., Victoria Dock , AVest Ham . „ 7127 , "Upton" Spotted Dog Tav ., Upton , Essex . R . A . Chap ., 72 , " Royal Jubilee , " Horns Tav ., Kennington .
Friday , June 11 . „ 33 , " Britannic , " Freemasons' Hall . Lodge No . 134 , " Caledonian , " Ship and Turtle , Leadenhallstreet . R . A . Chap ., 6 , " Friendship , " Willis ' s Rooms , King-street , St . James ' s .
Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . s , Freemason ! Hall , at 7 . Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , George Hotel , Aldermanbury . at 7 . United Pilgrim's Lodge of Instruction , 507 , Horus Tavern ; Kenuiugtou , 7 till 9 .
Saturday , June 12 . Lodge No . 108 , " London , " Freemasons * Hall . „ 17 G , " Cavcac , " Radley's Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars . Domatic Chapter of Instruction . Horns Tavern , Kennington at 8 j Comp . Little , P . Z ., Preceptor , Annual Assembly of Grand Senate of tie R : d + Order of Constantine , Freemasons' Tavern , at 3 .
^ biMnrtrsmtnts . Just Published . Price Half a Guinea . MONOGRAMS , HISTORICAL . AND PRACTICAL , D . G . BERRI , Engraver to Her Majesty ' s Post Office , Stationery Office r < $ c , S / c ., 36 , High Holborn , ( opposite Chancery-lane , ) LONDON , W . C .
VELOCIPEDES & BICICLES for cither Sox . Speed 30 miles per hour , hill-ascending , self-propelling ,, and balancing , XI 00 . Diagram , Gd . Manufacturing Licences granted . W . VIDD 1 NG , ESQ ., PATENTER , 31 , Kings ' -row , Walworth road . "M R . W . Pinnixo ' s PATKST SKi . if-PitorKLi . iso AKDBALANCING VKLOCIIMCIIKS ANI > Bicici . ia —Having seen the diagrams and perused a specification of Mr . Bidding ' s patent , we hesitate not for an instant to say that that gentleman will accomplish all he professes to do by means of his invention . "—Sporting Opinion . New Edition , in post 8 vo , with about 80 Woodcuts , price 12 s . 0 d .
THE AMERICAN FREEMASON is Monthly , of sixteen duublc-coluniii quarto pages of entirely original matter , and translations from the French Italian , and German Masonic papers and periodicals of the day . It is devoted to the discussion of the rights of Lodgea and individual Freemasons , in contradistinction to the assumptions of Grand Lodges , and the un Jlasonic doctrines and arrangements of ' ¦ high degrees . " Its motto is—Belief in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man . ^ Ila price is Five Shillings a year—a sum to sn . all that no Freemason , for pecuniary reasons , need be a nun-subscriber to it . Trans-Atlantic Subscribers to the AMKUICAN FUKEHASOM will receive it Post-paid from the Office of Publication direct , at their respective Post-ofliccs , upon payment of the subscription to Bno . GEORGE KEN'N'IN'G , 3 & 4 , Lrrn . i ' . BRITAIN , LONHOX , E . C . All Subscriptions begin with March 15 th , 1809 , and end with February , 1870 . The A . MKitiCAN Fiti ' . KMAsox is not the organ of any Grand ' Lodge ; but speaking the words of truth , manhood , and independence , advocates freedom tor Masonry in America , and the rights of Freemasons in their Lodges—lights which , bjr our Grand Lodges , iu their subsfrvency to high degrees , have been invaded , until at present they nre nearly obliterated . Subscribers in the British Colonies will please address all Subscriptions and Correspondence to J . I ' l . KTViiut BniiSMAjr ,. Editor , 114 , Main-street , Cincinnati , Ohio .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Oxford Shire, & Alfred Lodge, 340.
had that day been installed in the chair of K . S . ; and he might tiuly say that a worthy f . ithcr had been succeeded by a -wormy son . ( Chc-rs . ) He saw another son of their excellent D . P . G . M . receive the secrets of Freemasonry , and what he had that day witnessed was altogether sufficient to move the hearts of them
all . ( Hear , hear . ) In conclusion , he thanked his Oxford brethren very heartily for their kindness aud hospitality . ( Cheers . ) The P . G . M . said he now rose to propose a toast most interes . in _ r . to the province and Provincial Grand Lodge—it was the health ofthe V . W . D Prov . Grnad
Master , and the Prov . G . Officers , past and present . ( Cheers . ) They could do very little in the province , without the zealous assistance of the Prov . Grand Officers . ( Hear , hear . ) He assured the brethren it was quite impossible for him to express in adequate terms , what ho felt with regard to the D . Prov . Grand Muster , and he would not attempt to say
much m his presence . Indeed , no remarks of his were necessary , as Bro . Spiers had for some quarter of a century lost no opportunity in advancing theinteresls of Freemasonry , but had devoted himself to the Craft in a manner which one could scarcely conceive possible , seeing that he had many other duties to
perform . ( Hear , hear . ) Having referred to the great good Bro . S piers had done as a Mason , the P G . M ., complimented other officers in the province for the efficient way in which they had prompted the welfare ofthe Order . '' Bro SPIERS , the D . P . G . M ., ably returned thanks ,
and spoke of the pleasure he felt in installing his son as W . M . of the " Alfred Lodge , " and in seeing his third son initiated . Whenever the Masons of this province thought he could do anything to promote the interest of the Craft , they might rely on his services , as that object was one of the greatest he had in view . ( Cheers . )
Bro . Captain LAMERT , AV . M . of the "Apollo " Lodge , also responded , and was followed b y Bro . S . P . SriKits , W . M ., of the " Alfred " Lodge , who expressed the feelings of pride realised by ihe brethren of that Lodge in entertaining the Provincial Grand Lodge , and assured the brethren in different
parts of the province that they would always meet » hearty welcome in the Lodge over which he had now the honour to preside . ( Cheers . ) Speaking on behalf of himself , Bro . Spiers said he had received so much kindness and good feeling from everyone present that he scarcely knew how to express his thanks . Suffice it to say , he had always endeavoured
to do his duty , both as a man and a Mason ( bear , hear )—and for anything he had done he had been amply repaid by the honour conferred upon him that day . ( Cheers ) They could well understand how much his pleasure had been enhanced by the fact that he had been installed by his father . ( Hear , hear . )
It had also been a source of much gratification to him to initiate his younger brother into Freemasonry . ( Hear , hear . ) In conclusion , he again thanked the P . G . M . and brethren for the honour they had done him . ( Cheers . ) Bro . GUMIILKTOK , AV . M . " Churchill" Lodge , Bro .
Looker , P . M . " Olicrwell" Lod ge , and Bro . Iloreock , AV . M . " Bowyer" Lodge , sevcraly responded . The P . G . M . then proposed the health of the Alsitors , associating with it the name of Bro . G . J . OOSUURN ( Sec . Lodge of Hope , Newbury ) , who returned thanks .
Bro . S . P . SPIERS , gave the health of the Entered Apprentices , and the D . P . G . M . admirably rendered tho Entered Apprentice ' s Song , after which Bro . Frank Spiers , and Bro . Kichard Williams ( Paymaster in the Royal Navy ) , duly returned thanks .
' * ihe Masonic Charities" and other toasts were honoured and this most agreeable gathering of Masons broke up about midnight . The P . G . M . entrusted the banquet to the charge of the " Alfred" Lodge , and the whole of the arrangements were excellent .
Grand Lodge Of Mark Masons Of England.
Tho Half-Yearly Communication of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters was held at Freemasons ' Tavern on Tuesday , the 1 st inst , when about fifty 'brethren were present . Bro . the Rev . G . R . Portal , D . G . M ., was installed as Grand Master for tho ensuing year , and then appointed the following brethren as officers : —
Sir E . Lechmero , Dep . Q . M . ; T . Mansel Talbot , S . Q . W . ; J . Conroy , J . O . W . ; Major Woodall , G . O . ; Kay Robinson , & Q . O ; John Walker , J . G . O . ; Rev . W . It . Bedford , O . Chnpl . iin ; llev . lt . N Sanderson , G . C . ; J . 11 . Stebbing , 0 . Treasurer ; Maim , O . Registrar ; F . Hiuckea , G . Secretary ; Blithe , G . S . D . ; Hillman , O J . D . ; If . N . Canity , O . Supt . f Woiks ; W . H Warr , G . Dir . of Ceremonies ; T . J . Sabine . Asst . G D . Cer . ; Thos . Weseombe , G .
Swordbearer ; Blacklock G . Standard-bearer ; Iteid , G . Org ; Week * , O . Timo-keeper . Stewards r Rosenthal , Luke , Bigg , May , If . Massey Jus . Stevens . McCiillum . General Board : , M . Talbot , J . Conroy , Udall ( President ) , Gumbleton , Meggy , Stebbing J . II . Wynne W . II . Warr , T . J . Sabine , Davidson , Baxter , and Levander . After the transaction of tho usual business , tho Graud Lodgo was closed .
Agents .
? CANADA : Messrs . DKVRIB & SON , Ottawa . CISYLON : Messrs . W . h . SKEENE & Co ., Columbo . CONSTANTINOPLE :-Bro . J . L . HANLY , Levant Times ' Office .
GALATA : IPSICK KAUN , Perchembc-Bajar . LONDON : AV . H . SMITH & Soxs , ISC , Strand , and all Railway Stations . Bro . C . L . PHILPOTT ., G 5 , King William-street , E . C . Bro . F . FAKHAM , 282 , Strand . Bro . BURN , 115 , Loudon Wall .
Bro . POTTLE & Son , 14 and 15 , Royal Exchange . Bro . GILBIUT . 18 , Graccchurch-street . J . B . IJUOWXING , 58 , Murray-street , Hoxton . C . W . LITTLE . 14 , Broadway . E . C . CUUSE , 73 , Little Britain . T . DUISCOLL , Black Horse Alley , Fleet-street . LAYTON , la , Liverpool-street , Bishopsgate .
LLOYD , 21 , Great yueeu street , W . C . Bro . J . LAMBERT , 4 , Royal Oak Ten-ace , Bayswater . Bro . A . MOIIEAU , 98 , Queen's-ro-d , Bayswater . Bro . JAS . WILLIS , 173 , Church-street , Chelsea . Bro . EDMONDS , Brommel-road . Clapham . Bro . EDW . P . FOSTER , 31 & 33 , Higti-st .. Peckham .
SPALDING ' LIBRARY , High-street , Notting Hill . Bro . SAMUEL CDIVBKS , 209 , High-street , Poplar . Bro . HENDERSON , Woolwich . Bro . J . L . WINN , 8 , Greenwich-road , Greenwich . 2 , London-street , opposite Orchard's Dining-rooms , Greenwich .
ARDROSSAN : Bro Huou BOYD . BANGOR : Bro . NIXON . BELFAST : Bros . MCCORMICK & HUDSON , Masonie Rooms , Douegall-place . „ Bro . ALEXANDER WYNNE , Donegall-street . BIRMINGHAM : Bro . J . WILLEY , Union-passage and Union-street .
BRECHIN : Bros . BLACK & JOHNSTON , 40 , High-street . BRISTOL : Bro . li . B PENNY , 1 C , Clare-street . CANTERBURY : Bro . DAVEY , St . Margaret ' s-street . CARDIFF : Bro . T . HAYNES , 6 , James-street . CHATHAM : Bro . JAMIS G ALE . CHELMSFORD : Bro J . L . B RICKELI ,. COCKERMOUTH : Bro . E . TUWAITES , 29 & 30 ,
Marketplace . COLCHESTER : Bro . GEORGE H . RAY . , CORK : Bro . S . Woou , 46 , Patrick-street , Agent for the South of Ireland . DEAL : Bro . B . R . lisr' .. s , 140 , Lower-street . DEVONPORT : Bro . J . K . H . SritY , 100 , Fore-street . DUBLIN : Bro . A . MAXWELL HAUTE , Freemasons' HaU .
DUDLEY : Bro . JAMKS FOSSDIU , 102 , Hall-street DUNDEE : Bro . C . D . CHALMERS , 10 , Castle-street . DURHAM : Bro . R . COOKE , 1 , Silver-street . EDINBURGH : Bro . JAS . N . SCOBIE , 177 . High-street . „ Bro . GEO . DARLING , 39 , Clerk-street . GLASGOW : Bro . JOHN DAVIDSON & Co ., 170 , Buchanaustreet .
GUERNSEY : Bro J . M ILLINOTON , Bookseller . HALIFAX : Bro . WM . COOKE , Courier Offico . HARTLEPOOL , WEST , Bro J . FiiuCTOR , Bookseller . HULL : Bro . B . S . OATKS , C , Market-plnce . IPSWICH : Bro . C T . TOWNSEND , Masonic Hill . „ Bro . C . DAVY , 8 , Upper Brook-street .
ISLE OF MAN : Bro . W . KNEALE , 38 , Duke-st , Douglas . KILMARNOCK .: Bro . JAMHS MOKIK . LANARKSHIRE : Bro . J . W . C RAIQ , Coatbridge . LEICESTER : Bro . A . H . II . Ross , C , Market-place . LEOMINSTER : Bro . S . PAirriubGE . LIVERPOOL : Bro . JOSEPH W OOD , 18 , Norton-street . ,. Bro . EDWARD HOWELL , 20 , Church street .
„ Bro . G . G . WAIMSLEY , 50 , lord-street . LUDLOW : Bro E . J . PARTRIDGE , 53 , Broad-street MANCHESTER : Bros . J . & E . AV . JACKSON , 02 , Corporation-street . MARGATE : Bro . W . C . BUASIER , 37 , High-street NEWCASTLE ON-TYNE , SHIELDS , & ALNWICK .: Bro . W . E . FRANKLIN , Bookseller .
NORWICH : Bro . U . JK . UIY , 70 St . Stephen ' s-streot OLD BROMPTON , ld-. NT : Sprac'iling ' s Library . OXFORD : Bro . SPIERS & SON , 102 & 103 , High-street . PAISLEY : Bro . RKID , High-street PEMBROKE DOCK : Bro . W . G . PHILLIPS , GuzctteO & ce . PENZANCE : W CORNISH , 2 , Market place . PLYMOUTH : Bro . J . THOMAS . Cornwall-street
READING : F . GOI . DING . 11 , Minster-street . „ GEO . LovrJOY , Southern Counties Library . ,. HENKY PACK REDRUTH : Bro . WM . TREGASKIS . RICHMOND , SsURliEY : Bro . RICHARD GURNEY , Royal Assembly Rooms . ROCHESTER : Bro . JAMES SALE .
SCARBOROUGH : Bro . II . MARTIN , 9 , Oxford-street . SHEERNESS : Bro . J II . MCDONALD . STAFFORDSHIRE : Bro . Wmuur , Bookseller , Longton . „ Bro . CIIAB . HEAD , Stoke-on Trent STOKESLEY : Bro TWI : DDI . LL & SONS , Cleveland Printing and Publishing OUice . STOCKPORT : Bro . W . C . FLEMING .
STROOO : Bro . JAMKS SALE . SUNDERLAND : Bro . WM . HALL , High-street . TIVERTON : Bro . THOS . PARKIIOUSH , Bookseller , TRURO : Bro . W . LAKE . WARWICK : Bros . H . T . COOKE & SON , High-street WESTON-SUPER-MARE : Bro . O . U . POWKI . L . WHITEHAVEN : BroB . PAOKN & GlLl , ! & 2 , Mnrket-plac * . WINCHESTER : Bro . C . SHERRY , 2 , Clifton-terrace . YORK : Bro . M . J . SIMPSON , Bookseller .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For the Week ending June 12 , 1869 . Monday , June 7 . Lodge No . 16 , " Royal Alpha , " St . James ' s Htl . Piccadilly , U . A . Chap , 1066 , "Victoria , " George Hotel , Aldermanbury .
Tuesday , June 8 . Lodge No . 548 , " Wellington , " White Swan Tav ., Deptford . „ 83 ^ " Ranelagh , ' ' Windsor Castle Hotel , Hammersmith
„ 933 , " Doric , " Anderton ' s Hotel Fleet-street . Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , George Hotel , Aldermanbury at 7 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor . Domatic Lodge of Instruction , Palmerston Tavern , Grosvenorpark , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 .
Wednesday , June 9 . Committee Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , at 3 . Lodge No . 1017 , " Monteflore , " Freemasons' Hall . „ 1228 , " Beacoiitree , " private rooms , Leytonstone ^ Thursday , June 10 .
Lodge No . 263 , " Bank of England , " Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars . „ 1076 , " Capper , " Marine lltl ., Victoria Dock , AVest Ham . „ 7127 , "Upton" Spotted Dog Tav ., Upton , Essex . R . A . Chap ., 72 , " Royal Jubilee , " Horns Tav ., Kennington .
Friday , June 11 . „ 33 , " Britannic , " Freemasons' Hall . Lodge No . 134 , " Caledonian , " Ship and Turtle , Leadenhallstreet . R . A . Chap ., 6 , " Friendship , " Willis ' s Rooms , King-street , St . James ' s .
Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . s , Freemason ! Hall , at 7 . Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , George Hotel , Aldermanbury . at 7 . United Pilgrim's Lodge of Instruction , 507 , Horus Tavern ; Kenuiugtou , 7 till 9 .
Saturday , June 12 . Lodge No . 108 , " London , " Freemasons * Hall . „ 17 G , " Cavcac , " Radley's Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars . Domatic Chapter of Instruction . Horns Tavern , Kennington at 8 j Comp . Little , P . Z ., Preceptor , Annual Assembly of Grand Senate of tie R : d + Order of Constantine , Freemasons' Tavern , at 3 .
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THE AMERICAN FREEMASON is Monthly , of sixteen duublc-coluniii quarto pages of entirely original matter , and translations from the French Italian , and German Masonic papers and periodicals of the day . It is devoted to the discussion of the rights of Lodgea and individual Freemasons , in contradistinction to the assumptions of Grand Lodges , and the un Jlasonic doctrines and arrangements of ' ¦ high degrees . " Its motto is—Belief in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man . ^ Ila price is Five Shillings a year—a sum to sn . all that no Freemason , for pecuniary reasons , need be a nun-subscriber to it . Trans-Atlantic Subscribers to the AMKUICAN FUKEHASOM will receive it Post-paid from the Office of Publication direct , at their respective Post-ofliccs , upon payment of the subscription to Bno . GEORGE KEN'N'IN'G , 3 & 4 , Lrrn . i ' . BRITAIN , LONHOX , E . C . All Subscriptions begin with March 15 th , 1809 , and end with February , 1870 . The A . MKitiCAN Fiti ' . KMAsox is not the organ of any Grand ' Lodge ; but speaking the words of truth , manhood , and independence , advocates freedom tor Masonry in America , and the rights of Freemasons in their Lodges—lights which , bjr our Grand Lodges , iu their subsfrvency to high degrees , have been invaded , until at present they nre nearly obliterated . Subscribers in the British Colonies will please address all Subscriptions and Correspondence to J . I ' l . KTViiut BniiSMAjr ,. Editor , 114 , Main-street , Cincinnati , Ohio .