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The Knights Of The Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine.
INSTALLATION MEETING OF THE PREMIER CONCLAVE . [ F ROM OUR SPECIAL REPORTER . ] A meeting of No . 1 , or the Premier Conclave , of the Imperial , Ecclesiastical , and Military Order of
Knig hts of the Red Cross of Rome and Constantine , was held on Monday evening last , at the Freemasons' Taveru , Great Queen-street . There were present : Sir Knts . T . Cubitt , G . H ., M . P . S . ; T . Wesscombe , G . B . S ., V . E . ; J . Trickett , Inspector Gen .
for Kent , S . G . ; ll . W . Little , G . R . Recorder ; E . P . Roper-Curzon , Prefect ; H . Parker , G . O . Organist ; Geo . Kenuing , P . S . Herald ; J . G . Marsh , G . A ., P . S . ; W . H . Hubbard , G . T ., P . S . ; G . Powell , G . S . B ., P . S . ; Dr . W . Holman , P . S . ; Dr . J . Bringloe , P . S . ; E .
Applebee ; A . J . Lewis ; McMeaby ; Major Gen . G . B . Munbee , Inspector General for Somerset . Visitors : Sir Kut . H . C . Levander , G . A . T ., M . P . S , No . G ; H . Thompson , M . P . S . elect , No . IS ; J . Weaver , Organist , No . 6 ; E . Clark , V . E . elect , No . 9 ; J .
Mayo , J . G ., No . 2 ; D . R . Still , S . G ., No . 2 ; H . Smith , Herald , No . 2 ; Chas . E . Thompson , No . 0 , Recorder elect , No . IS . The Right Hon . the Lord Kenlis , Most Illustrious G . Sovereign , was expected to be present and
preside , but other pressing business kept his lordship away . Letters of apology were received from Sir Knts . F . M . Williams , ALP ., G . V . E . ; Colonel F . Burdett , G . H . C . ; W . E . Gumbleton , G . C . ; and E . Busher , G . S . G .
Bros . John Hills , Bedford Lodge , No . 157 ; Arthur B . Cook , 30 ° , of the Apollo University Lodge , No . 357 ; and Henry B . Dunn , of the Old King's Arms Lodge , No . 28 , were installed as Knights of the Order .
Sir Knts . J . D . Moore , Inspector-General for North Lancashire ; Major-General Ct . B . Munbee , J . P ., Inspector-General for Somerset ; and E . Palmer , of No . 3 , wero elected Joining Members .
Tlie rank of Honorary Member was conferred upon M . E . Sir Knt . Colonel W . I . B . McLeod Moore , Chief Inspector-General for Canada ; and R . Marshall , Inspector-General for Now Brunswick .
Sir Kuts . M . C . Meaby , H . Thompson , E . P . Roper-Curzon , E . Clark , A . B . Cook , and J . Hills , were admitted to the Priestly Order . Sir Knts . M . C . Meaby , A . J . Lewis , H . Thompson , E . P . Roper-Curzon , and J . Mayo were admitted
into the Princely Order . Sir Knt . WESSCOMBE , the V . E ., was then raised to the M . P Sov . degree ; Sir Knt . Little rendering that ceremony with his usual ability . The M . P . S . then appointed his officers as follows ;—J . Trickett , V . E . ;
E . P . Roper-Curzon , S . G . ; D . G . Berri , J . G . ; A . G . Lewis , H . P . ; T . Wesscombe , Treas . ; R . W . Little , Recorder j George Kenning , Prefect ; A . B . Cook , St . Bearer ; G . II . Rainy , Orator ; H . Parker , Organist ; G . E . Baker , Herald ; J . Gilbert ,
Sentinel . A P . S s . jewel was unanimously voted to Sir Knt . Cubitt . The Conclave was then closed with the usual impressive formula , and the Sir Knts . adjourned to refreshment , under the presidency of Sir Knt .
Wescoinbe , M . P . S . The customary loyal and knightly toasts were given . Sir Knt . HUBBARD returned thanks for " The Graud Council , " and said the Grand Council wore much gratilied to lind their efforts had been so well
appreciated . Sir Knt . LITTLE proposed the health of the Grand Senate , and said without their assistance the efforts of the Grand Council would be in vain . He coupled with the toast the names of Sir Knts . Levander and
Cubitt Sir Kut . LEVANDER begged to thank the Sir Knts . for the honour they hud done him , and said hia post of Assistant Grand Treasurer had ^ at present been almost a sinecure , as all financial duties hod been
well performed by the Executive Committee . The M . l' . S . proposed the newly-installed Brethren , and said it was n very pleasing toast indeed . The Order had only been re-constituted a few years and was making fast progress . Several new Conclaves
had been opened , and were going on well . He congratulated the Brethren upon entering into Christian Masonry . Sir Knt . COOK , who responded , said it had been a most interesting ceremony indeed to him , more so
The Knights Of The Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine.
than many others he had attended . Another Sir Knt . also returned thanks and expressed his high gratification at the honour conferred upon him . Sir Knight LITTLE , Grand Recorder , said he had now to introduce a toast which he felt would give satisfaction to every member of the conclave , as it
was the health of the M . P . S . Wesscombe , who , throughout the whole of his Masonic career , had shown the deep interest he felt in the prosperity of the Order and in every degree he had taken . In the Premier Conclave he had that evening arrived at the superlative degree , and had justly attained the highest honours . Their thanks were due to him
not only in regard to his dignified position and for what he had done in the past , but for what all felt assured he could do iu the future . In him they would not only have an excellent presiding officer , but he would most ably develop the resources ofthe Order . " He gave them " The health of Sir Knight Wesscombe , M . P . S ., ofthe Premier Conclave . " Tihe
toast was enthusiastically received . Sir Knight WESSCOMBE , M . P . S ., in responding , said he felt somewhat embarrassed at the warmth of their reception of the toast , and he was almost in the position of a drowning man , who caught at a straw to save himself , in being unable to find words to acknowledge their kindness . Sir Knight Little ,
in his very kind speech had spoken ol him in very flattering ' terms , but he hardly knew what he had done to deserve it . He felt highly gratified in being placed in his present position , aud he felt assured that before his year of office was out he should bring ten or a dozen more of the right sort into the Order , and when his year of office expired he hoped
to see double the number of members he now saw before him . He felt sure that the business of the Conclave was promoted in the highest degree by the ability of Sir Knight Little , for there were very few that were able to work it , and he ( the M . P . S . ) could not let this opportunity pass over without moving that a vote of thanks be recorded on the
minutes of the Conclave to him , for whose teaching they were so much indebted , and who at all times made them so happy . . Sir Knight CUBITT , P . M . P . S ., had great pleasure in seconding the motion , and he reiterated the sentiments of tbe M . P . S . as regarded Sir Knight Little , aud endorsed all he said , and , indeed , he
hardly knew how they should get on without him . He was the first to resuscitate this Christian Order , and the progress it had made was truly astonishing , and he doubted not that in a few years hence the Order would take a prominent position in Freemasonry . With those few remarks he begged to second the motion , believing , after what Sir Kut .
Little had done for the Order , they could not say too much for him . Sir Knig ht MARSH said it appeared that it devolved upon him to put the motion . to the Sir Knights , and he was certain it would receive their assent and deserve the attention of all present . They had witnessed that day the admirable working
of Sir Knt . Little , who had not only installed tho Sir Knights who had como amongst them , but had admitted other members of the ehivalric Order to the priesthood degree , and , iu addition , he had admitted others to the sovereign ' s degree . He was sure that all who knew Sir Knt . Little would agree with him when he said that there was no one who
could work the degrees so well . Indeed , he did not think some ofthe degrees could be done by any one but himself , und all belonging to the Plantagcnet , the Roman Eagle , and the other Conclaves were greatly indebted to him for the carrying out of the arrangements ofthe Order . He cordially supported the motion , which he afterwards put , aud it was
carried unanimously . Sir Knight LITTLE , G . ll ., returned his sincere thanks for tho kind expression of their feelings towards him , and his gratification at tho progress of their Order , which contained many beautiful illustrations of Freemasonry , and nothing that was detrimental to the teachings of the Craft . The
Order which had been resuscitated received the support of Bro . William Henry AVhito , the lato Grand Secretary , who enjoyed the companionship ol the lute Duke of Sussex , who was tho head of the Order . He ( Sir Knt . Little ) remembered it was only a short time since seven members only met uuder Sir Kut . Hubbard's root , but since then
that Christian Order had extended to 700 members , which was due to the intrinsic merit of the Order itself , for if it had not been sound in principle , it could not have met with such success . Having alluded to a claimant in lineage to the great founder ofthe Order , he said his pedigree had been placed in the hands of Bro . Lewis for examination , but at
present they only recognised Lord Kenlis , as the head of their ehivalric Order . In conclusion , he thanked them for the compliment they had paid him , assuring them that if he could be in any way useful tbey might always command his services . Sir Knt . MARSH sang with good tuate , "Good bye , sweetheart . " Sir Knt . LITTLE , in eloquent t jrius , proposed "The
The Knights Of The Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine.
health of the visitors , " which Sir Knts . Munbee and Levander acknowledged . The next toast was the health of the Past Sovereigns , Sir Knts . Cubitt ,. Marsh and Powell . Sir Knt . CUIIITT in reply , said he could not boast of having done much work , during his year , as he
was prostrated for a considerable portion ofthe time by illness , aud had not the opportunity of obtaining the knowledge of the Order as they had at the present time . Since his time , a preceptory Conclave had been formed , where every one had an opportunity of learning the ritual , but at the same time
the Past Sovereigns were always anxious to impart the knowledge they themselves possessed . On hist own part , he thauked them for the compliment they had paid him , trusting that for many years they should meet in the same spirit , and enjoy each other ' s society .
Sir Knt MARSH said it gave him great satisfaction ^ to remain a member of the Premier Conclave , and he could assure them , that it was one of the proudest moments in his life when he filled the hair , and his year of office was most successful . He was one of the first Sovereigns , when the
Premier Conclave was resuscitated , and he thought during the year lie installed 36 Knts . into it , some of whom were present on this occasion , but many were absent , aud he could sincerely say that no one had more the interest of the Premi .-r Conclave at heart than he had . Anything he could do to assist
the working of that or any other Conclave he should always be happy and willing to do , and he would mention that a Conclave of Instruction waa held rni the third Thursday in every month at the Lyceum Tavern , where all might correctly learn tho ritual of the Order . [ Sir Knights Hubbard and Powell
also returned thanks ] . Sir Knight LITTLK next gave " The Officers of the Conclave , " coupling with the toast the name of the V . E . Mr Knt . Trickett . Sir Knight THICKETT , V . E ., on behalf of himself and the other Officers of the Conclave , thanked the
M . P . S . for the way in which ho bad proposed their healths , and the Sir Knights for the cordial manner in which they had responded to it . He could only say they would do all they could to forward the interests of the Red Cross Order . The health of Sir Knt . Dr . Holman having been
druuk with great cordiality , Sir Knight Dr . HOLMAN said he had been a great traveller , and wherever he had been lie had done his best to promote the great interests of Freemasonry , and he believed that his labours had been met with , success . Iu India , Africa , the Cape of Good Hope ,
and elsewhere , h reemasonry existed , and there was a Grand Lodge in Africa , where it was carried out in a most careful and remarkable manner . In a few years hence he hoped to settle amongst them , and bo able to carry out the great principles of the Order in a more useful and profitable manner than he was then able to do .
Some other toasts were given , and a very happy meeting was brought to a close , but we ought not to omit the mention of the services of Sir Knights Parker and Weaver , who throughout the evening delighted the company with their vocal and instrumental performances , and especially as regards the latter in their rendering of the Miserere from . " Trovatore . "
THE ANNUAL RIU'O RT . The statement of accounts and the annual report of the Executive Committee for 1 § 08-9 , and list of ollieers and conclaves has just been published under the superintendence of Sir Knt Little . The report states ;—
" It will be seen that the receipts are increasing , and that the ordinary disbursements are exceedingly small in amount , the heavy items being expenses attending the Triennial Festival ) which will not bo held again until 1871 ) , a donation to ono of the Masonic institutions , and payments for copies of
the ritual and printing the statutes , which will eventually be recouped to the order . During the pa ,: t year eight new conclaves have been added to the roll , making the number fourteen in all , and a large number of brethren have been received as members . "
VISITORS to the Oxford Commemoration Festivities next week will have the opportunity of attending the Masonic Fete , which promises to be a most
enjoyable alfair , not only for the brethre * of tho province , but also for their lady friends , who will doubtless grace the meeting in considerable numbers .
WE are glad to learn that the Concert given by Bro . FiUgerald at the Lecture Hall Greenwich , on Saturday , tho 29 th ult ., was very successful , there being no less than 700 persons present . Bro . John Fitzgerald conducted , aud Bro . James Weaver was leader .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Knights Of The Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine.
INSTALLATION MEETING OF THE PREMIER CONCLAVE . [ F ROM OUR SPECIAL REPORTER . ] A meeting of No . 1 , or the Premier Conclave , of the Imperial , Ecclesiastical , and Military Order of
Knig hts of the Red Cross of Rome and Constantine , was held on Monday evening last , at the Freemasons' Taveru , Great Queen-street . There were present : Sir Knts . T . Cubitt , G . H ., M . P . S . ; T . Wesscombe , G . B . S ., V . E . ; J . Trickett , Inspector Gen .
for Kent , S . G . ; ll . W . Little , G . R . Recorder ; E . P . Roper-Curzon , Prefect ; H . Parker , G . O . Organist ; Geo . Kenuing , P . S . Herald ; J . G . Marsh , G . A ., P . S . ; W . H . Hubbard , G . T ., P . S . ; G . Powell , G . S . B ., P . S . ; Dr . W . Holman , P . S . ; Dr . J . Bringloe , P . S . ; E .
Applebee ; A . J . Lewis ; McMeaby ; Major Gen . G . B . Munbee , Inspector General for Somerset . Visitors : Sir Kut . H . C . Levander , G . A . T ., M . P . S , No . G ; H . Thompson , M . P . S . elect , No . IS ; J . Weaver , Organist , No . 6 ; E . Clark , V . E . elect , No . 9 ; J .
Mayo , J . G ., No . 2 ; D . R . Still , S . G ., No . 2 ; H . Smith , Herald , No . 2 ; Chas . E . Thompson , No . 0 , Recorder elect , No . IS . The Right Hon . the Lord Kenlis , Most Illustrious G . Sovereign , was expected to be present and
preside , but other pressing business kept his lordship away . Letters of apology were received from Sir Knts . F . M . Williams , ALP ., G . V . E . ; Colonel F . Burdett , G . H . C . ; W . E . Gumbleton , G . C . ; and E . Busher , G . S . G .
Bros . John Hills , Bedford Lodge , No . 157 ; Arthur B . Cook , 30 ° , of the Apollo University Lodge , No . 357 ; and Henry B . Dunn , of the Old King's Arms Lodge , No . 28 , were installed as Knights of the Order .
Sir Knts . J . D . Moore , Inspector-General for North Lancashire ; Major-General Ct . B . Munbee , J . P ., Inspector-General for Somerset ; and E . Palmer , of No . 3 , wero elected Joining Members .
Tlie rank of Honorary Member was conferred upon M . E . Sir Knt . Colonel W . I . B . McLeod Moore , Chief Inspector-General for Canada ; and R . Marshall , Inspector-General for Now Brunswick .
Sir Kuts . M . C . Meaby , H . Thompson , E . P . Roper-Curzon , E . Clark , A . B . Cook , and J . Hills , were admitted to the Priestly Order . Sir Knts . M . C . Meaby , A . J . Lewis , H . Thompson , E . P . Roper-Curzon , and J . Mayo were admitted
into the Princely Order . Sir Knt . WESSCOMBE , the V . E ., was then raised to the M . P Sov . degree ; Sir Knt . Little rendering that ceremony with his usual ability . The M . P . S . then appointed his officers as follows ;—J . Trickett , V . E . ;
E . P . Roper-Curzon , S . G . ; D . G . Berri , J . G . ; A . G . Lewis , H . P . ; T . Wesscombe , Treas . ; R . W . Little , Recorder j George Kenning , Prefect ; A . B . Cook , St . Bearer ; G . II . Rainy , Orator ; H . Parker , Organist ; G . E . Baker , Herald ; J . Gilbert ,
Sentinel . A P . S s . jewel was unanimously voted to Sir Knt . Cubitt . The Conclave was then closed with the usual impressive formula , and the Sir Knts . adjourned to refreshment , under the presidency of Sir Knt .
Wescoinbe , M . P . S . The customary loyal and knightly toasts were given . Sir Knt . HUBBARD returned thanks for " The Graud Council , " and said the Grand Council wore much gratilied to lind their efforts had been so well
appreciated . Sir Knt . LITTLE proposed the health of the Grand Senate , and said without their assistance the efforts of the Grand Council would be in vain . He coupled with the toast the names of Sir Knts . Levander and
Cubitt Sir Kut . LEVANDER begged to thank the Sir Knts . for the honour they hud done him , and said hia post of Assistant Grand Treasurer had ^ at present been almost a sinecure , as all financial duties hod been
well performed by the Executive Committee . The M . l' . S . proposed the newly-installed Brethren , and said it was n very pleasing toast indeed . The Order had only been re-constituted a few years and was making fast progress . Several new Conclaves
had been opened , and were going on well . He congratulated the Brethren upon entering into Christian Masonry . Sir Knt . COOK , who responded , said it had been a most interesting ceremony indeed to him , more so
The Knights Of The Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine.
than many others he had attended . Another Sir Knt . also returned thanks and expressed his high gratification at the honour conferred upon him . Sir Knight LITTLE , Grand Recorder , said he had now to introduce a toast which he felt would give satisfaction to every member of the conclave , as it
was the health of the M . P . S . Wesscombe , who , throughout the whole of his Masonic career , had shown the deep interest he felt in the prosperity of the Order and in every degree he had taken . In the Premier Conclave he had that evening arrived at the superlative degree , and had justly attained the highest honours . Their thanks were due to him
not only in regard to his dignified position and for what he had done in the past , but for what all felt assured he could do iu the future . In him they would not only have an excellent presiding officer , but he would most ably develop the resources ofthe Order . " He gave them " The health of Sir Knight Wesscombe , M . P . S ., ofthe Premier Conclave . " Tihe
toast was enthusiastically received . Sir Knight WESSCOMBE , M . P . S ., in responding , said he felt somewhat embarrassed at the warmth of their reception of the toast , and he was almost in the position of a drowning man , who caught at a straw to save himself , in being unable to find words to acknowledge their kindness . Sir Knight Little ,
in his very kind speech had spoken ol him in very flattering ' terms , but he hardly knew what he had done to deserve it . He felt highly gratified in being placed in his present position , aud he felt assured that before his year of office was out he should bring ten or a dozen more of the right sort into the Order , and when his year of office expired he hoped
to see double the number of members he now saw before him . He felt sure that the business of the Conclave was promoted in the highest degree by the ability of Sir Knight Little , for there were very few that were able to work it , and he ( the M . P . S . ) could not let this opportunity pass over without moving that a vote of thanks be recorded on the
minutes of the Conclave to him , for whose teaching they were so much indebted , and who at all times made them so happy . . Sir Knight CUBITT , P . M . P . S ., had great pleasure in seconding the motion , and he reiterated the sentiments of tbe M . P . S . as regarded Sir Knight Little , aud endorsed all he said , and , indeed , he
hardly knew how they should get on without him . He was the first to resuscitate this Christian Order , and the progress it had made was truly astonishing , and he doubted not that in a few years hence the Order would take a prominent position in Freemasonry . With those few remarks he begged to second the motion , believing , after what Sir Kut .
Little had done for the Order , they could not say too much for him . Sir Knig ht MARSH said it appeared that it devolved upon him to put the motion . to the Sir Knights , and he was certain it would receive their assent and deserve the attention of all present . They had witnessed that day the admirable working
of Sir Knt . Little , who had not only installed tho Sir Knights who had como amongst them , but had admitted other members of the ehivalric Order to the priesthood degree , and , iu addition , he had admitted others to the sovereign ' s degree . He was sure that all who knew Sir Knt . Little would agree with him when he said that there was no one who
could work the degrees so well . Indeed , he did not think some ofthe degrees could be done by any one but himself , und all belonging to the Plantagcnet , the Roman Eagle , and the other Conclaves were greatly indebted to him for the carrying out of the arrangements ofthe Order . He cordially supported the motion , which he afterwards put , aud it was
carried unanimously . Sir Knight LITTLE , G . ll ., returned his sincere thanks for tho kind expression of their feelings towards him , and his gratification at tho progress of their Order , which contained many beautiful illustrations of Freemasonry , and nothing that was detrimental to the teachings of the Craft . The
Order which had been resuscitated received the support of Bro . William Henry AVhito , the lato Grand Secretary , who enjoyed the companionship ol the lute Duke of Sussex , who was tho head of the Order . He ( Sir Knt . Little ) remembered it was only a short time since seven members only met uuder Sir Kut . Hubbard's root , but since then
that Christian Order had extended to 700 members , which was due to the intrinsic merit of the Order itself , for if it had not been sound in principle , it could not have met with such success . Having alluded to a claimant in lineage to the great founder ofthe Order , he said his pedigree had been placed in the hands of Bro . Lewis for examination , but at
present they only recognised Lord Kenlis , as the head of their ehivalric Order . In conclusion , he thanked them for the compliment they had paid him , assuring them that if he could be in any way useful tbey might always command his services . Sir Knt . MARSH sang with good tuate , "Good bye , sweetheart . " Sir Knt . LITTLE , in eloquent t jrius , proposed "The
The Knights Of The Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine.
health of the visitors , " which Sir Knts . Munbee and Levander acknowledged . The next toast was the health of the Past Sovereigns , Sir Knts . Cubitt ,. Marsh and Powell . Sir Knt . CUIIITT in reply , said he could not boast of having done much work , during his year , as he
was prostrated for a considerable portion ofthe time by illness , aud had not the opportunity of obtaining the knowledge of the Order as they had at the present time . Since his time , a preceptory Conclave had been formed , where every one had an opportunity of learning the ritual , but at the same time
the Past Sovereigns were always anxious to impart the knowledge they themselves possessed . On hist own part , he thauked them for the compliment they had paid him , trusting that for many years they should meet in the same spirit , and enjoy each other ' s society .
Sir Knt MARSH said it gave him great satisfaction ^ to remain a member of the Premier Conclave , and he could assure them , that it was one of the proudest moments in his life when he filled the hair , and his year of office was most successful . He was one of the first Sovereigns , when the
Premier Conclave was resuscitated , and he thought during the year lie installed 36 Knts . into it , some of whom were present on this occasion , but many were absent , aud he could sincerely say that no one had more the interest of the Premi .-r Conclave at heart than he had . Anything he could do to assist
the working of that or any other Conclave he should always be happy and willing to do , and he would mention that a Conclave of Instruction waa held rni the third Thursday in every month at the Lyceum Tavern , where all might correctly learn tho ritual of the Order . [ Sir Knights Hubbard and Powell
also returned thanks ] . Sir Knight LITTLK next gave " The Officers of the Conclave , " coupling with the toast the name of the V . E . Mr Knt . Trickett . Sir Knight THICKETT , V . E ., on behalf of himself and the other Officers of the Conclave , thanked the
M . P . S . for the way in which ho bad proposed their healths , and the Sir Knights for the cordial manner in which they had responded to it . He could only say they would do all they could to forward the interests of the Red Cross Order . The health of Sir Knt . Dr . Holman having been
druuk with great cordiality , Sir Knight Dr . HOLMAN said he had been a great traveller , and wherever he had been lie had done his best to promote the great interests of Freemasonry , and he believed that his labours had been met with , success . Iu India , Africa , the Cape of Good Hope ,
and elsewhere , h reemasonry existed , and there was a Grand Lodge in Africa , where it was carried out in a most careful and remarkable manner . In a few years hence he hoped to settle amongst them , and bo able to carry out the great principles of the Order in a more useful and profitable manner than he was then able to do .
Some other toasts were given , and a very happy meeting was brought to a close , but we ought not to omit the mention of the services of Sir Knights Parker and Weaver , who throughout the evening delighted the company with their vocal and instrumental performances , and especially as regards the latter in their rendering of the Miserere from . " Trovatore . "
THE ANNUAL RIU'O RT . The statement of accounts and the annual report of the Executive Committee for 1 § 08-9 , and list of ollieers and conclaves has just been published under the superintendence of Sir Knt Little . The report states ;—
" It will be seen that the receipts are increasing , and that the ordinary disbursements are exceedingly small in amount , the heavy items being expenses attending the Triennial Festival ) which will not bo held again until 1871 ) , a donation to ono of the Masonic institutions , and payments for copies of
the ritual and printing the statutes , which will eventually be recouped to the order . During the pa ,: t year eight new conclaves have been added to the roll , making the number fourteen in all , and a large number of brethren have been received as members . "
VISITORS to the Oxford Commemoration Festivities next week will have the opportunity of attending the Masonic Fete , which promises to be a most
enjoyable alfair , not only for the brethre * of tho province , but also for their lady friends , who will doubtless grace the meeting in considerable numbers .
WE are glad to learn that the Concert given by Bro . FiUgerald at the Lecture Hall Greenwich , on Saturday , tho 29 th ult ., was very successful , there being no less than 700 persons present . Bro . John Fitzgerald conducted , aud Bro . James Weaver was leader .