Article THE ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE ROYAL ARCH. Page 2 of 2 Article IS THERE A GOD ? Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION OF THE DE MOWBRAY CHAPTER, 1130, MELTON MOWBRAY. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Royal Arch.
panions present to drink a special toast , namely , the health of Comp . B . P Todd , who had been laid on a bed of sickness ; and he ( the M . E . Z . ) , as well as every one present , was glad to see him among them again , particularly as one of the founders of this chapter- -Comp . Todd ( who on rising to respond
was greeted with great cordiality , and was visibly affected ) , in a very appropriate speech thanked them for their expressions of sympathy , and trusted that those expressions would be fully carried out . He was as glad to be amongst them as they were to see
him . —Some very good harmony was contributed by several companions , particularly by Comps . D . II . Jacobs and E . AV . Cannon , aud after a very agreeable evening the companions separated at an early hour .
PROVINCIAL . HALIFAX . —Chapter of Rcgidarity , No . 448 . —The annual meeting of this Chapter was held on Monday , the 31 st ult ., when there was a good attendance of the companions . The Chapter having been opened , and the minutes of the previous quarterly meeting
confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bro . AVilliam Hemingway , and Bro . Thos . M . Dolan , which was unanimously in their favour , and they were subsequently exalted to the degree of R . A . by Comp . Norman ton , Z ., the historical portion of this beautiful degree being exceedingly well given by Comp .
A . Supton . The Companions then retired , and a board of installed first Principals was opened , when the following Principals and officers weie installed and invested for the ensuing year ( Comp . Bates , P . Z ., Comp . Greenwood , P . Z ., . nd Comp . Normanton , P . Z ., performing the ceremony ( Comps . viz .,
William Cooke , P . Z ., as Z . ; C . J . AValshaw , as H . ; R . Lord , as J . ; G . Norinanton , as J . P . Z . ; H . N . Bates , P . Z . as Treus , E . AValshaw , as E . ; F . Whitaker , as N . ; AV . F . Wilkinson , as P . S . ; AV . II . D . Horsfall and A . Boberts , as A . S . ;
W . J . Laidler , as D . of C . ; T . M . Dolan and W . Hemingway , as Stewards ; J . Greenwood , P . Z ., as Janitor . The Chapter was then duly closed , and the Companions adjourned to refreshment , and spent a very convivial evening together . In order to give
tlie Companions an opportunity of becoming thoroughly acquainted with this imposing ceremony , it was resolved to hold an instruction meeting , on the last Monday in every month , the first meeting to be held on tlie 28 th of June .
MARK MASONRY . PROVINCIAL . LEICESTER . —Fowke Lodge , . ' \ o . 19 . —A bi-monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons ' Hall , on Thursday , the 27 th ultimo , the officers present being Bros . Kellv , P . G . M ., AV . M . ; Captain
Bankart , P . M . ; Major Brewin , S . AV . and AV . M . elect ; AV . B . Smith , J . AV . ; Duff , M O . ; C . Johnson , S . O . ; Strattoii , Treasurer ami Begistrar , and others . The Lodge having been opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting rend and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bros , the Rev . Nathaniel
Haycroft , B . D , of the Universal Lodge , No . 181 , London ; Edwin J . Crow , of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 ; aud Joseph Elgood , of the John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 5 a 3 , who were duly elected . There wero seven other candidates duo for advancement , who had been previously elected , but , from various
causes , the only candidate in attendance was Bro . Haycroft , who was advanced to the degree of Murk Master , Bro . Charles Johnson presiding at the instrument during the ceremony , and introducing the several chants . J 3 ro . Kelly then proceeded to instal , as Iiis successor in the Chair , Bro . Brewin , who was
presented lor that purpose by Bro . Bankart , P . M ., and on the Board of Installed Masters being closed , the brethren were called in and the newly-installed AV . M . was proclaimed and saluted . Bro . Brewin then appointed the officers for the ensuing year , and invested those who were presort , viz ., —Bros . W .
B . Smith , S . W . ; Duff , J . AV . ; Bev . N . Haycroft , J ) . D ., Chaplain ; Charles Johnson , M . O . ; Herbert , S . O . ; J . E . Hodges , S . D . ; Toller , J . D . ; G . II . Hodges , Begistrar ; Strelton , Treasurer ( elected ) ; Partridge , Secretary ; Charles Johnson , Organist ; Sculthorpe , I . G . ; Bembridge , Tyler . Some financial
business having been discussed , the Lodge was closed in ancient form , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , it having been previousl y resolved that the meeting in July should not be held . WINCUKSTER . —Mark Masters' Lodge of Economy No . 52 . — A preliminary meeting of this lodgo took
place on Tuesday , the 25 th May , at the Masonic Hall , when there were present : —The Most Worshipful Grand Mark Master , Bro . VV . AV . B . Beach , AV . M . ; Bros , E . Sheppard , S . AV . ; Geo . Oakshot , J . AV . ; J . Naish , Treas .. (' ,. Sherry , Sec . ; J . AV . Lamb , S . O ., and Henry Pottle , Tyler . The minutes
ofthe previous Lodge were rend and confirmed . The following candidates were then admitted and advanced to the Hon . Degree of Mark Masters : — Bros . AVilliam Lumsden ,. Edward Snelling , John T . Doswell , Humphry Priddis , Henry Warren , Walter AVbale , Atweek Penton , Edwin Carter , William II . Wooldridge , James AV . Snelling ,
The Royal Arch.
Samuel B . Everitt , and Henry Pottle . Bro . Sherry proposed and Bro . Naish seconded , Bro . Edward Sheppard as AV M ., for the ensuing year ; the ballot was taken which passed unanimously . Bro . Sheppard proposed , and Bro . Oakshot seconded , Bro . Naish . which also passed unanimously . Tho regular monthly meeting of the lodge took place on
Thursday , May 27 th . Present during the evening : — The R . AV . Bro Binckes , G . S ., as AV . M . ; Bros . Everitt , S . AV . ; Oakshot , J . AV . ; Harris , M . O . ; AVbale , S . O . ; E . Snelling , J . O . ; Stopher , Registrar of M . ,- Naish , Treas . ; Sherry , Sec . ; Warren S . D . ; Lumsden , J . D . ; Warner , D . C . ; Priddis , I . G . ; J . R . Stebbing , Grand Treas . ; Donvell , AV . ' H .
Woolaridge , Sealey , Hewitt , Bishop , and Pottle , Tyler . The following dispensation was read : — " Grand Lodge of Mark Masters , Winchester , 25 May , 1869 . —It having been represented that it will bc for the advantage of the interests of the Economy Lodie of Mark Masters , No . 52 , that Bro . Edward Sheppard should" be installed as AV . Master for the
ensuing year , the members of the lodge are hereby authorised to elect and install Bro . Sheppard as AV . Master , notwithstanding he has not filled the office of AVarden in a Mark Masters' Lodge . This dispensation must be read in open lodge prior to the confirmation of the minutes of the election , and must be entered on the minutes of the lodge , —By
command of the M . W . G . M ., FRED BIXCKES , G . S . — The minutes of the last lodge were read aud confirmed , and the R . AV . Brother then " advanced " the following candidates : —Bros . George Sealey , Thos Stopher , Fred J . Warner , C . Bishop , Jas . Harris , and E . Hewitt , the last-named , in conjunction with Bro . F J . Burratt , having this evening been balloted
for and elected . Brother J . B . Stebbing , Grand Treasurer , presented the AV . Master elect , Bro . Edward Sheppard , in an eloquent address , and the ceremony of installation was proceeded with . Bi-o . Sheppard being placed in the chair , appointed his officers as above-named . The Right Worshipful Bro . Binckes thenaddressed the W . Master , AVardeus ,
Overseers aud brethren in an eloquent speech . Bro J . B . Stebbing , Grand Treasurer , proposed that a vote of thanks be given , and recorded ou the minutes of the lodge , to the It . W . Bro . Binckes , for his kindness in attending at great personal inconvenience , and for-the very great Masonic treat afforded by his skill in working the ceremonies . Bro . Naish , Treas .,
seconded the proposition , which was carried with great acclamation . Bro . J . B . Stebbing , Grand Treasurer , invited the AV . Master , and as many of the brethren of the lodge as could make it convenient , to attend at Southampton the next day nt his installation as W . Master of the St . Andrew ' s
Mark Masters' Lodge , No . 63 . Nine other candidates were proposed for " advancement '' at the next meeting , which will take placo on Thursday , the 24 th jf June . The lodge was then closed , and tlie brethren partook of an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Priddis , and enjoyed a most pleasurable and intellectual evening .
Is There A God ?
How eloquently docs Chutaubriund reply to the inquiry "Is there a God i" Our French brethren in Masonic error should receive this lesson from their great countryman : " Is there a God ? " The herbs of the valley , the cedars of the mountain bless Ilini ;
the insect sports in His beams ; the elephant salutes Ilini with the rising day ; the bird sings Him in the foilage , the thunder proclaims llim in the heavens ; the ocean declares His immensity . Man alone lias said "There is no God ! " Unite in thought at the
same instant the most beautiful objects of nature ; suppose yon see at once all the hours of the day and all the seasons of the year ; a morning of spring and umorning of autumn ; a night bespangled with stars and a night covered with clouds ; metlaows enamelled
with flowers , and forest * hoary with snow ; fields gilded with tints of autumn ; then alone you will have a just conception of the universe . While you are gazing upon that sun which is plunging under that vault of the west , another observer admires him emerging from the gilded gates of th «
east . By what inconceivable magic does that aged star which is sinking fatigued and burning in the shades of the evening , reappear at the every instant fresh and humid with the rosy dews of morning ? At every instant of the day the g lorious orb is at once rising , resplendent at noon-day , and setting in the
west ; or rather our senses deceive us , and there is , properl y speaking , no east or west or south in the world . Everything reduces itself to a single point , from whence the king of day sends forth at once a triple light in one single substance . The bright splendor is
that which mil are can present that is most beautiful , for while it gives us an idea of tho perpetual magnificence and resistless power of God , it exhibits at the same time a shining image of the glorious Trinity . — " The Freemason , " St . Louis , Mo ., U . S . A .
Consecration Of The De Mowbray Chapter, 1130, Melton Mowbray.
The Grand Chapter having granted a warrant for a B . A . Chapter to be attached to the Rutland Lodge in the hunting metropolis of Leicestershire , — the officers nominate being the Rev . AV . Langley ,
Z . ; F . P . Neweome , II . ; and AV . Kelly ( P . Z . and P . G . H . ) , J . —the chiif officers of the Provincial Grand Chapter attended at Melton , on Friday se'nni ght for the purpose of consecrating the Chapter and installing the principals . Among those present wero Companions AV . Kelly ,
P . Z and P . G . H . ( who presided as Uie representative of the Bight Hon . Earl Howe , G . Supt ); W . Weare , P . Z ., as P . G . H . ; the Rev . John Spittal , AI . E . Z . 279 , as P . G . J ., ( who gave most impressively tho two portions of tho consecration prayer ); Major Brewin , P . Z . and P . G . S . E ; Rev . AV . Langley ; ' F .
P . Neweome ( principals designate ); Adcock , Bri ght , Mann , Lead beater , Poller ( P . S . 279 ); Crow ( who presided ' most effectively at the harmonium ) , and others . The following is a programme of the eveninc .
The first anthem was sung to an air expressly composed for the occasion by Comp . Crow ; and the second to an air composed by Comp . Lolix , P . P . G . O ., on the occasion of consecrating the Alasonie Hall at Leicester : —
lhe Officers of the P . G . Chapter , and other Installed Principals , enter and open the Chapter at 2 p . m . The Principals nominated in the Warrant and the other Companions present enter to Solemn Music , and take their places . Anthem— " Hail ! universal Lord . " The P . G . Scribe E . addresses the acting G . Z , who desires him to read the Petition and Warrant .
Tho G . Z . enquires if the Companions approve of tho Ollieers named in the Warrant . The G . S . E . presents the new Principals to the G Z . —The Companions of the new Chapter arrange themselves behind them , on the N . and S . sides of the altar . ; First portion of the Dedication Prayer , by ltev . Prov . Grand . ? .
All—Chant— " So mote it be . " Anthem— " Behold how good a thing it is . " A passage of Scripture is read - ( 1 Kings , viii , i—vi . ) The Altar is uncovered , and the three acting Principals , make the circuit of the Chapter throa times with corn , wine , and oil—Solemn Music is played , except during the intervals of dedication . At the end of the first circuit and
dedication : — All—Chant—" Glorybe to God on high . " After second circuit and dedication : — AU—Chant— ' Glory be to God on high . " After third circuit and dedication : —
All -Chant— " Glory be to God on high . " The Rev . P . G . J , makes the circuit with the censer . Second portion of the Consecrated Prayer . All—Chant— " So mote it be . " The G Z . declares the Chapter Consecrated . All—Chant— " So mote it he . "
Hymn— " Blessed City , Heavenly Salem . " INSTALLATION . The ceremony of consecration being completed , a board of installed principals was formed , and the Rev . Comp . Langley was regularly installed in the chairs of J . II . and Z ., and Gump . Neweome in those
of J . and II ., by Com p . Kelly , assisted by Comps . Spittal , Brewin , and Weare , P . Z . ' s . On the return of the Companions a ballot was taken for Bros , the Bev . W . Kav Robinson , P . M ., Henry Douglas , S . AV ., J . J . Fash , Sec , and John Selby , of the Rutland Lodge ( duo notice of
which had been given in the summons ) , who were unanimously elected , aud having been respectively introduced were regularly exalted , the ceremony being efficiently performed by tlio newly-installed Al . E . Z ., and Comp . Toller , acting us P . S ., Comp . Brewin , P . Z . 279 , kindly officiating as N .
On the completion ofthe ceremony , the Historical Lecture was given by Comp . Brewin , and the Symbolical and Mystical Lectures by Comp . Kelly . The officers were then elected and invested , and the bye-laws having been adopted , votes of thanks were passed to Comp . Kelly , V . li . lL , and tlie other consecrating officers , also to Comp . Crow for his
musical services , which had added so greatl y to the impressive effect of the ceremony . The Chapter was then closed , and the visiting Companions were hosp itably entertained at a banquet by the members . Tlie furniture , jewels , & c ., were supplied by Comp . Kenning , Little Britain , London , and gave great satisfaction , the banners especially being greatly admired . There is every prospect of the Chapter having a prosperous career .
OUR MELBOURNE BRETHREN will be pleased to learn that Bro . Montague S . Muchen , P . M . 930 , who was so well and favourably known to them as Honorary Secretary of their " Charitable
Institutions , " and as a Director of Freemasons' Hall , Melbourne , was elected a member of tlio Colonial Board , at the meeting of Grand Lodgo on AVednesday last .
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The Royal Arch.
panions present to drink a special toast , namely , the health of Comp . B . P Todd , who had been laid on a bed of sickness ; and he ( the M . E . Z . ) , as well as every one present , was glad to see him among them again , particularly as one of the founders of this chapter- -Comp . Todd ( who on rising to respond
was greeted with great cordiality , and was visibly affected ) , in a very appropriate speech thanked them for their expressions of sympathy , and trusted that those expressions would be fully carried out . He was as glad to be amongst them as they were to see
him . —Some very good harmony was contributed by several companions , particularly by Comps . D . II . Jacobs and E . AV . Cannon , aud after a very agreeable evening the companions separated at an early hour .
PROVINCIAL . HALIFAX . —Chapter of Rcgidarity , No . 448 . —The annual meeting of this Chapter was held on Monday , the 31 st ult ., when there was a good attendance of the companions . The Chapter having been opened , and the minutes of the previous quarterly meeting
confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bro . AVilliam Hemingway , and Bro . Thos . M . Dolan , which was unanimously in their favour , and they were subsequently exalted to the degree of R . A . by Comp . Norman ton , Z ., the historical portion of this beautiful degree being exceedingly well given by Comp .
A . Supton . The Companions then retired , and a board of installed first Principals was opened , when the following Principals and officers weie installed and invested for the ensuing year ( Comp . Bates , P . Z ., Comp . Greenwood , P . Z ., . nd Comp . Normanton , P . Z ., performing the ceremony ( Comps . viz .,
William Cooke , P . Z ., as Z . ; C . J . AValshaw , as H . ; R . Lord , as J . ; G . Norinanton , as J . P . Z . ; H . N . Bates , P . Z . as Treus , E . AValshaw , as E . ; F . Whitaker , as N . ; AV . F . Wilkinson , as P . S . ; AV . II . D . Horsfall and A . Boberts , as A . S . ;
W . J . Laidler , as D . of C . ; T . M . Dolan and W . Hemingway , as Stewards ; J . Greenwood , P . Z ., as Janitor . The Chapter was then duly closed , and the Companions adjourned to refreshment , and spent a very convivial evening together . In order to give
tlie Companions an opportunity of becoming thoroughly acquainted with this imposing ceremony , it was resolved to hold an instruction meeting , on the last Monday in every month , the first meeting to be held on tlie 28 th of June .
MARK MASONRY . PROVINCIAL . LEICESTER . —Fowke Lodge , . ' \ o . 19 . —A bi-monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons ' Hall , on Thursday , the 27 th ultimo , the officers present being Bros . Kellv , P . G . M ., AV . M . ; Captain
Bankart , P . M . ; Major Brewin , S . AV . and AV . M . elect ; AV . B . Smith , J . AV . ; Duff , M O . ; C . Johnson , S . O . ; Strattoii , Treasurer ami Begistrar , and others . The Lodge having been opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting rend and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bros , the Rev . Nathaniel
Haycroft , B . D , of the Universal Lodge , No . 181 , London ; Edwin J . Crow , of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 ; aud Joseph Elgood , of the John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 5 a 3 , who were duly elected . There wero seven other candidates duo for advancement , who had been previously elected , but , from various
causes , the only candidate in attendance was Bro . Haycroft , who was advanced to the degree of Murk Master , Bro . Charles Johnson presiding at the instrument during the ceremony , and introducing the several chants . J 3 ro . Kelly then proceeded to instal , as Iiis successor in the Chair , Bro . Brewin , who was
presented lor that purpose by Bro . Bankart , P . M ., and on the Board of Installed Masters being closed , the brethren were called in and the newly-installed AV . M . was proclaimed and saluted . Bro . Brewin then appointed the officers for the ensuing year , and invested those who were presort , viz ., —Bros . W .
B . Smith , S . W . ; Duff , J . AV . ; Bev . N . Haycroft , J ) . D ., Chaplain ; Charles Johnson , M . O . ; Herbert , S . O . ; J . E . Hodges , S . D . ; Toller , J . D . ; G . II . Hodges , Begistrar ; Strelton , Treasurer ( elected ) ; Partridge , Secretary ; Charles Johnson , Organist ; Sculthorpe , I . G . ; Bembridge , Tyler . Some financial
business having been discussed , the Lodge was closed in ancient form , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , it having been previousl y resolved that the meeting in July should not be held . WINCUKSTER . —Mark Masters' Lodge of Economy No . 52 . — A preliminary meeting of this lodgo took
place on Tuesday , the 25 th May , at the Masonic Hall , when there were present : —The Most Worshipful Grand Mark Master , Bro . VV . AV . B . Beach , AV . M . ; Bros , E . Sheppard , S . AV . ; Geo . Oakshot , J . AV . ; J . Naish , Treas .. (' ,. Sherry , Sec . ; J . AV . Lamb , S . O ., and Henry Pottle , Tyler . The minutes
ofthe previous Lodge were rend and confirmed . The following candidates were then admitted and advanced to the Hon . Degree of Mark Masters : — Bros . AVilliam Lumsden ,. Edward Snelling , John T . Doswell , Humphry Priddis , Henry Warren , Walter AVbale , Atweek Penton , Edwin Carter , William II . Wooldridge , James AV . Snelling ,
The Royal Arch.
Samuel B . Everitt , and Henry Pottle . Bro . Sherry proposed and Bro . Naish seconded , Bro . Edward Sheppard as AV M ., for the ensuing year ; the ballot was taken which passed unanimously . Bro . Sheppard proposed , and Bro . Oakshot seconded , Bro . Naish . which also passed unanimously . Tho regular monthly meeting of the lodge took place on
Thursday , May 27 th . Present during the evening : — The R . AV . Bro Binckes , G . S ., as AV . M . ; Bros . Everitt , S . AV . ; Oakshot , J . AV . ; Harris , M . O . ; AVbale , S . O . ; E . Snelling , J . O . ; Stopher , Registrar of M . ,- Naish , Treas . ; Sherry , Sec . ; Warren S . D . ; Lumsden , J . D . ; Warner , D . C . ; Priddis , I . G . ; J . R . Stebbing , Grand Treas . ; Donvell , AV . ' H .
Woolaridge , Sealey , Hewitt , Bishop , and Pottle , Tyler . The following dispensation was read : — " Grand Lodge of Mark Masters , Winchester , 25 May , 1869 . —It having been represented that it will bc for the advantage of the interests of the Economy Lodie of Mark Masters , No . 52 , that Bro . Edward Sheppard should" be installed as AV . Master for the
ensuing year , the members of the lodge are hereby authorised to elect and install Bro . Sheppard as AV . Master , notwithstanding he has not filled the office of AVarden in a Mark Masters' Lodge . This dispensation must be read in open lodge prior to the confirmation of the minutes of the election , and must be entered on the minutes of the lodge , —By
command of the M . W . G . M ., FRED BIXCKES , G . S . — The minutes of the last lodge were read aud confirmed , and the R . AV . Brother then " advanced " the following candidates : —Bros . George Sealey , Thos Stopher , Fred J . Warner , C . Bishop , Jas . Harris , and E . Hewitt , the last-named , in conjunction with Bro . F J . Burratt , having this evening been balloted
for and elected . Brother J . B . Stebbing , Grand Treasurer , presented the AV . Master elect , Bro . Edward Sheppard , in an eloquent address , and the ceremony of installation was proceeded with . Bi-o . Sheppard being placed in the chair , appointed his officers as above-named . The Right Worshipful Bro . Binckes thenaddressed the W . Master , AVardeus ,
Overseers aud brethren in an eloquent speech . Bro J . B . Stebbing , Grand Treasurer , proposed that a vote of thanks be given , and recorded ou the minutes of the lodge , to the It . W . Bro . Binckes , for his kindness in attending at great personal inconvenience , and for-the very great Masonic treat afforded by his skill in working the ceremonies . Bro . Naish , Treas .,
seconded the proposition , which was carried with great acclamation . Bro . J . B . Stebbing , Grand Treasurer , invited the AV . Master , and as many of the brethren of the lodge as could make it convenient , to attend at Southampton the next day nt his installation as W . Master of the St . Andrew ' s
Mark Masters' Lodge , No . 63 . Nine other candidates were proposed for " advancement '' at the next meeting , which will take placo on Thursday , the 24 th jf June . The lodge was then closed , and tlie brethren partook of an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Priddis , and enjoyed a most pleasurable and intellectual evening .
Is There A God ?
How eloquently docs Chutaubriund reply to the inquiry "Is there a God i" Our French brethren in Masonic error should receive this lesson from their great countryman : " Is there a God ? " The herbs of the valley , the cedars of the mountain bless Ilini ;
the insect sports in His beams ; the elephant salutes Ilini with the rising day ; the bird sings Him in the foilage , the thunder proclaims llim in the heavens ; the ocean declares His immensity . Man alone lias said "There is no God ! " Unite in thought at the
same instant the most beautiful objects of nature ; suppose yon see at once all the hours of the day and all the seasons of the year ; a morning of spring and umorning of autumn ; a night bespangled with stars and a night covered with clouds ; metlaows enamelled
with flowers , and forest * hoary with snow ; fields gilded with tints of autumn ; then alone you will have a just conception of the universe . While you are gazing upon that sun which is plunging under that vault of the west , another observer admires him emerging from the gilded gates of th «
east . By what inconceivable magic does that aged star which is sinking fatigued and burning in the shades of the evening , reappear at the every instant fresh and humid with the rosy dews of morning ? At every instant of the day the g lorious orb is at once rising , resplendent at noon-day , and setting in the
west ; or rather our senses deceive us , and there is , properl y speaking , no east or west or south in the world . Everything reduces itself to a single point , from whence the king of day sends forth at once a triple light in one single substance . The bright splendor is
that which mil are can present that is most beautiful , for while it gives us an idea of tho perpetual magnificence and resistless power of God , it exhibits at the same time a shining image of the glorious Trinity . — " The Freemason , " St . Louis , Mo ., U . S . A .
Consecration Of The De Mowbray Chapter, 1130, Melton Mowbray.
The Grand Chapter having granted a warrant for a B . A . Chapter to be attached to the Rutland Lodge in the hunting metropolis of Leicestershire , — the officers nominate being the Rev . AV . Langley ,
Z . ; F . P . Neweome , II . ; and AV . Kelly ( P . Z . and P . G . H . ) , J . —the chiif officers of the Provincial Grand Chapter attended at Melton , on Friday se'nni ght for the purpose of consecrating the Chapter and installing the principals . Among those present wero Companions AV . Kelly ,
P . Z and P . G . H . ( who presided as Uie representative of the Bight Hon . Earl Howe , G . Supt ); W . Weare , P . Z ., as P . G . H . ; the Rev . John Spittal , AI . E . Z . 279 , as P . G . J ., ( who gave most impressively tho two portions of tho consecration prayer ); Major Brewin , P . Z . and P . G . S . E ; Rev . AV . Langley ; ' F .
P . Neweome ( principals designate ); Adcock , Bri ght , Mann , Lead beater , Poller ( P . S . 279 ); Crow ( who presided ' most effectively at the harmonium ) , and others . The following is a programme of the eveninc .
The first anthem was sung to an air expressly composed for the occasion by Comp . Crow ; and the second to an air composed by Comp . Lolix , P . P . G . O ., on the occasion of consecrating the Alasonie Hall at Leicester : —
lhe Officers of the P . G . Chapter , and other Installed Principals , enter and open the Chapter at 2 p . m . The Principals nominated in the Warrant and the other Companions present enter to Solemn Music , and take their places . Anthem— " Hail ! universal Lord . " The P . G . Scribe E . addresses the acting G . Z , who desires him to read the Petition and Warrant .
Tho G . Z . enquires if the Companions approve of tho Ollieers named in the Warrant . The G . S . E . presents the new Principals to the G Z . —The Companions of the new Chapter arrange themselves behind them , on the N . and S . sides of the altar . ; First portion of the Dedication Prayer , by ltev . Prov . Grand . ? .
All—Chant— " So mote it be . " Anthem— " Behold how good a thing it is . " A passage of Scripture is read - ( 1 Kings , viii , i—vi . ) The Altar is uncovered , and the three acting Principals , make the circuit of the Chapter throa times with corn , wine , and oil—Solemn Music is played , except during the intervals of dedication . At the end of the first circuit and
dedication : — All—Chant—" Glorybe to God on high . " After second circuit and dedication : — AU—Chant— ' Glory be to God on high . " After third circuit and dedication : —
All -Chant— " Glory be to God on high . " The Rev . P . G . J , makes the circuit with the censer . Second portion of the Consecrated Prayer . All—Chant— " So mote it be . " The G Z . declares the Chapter Consecrated . All—Chant— " So mote it he . "
Hymn— " Blessed City , Heavenly Salem . " INSTALLATION . The ceremony of consecration being completed , a board of installed principals was formed , and the Rev . Comp . Langley was regularly installed in the chairs of J . II . and Z ., and Gump . Neweome in those
of J . and II ., by Com p . Kelly , assisted by Comps . Spittal , Brewin , and Weare , P . Z . ' s . On the return of the Companions a ballot was taken for Bros , the Bev . W . Kav Robinson , P . M ., Henry Douglas , S . AV ., J . J . Fash , Sec , and John Selby , of the Rutland Lodge ( duo notice of
which had been given in the summons ) , who were unanimously elected , aud having been respectively introduced were regularly exalted , the ceremony being efficiently performed by tlio newly-installed Al . E . Z ., and Comp . Toller , acting us P . S ., Comp . Brewin , P . Z . 279 , kindly officiating as N .
On the completion ofthe ceremony , the Historical Lecture was given by Comp . Brewin , and the Symbolical and Mystical Lectures by Comp . Kelly . The officers were then elected and invested , and the bye-laws having been adopted , votes of thanks were passed to Comp . Kelly , V . li . lL , and tlie other consecrating officers , also to Comp . Crow for his
musical services , which had added so greatl y to the impressive effect of the ceremony . The Chapter was then closed , and the visiting Companions were hosp itably entertained at a banquet by the members . Tlie furniture , jewels , & c ., were supplied by Comp . Kenning , Little Britain , London , and gave great satisfaction , the banners especially being greatly admired . There is every prospect of the Chapter having a prosperous career .
OUR MELBOURNE BRETHREN will be pleased to learn that Bro . Montague S . Muchen , P . M . 930 , who was so well and favourably known to them as Honorary Secretary of their " Charitable
Institutions , " and as a Director of Freemasons' Hall , Melbourne , was elected a member of tlio Colonial Board , at the meeting of Grand Lodgo on AVednesday last .