Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ELECTION , OCTOBER , 1871 . "ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR XV GIRLS . The Votes and Interest of the Governors and Subscribers arc earnestly solicited on behalf of ETHEL IDA MARGARET SEATON , AGED S YEARS , Her Father , Bro . George Seaton , formerly M-istcr Mariner anil Ship Chandler at Hull , was , for 10 years , a Subscribing Member of the Humber Lodge , No . SI , Hull , ( also a Companion of thc Humber Chapter , ) and after a very short illness , died on the 19 th February , J . 868 , leaving his Widow * vvith tive Children , three of whom are entirely dependent upon her for support , and with very small and inadequate means to educate and maintain them . The case is strongly recommended bv * the following Brethren : — tChris . Sykes , 57 , M . P ., P . S . P . G . W' Norm end East York , " Brantiiigham Thorpe . James Clay , < 1 , M . P ., London . C . M . Norwood , 57 . M . P ., London , f J . P . Bell , 57 , . W . O ., D . P . G . M . North and East York , S . G . D . of England , Hull . * M . C . Peck , P . M ., 1040 , P . G . Secretary North and Fast York , Hull . R . T . Vivian , W . M . 57 . Hull , -tlohn Thompson , W . M . -Jo , Hull . fOeo . Chris . Roberts , W . M . JOIO , P . P . G . R . North , and East York , Hull . Thos . Smurthwaite , W . M . 236 , York . J . Kemp , Jun ., W . M . 294 , Constitutional , Beverley . \ V . H . Rose , W . M . 660 , Camalodunum , Malton . R . G . Smith , W . M . 734 , Londesbro' , Bridlington-Quay . ] on . Turner , W . M . 1040 , Sykes , Driffield . tLI . W . Longstaff , P . M . 1010 , P . j . P . G . W . North and East York , Hull . fWm . Tesseyman , P . M . < 7 , P . G . Supt . Wks . North and Fast York , Hull . t * Nathaniel Easton , S 7 and 1010 , Mull . t * Gcorge Hardv , P . M . 2 < o , F . S . I' . G . D . North and East York , 1 lull , tj . W " . Woodall , P . M . 200 , l' . S . l' . G . W . North and East York , Scarbro ' . * 1 * J . I . Forrester , P . M . 222 , 66 , Mark-lane , London . Tliose marked thus 1 * nre Governors or Subscribers t ' . > the Institution . The Brethren marked thus * vvill be happy to receive Voting Papers : which , with any communication or assistance will lie thankfully received , or Bovs' Votes for exchange , bv t ' liKi ) . IOHN WALKER . ' P . M . 57 , P . P . G . Snpt . Works , North and East York . 56 , Lister-strc-1 , Hull .
J . E . PETERS , ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVER AND FANCY ENAMELLER , 42 , Howard-place , Northampton-road , CLERKENWELL . Writing , Engraving of every description , Masonic Emblems Engraved or Enamelled ; old enamelled Work repaired ; Country Onkrs attended to with despatch .
"What better Theme than Masonry ?" MASONIC SONG . Words by Bro . James Stevens , P . M . 720 and 1216 ; P . M ' 720 ; G . J . G . Mark ; W . M . 104 Marks ; M . P . S . 14 , etc . Music by Bro . Wilhelm Ganz , Grand Organist ; P . M . 435 ; Organist No . 4 , and of British Chapter , No . 8 . George Kenning , 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain , and lqS , Fleetstreet , London , and 2 , Monument-place , Lherpool . Post-free , 25 stamps .
TESSELATED CARPETING .. yor . Lodges , Chapters , Encampments , * c . Four Feet wide , a / , *; per Yard . MASONIC DEPOTS , 2 , . -, & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , AND -rjS , FLEET STREET , ICC .
ALASONIC MISCHIEF . —The new Masonic Song . Inscribed to tlie Worshipful Company of Masons by Gerald Grant . Post Free Eighteen Stamps . London : Slead A ; Co ., r () , Piccadiil-,, Vf . rpHK NEW MASONIC SONG . — "Men o A the Trowel " "An overwhelming answer to ' Masnric Mischief . '" —Court Express . Eighteen Stamps , post lice . London : Henry Stead & Co ., nj , Piccadilly , W .
SECOND EDITION . —NOW READY . Price One . Shilling , Post-free , Revised and Enlarged , Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , BY BRO . CHALMERS I . PATON . ¦ "pHIS work is a perfect handbook of the princip les ot Freemasonry , founded on the Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminentl y practical and useful in tlie vindication and suppoit of the Order . Bro . Gi-o . KI-: NN * INO , 108 , Fleet-street , London , ICC .
THIRD EDITION . —JUST READY . REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT UPON FREEMASONRY : oil , The Freemason ' s Pocket Compendium , With an F . mNeiimtical Fi-niiti < pu \; -. A I land-Book of the Princi p les ol Freemasonry , and Pocket Vade Mccum and Guide to thc * various Ceienioiiies connected with Craft Masonry , so far as the same are allowed to be communicable , in accordance wilh the principles of the Order . Price One Shilling , Post-free fur Thirteen Stamp ... Sold by Bro . GEO . KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street , London , E . C .
NOW READY , PRICE £ 4 / 4 THE PAIR , OR £ 2 / 10 SINGLE . SIZE . 32 m . BY 26 m . PHOTOGRAPHS OF BRO .SIGISMUND ROSENTHAL 'S CELEBRATED PAINTINGS Tlie Reception of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales as Past Grand Master , At Freemasons' Hall , on December ist , 1869 , containing upwards of 120 Figures and Portraits . The Reception of H . R . H . the Prince of [ Vales at the Grand Conclave of Knights Templar . May 13 th , 1870 , containing * nearly too Figures and Portraits . Sold by BRO . G . KENNING , a , 3 , & 4 , Little Britain , E . C , Branches : 198 , Fleet-street , and 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool .
TROTtf MESSRS . BORN & Co ., 1 J 13 , BERNERS-STR 5 ET , W ., PT A WOS Bt ' g io Cal 1 aUcnt * on t 0 thcir IRON COTTAGE PIANOS , celebrated J , . l .. f * A .. i . s . V _/* 0 r t ] u . j r p 0 wer ;) nc ] beauty . These Pianos are unsurpassed in elegance of design and brilliancy of tone , are unequalled for the ¦ legance of their F'Ol ?' * _ AT- <] L * construction , and for the n-u-ieal elfect which they produce . The Manufacturers pay special attention to the peculiarities of various cli-- * - **(* r TT « ' x I-Y- * - | - « j * - * ni'i ^ 'S , and construct their instruments accordingly . Persons proceeding ( _ < _) J , \ IVl /\ JL JcJo i ° India ; md the Colonies are specially invited co inspect these Pianos , MANUFACTORY : BERLIN * . EIGHT PRIZE MEDALS .
MASONICNOTEPAPERANDENVELOPES, MADE EXPRESSLY 1-OR THE Craft , Royal Arch * Mark , Red Cross > , [ Rome and Constantine . Knights Templar , Ark Alariners , Rose Croix , and 30 th Degree . Stamped in Relief in Correct Colours , and with Proper Emblems . The Paper is of very SIMKRIOR ATA > MJI- - . \ C : TURK , packed in boxes , containing Five Quires ^ emblematically labelled , Price Three Shillings . ENVELOPES TO . MATCH , SIXPENCE PER PACKET . Svery Freemason , should order v . sample . , either direct , or through any stationer KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOTS , LONDON * . —2 , 3 & 4 , L 1 TTLU BRITAIN , AND 198 , FLEET ST ., E . C . LIVERPOOL : —a . MONUMENT-PLACE .
Now ready . Demy 1211 * 10 , 208 pages . Handsomely bound in Cloth , price 25 . 6 d . Post free , 2 s . 8 d . ISRAELITESFOUNDWTHEANGLOSAXONS. The Ten Tribes supposed to have been Lost , Traced from the Land of their Captivity to their Occupation of the ISLES OF THE SEA , With an Exhibition of those Traits of Character and National Characteristics assigned to Israelii the Books of THE HEBREW PROPHETS . BY WILLIAM CARPENTKR , Author of " Scientia Biblica , " "Scripture Natural History , " " Guide tothe Reading ofthe Bible , " " Lectures on Biblical Criticism and Interpretation , " " A Popular Introduction to the Bible , " "The Biblical Companion , " " Critica Biblica , " " Calendarium Palcstin ** :, " "An Introduction to the 'Reading and Study of the English Bible , " and Editor of the Fifth Large Edition of " Calmet ' s Dictionary of the Bible , " und of the Abridgment of the same , "Sec . . & c , & c '¦ loubon : George Kenning , 198 ,. Fleet Street , & 3 , 3 , 4 , Little Britain * Liverpool : 2 , Monument Place . Macintosh & Co ., 34 , Paternoster Row .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ELECTION , OCTOBER , 1871 . "ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR XV GIRLS . The Votes and Interest of the Governors and Subscribers arc earnestly solicited on behalf of ETHEL IDA MARGARET SEATON , AGED S YEARS , Her Father , Bro . George Seaton , formerly M-istcr Mariner anil Ship Chandler at Hull , was , for 10 years , a Subscribing Member of the Humber Lodge , No . SI , Hull , ( also a Companion of thc Humber Chapter , ) and after a very short illness , died on the 19 th February , J . 868 , leaving his Widow * vvith tive Children , three of whom are entirely dependent upon her for support , and with very small and inadequate means to educate and maintain them . The case is strongly recommended bv * the following Brethren : — tChris . Sykes , 57 , M . P ., P . S . P . G . W' Norm end East York , " Brantiiigham Thorpe . James Clay , < 1 , M . P ., London . C . M . Norwood , 57 . M . P ., London , f J . P . Bell , 57 , . W . O ., D . P . G . M . North and East York , S . G . D . of England , Hull . * M . C . Peck , P . M ., 1040 , P . G . Secretary North and Fast York , Hull . R . T . Vivian , W . M . 57 . Hull , -tlohn Thompson , W . M . -Jo , Hull . fOeo . Chris . Roberts , W . M . JOIO , P . P . G . R . North , and East York , Hull . Thos . Smurthwaite , W . M . 236 , York . J . Kemp , Jun ., W . M . 294 , Constitutional , Beverley . \ V . H . Rose , W . M . 660 , Camalodunum , Malton . R . G . Smith , W . M . 734 , Londesbro' , Bridlington-Quay . ] on . Turner , W . M . 1040 , Sykes , Driffield . tLI . W . Longstaff , P . M . 1010 , P . j . P . G . W . North and East York , Hull . fWm . Tesseyman , P . M . < 7 , P . G . Supt . Wks . North and Fast York , Hull . t * Nathaniel Easton , S 7 and 1010 , Mull . t * Gcorge Hardv , P . M . 2 < o , F . S . I' . G . D . North and East York , 1 lull , tj . W " . Woodall , P . M . 200 , l' . S . l' . G . W . North and East York , Scarbro ' . * 1 * J . I . Forrester , P . M . 222 , 66 , Mark-lane , London . Tliose marked thus 1 * nre Governors or Subscribers t ' . > the Institution . The Brethren marked thus * vvill be happy to receive Voting Papers : which , with any communication or assistance will lie thankfully received , or Bovs' Votes for exchange , bv t ' liKi ) . IOHN WALKER . ' P . M . 57 , P . P . G . Snpt . Works , North and East York . 56 , Lister-strc-1 , Hull .
J . E . PETERS , ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVER AND FANCY ENAMELLER , 42 , Howard-place , Northampton-road , CLERKENWELL . Writing , Engraving of every description , Masonic Emblems Engraved or Enamelled ; old enamelled Work repaired ; Country Onkrs attended to with despatch .
"What better Theme than Masonry ?" MASONIC SONG . Words by Bro . James Stevens , P . M . 720 and 1216 ; P . M ' 720 ; G . J . G . Mark ; W . M . 104 Marks ; M . P . S . 14 , etc . Music by Bro . Wilhelm Ganz , Grand Organist ; P . M . 435 ; Organist No . 4 , and of British Chapter , No . 8 . George Kenning , 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain , and lqS , Fleetstreet , London , and 2 , Monument-place , Lherpool . Post-free , 25 stamps .
TESSELATED CARPETING .. yor . Lodges , Chapters , Encampments , * c . Four Feet wide , a / , *; per Yard . MASONIC DEPOTS , 2 , . -, & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , AND -rjS , FLEET STREET , ICC .
ALASONIC MISCHIEF . —The new Masonic Song . Inscribed to tlie Worshipful Company of Masons by Gerald Grant . Post Free Eighteen Stamps . London : Slead A ; Co ., r () , Piccadiil-,, Vf . rpHK NEW MASONIC SONG . — "Men o A the Trowel " "An overwhelming answer to ' Masnric Mischief . '" —Court Express . Eighteen Stamps , post lice . London : Henry Stead & Co ., nj , Piccadilly , W .
SECOND EDITION . —NOW READY . Price One . Shilling , Post-free , Revised and Enlarged , Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , BY BRO . CHALMERS I . PATON . ¦ "pHIS work is a perfect handbook of the princip les ot Freemasonry , founded on the Ancient Charges and Symbols , and will be found to be eminentl y practical and useful in tlie vindication and suppoit of the Order . Bro . Gi-o . KI-: NN * INO , 108 , Fleet-street , London , ICC .
THIRD EDITION . —JUST READY . REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT UPON FREEMASONRY : oil , The Freemason ' s Pocket Compendium , With an F . mNeiimtical Fi-niiti < pu \; -. A I land-Book of the Princi p les ol Freemasonry , and Pocket Vade Mccum and Guide to thc * various Ceienioiiies connected with Craft Masonry , so far as the same are allowed to be communicable , in accordance wilh the principles of the Order . Price One Shilling , Post-free fur Thirteen Stamp ... Sold by Bro . GEO . KENNING , 198 , Fleet-street , London , E . C .
NOW READY , PRICE £ 4 / 4 THE PAIR , OR £ 2 / 10 SINGLE . SIZE . 32 m . BY 26 m . PHOTOGRAPHS OF BRO .SIGISMUND ROSENTHAL 'S CELEBRATED PAINTINGS Tlie Reception of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales as Past Grand Master , At Freemasons' Hall , on December ist , 1869 , containing upwards of 120 Figures and Portraits . The Reception of H . R . H . the Prince of [ Vales at the Grand Conclave of Knights Templar . May 13 th , 1870 , containing * nearly too Figures and Portraits . Sold by BRO . G . KENNING , a , 3 , & 4 , Little Britain , E . C , Branches : 198 , Fleet-street , and 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool .
TROTtf MESSRS . BORN & Co ., 1 J 13 , BERNERS-STR 5 ET , W ., PT A WOS Bt ' g io Cal 1 aUcnt * on t 0 thcir IRON COTTAGE PIANOS , celebrated J , . l .. f * A .. i . s . V _/* 0 r t ] u . j r p 0 wer ;) nc ] beauty . These Pianos are unsurpassed in elegance of design and brilliancy of tone , are unequalled for the ¦ legance of their F'Ol ?' * _ AT- <] L * construction , and for the n-u-ieal elfect which they produce . The Manufacturers pay special attention to the peculiarities of various cli-- * - **(* r TT « ' x I-Y- * - | - « j * - * ni'i ^ 'S , and construct their instruments accordingly . Persons proceeding ( _ < _) J , \ IVl /\ JL JcJo i ° India ; md the Colonies are specially invited co inspect these Pianos , MANUFACTORY : BERLIN * . EIGHT PRIZE MEDALS .
MASONICNOTEPAPERANDENVELOPES, MADE EXPRESSLY 1-OR THE Craft , Royal Arch * Mark , Red Cross > , [ Rome and Constantine . Knights Templar , Ark Alariners , Rose Croix , and 30 th Degree . Stamped in Relief in Correct Colours , and with Proper Emblems . The Paper is of very SIMKRIOR ATA > MJI- - . \ C : TURK , packed in boxes , containing Five Quires ^ emblematically labelled , Price Three Shillings . ENVELOPES TO . MATCH , SIXPENCE PER PACKET . Svery Freemason , should order v . sample . , either direct , or through any stationer KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOTS , LONDON * . —2 , 3 & 4 , L 1 TTLU BRITAIN , AND 198 , FLEET ST ., E . C . LIVERPOOL : —a . MONUMENT-PLACE .
Now ready . Demy 1211 * 10 , 208 pages . Handsomely bound in Cloth , price 25 . 6 d . Post free , 2 s . 8 d . ISRAELITESFOUNDWTHEANGLOSAXONS. The Ten Tribes supposed to have been Lost , Traced from the Land of their Captivity to their Occupation of the ISLES OF THE SEA , With an Exhibition of those Traits of Character and National Characteristics assigned to Israelii the Books of THE HEBREW PROPHETS . BY WILLIAM CARPENTKR , Author of " Scientia Biblica , " "Scripture Natural History , " " Guide tothe Reading ofthe Bible , " " Lectures on Biblical Criticism and Interpretation , " " A Popular Introduction to the Bible , " "The Biblical Companion , " " Critica Biblica , " " Calendarium Palcstin ** :, " "An Introduction to the 'Reading and Study of the English Bible , " and Editor of the Fifth Large Edition of " Calmet ' s Dictionary of the Bible , " und of the Abridgment of the same , "Sec . . & c , & c '¦ loubon : George Kenning , 198 ,. Fleet Street , & 3 , 3 , 4 , Little Britain * Liverpool : 2 , Monument Place . Macintosh & Co ., 34 , Paternoster Row .