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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Secretary J . Wood , P . G . Registrar ; R . Hodg-3 son , P . G . Chaplain ; J . T . Lea , P . G . Superintendent of Works ; F . Stevenson , P . G . S . B . ; Hon . William Egerton , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; Major Kitchen , P . Prov . G . S . B ; H . Howard , P . Prov . G . J . D . ; T . Smith , P . Prov . G . J . D . ; W . Piatt ,
P . Prov . G . J . W . ; G . W . Latham , Past G . D . of England ; J . Twiss , P . Prov . G . O . ; G . A , Fernley , P . G . J . W . W . J . Bates , P . G . JD . ; T . Wainwri ght , P G . S D . ; W Bulley , P . Prov . G . J . D . ; J . Ingham , P . G . S . ; T . Piatt , P . Prov . J . G . D . ; J . Swindels , P . G . Tyler j T . Armstrong .
P . G . Treas . West Lancashire ; E . Willoughby , P , Prov . J . G . W . ; F . Jackson , P . G . D . C , & c . The brethren of the Craft lodges , ranged in in proper numbers began to assemble in the lodge room shortly before 12 o ' clock , but it was on the stroke of one before the Provincial Grand
Lodge entered and the proceedings commenced . After the P . G . M . had been saluted with the royal sign , the Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due form and solemn prayer , offered by the P . G . C . The P . G . Sec . said the first communication he
had to read was a letter of apology for nonattendance from Bro . George Cornwall Legh , R . W . D . P . G . M ., who stated that he regretted he unable to be present , in consequence of the illness of Mrs . Cornwall Legh , and also because
as advised by his medical attendant , he feared that the inclement weather mi ght affect his health . Bros . Dr . Crauswick and D . D . Gavin also sent notes of apology for their unavoidable absence .
After calling the muster roll of the lodges within the province , Bro . Griffiths read the minutes of the previous annual Provincial Grand Lodge meeting at Stalybridge ; an especial P . G . L . meeting held at the same place on the 1 . 3 th July last , when Lodge No . 1408 was duly consecrated by Bro . Capt . Cope ; and another
especial meeting of the P . G . L . on the 3 rd of August , at thc same place , when the N . E . corner-stone in connection with the extension of St . Paul ' s Church was solemunly laid . The minutes were unanimously passed . The minutes of a meeting of the Committee of the Fund of Benevolence were also reatl ane ! confirmed without alteration .
The P . G . Treas . then submitted his annual accounts , and before doing so he thanked the P . G . M . and brethren for their warm expression of sympathy with him in his illness at the last annual Provincial Grand Lodge meeting . He was glad to inform the brethren of the province
that affairs werc progressing very satisfactorily , showing a good balance in their favour . The accounts had been carefully examined by three brethren belonging to Lodges Nos . 1166 , 29- ; . and 477 . The balance io the credit of the Fund of Beneovlence amounted to . C \ i / 6 is . 4 ' id ., of
which / , 120 c was invested . The balance of the P . G . L . amounted to £ 261 4 s . 3 d . Since their last meeting two bonds had run out , and in consequence ol" the death cf Pro . Smith it was necessary to appoint anew trustee . The vacancy had been filled in a very satisfactory manner .
The transfer of the other bend was not yet completed , but this would doubtless be carried out also in a way which would be an honour to the Craft . I'he accounts were passed bv acclamation . The P . G . M . said ar their last meeling he expressed his feeling of confidence that when he
submitted the name of Bro . Bland for re-election to the important oflice of P . G . Treas . it would receive tlie cordial assent of the brethren . They then also expressed their most sincere hopes thai they would see him soon amongst them again in improved health . Thanks to the G . A . O . T . U . they had him once more in their
111 . ust with a satisfactory statement of accounts , and ready to give all necessary help in the sacred cause of charity . He moved that Bro . Bland be re-elected P . G . Treasurer , and was certain the proposition would meet with the unanimous approval of the the brethren . ( A pplause . ) The motion was seconded by liro . C . Dutton , P . G . S . W ., and carried by acclamation .
T he P . G . M . : Bro . Bland , you have fulfilled your duties at great sacrifice of liir . e , personal inconvenience , ami risk to your health , but I hope to see you in the position to which you have been unanimously re-elected for many years to ¦ -nnvv
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
The Prov . Grand Master then invested the following as his officers for the ensuing year : — G . Cornwall Legh , M . P .,... D . Prov . G . Master . C . Dutton , Prov . G . S . W . Capt . C J . Howard Prov . G . J . W . Rev . R . Hodgson , Prov . G . Chaplain . J . Wood , Prov . G . Registrar .
J . Bland , Prov . G . Treasurer-E . H . Grffiiths , Prov . G . Secretary . J . Beresford , Prov . G . S . D . E . Friend , Prov . G . J . D . G . Whale , Prov . G . S . of W . F . Jackson , Prov . G . D . of C T . Bowers Prov . G . A . D . C .
J . Tomlinson , Prov . G . Swd . B . T . H . Kirk , Prov . G . Organist . S . Gilbert , Prov . G . Pursuiviant . J . Swindells , Prov . G . Tyler . H . A . Irwin , Prov . G . Steward . iViartin
j . , „ J . W . M'Gill , „ „ J . Blackhurst , „ „ „ S . Heath , „ G . Watson , „ „ ,, The P . G . M . said they all owed a very great
debt of gratitude to the Committee of the Fund of Benevolence , and the result of their labours ha ' cl hitherto been of the most satisfactory character , they all knew how very efficiently the chairman of that Committee had done his share
ot the work , and therefore he had the greatest pleasure in re-appointing their worthy brother , Capt . Cope , to that position . The Provincial G-iand Master said it would be in thc recollection of the brethren that , by the unanimous vote of the Provincial Grand Lodge , it was resolved a jewel should be presented to
the brethren who fulfilled the responsible ofhec of steward to the two charities . He therefore , had much pleasure in presenting Bro . Simpson and Bro . Wood , P . G . Reg ., with these jewels , having each fulfilled the duties of that office , hoping their example would be followed by other brethren .
Bro . Dr . Evans then came forward and said * . Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , I bale the nonour to offer for your acceptance the trowel used in laying the north-east corner stone of St . Paul ' s Church , Stal ybridge , as a remembrance of that interesting event , and trust you will look upon it as an expression of true
Masonic regard m whicli you are held by the brethren of your Province . Thc foundation stone of that church was laid in 1838 , by your illustrous predecessor , Viscount Combermere , and when you look upon this trowel , we respectfully trust you will bear in mind thc circumstances connected with it , ( applause ) .
The Provincial Grand Master : Bro . Dr . Evans , 1 accept with feefings of gratitude and sincere satisfaction this trowel , which you have presented in such Haltering terms . I assure you brethren , it will always remain treasured in mv house , in recollection of
the most important ceremony which has taken place during my Masonic rule , and in remembrance of the work commenced by my predecessor . 1 can only sincerely regret my unavoidable absence from Stalybridge on the interesting occasion , and hope that if on any future occasion
lhe Provincial Grand Lodge should visit that town , they would be favoured with belter than weather . * Bro . Captain Copelhen ' moved "That in orderto make the R . W . P . G . M . of Cheshire a vice-patron ofthe Royal Masonic Institution for Boys and
Girls , the sum of one hundred guineas be voted from the funds of thc P . G . L . for that purpose , viz ., fifty guineas to the Boys' School , and fifty guineas tothe Girls' School . " He felt certain , he said , that Cheshire fully intended to honour their P . G . M ., and held in the same estimation
as other provinces held theirs . There were eight provinces in which the P . G . M . ' s had been raised to the rank of Vice-Patron of the Royal Masonic Institution , and therefore they would be only acfing in a becoming manner by unanimously approving of this motion .
Bro . Bulley , P . Prov . J . G . W ., in seconding the motion , said it would be a slur upon Cheshire if their P . G . M . were not a Vice-Patron of the institution , especially wlmn they had been so successful in getting their candidate admitted .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
They should endeavou , by all the means in their power , to maintain this noble insfitution , which was so well worthy of their support . The motion was carried unanimously . The P . G . M . : —Masters , Wardens , and brethren , I must commence my usual address , by
expressing my extreme satisfaction with the manner in which you have voted the money just proposed by Bro . Cope , and my extreme gratification for the flattering remarks with reference to myself . This is only an additional proof of your confidence in me , and I feel the only way
in which I can repay your kindness , will be to strive even more anxiousl y than ever to faithfully perform the most important office which I hold . The progress of charity has indeed been most satisfactory in this province . Even since our last Provincial Grand Lodge meeting , I am happy
to state that , thanks to the Committee of the Fund of Benevolence , we have again been successful in getting our candidate elected , the result of united effort . Let this unity of action continue , and we shall always be able to carry one candidate . We have now one for the Bovs '
School , and I have every hope that , with the efficient help of the Committee of the Fund of Benevolence , we shall also secure his election . Since the last meeting of the P . G . L ., the progress of Masonry within the province of Cheshire has been highly satisfactory . The spirit of the
brethren , so far as I know , has been most harmonious , fraternal nnd hospitable . One new lodge has been consecrated—viz : that at Stalysbridge , No . 1408 , a Iodge to which I sincerely wish all prosperity , and I only regret that I had not the honour of consecrating it , although I
have the satisfaction of knowing it was efficiently done by my representative . The P . G . L . was also summoned for a peculiarly interesting purpose in connection with the extension of St . Paul ' s , and sincerely hope that excellent work will produce all the good which is intended . The number of brethren in the province is
steadily increasing , but I would once more , with reference to this subject , call the attention of all W . Master ' s within my province to the address issued by Lord Zetland several years since , impressing upon the brethren the necessity of looking to the respectability rather than to mere numbers of those admitted into the Order .
( Applause ) . I must also impress upon you the necessity of not seeking to countenance the starting of a new lodge , unless you are certain it will be respectable and well supported . I am well aware that every new lodge kindles a spark of Masonry in the district , but the
principal thing is to sec that that spark rises into a steady flame . Then it is your duty to recommend the granting of thc charter , but not till then . I trust Masonry will continue to flourish as it has done , and I assure you it is my intention to do my duty , as far as I can , with the view of
promoting its best interests . ( Hear , hear , and applause ) . It is my intention , with the blessng of the G . A . O . T . U ., to hold my Provincial Grand Lodge next year at the town of Altrincham . At the conclusion of the Provincial Grand Lodge business , the brethren , in lull Craft
Masonicclothing and jewels , were marshalled in due order , and proceeded to Christ Church . On arriving at the door of the church , the procession halted , divided to the rig ht and left , and allowed the P . G . M . to pass np the centre ,
preceded by Standard and Swordbearer , the P . G . officers and brethren followed in succession from the rear . After the numerous brethren had taken their seats , worship commenced . Full cathedral service was the order of the dav . As the
brethren entered the church , an appropriate voluntary was played by the P . G . O . ( who also efficiently presided at the organ during the whole of the musical service ) . A collection was made in aid of the Fund of Benevolence , which amounted to #£ 14 ios . 6 d .
The brethren afterwards returned to the lodgeroom , where the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed in due form .
THE BANQUET . Shortly after four o ' cloock , about 200 of the brethren sat down to a banquet , provided hj Messrs . Boll ? nd and Sons , of Chester , in the great hall of the building . Lord de Tabley presided , and he was supported on either side by . 3
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Secretary J . Wood , P . G . Registrar ; R . Hodg-3 son , P . G . Chaplain ; J . T . Lea , P . G . Superintendent of Works ; F . Stevenson , P . G . S . B . ; Hon . William Egerton , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; Major Kitchen , P . Prov . G . S . B ; H . Howard , P . Prov . G . J . D . ; T . Smith , P . Prov . G . J . D . ; W . Piatt ,
P . Prov . G . J . W . ; G . W . Latham , Past G . D . of England ; J . Twiss , P . Prov . G . O . ; G . A , Fernley , P . G . J . W . W . J . Bates , P . G . JD . ; T . Wainwri ght , P G . S D . ; W Bulley , P . Prov . G . J . D . ; J . Ingham , P . G . S . ; T . Piatt , P . Prov . J . G . D . ; J . Swindels , P . G . Tyler j T . Armstrong .
P . G . Treas . West Lancashire ; E . Willoughby , P , Prov . J . G . W . ; F . Jackson , P . G . D . C , & c . The brethren of the Craft lodges , ranged in in proper numbers began to assemble in the lodge room shortly before 12 o ' clock , but it was on the stroke of one before the Provincial Grand
Lodge entered and the proceedings commenced . After the P . G . M . had been saluted with the royal sign , the Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due form and solemn prayer , offered by the P . G . C . The P . G . Sec . said the first communication he
had to read was a letter of apology for nonattendance from Bro . George Cornwall Legh , R . W . D . P . G . M ., who stated that he regretted he unable to be present , in consequence of the illness of Mrs . Cornwall Legh , and also because
as advised by his medical attendant , he feared that the inclement weather mi ght affect his health . Bros . Dr . Crauswick and D . D . Gavin also sent notes of apology for their unavoidable absence .
After calling the muster roll of the lodges within the province , Bro . Griffiths read the minutes of the previous annual Provincial Grand Lodge meeting at Stalybridge ; an especial P . G . L . meeting held at the same place on the 1 . 3 th July last , when Lodge No . 1408 was duly consecrated by Bro . Capt . Cope ; and another
especial meeting of the P . G . L . on the 3 rd of August , at thc same place , when the N . E . corner-stone in connection with the extension of St . Paul ' s Church was solemunly laid . The minutes were unanimously passed . The minutes of a meeting of the Committee of the Fund of Benevolence were also reatl ane ! confirmed without alteration .
The P . G . Treas . then submitted his annual accounts , and before doing so he thanked the P . G . M . and brethren for their warm expression of sympathy with him in his illness at the last annual Provincial Grand Lodge meeting . He was glad to inform the brethren of the province
that affairs werc progressing very satisfactorily , showing a good balance in their favour . The accounts had been carefully examined by three brethren belonging to Lodges Nos . 1166 , 29- ; . and 477 . The balance io the credit of the Fund of Beneovlence amounted to . C \ i / 6 is . 4 ' id ., of
which / , 120 c was invested . The balance of the P . G . L . amounted to £ 261 4 s . 3 d . Since their last meeting two bonds had run out , and in consequence ol" the death cf Pro . Smith it was necessary to appoint anew trustee . The vacancy had been filled in a very satisfactory manner .
The transfer of the other bend was not yet completed , but this would doubtless be carried out also in a way which would be an honour to the Craft . I'he accounts were passed bv acclamation . The P . G . M . said ar their last meeling he expressed his feeling of confidence that when he
submitted the name of Bro . Bland for re-election to the important oflice of P . G . Treas . it would receive tlie cordial assent of the brethren . They then also expressed their most sincere hopes thai they would see him soon amongst them again in improved health . Thanks to the G . A . O . T . U . they had him once more in their
111 . ust with a satisfactory statement of accounts , and ready to give all necessary help in the sacred cause of charity . He moved that Bro . Bland be re-elected P . G . Treasurer , and was certain the proposition would meet with the unanimous approval of the the brethren . ( A pplause . ) The motion was seconded by liro . C . Dutton , P . G . S . W ., and carried by acclamation .
T he P . G . M . : Bro . Bland , you have fulfilled your duties at great sacrifice of liir . e , personal inconvenience , ami risk to your health , but I hope to see you in the position to which you have been unanimously re-elected for many years to ¦ -nnvv
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
The Prov . Grand Master then invested the following as his officers for the ensuing year : — G . Cornwall Legh , M . P .,... D . Prov . G . Master . C . Dutton , Prov . G . S . W . Capt . C J . Howard Prov . G . J . W . Rev . R . Hodgson , Prov . G . Chaplain . J . Wood , Prov . G . Registrar .
J . Bland , Prov . G . Treasurer-E . H . Grffiiths , Prov . G . Secretary . J . Beresford , Prov . G . S . D . E . Friend , Prov . G . J . D . G . Whale , Prov . G . S . of W . F . Jackson , Prov . G . D . of C T . Bowers Prov . G . A . D . C .
J . Tomlinson , Prov . G . Swd . B . T . H . Kirk , Prov . G . Organist . S . Gilbert , Prov . G . Pursuiviant . J . Swindells , Prov . G . Tyler . H . A . Irwin , Prov . G . Steward . iViartin
j . , „ J . W . M'Gill , „ „ J . Blackhurst , „ „ „ S . Heath , „ G . Watson , „ „ ,, The P . G . M . said they all owed a very great
debt of gratitude to the Committee of the Fund of Benevolence , and the result of their labours ha ' cl hitherto been of the most satisfactory character , they all knew how very efficiently the chairman of that Committee had done his share
ot the work , and therefore he had the greatest pleasure in re-appointing their worthy brother , Capt . Cope , to that position . The Provincial G-iand Master said it would be in thc recollection of the brethren that , by the unanimous vote of the Provincial Grand Lodge , it was resolved a jewel should be presented to
the brethren who fulfilled the responsible ofhec of steward to the two charities . He therefore , had much pleasure in presenting Bro . Simpson and Bro . Wood , P . G . Reg ., with these jewels , having each fulfilled the duties of that office , hoping their example would be followed by other brethren .
Bro . Dr . Evans then came forward and said * . Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , I bale the nonour to offer for your acceptance the trowel used in laying the north-east corner stone of St . Paul ' s Church , Stal ybridge , as a remembrance of that interesting event , and trust you will look upon it as an expression of true
Masonic regard m whicli you are held by the brethren of your Province . Thc foundation stone of that church was laid in 1838 , by your illustrous predecessor , Viscount Combermere , and when you look upon this trowel , we respectfully trust you will bear in mind thc circumstances connected with it , ( applause ) .
The Provincial Grand Master : Bro . Dr . Evans , 1 accept with feefings of gratitude and sincere satisfaction this trowel , which you have presented in such Haltering terms . I assure you brethren , it will always remain treasured in mv house , in recollection of
the most important ceremony which has taken place during my Masonic rule , and in remembrance of the work commenced by my predecessor . 1 can only sincerely regret my unavoidable absence from Stalybridge on the interesting occasion , and hope that if on any future occasion
lhe Provincial Grand Lodge should visit that town , they would be favoured with belter than weather . * Bro . Captain Copelhen ' moved "That in orderto make the R . W . P . G . M . of Cheshire a vice-patron ofthe Royal Masonic Institution for Boys and
Girls , the sum of one hundred guineas be voted from the funds of thc P . G . L . for that purpose , viz ., fifty guineas to the Boys' School , and fifty guineas tothe Girls' School . " He felt certain , he said , that Cheshire fully intended to honour their P . G . M ., and held in the same estimation
as other provinces held theirs . There were eight provinces in which the P . G . M . ' s had been raised to the rank of Vice-Patron of the Royal Masonic Institution , and therefore they would be only acfing in a becoming manner by unanimously approving of this motion .
Bro . Bulley , P . Prov . J . G . W ., in seconding the motion , said it would be a slur upon Cheshire if their P . G . M . were not a Vice-Patron of the institution , especially wlmn they had been so successful in getting their candidate admitted .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
They should endeavou , by all the means in their power , to maintain this noble insfitution , which was so well worthy of their support . The motion was carried unanimously . The P . G . M . : —Masters , Wardens , and brethren , I must commence my usual address , by
expressing my extreme satisfaction with the manner in which you have voted the money just proposed by Bro . Cope , and my extreme gratification for the flattering remarks with reference to myself . This is only an additional proof of your confidence in me , and I feel the only way
in which I can repay your kindness , will be to strive even more anxiousl y than ever to faithfully perform the most important office which I hold . The progress of charity has indeed been most satisfactory in this province . Even since our last Provincial Grand Lodge meeting , I am happy
to state that , thanks to the Committee of the Fund of Benevolence , we have again been successful in getting our candidate elected , the result of united effort . Let this unity of action continue , and we shall always be able to carry one candidate . We have now one for the Bovs '
School , and I have every hope that , with the efficient help of the Committee of the Fund of Benevolence , we shall also secure his election . Since the last meeting of the P . G . L ., the progress of Masonry within the province of Cheshire has been highly satisfactory . The spirit of the
brethren , so far as I know , has been most harmonious , fraternal nnd hospitable . One new lodge has been consecrated—viz : that at Stalysbridge , No . 1408 , a Iodge to which I sincerely wish all prosperity , and I only regret that I had not the honour of consecrating it , although I
have the satisfaction of knowing it was efficiently done by my representative . The P . G . L . was also summoned for a peculiarly interesting purpose in connection with the extension of St . Paul ' s , and sincerely hope that excellent work will produce all the good which is intended . The number of brethren in the province is
steadily increasing , but I would once more , with reference to this subject , call the attention of all W . Master ' s within my province to the address issued by Lord Zetland several years since , impressing upon the brethren the necessity of looking to the respectability rather than to mere numbers of those admitted into the Order .
( Applause ) . I must also impress upon you the necessity of not seeking to countenance the starting of a new lodge , unless you are certain it will be respectable and well supported . I am well aware that every new lodge kindles a spark of Masonry in the district , but the
principal thing is to sec that that spark rises into a steady flame . Then it is your duty to recommend the granting of thc charter , but not till then . I trust Masonry will continue to flourish as it has done , and I assure you it is my intention to do my duty , as far as I can , with the view of
promoting its best interests . ( Hear , hear , and applause ) . It is my intention , with the blessng of the G . A . O . T . U ., to hold my Provincial Grand Lodge next year at the town of Altrincham . At the conclusion of the Provincial Grand Lodge business , the brethren , in lull Craft
Masonicclothing and jewels , were marshalled in due order , and proceeded to Christ Church . On arriving at the door of the church , the procession halted , divided to the rig ht and left , and allowed the P . G . M . to pass np the centre ,
preceded by Standard and Swordbearer , the P . G . officers and brethren followed in succession from the rear . After the numerous brethren had taken their seats , worship commenced . Full cathedral service was the order of the dav . As the
brethren entered the church , an appropriate voluntary was played by the P . G . O . ( who also efficiently presided at the organ during the whole of the musical service ) . A collection was made in aid of the Fund of Benevolence , which amounted to #£ 14 ios . 6 d .
The brethren afterwards returned to the lodgeroom , where the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed in due form .
THE BANQUET . Shortly after four o ' cloock , about 200 of the brethren sat down to a banquet , provided hj Messrs . Boll ? nd and Sons , of Chester , in the great hall of the building . Lord de Tabley presided , and he was supported on either side by . 3