Article CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article COSMOPOLITAN MASONIC CALENDAR FOR 1879. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETIN Page 1 of 4 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETIN Page 1 of 4 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETIN Page 1 of 4 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ReroR-rs ot MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry , 475 Instruction , 4 ? 7 Royal Arch 478 Red Cross of Constantine 478 Consecration of the Excelsior Chapter , Rose Croix 47 S Grand Lodgeof Scotland 478 Supreme Council , Thirty-third Degree 478
Obituary 47 » London Masonic Charity Association 479 Reviews 479 Notes on Art . & c 479 A Quid Pro Quo 480 An Amusing Little Episode 480 Betting Evils , ,. . ' . 480 CORRESPONDENCE : — Masonic Courtesy 481 Freemasonry in Scotland ,.,....,,.,.....,. 481
The Loss ofthe " Princess Alice " , 481 The Quebec Question 481 The Charity Organization Society •481 Consecration of St . Thomas's Chapter , No . 14 a 483 Consecration of the Mid-Surrey Chapter , No . 1044 483 Consecration of Trinity College Lodge , No . 176 s 483 Masonicand General Tidings 4 S 4 Dramatic Notes 484 Lodge Meetings for Next Week 484 Advertisements i ., ii ., iii ., iv ., v ., vi .
Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar For 1879.
W . Masters and Secretaries of Lodges , Chapters , & c , are respectfully informed that in order to obtain accuracy in the above , printed forms have been forwarded to them for supplying particulars as to day , months and place of
meeting . If such have not yet ached their hands the Publisher requests that they would kindly call at the meeting place of the lodge , & c , and fill up and return the form , in order that the
particulars of their meetings may be correctly inserted . All communications in this matter should be addressed at once to the Publisher , 198 , Fleet-street , London , E . C .
REPORTS , etc ., intended for insertion in current number , should reach , the Office , ( 198 , Fleet-street ) , by 12 o ' clock noon , on Wednesdays .
Reports Of Masonic Meetin
Craft Wwrnth
LODGE OF FAITH ( No . 141 ) . —A meeting- of this old lodge was held at Anderton ' s Hotel on the 24 th ult ., when there were present , Bros . E . Mallett , W . M . ; C . Dairy , S . W . ; Rumball , J . W . ; Carter , P . M ., Treasurer ; W . Stuart , P . M ., Secretary ; Peevor , P . M ., acting I . P . M ; Morrison , J . D . ; Walls , acting I . G . ( Freemason ) , Clark , D . C .: and Past Masters Hopwood , P . P . G . S . B . of
Middlesex j Taylor , Themans , Kennett , and Cobham . The minutes of the previous regular and emergency meetings having been read and confirmed , the bye-laws were read and passed nem . con . The election of W . M . resulted in favour of Bro . C . Dairy , who made an able response to the W . M ' s . address and congratulation . Bro . Carter was elected Treasurer , and Bro . Longstaffe re-appointed Tyler .
The existing members of the Committee of the Benevolent Fund were re-appointed , and Bro . Clark added to their number . The members appointed on the Audit Committee were Bros . Travers , Goulden , Jordan , Abrahams , and Holmes . Upon the motion of Taylor , P . M ., which was seconded by Peevor , P . M ., and carried unanimously , a jewel was voted to thc outgoing W . M ., who briefly
returned thanks . The names of three candidates lor initiation at the next meeting were then handed in by thc W . M . elect . There being no other business before the lodge , it was duly closed , and in consequence of the hotel undergoing great alterations , which , when completed , will render it Masonically and otherwise equal to any in the metropolis , the brethren had to adjourn to the Holborn Restaurant ,
where a very elegant banquet was served . Amongst the visitors ne noticed Bros . F . Walters , P . P . G . D . of Middlesex , ore ; Cook , J . W . 382 ; H . J . Lardner , S . D ., Farringdon Without ; Butt , West Smithfield ; Piller ; Woolsey , and Hillditch . Upon the removal of the cloth , the ordinary Royal and Craft toasts were done full justice to . Thc health of "The W . M . " was proposed by Bro . Stuart , P . M ., who stated that as that was the last time , in all probability ,
that the W . M . would preside at their banquet table , it afforded him—Bro . Stuart—great pleasure in proposing his health . The hospitable and able way in which Bro . Mallett had presided over their conviviality would be long remembered by them all . His year of office in the lodge had not been an arduous one , in consequence of there being less initiates than usual , but what" work " had devolved upon their W , M . had been performed well . In conclusion , thc speaker said , that from the moment of Bro . Mallett ' s advent to the
Reports Of Masonic Meetin
present time his kindness had been proverbial , and that he had laboured hard to perform his various duties honestly and cheerfully . This toast having been received with excellent " fire , " the W . M . made a modest reply , and immediately proposed "The Visitors . " This compliment was acknowledged at length by Bro . F . Walters , and others . " The Health of the W . M . elect " was given by the W . M .,
in a few neat sentences . He said that all who had watched Bro . Dairy ' s career in the Lodge of Faith must have noticed the interest he had taken in it , and also the punctual and able manner in which he had discharged the duties of the various offices which he had from time to time held . In conclusion , he wished him a prosperous and happy vear of office . Bro . Dairy , in reply , stated that in response
to the kind manner in which his health had been proposed and drank , he could only * reiterate what he had said more fully in the lodge , that with the blessing of T . GA . O . T . U . hc hoped to carry out the duties of the high office which he had been called upon to fulfil to their entire satisfaction . This , however , could only be done by the united assistance of the Past Masters and the subordinate officers of the
lodge , but hc felt confident that that valuable aid would be cheerfully rendered by those brethren . In conclusion , he again heartily thanked the members for the honour they had done him , and he hoped that they would never have occasion to regret their confidence . The remaining
toasts \* rere " The Past Masters , " " The Treasurer and Secretary , " and " The Officers , " which were duly acknowledged . The brethren separated shortly after the Tyler ' s toast . The next meeting of the lodge will be held on the last Tuesday in the present month , when Bro . Dairy will be duly installed into thc chair of K . S .
CITY OF "WESTMINSTER LODGE ( No . 11-63 ) . —The brethren of this lodge met on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., at tlie Regent Masonic Mali , Air-street , W . Present : "Bros . E . White , W . M . ; B . Phillips , S . W . ; B . Turner , J . W . ; J . E . Shand , S . !*) ., * J . Hutchinson , J . D . ; C . Waugh , I . G . ; E . J . Scott , P . M ., Sec ; Rev . P . M . Holden , I . P . M . ; B . Swallow , P . M . ; Woodward , Gardner , D cker , Hancock , Ward , and others . Tne business
comsedone initiation , one passing , five raisings , tlie election of W . M ., Treasurer and Tyler . Bro . S . W . Phillips was unanimously elected W . M ., and will be installed in November . Bros . Swallow , P . M ., was elected Treasurer , and Potter Tyler . Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to dinner at Bro . Nicol ' s Cafe Royal . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were gone through , and a very pleasant evening enjoyed .
WEST SMITHFIELD LODGE ( No . 1633 ) . — Thc third installation meeting of this well established lodge was held at the New Market Motel , King-street , West Smithfield , on Thursday , 19 th ult . Punctually at four o ' clock the W . M ., Bro . T . W . Adams , opened the lodge . The minutes of the meeting held on July iSth were read , and unanimously confirmed . Bro . J . Smith ,
P . G . P ., P . M ., and Treas ., by letter resigned ! i * s membership of the lodge . His resignation was accepted with very great and deep regret . Bro . F . Walters , P . P . G . D . Mi . llx ., P . M ., and Sec , resigned thc Secretaryship of the lodge . His resignation of that important office was accepted . On motion duly made , seconded , and unanimously resolved , " That a vote of thanks be given ( the same to
be drawn on vellum ) to Bro . F . Walters for his services as Secretary to the lodge . " Tlie ballot for Treisurer was declared to be unanimous in favour of Bro . Frederick Walters . The ballots for initiates were declared to be unanimous in favour of ' . heir admission . Bro . F . Walters , P . M . 73 , took the chair . He raised Bro . E . Bjwlev , passed Bros . P . Bowley , A . Allen , and J . S . Thomson , installed
Bro . G . S . Elliott , S . W ., as W . M ., who appointed as his officers Bros . J . Howes , P . M ., S . W . ; J . Johnson , J . W . ; F . Walters , P . P . G . D . Middlesex , P . M ., Treas . ; E . Mallett , W . M . 141 , Sec ; W . Pennefather , P . M ., S . D . ; W . Malthouse , J . D . ; T . McCluer Butt , I . G . ; Lardner , D . C . * Stephens , W . S . ; W . Snow , C . S . ; J . Gilbert , Tyler . The newly-installed W . M . proved his proficiency , and showed
he was the right man iu the right place , by the admirable and impressive manner in which he initiated Messrs . Roberts and Kinloch into Freemasonry . After an eloquent appeal { torn . Bvo . F . Walters , soliciting members to become Stewards to represent the Masonic Charities at thc forthcoming festivals , three brethren offered , and were accepted , namely , Bro . J . Johnson , J . W ., Benevolent ; Bro . W .
Malthouse , J . D ., Girls ; Bro . T . W . Adams , I . P . M ., Boys . A cordial vote of thanks was given to Bro . F . Walters for his admirable rendering of the installation ceremony . Several gentlemen were proposed for initiation . The lodge was closed , and adjourned to meet on Thursday , November 21 St ., at 6 . 30 p . m . The usual superior banquet followed , served under the personal superintendance of Bros T . Butt and his two sons . The long list of visitors
included Bros . Rev . G . R . P . Colles , P . P . G . C . Oxon ., Chap . 1275 ; Whitley , P . P . G . D . Middlesex , P . M . 94 6 ; C . Becks , P . G . Org . Middlesex , W . M . 1687 , Org . 1326 , & c . ; White , P . M . 901 * , A . Treadwell , P . M . 177 ; W . T . Leaver , P . M . 1178 ; Jones , 205 ; Furlong , 1672 ; Thomas , Org . 1672 ; J . S . Sweasey , 1423 ; A . Allen , 1326 ; E . Rowley , 1326 ; P . Bowley , 1326 ; J . S , Thompson , 1326 ; J . Thompson , 1326 , and others .
ROYAL SAVOY LODGE ( No . 1744 ) . —A meeting of this young lodge was held on Tuesday , Sept . 24 th , at Ashley ' s Hotel , Covent Garden . There were present Bros . Willing , W . M . ; Douglass , S . W . ; Clemow , J . W . ; Treadwell , P . M . * , Stiles , Sec . ; Jones , S . D . ; Hyland , J . D . ;
Smith , I . G . ; Siliis , Callaghan , Armstrong , Barham , Hammond , and others . Bros . A . D . Douglass , Phillpot , Hixon , Nicol , and Dovey were solemnly raised to the Third Degree . Bro . James Smith was passed to the Second Degree , and Mr . J . H . Bennett was impressively initiated into ancient Freemasonry . This being an off
Reports Of Masonic Meetin
night , only thirty of the brethren sat down to thc banquit A very enjoyable evening was spent . The visitors , among whom were Bros . Walter Joyce , Biitton , and Smyth , expressed themselves very pleased , the former giving a splendid rendering cf the " Balaclava Charge . " During the course ofthe evening the W . M . alluded to the new Masonic Charity Association for London , stating that many London
votes were absolutely lost for London candidates through the brethren not knowing the merits of individual cases in their own neighbourhood , consequently giving them to persons who frequently solicited , " begged , borrowed , or exchanged , " for provincial candidates . Bro . Treadwell , Treasurer , gave the history of a most deserving case of a widow , Mrs . Watkins , being left with nine young children . She tried to get one of the children into thc Boys' School ,
but failcil , and became ineligible on account of age . Now she applies for the second hoy , who has twice failed , and if not elected this time also becomes ineli gible . The London Masonic Charity Association having made full enquiry , have espoused the case , ( with others ) , so there is a hope for his success . It was agreed among the brethren fo send their votes when possible to the Association and to support it by their best ability . The meeting broke up at eleven .
BODMIN . —One and All Lodge ( No . 330 ) . — The meeting of the ahove lodge , held on the iGth September , was one of unusual importance , to the brethren . Notices were issued to the members by the W . M ., Brc Rowe , intimating that he had received a com mun ication from the M . W . the Provincial Grand Master , the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe , respecting the death of our well-beloved
brother the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Sir Fredk , M . Williams , Bart ., M . P ., and requesting the brethren to appear in Masonic mourning on that and following occasions for three months . This notice was duly attended to , antl an unusual number of the brethren attended to show by their presence and by ultimate resolutions their unfeigned regard for a brother whose fraternal kindness will
be long remembered by the fatherless and thc . widow . But the chief feature of the meeting was one which had been looked forward to for some time past , namely a presentation to W . Bro . Captain Colvill , P . M ., and P . P . S . G . W . of Cornwall on his leaving for London , for the great interest he had taken in Masonry for a considerable number of years , and for the zealous manner
in which he had endeavoured to promote the welfare of thc One and All Lodge . The presentation was made by W . Bro . Captain F . Hext , P . M ., and P . P . G . S . W . of Cornwall ; he being one of the oldest members of the lodge , and in doing so he said it gave him mingled feelings of pleasure and regret that such a duty should be entrusted to him , of pleasure inasmuch as Bro .
Colvill , by leaving was about to do so for his welfare ; of regret at losing so valuable a member , but he thanked the Almighty Architect of the Universe that Bro . Colvill would not be entirely lost to the lodge , as he had declared his intention to still remain a member . No lodge in the Province occupied a better position than the One a-i I All , and this he attributed to the energetic
exertions 14 ' i 3 ro Colvill , and as a slight token of regard the brethren had for a brother who had worked so assiduously in every good work , had much pleasure in handing Bro . Colvill a silver salver and a stiver five o ' clock tea service , the salver bearing a suitable inscription . W . Bro . Rich said that as the next oldest member of the lodge he felt it incumbent on him to say a few words on tbis occasion , if
necessary he could give a more detailed account of the kind and energetic manner in which Bro . Colvill had always conducted Masonic business , but as time was short lie would consent himself with endorsing al ! the eulogy bestowed by Bro . Hext . W . Bro . Colvill , in accepting the present said , he had received no intimation of what was about to take place , or he would have prepired himself for
the occasion , but he felt sure that no words would be more acceptable than those of the heart . He came into thc county 18 years ago , almost a stranger , he left it now almost a Cornishman . His connection with thc lodge he looked upon as a bright spot in his life , whatever he had done since he had been in the town hail always been done for the welfare of the place , and those
who knew him as a Mason knew he spoke the truth . Bro . Adams , S . W ., asked to be permitted , as an officer ot the county , to congratulate Bro . Colvill on his promotion . He had been associated with Bro . Colvill for a number of years , and they had always been agreeable and pleasant , and whenever he required Masonic knowledge hc had
always referred to Bro . Colvill , and was always guided arig ht . He had hoped Bro . Colvill would have remained to see him piss the chair . W . Bro . Rowe , W . M . introduced opening and closing hymns for lhe first time , which gave every satisfaction to those present . Bro . Jacobs , the Organist , presided at the harmonium , and played the Dead March for our lamented Bro . Williams .
BEDFORD . —Stuart Lodge ( No . 540 ) .-The first meeting of the Stuart Lodge took place on Wednesday , 25 th Sept ., held at the Swan Hotel , Dr . Rhys Williams , the W . M ., was unavoidably absent through important business , the chair was taken by the I . P . M ., Bro . Col . W . Stuart , and there wire present Bros . Colburne , S . W . ; Coombs , J . W . * , AIU 11 , S . I ) . ; Bull , P . M . and
Steward , acting J . D . * , Billsun , P . M ., acting I . G . ; Prior , P . M ., Sec . * , J . Sergeant , P . M ., Treas . ; Rev . C . Brereton , Chaplain ; Reynolds , Tyler , and the following brethren—Cuthbert , P . M . J Cookson , P . M . ; E . Green , P . M . ; Rev . Faussctt Ward , Verry , Stafford , Foster , Jarvis , F . Thomson , H . Allen , R . Boughton Smith . The lodge votes for
boys and girls schools were disposed of and other items of business gone through . A gentleman from Ceylon and a resident in Bedford were proposed for initiation at the next meeting . The lodge having been closed in due form , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , during which we heard some remarks concerning the catering , as it was
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ReroR-rs ot MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry , 475 Instruction , 4 ? 7 Royal Arch 478 Red Cross of Constantine 478 Consecration of the Excelsior Chapter , Rose Croix 47 S Grand Lodgeof Scotland 478 Supreme Council , Thirty-third Degree 478
Obituary 47 » London Masonic Charity Association 479 Reviews 479 Notes on Art . & c 479 A Quid Pro Quo 480 An Amusing Little Episode 480 Betting Evils , ,. . ' . 480 CORRESPONDENCE : — Masonic Courtesy 481 Freemasonry in Scotland ,.,....,,.,.....,. 481
The Loss ofthe " Princess Alice " , 481 The Quebec Question 481 The Charity Organization Society •481 Consecration of St . Thomas's Chapter , No . 14 a 483 Consecration of the Mid-Surrey Chapter , No . 1044 483 Consecration of Trinity College Lodge , No . 176 s 483 Masonicand General Tidings 4 S 4 Dramatic Notes 484 Lodge Meetings for Next Week 484 Advertisements i ., ii ., iii ., iv ., v ., vi .
Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar For 1879.
W . Masters and Secretaries of Lodges , Chapters , & c , are respectfully informed that in order to obtain accuracy in the above , printed forms have been forwarded to them for supplying particulars as to day , months and place of
meeting . If such have not yet ached their hands the Publisher requests that they would kindly call at the meeting place of the lodge , & c , and fill up and return the form , in order that the
particulars of their meetings may be correctly inserted . All communications in this matter should be addressed at once to the Publisher , 198 , Fleet-street , London , E . C .
REPORTS , etc ., intended for insertion in current number , should reach , the Office , ( 198 , Fleet-street ) , by 12 o ' clock noon , on Wednesdays .
Reports Of Masonic Meetin
Craft Wwrnth
LODGE OF FAITH ( No . 141 ) . —A meeting- of this old lodge was held at Anderton ' s Hotel on the 24 th ult ., when there were present , Bros . E . Mallett , W . M . ; C . Dairy , S . W . ; Rumball , J . W . ; Carter , P . M ., Treasurer ; W . Stuart , P . M ., Secretary ; Peevor , P . M ., acting I . P . M ; Morrison , J . D . ; Walls , acting I . G . ( Freemason ) , Clark , D . C .: and Past Masters Hopwood , P . P . G . S . B . of
Middlesex j Taylor , Themans , Kennett , and Cobham . The minutes of the previous regular and emergency meetings having been read and confirmed , the bye-laws were read and passed nem . con . The election of W . M . resulted in favour of Bro . C . Dairy , who made an able response to the W . M ' s . address and congratulation . Bro . Carter was elected Treasurer , and Bro . Longstaffe re-appointed Tyler .
The existing members of the Committee of the Benevolent Fund were re-appointed , and Bro . Clark added to their number . The members appointed on the Audit Committee were Bros . Travers , Goulden , Jordan , Abrahams , and Holmes . Upon the motion of Taylor , P . M ., which was seconded by Peevor , P . M ., and carried unanimously , a jewel was voted to thc outgoing W . M ., who briefly
returned thanks . The names of three candidates lor initiation at the next meeting were then handed in by thc W . M . elect . There being no other business before the lodge , it was duly closed , and in consequence of the hotel undergoing great alterations , which , when completed , will render it Masonically and otherwise equal to any in the metropolis , the brethren had to adjourn to the Holborn Restaurant ,
where a very elegant banquet was served . Amongst the visitors ne noticed Bros . F . Walters , P . P . G . D . of Middlesex , ore ; Cook , J . W . 382 ; H . J . Lardner , S . D ., Farringdon Without ; Butt , West Smithfield ; Piller ; Woolsey , and Hillditch . Upon the removal of the cloth , the ordinary Royal and Craft toasts were done full justice to . Thc health of "The W . M . " was proposed by Bro . Stuart , P . M ., who stated that as that was the last time , in all probability ,
that the W . M . would preside at their banquet table , it afforded him—Bro . Stuart—great pleasure in proposing his health . The hospitable and able way in which Bro . Mallett had presided over their conviviality would be long remembered by them all . His year of office in the lodge had not been an arduous one , in consequence of there being less initiates than usual , but what" work " had devolved upon their W , M . had been performed well . In conclusion , thc speaker said , that from the moment of Bro . Mallett ' s advent to the
Reports Of Masonic Meetin
present time his kindness had been proverbial , and that he had laboured hard to perform his various duties honestly and cheerfully . This toast having been received with excellent " fire , " the W . M . made a modest reply , and immediately proposed "The Visitors . " This compliment was acknowledged at length by Bro . F . Walters , and others . " The Health of the W . M . elect " was given by the W . M .,
in a few neat sentences . He said that all who had watched Bro . Dairy ' s career in the Lodge of Faith must have noticed the interest he had taken in it , and also the punctual and able manner in which he had discharged the duties of the various offices which he had from time to time held . In conclusion , he wished him a prosperous and happy vear of office . Bro . Dairy , in reply , stated that in response
to the kind manner in which his health had been proposed and drank , he could only * reiterate what he had said more fully in the lodge , that with the blessing of T . GA . O . T . U . hc hoped to carry out the duties of the high office which he had been called upon to fulfil to their entire satisfaction . This , however , could only be done by the united assistance of the Past Masters and the subordinate officers of the
lodge , but hc felt confident that that valuable aid would be cheerfully rendered by those brethren . In conclusion , he again heartily thanked the members for the honour they had done him , and he hoped that they would never have occasion to regret their confidence . The remaining
toasts \* rere " The Past Masters , " " The Treasurer and Secretary , " and " The Officers , " which were duly acknowledged . The brethren separated shortly after the Tyler ' s toast . The next meeting of the lodge will be held on the last Tuesday in the present month , when Bro . Dairy will be duly installed into thc chair of K . S .
CITY OF "WESTMINSTER LODGE ( No . 11-63 ) . —The brethren of this lodge met on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., at tlie Regent Masonic Mali , Air-street , W . Present : "Bros . E . White , W . M . ; B . Phillips , S . W . ; B . Turner , J . W . ; J . E . Shand , S . !*) ., * J . Hutchinson , J . D . ; C . Waugh , I . G . ; E . J . Scott , P . M ., Sec ; Rev . P . M . Holden , I . P . M . ; B . Swallow , P . M . ; Woodward , Gardner , D cker , Hancock , Ward , and others . Tne business
comsedone initiation , one passing , five raisings , tlie election of W . M ., Treasurer and Tyler . Bro . S . W . Phillips was unanimously elected W . M ., and will be installed in November . Bros . Swallow , P . M ., was elected Treasurer , and Potter Tyler . Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to dinner at Bro . Nicol ' s Cafe Royal . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were gone through , and a very pleasant evening enjoyed .
WEST SMITHFIELD LODGE ( No . 1633 ) . — Thc third installation meeting of this well established lodge was held at the New Market Motel , King-street , West Smithfield , on Thursday , 19 th ult . Punctually at four o ' clock the W . M ., Bro . T . W . Adams , opened the lodge . The minutes of the meeting held on July iSth were read , and unanimously confirmed . Bro . J . Smith ,
P . G . P ., P . M ., and Treas ., by letter resigned ! i * s membership of the lodge . His resignation was accepted with very great and deep regret . Bro . F . Walters , P . P . G . D . Mi . llx ., P . M ., and Sec , resigned thc Secretaryship of the lodge . His resignation of that important office was accepted . On motion duly made , seconded , and unanimously resolved , " That a vote of thanks be given ( the same to
be drawn on vellum ) to Bro . F . Walters for his services as Secretary to the lodge . " Tlie ballot for Treisurer was declared to be unanimous in favour of Bro . Frederick Walters . The ballots for initiates were declared to be unanimous in favour of ' . heir admission . Bro . F . Walters , P . M . 73 , took the chair . He raised Bro . E . Bjwlev , passed Bros . P . Bowley , A . Allen , and J . S . Thomson , installed
Bro . G . S . Elliott , S . W ., as W . M ., who appointed as his officers Bros . J . Howes , P . M ., S . W . ; J . Johnson , J . W . ; F . Walters , P . P . G . D . Middlesex , P . M ., Treas . ; E . Mallett , W . M . 141 , Sec ; W . Pennefather , P . M ., S . D . ; W . Malthouse , J . D . ; T . McCluer Butt , I . G . ; Lardner , D . C . * Stephens , W . S . ; W . Snow , C . S . ; J . Gilbert , Tyler . The newly-installed W . M . proved his proficiency , and showed
he was the right man iu the right place , by the admirable and impressive manner in which he initiated Messrs . Roberts and Kinloch into Freemasonry . After an eloquent appeal { torn . Bvo . F . Walters , soliciting members to become Stewards to represent the Masonic Charities at thc forthcoming festivals , three brethren offered , and were accepted , namely , Bro . J . Johnson , J . W ., Benevolent ; Bro . W .
Malthouse , J . D ., Girls ; Bro . T . W . Adams , I . P . M ., Boys . A cordial vote of thanks was given to Bro . F . Walters for his admirable rendering of the installation ceremony . Several gentlemen were proposed for initiation . The lodge was closed , and adjourned to meet on Thursday , November 21 St ., at 6 . 30 p . m . The usual superior banquet followed , served under the personal superintendance of Bros T . Butt and his two sons . The long list of visitors
included Bros . Rev . G . R . P . Colles , P . P . G . C . Oxon ., Chap . 1275 ; Whitley , P . P . G . D . Middlesex , P . M . 94 6 ; C . Becks , P . G . Org . Middlesex , W . M . 1687 , Org . 1326 , & c . ; White , P . M . 901 * , A . Treadwell , P . M . 177 ; W . T . Leaver , P . M . 1178 ; Jones , 205 ; Furlong , 1672 ; Thomas , Org . 1672 ; J . S . Sweasey , 1423 ; A . Allen , 1326 ; E . Rowley , 1326 ; P . Bowley , 1326 ; J . S , Thompson , 1326 ; J . Thompson , 1326 , and others .
ROYAL SAVOY LODGE ( No . 1744 ) . —A meeting of this young lodge was held on Tuesday , Sept . 24 th , at Ashley ' s Hotel , Covent Garden . There were present Bros . Willing , W . M . ; Douglass , S . W . ; Clemow , J . W . ; Treadwell , P . M . * , Stiles , Sec . ; Jones , S . D . ; Hyland , J . D . ;
Smith , I . G . ; Siliis , Callaghan , Armstrong , Barham , Hammond , and others . Bros . A . D . Douglass , Phillpot , Hixon , Nicol , and Dovey were solemnly raised to the Third Degree . Bro . James Smith was passed to the Second Degree , and Mr . J . H . Bennett was impressively initiated into ancient Freemasonry . This being an off
Reports Of Masonic Meetin
night , only thirty of the brethren sat down to thc banquit A very enjoyable evening was spent . The visitors , among whom were Bros . Walter Joyce , Biitton , and Smyth , expressed themselves very pleased , the former giving a splendid rendering cf the " Balaclava Charge . " During the course ofthe evening the W . M . alluded to the new Masonic Charity Association for London , stating that many London
votes were absolutely lost for London candidates through the brethren not knowing the merits of individual cases in their own neighbourhood , consequently giving them to persons who frequently solicited , " begged , borrowed , or exchanged , " for provincial candidates . Bro . Treadwell , Treasurer , gave the history of a most deserving case of a widow , Mrs . Watkins , being left with nine young children . She tried to get one of the children into thc Boys' School ,
but failcil , and became ineligible on account of age . Now she applies for the second hoy , who has twice failed , and if not elected this time also becomes ineli gible . The London Masonic Charity Association having made full enquiry , have espoused the case , ( with others ) , so there is a hope for his success . It was agreed among the brethren fo send their votes when possible to the Association and to support it by their best ability . The meeting broke up at eleven .
BODMIN . —One and All Lodge ( No . 330 ) . — The meeting of the ahove lodge , held on the iGth September , was one of unusual importance , to the brethren . Notices were issued to the members by the W . M ., Brc Rowe , intimating that he had received a com mun ication from the M . W . the Provincial Grand Master , the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe , respecting the death of our well-beloved
brother the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Sir Fredk , M . Williams , Bart ., M . P ., and requesting the brethren to appear in Masonic mourning on that and following occasions for three months . This notice was duly attended to , antl an unusual number of the brethren attended to show by their presence and by ultimate resolutions their unfeigned regard for a brother whose fraternal kindness will
be long remembered by the fatherless and thc . widow . But the chief feature of the meeting was one which had been looked forward to for some time past , namely a presentation to W . Bro . Captain Colvill , P . M ., and P . P . S . G . W . of Cornwall on his leaving for London , for the great interest he had taken in Masonry for a considerable number of years , and for the zealous manner
in which he had endeavoured to promote the welfare of thc One and All Lodge . The presentation was made by W . Bro . Captain F . Hext , P . M ., and P . P . G . S . W . of Cornwall ; he being one of the oldest members of the lodge , and in doing so he said it gave him mingled feelings of pleasure and regret that such a duty should be entrusted to him , of pleasure inasmuch as Bro .
Colvill , by leaving was about to do so for his welfare ; of regret at losing so valuable a member , but he thanked the Almighty Architect of the Universe that Bro . Colvill would not be entirely lost to the lodge , as he had declared his intention to still remain a member . No lodge in the Province occupied a better position than the One a-i I All , and this he attributed to the energetic
exertions 14 ' i 3 ro Colvill , and as a slight token of regard the brethren had for a brother who had worked so assiduously in every good work , had much pleasure in handing Bro . Colvill a silver salver and a stiver five o ' clock tea service , the salver bearing a suitable inscription . W . Bro . Rich said that as the next oldest member of the lodge he felt it incumbent on him to say a few words on tbis occasion , if
necessary he could give a more detailed account of the kind and energetic manner in which Bro . Colvill had always conducted Masonic business , but as time was short lie would consent himself with endorsing al ! the eulogy bestowed by Bro . Hext . W . Bro . Colvill , in accepting the present said , he had received no intimation of what was about to take place , or he would have prepired himself for
the occasion , but he felt sure that no words would be more acceptable than those of the heart . He came into thc county 18 years ago , almost a stranger , he left it now almost a Cornishman . His connection with thc lodge he looked upon as a bright spot in his life , whatever he had done since he had been in the town hail always been done for the welfare of the place , and those
who knew him as a Mason knew he spoke the truth . Bro . Adams , S . W ., asked to be permitted , as an officer ot the county , to congratulate Bro . Colvill on his promotion . He had been associated with Bro . Colvill for a number of years , and they had always been agreeable and pleasant , and whenever he required Masonic knowledge hc had
always referred to Bro . Colvill , and was always guided arig ht . He had hoped Bro . Colvill would have remained to see him piss the chair . W . Bro . Rowe , W . M . introduced opening and closing hymns for lhe first time , which gave every satisfaction to those present . Bro . Jacobs , the Organist , presided at the harmonium , and played the Dead March for our lamented Bro . Williams .
BEDFORD . —Stuart Lodge ( No . 540 ) .-The first meeting of the Stuart Lodge took place on Wednesday , 25 th Sept ., held at the Swan Hotel , Dr . Rhys Williams , the W . M ., was unavoidably absent through important business , the chair was taken by the I . P . M ., Bro . Col . W . Stuart , and there wire present Bros . Colburne , S . W . ; Coombs , J . W . * , AIU 11 , S . I ) . ; Bull , P . M . and
Steward , acting J . D . * , Billsun , P . M ., acting I . G . ; Prior , P . M ., Sec . * , J . Sergeant , P . M ., Treas . ; Rev . C . Brereton , Chaplain ; Reynolds , Tyler , and the following brethren—Cuthbert , P . M . J Cookson , P . M . ; E . Green , P . M . ; Rev . Faussctt Ward , Verry , Stafford , Foster , Jarvis , F . Thomson , H . Allen , R . Boughton Smith . The lodge votes for
boys and girls schools were disposed of and other items of business gone through . A gentleman from Ceylon and a resident in Bedford were proposed for initiation at the next meeting . The lodge having been closed in due form , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , during which we heard some remarks concerning the catering , as it was