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Table Of Contents.
RtroRTS OF M ASONIC MEETINGS : - PAGE Craft Masonry *¦»' Roval Arch M » Knig hts icmpiai : : ; : : : : : : : : : : ''; :: '' ::::::::.::::::::::::: " ! £ " t ^ ng 'lhc Foundation Stone of Merchant Taylors' School 144 nurruARY : — _ .. .
„ Iiro . W . A- Miisi ; ravc ,. r . iYi . 304 14 s Misonic Tidings ' 45 •he Installation ofthe Grand Master 146 Onr Cana . li . in Brethren 146 nir Non-Commissioned Ofhccr lircthrcn 140 Mr Charles Hr-ullaugh 146 Xhe Spring of thc Year 14 J rnRRKsroso "" - * * 'F .: — The Installation of thc M . AV . Grand Master 147 The llovs' School 14 *"
Mr . Charles Bradlaugh 147 Hritish Union Lodge 14 S The Masonic Charity Festivals 140 Dress for the Installation 148 provincial Grand Lodge of Somerset 148 Provincial Grand Lodge of West Lancashire 148 j \ in . innic Danqnct to Capt . Colvill 148 Reviews .., .,,.....- . « 49
Masonic Notes and Queries 149 A l- ' rieml in Need 149 Roval Masonic Institution for Hoys 149 A Sterling Testimonial 149 Royal Masonic l'cncvolcnt I stimtion , 149 'flic National Exhihilion at Philadelphia 149 Lodge Meetings lor next week 150 Advertisements i . ii . iii . iv . r . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
*¦» : — GLmtt Ulasom-ti .
METROPOLITAN . EuvPTiAS L QIKSE ( No . 27 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was hcltl on the 1 st inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel . There was a large attendance of thc brethren , Bro . S . R . Lnmble , AV . AL , presided , and among the other brethren present were Past Masters C . B . Payne , 11 . G . Buss ( Treasurer ) , D . H . lacobs , ] . Sheppard , AV . II . Libbis , II . F . Hoare , John
Coutts , F . Harrison , . ] . B . Poole , and Charles Atkins . Among the officers were Bros . John Green , S . W . ; John Walker , S . D . ; AA ' alter D . Pattenden , J . D . ; AV . Richards , I . G . ; and T . J . Maidwell , D . C . The W . M . raised Bro . John Lindell , and initiated Mr . John Riches . It was resolved that a summer banquet should be held , and the brethren were informed that a lodge of instruction to work
under this lodge had been established , to meet on those Thursday evenings throughout thc year on which the parent lodge did not meet , the place of meeting to be Bro . MaidwclPs , Hercules Tavern , 1 tg , Leadenhall-street , and the hour 7 . 30 ; the lodge to be closed at 9 . 30 . The brethren then voted ten guineas to the list of Bro . J . Poole , I ' . M ., who stands as a Steward for the approaching festival
ol the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls on the 1 ith proximo . Thc lodge was afterwards closed , and the W . M . accompanied by his officers and thc other members of the lodge , and Bros . J . Crawley , 174 ; ArthurGrubb , 7 , * , I . C ; anil I . Asshur Allison , 00 , sat down to a delightful bani | tict . Thc toasts were in due course proposed and honoured . The AA ' . M . in reply to the toast proposed and
drunk in his favour , assured the brethren that whether m the office he now filled , or in the others through which he bail passed , he hnd always endeavoured to perform his duties . 1 le then proposed " Thc Past Masters , " of whom there were nine he had himself seen go through the chair since he joined , and he hoped they would all be spared many , many yens to give thc brethren their advice and
instruction . Thc toast having been drunk , Bro . Buss , Treasurer , was called on to reply , and in the course of doing so assured tbe brethren that he was sensible of thc honour of holding so high a position . As long as he had belonged to the lodge his chief object had been to promote its interests , and he had laboured hard with that object for many years . I ' or a quarter of a century he had been
Secretary , and also for a great part of that time acted as Treasurer , even while the late respected Bro . B . P . Todd was thc actual Treasurer . No lodge had succeeded so well in arriving at a high position as the Egyptian had , aud no lodge had subscribed so much to the charities . During the lasl 14 01 15 years £ 400 had been thus contributed . On thai evening the lodge had entered on a new phase of
existence ; it bad established a benevolent fund , and £ i- ; o was already in hand on that account . Next week £ 100 of lhat would be invested , so as to bring in the largest amount of revenue . It was not the intention of the lodge to make this fund available only for the members of this lod ge , but it would , he hoped , aid the charities by placing 1 large sum on thc list of any brother who would stand
as Steward for whichever of the charities would be getting low . He was not one who wished to see a large fund accumulated . Let them give their money lo cases of distress , and let the Masons of thc future act for themselves . 1 le could not see why the brethren should aspire to having £ 1 , 000 or £ 1 , 500 in hand , as some lodges had , and he hoped he should never see the benevolent fund of the
Egyptian Lodge amount to that sum . If the brethren would support the institutions , they would be preventing so large a balance accumulating . Bro . Buss then thanked the brethren on behalf of himself and the other Past Masters , and concluded by wishing the lodge every prosperity . The remaining toasts were afterwards disposed of , •md the brethren separated .
FAITH I . citKiv . ( 1 + 1 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held ¦ it Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 2 tjth ult . The proceedings commenced at half past four o'clock in the ' tftcrmion . The officers present were : Bros . Kennel , W . M . ; Wavgood , S . W . ; Davis , J . W . ; Mallett , S . D . ; ••¦^ s , Acting J . D . ; Darcy , I . G . ; Carter , P . M ., Treas . ; Dtuart , P . M Sec . ; Themans , I . P . M . Among thc visitors
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
were Bros . Gardner , W . M . 1381 ; Parnell , 101 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , thc W . M . raised Bros . Pilbrow , Steng , and Chambers , passed Bro . Isaacs , and initiated Messrs . Elverston and Field . The whole of the ceremonies were ably and impressively performed . Bro . Taylor , P . M ., then addressed the lodge at length upon a notice of motion
which he gave at the last meeting that the initiatory monetary bye-law , No . 7 , of the lodge should be altered from £ 5 5 s . to £ 10 ios ., in conseqence of the great strength of thc lodge and insufficiency o ? accommodation . This motion was fully discussed and ultimately seconded by Bro . Thomas , I . P . M . Thc W . M . moved , as an amendment , that the initiation fee should be increased from
£ 5 5 s . to £ 7 7 s ., which was seconded by Bro . Catmur . The amendment , upon being put , was carried by a majority of eight , and then put and carried as an original motion . Bro . Taylor , P . M ., then proposed that the joining fees should be increased from £ 2 2 s . and £ 3 3 s . to £ 4 4 s . and £ 3 5 - > which was seconded by Bro . Davis , D . C , and carried unanimously . Bro . Taylor then moved that thc
visiting fee , on partaking of refreshment , should be ten shillings , except on nights of installation , when it should be twenty-one shillings , which was seconded by Bro . Wilson . The W . M . moved , and Bro . Hopwood , P . M ., seconded , that the refreshment fees should be altered from 5 s . and 7 s . 6 d . to 7 s . 6 d . and 15 s . The amendment was carried by a large majority . Bro . Carter , P . M ., Treas .,
was unanimoffsly elected to act as Steward at the forthcoming Royal Installation at the Albert I Iall , and a resolution passed that all his expenses should be paid by the lodge . Bro . Carter returned thanks , but expressed his unwillingness to receive anything from the funds of the lodge towards the expenses of the honourable position which his brethren had so kindly elected him to fulfil . It
was moved by Bro . Davis , D . C , that the sum of £ 5 5 s . should be placed on Bro . Hopwood ' s list as Steward to the Girls' Festival , and a like sum to Bro . Bennett as Steward for the Boys . This gave rise to considerable discussion , and Bro . Walls moved that the sum voted to each Steward for the institutions should be £ 3 3 s ., but upon the representations made by the W . JL and the Treasurer , both
motions were withdrawn . The proceedings , which were very lengthy and animated , then terminated , and thc lodge having been duly closed , thc brethren separated . JoitDAN LODGK ( No . 201 . )—A meeting of this old established and flourishing lodge was held at the Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Queen-street , on Friday , the 18 th inst . There was a good muster of thc brethren , who assembled
at six o ' clock in the evening , at which time thc lodge was opened by Bros . Hume , W . M . ; Wagner , S . W . ; Elsom , P . M . ( Dobie ) , J . W . ; Watts , P . M ., P . Z ., etc ., Treasurer ; Arliss , P . M ., P . Z ., & c , Secretary ; Palowka , S . D . ; Read , J . D . ; Sumner , I . G . Among thc Past Masters of thc lodge present were Bros . Hammond , W . M . 1512 , & c . ; Davage , Carvill , Whitling , Robinson . Bro . Walls , I . G . 1503 , & c ,
visitetl thc lodge . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the W . M ., with the assistance of his officers , passed Bro . Park to the F . C . degree , in a most excellent manner . The W . M . was then unanimously elected to act as Steward at the Installation of H . R . H . thc M . W . G . M . Bro . Hume , in acknowledging the honour awarded him , stated that when he came to the
lodge that evening , he had intended not to accept the position should it be offered him , as he was of opinion that one of the old Past Masters of the lodge should be elected , but as it appeared to be thc general wish of the brethren that lie should stand , he accepted the office , which he would endeavour to carry out to thc best of his ability , and to thc honour of the Jordan Lodge . Sonic minor
business having been transacted , thc lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to an elegant repast . Upon the removal of the cloth , thc W . M . gave " Thc Queen and Cratt , " which was . duly honoured , and Bro . Read sang one verse of thc National Anthem . The toasts of " The M . W . G . M , " and " The Pro G . M . and the rest of the Grand Officers , " followed , and were received by thc brethren with
excellent " fire . " Bro . Whitney , thc I . P . M ., upon being entrusted with the gavel , proposed " The Health of the AV . M ., " which was heartily receivetl . Bro . Hume , in reply thanked the brethren , and in thc course of his speech , expressed his thai'ks to the Past Masters of the lodge who had , throughout his Masonic career , rendered him valuable aid , and by whose kindness and instruction he had been
enabled " to aspire , and ultimately attain , the dignified and honourable position which he then held . The W . M . then proposed " The I Icalth of thc Visitors , " in a complimentary syeecVi . Uvo . Wails , m veyAy , said he fe \ t unpleasantly situated at having to respond for himself as a visitor for thc first time in his Masonic life . I le had visited many lodges , and when the health of thc visitors had been
proposed , he had generally managed to escape from responding , by shifting the delicate duty upon another , but on thc present occasion there was no help for it . He then touched briefly upon what he had witnessed , both in and out of thc lodge , and in conclusion staled that the brethren of the Jordan Lodge ought to be proutl of their Past Masters , many of whom had achieved high honours in other lodges
and in many of the higher degrees , anil he had to thank one of those distinguished brethren , viz . Bro . Hammond , for the pleasure he had that evening received in being invited to their lodge . The W . M . then proposed "The Health cf the Past Masters , " which was duly responded to . In giving the toast of " The Officers of the Lodge , " thc W . M . spoke very highly of thc services rendered to the
brethren by their 1 reasurer and Secretary . Bros . AVatts and Arliss replied at length , and the former stated that he hatl been upwards of 30 years a Freemason , and that his love for thc ancient Craft continued unabated , and that as long as his health would permit him , he should continue an active member of the Jordan Lodge . The latter reiterated the sentiments of his colleague , and hoped that his humble services as Secretary to thc lodge would be always
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
deemed worthy of receiving so hearty a recognition as thc W . M . had been pleased to express that evening , and which the brethren had so kindly endorsed . Between thc toasts Bros . Read , Walls , and Watts , contributed several songs and a reading . The Tyler ' s toast brought the successful proceedings to a close , and the lodge separated . Loner , OF ST . J AMES ( No . 7 6 s ) . —The installation
meeting of this locge was held on Tuesday evening , at the Bridge House Hotel . Bro . Francis Child , W . M ., presided , and initiated Mr . Benjamin Dafforn , and raised Bros . Marler , Nelson , Reed . , and Taylor . Bro . Peter M'Callum , of Glasgow , and Fetter Lane , London , was then installed as AA ' . M . by Bro . Montagu Scott , P . M . and Secretary , and received thc hearty congratulations of the brethren on his
accession to thc chair . The newly installed W . M . then appointed the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year : —Thos . Brown , S . W . ; R . W . Gibbs , J . AV . ; R . P . Hooton , Treasurer ; M . Scott , Secretary ; J * . Cox , S . D . ; S . W . Bidwell , J . D . ; Goodwin , I . G . ; Past Master Hyde , M . C ; I Abbott , W . S . ; W . G . Laing , Tyler . A P . M . jewel was presented to Bro . F . Child , for his great services
to the lodge during his year of office . A banquet , provided by Bro . Joseph Spencer , was subscbucntly partaken of , and the toasts were proposed and responded to with a . brevity and ability seldom equalled . Bro . Child in proposing the W . M's health , said he had watched his career with attention ever since that brother had become a Mason , and from what he had seen of him
he was sure his year of office would be successful . The W . M ., in reply , said that from the time he was initiafe I in this lodge he had been gratified at his progress , piaced at last in the chair , and in a year that was to be such a crucial period in the history of Freemasonry , he must be said to have attained the summit of his ambition . He had longed for it for many a day . He had loved Masonry ; it
had been the solace of his soul , from his first joining it , and if people would only apply its principles and morality in their life and walk , it would be a consolation to their minds greater than any of the " Modes of Faith , " which a zealot might fight for . Bro . Montagu Scott replied for the Past Masters . The initiate , Bro . Dafforn , said , he felt he had that night began a good lesson ; but he had often
thought of it , and he hoped to become a better man for Freemasonry than he had been . " The Health of thc Visitors " was afterwards proposed , and thc remaining toasts having also been honoured , the brethren separated . Amongst thc visitors , were Bros . 1 " . Walters , " P . A . Nairne , P . M . 176 ; G . Lemann , P . M . 176 ; II . Massey ( Firemason ) , and twenty-three others . The annual audit report , which
was brought up , received , ami adopted , showed a balance of £ 70 7 s . od . on account of the " General Fund , " and £ f > 7 6 s . 4 d . at thc London anti Westminster Bank to the credit of thc " Benevolent Fund . " TIIK ASAPH LODGK ( NO . 1310 ) held its usual monthl y meeting at Freemasons' Hnll , on Monday , April fith . Present— Bros . E . Frewin , W . M . ; W . Reed , P . M ., as S . AV . ;
W . A . Tinney , J . W . ; II . Tinney , I . G . ; E . Swanborough , D . C . ; E . S . Jones , P . M ., Sec . ; C . Coote , P . M ., P . G . Org . Middlesex ; J . M . Chanibcriin , P . M . ; lames AA ' eaver , I . P . M ., P . M . 802 , P . Prov . G . Org . Middlesex ; and several other brethren . Bro . Coles was passed to the degree of
Fellow Craft . A notice of motion was given to remove the lodge from the Freemasons' I Iall , in consequence of the ventilation of the Moira rooms being so bad ; anti the charge for thc banquets at the tavern being considered exorbitant . There being no further business , the lodge was closed .
MARQUKSS OF RIPON Lo » r * i- ( No 1481- ) . —This lodge met for the last time of its first year , under the presidency of Bro . William Stephens , AV . M ., at thc Metropolitan Societies' Asylum , Ball ' s Pond Road , Dalston . The attendance of brethren was larsrc , and included , besides the W . M ., Bros . E . Somers , S . W . ; W . D . Murlis , J . AV . ; Walford , Treasurer ; W . Jones , P . M . 440 , A . G . D . C , Norths ,
and Hunts , Secretary ; Jessell , S . D . ; E . Sim , I . G . ; F . Ellen , Steward , numerous lay members of thc lodge , and visitors , Bros . George Penn , G . W . Watkinson , 813 ; E . Crosby , 74 ; W . AV . Fawn , 1305 ; E . Braine , 605 ; and T . II . Massey ( Freemason ) . The W . M . raised Bros . Henry Morrey , George J . Glover , Samuel Smout , and Phillip A . Coard , and afterwards initiated Messrs . Charles Biggs ,
Charles Henry I-isher , and 1-redenck Charles Nevill . Bros . John Remington Blending , 781 , and Henry Field , 200 , were admitted as joining members of the lodge , and a motion by Bro . Murlis was carried to raise the initiation anti joining fees . Bro . Somers , S . W ., was elected unanimously W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . A \' . Stevens , Treasurer ; and Bro . Gilchrist , Tyler . The brethren
subsequently partook of a collation and honoured all thc customary toasts . Bro . Stevens responded for the last time to the toast of his health as W . M ., and congratulate ;! the brethren on the high position which the lodge had attained by the exertions of all thc brethren combined . 1 le expressed his great gratification at this result , and thc flourishing state of Freemasonry , and allu .- ' ed to the
forthcoming installation of thc Prince cf Wales , as an event to be remembered in thc Order . With regard to what he had himself done , and which had been spoken of several times in this lodge in terms of approbation , he expressed thc pleasure he felt at havir . g so far succeeded in his endeavours to promote the good , both of the lodge , and the Order as to have secured the support of his brethren , and
promised that 111 future his efforts in thc same direction should not be relaxed . He afterwards proposed "The Initiates , " whom he exhorted to follow thc example that would be set them in the lodge , and to maintain the principles of thc Order . The toast having been responded to ,
the AA' . M . proposed " I he Past Masters , " for whom Bros . Walford and Jones replied , the former bit th : rpassing a high compliment on the ability of thc W . M ., who would shortly be a P . M . Thc Past Masters he always looked upon as brethren who were the support of a lodge . 'I'hey had been described as "pillars" and " pillows , " pillars to support ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
RtroRTS OF M ASONIC MEETINGS : - PAGE Craft Masonry *¦»' Roval Arch M » Knig hts icmpiai : : ; : : : : : : : : : : ''; :: '' ::::::::.::::::::::::: " ! £ " t ^ ng 'lhc Foundation Stone of Merchant Taylors' School 144 nurruARY : — _ .. .
„ Iiro . W . A- Miisi ; ravc ,. r . iYi . 304 14 s Misonic Tidings ' 45 •he Installation ofthe Grand Master 146 Onr Cana . li . in Brethren 146 nir Non-Commissioned Ofhccr lircthrcn 140 Mr Charles Hr-ullaugh 146 Xhe Spring of thc Year 14 J rnRRKsroso "" - * * 'F .: — The Installation of thc M . AV . Grand Master 147 The llovs' School 14 *"
Mr . Charles Bradlaugh 147 Hritish Union Lodge 14 S The Masonic Charity Festivals 140 Dress for the Installation 148 provincial Grand Lodge of Somerset 148 Provincial Grand Lodge of West Lancashire 148 j \ in . innic Danqnct to Capt . Colvill 148 Reviews .., .,,.....- . « 49
Masonic Notes and Queries 149 A l- ' rieml in Need 149 Roval Masonic Institution for Hoys 149 A Sterling Testimonial 149 Royal Masonic l'cncvolcnt I stimtion , 149 'flic National Exhihilion at Philadelphia 149 Lodge Meetings lor next week 150 Advertisements i . ii . iii . iv . r . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
*¦» : — GLmtt Ulasom-ti .
METROPOLITAN . EuvPTiAS L QIKSE ( No . 27 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was hcltl on the 1 st inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel . There was a large attendance of thc brethren , Bro . S . R . Lnmble , AV . AL , presided , and among the other brethren present were Past Masters C . B . Payne , 11 . G . Buss ( Treasurer ) , D . H . lacobs , ] . Sheppard , AV . II . Libbis , II . F . Hoare , John
Coutts , F . Harrison , . ] . B . Poole , and Charles Atkins . Among the officers were Bros . John Green , S . W . ; John Walker , S . D . ; AA ' alter D . Pattenden , J . D . ; AV . Richards , I . G . ; and T . J . Maidwell , D . C . The W . M . raised Bro . John Lindell , and initiated Mr . John Riches . It was resolved that a summer banquet should be held , and the brethren were informed that a lodge of instruction to work
under this lodge had been established , to meet on those Thursday evenings throughout thc year on which the parent lodge did not meet , the place of meeting to be Bro . MaidwclPs , Hercules Tavern , 1 tg , Leadenhall-street , and the hour 7 . 30 ; the lodge to be closed at 9 . 30 . The brethren then voted ten guineas to the list of Bro . J . Poole , I ' . M ., who stands as a Steward for the approaching festival
ol the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls on the 1 ith proximo . Thc lodge was afterwards closed , and the W . M . accompanied by his officers and thc other members of the lodge , and Bros . J . Crawley , 174 ; ArthurGrubb , 7 , * , I . C ; anil I . Asshur Allison , 00 , sat down to a delightful bani | tict . Thc toasts were in due course proposed and honoured . The AA ' . M . in reply to the toast proposed and
drunk in his favour , assured the brethren that whether m the office he now filled , or in the others through which he bail passed , he hnd always endeavoured to perform his duties . 1 le then proposed " Thc Past Masters , " of whom there were nine he had himself seen go through the chair since he joined , and he hoped they would all be spared many , many yens to give thc brethren their advice and
instruction . Thc toast having been drunk , Bro . Buss , Treasurer , was called on to reply , and in the course of doing so assured tbe brethren that he was sensible of thc honour of holding so high a position . As long as he had belonged to the lodge his chief object had been to promote its interests , and he had laboured hard with that object for many years . I ' or a quarter of a century he had been
Secretary , and also for a great part of that time acted as Treasurer , even while the late respected Bro . B . P . Todd was thc actual Treasurer . No lodge had succeeded so well in arriving at a high position as the Egyptian had , aud no lodge had subscribed so much to the charities . During the lasl 14 01 15 years £ 400 had been thus contributed . On thai evening the lodge had entered on a new phase of
existence ; it bad established a benevolent fund , and £ i- ; o was already in hand on that account . Next week £ 100 of lhat would be invested , so as to bring in the largest amount of revenue . It was not the intention of the lodge to make this fund available only for the members of this lod ge , but it would , he hoped , aid the charities by placing 1 large sum on thc list of any brother who would stand
as Steward for whichever of the charities would be getting low . He was not one who wished to see a large fund accumulated . Let them give their money lo cases of distress , and let the Masons of thc future act for themselves . 1 le could not see why the brethren should aspire to having £ 1 , 000 or £ 1 , 500 in hand , as some lodges had , and he hoped he should never see the benevolent fund of the
Egyptian Lodge amount to that sum . If the brethren would support the institutions , they would be preventing so large a balance accumulating . Bro . Buss then thanked the brethren on behalf of himself and the other Past Masters , and concluded by wishing the lodge every prosperity . The remaining toasts were afterwards disposed of , •md the brethren separated .
FAITH I . citKiv . ( 1 + 1 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held ¦ it Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 2 tjth ult . The proceedings commenced at half past four o'clock in the ' tftcrmion . The officers present were : Bros . Kennel , W . M . ; Wavgood , S . W . ; Davis , J . W . ; Mallett , S . D . ; ••¦^ s , Acting J . D . ; Darcy , I . G . ; Carter , P . M ., Treas . ; Dtuart , P . M Sec . ; Themans , I . P . M . Among thc visitors
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
were Bros . Gardner , W . M . 1381 ; Parnell , 101 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , thc W . M . raised Bros . Pilbrow , Steng , and Chambers , passed Bro . Isaacs , and initiated Messrs . Elverston and Field . The whole of the ceremonies were ably and impressively performed . Bro . Taylor , P . M ., then addressed the lodge at length upon a notice of motion
which he gave at the last meeting that the initiatory monetary bye-law , No . 7 , of the lodge should be altered from £ 5 5 s . to £ 10 ios ., in conseqence of the great strength of thc lodge and insufficiency o ? accommodation . This motion was fully discussed and ultimately seconded by Bro . Thomas , I . P . M . Thc W . M . moved , as an amendment , that the initiation fee should be increased from
£ 5 5 s . to £ 7 7 s ., which was seconded by Bro . Catmur . The amendment , upon being put , was carried by a majority of eight , and then put and carried as an original motion . Bro . Taylor , P . M ., then proposed that the joining fees should be increased from £ 2 2 s . and £ 3 3 s . to £ 4 4 s . and £ 3 5 - > which was seconded by Bro . Davis , D . C , and carried unanimously . Bro . Taylor then moved that thc
visiting fee , on partaking of refreshment , should be ten shillings , except on nights of installation , when it should be twenty-one shillings , which was seconded by Bro . Wilson . The W . M . moved , and Bro . Hopwood , P . M ., seconded , that the refreshment fees should be altered from 5 s . and 7 s . 6 d . to 7 s . 6 d . and 15 s . The amendment was carried by a large majority . Bro . Carter , P . M ., Treas .,
was unanimoffsly elected to act as Steward at the forthcoming Royal Installation at the Albert I Iall , and a resolution passed that all his expenses should be paid by the lodge . Bro . Carter returned thanks , but expressed his unwillingness to receive anything from the funds of the lodge towards the expenses of the honourable position which his brethren had so kindly elected him to fulfil . It
was moved by Bro . Davis , D . C , that the sum of £ 5 5 s . should be placed on Bro . Hopwood ' s list as Steward to the Girls' Festival , and a like sum to Bro . Bennett as Steward for the Boys . This gave rise to considerable discussion , and Bro . Walls moved that the sum voted to each Steward for the institutions should be £ 3 3 s ., but upon the representations made by the W . JL and the Treasurer , both
motions were withdrawn . The proceedings , which were very lengthy and animated , then terminated , and thc lodge having been duly closed , thc brethren separated . JoitDAN LODGK ( No . 201 . )—A meeting of this old established and flourishing lodge was held at the Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Queen-street , on Friday , the 18 th inst . There was a good muster of thc brethren , who assembled
at six o ' clock in the evening , at which time thc lodge was opened by Bros . Hume , W . M . ; Wagner , S . W . ; Elsom , P . M . ( Dobie ) , J . W . ; Watts , P . M ., P . Z ., etc ., Treasurer ; Arliss , P . M ., P . Z ., & c , Secretary ; Palowka , S . D . ; Read , J . D . ; Sumner , I . G . Among thc Past Masters of thc lodge present were Bros . Hammond , W . M . 1512 , & c . ; Davage , Carvill , Whitling , Robinson . Bro . Walls , I . G . 1503 , & c ,
visitetl thc lodge . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the W . M ., with the assistance of his officers , passed Bro . Park to the F . C . degree , in a most excellent manner . The W . M . was then unanimously elected to act as Steward at the Installation of H . R . H . thc M . W . G . M . Bro . Hume , in acknowledging the honour awarded him , stated that when he came to the
lodge that evening , he had intended not to accept the position should it be offered him , as he was of opinion that one of the old Past Masters of the lodge should be elected , but as it appeared to be thc general wish of the brethren that lie should stand , he accepted the office , which he would endeavour to carry out to thc best of his ability , and to thc honour of the Jordan Lodge . Sonic minor
business having been transacted , thc lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to an elegant repast . Upon the removal of the cloth , thc W . M . gave " Thc Queen and Cratt , " which was . duly honoured , and Bro . Read sang one verse of thc National Anthem . The toasts of " The M . W . G . M , " and " The Pro G . M . and the rest of the Grand Officers , " followed , and were received by thc brethren with
excellent " fire . " Bro . Whitney , thc I . P . M ., upon being entrusted with the gavel , proposed " The Health of the AV . M ., " which was heartily receivetl . Bro . Hume , in reply thanked the brethren , and in thc course of his speech , expressed his thai'ks to the Past Masters of the lodge who had , throughout his Masonic career , rendered him valuable aid , and by whose kindness and instruction he had been
enabled " to aspire , and ultimately attain , the dignified and honourable position which he then held . The W . M . then proposed " The I Icalth of thc Visitors , " in a complimentary syeecVi . Uvo . Wails , m veyAy , said he fe \ t unpleasantly situated at having to respond for himself as a visitor for thc first time in his Masonic life . I le had visited many lodges , and when the health of thc visitors had been
proposed , he had generally managed to escape from responding , by shifting the delicate duty upon another , but on thc present occasion there was no help for it . He then touched briefly upon what he had witnessed , both in and out of thc lodge , and in conclusion staled that the brethren of the Jordan Lodge ought to be proutl of their Past Masters , many of whom had achieved high honours in other lodges
and in many of the higher degrees , anil he had to thank one of those distinguished brethren , viz . Bro . Hammond , for the pleasure he had that evening received in being invited to their lodge . The W . M . then proposed "The Health cf the Past Masters , " which was duly responded to . In giving the toast of " The Officers of the Lodge , " thc W . M . spoke very highly of thc services rendered to the
brethren by their 1 reasurer and Secretary . Bros . AVatts and Arliss replied at length , and the former stated that he hatl been upwards of 30 years a Freemason , and that his love for thc ancient Craft continued unabated , and that as long as his health would permit him , he should continue an active member of the Jordan Lodge . The latter reiterated the sentiments of his colleague , and hoped that his humble services as Secretary to thc lodge would be always
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
deemed worthy of receiving so hearty a recognition as thc W . M . had been pleased to express that evening , and which the brethren had so kindly endorsed . Between thc toasts Bros . Read , Walls , and Watts , contributed several songs and a reading . The Tyler ' s toast brought the successful proceedings to a close , and the lodge separated . Loner , OF ST . J AMES ( No . 7 6 s ) . —The installation
meeting of this locge was held on Tuesday evening , at the Bridge House Hotel . Bro . Francis Child , W . M ., presided , and initiated Mr . Benjamin Dafforn , and raised Bros . Marler , Nelson , Reed . , and Taylor . Bro . Peter M'Callum , of Glasgow , and Fetter Lane , London , was then installed as AA ' . M . by Bro . Montagu Scott , P . M . and Secretary , and received thc hearty congratulations of the brethren on his
accession to thc chair . The newly installed W . M . then appointed the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year : —Thos . Brown , S . W . ; R . W . Gibbs , J . AV . ; R . P . Hooton , Treasurer ; M . Scott , Secretary ; J * . Cox , S . D . ; S . W . Bidwell , J . D . ; Goodwin , I . G . ; Past Master Hyde , M . C ; I Abbott , W . S . ; W . G . Laing , Tyler . A P . M . jewel was presented to Bro . F . Child , for his great services
to the lodge during his year of office . A banquet , provided by Bro . Joseph Spencer , was subscbucntly partaken of , and the toasts were proposed and responded to with a . brevity and ability seldom equalled . Bro . Child in proposing the W . M's health , said he had watched his career with attention ever since that brother had become a Mason , and from what he had seen of him
he was sure his year of office would be successful . The W . M ., in reply , said that from the time he was initiafe I in this lodge he had been gratified at his progress , piaced at last in the chair , and in a year that was to be such a crucial period in the history of Freemasonry , he must be said to have attained the summit of his ambition . He had longed for it for many a day . He had loved Masonry ; it
had been the solace of his soul , from his first joining it , and if people would only apply its principles and morality in their life and walk , it would be a consolation to their minds greater than any of the " Modes of Faith , " which a zealot might fight for . Bro . Montagu Scott replied for the Past Masters . The initiate , Bro . Dafforn , said , he felt he had that night began a good lesson ; but he had often
thought of it , and he hoped to become a better man for Freemasonry than he had been . " The Health of thc Visitors " was afterwards proposed , and thc remaining toasts having also been honoured , the brethren separated . Amongst thc visitors , were Bros . 1 " . Walters , " P . A . Nairne , P . M . 176 ; G . Lemann , P . M . 176 ; II . Massey ( Firemason ) , and twenty-three others . The annual audit report , which
was brought up , received , ami adopted , showed a balance of £ 70 7 s . od . on account of the " General Fund , " and £ f > 7 6 s . 4 d . at thc London anti Westminster Bank to the credit of thc " Benevolent Fund . " TIIK ASAPH LODGK ( NO . 1310 ) held its usual monthl y meeting at Freemasons' Hnll , on Monday , April fith . Present— Bros . E . Frewin , W . M . ; W . Reed , P . M ., as S . AV . ;
W . A . Tinney , J . W . ; II . Tinney , I . G . ; E . Swanborough , D . C . ; E . S . Jones , P . M ., Sec . ; C . Coote , P . M ., P . G . Org . Middlesex ; J . M . Chanibcriin , P . M . ; lames AA ' eaver , I . P . M ., P . M . 802 , P . Prov . G . Org . Middlesex ; and several other brethren . Bro . Coles was passed to the degree of
Fellow Craft . A notice of motion was given to remove the lodge from the Freemasons' I Iall , in consequence of the ventilation of the Moira rooms being so bad ; anti the charge for thc banquets at the tavern being considered exorbitant . There being no further business , the lodge was closed .
MARQUKSS OF RIPON Lo » r * i- ( No 1481- ) . —This lodge met for the last time of its first year , under the presidency of Bro . William Stephens , AV . M ., at thc Metropolitan Societies' Asylum , Ball ' s Pond Road , Dalston . The attendance of brethren was larsrc , and included , besides the W . M ., Bros . E . Somers , S . W . ; W . D . Murlis , J . AV . ; Walford , Treasurer ; W . Jones , P . M . 440 , A . G . D . C , Norths ,
and Hunts , Secretary ; Jessell , S . D . ; E . Sim , I . G . ; F . Ellen , Steward , numerous lay members of thc lodge , and visitors , Bros . George Penn , G . W . Watkinson , 813 ; E . Crosby , 74 ; W . AV . Fawn , 1305 ; E . Braine , 605 ; and T . II . Massey ( Freemason ) . The W . M . raised Bros . Henry Morrey , George J . Glover , Samuel Smout , and Phillip A . Coard , and afterwards initiated Messrs . Charles Biggs ,
Charles Henry I-isher , and 1-redenck Charles Nevill . Bros . John Remington Blending , 781 , and Henry Field , 200 , were admitted as joining members of the lodge , and a motion by Bro . Murlis was carried to raise the initiation anti joining fees . Bro . Somers , S . W ., was elected unanimously W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . A \' . Stevens , Treasurer ; and Bro . Gilchrist , Tyler . The brethren
subsequently partook of a collation and honoured all thc customary toasts . Bro . Stevens responded for the last time to the toast of his health as W . M ., and congratulate ;! the brethren on the high position which the lodge had attained by the exertions of all thc brethren combined . 1 le expressed his great gratification at this result , and thc flourishing state of Freemasonry , and allu .- ' ed to the
forthcoming installation of thc Prince cf Wales , as an event to be remembered in thc Order . With regard to what he had himself done , and which had been spoken of several times in this lodge in terms of approbation , he expressed thc pleasure he felt at havir . g so far succeeded in his endeavours to promote the good , both of the lodge , and the Order as to have secured the support of his brethren , and
promised that 111 future his efforts in thc same direction should not be relaxed . He afterwards proposed "The Initiates , " whom he exhorted to follow thc example that would be set them in the lodge , and to maintain the principles of thc Order . The toast having been responded to ,
the AA' . M . proposed " I he Past Masters , " for whom Bros . Walford and Jones replied , the former bit th : rpassing a high compliment on the ability of thc W . M ., who would shortly be a P . M . Thc Past Masters he always looked upon as brethren who were the support of a lodge . 'I'hey had been described as "pillars" and " pillows , " pillars to support ,