Article CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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R , TORTS OF MASONIC M EETINGS : — Cral ' tMasonry 49 / 1 ,-b . truction 49 " Koval Arch •498 Mark Masonry 499 rrincl Lodge of Scotland 499 H Vval Masonic Benevolent Institution 5 °°
rm ' isecration ' of the Canterbury Lodge Joo Metropolitan Masonic Benevolent Association 501 Koval Masonic Institution lor Boys 501 Masonic and General Tidings 5 ° i ¦ Masonic Work ! ° ' Krcent Lodge Consecrations 502 i .-.. ihpr Fovon Frcemasoniy 503
\ Good Example i ° 3 Ki KKESl'OXDEXCE !—The Hervcy Lodge J 03 Provincial Grand Lodge 504 Consecration of the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge 504 nbituarv ••••5 °° Ma-onic Meetings for next Week 506 Advertisements i . ii . ii ' t . iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
feaft Utasoms
FAITH LODGE ( No . 141 ) . —The installation meeting of this old lodge was held on the 31 st ult ., at \ nucrtrm ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . There were present Bros . Waygood , W . M . ; M . Davis , S . W ., W . M . elect ; Mai-Kit , J- -. Kcnnett , I . P . M . ; Carter , I ' . M , Trcas . ; Stuart , P . M ., Sec . ; Daircy , J . D . ; Bye , l . G . ; Rumhalt , W . S . ; Whitley , D . C . ; Pecvor , P . M . ; Pone ,
P . M . ; Hopwood , P . M . ; Taylor , P . M . ; Green , P . M . ; Themans , P . M . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , and the report of ( he auditors , Bros . Walls , Clarke , Browning , Heaphy , and Whitby , having been received and adopted , the W . M ., with the assistance of his officers , raised Bro . Barrett to the degree of a Master Mason , and immediately vacated
the chair in favour of the Installing Master , Bro . Kenneit , who appointed Bros . Themans , P . M ., S . W . ; Ta > lor , P . M ., J . W . ; Hopwood , P . M ., D . C . ; and Carter , P . M ., I . G . Bro . M . Davis was then duly presented , and a Board of Installed Masters formed , ivhcn the whole details of the ceremony were ably performed by the I . P . M . and his talented staff . Upon the admission of the M . M . ' s , Bro .
i ? avis was duly saluted and proclaimed W . M . for the year ensuing . The charges and addresses were thin well delivered by the Installing Master . The officers invested were as follows : —Bros . Mallett , S . W . ; Dairey , J . W . ; Carter , P . M ., Treas . ; Stuart , P . M ., Sec . and W . S . ; Kumball , S . D . ; Bye , J . . ; Whitley , I . G . ; Morrison , A . W . S . j Heaphy , D . C ; Walls , A . D . C . Messrs .
Travers and Svnithers were then initiated by the W . M . in a manner that left little to be desired . Mis knowledge if the ritual was complete , and his delivery exceedingly dear , and by what wc witnessed of his maiden tlfoit it augured well for his rendering of the more difficult rituals 1 . 1 the higher degrees . The W . M . then in a few kind words presented Bro . Wayerood with a Past Master ' s iewel .
The I . P . M . briefly replied by expressing his appreciation of the honour conferred . Previously to the lo : lgc being closed , Bro . P . M . Taylor gave notice of motion that he should propose at the November meeting that the initiation and joining fees should be raised from January next , and that , also , all new members admitted ( rom that time should pay an increased annual
subscription . J In a few terse words he introduced ' . lie matter , and said ihat when the motion came "ii for consideration he should endeavour to prove Ihat both financially and utherwisc the lodge would greatly Wiicfit by his proposed scheme . The lodge having been iio . sed , the brethren , to the number of nindy-ouc , then adjourned to the banquet , which was well served . Amongst
¦ he visitors were Bros . Wilson , P . M . Etonian ; II . Potter , P . M . Robert Burns ; Musto , P . M . F . iars ; Dunn , P . M . Xi , ?; Reeves , J . W . 1381 ; Clement , I . G . 1 . 510 ; Stranger , f-viiniiigtoii ; Barrett , Star of the East ; Phillips , Chaucer ; Nichols , Great Northern ; Strubc , Royal Jubilee ; Rriggs , •rundship ; Dowding and Masters , Piurictit Brethren , Alter the removal of ti . e cloth , the toasts of " The Queen
and Craft , " "The M . W . G . M ., " "The Pro G . M ,, D . G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers , Past and Present , " were given from the chair and warmly received . In proposing " The Health of the Initiates , " the W . M . expressed a hope that they would become good Masons , and thereby confer an honour upon the lodge of their adoption . He mentioned the rapid rise that he had made in the
comparativel y short time that he had been a member of the lud gc , and pointed out to them that an equal success would attend their efforts should they desire to aspire to 'he position that he occupied . The Initiates in reply ex-I'tessed their warm appreciation of what they had both Men and heard that evening , and added their thanks for " > e honour that they had received in bcinc accepted as
"itmbers of the ancient and honourable society of Free"Msui . s . The W . M . then gave " The Visitors , " ami jUted how pleased he was that on that—to him—most "" Testing occasion he had been honoured by so strong £ "d distinguished a gathering of visiting brethren . Bro . . vA ™ , "'' . '" his r < - 'sponse on behalf of the visitors , taid » L . ' " - « -.-t '" . i ;> v- UJI LK . II . IIL v . 11 uic VIMLUIS , tiutl le
whi ™ lshcd to h c ™ testimony to the admirable way in mi . 11 the ceremony of installation had been carried out . ' day , and also for the very distinct and able manner rin , 1 •u Ilewl > ' installed Master had delivered the lliel } " . First Degree , and for the good working of 11 ... .. £ general . In conclusion he beeecd to than !/
•lodge for the kind and liberal hospitality that they Iire « , 1 ed Upon hU c ° ! 'cagues and himself , and ex-Utl f" ° ? mion lhat lhc " * ' aith" v « s one of the Mlowprlr « i" th ° metr ° P ° li 3- "The P . M . V toast and ? , '„ , was rcf-ponJed to b y l 5 ros . Waygood h ; it » . i , ; 11 tl , a latter ' . 'fther ' s . amusing speech ¦ ¦" t < " « l' 1 y . M'picctrtUd . In' ihc proeic ^ -A hi-.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
response , he . called the attention of the members to the excellent working manifested that day by Bro . Kennctt , P . M ., assisted by Past Masters Thcmens , Taylor , and Hopwood , and believed that no lodge could display a better and stronger array of P . M . ' s than that presented by his colleagues gathered round the hoard . The I . P . M proposed " The Health of the W . M ., " and forcibly remarked
that the lodge was to be congratulated upon possessing , so amiable a Master in the chair of K . S . as Bro . Davis , whose knowledge of all Masonic details was of the first order . In conclusion lie said that as the W . M . ' s abilities were so well known to them , he should not detain them by expatiating thereon , but should simply desire them to wish the W . M . the enjoyment of good health during his
year of office , which he hoped would be a prosperous one . The W . M ., in reply , thanked lhc lodge most sincerely for having placed him in that chair , and said it was a source of great satisfaction to him to think thai . afAtr only seven years' experience , the lodge should have deemed him sufficiently worthy to occupy the position of W . M . In the concluding portion of his response he stated that although
he should look well after the creature comforts of the brethren during his year of office , yet he should also endeavour , by strict economy in some of the expenses of the banquets , to leave his successor in office a good balance in hand . ( Applause ) . " The Health of the Treasurer , Secretary , and other Officers , " followed . In introducing this toast the W . M . remarked that he had endeavoured to
appoint such a staff of officers as would do credit to the lodge , and he believed that from the S . W . downwards he should Us well supported , as lie was qui ' . e sure that after their previous attention to his predecessors in office they would not desert him , but would strive to do all they could to render the ceremonies and other lodge details a gicat sucvess . In this matter it was imposs-ble , he said ,
to please every one , but he thought that his choice of officers had met with the universal approbation of the brethren . ( Hear . ) In the absence of the other officers , Bros . MalUtt , Dairey , Rumball , Whitley , and Walls responded . The S . W . and J . W . particularly made most able replies . During the evening Bros . Robinson , Dowding , Mallet , Walls , and Pitt instrumcntally , vocally , and
poetically amused the brethren , who separated at eleven . The next meeting of the lodge will be on the last Tuesday in the present momh . BATH . —Royal Cumberland Lodge ( No . 41 ) —This lodge held its regular meeting at the Masonic Hall oil Thursday , 2 nd insl . The lodge was opened at 7 . 40 by Bro . F . J . Brown , W . M ., supported by Bro .
Clark , I . P . M . ; Cooper , P . M ., Sc . ; Major Preston , P . M ., & c . ; Wilcox , P . M ., He . Acting officers : Bros . Thos . Wilton , D . C . ; Ashley , Treas . ; Chas . Wilkinson , S . W . ; Geo . Fulkmr , J . W . ; Braham , S . D ., who kindly acted as Organist ; J . Smith , J . D . ; Gummer , I . G . ; W . Hunt and Chas . W . Raway , Stewards . Visitors : Several old members and P . M . ' s of 41 ; Bros . Mann , P . P . S . G . D . ; Rubie ,
P . M ., fcc . ; Cavey , P . M ., & o ; Moulvie , P . M ., P . Z ., Ktc ; Capt . Robinson , W . Yeomans , and others . The minutes were read and confirmed , the brother initiated at last meeting was passed by the W . M . with much care and clear explanation , and Bro . Cooper , in his usual impicssivc manner , addressed the I ' . C , after which Bro . S . W . explained the working tools very clearly and impressively .
On Bro . Ashley s motion being brought forward , a long discussion ensued , and it was deferred till next legular meeting . The ballot for a joining member proposed a * , last meeting was unanimous . Two candidates were proposed for initiation respectively by Bros . Ashley , P . M ., Treas ., < xx ., and F . Wilkinson , S . W ., & c , which were duly seconded . No other business being before the brethren
the lodge was closed in harmony at 0 . 45 . DERBY . —Hartington Lodge ( No . 1085 ) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , George-street , on Wednesday evening , November 1 st . The lodge was opened at 7 . 45 p . m ., in the first Degree . The circular convening the lodge was read . The minutes ol last lodge were read and confirmed .
I lie ballot was then taken for Mr . I liomar , Michael Wallers , who was duly elected , and initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry in ancient and solemn form by the W . M . The lodge being opened in the Second Degree , the questions were put to Bro . Jas . I lenry Pragnell , and was answered in a satisfactory manner . The lodge was then opened in the Third Degree , when Bro .
Pragncll was raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason by the W . M . Bro . Jas . Hcathcote , J . D ., and Bro . J . H . Biggs , l . G ., were chosen from the lodge to be appointed Stewards to Prov . Grand Lodge for the ensuing year . The proposition of a well-known and highly respectable gentleman of this town brought the business of the evening to a close . There were present Bros . S .
Pipes , W . M . ; M . H . Bobart , Treas ., as S . W . ; J O . Manton , as J . D . ; Theodore Hills , S . D . ; J . II . Biggs , as J . W . ; W . Buttcrfield , as I . G : ; T . Slina , Tyler . The brethren , after business , adjourned to refreshment , after which the usual toasts were given , and the Tyler ' s toast brought a very pleasant evening to a close . FELTHAM . —Elliot Lodge ( No . 1567 ) . —The
installation meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday , the 4 th inst ., at the Railway Hotel , Feltham , Middlesex , Bro . John Mason , W . M ,, presiding , supported by S . W . Bro . Frank Green , W . M . elect ; J . W . Bro , Dunham , and all his assistant officers . There were also present , Bros . Jacob Chilvers , Austine , Winter , Graham , Pemberton , Col . Peters , Vickers , Williams , Harris , Patten
Buss , P . G . J . W . Middlesex , Pearce , Barney , Lamb , Dixon , and others ; and , as visitors , Bros . E . J . Scott , P . M . 794 ; Swallow , W . M , 1563 ; Hyde Pullen , P . G . S . B . j W . Monckton , P . P . G . S . D , Kent ; Knight , 1414 ; H . Bethell , P . M . 30 ; J . C , Cox , I ' . M , I 2 i 7 i Atkins , 813 ; liurf-rd , 173 ; Hartley , 35 ; Myers , 820 1 Townsend , 8 : 0 ; Long , 144 . 5 ) Hackford , 1328 ; Pulley , 340 ; HurnMovYci , 1604 ; J . Niclioll .-, in . vo ; , ) . Gicen , W . M .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
27 ; Hcnman , 1421 ;; Yeoman , 1460 ; Roberts , 700 ; Finch , 10 ; Forscuft , 749 ; Morgan , 158 , ; G . States , G . S . D . ; Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B . ; G . Dor ' e , Perfect Friendship ; J . N . Pimm , and Massey ( " Freemason" ) . The business of the day was purposely confined to the ceremony of installing the W . M . for the ensuing year , and after reading the minutes of the previous meeting ,
the chair was taken by Bro . W . T . Howe , P . P . G . P ., as Installing Master , who addressed a few words to the brethren upon the custom of the Craft as to the election of the chief officer , and upon the obligations attached to the office , after which Bro . Cottcbrune presented Bro . Frank Green , the W . M . e ' ect ( the S . W . chair being taken by Brr > . Buss ) , and the obligation of a Master was solemnly
administered by Bro . Howe , after which a Board of Installed Masters was formed , to whom Bro . Green was duly presented , and he was then duly installed into the chair of K . S ., after which he was saluted with the usual Masonic honours . and the Installing M . delivered the usual orations to the Master , the officers , and the lay brethren , the whole ceremony being performed by Bro . Howe in a most
impressive manner . Bro . F . Green , W . M ., then proceeded to appoint and invest his officers as follows : —Bros . Dunham , S . W . ; Nicholls , J . W . ; Mason , P . M ., Treas . ; Elliott , Sec . ; Ircton , S . D . ; Pearson , J . D . ; S . F . Green , I . G . ; Clarke , D . C . ; Austine , W . S . ; R . F . Potter , P . M ., Tyler . Bro . Frank Green : Bro . Wardens and brethren , —I claim your attention while I discharge a very pleasant duty .
which I am sure will not be less pleasing to you to witness than it is to me to perform . I have now the pleasure of placing upon Bro . Mason's breast this Past Master ' s jewel , I am sure he will not view it in a materialistic manner , but as a memento of your appreciation of his services . I am sure that you will bear witness to the fact that the intrinsic value of the gift bears no proportion to the feelings
of regard which promoted its presentation , and accepting it in this sense Bro . Mason may well be proud to wear it . i can only hope with you that he will live long to wear it in your presence , and before the heads of the Craft . I have at the same time to acquaint you with an unfortunate coincidence . I may tell you , Bro . Mason , that the presentation of this jewel was to have been accompanied by
the presentation of an illuminated vellum , which I have every reason to believe is very beautiful , but it is an old proverb " L'homme propose mais Dieu dispose . " I have a letter in my hands which Brr . Howe has received from Bro . Cunningham , who had taken this matter in hand , but he tells us simply in his letter that he on his part is in the hands of his frame maker , and that he had
unfortunately disappointed him . Consequently we have not this testimonial which we were to have received to-night , and I am deprived of the gratification of presenting it to Bro , Mason . Everything has been done by Bro . Howe that was possible , and we must all sympathise with him in the disappointment he feels . Bro . Howe tells me that the testimonial may arrive in the course of the evening ,
ana in the meantime 1 have the pleasure 01 presenting this goblet to you . I am very sure that the whole of this presentation will be very gratifying to our younger members . From the study of Freemasonry they have learned some of the duties that it demands ; from this they will observe that duty well performed sometimes brings about a pleasurable reward . I
am sure that no man in Masonry will more deeply apprc-, ciate the duties of Masonry than yourself , Bro . Mason and I have , therefore , very much pleasure in presenting you with these testimonials of the regard of the brethren of the Elliot Lodge . Bro . Mason : Worshipful Master and brethren—I am sure you will pardon me if I do not make any speech now in thanking you for the Past Master ' s
jewel and goblet . When 1 took the chair of this lodge I took it with the determination to do my duty , and these tokens of your regard prove to me that whatever my shortcomings may have been , you consider that I have endeavoured to do my best . I am sure you will pardon me for not attempting to make any speech at present . The business of the meeting being now concluded the lodge was
dosed in the usual Masonic form . Subsequently the brethren reassembled at a handsome banquet , provided by Mr . Harris , of the Railway Hotel , and laid in an adjacent school roam , which had at a very short notice been tastefully decorated for the occasion by Mr . Harris , whose exertions under rather trying circumstances are deserving of considerable commendation . Pre-eminent among the
decorations was the new banner behind the Master ' s chair , one of the most beautiful works of the kind we remember to have seen in a Masonic lodge . It was quite evident that no expense had been spared in its preparation . On the removal of the banquet the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed by the W . M ., and cordially responded to by lhc brethren . Bro . P . M . Mason : I am exceedingly
sorry that Feltham is placed in such an awkward position . We certainly have a very good train service up to this hour of the night . We know that any business that has to be transacted must be done by ten o ' clock . It has not yet arrived at that time , but it will be needful to be somewhat brief in the speeches that we have yet to get through , Till this night no man could withhold this gavel from me ,
but now I have it only because the Master has given ma permission to hold it for a time . The toast which 1 have to propose to you is that of " The Worshipful Master . " A man more esteemed in this lodge there could not be . He has filled the chair of S . W . in the first year of this lodge with credit to himself . You elected him unanimously to the chair , and I am sure that before the year is out you
will know that you have not made any mistake about it , I am anxious for the next meeting because I am anlicipa , ting seeing the working done in such a manner as shall impress every candidate , He has already been a ruler in the Craft , and I am sure he has not forgotten his former sceptre , I am sure he will rule now as well as he did bc < fore , and that at the end of his year of office you will bo able to say , "Well done , jr . iod and failhlul servant , " \
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
R , TORTS OF MASONIC M EETINGS : — Cral ' tMasonry 49 / 1 ,-b . truction 49 " Koval Arch •498 Mark Masonry 499 rrincl Lodge of Scotland 499 H Vval Masonic Benevolent Institution 5 °°
rm ' isecration ' of the Canterbury Lodge Joo Metropolitan Masonic Benevolent Association 501 Koval Masonic Institution lor Boys 501 Masonic and General Tidings 5 ° i ¦ Masonic Work ! ° ' Krcent Lodge Consecrations 502 i .-.. ihpr Fovon Frcemasoniy 503
\ Good Example i ° 3 Ki KKESl'OXDEXCE !—The Hervcy Lodge J 03 Provincial Grand Lodge 504 Consecration of the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge 504 nbituarv ••••5 °° Ma-onic Meetings for next Week 506 Advertisements i . ii . ii ' t . iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
feaft Utasoms
FAITH LODGE ( No . 141 ) . —The installation meeting of this old lodge was held on the 31 st ult ., at \ nucrtrm ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . There were present Bros . Waygood , W . M . ; M . Davis , S . W ., W . M . elect ; Mai-Kit , J- -. Kcnnett , I . P . M . ; Carter , I ' . M , Trcas . ; Stuart , P . M ., Sec . ; Daircy , J . D . ; Bye , l . G . ; Rumhalt , W . S . ; Whitley , D . C . ; Pecvor , P . M . ; Pone ,
P . M . ; Hopwood , P . M . ; Taylor , P . M . ; Green , P . M . ; Themans , P . M . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , and the report of ( he auditors , Bros . Walls , Clarke , Browning , Heaphy , and Whitby , having been received and adopted , the W . M ., with the assistance of his officers , raised Bro . Barrett to the degree of a Master Mason , and immediately vacated
the chair in favour of the Installing Master , Bro . Kenneit , who appointed Bros . Themans , P . M ., S . W . ; Ta > lor , P . M ., J . W . ; Hopwood , P . M ., D . C . ; and Carter , P . M ., I . G . Bro . M . Davis was then duly presented , and a Board of Installed Masters formed , ivhcn the whole details of the ceremony were ably performed by the I . P . M . and his talented staff . Upon the admission of the M . M . ' s , Bro .
i ? avis was duly saluted and proclaimed W . M . for the year ensuing . The charges and addresses were thin well delivered by the Installing Master . The officers invested were as follows : —Bros . Mallett , S . W . ; Dairey , J . W . ; Carter , P . M ., Treas . ; Stuart , P . M ., Sec . and W . S . ; Kumball , S . D . ; Bye , J . . ; Whitley , I . G . ; Morrison , A . W . S . j Heaphy , D . C ; Walls , A . D . C . Messrs .
Travers and Svnithers were then initiated by the W . M . in a manner that left little to be desired . Mis knowledge if the ritual was complete , and his delivery exceedingly dear , and by what wc witnessed of his maiden tlfoit it augured well for his rendering of the more difficult rituals 1 . 1 the higher degrees . The W . M . then in a few kind words presented Bro . Wayerood with a Past Master ' s iewel .
The I . P . M . briefly replied by expressing his appreciation of the honour conferred . Previously to the lo : lgc being closed , Bro . P . M . Taylor gave notice of motion that he should propose at the November meeting that the initiation and joining fees should be raised from January next , and that , also , all new members admitted ( rom that time should pay an increased annual
subscription . J In a few terse words he introduced ' . lie matter , and said ihat when the motion came "ii for consideration he should endeavour to prove Ihat both financially and utherwisc the lodge would greatly Wiicfit by his proposed scheme . The lodge having been iio . sed , the brethren , to the number of nindy-ouc , then adjourned to the banquet , which was well served . Amongst
¦ he visitors were Bros . Wilson , P . M . Etonian ; II . Potter , P . M . Robert Burns ; Musto , P . M . F . iars ; Dunn , P . M . Xi , ?; Reeves , J . W . 1381 ; Clement , I . G . 1 . 510 ; Stranger , f-viiniiigtoii ; Barrett , Star of the East ; Phillips , Chaucer ; Nichols , Great Northern ; Strubc , Royal Jubilee ; Rriggs , •rundship ; Dowding and Masters , Piurictit Brethren , Alter the removal of ti . e cloth , the toasts of " The Queen
and Craft , " "The M . W . G . M ., " "The Pro G . M ,, D . G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers , Past and Present , " were given from the chair and warmly received . In proposing " The Health of the Initiates , " the W . M . expressed a hope that they would become good Masons , and thereby confer an honour upon the lodge of their adoption . He mentioned the rapid rise that he had made in the
comparativel y short time that he had been a member of the lud gc , and pointed out to them that an equal success would attend their efforts should they desire to aspire to 'he position that he occupied . The Initiates in reply ex-I'tessed their warm appreciation of what they had both Men and heard that evening , and added their thanks for " > e honour that they had received in bcinc accepted as
"itmbers of the ancient and honourable society of Free"Msui . s . The W . M . then gave " The Visitors , " ami jUted how pleased he was that on that—to him—most "" Testing occasion he had been honoured by so strong £ "d distinguished a gathering of visiting brethren . Bro . . vA ™ , "'' . '" his r < - 'sponse on behalf of the visitors , taid » L . ' " - « -.-t '" . i ;> v- UJI LK . II . IIL v . 11 uic VIMLUIS , tiutl le
whi ™ lshcd to h c ™ testimony to the admirable way in mi . 11 the ceremony of installation had been carried out . ' day , and also for the very distinct and able manner rin , 1 •u Ilewl > ' installed Master had delivered the lliel } " . First Degree , and for the good working of 11 ... .. £ general . In conclusion he beeecd to than !/
•lodge for the kind and liberal hospitality that they Iire « , 1 ed Upon hU c ° ! 'cagues and himself , and ex-Utl f" ° ? mion lhat lhc " * ' aith" v « s one of the Mlowprlr « i" th ° metr ° P ° li 3- "The P . M . V toast and ? , '„ , was rcf-ponJed to b y l 5 ros . Waygood h ; it » . i , ; 11 tl , a latter ' . 'fther ' s . amusing speech ¦ ¦" t < " « l' 1 y . M'picctrtUd . In' ihc proeic ^ -A hi-.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
response , he . called the attention of the members to the excellent working manifested that day by Bro . Kennctt , P . M ., assisted by Past Masters Thcmens , Taylor , and Hopwood , and believed that no lodge could display a better and stronger array of P . M . ' s than that presented by his colleagues gathered round the hoard . The I . P . M proposed " The Health of the W . M ., " and forcibly remarked
that the lodge was to be congratulated upon possessing , so amiable a Master in the chair of K . S . as Bro . Davis , whose knowledge of all Masonic details was of the first order . In conclusion lie said that as the W . M . ' s abilities were so well known to them , he should not detain them by expatiating thereon , but should simply desire them to wish the W . M . the enjoyment of good health during his
year of office , which he hoped would be a prosperous one . The W . M ., in reply , thanked lhc lodge most sincerely for having placed him in that chair , and said it was a source of great satisfaction to him to think thai . afAtr only seven years' experience , the lodge should have deemed him sufficiently worthy to occupy the position of W . M . In the concluding portion of his response he stated that although
he should look well after the creature comforts of the brethren during his year of office , yet he should also endeavour , by strict economy in some of the expenses of the banquets , to leave his successor in office a good balance in hand . ( Applause ) . " The Health of the Treasurer , Secretary , and other Officers , " followed . In introducing this toast the W . M . remarked that he had endeavoured to
appoint such a staff of officers as would do credit to the lodge , and he believed that from the S . W . downwards he should Us well supported , as lie was qui ' . e sure that after their previous attention to his predecessors in office they would not desert him , but would strive to do all they could to render the ceremonies and other lodge details a gicat sucvess . In this matter it was imposs-ble , he said ,
to please every one , but he thought that his choice of officers had met with the universal approbation of the brethren . ( Hear . ) In the absence of the other officers , Bros . MalUtt , Dairey , Rumball , Whitley , and Walls responded . The S . W . and J . W . particularly made most able replies . During the evening Bros . Robinson , Dowding , Mallet , Walls , and Pitt instrumcntally , vocally , and
poetically amused the brethren , who separated at eleven . The next meeting of the lodge will be on the last Tuesday in the present momh . BATH . —Royal Cumberland Lodge ( No . 41 ) —This lodge held its regular meeting at the Masonic Hall oil Thursday , 2 nd insl . The lodge was opened at 7 . 40 by Bro . F . J . Brown , W . M ., supported by Bro .
Clark , I . P . M . ; Cooper , P . M ., Sc . ; Major Preston , P . M ., & c . ; Wilcox , P . M ., He . Acting officers : Bros . Thos . Wilton , D . C . ; Ashley , Treas . ; Chas . Wilkinson , S . W . ; Geo . Fulkmr , J . W . ; Braham , S . D ., who kindly acted as Organist ; J . Smith , J . D . ; Gummer , I . G . ; W . Hunt and Chas . W . Raway , Stewards . Visitors : Several old members and P . M . ' s of 41 ; Bros . Mann , P . P . S . G . D . ; Rubie ,
P . M ., fcc . ; Cavey , P . M ., & o ; Moulvie , P . M ., P . Z ., Ktc ; Capt . Robinson , W . Yeomans , and others . The minutes were read and confirmed , the brother initiated at last meeting was passed by the W . M . with much care and clear explanation , and Bro . Cooper , in his usual impicssivc manner , addressed the I ' . C , after which Bro . S . W . explained the working tools very clearly and impressively .
On Bro . Ashley s motion being brought forward , a long discussion ensued , and it was deferred till next legular meeting . The ballot for a joining member proposed a * , last meeting was unanimous . Two candidates were proposed for initiation respectively by Bros . Ashley , P . M ., Treas ., < xx ., and F . Wilkinson , S . W ., & c , which were duly seconded . No other business being before the brethren
the lodge was closed in harmony at 0 . 45 . DERBY . —Hartington Lodge ( No . 1085 ) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , George-street , on Wednesday evening , November 1 st . The lodge was opened at 7 . 45 p . m ., in the first Degree . The circular convening the lodge was read . The minutes ol last lodge were read and confirmed .
I lie ballot was then taken for Mr . I liomar , Michael Wallers , who was duly elected , and initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry in ancient and solemn form by the W . M . The lodge being opened in the Second Degree , the questions were put to Bro . Jas . I lenry Pragnell , and was answered in a satisfactory manner . The lodge was then opened in the Third Degree , when Bro .
Pragncll was raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason by the W . M . Bro . Jas . Hcathcote , J . D ., and Bro . J . H . Biggs , l . G ., were chosen from the lodge to be appointed Stewards to Prov . Grand Lodge for the ensuing year . The proposition of a well-known and highly respectable gentleman of this town brought the business of the evening to a close . There were present Bros . S .
Pipes , W . M . ; M . H . Bobart , Treas ., as S . W . ; J O . Manton , as J . D . ; Theodore Hills , S . D . ; J . II . Biggs , as J . W . ; W . Buttcrfield , as I . G : ; T . Slina , Tyler . The brethren , after business , adjourned to refreshment , after which the usual toasts were given , and the Tyler ' s toast brought a very pleasant evening to a close . FELTHAM . —Elliot Lodge ( No . 1567 ) . —The
installation meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday , the 4 th inst ., at the Railway Hotel , Feltham , Middlesex , Bro . John Mason , W . M ,, presiding , supported by S . W . Bro . Frank Green , W . M . elect ; J . W . Bro , Dunham , and all his assistant officers . There were also present , Bros . Jacob Chilvers , Austine , Winter , Graham , Pemberton , Col . Peters , Vickers , Williams , Harris , Patten
Buss , P . G . J . W . Middlesex , Pearce , Barney , Lamb , Dixon , and others ; and , as visitors , Bros . E . J . Scott , P . M . 794 ; Swallow , W . M , 1563 ; Hyde Pullen , P . G . S . B . j W . Monckton , P . P . G . S . D , Kent ; Knight , 1414 ; H . Bethell , P . M . 30 ; J . C , Cox , I ' . M , I 2 i 7 i Atkins , 813 ; liurf-rd , 173 ; Hartley , 35 ; Myers , 820 1 Townsend , 8 : 0 ; Long , 144 . 5 ) Hackford , 1328 ; Pulley , 340 ; HurnMovYci , 1604 ; J . Niclioll .-, in . vo ; , ) . Gicen , W . M .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
27 ; Hcnman , 1421 ;; Yeoman , 1460 ; Roberts , 700 ; Finch , 10 ; Forscuft , 749 ; Morgan , 158 , ; G . States , G . S . D . ; Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B . ; G . Dor ' e , Perfect Friendship ; J . N . Pimm , and Massey ( " Freemason" ) . The business of the day was purposely confined to the ceremony of installing the W . M . for the ensuing year , and after reading the minutes of the previous meeting ,
the chair was taken by Bro . W . T . Howe , P . P . G . P ., as Installing Master , who addressed a few words to the brethren upon the custom of the Craft as to the election of the chief officer , and upon the obligations attached to the office , after which Bro . Cottcbrune presented Bro . Frank Green , the W . M . e ' ect ( the S . W . chair being taken by Brr > . Buss ) , and the obligation of a Master was solemnly
administered by Bro . Howe , after which a Board of Installed Masters was formed , to whom Bro . Green was duly presented , and he was then duly installed into the chair of K . S ., after which he was saluted with the usual Masonic honours . and the Installing M . delivered the usual orations to the Master , the officers , and the lay brethren , the whole ceremony being performed by Bro . Howe in a most
impressive manner . Bro . F . Green , W . M ., then proceeded to appoint and invest his officers as follows : —Bros . Dunham , S . W . ; Nicholls , J . W . ; Mason , P . M ., Treas . ; Elliott , Sec . ; Ircton , S . D . ; Pearson , J . D . ; S . F . Green , I . G . ; Clarke , D . C . ; Austine , W . S . ; R . F . Potter , P . M ., Tyler . Bro . Frank Green : Bro . Wardens and brethren , —I claim your attention while I discharge a very pleasant duty .
which I am sure will not be less pleasing to you to witness than it is to me to perform . I have now the pleasure of placing upon Bro . Mason's breast this Past Master ' s jewel , I am sure he will not view it in a materialistic manner , but as a memento of your appreciation of his services . I am sure that you will bear witness to the fact that the intrinsic value of the gift bears no proportion to the feelings
of regard which promoted its presentation , and accepting it in this sense Bro . Mason may well be proud to wear it . i can only hope with you that he will live long to wear it in your presence , and before the heads of the Craft . I have at the same time to acquaint you with an unfortunate coincidence . I may tell you , Bro . Mason , that the presentation of this jewel was to have been accompanied by
the presentation of an illuminated vellum , which I have every reason to believe is very beautiful , but it is an old proverb " L'homme propose mais Dieu dispose . " I have a letter in my hands which Brr . Howe has received from Bro . Cunningham , who had taken this matter in hand , but he tells us simply in his letter that he on his part is in the hands of his frame maker , and that he had
unfortunately disappointed him . Consequently we have not this testimonial which we were to have received to-night , and I am deprived of the gratification of presenting it to Bro , Mason . Everything has been done by Bro . Howe that was possible , and we must all sympathise with him in the disappointment he feels . Bro . Howe tells me that the testimonial may arrive in the course of the evening ,
ana in the meantime 1 have the pleasure 01 presenting this goblet to you . I am very sure that the whole of this presentation will be very gratifying to our younger members . From the study of Freemasonry they have learned some of the duties that it demands ; from this they will observe that duty well performed sometimes brings about a pleasurable reward . I
am sure that no man in Masonry will more deeply apprc-, ciate the duties of Masonry than yourself , Bro . Mason and I have , therefore , very much pleasure in presenting you with these testimonials of the regard of the brethren of the Elliot Lodge . Bro . Mason : Worshipful Master and brethren—I am sure you will pardon me if I do not make any speech now in thanking you for the Past Master ' s
jewel and goblet . When 1 took the chair of this lodge I took it with the determination to do my duty , and these tokens of your regard prove to me that whatever my shortcomings may have been , you consider that I have endeavoured to do my best . I am sure you will pardon me for not attempting to make any speech at present . The business of the meeting being now concluded the lodge was
dosed in the usual Masonic form . Subsequently the brethren reassembled at a handsome banquet , provided by Mr . Harris , of the Railway Hotel , and laid in an adjacent school roam , which had at a very short notice been tastefully decorated for the occasion by Mr . Harris , whose exertions under rather trying circumstances are deserving of considerable commendation . Pre-eminent among the
decorations was the new banner behind the Master ' s chair , one of the most beautiful works of the kind we remember to have seen in a Masonic lodge . It was quite evident that no expense had been spared in its preparation . On the removal of the banquet the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed by the W . M ., and cordially responded to by lhc brethren . Bro . P . M . Mason : I am exceedingly
sorry that Feltham is placed in such an awkward position . We certainly have a very good train service up to this hour of the night . We know that any business that has to be transacted must be done by ten o ' clock . It has not yet arrived at that time , but it will be needful to be somewhat brief in the speeches that we have yet to get through , Till this night no man could withhold this gavel from me ,
but now I have it only because the Master has given ma permission to hold it for a time . The toast which 1 have to propose to you is that of " The Worshipful Master . " A man more esteemed in this lodge there could not be . He has filled the chair of S . W . in the first year of this lodge with credit to himself . You elected him unanimously to the chair , and I am sure that before the year is out you
will know that you have not made any mistake about it , I am anxious for the next meeting because I am anlicipa , ting seeing the working done in such a manner as shall impress every candidate , He has already been a ruler in the Craft , and I am sure he has not forgotten his former sceptre , I am sure he will rule now as well as he did bc < fore , and that at the end of his year of office you will bo able to say , "Well done , jr . iod and failhlul servant , " \