Article Royal Arch. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OP GLASGOW . Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
not far distant when the chapter would have an opportunity of placing that zealous officer in the Third Principal ' s chair as a mark of their high appreciation of his long services as S . E ., and that he hoped eventually to see vjm discharg ing the responsibilities of M . E . Z . Comp . Viilmcr , in his response , expressed his thanks for the very kind and handsome manner in which his name and humble services had been recognised both by the M . E . Z . and the
last speaker . He could only assure them that he would always endeavour to carry out his duties faithfully , and „ houId they at some future time be pleased to place him on the road to the goal of his ambition , namely , the First Princi pal ' s chair , that nothing should be wanting on his part to mark his gratitude for the honour conferred . Comp . Hill , N ., and Comp . Weaver , First Assistant , also replied . Between the toasts Comps . Foulger , Tench , Palmer , and
Walls vocally and dramatically enlivened the proceedings . Previously to the last toast , the M . E . Z . stated that their Janitor had presented them with gavels for use during their banquets , which emblems of office were made , he said , from some old oak , formerly belonging to the Church M St . Mary Somerset , Fish-street Hill , and that he ( the \ U . E . ) should take an opportunity of mentioning the matter at the next convocation , which will be held on the last Thursday in November .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
| PROVINCIAL GRAND MARK LODGE OF LEICESTERSHIRE . . —At a special meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge , held at the Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , the R . W . Bro . William Kelly , F . R . Hist . S ., P . G . M . M ., presided , and among those present were the V . W . Bro . Rev . William Langley , P . G . C ., D . P . G . M . M . ; Bros . W . Sculthorpe , as P . G . S . W . ; J . C . Duncombe , as P . G . J . W . ; J . M . Mc
Allister , P . G . Sec ; H . T . Bobart , P . G . J . D . j M . H . Bobart , P . G . S . B . ; T . A . Wykes , P . G . O . ; R . Taylor , l ' . G . I . G . ; E . Mason , P . G . Steward ; C . E . Slretton , J . II . Biggs , A . M . Duff , P . M ., and others . The Rev . Chas . Ilenton Wood was appointed Provincial ^ Grand Chaplain , and invested with the collar of office . Committees were appointed to make the necessary arrangements for the
reception of the M . W . the Earl of Limerick , G . M . M . M ., and the officers of the Grand Mark Lodge . The R . W . Bro . William Kelly , who is now the Senior Provincial Grand Master on the roll of the Grand Mark Lodge , was nominated by the V . W . Bro . Langley , P . G . C ., D . P . G . M . M ., seconded by W . Bro . J . C . Duncombe , supported by Bro . A . M . Duff , and elected unanimously to continue the
discharge of the high and important duties of Provincial Grand Mark Master . Bro . Kelly ' s zeal and attachment to the sublime mysteries of the Craft are still in all their freshness . His works have for many years been prominently before the brethren , and his services as Provincial Grand Mark Master cannot be overrated . The Provincial Grand Lodge was closed in ample form , and the Fowke
Lodge , No . 19 , was opened under the presidency of Bro . George Toller , jun ., I . P . M ., iu the absence of Bro . Clement Stretton , W . M ., who recently met with an unfortunate accident . In company with Bro . Barfoot ( Mayor of Leicester ) Bro . Stretton was visiting the palace of the Doges
at Venice , when he slipped on the marble pavement of the l'iaz ; a , and broke his arm near the shoulder . The accident excited much sympathy among the brethren , and an expression of deep regret for the unlucky cause of his absence from the meeting was recorded in the minutes of the lodge .
PROVINCIAL GRAND MARK LODGE OF CORNWALL . " The Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Cornwall was held on Tuesday , the 7 th inst ., at Truro . A large num . bcrof members were present . The R . W . Bro . Sir Fredelick M . Williams , Bart ., M . P ., was in the chair , with K . W . Bro . W . J . Hughan , P . G . W . of England , as Deputy l ' rov . G . M . ( in the unavoidable absence of Bro . R . Rogers ,
through illness ) . A large number of members were present belonging to the six lodges in the province . The tfficers appointed were Bros . William Tweedy , 78 , D . l ' rov . G . M . j Rev . W . H . Bloxsome , M . A ., 175 , S . Prov . G . W . j John Paull , 101 , J . Prov . G . W . j John Coombe , 87 , Prov . G . M . O . ; J . H . Reynolds , 73 , Prov . G . S . O . j T . C . Polglaze 94 Prov . G . J . O . j Rev . A . H .
, . Iwii , 78 , Prov . G . Chaplain ; William Tregay , 73 , Prov . G . Treas . ; William Lake , 78 , Prov . G . Reg . ; William James Johns , 78 , Prov . G . Sec . j J . Q . James , ¦ 75 . Prov . G . S . D . j Thomas Taylor , 175 , Prov . G . J . D . j Samuel Mitchell , 101 , Prov . G . S . of Wks . j Samuel Harvey , 78 , Prov . G . D . C . ; G . M . Cock , 73 , Prov . A . G . D . C .: Canhin Mitoh . U » a Pm « RSD . B A
Mcath , 73 , Prov . G . Org . ; William Rooks , 78 , Prov . G . Purst . ; Bros . Thomas Davey , 73 j G . B . Pearce , 8 7 i W . Johns , 94 j Prov . G . Stewards j John Langdon , 7 » , Prov . G . Tyler . The jW . M . 's gave in their report ? , Mewing 216 members in Cornwall of the Deeree of Mark
» v « xer Mason , and all spoke m the highest terms of the lutiire of Mark Masonry in the county . The W . Bro . William James Johns , P . M . 78 , & c , was appointed Prov . YD , Secretary in place of W . Bro . Thomas Solomon , B » deceased - Tne R , w - * sir F » M - Williams , b th "' WaS rcce ' vci 1 most enthusiastically by the
MrvaSi " « * ' 2 '" - —The sudden changes , frequent fogs , and to liiik „? , r "SP nc 68 sorely Impede the vital fu notions and conduce nudlrtn . ¦•¦ ' . e rcmc , iJ for these disasters lies In some purifying mlsch ?? ' l , c thcse m '> whlcb is competent to grapple with the or WMV . , "" , o >«« . and stamp It out without fretting the nerves Mood 1 ati ~ £ , hc » yMem ' Holloway's Pills extract from the ornan M ^? " ! matter « . regulate the action of every disordered curlniJ ch ™ * e the " veT a » d kidneys , and relax the bowels . In PMlillJ ^ v "" P ' ' J ? " '"" e » are remarkably effective , esdouble : tr ^ , £ frlc , lon of the Ointment on Its walls . This progress * S ? V" 1 L cn . ' ? rt a c « f « a'n . steady , and beneficent *'"» , and sound health will soon be rc-establlshcd .-Anvi . —
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
The quarterly communication of the Grand Lodge oi Scotland was held on the 6 thinst ., at 5 p . m ., in the Freemasons' Hall , George-street , Edinburgh . The throne was occupied by Sir Michael Shaw Stewart , Bart , the Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason of Scotland , who was supported by Bro . William Mann , P . G . W ., acting R . W .
Senior Grand Warden j William Hay , R . W . Senior G . D ., acting R . W . Senior G . W . On the dais were Bros . Henry Inglis , of Torsonce , P . S . G . M . ; Colonel Campbell , of Blythswood , Pror . G . M . of Renfrewshire East ; Lauderdale Maitland , of Eccles , P . G . M . Dumfriesshire ; Captain Harriott of Killiemore , P . G . M . of Wigtownshire ; J . H . Neilson , P . P . G . M . Venezuela ; John
Laurie , Grand Sec . ; Dr . J . T . Loth , Representative of the Grand Orient of France ; Rev . A . Thomson Grant , V . W . Grand Chaplain ; Alexander Hay , Grand Jeweller , ; John Coghill , Grand Director of Ceremonies ; C . W . Miller , Grand Director of Music ; Daniel Robertson , Grand Bible Bearer ; Robert Davidson , Grand Organist ; W . Officer , Grand Deacon ; D . M .
Neilson , W . M . 3 bis ; George M'Donald , W . M . 73 , Thistle and Rose ; Wm . Thomas , S . W . 103 , Union and Crown ; W . Hart , W . M . 178 , Scotia ; P . Hepburn , S . W . ; A . Thomson , W . M . 333 , St . George ; D . Harley , S . W . 354 , Caledonian Railway ; J . M . Oliver , S . W . 3 60 , Commercial ; Adam Rutherford , S . W . 3 62 , St . Clair ; William Harper , W . M . ; Wm . Bilsland , S . W . 408 , Clyde ; Jas .
Louttit , W . M . ; Andrew Holms , J . W . 413 , Athole ; J . S . Scott , W . M . ; James Simpson , S . W . 410 , Neptune ; Wm . Phttips , W . M ., and T . Philips , J . W . 556 , Clydesdale ; Robert Aikman , W . M . 570 , Kentnuir ; and W . Bickerton ( " Freemason" ) . The lodge having been opened and raised to the Sublime Degree , the Grand Master read a letter from the Lord Provost of Glasgow in
regard to the visit of the Prince of Wales , dated 28 th Oct ., 18 7 6 . The Lord Provost wrote : — " Dear Sir Michael , —On behalf of my brother Magistrates and myself , I beg respectfully to convey to the several Masonic bodies who took part in the proceedings connected with the laying of the foundation stone of the new Post Office by the Prince and Princess of Wales on
the 17 th inst ., our hearty sense of the value of your and their services . That , notwithstanding the unpropitious nature of the weather , the several lodges should have carried out with so much steadiness and good temper the various arrangements in which they had to take part was most gratifying , and we only regret that after comingsome of them from great distances—to show their loyalty
at much cost and sacrifice of personal comfort they were not favoured with better weather . " Sir Michael also stated that he had been highly pleased with the turn-out on the occasion referred to ; and Bro . Inglis then proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the Grand Master . ( Cheers . ) He was sure the great Craft had lost nothing of its dignity that day . ( Applause . )
The Grand Master , in returning thanks , said that the proceedings had given him great anxiety beforehand . He had had no fear but that the Masons would do their work well , but great difficulties had to be overcome . The Grand Secretary and the office-bearers in Glasgow , however , took considerable trouble with the arrangements . They were made as complete as possible ; and , notwithstanding the
inclemency of the weather , he considered it had been a most successful day . ( Cheers . ) He was sure the Masonic part of the ceremony would never be forgotten by those who had taken part in it . ( Applause . ) The Grand Master afterwards intimated the death of the Most Hon . the Marquis of Twecddale , K . S ., R . W . P . G . M ., and an expression of regret was ordered to be recorded in
the minutes for the less sustained by Grand Lodge . Bro . Henry Inglis said he had not the slightest fear but that the motion he had to submit would be adopted unanimously . It was that Sir Michael Shaw-Stewart be elected for another year . ( Cheers . ) The Grand Master said he was very much obliged for the kind manner in which his nomination had
been submitted and received . He could only say that his best services were at the disposal of Grand Lodge for another year . ( Cheers . ) He only hoped he would have the same kind support which he had had hitherto . ( Renewed cheers . ) The following office bearers were then elected unanimously : —R . W . Past Grand Master , the Right Hon . the
Earl of Rosslyn ; R . W . Depute Grand Master , Henry Inglis of Torsonce ; R . W . Substitute Grand Master , Colonel A . C . Campbell of Blythswood ; R . W . Senior Grand Warden , the Right Hon . Lord Rosehill ; R . W . Junior Grand Warden , the Right Hon . Lord Ramsay . The Grand Commiitee proposed Ihat Bro . D . Kinnear be appointed Senior Grand Deacon .
Bro . Hepburn , S . W . Scotia Lodge , 171 , moved as an amendment that Bro . D . M . Nelson , R . W . M ., Lodge 3 J , should be appointed to this office . Bro . William Phillips , R . W . M ., Clydesdale Lodge 556 , said that it was but right that such an important province as Glasgow should have some representation in Grand Lodge . ( Cheers . ) He was quite sure that Bro . Nelson
would not only do his duty , but reflect credit on the office . ( Cheers . ) A vote was afterwards taken , when it was seen that 84 were in favour of Bro . Nelson , and 57 for Bro . Kinnear . The announcement was received with cheers by the brethren from the western province . Bro . Samuel Hay ( Union Bank ) and Bro . John Laurie
were proposed for the offices of Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary respectively . Bro . Adam Thomson , Proxy Master 261 , objected to the reappointment of those office-bearers , on the ground that it might be of great advantage to Infuse some new blood into these departments . The Grand Treasurer he contended annually violated the rules , and the Secretary
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
had neglected his duties by not replying to a greater number of communications from daughter lodges . Bro . D . M . Nelson stated that at the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow several statements had been made concerning Bro . Laurie , and a letter had been handed to him which had been prepared by a committee appointed to
bung the matter before the Grand Lodge . He suggested that this letter be read . The Grand Master had no hesitation in saying that matters in the Secretary ' s department were not in a satisfactory state , and he would use every endeavour to get them remedied .
Bro . George Macdonald , W . M . 73 , Thistle and Rose Lodge , asked whether Bro . Laurie was not being made the scapegoat for the Grand Lodge . As far as complaints from Glasgow were concerned , he believed it was not so much Bro . Laurie who was to blame as the Grand Lodge . Bro . Laurie , Grand Secretary , said he had listened with
considerable pain to the statements which had been made , but be would not take up time rebutting them , as he might do . In going over these matters , whilst condemning what had not been done , they had overlooked what he really did do . ( Hear hear , and applause . ) Anyone in his position was entitled to at least some consideration , or at anyrate fair play . A number of the brethren present
were in a position to prove from their own knowledge of the facts that the labours of the Grand Lodge were immensely more than any single individual could possibly superintend and discharge correctly . ( Cheers . ) From early on Monday morning until late on Saturday night following he was scarcely ever absent from the office , and the whole of his time was taken up in attending to
the interests of the Grand Lodge ; and even then it was utterly impossible to overtake the labours imposed upon him . Very few were aware of the enormous amount of work required to be discharged in his department , and the consequence was that many communications could not be replied to . He would prepare a statement in his own justification , which would be submitted to the Grand Lodge . It was ultimately agreed to appoint Bro . D . Kinnear as interim cashier .
The appointments were otherwise agreed to , and the other office-bearers elected were V . W . Joint Grand Chaplains , the Rev . W . H . Gray , D . D ., and the Rev . A . Thomson Grant ; V . W . Junior Grand Deacon , Colonel Wilson of Bannockburn ; V . W . Architect , W . Hay ; Worshipful Grand Jeweller , A . Hay ; Worshipful Grand Bible Bearer , D . Robertson j Worshipful Grand Director
of Ceremonies , J . Coghill j Worshipful Grand Bard , J . Ballantine j Worshipful Grand Sword Bearer , Captain G . F . R . Colt of Gartsherrie j Worshipful Grand Director of Music , C . W . M . Muller ; Worshipful Grand Organist , R . Davidson ; Worshipful Grand Marshal , Captain W . Hills , Edinburgh Rifle Volunteers ; Worshipful Grand Tyler , W . J . Bryce ; Worshipful Outer Guard , J . Baikie .
Board of Grand Stewards . —President , F . S . Melville ; Vice-President , John Haig ; Manager of Locomotive Arrangements , J . M'Laren , N . B . R . ; Bros . J . Turner , A . N . Clarke , William Mann , 137 ; Charles Mackenzie , George Bryce Brown , A . Mitchell , Duncan Monteith , Dr . John T . Loth , Alex . Ballantine , J . Wallace , F . L . Law , H . Y . D . Copland , Wm . Smith , Colonel David Guthrie
of Carlogie , William Barton , Geo . M'Lcan , Geo . Lyorr , Richard Wilson , David Small , Dr . George Dickson , Thomas Sw ' uuon , C . F . Matier , J . Macduff , J . Goodsir , G . F . Roger , F . B . Niblett , Malcolm M'Nab , T . Field , A . Thomson , Gilbert Farie , J . H . Neilson , Geo . Miller , H . Munro , Alex . Henry , J . j . Muirhead , D . Thomson , R . Dudgeon , R . S . Brown , J . Dunlop , W . S . ; J . Mackie ,
J . Berry , Andrew Addison , A . Henry , T . Halket , G . Robertson , H . R . Ilendrie , J . Bell of Castle Creavie , W . S . j J . Walker , T . Ford , G . G . Russell , W . Caldwell , Henry Welsh , Robert White , J . A . Breysig , A . Muirhead , W . L . Mair , J . Fleming , E . Scllentin , H . E . Gordon ,
Major E . H . Ryan , H . J . Coventry , W . S . ; W . H . Mackenzie , T . Mansfield , R . F . Shaw Stewart , E . P . Albert , W . Stevenson , J . Masterton , W . M'Donald , John Bryce , A . Duff , W . Smith , J . K . Smart , A . J . Stephenson , R . Morrison , A . M'K . Millman , A . Scott , J . Addison , W . Smith .
On the recommendation of the Grand Lodge , charters , on petition , were granted to the following lodges : — " Bruce , " Friockheim j " Athole , " Kimberley , Griqualand ; ' •Albert Edward , " Polmadie ; "Kindred Hope , " Nusserabad , Rajpootana . The Right Hon . Earl of Mar and Kellie was nominated as representative of the Grand Lodge of the Netherlands j Bro . W . Officer , P . G . D ., for Egypt ; Bro . D . Murray Lyon
for West Virginia ; Bro . D . Kinnear , Lousiana ; the Right Hon . Lord l . ivcruric for Missouri ; and Bro . Daniel Robertson for South Carolina . A motion by Bro . John Monro , W . M . 360 Commercial , in regard to the raising of fees , was continued till next quarterly communication , in consequence of his unavoidable absence . The Grand Lodge was afterwards closed in ample form .
Provincial Grand Lodge Op Glasgow .
1 ne quarterly communication of the Prov . G . Lodge of Glasgow was held on Thursday , the 2 nd inst ., in St . Mark's Hall , Buchanan-street , Bro . Barrow , D . P . G . M ., presiding . Bro . D . M . Nelson , R . W . M . Lodge St . John's , acted as S . W . ; and Bro . George Macdonald , R . W . M . Lodge Thistle and Rose , as J . W . After Bro . Morgan ,
Interim Secretary , had read the minutes of the previous meeting , which were confirmed , Bro . Dr . Morton was installed as Provincial Grand Junior Warden . A report was given in from the New Hall Committee , in which it was shown that the want of a hall in the province of Glasgow was now being recognised by the brethren of the province . The Grand Lodge billet of business was next taken up , when special reference was made to Bro .
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Royal Arch.
not far distant when the chapter would have an opportunity of placing that zealous officer in the Third Principal ' s chair as a mark of their high appreciation of his long services as S . E ., and that he hoped eventually to see vjm discharg ing the responsibilities of M . E . Z . Comp . Viilmcr , in his response , expressed his thanks for the very kind and handsome manner in which his name and humble services had been recognised both by the M . E . Z . and the
last speaker . He could only assure them that he would always endeavour to carry out his duties faithfully , and „ houId they at some future time be pleased to place him on the road to the goal of his ambition , namely , the First Princi pal ' s chair , that nothing should be wanting on his part to mark his gratitude for the honour conferred . Comp . Hill , N ., and Comp . Weaver , First Assistant , also replied . Between the toasts Comps . Foulger , Tench , Palmer , and
Walls vocally and dramatically enlivened the proceedings . Previously to the last toast , the M . E . Z . stated that their Janitor had presented them with gavels for use during their banquets , which emblems of office were made , he said , from some old oak , formerly belonging to the Church M St . Mary Somerset , Fish-street Hill , and that he ( the \ U . E . ) should take an opportunity of mentioning the matter at the next convocation , which will be held on the last Thursday in November .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
| PROVINCIAL GRAND MARK LODGE OF LEICESTERSHIRE . . —At a special meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge , held at the Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , the R . W . Bro . William Kelly , F . R . Hist . S ., P . G . M . M ., presided , and among those present were the V . W . Bro . Rev . William Langley , P . G . C ., D . P . G . M . M . ; Bros . W . Sculthorpe , as P . G . S . W . ; J . C . Duncombe , as P . G . J . W . ; J . M . Mc
Allister , P . G . Sec ; H . T . Bobart , P . G . J . D . j M . H . Bobart , P . G . S . B . ; T . A . Wykes , P . G . O . ; R . Taylor , l ' . G . I . G . ; E . Mason , P . G . Steward ; C . E . Slretton , J . II . Biggs , A . M . Duff , P . M ., and others . The Rev . Chas . Ilenton Wood was appointed Provincial ^ Grand Chaplain , and invested with the collar of office . Committees were appointed to make the necessary arrangements for the
reception of the M . W . the Earl of Limerick , G . M . M . M ., and the officers of the Grand Mark Lodge . The R . W . Bro . William Kelly , who is now the Senior Provincial Grand Master on the roll of the Grand Mark Lodge , was nominated by the V . W . Bro . Langley , P . G . C ., D . P . G . M . M ., seconded by W . Bro . J . C . Duncombe , supported by Bro . A . M . Duff , and elected unanimously to continue the
discharge of the high and important duties of Provincial Grand Mark Master . Bro . Kelly ' s zeal and attachment to the sublime mysteries of the Craft are still in all their freshness . His works have for many years been prominently before the brethren , and his services as Provincial Grand Mark Master cannot be overrated . The Provincial Grand Lodge was closed in ample form , and the Fowke
Lodge , No . 19 , was opened under the presidency of Bro . George Toller , jun ., I . P . M ., iu the absence of Bro . Clement Stretton , W . M ., who recently met with an unfortunate accident . In company with Bro . Barfoot ( Mayor of Leicester ) Bro . Stretton was visiting the palace of the Doges
at Venice , when he slipped on the marble pavement of the l'iaz ; a , and broke his arm near the shoulder . The accident excited much sympathy among the brethren , and an expression of deep regret for the unlucky cause of his absence from the meeting was recorded in the minutes of the lodge .
PROVINCIAL GRAND MARK LODGE OF CORNWALL . " The Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Cornwall was held on Tuesday , the 7 th inst ., at Truro . A large num . bcrof members were present . The R . W . Bro . Sir Fredelick M . Williams , Bart ., M . P ., was in the chair , with K . W . Bro . W . J . Hughan , P . G . W . of England , as Deputy l ' rov . G . M . ( in the unavoidable absence of Bro . R . Rogers ,
through illness ) . A large number of members were present belonging to the six lodges in the province . The tfficers appointed were Bros . William Tweedy , 78 , D . l ' rov . G . M . j Rev . W . H . Bloxsome , M . A ., 175 , S . Prov . G . W . j John Paull , 101 , J . Prov . G . W . j John Coombe , 87 , Prov . G . M . O . ; J . H . Reynolds , 73 , Prov . G . S . O . j T . C . Polglaze 94 Prov . G . J . O . j Rev . A . H .
, . Iwii , 78 , Prov . G . Chaplain ; William Tregay , 73 , Prov . G . Treas . ; William Lake , 78 , Prov . G . Reg . ; William James Johns , 78 , Prov . G . Sec . j J . Q . James , ¦ 75 . Prov . G . S . D . j Thomas Taylor , 175 , Prov . G . J . D . j Samuel Mitchell , 101 , Prov . G . S . of Wks . j Samuel Harvey , 78 , Prov . G . D . C . ; G . M . Cock , 73 , Prov . A . G . D . C .: Canhin Mitoh . U » a Pm « RSD . B A
Mcath , 73 , Prov . G . Org . ; William Rooks , 78 , Prov . G . Purst . ; Bros . Thomas Davey , 73 j G . B . Pearce , 8 7 i W . Johns , 94 j Prov . G . Stewards j John Langdon , 7 » , Prov . G . Tyler . The jW . M . 's gave in their report ? , Mewing 216 members in Cornwall of the Deeree of Mark
» v « xer Mason , and all spoke m the highest terms of the lutiire of Mark Masonry in the county . The W . Bro . William James Johns , P . M . 78 , & c , was appointed Prov . YD , Secretary in place of W . Bro . Thomas Solomon , B » deceased - Tne R , w - * sir F » M - Williams , b th "' WaS rcce ' vci 1 most enthusiastically by the
MrvaSi " « * ' 2 '" - —The sudden changes , frequent fogs , and to liiik „? , r "SP nc 68 sorely Impede the vital fu notions and conduce nudlrtn . ¦•¦ ' . e rcmc , iJ for these disasters lies In some purifying mlsch ?? ' l , c thcse m '> whlcb is competent to grapple with the or WMV . , "" , o >«« . and stamp It out without fretting the nerves Mood 1 ati ~ £ , hc » yMem ' Holloway's Pills extract from the ornan M ^? " ! matter « . regulate the action of every disordered curlniJ ch ™ * e the " veT a » d kidneys , and relax the bowels . In PMlillJ ^ v "" P ' ' J ? " '"" e » are remarkably effective , esdouble : tr ^ , £ frlc , lon of the Ointment on Its walls . This progress * S ? V" 1 L cn . ' ? rt a c « f « a'n . steady , and beneficent *'"» , and sound health will soon be rc-establlshcd .-Anvi . —
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
The quarterly communication of the Grand Lodge oi Scotland was held on the 6 thinst ., at 5 p . m ., in the Freemasons' Hall , George-street , Edinburgh . The throne was occupied by Sir Michael Shaw Stewart , Bart , the Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason of Scotland , who was supported by Bro . William Mann , P . G . W ., acting R . W .
Senior Grand Warden j William Hay , R . W . Senior G . D ., acting R . W . Senior G . W . On the dais were Bros . Henry Inglis , of Torsonce , P . S . G . M . ; Colonel Campbell , of Blythswood , Pror . G . M . of Renfrewshire East ; Lauderdale Maitland , of Eccles , P . G . M . Dumfriesshire ; Captain Harriott of Killiemore , P . G . M . of Wigtownshire ; J . H . Neilson , P . P . G . M . Venezuela ; John
Laurie , Grand Sec . ; Dr . J . T . Loth , Representative of the Grand Orient of France ; Rev . A . Thomson Grant , V . W . Grand Chaplain ; Alexander Hay , Grand Jeweller , ; John Coghill , Grand Director of Ceremonies ; C . W . Miller , Grand Director of Music ; Daniel Robertson , Grand Bible Bearer ; Robert Davidson , Grand Organist ; W . Officer , Grand Deacon ; D . M .
Neilson , W . M . 3 bis ; George M'Donald , W . M . 73 , Thistle and Rose ; Wm . Thomas , S . W . 103 , Union and Crown ; W . Hart , W . M . 178 , Scotia ; P . Hepburn , S . W . ; A . Thomson , W . M . 333 , St . George ; D . Harley , S . W . 354 , Caledonian Railway ; J . M . Oliver , S . W . 3 60 , Commercial ; Adam Rutherford , S . W . 3 62 , St . Clair ; William Harper , W . M . ; Wm . Bilsland , S . W . 408 , Clyde ; Jas .
Louttit , W . M . ; Andrew Holms , J . W . 413 , Athole ; J . S . Scott , W . M . ; James Simpson , S . W . 410 , Neptune ; Wm . Phttips , W . M ., and T . Philips , J . W . 556 , Clydesdale ; Robert Aikman , W . M . 570 , Kentnuir ; and W . Bickerton ( " Freemason" ) . The lodge having been opened and raised to the Sublime Degree , the Grand Master read a letter from the Lord Provost of Glasgow in
regard to the visit of the Prince of Wales , dated 28 th Oct ., 18 7 6 . The Lord Provost wrote : — " Dear Sir Michael , —On behalf of my brother Magistrates and myself , I beg respectfully to convey to the several Masonic bodies who took part in the proceedings connected with the laying of the foundation stone of the new Post Office by the Prince and Princess of Wales on
the 17 th inst ., our hearty sense of the value of your and their services . That , notwithstanding the unpropitious nature of the weather , the several lodges should have carried out with so much steadiness and good temper the various arrangements in which they had to take part was most gratifying , and we only regret that after comingsome of them from great distances—to show their loyalty
at much cost and sacrifice of personal comfort they were not favoured with better weather . " Sir Michael also stated that he had been highly pleased with the turn-out on the occasion referred to ; and Bro . Inglis then proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the Grand Master . ( Cheers . ) He was sure the great Craft had lost nothing of its dignity that day . ( Applause . )
The Grand Master , in returning thanks , said that the proceedings had given him great anxiety beforehand . He had had no fear but that the Masons would do their work well , but great difficulties had to be overcome . The Grand Secretary and the office-bearers in Glasgow , however , took considerable trouble with the arrangements . They were made as complete as possible ; and , notwithstanding the
inclemency of the weather , he considered it had been a most successful day . ( Cheers . ) He was sure the Masonic part of the ceremony would never be forgotten by those who had taken part in it . ( Applause . ) The Grand Master afterwards intimated the death of the Most Hon . the Marquis of Twecddale , K . S ., R . W . P . G . M ., and an expression of regret was ordered to be recorded in
the minutes for the less sustained by Grand Lodge . Bro . Henry Inglis said he had not the slightest fear but that the motion he had to submit would be adopted unanimously . It was that Sir Michael Shaw-Stewart be elected for another year . ( Cheers . ) The Grand Master said he was very much obliged for the kind manner in which his nomination had
been submitted and received . He could only say that his best services were at the disposal of Grand Lodge for another year . ( Cheers . ) He only hoped he would have the same kind support which he had had hitherto . ( Renewed cheers . ) The following office bearers were then elected unanimously : —R . W . Past Grand Master , the Right Hon . the
Earl of Rosslyn ; R . W . Depute Grand Master , Henry Inglis of Torsonce ; R . W . Substitute Grand Master , Colonel A . C . Campbell of Blythswood ; R . W . Senior Grand Warden , the Right Hon . Lord Rosehill ; R . W . Junior Grand Warden , the Right Hon . Lord Ramsay . The Grand Commiitee proposed Ihat Bro . D . Kinnear be appointed Senior Grand Deacon .
Bro . Hepburn , S . W . Scotia Lodge , 171 , moved as an amendment that Bro . D . M . Nelson , R . W . M ., Lodge 3 J , should be appointed to this office . Bro . William Phillips , R . W . M ., Clydesdale Lodge 556 , said that it was but right that such an important province as Glasgow should have some representation in Grand Lodge . ( Cheers . ) He was quite sure that Bro . Nelson
would not only do his duty , but reflect credit on the office . ( Cheers . ) A vote was afterwards taken , when it was seen that 84 were in favour of Bro . Nelson , and 57 for Bro . Kinnear . The announcement was received with cheers by the brethren from the western province . Bro . Samuel Hay ( Union Bank ) and Bro . John Laurie
were proposed for the offices of Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary respectively . Bro . Adam Thomson , Proxy Master 261 , objected to the reappointment of those office-bearers , on the ground that it might be of great advantage to Infuse some new blood into these departments . The Grand Treasurer he contended annually violated the rules , and the Secretary
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
had neglected his duties by not replying to a greater number of communications from daughter lodges . Bro . D . M . Nelson stated that at the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow several statements had been made concerning Bro . Laurie , and a letter had been handed to him which had been prepared by a committee appointed to
bung the matter before the Grand Lodge . He suggested that this letter be read . The Grand Master had no hesitation in saying that matters in the Secretary ' s department were not in a satisfactory state , and he would use every endeavour to get them remedied .
Bro . George Macdonald , W . M . 73 , Thistle and Rose Lodge , asked whether Bro . Laurie was not being made the scapegoat for the Grand Lodge . As far as complaints from Glasgow were concerned , he believed it was not so much Bro . Laurie who was to blame as the Grand Lodge . Bro . Laurie , Grand Secretary , said he had listened with
considerable pain to the statements which had been made , but be would not take up time rebutting them , as he might do . In going over these matters , whilst condemning what had not been done , they had overlooked what he really did do . ( Hear hear , and applause . ) Anyone in his position was entitled to at least some consideration , or at anyrate fair play . A number of the brethren present
were in a position to prove from their own knowledge of the facts that the labours of the Grand Lodge were immensely more than any single individual could possibly superintend and discharge correctly . ( Cheers . ) From early on Monday morning until late on Saturday night following he was scarcely ever absent from the office , and the whole of his time was taken up in attending to
the interests of the Grand Lodge ; and even then it was utterly impossible to overtake the labours imposed upon him . Very few were aware of the enormous amount of work required to be discharged in his department , and the consequence was that many communications could not be replied to . He would prepare a statement in his own justification , which would be submitted to the Grand Lodge . It was ultimately agreed to appoint Bro . D . Kinnear as interim cashier .
The appointments were otherwise agreed to , and the other office-bearers elected were V . W . Joint Grand Chaplains , the Rev . W . H . Gray , D . D ., and the Rev . A . Thomson Grant ; V . W . Junior Grand Deacon , Colonel Wilson of Bannockburn ; V . W . Architect , W . Hay ; Worshipful Grand Jeweller , A . Hay ; Worshipful Grand Bible Bearer , D . Robertson j Worshipful Grand Director
of Ceremonies , J . Coghill j Worshipful Grand Bard , J . Ballantine j Worshipful Grand Sword Bearer , Captain G . F . R . Colt of Gartsherrie j Worshipful Grand Director of Music , C . W . M . Muller ; Worshipful Grand Organist , R . Davidson ; Worshipful Grand Marshal , Captain W . Hills , Edinburgh Rifle Volunteers ; Worshipful Grand Tyler , W . J . Bryce ; Worshipful Outer Guard , J . Baikie .
Board of Grand Stewards . —President , F . S . Melville ; Vice-President , John Haig ; Manager of Locomotive Arrangements , J . M'Laren , N . B . R . ; Bros . J . Turner , A . N . Clarke , William Mann , 137 ; Charles Mackenzie , George Bryce Brown , A . Mitchell , Duncan Monteith , Dr . John T . Loth , Alex . Ballantine , J . Wallace , F . L . Law , H . Y . D . Copland , Wm . Smith , Colonel David Guthrie
of Carlogie , William Barton , Geo . M'Lcan , Geo . Lyorr , Richard Wilson , David Small , Dr . George Dickson , Thomas Sw ' uuon , C . F . Matier , J . Macduff , J . Goodsir , G . F . Roger , F . B . Niblett , Malcolm M'Nab , T . Field , A . Thomson , Gilbert Farie , J . H . Neilson , Geo . Miller , H . Munro , Alex . Henry , J . j . Muirhead , D . Thomson , R . Dudgeon , R . S . Brown , J . Dunlop , W . S . ; J . Mackie ,
J . Berry , Andrew Addison , A . Henry , T . Halket , G . Robertson , H . R . Ilendrie , J . Bell of Castle Creavie , W . S . j J . Walker , T . Ford , G . G . Russell , W . Caldwell , Henry Welsh , Robert White , J . A . Breysig , A . Muirhead , W . L . Mair , J . Fleming , E . Scllentin , H . E . Gordon ,
Major E . H . Ryan , H . J . Coventry , W . S . ; W . H . Mackenzie , T . Mansfield , R . F . Shaw Stewart , E . P . Albert , W . Stevenson , J . Masterton , W . M'Donald , John Bryce , A . Duff , W . Smith , J . K . Smart , A . J . Stephenson , R . Morrison , A . M'K . Millman , A . Scott , J . Addison , W . Smith .
On the recommendation of the Grand Lodge , charters , on petition , were granted to the following lodges : — " Bruce , " Friockheim j " Athole , " Kimberley , Griqualand ; ' •Albert Edward , " Polmadie ; "Kindred Hope , " Nusserabad , Rajpootana . The Right Hon . Earl of Mar and Kellie was nominated as representative of the Grand Lodge of the Netherlands j Bro . W . Officer , P . G . D ., for Egypt ; Bro . D . Murray Lyon
for West Virginia ; Bro . D . Kinnear , Lousiana ; the Right Hon . Lord l . ivcruric for Missouri ; and Bro . Daniel Robertson for South Carolina . A motion by Bro . John Monro , W . M . 360 Commercial , in regard to the raising of fees , was continued till next quarterly communication , in consequence of his unavoidable absence . The Grand Lodge was afterwards closed in ample form .
Provincial Grand Lodge Op Glasgow .
1 ne quarterly communication of the Prov . G . Lodge of Glasgow was held on Thursday , the 2 nd inst ., in St . Mark's Hall , Buchanan-street , Bro . Barrow , D . P . G . M ., presiding . Bro . D . M . Nelson , R . W . M . Lodge St . John's , acted as S . W . ; and Bro . George Macdonald , R . W . M . Lodge Thistle and Rose , as J . W . After Bro . Morgan ,
Interim Secretary , had read the minutes of the previous meeting , which were confirmed , Bro . Dr . Morton was installed as Provincial Grand Junior Warden . A report was given in from the New Hall Committee , in which it was shown that the want of a hall in the province of Glasgow was now being recognised by the brethren of the province . The Grand Lodge billet of business was next taken up , when special reference was made to Bro .