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Provincial Grand Lodge Op Glasgow .
Harriott ' s motion , and to the management of Grand Lodge affairs and the conduct of officials . After a considerable amount of discussion a committee was appointed , on a motion by Bro . Munro , R . W . M ., to protest against the indifference paid by the Grand Lodge to the interests of Masons in the province , and present it at the meeting of the Grand Lodge in Edinburgh on Monday . After
discussing this motion it was agreed to consecrate Lodge Plantation on the 13 th inst . at 4 p . m . This concluded the business . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF RENFREWSHIRE E AST . fht QAiaiteriy meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire East was held on Saturday evening , the 4 th inst ., in the hall of Lodge Renfrew County Kilwinning ,
No . S / O . Paisley . There was a large attendance . Bro . Colonel Campbell , of Blythswood , P . G . M ., presided , and was supported by Bro . J . Caldwell , S . M . Bro . James Gilmour occupied the Senior Warden ' s chair , and Bro . J . Peter , the Junior Warden ' s . A communication was read from the Secretary of the Grand Lodge , stating that he had been commanded by the Grand Master , Sir Michael R .
Shaw Stewart , Bart ., to express his regret that at the recent ceremonial in Glasgow he had been unable to address the brethren , and he wished to convey to the various lodges his great satisfaction at the large turn-out of the brethren , and his thanks for the support they had given him on that occasion . The Provincial Grand Master then said that it must have been to the brethren as it had been to him and
every one else a sad disappointment that the weather hid been so unfavourable on the occasion of the recent visit of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales to Glasgow . He did not think that the West of Scotland had ever seen a grander turn-out of the brethren . He t ould assure them that both His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales had
expressed to him their great regret that the weather should be so unfortunately bad . Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales had written to his wife to tell her how much gratified she had been with everything done for the reception of their Royal Highnesses in Glasgoiv , Renfrew , and at Blythswood , and with the manner in which the Freemarnasons had conducted themselves in Glasgow . Bro .
lames Gilmour , S . W ., said that it must be a matter of gratification to the Masonic body to learn that their services had been so highly appreciated . To their Provincial Grand Master , Col . Campbell , they were exceedingly indebted for the noble manner in which he ha I entertained the Right Worshipful the Grand Master ol Freemasons , the Prince of Wales , at Blythswood , and he
moved that a minute to that effect be recorded in the minules of the Provincial Grand Lodge . Bro . Jas . Caldwell , S . M ., seconded the motion , which was unanimously agreed to . It was also agreed that Bro . Colonel Campbell should send an excerpt of the letter written by the Princess of Wales to the Hon . Mrs . Campbell to be engrossed in the minutes of the lodge . Several motions which were to be
submitted to the Grand Lodge were then considered , but were received unfavourably . GLASGOW . —Consecration of Lodge Dramatic . —On Wednesday afternoon , 1 st inst ., the Provincial Grand Lodge met in the hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , for the purpose of consecrating Lodge Dramatic , No . 571 , on the roll of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , Bro . W . J .
E . Dobson , W . M . There was a large attendance of brethren , and Bro . Barrow , acting I . P . M ., presided . The P . G . D . M . having been asked to consecrate the lodge , formally opened the Provincial Grand Lodge , and after devotional exercises , conducted by the P . G . Chaplain , the charter granted in favour of Lodge Dramatic was read , and the provisional office-bearers presented . The P . G .
Director of Ceremonies then , by instruction of the P . G . M ., proclaimed the lodge ; and after a service of praise , the business terminated . GLASGOW . —Lodge Commercial ( No . 360 ) . —The annual meeting of this ledge was held on Friday , the 3 rd inst ., in the lodge-room , Hope-street , Glasgow , bro . ~ J . Monro , W . M ., presiding . After the Second
Degree had been worked by Bro . J . M . Oliver , Senior Warden , it was agreed to hold a festival to celebrate the 25 th anniversary of the formation of the lodge , and a committee was appointed to carry out the arrangements . The following office-bearers , who were nominated at the previous meeting of the lodge , were then declared duly elected : —Bros . John Monro , W . M . j J . M . Oliver ,
D . M . ; James Colquhoun , S . M . ; Wm . Fmlay , S . W . ; Robert Rcid , J . W . ; George Scott , Treas . ; John Smith , Sec ; Wm . Keiller , S . D . ; Alex . Patcrson , J . D . ; George Macpherson , John Clark , B . U . ; J . M . Duncan , D . of C . ; Robert Brodie , D . of Music ; Wm . Mar , President of Stewards ; Alex . Burnet , I . G . ; Bros . Mitchell and Robert Paterson , Auditors . The installation ceremony was then proceeded with by Bro .
Davidson , P . M . ; and Bro . G . W . Wheeler , Chaplain Lodge 73 , gave the final charge . A vote of thanks was accorded those brethren for the manner in which they had conducted the business , and in reply , they complimented the brethren on the flourishing condition of the lodge , and in their having again secured the services of so popular a Master as Bro . Rfonro . A Committee of Management was afterwards appointed , and the lodge was then closed .
Consecration Of The Canterbury Lodge, No. 1635.
On Thursday , 2 nd inst ., the Canterbury Lodge , No . 1635 , was formally consecrated , constituted , and dedicated by Lord Skelmersdale , Deputy Grand Master , and Provincial
Grand Master of West Lancashire , at the Masonic Hall , 33 , Golden-square . T he lodge is intended to hold a distinguished position in the Craft , and the names of the brethren who were present at the inauguration ceremony , most of whom are enrolled as members , are sufficien
Consecration Of The Canterbury Lodge, No. 1635.
evidence that this intention will be carried out . The lodge was launched amid all the elements of success , having trusty and true brethren in all its oliiccs , competent ceremonial workers , an accomplished Organist , a high class org . tit , a sJcil / ul Master of Ceremonies , and the prettiest and most perfect lodge-room in London . The members of the lodge are brethren who a re zealous for the honour of
Masonry , and their sponsorship for intending initiates must be a guarantee for the most eligible candidates being admitted to participate in the light of the Masonic mysteries through this lodge . The hall at 33 , Golden-square , has already had secured to it by the proprietary ' s management the highest position as a Masonic centre , and the Canterbury Lodge , following in the track of the Bayard , the
trends in Ccuncil , and other eminent lodges which meet there , will add to the lustre it has so justly acquired . The Ions ; listot brethren and gentlemen of high social position which was proposed on Thursday at the conclusion of the lodge business for joining and initiation , affords ground for believing that there is yit room for more lodges of a similar character to the Canterbury Lodge being yet
established at the same place , and we do not doubt that on representation duly made to the M . W . G . M ., His Royal Highness will have no hesitation in granting warrants for such worthy additions to the roll of the Grand Lodge of England . Lord Skelniersdale arrived at the hall at the time appointed , and the brethren were immediately mnrshalUd by
Major Shadwell Cleike , who undertook the duties of Master of the Ceremonies . The brithrr-n present wt . r ; Bros . John Chynonvtb , P . G . Steward ; Col . II . S . Som .-rville Burncy , W . M . ifin , P . S . G . D . Essex ; N . Locock Webb , P . G . D . ; Canon Harford ; Dr . W . C . Grigg ; Edwin M . Lott . P . P . G . J . W . Jersey ; II . Kvill ; Gordan Adam ; Thos . Holme Davis ; Wm . Holme Da \ is : lames Keene .
P . M . ; Capt . Philips , P . M . 1383 ; John II . Scott , P . M . 271 ; Capt . Chas . Compton , s ! l )! id 15 ; Richd . I' . Leoson , S . W . 1615 ; Francis C . Compton , Org . 161 ^ ; Dr . H . Sutherland , P . M . 1118 ; Robt . Fyers , S . D . 1615 ; Major Shadwell Cleike , W . M . 13 S 3 , 1615 ; Capt . W . ' F . Portlock Dailson , See . 1615 ; John llervey , G . Sic . ; au . l H . Masscv ( " Freemason " ) .
Bro . John Citynnweth opened the ludg .-, having Lord Skelmcrsdalc on his left and the Rev . Canon Harford on his right . Bro . John II . Scott occupied the chair of S . W ., and Dr . Sutherland that of J . W . ; Bro . Keene was Secretary ; Bro . E . M . Lott , Organist ; Canon Harford , Chaplain ; and Major S ' udwrll Clerke , M . C . Bro . Kteae also acted as I . G .
After the lodge had been opene I in the three degrees , Lord Skelmcisdalc succeeded Bro . Chynoweth in the chair , and proceede 1 to amscrrate the lodge . Cirjoi ) IJar / onJ added more than ordinary impressivencss to the ceremony by his pointed delivery of the prayer and invocations . which were given without reference to a single written document . The scrip'ure portions were also eloquently read by the
rev . brother , and no opportunity was lost of impairing to the ceremony the most solemn ami religious character . The only cause for regret was that with such an able Chaplain in the lodge there was no oration by that brother , as , had there been , no doubt it would have compared favourably with any of those literary compositions . When the ceremony of consecration had been completed
Lord Skelnursdale , addressing the brethren , said that he greatly regretted that numerous engagements forbade him staying in the lodge any longer . He must , therefore , be debarred from participating in the pleasure of witnessing the installation of the W . M . or joining the brethren at the bai . quet . But it had given him great pleasure to be present and perform the ceremony of consecration , and he
wished the lodge which had just been dedicated every prosperity . The Rev . Dr . Robbins said that before his lordship retired he must , on behalf of the lodge , go somewhat out of the usual order at that period of the proceedings to thank the Deputy Grand Master sincerely fur having attended , and so impressively consecrated the lodge . It was a great
honour his lordship had done the lodge , and it was , moreover , a great personal kindness to himself ( Dr . Robbins ) . He hoped , and all the brethren hoped , that Lord Skelmersdale would allow them to enrol him as an honorary member of the Canterbury Lodge . Lord Skelmersdale thanked Dr . Robbins , and said he should accept the lv . nouv with pleasure .
I lis lordship then retired , arid Bro . Chynoweth took the chair . Major Shadwell Clerke presented the Rev . J . Robbins , D . D ., W . M . designate , for installation , and Bro . Chynoweth formally installed him in the chair of K . S . The officers invested were Bros , the Rev . Canon Harford , Westminster Abbey , S . W . ; James Keene , J . W . ; Dr .
Grigg , S . D . ; H . Evil ! , J . D . ; Thomas Holme Davies , Sec ; Gordan Adam , l . G . 5 E . M . Lott , Org . ; Col . Somerville Burnty , to act as P . M . ; Bro . Evill , to act as Treas . pro tern ; Major Shadwell Clerke , M . C . ; and George Austin , Tyler . Bro . Chynoweth afterwards delivered the addresses . The W . M . then rose and said that the first duty that
devolved upon him was to propose a resolution in which he was sure all the brethren would most heartily concur . They had been most fortunate that evening in securing the services of so emintn * . a brother in Freemasonry as the Deputy Grand Master , arid it would be as pleasing to the whole of the brethren to pass as , it was io him ( the W . M . ) to propose , a vote of thanks to his lordship for attending to
censecrate the lodge . I If , therefore , proposed that vote of thanks . The S . W . seconded the motion , and said that all the brethren mtst feel that they were greatly indebted to Lord Skelmersdale for what he had done . The motion was then put and carried unanimously . The W . M . next proposed a vote of thanks to the other brethren who had assisted , among them Bro . Chynoweth ,
Consecration Of The Canterbury Lodge, No. 1635.
who had so ably performed the duties of Installing Master I le was sure that there must be a very great difficulty j n committing the varied charges to memory so as to deliver them with such accuracy as Bro . Chynoweth had don ,, Tlicy had also to thank Major Shadwell Cleike for his * ability , and for displaying that courtesy which was so habitual to him . To that wonderful skill in organzati 0 n
which was . pait of his nature the brethren were indebted for the smooth and regular way in which everything had gone that evening . The consecration had been the m impressive of ceremonies , they must all admit , that they had ever seen in their lives . That was mainly due t 0 Major Sha . lwell Clerke . He must also say , en passant that for the way in which the Chaplain had performed his
duttcs the brethren could not thank him sufficiently . I ) - would include in his vote of thanks , therefore Bros . Cbj-no . vveth , Major Shadwell Clerke , Bro . Locock Webb , Br < . \ John Hervey , and Bro . Scott , all of whom had contributed to the great success of the evening ' s ceremony . Colonel Buriv : y seconded the vote , which was thereupon put and carried .
Tb- W . M . then said that he had already asked Lord Skeli < r-rsdale to accept honorary membership of the lod ge , and Lis lordship had expressed his willingness to do s ( , . He now would ask the other brethren who had assisted tu accept tlie same position , and he would , therefore , move that Grand Secretary , Bro . Locock Webb , Bro . Chynoweth Captain Philips , Major Shadwell Clerke , Bro . Lott , and Dr .
Sutherland , be elected honorary members of the lodge , | L > would tak . 7 them en bloc to save lime . The J . W . seconded the motion , and the brethren pass : J it nem . con . Bro . Locock Webb , Q . C ., in acknowledging the conipli . ment said he could not allow the proceedings to go further without asking permission to return thanks for the
honour which had been done to himself and the other braii . rtn by this vote of the lodge . The lodge had 1 cm good enough to mention his name for two reasons , first if all fir his coming on that tccasion , and they had been good enough to say that they were obliged to him for it ; hut really he had to than ' : the W . M . for his kindness in inviting him , for he felt very much honoured indeed by the
invitation j secondly the lodge had done him the honour to elect l . im an honorary member ; ami he accepted that honuur with the greatest thanks . Grand Secretary bad been gon . l enough to request him to accept another , that of returning thanks for him . Grand Secretary felt the honour dime him as much as he ( Bro . Locock Webb ) did ; and it was only his natural diffidence , and that his heart was tun
full to give utterance to his feelings that he ( Grand Stcre - tary ) did not return thanks for himself . Bro . Chynoweth , responding for himself , said he was exceedingly thankful to the brethren for the honour they had conferred 011 him by electing him an honorary member , and for the very courteous terms in which the W . M . had proposed the vote of thanks for the assistance he li . nl
bi : en able to render . He was sorry that in the opening ceremony he was not very fluent ; but he had beeri called unexpectedly to act , otherwise he would have been au fait to the work . A man got naturally a little rusty by Hying by , and there would then unavoidably be a little hesitation in his performance of the ceremonies . It was not often one had the opportunity of practising them , and he must
beg the brethren's indulgence for any imperfections lie had fallen into . Major Shadwell Clerke thanked the W . M . and the lodge for the kind compliment they had paid him , and assured the brethren of the pleasure it had given him to be of any service to them . Propositions for initiation and joining were afterward <
taken , and a committee was appointed to frame the byilaws ; after which lodge was closed , and adjourned to tlie 14 th inst . The brethren subsequently partook of banquet at lie Cafe Royal , Regent-street , and the customary toasts writhonoured before they separated for the evening . [ The above appeared in the Second Edition of last week . ]
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The monthly meeting of the Committee of this lustitu tion was held 011 Wednesday at Freemason ' s Hall , Bri ' Col . Crcaton presiding . There were also present llros John Constable , J . T . Stevens , W . Hale , C . A . Cottebrunr , lames Brett , A . II . Tattcrshall , John Newton , Thus . VY White , S . Ruwson , Charles Lacey , A . J . D . Filer , f
Adlard , Robert W . Little , W . Stephens , George Bolton , Dr . Jabez Hogg , W . Hyde Pullen , J . A . Farnfield , Rich Hervc Girard , John Hirst , jun ., L . Stean , John M . Uei ! - well , J . R . Gallant , Thomas Fenn , H . Massey ("' l- ' riV ' mason" ) anil James Terry ( Secretary ) . After the coiifirmalion of the minutes , Bro . Terry stated that he ha ' ' applied to Lord Skelmersdale as to the Chairman for flit
Festival of 1877 , and had received an answer from !•' lordship , in which he advised him to apply to Bro . Collins Equerry to Prince Leopold . He did so , and received a reply staling his Royal Highness ' s willingness in that respect , but that as the date was so far distant fie cuuM g ive no definite reply . Bro . Terry stated that he had » ' doubt Prince Leopold will take the chair .
The Warden ' s report was received , and the Commute ' who had visited the Institution expressed their gratib cation at the style in which they found all the arrangr ments there . On application from the widow of a deceased
annuitant for half her late husband ' s annuity , the same wa » granted . This is the first case which has occurred unJf the increased grant . , . A letter was read from a brother at Boston , raising tin - novel point of whether the widow of a Freemason , wr . » after her first husband ' s death married a non-Mason , ais
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Op Glasgow .
Harriott ' s motion , and to the management of Grand Lodge affairs and the conduct of officials . After a considerable amount of discussion a committee was appointed , on a motion by Bro . Munro , R . W . M ., to protest against the indifference paid by the Grand Lodge to the interests of Masons in the province , and present it at the meeting of the Grand Lodge in Edinburgh on Monday . After
discussing this motion it was agreed to consecrate Lodge Plantation on the 13 th inst . at 4 p . m . This concluded the business . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF RENFREWSHIRE E AST . fht QAiaiteriy meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire East was held on Saturday evening , the 4 th inst ., in the hall of Lodge Renfrew County Kilwinning ,
No . S / O . Paisley . There was a large attendance . Bro . Colonel Campbell , of Blythswood , P . G . M ., presided , and was supported by Bro . J . Caldwell , S . M . Bro . James Gilmour occupied the Senior Warden ' s chair , and Bro . J . Peter , the Junior Warden ' s . A communication was read from the Secretary of the Grand Lodge , stating that he had been commanded by the Grand Master , Sir Michael R .
Shaw Stewart , Bart ., to express his regret that at the recent ceremonial in Glasgow he had been unable to address the brethren , and he wished to convey to the various lodges his great satisfaction at the large turn-out of the brethren , and his thanks for the support they had given him on that occasion . The Provincial Grand Master then said that it must have been to the brethren as it had been to him and
every one else a sad disappointment that the weather hid been so unfavourable on the occasion of the recent visit of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales to Glasgow . He did not think that the West of Scotland had ever seen a grander turn-out of the brethren . He t ould assure them that both His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales had
expressed to him their great regret that the weather should be so unfortunately bad . Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales had written to his wife to tell her how much gratified she had been with everything done for the reception of their Royal Highnesses in Glasgoiv , Renfrew , and at Blythswood , and with the manner in which the Freemarnasons had conducted themselves in Glasgow . Bro .
lames Gilmour , S . W ., said that it must be a matter of gratification to the Masonic body to learn that their services had been so highly appreciated . To their Provincial Grand Master , Col . Campbell , they were exceedingly indebted for the noble manner in which he ha I entertained the Right Worshipful the Grand Master ol Freemasons , the Prince of Wales , at Blythswood , and he
moved that a minute to that effect be recorded in the minules of the Provincial Grand Lodge . Bro . Jas . Caldwell , S . M ., seconded the motion , which was unanimously agreed to . It was also agreed that Bro . Colonel Campbell should send an excerpt of the letter written by the Princess of Wales to the Hon . Mrs . Campbell to be engrossed in the minutes of the lodge . Several motions which were to be
submitted to the Grand Lodge were then considered , but were received unfavourably . GLASGOW . —Consecration of Lodge Dramatic . —On Wednesday afternoon , 1 st inst ., the Provincial Grand Lodge met in the hall , 213 , Buchanan-street , for the purpose of consecrating Lodge Dramatic , No . 571 , on the roll of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , Bro . W . J .
E . Dobson , W . M . There was a large attendance of brethren , and Bro . Barrow , acting I . P . M ., presided . The P . G . D . M . having been asked to consecrate the lodge , formally opened the Provincial Grand Lodge , and after devotional exercises , conducted by the P . G . Chaplain , the charter granted in favour of Lodge Dramatic was read , and the provisional office-bearers presented . The P . G .
Director of Ceremonies then , by instruction of the P . G . M ., proclaimed the lodge ; and after a service of praise , the business terminated . GLASGOW . —Lodge Commercial ( No . 360 ) . —The annual meeting of this ledge was held on Friday , the 3 rd inst ., in the lodge-room , Hope-street , Glasgow , bro . ~ J . Monro , W . M ., presiding . After the Second
Degree had been worked by Bro . J . M . Oliver , Senior Warden , it was agreed to hold a festival to celebrate the 25 th anniversary of the formation of the lodge , and a committee was appointed to carry out the arrangements . The following office-bearers , who were nominated at the previous meeting of the lodge , were then declared duly elected : —Bros . John Monro , W . M . j J . M . Oliver ,
D . M . ; James Colquhoun , S . M . ; Wm . Fmlay , S . W . ; Robert Rcid , J . W . ; George Scott , Treas . ; John Smith , Sec ; Wm . Keiller , S . D . ; Alex . Patcrson , J . D . ; George Macpherson , John Clark , B . U . ; J . M . Duncan , D . of C . ; Robert Brodie , D . of Music ; Wm . Mar , President of Stewards ; Alex . Burnet , I . G . ; Bros . Mitchell and Robert Paterson , Auditors . The installation ceremony was then proceeded with by Bro .
Davidson , P . M . ; and Bro . G . W . Wheeler , Chaplain Lodge 73 , gave the final charge . A vote of thanks was accorded those brethren for the manner in which they had conducted the business , and in reply , they complimented the brethren on the flourishing condition of the lodge , and in their having again secured the services of so popular a Master as Bro . Rfonro . A Committee of Management was afterwards appointed , and the lodge was then closed .
Consecration Of The Canterbury Lodge, No. 1635.
On Thursday , 2 nd inst ., the Canterbury Lodge , No . 1635 , was formally consecrated , constituted , and dedicated by Lord Skelmersdale , Deputy Grand Master , and Provincial
Grand Master of West Lancashire , at the Masonic Hall , 33 , Golden-square . T he lodge is intended to hold a distinguished position in the Craft , and the names of the brethren who were present at the inauguration ceremony , most of whom are enrolled as members , are sufficien
Consecration Of The Canterbury Lodge, No. 1635.
evidence that this intention will be carried out . The lodge was launched amid all the elements of success , having trusty and true brethren in all its oliiccs , competent ceremonial workers , an accomplished Organist , a high class org . tit , a sJcil / ul Master of Ceremonies , and the prettiest and most perfect lodge-room in London . The members of the lodge are brethren who a re zealous for the honour of
Masonry , and their sponsorship for intending initiates must be a guarantee for the most eligible candidates being admitted to participate in the light of the Masonic mysteries through this lodge . The hall at 33 , Golden-square , has already had secured to it by the proprietary ' s management the highest position as a Masonic centre , and the Canterbury Lodge , following in the track of the Bayard , the
trends in Ccuncil , and other eminent lodges which meet there , will add to the lustre it has so justly acquired . The Ions ; listot brethren and gentlemen of high social position which was proposed on Thursday at the conclusion of the lodge business for joining and initiation , affords ground for believing that there is yit room for more lodges of a similar character to the Canterbury Lodge being yet
established at the same place , and we do not doubt that on representation duly made to the M . W . G . M ., His Royal Highness will have no hesitation in granting warrants for such worthy additions to the roll of the Grand Lodge of England . Lord Skelniersdale arrived at the hall at the time appointed , and the brethren were immediately mnrshalUd by
Major Shadwell Cleike , who undertook the duties of Master of the Ceremonies . The brithrr-n present wt . r ; Bros . John Chynonvtb , P . G . Steward ; Col . II . S . Som .-rville Burncy , W . M . ifin , P . S . G . D . Essex ; N . Locock Webb , P . G . D . ; Canon Harford ; Dr . W . C . Grigg ; Edwin M . Lott . P . P . G . J . W . Jersey ; II . Kvill ; Gordan Adam ; Thos . Holme Davis ; Wm . Holme Da \ is : lames Keene .
P . M . ; Capt . Philips , P . M . 1383 ; John II . Scott , P . M . 271 ; Capt . Chas . Compton , s ! l )! id 15 ; Richd . I' . Leoson , S . W . 1615 ; Francis C . Compton , Org . 161 ^ ; Dr . H . Sutherland , P . M . 1118 ; Robt . Fyers , S . D . 1615 ; Major Shadwell Cleike , W . M . 13 S 3 , 1615 ; Capt . W . ' F . Portlock Dailson , See . 1615 ; John llervey , G . Sic . ; au . l H . Masscv ( " Freemason " ) .
Bro . John Citynnweth opened the ludg .-, having Lord Skelmcrsdalc on his left and the Rev . Canon Harford on his right . Bro . John II . Scott occupied the chair of S . W ., and Dr . Sutherland that of J . W . ; Bro . Keene was Secretary ; Bro . E . M . Lott , Organist ; Canon Harford , Chaplain ; and Major S ' udwrll Clerke , M . C . Bro . Kteae also acted as I . G .
After the lodge had been opene I in the three degrees , Lord Skelmcisdalc succeeded Bro . Chynoweth in the chair , and proceede 1 to amscrrate the lodge . Cirjoi ) IJar / onJ added more than ordinary impressivencss to the ceremony by his pointed delivery of the prayer and invocations . which were given without reference to a single written document . The scrip'ure portions were also eloquently read by the
rev . brother , and no opportunity was lost of impairing to the ceremony the most solemn ami religious character . The only cause for regret was that with such an able Chaplain in the lodge there was no oration by that brother , as , had there been , no doubt it would have compared favourably with any of those literary compositions . When the ceremony of consecration had been completed
Lord Skelnursdale , addressing the brethren , said that he greatly regretted that numerous engagements forbade him staying in the lodge any longer . He must , therefore , be debarred from participating in the pleasure of witnessing the installation of the W . M . or joining the brethren at the bai . quet . But it had given him great pleasure to be present and perform the ceremony of consecration , and he
wished the lodge which had just been dedicated every prosperity . The Rev . Dr . Robbins said that before his lordship retired he must , on behalf of the lodge , go somewhat out of the usual order at that period of the proceedings to thank the Deputy Grand Master sincerely fur having attended , and so impressively consecrated the lodge . It was a great
honour his lordship had done the lodge , and it was , moreover , a great personal kindness to himself ( Dr . Robbins ) . He hoped , and all the brethren hoped , that Lord Skelmersdale would allow them to enrol him as an honorary member of the Canterbury Lodge . Lord Skelmersdale thanked Dr . Robbins , and said he should accept the lv . nouv with pleasure .
I lis lordship then retired , arid Bro . Chynoweth took the chair . Major Shadwell Clerke presented the Rev . J . Robbins , D . D ., W . M . designate , for installation , and Bro . Chynoweth formally installed him in the chair of K . S . The officers invested were Bros , the Rev . Canon Harford , Westminster Abbey , S . W . ; James Keene , J . W . ; Dr .
Grigg , S . D . ; H . Evil ! , J . D . ; Thomas Holme Davies , Sec ; Gordan Adam , l . G . 5 E . M . Lott , Org . ; Col . Somerville Burnty , to act as P . M . ; Bro . Evill , to act as Treas . pro tern ; Major Shadwell Clerke , M . C . ; and George Austin , Tyler . Bro . Chynoweth afterwards delivered the addresses . The W . M . then rose and said that the first duty that
devolved upon him was to propose a resolution in which he was sure all the brethren would most heartily concur . They had been most fortunate that evening in securing the services of so emintn * . a brother in Freemasonry as the Deputy Grand Master , arid it would be as pleasing to the whole of the brethren to pass as , it was io him ( the W . M . ) to propose , a vote of thanks to his lordship for attending to
censecrate the lodge . I If , therefore , proposed that vote of thanks . The S . W . seconded the motion , and said that all the brethren mtst feel that they were greatly indebted to Lord Skelmersdale for what he had done . The motion was then put and carried unanimously . The W . M . next proposed a vote of thanks to the other brethren who had assisted , among them Bro . Chynoweth ,
Consecration Of The Canterbury Lodge, No. 1635.
who had so ably performed the duties of Installing Master I le was sure that there must be a very great difficulty j n committing the varied charges to memory so as to deliver them with such accuracy as Bro . Chynoweth had don ,, Tlicy had also to thank Major Shadwell Cleike for his * ability , and for displaying that courtesy which was so habitual to him . To that wonderful skill in organzati 0 n
which was . pait of his nature the brethren were indebted for the smooth and regular way in which everything had gone that evening . The consecration had been the m impressive of ceremonies , they must all admit , that they had ever seen in their lives . That was mainly due t 0 Major Sha . lwell Clerke . He must also say , en passant that for the way in which the Chaplain had performed his
duttcs the brethren could not thank him sufficiently . I ) - would include in his vote of thanks , therefore Bros . Cbj-no . vveth , Major Shadwell Clerke , Bro . Locock Webb , Br < . \ John Hervey , and Bro . Scott , all of whom had contributed to the great success of the evening ' s ceremony . Colonel Buriv : y seconded the vote , which was thereupon put and carried .
Tb- W . M . then said that he had already asked Lord Skeli < r-rsdale to accept honorary membership of the lod ge , and Lis lordship had expressed his willingness to do s ( , . He now would ask the other brethren who had assisted tu accept tlie same position , and he would , therefore , move that Grand Secretary , Bro . Locock Webb , Bro . Chynoweth Captain Philips , Major Shadwell Clerke , Bro . Lott , and Dr .
Sutherland , be elected honorary members of the lodge , | L > would tak . 7 them en bloc to save lime . The J . W . seconded the motion , and the brethren pass : J it nem . con . Bro . Locock Webb , Q . C ., in acknowledging the conipli . ment said he could not allow the proceedings to go further without asking permission to return thanks for the
honour which had been done to himself and the other braii . rtn by this vote of the lodge . The lodge had 1 cm good enough to mention his name for two reasons , first if all fir his coming on that tccasion , and they had been good enough to say that they were obliged to him for it ; hut really he had to than ' : the W . M . for his kindness in inviting him , for he felt very much honoured indeed by the
invitation j secondly the lodge had done him the honour to elect l . im an honorary member ; ami he accepted that honuur with the greatest thanks . Grand Secretary bad been gon . l enough to request him to accept another , that of returning thanks for him . Grand Secretary felt the honour dime him as much as he ( Bro . Locock Webb ) did ; and it was only his natural diffidence , and that his heart was tun
full to give utterance to his feelings that he ( Grand Stcre - tary ) did not return thanks for himself . Bro . Chynoweth , responding for himself , said he was exceedingly thankful to the brethren for the honour they had conferred 011 him by electing him an honorary member , and for the very courteous terms in which the W . M . had proposed the vote of thanks for the assistance he li . nl
bi : en able to render . He was sorry that in the opening ceremony he was not very fluent ; but he had beeri called unexpectedly to act , otherwise he would have been au fait to the work . A man got naturally a little rusty by Hying by , and there would then unavoidably be a little hesitation in his performance of the ceremonies . It was not often one had the opportunity of practising them , and he must
beg the brethren's indulgence for any imperfections lie had fallen into . Major Shadwell Clerke thanked the W . M . and the lodge for the kind compliment they had paid him , and assured the brethren of the pleasure it had given him to be of any service to them . Propositions for initiation and joining were afterward <
taken , and a committee was appointed to frame the byilaws ; after which lodge was closed , and adjourned to tlie 14 th inst . The brethren subsequently partook of banquet at lie Cafe Royal , Regent-street , and the customary toasts writhonoured before they separated for the evening . [ The above appeared in the Second Edition of last week . ]
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The monthly meeting of the Committee of this lustitu tion was held 011 Wednesday at Freemason ' s Hall , Bri ' Col . Crcaton presiding . There were also present llros John Constable , J . T . Stevens , W . Hale , C . A . Cottebrunr , lames Brett , A . II . Tattcrshall , John Newton , Thus . VY White , S . Ruwson , Charles Lacey , A . J . D . Filer , f
Adlard , Robert W . Little , W . Stephens , George Bolton , Dr . Jabez Hogg , W . Hyde Pullen , J . A . Farnfield , Rich Hervc Girard , John Hirst , jun ., L . Stean , John M . Uei ! - well , J . R . Gallant , Thomas Fenn , H . Massey ("' l- ' riV ' mason" ) anil James Terry ( Secretary ) . After the coiifirmalion of the minutes , Bro . Terry stated that he ha ' ' applied to Lord Skelmersdale as to the Chairman for flit
Festival of 1877 , and had received an answer from !•' lordship , in which he advised him to apply to Bro . Collins Equerry to Prince Leopold . He did so , and received a reply staling his Royal Highness ' s willingness in that respect , but that as the date was so far distant fie cuuM g ive no definite reply . Bro . Terry stated that he had » ' doubt Prince Leopold will take the chair .
The Warden ' s report was received , and the Commute ' who had visited the Institution expressed their gratib cation at the style in which they found all the arrangr ments there . On application from the widow of a deceased
annuitant for half her late husband ' s annuity , the same wa » granted . This is the first case which has occurred unJf the increased grant . , . A letter was read from a brother at Boston , raising tin - novel point of whether the widow of a Freemason , wr . » after her first husband ' s death married a non-Mason , ais