Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 4 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 3 of 4 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 3 of 4 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
upon their brother , was in his opinion , a very proper testimony to merit and ability , and he was sure every brother in the lodge would take it ns a compliment to No . ( jo . " ,. He had watched the Masonic careerof their distinguished brother , and from the zeal , ability , and energy he had
displayed , lis considered that the P . G . Lodge of Cumberland anel Westmoreland had , in his case , maintained the gran : ! landmarks of the Order , " merit and ability , " in the selection of the W . M . of No . r . 390 , as P . G . S . B . He hoped the lodge would convey to Worshipful Bro . R . Dodgson ,
their sincere and hearty congratulations . The W . M ., in seconding the proposition , expressed his entire concurrence in the testimony borne by P . M . Barber , to the zeal , ability , and perseverance manifested by Bro . R . Dodgson in Masonry , and in submitting the resolution to the
brethren , suggested that their acquiescence might be testified by heartily joining in that Masonic chant , " Prosper the Art , " which was rendered in a joyous and spirited manner . Bro . R . Dodgson said he replied with much diffidence , anel in thankinjr the brethren for this additional mark of
their esteem , remarked that he looked upon the appointment more as a compliment to the Whitwell Lodge , No . 1 , 390 , than a reward for any services he had been able to render to Masonry . W . Bro . Quartermaster Sergeant Case , P . M ., P . G . J . 86 , 995 , 1 . 390 , 1 . 39 S , and Bro .
Sergeantmajor Paxton , Sec , testified to the profuse hospitality and fraternal greeting they had received during thier recent visit to Bel gium from the Lodge of Liberty at Ghent . Bro . W . B . Atherstone , who was proposed as a joining member , addressed the W . M . aud brethren , bestowiusr .
high praise on the excellent manner in which the work ing of the lodge was carried out . He thought it did them great credit , and proposed hearty good wishes from lodges 11 , ; , 9 - 0 , 9 86 , and 1 , 390 . Bro . A . W . Orr , in tendering the good wishes of No , 9 86 , said he had often heard of the
handsome Hall at I [ version , and the correctness of the working ; but he had never witnessed the fine ritual of the Order so effectuall y and musically rendered . Bro . Hunt , of the Joppa Lodge , London , expressed himself hi ghly gratified that he had an opportunity of visiting the lodge . It
was his privilege to attend several London lodges , and he could say that in the whole of his Masonic experience he had never seen a better appointed or more richly elecorateel Temple , neither had he been present on any occasion where the ceremonial had been more correctly rendered .
He thought the arrangements of the choir were of such a perfect character as to greatly enhance the work of the evening . The whole business rellecteel great creelit upon the W . M . and his oliicers , and it would all ' ord him great pleasure
to report io the lodges with which he was connected , the agreeable surprise he had met with , lie concluded with good wishes . 'l'he choir mustered in good force , and rendered most substantial aid during the proceedings . The lodge was closed in ancient form , and with solemn prayer .
11 AMPS ] II KI ; . Ai . nr . Rsiior . —Aldershot Cam / i Lodge ( No . J . 3 . 5 1 . )—The monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Royal Hotel , High-st ., on the 3 rd inst . In the absence ofthe W . M ., Bro . J . Fenn , who has been removed lo Dorchester , the chair of K . S . was occupied by Bro . C . Carnegie' J . P .
M ., P . G . Purst . Hants , who was supported by the following oliicers : Pirns . J . Osmund , I' . M ; Capt . Richardson . A' . / , ' ., S . W : A . McKenzie , | . W ; R . White , Sec : T . W . Mayer , as S . D : K . ' Pennett , J . D ; F . Anderson , I . G ; I . ' . 1 , tteas , () . G . There were several visiting brethren from the
regiments lately arrived in camp , l'he lodge was opened in form , ami the minutes of the hist meeting read , and conlirmed . A ballot was then taken for Sergt . W . Drew , A . S . Corps , a candidate for initiation , and for Bro . Kdmonel , locio , as a joining member , which proved unanimous in
each case . Pro . 1 larper a candidate for tiie F . C . degree , was examined repecling his proficiency in the former degree , which proving satisfactory , lie eras entrusted with a test of merit , and retired , l'he lod ge was then opened in the second degree , ami Bros . Thomas and Munro . candidates fur the M . M . elcgrce , were examined respecting their
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
proficiency in the F . C . degree , which being satisfactory , they were Intrusted , and retired . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and Bros . Thomas anel Munro were raised to the sublime degree ; the S . W . explaining the working tools in his usual effective manner , and the W . M .
pro tem . giving the Charge , and putting round the questions appertaining to the degree , for the information the newly raised brethren . The lodge was closed down to the second degree , anel Bro . Harper passed to thc F . C . degree , the J . W . presenting the working tools . The lodge was closed
down to the hrst degree , and Sorgt . Drew , A . S . Corps , was initiated into Masonry by Bro . Osmond , P . M ., the S . W . presenting the working teiols . The brethren then proceeded to the election of W . M . for the ensuing year , when Bro . Capt . Richardson , R . E ; was unanimously chosen ; Bro .
C . Carnegie , LP . M ; was unanimously elected Tieasurer , and Bro . Marversly , O . G . Bro . Dillon of the Goderich Lodge , Leeds , signed his Grand Lodge Certificate , which was then presented to him by the W . M . protein . It was proposed by Bro . Osmond , P . M . seconded by Bro .
Bennett , J . D , and unanimously agreed to , that the outgoing W . M . Bro . J . Fenn , he presented with a Past Master ' s jewel , suitably inscribed Two brethren were proposed as joining members , and some other business transacted , the lodge was closed in peace , harmony , and brotherly love .
SCOTLAND . CONSECRATION OR ST . ANDREW ' LODIIK , AlJF . RDRKN . This lodge was consecrated on Wednesday , the 18 th September , by the R . W . Bro . Capt . Hunter , F . R . S . and F . S . A . Scotland ,. Prov .
G . M . of Aberdeenshire East , anel his oflicers , their was a large assemblage of the brethren of the province , every loelge being representcd , besides brethren from the Aberdeen City province , with the R . W . Bro . Dr . Beveridge , the P . G . M . of that province .
Ihe Craft Lodge was openeel at six o clock at the St . Andrew ' s Hall , and the P . G . M . and his officers received at seven . The impressiveness of the consecration was much enhanced by the P . G . Chaplains , the V . W . Bros . Jeilm Stewart
and McLean . Bro . McLean , of Fraserburgh , delivered an able address on the History of Freemasonry in Scotland from an early age . The music was led by Bro . Skakle of St . George ' s Lodge , Aberdeen , anel was well executed .
Alter the ceremony was over the brethren aeljourned to refreshment tit the E piscopal School room , kindly given up to them by Bro . the Kev . Webster , of the St . Anelrew ' s Lodge . After the usual loyal ami Masonic toasts , the meeting
broke up at an early houiyas many of the brethren hael great distances to go . l'he spirited way in which the St . Andrew ' s Lodge has been eonducted since il was started received as it well deserved the' warmest commendations ( rom the Provincial Grand Master .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
also present : —Comps . Lord Skelmersdale , H . ; W . Johnston , Z . 11 . 3 : } . Skeaf , P . ProwG . O-, J . 216 ; D . Jones , P . Z ., j . Jones , E . ; T . Nevett , E . 11 , 3 ; R . Landless , W . Smith , J ., 314 ; Wilson , 3 . 33 ; Heap , J ., , 33 . 3 ; Ware 3 . 33 ; Collis , 345 ; Greaves , 11 . 3 ; Poole , E ., 333 ;
Crossley ;> . 3 . 3 . 3 ; J- Wood , 1094 , Treasurer 249 ; C , Haswell , and others . In the course of the consecration ceremonial , an admirable oration , written by Comp . Younghusband , now of London , was delivered with
impressive effect by Comp . S . Forrest . Comp . Skeaf presided at the organ with his well-known ability , and his anthem , " Behold how good , " anel other incidental pieces written by him , received fine rendering by Comps . J . Jones , D . Jones , and C . Haswell .
After the chapter had been constituted in antient form , Comp . Mott proceeded with the installation of Principals . Comp . Lord Skelmersdale was installeel anel invested as Z . ; Comp . Ralph Landless as H . ; and Comp . James Porter as T .
Ihe First Principal then duly installed the following as his officers : —Comps . Thos . Nevctt , S . E . ; R . Robinson , P . S . ; Capt . Whitehead , S . N . ; and Steib , J . At the conclusion of the business a sumptuous banquet , tabled in splendid style was served in the
large dining hall of the " Clifton , " Comp . Lord Skelmersdale , Z ., presiding . During the evening , the health of his Lordship was proposed by Com ]) . C . J . Martyn , who said he hael heard with pleasure at the M . M . ' s meeting in Alanchester that his esteemed friend ,
Lord Skelmersdale , was to be installed First Principal of the new chapter at Blackpool . Han ' ng been present at his initiation into Masonry , he ( Comp . Martyn ) had watched with great pleasure his career in the Craft , and it hael given him unbounded delight to be present that
clay . He had travelled to Blackpool specially for that purpose . He hael been very much impressed with the efficient manner in which Comp . Mott had performed the ceremonies of consecration anel installation , which , in the
whole course of his experience he had never seen excelled . He was also very much pleaseel with the oration which had been delivered by Comp . Forrest . He concluded by wishing the greatest prosperity to the new chapter .
In response , Lord Skelmersdale said the princi ples of the Craft were very dear to him , and for that reason he had endeavoured to promote its interests in every way . It had given him great pleasure indeed , to see his esteemed friend , the P . G . Chaplain , present on that occasion . Above all , his thanks were due to his Excellent ¦
Companion Mott , as well as Companion Landless , for their exertions in establishing that chapter , anel the former , for the impressive manner in which he had performed the ceremonies of Consecration and Installation . He hael no doubt that , from what he had seen that day , the chapter would become one of the most successful in the
Province . " The Queen , " " The Prince and Princess of Wales , and the rest ofthe Royal Family , "; "The Army , Navy , and the Auxiliary Forces , " " The Marquis of Ripon , M . E . Grand Principal , and the rest of the Officers of the Supreme Granel
Chapter , " " The Consecrating Officer , ' " The Visiting Companions , " and " All poor and distressed Alnsons , "' were the other toasts on the list . We have great pleasure in announcing that there is every prospect of a successful career in store
for the new chapter , as fourteen members of Lodge 70 . 3 were proposed b y the First Principal for exaltation . Great praise is due to Comp . Landless , IL , for promoting the new chapter , as it is through his exertions it has been established .
SCOTLAND . Gi . Asuow . —The Caledonian L / nilij Chapter ( No . 73 ) . —This ehapv ' . ; i met at the Masonic Hall , on September 2 j . ' , for the election and installation of officers , Companion David Gilchrist , M . K . Z ., presiding , who , in a feeling speech ,
announced his regret at having to leave' litem , after their kindness in having unanimousl y re-nominated him to that high ollice ; but as he was about very unexpectedly to sail for Canada , he must ask them to elect some one else in his
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
Last Friday afternoon , the 4 th inst ., there was a large assembl y of Royal Arch Masons at the Clifton Arms and Pier Hotel , Blackpool , for the purpose of assisting at the consecration ofthe Clifton Chapter , No . 703 .
The interest in the business was greatly increased by the fact that Com ]) , the Ri ght lion . Lord Skelmersdale had consented to take the chair as First Principal , thereb y giving fresh evielence of his zeal for the Masonic cause , anel his willingness to give active hel p in the furtherance
of its prosperity and standing . By appointment , tlie ceremonies of consecration anel installation were performed by Comp . A . C . Mott , 32 , 129 , 148 , 178 , 341 , 680 , 82 . 3 , 10 S 6 , P . Z ., P . Prov . G . S . N ., ( whose working was ofthe most efficient and impressive kind ) ,
valuble assistance given by Com ]) , the Rev . C . | . Martyn , P . G . Chaplain of Kngland ; 'P . Aslmiore , P . Z ., ' as 11 . ; S . Forrest , Z . ' S 23 , and P . M . 241 , as J . b ' ryer , P . Z . as S . K . ; R . Robinson , P . Z ., tib S . N . ; and bteib , as 11 . l'he follow hie were
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
upon their brother , was in his opinion , a very proper testimony to merit and ability , and he was sure every brother in the lodge would take it ns a compliment to No . ( jo . " ,. He had watched the Masonic careerof their distinguished brother , and from the zeal , ability , and energy he had
displayed , lis considered that the P . G . Lodge of Cumberland anel Westmoreland had , in his case , maintained the gran : ! landmarks of the Order , " merit and ability , " in the selection of the W . M . of No . r . 390 , as P . G . S . B . He hoped the lodge would convey to Worshipful Bro . R . Dodgson ,
their sincere and hearty congratulations . The W . M ., in seconding the proposition , expressed his entire concurrence in the testimony borne by P . M . Barber , to the zeal , ability , and perseverance manifested by Bro . R . Dodgson in Masonry , and in submitting the resolution to the
brethren , suggested that their acquiescence might be testified by heartily joining in that Masonic chant , " Prosper the Art , " which was rendered in a joyous and spirited manner . Bro . R . Dodgson said he replied with much diffidence , anel in thankinjr the brethren for this additional mark of
their esteem , remarked that he looked upon the appointment more as a compliment to the Whitwell Lodge , No . 1 , 390 , than a reward for any services he had been able to render to Masonry . W . Bro . Quartermaster Sergeant Case , P . M ., P . G . J . 86 , 995 , 1 . 390 , 1 . 39 S , and Bro .
Sergeantmajor Paxton , Sec , testified to the profuse hospitality and fraternal greeting they had received during thier recent visit to Bel gium from the Lodge of Liberty at Ghent . Bro . W . B . Atherstone , who was proposed as a joining member , addressed the W . M . aud brethren , bestowiusr .
high praise on the excellent manner in which the work ing of the lodge was carried out . He thought it did them great credit , and proposed hearty good wishes from lodges 11 , ; , 9 - 0 , 9 86 , and 1 , 390 . Bro . A . W . Orr , in tendering the good wishes of No , 9 86 , said he had often heard of the
handsome Hall at I [ version , and the correctness of the working ; but he had never witnessed the fine ritual of the Order so effectuall y and musically rendered . Bro . Hunt , of the Joppa Lodge , London , expressed himself hi ghly gratified that he had an opportunity of visiting the lodge . It
was his privilege to attend several London lodges , and he could say that in the whole of his Masonic experience he had never seen a better appointed or more richly elecorateel Temple , neither had he been present on any occasion where the ceremonial had been more correctly rendered .
He thought the arrangements of the choir were of such a perfect character as to greatly enhance the work of the evening . The whole business rellecteel great creelit upon the W . M . and his oliicers , and it would all ' ord him great pleasure
to report io the lodges with which he was connected , the agreeable surprise he had met with , lie concluded with good wishes . 'l'he choir mustered in good force , and rendered most substantial aid during the proceedings . The lodge was closed in ancient form , and with solemn prayer .
11 AMPS ] II KI ; . Ai . nr . Rsiior . —Aldershot Cam / i Lodge ( No . J . 3 . 5 1 . )—The monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Royal Hotel , High-st ., on the 3 rd inst . In the absence ofthe W . M ., Bro . J . Fenn , who has been removed lo Dorchester , the chair of K . S . was occupied by Bro . C . Carnegie' J . P .
M ., P . G . Purst . Hants , who was supported by the following oliicers : Pirns . J . Osmund , I' . M ; Capt . Richardson . A' . / , ' ., S . W : A . McKenzie , | . W ; R . White , Sec : T . W . Mayer , as S . D : K . ' Pennett , J . D ; F . Anderson , I . G ; I . ' . 1 , tteas , () . G . There were several visiting brethren from the
regiments lately arrived in camp , l'he lodge was opened in form , ami the minutes of the hist meeting read , and conlirmed . A ballot was then taken for Sergt . W . Drew , A . S . Corps , a candidate for initiation , and for Bro . Kdmonel , locio , as a joining member , which proved unanimous in
each case . Pro . 1 larper a candidate for tiie F . C . degree , was examined repecling his proficiency in the former degree , which proving satisfactory , lie eras entrusted with a test of merit , and retired , l'he lod ge was then opened in the second degree , ami Bros . Thomas and Munro . candidates fur the M . M . elcgrce , were examined respecting their
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
proficiency in the F . C . degree , which being satisfactory , they were Intrusted , and retired . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and Bros . Thomas anel Munro were raised to the sublime degree ; the S . W . explaining the working tools in his usual effective manner , and the W . M .
pro tem . giving the Charge , and putting round the questions appertaining to the degree , for the information the newly raised brethren . The lodge was closed down to the second degree , anel Bro . Harper passed to thc F . C . degree , the J . W . presenting the working tools . The lodge was closed
down to the hrst degree , and Sorgt . Drew , A . S . Corps , was initiated into Masonry by Bro . Osmond , P . M ., the S . W . presenting the working teiols . The brethren then proceeded to the election of W . M . for the ensuing year , when Bro . Capt . Richardson , R . E ; was unanimously chosen ; Bro .
C . Carnegie , LP . M ; was unanimously elected Tieasurer , and Bro . Marversly , O . G . Bro . Dillon of the Goderich Lodge , Leeds , signed his Grand Lodge Certificate , which was then presented to him by the W . M . protein . It was proposed by Bro . Osmond , P . M . seconded by Bro .
Bennett , J . D , and unanimously agreed to , that the outgoing W . M . Bro . J . Fenn , he presented with a Past Master ' s jewel , suitably inscribed Two brethren were proposed as joining members , and some other business transacted , the lodge was closed in peace , harmony , and brotherly love .
SCOTLAND . CONSECRATION OR ST . ANDREW ' LODIIK , AlJF . RDRKN . This lodge was consecrated on Wednesday , the 18 th September , by the R . W . Bro . Capt . Hunter , F . R . S . and F . S . A . Scotland ,. Prov .
G . M . of Aberdeenshire East , anel his oflicers , their was a large assemblage of the brethren of the province , every loelge being representcd , besides brethren from the Aberdeen City province , with the R . W . Bro . Dr . Beveridge , the P . G . M . of that province .
Ihe Craft Lodge was openeel at six o clock at the St . Andrew ' s Hall , and the P . G . M . and his officers received at seven . The impressiveness of the consecration was much enhanced by the P . G . Chaplains , the V . W . Bros . Jeilm Stewart
and McLean . Bro . McLean , of Fraserburgh , delivered an able address on the History of Freemasonry in Scotland from an early age . The music was led by Bro . Skakle of St . George ' s Lodge , Aberdeen , anel was well executed .
Alter the ceremony was over the brethren aeljourned to refreshment tit the E piscopal School room , kindly given up to them by Bro . the Kev . Webster , of the St . Anelrew ' s Lodge . After the usual loyal ami Masonic toasts , the meeting
broke up at an early houiyas many of the brethren hael great distances to go . l'he spirited way in which the St . Andrew ' s Lodge has been eonducted since il was started received as it well deserved the' warmest commendations ( rom the Provincial Grand Master .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
also present : —Comps . Lord Skelmersdale , H . ; W . Johnston , Z . 11 . 3 : } . Skeaf , P . ProwG . O-, J . 216 ; D . Jones , P . Z ., j . Jones , E . ; T . Nevett , E . 11 , 3 ; R . Landless , W . Smith , J ., 314 ; Wilson , 3 . 33 ; Heap , J ., , 33 . 3 ; Ware 3 . 33 ; Collis , 345 ; Greaves , 11 . 3 ; Poole , E ., 333 ;
Crossley ;> . 3 . 3 . 3 ; J- Wood , 1094 , Treasurer 249 ; C , Haswell , and others . In the course of the consecration ceremonial , an admirable oration , written by Comp . Younghusband , now of London , was delivered with
impressive effect by Comp . S . Forrest . Comp . Skeaf presided at the organ with his well-known ability , and his anthem , " Behold how good , " anel other incidental pieces written by him , received fine rendering by Comps . J . Jones , D . Jones , and C . Haswell .
After the chapter had been constituted in antient form , Comp . Mott proceeded with the installation of Principals . Comp . Lord Skelmersdale was installeel anel invested as Z . ; Comp . Ralph Landless as H . ; and Comp . James Porter as T .
Ihe First Principal then duly installed the following as his officers : —Comps . Thos . Nevctt , S . E . ; R . Robinson , P . S . ; Capt . Whitehead , S . N . ; and Steib , J . At the conclusion of the business a sumptuous banquet , tabled in splendid style was served in the
large dining hall of the " Clifton , " Comp . Lord Skelmersdale , Z ., presiding . During the evening , the health of his Lordship was proposed by Com ]) . C . J . Martyn , who said he hael heard with pleasure at the M . M . ' s meeting in Alanchester that his esteemed friend ,
Lord Skelmersdale , was to be installed First Principal of the new chapter at Blackpool . Han ' ng been present at his initiation into Masonry , he ( Comp . Martyn ) had watched with great pleasure his career in the Craft , and it hael given him unbounded delight to be present that
clay . He had travelled to Blackpool specially for that purpose . He hael been very much impressed with the efficient manner in which Comp . Mott had performed the ceremonies of consecration anel installation , which , in the
whole course of his experience he had never seen excelled . He was also very much pleaseel with the oration which had been delivered by Comp . Forrest . He concluded by wishing the greatest prosperity to the new chapter .
In response , Lord Skelmersdale said the princi ples of the Craft were very dear to him , and for that reason he had endeavoured to promote its interests in every way . It had given him great pleasure indeed , to see his esteemed friend , the P . G . Chaplain , present on that occasion . Above all , his thanks were due to his Excellent ¦
Companion Mott , as well as Companion Landless , for their exertions in establishing that chapter , anel the former , for the impressive manner in which he had performed the ceremonies of Consecration and Installation . He hael no doubt that , from what he had seen that day , the chapter would become one of the most successful in the
Province . " The Queen , " " The Prince and Princess of Wales , and the rest ofthe Royal Family , "; "The Army , Navy , and the Auxiliary Forces , " " The Marquis of Ripon , M . E . Grand Principal , and the rest of the Officers of the Supreme Granel
Chapter , " " The Consecrating Officer , ' " The Visiting Companions , " and " All poor and distressed Alnsons , "' were the other toasts on the list . We have great pleasure in announcing that there is every prospect of a successful career in store
for the new chapter , as fourteen members of Lodge 70 . 3 were proposed b y the First Principal for exaltation . Great praise is due to Comp . Landless , IL , for promoting the new chapter , as it is through his exertions it has been established .
SCOTLAND . Gi . Asuow . —The Caledonian L / nilij Chapter ( No . 73 ) . —This ehapv ' . ; i met at the Masonic Hall , on September 2 j . ' , for the election and installation of officers , Companion David Gilchrist , M . K . Z ., presiding , who , in a feeling speech ,
announced his regret at having to leave' litem , after their kindness in having unanimousl y re-nominated him to that high ollice ; but as he was about very unexpectedly to sail for Canada , he must ask them to elect some one else in his
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
Last Friday afternoon , the 4 th inst ., there was a large assembl y of Royal Arch Masons at the Clifton Arms and Pier Hotel , Blackpool , for the purpose of assisting at the consecration ofthe Clifton Chapter , No . 703 .
The interest in the business was greatly increased by the fact that Com ]) , the Ri ght lion . Lord Skelmersdale had consented to take the chair as First Principal , thereb y giving fresh evielence of his zeal for the Masonic cause , anel his willingness to give active hel p in the furtherance
of its prosperity and standing . By appointment , tlie ceremonies of consecration anel installation were performed by Comp . A . C . Mott , 32 , 129 , 148 , 178 , 341 , 680 , 82 . 3 , 10 S 6 , P . Z ., P . Prov . G . S . N ., ( whose working was ofthe most efficient and impressive kind ) ,
valuble assistance given by Com ]) , the Rev . C . | . Martyn , P . G . Chaplain of Kngland ; 'P . Aslmiore , P . Z ., ' as 11 . ; S . Forrest , Z . ' S 23 , and P . M . 241 , as J . b ' ryer , P . Z . as S . K . ; R . Robinson , P . Z ., tib S . N . ; and bteib , as 11 . l'he follow hie were