Article Royal Arch. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Lodges and Chapter of Instruction. Page 1 of 1 Article Lodges and Chapter of Instruction. Page 1 of 1 Article Allied Masonic Degrees. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Royal Arch.
In reply , Comp . Otto Wartmann said he had been very greatly impressed by the beautiful ritual , and felt quite at home in seeing the faces of such excellent companions around him . His one aim would be to prove his worthiness . In presenting the toast of " The Visitors , " the M . E . Z . dilated upon the excellent virtues possessed by them , although not a large number . The chapter greeted them most cordially .
Comp . R . J . Voisey , in reply , stated the great pleasure it gave him at the very kind invitation of Comp . Benedetti , P . Z , to attend , and not for the first time . He remembered Ihe chap t er at its former home at Greenwich , and congratulated it upon the excellence of its work , which could not be wondered at , while under such a Preceptor as Comp . T . Grummant , P . Z . Their hospitality too was most warm and cordial . Comp . Carlo Grassi , M . E . Z . 1900 , although an old P . M . of the New Cross Lodge , and so well known , stated that it was his first visit , and it gave him the greatest pleasure to
attend and witness such splendid working which had greatly impressed him . The M . E Z . in proposing the toast of " 1 he H . and J ., " stated he had two excellent c-o-Principals . Of Comp . Barr , he was already doing suitable service in another chapter as J , and Comp . H . Hardman , J ., had been associated with the M . E . Z . for so many years , that all had great hopes of him , and all knew his value . Comp . R . Barr , H ., in reply , stated , with the very kind suffrages of the companions he had made rapid promotion . Certainly it was his ambition to aspire to the first chair .
His heart was in Royal Arch Masonry , and he greatly interested himself in its cause . His endeavour would be to give entire satisfaction , and earn any future promotion by merit . Comp . H . Hardman , J ., stated that he was greatly honoured by the position , and so soon after his attaching himself to the Star Chapter . He was indeed in need of in-. 'truction , which had been given him so ably by Comp . Voisey , who initiated him iG years ago , and also by Comp . Grummant at the chapter of instruction , which he would attend as regularly as possible to enable him to discharge the duties appertaining to the chairs .
The M . E . Z . next proposed the toast of " The P . Zs ., " of whom there were 11 p-csent , thereby showing their tower of strength to the chapter , and for which he felt greatly honoured . They were always ready , and cheerfully performed any duty so that the working of the chapter should maintain its high standard of merit . Comp . Chas . Meierhr IT , P . Z ., in reply , paid a very high compliment to the M . E . Z . and the younger officers who were coming forward and doing their work so ably through
the instrumentality of the excellent chapter of instruction , at which they were very fairly regular attendants . The Past Principals were grateful for the cordial reception of their toast , and promised hearty support during the coming year to uphold the prestige of the chapter . The toast of "The Treasurer and S . E . " was most ably tendered by the M . E . Z . who eulogised them as two most excellent and capable officers , and to whom the chapter was very greatly indebted .
Comp . Woolmer Williams , P . Z ., Treas ., replied . He was proud of the position of Treasurer , and also as senior Past Principal and one of the founders . He hoped to live for many years and be honoured as its Treasurer , and pledged himself to guard the funds most carefully and also to assist in any other office he was called upon to perform . For so cordial a greeting he heartily thanked the companions . Comp . T . Grummant , P . Z ., S . E ., very heartily thanked the M . E . Z . for his kind reference to his services , which were always most readily and cheerfully given . It had siven him verv great pleasure indeed duiing the past year under Comp . Dr . Makeham ,
who was now exalted to the rank of Past Principal ; also that he was proud to see the brethren of the New Cross Lodge honouring the chapter in their coming members . A great pleasure also to him was the admission of Bro . Otto Wartmann—now companion—and from appearances he foresaw a very bright future before the chapter , and hoped the present would be a record year . The M . E . Z . next presented the toast of "The Officers" in congratulatory and complimentary terms , which was most ably responded to by Comp . Witty , P . S . The Janitor ' s toast closed a most successful and happy convocation .
A capital programme of music was arranged under the direction of Bio . C . II , Mayo , most ably supported by Comps . Voisey , Grummant , C H . Stone , and Birr , and Bros . C . H . Mayo and C W . Stone . Bro . C . H . Mayo ably presided at the piano .
St . Dunstan ' s Chapter , No . 1589 . A meeting of this chapter was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 14 th ult . Among those present were Comp--. R . Even ? , M . E . Z . ; H . Clemow , P . Z ., li ; VV . Fanington . I . ; Major T . C . Walls , P . Z ., P . D . G . D . C , S . E . ; J . W . Gaze , P . Z ., Treas . ; and W . H . Nuding , LP . Z . The minutes of the previous convocati in were
read and confirmed . Communications regretting inability to attend were received from Comps . Phillips , S . N . ; F . Farrington , P . Z . ; VV . E . Farrington , P . Z . ; T . Farthing , P . Z . ; and others . The chapter was then closed . A banquet followed , when a few toasts were given and duly honoured , the proceedings terminating at an early hour .
. ^ Esculapius Chapter , No . 2410 . A convocation was held at the Criterion on Wednesday , the 13 th ult ., when the following Principals and officers were el cted for the ensuing year : Comps . Thomas Dutton , M . D ., M . E . Z . ; J . Pickett . M . D ., H . ; G . Crauford Thomson , M . D ., J . ; E . H . Ezard , M . D ., D . Sc , S . E . ; Montagu Simpson , S . N . ; H . Bradshaw , P . S . ; II . J . Sharpe , ist A . S . ; J . Davies , M . D ., 2 nd A . S . ; J . Brindley James , P . / .., D . C ; and R . T . Hacker Bodilly , Steward . A P . Z . ' s jewel was voted for Comp . Kiallmark , P . Z ., for the able manner he had presided over the chapter during his year of ofiice . After some formal business had been transacted , the chapter was closed .
Lodges And Chapter Of Instruction.
Lodges and Chapter of Instruction .
PROSPERITY LODGE , No . 65 . A meeting was held on Wednesday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Weavers' Arms , London Wall , E . C , when there were present Bros . Butcher , W . M . ; Kinipple , S . W . ; Graham , J . W . ; D . Harlow , P . M ., Preceptor ; Meadows , Sec . ; William Baker , S . D . ; the Rev . Selby-Henrey , J . D . ; Robeson , I . G . ; Harris , P . M . ; Ruse , P . M . ; Shadier , P . M . ; Spencer , Collins , Farr , Wise , Cuznor , Hucklc , Dobbs , Stafford , Locket , Lloyd , and Greig , Deputy Preceptor .
The lodge was opened in due form and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed , after which the ceremonies of initiation and installation were rehearsed . The lodge was then closed .
LA TOLERANCE LODGE , No . 538 . A meeting was held on Wednesday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Frascati Restaurant Oxtord-street , W ., when there were present Bros . M . Beedle , W . M . ; J . Goldstein , S . W . ; A . Butcher . J . W . J J . Paul , P . M ., Preceptor ; G . Hill , P . M ., Treas . ; T . W . Smale , P . M ., Sec ; A . Tidy , S . D . ; H . Mullins , J . D . ; B . Russell , I . G . ; W . Proctor , Tyler j W . Hancock , P . M . j L . Genese , A . Zeppenfeld , E . Bissell , J . Levy , J . Mason , G . A . Sturgess , J . Carnaby , H . Parker , C . Pinnell , Raphael , VV . Colley , and J . Leather
, The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Raphael being the candidate . The Iod / e was opened in the Third Degree , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Levy being the candidate , The lodge was resumed to the First Degree , and . Bro . Goldstein , S . VV ., was elected VV . M . for the ensuing week , and Bro . Raphael , 2265 , was elected a joining member , The lodge was closed .
A meeting was also held on the ioth inst ., when there were present Bros . J . L . Goldstein , W . M . j A . A . Butcher , S . W . j H . E . Mullins , J . W . j J . Paul , P . M ., Preceptor ; J . Thorn , P . M ., Asst . Preceptor ; W . E . Willby , P . M ., and T . Smale , P . M ., Sees . ; F . A . Zeppenfeld , S . D . ; C Loram , J . D . ; C . ) . Pinnell , I . G . ; VV . Proctor , P . M , Tyler ; H . C . Parker , L . G . Hammond , J . Levy , T . Mason , W . Cumberland , H . Raphael , and M . Beedle .
Lodges And Chapter Of Instruction.
The lodge was opened in due form and the minutes were read . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , llro . II . Raphael being the candidate . The lodge was opened in the Second and Third Degrees and resumed in the First . Bro . Cumberland , candidate for passing , was examined and entrusted . The lodge was resumed in the Second Degree , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Cumberland being the
candidate . Ihe 4 th Section of the Lecture was worked by Bro . J . Thorn , P . M . The W . M . rose for the first time and thc dues were collected . At the second rising Bro . A . A . Butcher , S . VV ., was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his officer in rotation . The W . M . rose for the third time , when all Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed .
ISLINGTON LODGE , No . 1471 . The usual weekly meeting was held on Tuesday , the gth inst ., at the Cock Tavern , Highbury , when there were present : Bros . E . J . Harrison W . M . ; C . Isler , S . VV . ; A . F . Hardyment , J . W . ; J . VV . Clarke , P . M ., P . P . G . P . Middx ., As * t . Preceptor ; C . M . Coxon , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Herls , and 1 . Duncan , P . M ., Sites . ; S . Cload , S . D . ; W . F . Roberts , J . D . ; L . Danielsson , I . G . ; G . J . Hanson , P . M . ; j . Birks , C . C . Renaud , G . Yexley , C . Smith , VV . Rap ' ey , F . A . ' Johnson , and H . B Harding , P . M .
The loage was opened and the minutes read and confirmed . It was then called off and on , and the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Rapley being the candidate . The ceremony of raiding was rehearsed , llro . Yexley being the candidate . Bro . Isler was elected VV . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed the officer ; in rotation . The lodge was then closed .
CITY OF WESTMINSTER LODGE , No . 15 G 3 . A meeting was held on Wednesday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Cafe Royal , Regent-street , W ., when there were present Bros . Mullins , VV . M . ; j . P . M . Marks , S . W . ; Ashplant J . VV . ; Stewart , ! Sec . ; Tofts , S . D . ; S vift , J . D . ; Homer , I . G . j Long , Tyler ; Fonseca , P . M . j Beach , and others . The lodge was opened in due form . Bro . Mullins rehearsed the cerem my ol
initiation , Hro . lofts acting as candidate . The VV . M . rehearsed the ceremony of investiture of officers , Bro . Swift actiny as D . C . After which Bro . J . P . M . Marks , assis ' ed by the brethren , worked the ist Section of the Lecture in his usual efficient manner , as also was the working of the 2 nd Section by liro . Sm ' th , P . M ., P . ecep ' or . The W . M . rose lor the fi'st time . The VV . M . rose for the second time , and lir-is . M lllin ; and Tofts were unanimnusly elected members of this lodge , an 1 they suitably re ^ poilel . Tne VV . M . rose for the third time , and the lodge was close ! .
STAR CHAPTER , No . 1275 . The usual weekly meeting was held at the Stirling Castle Hotel , Chu r ch- ^ treet , Camberwell , S . E ., on Friday , the 5 th inst . Present : Comps . Isaac Dunn , M . E ' / .. ; L » wis , II . ; C Plant , J .: T . Grummant . P . / .., Preceptor : C II . Stoie , P . Z ., S E . ; I . H . Cureton , P . Z ., S . N . ; Benedetti , P . Z ., P . S . ; Wills , North . Austin , Cass , and Hardin in . The minutes of the last convocation were read and conlirmed . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Austin personating the candidate . Comp . j . Austin , S . E . 115 S , was elected a joining member . Gimp . G . H . Lewis , H ., was elected M . E . Z . for Friday , ioth inst .
The chapter was placed at the disposal of the M . E . Z ., of the Stern lale Burnett Chapter , at the next meeting . A hearty vote of thanks wis accorded to Comp . Dunn , M . E . Z .. for the very able manner he rehearsed the ceremony for the first tim ' , and th : chapter closed .
Allied Masonic Degrees.
Allied Masonic Degrees .
Stewart Council , No . 16 . The installation meeting of this council was held on Wednesday , the 27 th ult ., at Mark Masons' Hall , when there were present Bros . A . Woodiwiss , W . M . ; J . Hill , S . W .: Thos . Taylor , J . W . ; I . Smith , S . D . ; S . Kilpin , J . D . ; C Belton , P . M . ; V . P . Wyatt , G . Chap . ; R . Gowan , VV . Briant , Major C Woolmer Williams , VV . Ryland , D . Adkins , W . J . Armitage , W . J . Ebbetts , C . F . Matier , Grand Sec . ; W . Vincent , G . D . C . ; Rob Voisey , W . M . Four Kings ; and W . B . CockburnS . G . W .
, The lodge was opened , the minutes read , and the Auditors' report received and adopted . Bro . C . F . Matier installed Bro . James Hill as W . M . in a most impressive manner . The newly-installed W . M . then appointed and invested his officers and worked the ceremonies of the Order of St . Lawrence , Knights of Constantinople and Red Cross of Bali ) Ion , in a very elYicient manner . The ceremony of the Anointed High IVi : st was
beautifully and correctly worked by the Grand Secretary , and the Lodge of St . Lawrence was resumed . The VV . M . presented , in the name of thc council , a beautifullychased cigar case with the emblem of the Order engraved on it , statin ? that it was presented by the council to the LP . M ., Bro . A . Woodiwiss , as a mark of their esteem and cf their appreciation of the manner in which he had conducted the work and business of the council during the past year . The council was then closed .
Thc council retired to the f'reemasons' Tavern , where the usual toists were proposed arid received , and a most pleasant evening was spent . The next regular meeting of this nourishing council will be held on the fourth Wednesday in June .
rated Society of Licensed Victuallers , held on the 2 nd inst . at the Licensed Victuallers School , Upper Kennington-lane , Bro . Christopher Sims was unanimously elected Governor of the society for the ensuing year . The Governor-elect subsequently received the congratulations [ of his colleagues on the Committee , Past Governors , Past Officers , and other friends of the society , who promised him their cordial assistance in his work during his year of office , which will commence in April next .
WEDNESDAY WAS thc 57 th anniversary of her Majesty's marriage with the late Prince Consort , which took place at St . James ' s Palace on the ioth February , 1 S 40 . The Queen has now been a widow over 35 years , the Prince Consort having died at Windsor on December 14 th , 1 SG 1 . AT THE USUAL monthly meeting of the Governor and Committee of the Incorpo-
What is the British Workman 's ? It is the Ideal Life Office—The Life Office of the People . What its Business ? Life Assurance—Ordinary and Industrial . What the Secret of its Wonderful Success ? The Equity and Liberality of its Terms . What has it done ? It has Popularised and Perfected Life Assurance . What its Annual Income ? It is rapidly approximating : to Half = a-Million Sterling . What its Rank ? Though only 30 } years old , it stands with respect to Premium Income the tenth in a list of British Life Offices .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
In reply , Comp . Otto Wartmann said he had been very greatly impressed by the beautiful ritual , and felt quite at home in seeing the faces of such excellent companions around him . His one aim would be to prove his worthiness . In presenting the toast of " The Visitors , " the M . E . Z . dilated upon the excellent virtues possessed by them , although not a large number . The chapter greeted them most cordially .
Comp . R . J . Voisey , in reply , stated the great pleasure it gave him at the very kind invitation of Comp . Benedetti , P . Z , to attend , and not for the first time . He remembered Ihe chap t er at its former home at Greenwich , and congratulated it upon the excellence of its work , which could not be wondered at , while under such a Preceptor as Comp . T . Grummant , P . Z . Their hospitality too was most warm and cordial . Comp . Carlo Grassi , M . E . Z . 1900 , although an old P . M . of the New Cross Lodge , and so well known , stated that it was his first visit , and it gave him the greatest pleasure to
attend and witness such splendid working which had greatly impressed him . The M . E Z . in proposing the toast of " 1 he H . and J ., " stated he had two excellent c-o-Principals . Of Comp . Barr , he was already doing suitable service in another chapter as J , and Comp . H . Hardman , J ., had been associated with the M . E . Z . for so many years , that all had great hopes of him , and all knew his value . Comp . R . Barr , H ., in reply , stated , with the very kind suffrages of the companions he had made rapid promotion . Certainly it was his ambition to aspire to the first chair .
His heart was in Royal Arch Masonry , and he greatly interested himself in its cause . His endeavour would be to give entire satisfaction , and earn any future promotion by merit . Comp . H . Hardman , J ., stated that he was greatly honoured by the position , and so soon after his attaching himself to the Star Chapter . He was indeed in need of in-. 'truction , which had been given him so ably by Comp . Voisey , who initiated him iG years ago , and also by Comp . Grummant at the chapter of instruction , which he would attend as regularly as possible to enable him to discharge the duties appertaining to the chairs .
The M . E . Z . next proposed the toast of " The P . Zs ., " of whom there were 11 p-csent , thereby showing their tower of strength to the chapter , and for which he felt greatly honoured . They were always ready , and cheerfully performed any duty so that the working of the chapter should maintain its high standard of merit . Comp . Chas . Meierhr IT , P . Z ., in reply , paid a very high compliment to the M . E . Z . and the younger officers who were coming forward and doing their work so ably through
the instrumentality of the excellent chapter of instruction , at which they were very fairly regular attendants . The Past Principals were grateful for the cordial reception of their toast , and promised hearty support during the coming year to uphold the prestige of the chapter . The toast of "The Treasurer and S . E . " was most ably tendered by the M . E . Z . who eulogised them as two most excellent and capable officers , and to whom the chapter was very greatly indebted .
Comp . Woolmer Williams , P . Z ., Treas ., replied . He was proud of the position of Treasurer , and also as senior Past Principal and one of the founders . He hoped to live for many years and be honoured as its Treasurer , and pledged himself to guard the funds most carefully and also to assist in any other office he was called upon to perform . For so cordial a greeting he heartily thanked the companions . Comp . T . Grummant , P . Z ., S . E ., very heartily thanked the M . E . Z . for his kind reference to his services , which were always most readily and cheerfully given . It had siven him verv great pleasure indeed duiing the past year under Comp . Dr . Makeham ,
who was now exalted to the rank of Past Principal ; also that he was proud to see the brethren of the New Cross Lodge honouring the chapter in their coming members . A great pleasure also to him was the admission of Bro . Otto Wartmann—now companion—and from appearances he foresaw a very bright future before the chapter , and hoped the present would be a record year . The M . E . Z . next presented the toast of "The Officers" in congratulatory and complimentary terms , which was most ably responded to by Comp . Witty , P . S . The Janitor ' s toast closed a most successful and happy convocation .
A capital programme of music was arranged under the direction of Bio . C . II , Mayo , most ably supported by Comps . Voisey , Grummant , C H . Stone , and Birr , and Bros . C . H . Mayo and C W . Stone . Bro . C . H . Mayo ably presided at the piano .
St . Dunstan ' s Chapter , No . 1589 . A meeting of this chapter was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 14 th ult . Among those present were Comp--. R . Even ? , M . E . Z . ; H . Clemow , P . Z ., li ; VV . Fanington . I . ; Major T . C . Walls , P . Z ., P . D . G . D . C , S . E . ; J . W . Gaze , P . Z ., Treas . ; and W . H . Nuding , LP . Z . The minutes of the previous convocati in were
read and confirmed . Communications regretting inability to attend were received from Comps . Phillips , S . N . ; F . Farrington , P . Z . ; VV . E . Farrington , P . Z . ; T . Farthing , P . Z . ; and others . The chapter was then closed . A banquet followed , when a few toasts were given and duly honoured , the proceedings terminating at an early hour .
. ^ Esculapius Chapter , No . 2410 . A convocation was held at the Criterion on Wednesday , the 13 th ult ., when the following Principals and officers were el cted for the ensuing year : Comps . Thomas Dutton , M . D ., M . E . Z . ; J . Pickett . M . D ., H . ; G . Crauford Thomson , M . D ., J . ; E . H . Ezard , M . D ., D . Sc , S . E . ; Montagu Simpson , S . N . ; H . Bradshaw , P . S . ; II . J . Sharpe , ist A . S . ; J . Davies , M . D ., 2 nd A . S . ; J . Brindley James , P . / .., D . C ; and R . T . Hacker Bodilly , Steward . A P . Z . ' s jewel was voted for Comp . Kiallmark , P . Z ., for the able manner he had presided over the chapter during his year of ofiice . After some formal business had been transacted , the chapter was closed .
Lodges And Chapter Of Instruction.
Lodges and Chapter of Instruction .
PROSPERITY LODGE , No . 65 . A meeting was held on Wednesday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Weavers' Arms , London Wall , E . C , when there were present Bros . Butcher , W . M . ; Kinipple , S . W . ; Graham , J . W . ; D . Harlow , P . M ., Preceptor ; Meadows , Sec . ; William Baker , S . D . ; the Rev . Selby-Henrey , J . D . ; Robeson , I . G . ; Harris , P . M . ; Ruse , P . M . ; Shadier , P . M . ; Spencer , Collins , Farr , Wise , Cuznor , Hucklc , Dobbs , Stafford , Locket , Lloyd , and Greig , Deputy Preceptor .
The lodge was opened in due form and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed , after which the ceremonies of initiation and installation were rehearsed . The lodge was then closed .
LA TOLERANCE LODGE , No . 538 . A meeting was held on Wednesday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Frascati Restaurant Oxtord-street , W ., when there were present Bros . M . Beedle , W . M . ; J . Goldstein , S . W . ; A . Butcher . J . W . J J . Paul , P . M ., Preceptor ; G . Hill , P . M ., Treas . ; T . W . Smale , P . M ., Sec ; A . Tidy , S . D . ; H . Mullins , J . D . ; B . Russell , I . G . ; W . Proctor , Tyler j W . Hancock , P . M . j L . Genese , A . Zeppenfeld , E . Bissell , J . Levy , J . Mason , G . A . Sturgess , J . Carnaby , H . Parker , C . Pinnell , Raphael , VV . Colley , and J . Leather
, The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Raphael being the candidate . The Iod / e was opened in the Third Degree , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Levy being the candidate , The lodge was resumed to the First Degree , and . Bro . Goldstein , S . VV ., was elected VV . M . for the ensuing week , and Bro . Raphael , 2265 , was elected a joining member , The lodge was closed .
A meeting was also held on the ioth inst ., when there were present Bros . J . L . Goldstein , W . M . j A . A . Butcher , S . W . j H . E . Mullins , J . W . j J . Paul , P . M ., Preceptor ; J . Thorn , P . M ., Asst . Preceptor ; W . E . Willby , P . M ., and T . Smale , P . M ., Sees . ; F . A . Zeppenfeld , S . D . ; C Loram , J . D . ; C . ) . Pinnell , I . G . ; VV . Proctor , P . M , Tyler ; H . C . Parker , L . G . Hammond , J . Levy , T . Mason , W . Cumberland , H . Raphael , and M . Beedle .
Lodges And Chapter Of Instruction.
The lodge was opened in due form and the minutes were read . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , llro . II . Raphael being the candidate . The lodge was opened in the Second and Third Degrees and resumed in the First . Bro . Cumberland , candidate for passing , was examined and entrusted . The lodge was resumed in the Second Degree , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Cumberland being the
candidate . Ihe 4 th Section of the Lecture was worked by Bro . J . Thorn , P . M . The W . M . rose for the first time and thc dues were collected . At the second rising Bro . A . A . Butcher , S . VV ., was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his officer in rotation . The W . M . rose for the third time , when all Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed .
ISLINGTON LODGE , No . 1471 . The usual weekly meeting was held on Tuesday , the gth inst ., at the Cock Tavern , Highbury , when there were present : Bros . E . J . Harrison W . M . ; C . Isler , S . VV . ; A . F . Hardyment , J . W . ; J . VV . Clarke , P . M ., P . P . G . P . Middx ., As * t . Preceptor ; C . M . Coxon , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Herls , and 1 . Duncan , P . M ., Sites . ; S . Cload , S . D . ; W . F . Roberts , J . D . ; L . Danielsson , I . G . ; G . J . Hanson , P . M . ; j . Birks , C . C . Renaud , G . Yexley , C . Smith , VV . Rap ' ey , F . A . ' Johnson , and H . B Harding , P . M .
The loage was opened and the minutes read and confirmed . It was then called off and on , and the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Rapley being the candidate . The ceremony of raiding was rehearsed , llro . Yexley being the candidate . Bro . Isler was elected VV . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed the officer ; in rotation . The lodge was then closed .
CITY OF WESTMINSTER LODGE , No . 15 G 3 . A meeting was held on Wednesday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Cafe Royal , Regent-street , W ., when there were present Bros . Mullins , VV . M . ; j . P . M . Marks , S . W . ; Ashplant J . VV . ; Stewart , ! Sec . ; Tofts , S . D . ; S vift , J . D . ; Homer , I . G . j Long , Tyler ; Fonseca , P . M . j Beach , and others . The lodge was opened in due form . Bro . Mullins rehearsed the cerem my ol
initiation , Hro . lofts acting as candidate . The VV . M . rehearsed the ceremony of investiture of officers , Bro . Swift actiny as D . C . After which Bro . J . P . M . Marks , assis ' ed by the brethren , worked the ist Section of the Lecture in his usual efficient manner , as also was the working of the 2 nd Section by liro . Sm ' th , P . M ., P . ecep ' or . The W . M . rose lor the fi'st time . The VV . M . rose for the second time , and lir-is . M lllin ; and Tofts were unanimnusly elected members of this lodge , an 1 they suitably re ^ poilel . Tne VV . M . rose for the third time , and the lodge was close ! .
STAR CHAPTER , No . 1275 . The usual weekly meeting was held at the Stirling Castle Hotel , Chu r ch- ^ treet , Camberwell , S . E ., on Friday , the 5 th inst . Present : Comps . Isaac Dunn , M . E ' / .. ; L » wis , II . ; C Plant , J .: T . Grummant . P . / .., Preceptor : C II . Stoie , P . Z ., S E . ; I . H . Cureton , P . Z ., S . N . ; Benedetti , P . Z ., P . S . ; Wills , North . Austin , Cass , and Hardin in . The minutes of the last convocation were read and conlirmed . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Austin personating the candidate . Comp . j . Austin , S . E . 115 S , was elected a joining member . Gimp . G . H . Lewis , H ., was elected M . E . Z . for Friday , ioth inst .
The chapter was placed at the disposal of the M . E . Z ., of the Stern lale Burnett Chapter , at the next meeting . A hearty vote of thanks wis accorded to Comp . Dunn , M . E . Z .. for the very able manner he rehearsed the ceremony for the first tim ' , and th : chapter closed .
Allied Masonic Degrees.
Allied Masonic Degrees .
Stewart Council , No . 16 . The installation meeting of this council was held on Wednesday , the 27 th ult ., at Mark Masons' Hall , when there were present Bros . A . Woodiwiss , W . M . ; J . Hill , S . W .: Thos . Taylor , J . W . ; I . Smith , S . D . ; S . Kilpin , J . D . ; C Belton , P . M . ; V . P . Wyatt , G . Chap . ; R . Gowan , VV . Briant , Major C Woolmer Williams , VV . Ryland , D . Adkins , W . J . Armitage , W . J . Ebbetts , C . F . Matier , Grand Sec . ; W . Vincent , G . D . C . ; Rob Voisey , W . M . Four Kings ; and W . B . CockburnS . G . W .
, The lodge was opened , the minutes read , and the Auditors' report received and adopted . Bro . C . F . Matier installed Bro . James Hill as W . M . in a most impressive manner . The newly-installed W . M . then appointed and invested his officers and worked the ceremonies of the Order of St . Lawrence , Knights of Constantinople and Red Cross of Bali ) Ion , in a very elYicient manner . The ceremony of the Anointed High IVi : st was
beautifully and correctly worked by the Grand Secretary , and the Lodge of St . Lawrence was resumed . The VV . M . presented , in the name of thc council , a beautifullychased cigar case with the emblem of the Order engraved on it , statin ? that it was presented by the council to the LP . M ., Bro . A . Woodiwiss , as a mark of their esteem and cf their appreciation of the manner in which he had conducted the work and business of the council during the past year . The council was then closed .
Thc council retired to the f'reemasons' Tavern , where the usual toists were proposed arid received , and a most pleasant evening was spent . The next regular meeting of this nourishing council will be held on the fourth Wednesday in June .
rated Society of Licensed Victuallers , held on the 2 nd inst . at the Licensed Victuallers School , Upper Kennington-lane , Bro . Christopher Sims was unanimously elected Governor of the society for the ensuing year . The Governor-elect subsequently received the congratulations [ of his colleagues on the Committee , Past Governors , Past Officers , and other friends of the society , who promised him their cordial assistance in his work during his year of office , which will commence in April next .
WEDNESDAY WAS thc 57 th anniversary of her Majesty's marriage with the late Prince Consort , which took place at St . James ' s Palace on the ioth February , 1 S 40 . The Queen has now been a widow over 35 years , the Prince Consort having died at Windsor on December 14 th , 1 SG 1 . AT THE USUAL monthly meeting of the Governor and Committee of the Incorpo-
What is the British Workman 's ? It is the Ideal Life Office—The Life Office of the People . What its Business ? Life Assurance—Ordinary and Industrial . What the Secret of its Wonderful Success ? The Equity and Liberality of its Terms . What has it done ? It has Popularised and Perfected Life Assurance . What its Annual Income ? It is rapidly approximating : to Half = a-Million Sterling . What its Rank ? Though only 30 } years old , it stands with respect to Premium Income the tenth in a list of British Life Offices .