Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 2 of 3 Article Craft Masonry. Page 2 of 3 →
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Craft Masonry.
Scientific Lodge , No . SS . The W . M ., Bro . W . Sindall , had an excellent start in his work last Monday evening , when he initiated four candidates , viz ., Messrs . G . P . Hawkins , W . H . Heal , J . D . Drwson , and Richard Whichello . The last-named is a Crmbridge nun now on a visit to his na'ive town , from his adopted home in Rio de Janeiro , Brazil . The charge to the newly-initiated was most impressively delivered by Bro . Thos . Niclnls , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W . Bro . W . H . Whitehead ( who was initiated in the Blackall Lodge , Queensland ) was elec ' ed a joining member . The annual subscription to the Royal Masjnic Benevolent Institution was voted .
The evening was passed in true Masonic harmony , and the initiates said they were never likely to forget the day , and especially the charge as given by Bro . Nichols .
Lion and Lamb Lodge , No , 192 . A meeting of the above lodge was held at the Cannon-street Hotel , on Thursday , Ihe 4 'h inst ., when there were present Bros . R . Sarson , W . M . ; C . Garton , J . W . ; T . Cohu , P . M ., Treas . ; H . Legge , P . M ., Sec ; William Baker . S . D . ; Rev . T . Selby Henrey , J . D . and Chap . ; Jas . Smith , D . C . ; J . G . Robeson , I . G . ; T . Stokes , A . D . C . ; Couchman , Tyler ; Fisher , I . P . M . ; Mower , P . M . ; Giodes , P . M . ; Abbott , P . M . ; Hughes , P . M . ; Peach , S . Rippin , Collins , A . J . Rippin , Farr , Lloyd , Dixon , Wetton , Purbrcok , Roche , Doody , Pitt , Peirson , Lockett , and Williams . Bro . VV . A . Griffiths , 1421 , was a visitor .
Lodge was opened and the minutes read and confirmed , Bro . Purbrook was afterwards raised , and Mr . Henry Williams was initiated . The Secretary announced that he had rereived a letter from Bro . Holmes , S . W ., resigning his membership of the ledge ; Ihis was accepted with much regret . Bro . Chas . Gtrton , J . W ., was then unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Thos . Cohu , P . M ., was unanimously re-elected Treasurer . The sum of £ \ o 103 . was voted to a distressed brother , formerly a member of the lodge . The Secretary announced that the Board of
Benevolence had granted £ 40 to Mrs . Quy , whose petition had been supported by this lodge . Bros . Peach , S . Rippin , and A . J . Rippin , were elected as Auditors at the forthcoming audit . Bro . Legge , Sec , gave notice of motion that the usual P . M . ' s jewel be presented to Ihe W . M ., Bro . Sarson , en his retiring from the chair , and also that the sum of , £ 10 ios . be placed on Bro . A . J . Rippin's list for | the Girls' School . The lodge was closed . 'The names of four gentlemen were proposed for initiation at the next meeting , and one brother as a joining member .
Drurv Lane Lodge , No . 2127 . The annual meeting of this lodge for the installation of its Worshipful Master , was held on Tuesday last , at Mark Masons' Hall . There were present on the occasion the following brethren : Bros . Oscar Barrett , acting as W . M . ; James Fernandez , P . M . ; Thomas Catling , P . M . ; Sir H ? nry Isaacs , P . M . ; Robert Grey , P . G . W . ; Rev . C . J . Martyn , P . G . C ; J . Lewis Thomas , P . A . G . D . C ; James Thomson , S . C . ; John Morgan , P . M . 1150 ; C Martyn , P . A . G . D . C ; Wilkinson , Edward Terry ,
P . G . Treas . ; Peter de Lande Long , T . H . Bolton , Ernest Flower , M . P . ; R . G . Venables , P . A . G . D . C . ; Capt . Williams Freeman , L . Southwell , P . P . G . S . W . Shropshire ; F . Mead , P . G . S . B . ; R . Clowes , P . G . Std . Br . ; D . H . Langton , P . P . G . W . Sussex ; Harry Nicholls , P . M . ; J . II . Matthews , Pres . Bd . of Ben . ; J . Strachan , Q . C , P . P . G . W . Northumberland ; C . L . Carson , I . P . M . Savage Club Lodge ; Marjh , H . Le Roy . Lewis , Major Henry Wright , P . M . iS 27 ; Dr . Whitelaw Bourne , 10 : E . Cotterell , Waring , 1827 ; J . E . A . Malone , 1 G 00 ; W . B . Clarkson , H . G .
Hibbeit , A . D . Jackson , C . J . Phipps , Whilhelm Ganz , P . G . Organist ; Guy Repton , G . L . Munday , Captain Basil Hood , Walter Slaughter , H . P . Edwards , A . Rashleigh Phipps , H . F . Martyn , 1244 ; J . Laurence , P . M . ; Arthur Marshall , C T . Coggin , Sir A . Altman , S . R . J . Smith , J . Mantell , Neil Forsyth , W . G . Harvey , Lionel Rignold , A . May , Arthur Oswald , Charles Coote , Gen . Hale Wortham , Ltigh Warner , H . Guarracino , J . Powell , Wilkinson , Sidney Jennings , F . B . Rendle , VValtet Jemrngs , F . Knight , E . C . Sewell , J . Bruton , P . M . ; D . Allworth , P . M . ; Irvine
P . M . ; Wavell , P . M . ; Dalgetty Henderson , Walter Hedgecock , Park Goff , Captain Cecil Powney , E . S . Matthews , Col . C . H . T . Marshall , P . D . D . G . M . Punjab ; Garnet Man , H . M . Worsley , A . G . Neville , A . Smythe , J . H . Birns , James Weaver , P . M . 1319 ; W . B . Kermack , the W . M . of 1319 ; Dr . Robson Roose , Dr . Tamplin , Gilbert Farquhar , C Garthorne Grimston , C . H . Svvanston , A . M . Reis , W . Wilson , E . W . Postans , P . M . ; E . B . Holloway , P . M . 10 S ; E . Roerich , | . Detmar , G . Landsberger , J . S . Fleming , Treas . ; H . Scott , S . W . 34 ; J . H . Dale , P . M , 34 ; A . Dutton , P . M .
34 ; W . H . Glazier , P . M . 34 ; C L . Reis , P . M . ; E . H . Barvvell , 42 ; Major H . W . H . Elwes , W . H . Cummings , L . Lablache , Herbert Budd , 1319 ; H . Massey , P . M . Cigand 1928 ; G . M . Maxwell , J . D . Beveridge , P . M . 2190 ; H . Nye Chart , C . J . Whatton , P . M . 706 ; W . J . Fisher , P . M . 2190 ; Col . F . E . Bennett , E . VV . Braine , E . E . Lawford , Henry Williams , C . J . Archer , R . Kelsey , P . M . ; J . C . Taylor , James Stephens , P . G . W . Bucks ; S . Nowakowski , F . Bartlett , and A . B . Bennett . Bro . Harry Nicholls , P . M ., passed to the Second . legree Bros . E . E . Lawford and
Leigh Warner . Bro . Henry Neville , the W . M . of th . ' lodge , had been chosen to serve the office of W . M . for another year , Bro . VV . E . Chapman , the W . M . elect , having gone to South Africa . The brethren were unable to elect the Junior Warden and install him before April , and as he was not a P . M ., if he went outof ofiice next February he would not have served 12 months as Master and would not be entitled to rank as a P . M . Bro . Henry Neville was not able to be present , he being on theatrical circuit at Northampton , and consequently there was no installation ; but the following brethren were
appointed the other officers : Bros . G . M . Maxwell , S . VV . ; Guy Repton , J . W . ; the Rev . C . J . Martyn , P . G . C , Chap . ; J . S . Fleming , Treas . ; Harry Nicholls , P . M ., Sec ; Lionel Rignold , S . D . ; Col . A . B . Bennett , J . D . ; Wm . Ganz , P . G . O ., Org . ; and J . Gcddard , P . M ., Tyler . After the addresses had been delivered , Bro . Oscar Barrett , in very complimentary terms , referred to the great services rendered to the lodge by Bro . I . H . Matthews , P . A G . D . C , as Secretary of the lodge for the last nine
years , which office he had just vacated , and mentioned the subject of a testimonial to him for his services . Bro . Matthews acknowledged in feeling terms the compliment paid to him by Bro . Oscar Barrett , and stated that he did not want any testimonial . If , however , the brethren wished to make such a presentation , he requested that it mig ' it not take the form of a jewel . Any amount which a testimonial would cost he would like to be presented in his name to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls .
Ihe ledge was then closed and the brethren adjourned to Freemasons' Tavern to ban juet . The customary toasts followed . Bro . Oscar Barrett , P . M ., in proposing " The Queen and the Craft , " said : It has been a marked by some illustrious foreigner that no public function in England can be held without the adjunct of eating and drinking . This year is the Ooth of the reign of her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Vicloria—a year which gives promise of being one of the most fiuitlul with regaid to public gatherings . It would be very curious , if it
were possible , to obtain a record of the number of times during the present year that her Majesty ' s health will be drunk in England and its Dependencies ; but I venture to augur that at no celebration or meeting will her Majesty ' s health be drunk with more true loyalty and enthusiasm than at Masonic gatherings . This year as regards her Majesty is unique in the world ' s history . Let us , then , as Masons , with true fervour , drink to the most womanly of women , the most queenly of queens—her Most Gracious Mijesty Queen Victoria . in The the Prince of
Bro . Oscar Barrett , P . M ., proposing , " M . W . G . M ., H . R . H . Walts , " said , during the last few days , the reflective person must have been struck with admirat ' on for our Most Worshipful Grand Master , who out of th ; chaos of thc many Well intentioned , but impracticable , and many absurd suggestions as to the means of commemorating the Ooth year of his illustrious mother ' s reign , has hit upon t ' ne happy idea of the Hospital Fund for London . In his letter to the nation , he says , " It is a project lying very near my heart , its object being to attach the sentiment of gratitude for the blessiners which th ; country has enj > yed ( luring the last Go ye irs to a scheme of
permanent beneficence . " Herein , brethren , we may observe that our most Worshipful Grand Master is aclua ' ed by the grand principles on which our Order is founded — Brotherly Love and Relief—and that distinctive ciancteristic of a Mis in—Charity . " Later on he says , ' The effurts of individual Institutions , competing with one another , have not availed to enl ' s ' . a large body of subscribers . I do not believe that this arises from any real indifference ; but partly from the difficulty of choosing an object of interest among so many , partly from the lack of any definite opportunity for giving annual subscriotions to the cause as a whole , and partly from the feeling that small sums are not worth contubutirg . " Now , brethren , before drinking the health of ojr Most
Craft Masonry.
Worshipful Grand Master , I would venture to suggest , that we as Masons , assist him to the realization of that project , which he says " Lies so near his heart . " I have little doubt that lodges throughout the Kingdom will most liberally subscribe to this end ; bet to show what small contributions mean , I would suggest that at every installation banquet a subscription limited to one shilling a head should be made . I venture to propose that we start this evening—lor he gives twice who gives quickly .
Bro . Thomas Catling , P . M ., proposed " The Pro G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Oflicers , Present and Past , " and said that it was always a pleasure to hav ; the presence of Grand Officers ; hut amongst the members of Drury Lane were many Grand Officers . He called on Bro . E . Terry , P . G P ., to respond . Bro . Edward Terry , P . G . T ., said that as " on their own merits modest m ; n were dumb , " he did not like to say much on that toast . The Grand Officers were alvays ready to do their duty and to show young Masons the right way to proceed on their Masonic career . To use another quotation he would say with regard to the Grand Officers
If to their share some trivial errors fall , Look in their face , and you'll forget them all . Bro . Oscar Barrett , P . M ., then announced that the Charity box had yielded £ 5 3 s . and he proposed to send the amount to the Daily Telegraph Shilling Fund . He then said be was sure all the breth'en would agree with him that although the W . M . wis absent they would all drink his health with no less enthusiasm than if he was present . He regretted Bro . Neville was on circuit—not the circuit known in the law , but in the
dramatic way , thank goodness . ( Laughter . ) He said thank goodness , because he had certain feelings with regard to the law . He was reminded by Sir H ; nry Isaacs that the law happened to be represented on the present occasion by Bro . Strachan , Q . C , and Bro . Bolton ; but , joking apart , the W . M . was on circuit in Northampton , but though absent in body , he was present in heart , and at the present moment was remembering the brethren . At the last two installation banquets , Bro . Neville had not been able to be present . The toast was most enthusiastically received .
Bro . T . H . Bolton proposed" The Past Masters , " naminj Bro . Oscar Barrett , who was in the chair , Bros . Sir Henry Isaacs , James Fernandez , Thomas Catling , and Harry Nicholls . To all those brethren the lodge owed a deep debt of gratitude , as to them was due the perfection to which the working of the lodge had attained . Bro . Oscar Barrett , P . M ., in acknowledging the toast , said it was exceedingly kind to couple his name with this toast . The position the Drury Lane Lodge was placed in that day was rather peculiar . The W . M . elect was , from unforseen circumstances ,
abroad . Then the W . M ., who should have been I . P . M ., was away on business engagements . It was a unique position for the lodge to be placed in , fora P . M . to have to occupy the chair . But having so many able assistants around him , they had been able to get through the duties of the lodge , at least , if not quite so satisfactorily as he could have wished . ( Yes , yes . ) He hoped the brethren would pardon him . He was not one of those men who did not know their own imperfections ; he knew his imperfections , and , another thing , he was not ashamed to say he knew them , and that the
brethren knew them too ; and he emphasised them . But to resume from where he was interrupted—there was one thing in the dramatic world , as they were all aware , that in a well-ordered theatre it was necessary to have understudies . He looked upon it that that day they had had a number of understudies ; but he was sure he was himself delighted with one understudy . He could not let that opportunity pass without expressing what he felt when he installed his successor . When the addresses had to be given in the lodge , he thought them beautiful , but he was afraid he should not get through
them ; he strove , and he did get through them ; but he never knew until that evening how he utterly failed as compared with what he saw could be made of the final address when he listened to Bro . Fernandez . There was something more than religious fervour in it ; there seemed to be an inspiration in it ; it was glorious ; that was all he could say , and he only wished that he personally had proved as gcod an understudy as Bro . Fernandez . When they found the lodge placed in the position it had been put in that
day all the P . Ms , rallied round , and all assisted . He saw his old friend , Harry Nicholls , do the passing , so that they had all been in the work itself . With such brethren , always able to take up any work , whatever emergency might happen , and always willing and desirous to maintain the proud position of the lodge in the Masonic world , there was no fear for its future . Bro . Sir Henry Isaacs , P . M ., P . G . W ., having proposed "The Visitors , "
Bro . Strachan , Q . C , P . P . G . S . W . Northumberland , responded , and slid if a viiit to a lodge was to be enj oyed and fully appreciated , commend him to the hospitality of the Druly Lane Lodge , They had seen how the brethren of the profession gave their musical services , and the perform ince of Bro . Beveridge in lodge would never be forgotten . Personally he felt rather like Rip Van Winkle after 20 years' absence , because it was exactly 20 years since he left his mother lodge , the Asaph , to go to the Kitskill Mountains of Northumberland , where he was visited by some demons , who were very
pleasant demons , Bros . Edward Terry , Johnny Toole , Charlie Stevenson , and some other boys , to go out with them , and have a Bohemian night . But now he was back in London . Bro . Barrett , when he found he had returned , sent him an invitation to the Drury Lane Lodge installation , and when he looked around and saw so many old friends , it seemed to him that he was back in the Junior Garrick Club . He had had a most pleasant evening . He was very glad to come back and be among his old professional brethren again . Although he was associated with a certain other profession of which Bro . Barrett had such a horror—he did not know why : but it was
quite unnecessary—he was glad to be associated with members of the dramatic profession . He never gave up his old associations with the drama , for on his return to London the first thing he did was to rejoin his mother lodge—the Asaph . Bro . Oscar Barrett , P . M ., proposed "The Officers , " and told those brethren that the success and t ' ne future of the lodge depended on the officers . When the Past Masters went the way of all flesh , to the officers was left ih ; legacy of keeping the lodge going . He was sure the officers who had been appointed that day would continue to persevere in maintaining the standard of excellence the lodge had held up to the present time .
Bros . Maxwell , S . W ., and Guy Repton , J . W ., responded , and the Tyle . - ' j toist closed the proceedings .
St . Mark ' s College Lodge , No . 2157 . The installation meeting of the above lodge was held at the Holborn Restaurant on Friday , the 15 th ult ., when Bro . John Stanton , W . M ., presided over a very large gathering , including Bros . A . Streeter , S . W ., W . M . elect ; j . Longhurst , l . W ,: R . H . Catling , I . P . M . ; John O'Connell , P . M ., P . P . G . O ., P . P . J . G . D . Surrey ; I . Easterbrook , P . M . ; VV . R . Carter , P . M ., P . P . G . S . Herts ; A . P . Lye , P . M .: I . R , Phillips , P . M . ; G . W . Stevens , P . M . 1 S 15 ; A . G . Fleming , P . M . 3 S 2 , P . P . D G . O . C
Middx . ; Rev . G . W . Gent , Chap . ; Rev . C J . Smith , Asst . Chap . ; Rev . J . Henry Smith , P . M ., P . P . G . C . Leicestershire and Rutland , Treas . ; T . Simpson , Sec ; 1 , Parry , J . D . ; R . West , D . C ; H . R . Elkin , I . G . ; L . H . Walker , Org . ; T . Canning and E . W . Cox , Stewards ; E . H . Hutchins , F . Handel Thompson , H . Milbank-Pmith , Hamlet Kinsiy , Edgar Sainsbury , J W . Jarvis , T . E . Cattell , H . Manghim , E . R . Cleave , G . B . Fluke , W . G . Mortlock , Rev . J . R . VV . Thomas , F . Jackson , John West , II . I . Whitehouse , G . Francis , G . H . Heathcote , F . W . Cox , Henry Carr , G . H . Poulton
, F . J . Lovell , A . II . Waller , J . H . Gamble , C Stanton , Edwin Sainsbury , and J . J . Shakespeare . Visitors : Bros . J . Boulton , G . P . Eng . ; T . Skewes Cox , M . P ., P . G . S . Eng . ; Rev . Langton S . Calvert , P . G . C . West Yorks ; Rev . Edwd . Houndle , P . P . G . C . Surrey ; J . R . Cleave , P . J . G . D . Surrey ; R . Sebastian Hart , P . P . S . G . D . Surrey ; H . VV . Clemow , P . P . G . D . C . Bucks ; E . Clare , P . P . A . G . D . C . Middx . ; I . Andrews , P . G . Std . Br . Surey ; T . Montague , P . P . G . P . Surrey ; E . G . Feild , P . M ., Sec . 1362 ; A . VV . G . Weekes , P . M ., D . C . 3 ; R . J . HenningsVV . M . 250 S ; W . B .
, Cockram , 102 ; J . Parsons , P . M . 1 SO 4 ; W . Ulrich , 24 ( 07 ; J . Appleton , W . M . 2 tqS > R . Hendy , 17 O 7 ; Lewis Beale , SU'd . 1707 ; W . B . Neville , P . M . 1767 ; A . J , 1 . Talc , S . W . 201 ; E . G . Wilson , J . W . 2422 ; J . Lewarne , D . C . S 05 ; W . J . Bo . echer , 204 O ; VVm . Salt , Stwd . SS 9 ; E . II . Bury , 1471 ; D . Hills , W . M . 1 S 5 ; E . Carrick , LP . M . 117 S ; H . A . Howe , W . M . 1362 ; VVm . Turner Wynn , S . D . ic ( ij ; G . R . Scott , S . VV . SSy ; J . Campbell , 1507 ; J . Kirby , Stwd . 1963 ; G . H . Silverwood , S . D ,
1343 ; andG . Griffin , P . M . 1555 . Lodge wis opened , and after the minutes had been read and conlirmed , the report of the Audit Committee was received and alopted . Bros . H . Milbank-S . nith and Hy , Carr were passed to the Second Degree . Ihe W . M . elect , Bro . Alfred Streeter , was then presentel to the W . M . and duly installed , and , having been proclaimed and saluted in the Three Degrees , he proceeded to appoint and invest his officers a < follows : Bros , lohn Stanton , I . P . M . ; J . Longhurst , S . vV . ; W . T . Thompson , J . W . j the Rev . G . W . Gent , Chap . ; the Rev . C . J . Smith , Asst . Chip . ; " the Rev . J . Henry Smith .
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Craft Masonry.
Scientific Lodge , No . SS . The W . M ., Bro . W . Sindall , had an excellent start in his work last Monday evening , when he initiated four candidates , viz ., Messrs . G . P . Hawkins , W . H . Heal , J . D . Drwson , and Richard Whichello . The last-named is a Crmbridge nun now on a visit to his na'ive town , from his adopted home in Rio de Janeiro , Brazil . The charge to the newly-initiated was most impressively delivered by Bro . Thos . Niclnls , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W . Bro . W . H . Whitehead ( who was initiated in the Blackall Lodge , Queensland ) was elec ' ed a joining member . The annual subscription to the Royal Masjnic Benevolent Institution was voted .
The evening was passed in true Masonic harmony , and the initiates said they were never likely to forget the day , and especially the charge as given by Bro . Nichols .
Lion and Lamb Lodge , No , 192 . A meeting of the above lodge was held at the Cannon-street Hotel , on Thursday , Ihe 4 'h inst ., when there were present Bros . R . Sarson , W . M . ; C . Garton , J . W . ; T . Cohu , P . M ., Treas . ; H . Legge , P . M ., Sec ; William Baker . S . D . ; Rev . T . Selby Henrey , J . D . and Chap . ; Jas . Smith , D . C . ; J . G . Robeson , I . G . ; T . Stokes , A . D . C . ; Couchman , Tyler ; Fisher , I . P . M . ; Mower , P . M . ; Giodes , P . M . ; Abbott , P . M . ; Hughes , P . M . ; Peach , S . Rippin , Collins , A . J . Rippin , Farr , Lloyd , Dixon , Wetton , Purbrcok , Roche , Doody , Pitt , Peirson , Lockett , and Williams . Bro . VV . A . Griffiths , 1421 , was a visitor .
Lodge was opened and the minutes read and confirmed , Bro . Purbrook was afterwards raised , and Mr . Henry Williams was initiated . The Secretary announced that he had rereived a letter from Bro . Holmes , S . W ., resigning his membership of the ledge ; Ihis was accepted with much regret . Bro . Chas . Gtrton , J . W ., was then unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Thos . Cohu , P . M ., was unanimously re-elected Treasurer . The sum of £ \ o 103 . was voted to a distressed brother , formerly a member of the lodge . The Secretary announced that the Board of
Benevolence had granted £ 40 to Mrs . Quy , whose petition had been supported by this lodge . Bros . Peach , S . Rippin , and A . J . Rippin , were elected as Auditors at the forthcoming audit . Bro . Legge , Sec , gave notice of motion that the usual P . M . ' s jewel be presented to Ihe W . M ., Bro . Sarson , en his retiring from the chair , and also that the sum of , £ 10 ios . be placed on Bro . A . J . Rippin's list for | the Girls' School . The lodge was closed . 'The names of four gentlemen were proposed for initiation at the next meeting , and one brother as a joining member .
Drurv Lane Lodge , No . 2127 . The annual meeting of this lodge for the installation of its Worshipful Master , was held on Tuesday last , at Mark Masons' Hall . There were present on the occasion the following brethren : Bros . Oscar Barrett , acting as W . M . ; James Fernandez , P . M . ; Thomas Catling , P . M . ; Sir H ? nry Isaacs , P . M . ; Robert Grey , P . G . W . ; Rev . C . J . Martyn , P . G . C ; J . Lewis Thomas , P . A . G . D . C ; James Thomson , S . C . ; John Morgan , P . M . 1150 ; C Martyn , P . A . G . D . C ; Wilkinson , Edward Terry ,
P . G . Treas . ; Peter de Lande Long , T . H . Bolton , Ernest Flower , M . P . ; R . G . Venables , P . A . G . D . C . ; Capt . Williams Freeman , L . Southwell , P . P . G . S . W . Shropshire ; F . Mead , P . G . S . B . ; R . Clowes , P . G . Std . Br . ; D . H . Langton , P . P . G . W . Sussex ; Harry Nicholls , P . M . ; J . II . Matthews , Pres . Bd . of Ben . ; J . Strachan , Q . C , P . P . G . W . Northumberland ; C . L . Carson , I . P . M . Savage Club Lodge ; Marjh , H . Le Roy . Lewis , Major Henry Wright , P . M . iS 27 ; Dr . Whitelaw Bourne , 10 : E . Cotterell , Waring , 1827 ; J . E . A . Malone , 1 G 00 ; W . B . Clarkson , H . G .
Hibbeit , A . D . Jackson , C . J . Phipps , Whilhelm Ganz , P . G . Organist ; Guy Repton , G . L . Munday , Captain Basil Hood , Walter Slaughter , H . P . Edwards , A . Rashleigh Phipps , H . F . Martyn , 1244 ; J . Laurence , P . M . ; Arthur Marshall , C T . Coggin , Sir A . Altman , S . R . J . Smith , J . Mantell , Neil Forsyth , W . G . Harvey , Lionel Rignold , A . May , Arthur Oswald , Charles Coote , Gen . Hale Wortham , Ltigh Warner , H . Guarracino , J . Powell , Wilkinson , Sidney Jennings , F . B . Rendle , VValtet Jemrngs , F . Knight , E . C . Sewell , J . Bruton , P . M . ; D . Allworth , P . M . ; Irvine
P . M . ; Wavell , P . M . ; Dalgetty Henderson , Walter Hedgecock , Park Goff , Captain Cecil Powney , E . S . Matthews , Col . C . H . T . Marshall , P . D . D . G . M . Punjab ; Garnet Man , H . M . Worsley , A . G . Neville , A . Smythe , J . H . Birns , James Weaver , P . M . 1319 ; W . B . Kermack , the W . M . of 1319 ; Dr . Robson Roose , Dr . Tamplin , Gilbert Farquhar , C Garthorne Grimston , C . H . Svvanston , A . M . Reis , W . Wilson , E . W . Postans , P . M . ; E . B . Holloway , P . M . 10 S ; E . Roerich , | . Detmar , G . Landsberger , J . S . Fleming , Treas . ; H . Scott , S . W . 34 ; J . H . Dale , P . M , 34 ; A . Dutton , P . M .
34 ; W . H . Glazier , P . M . 34 ; C L . Reis , P . M . ; E . H . Barvvell , 42 ; Major H . W . H . Elwes , W . H . Cummings , L . Lablache , Herbert Budd , 1319 ; H . Massey , P . M . Cigand 1928 ; G . M . Maxwell , J . D . Beveridge , P . M . 2190 ; H . Nye Chart , C . J . Whatton , P . M . 706 ; W . J . Fisher , P . M . 2190 ; Col . F . E . Bennett , E . VV . Braine , E . E . Lawford , Henry Williams , C . J . Archer , R . Kelsey , P . M . ; J . C . Taylor , James Stephens , P . G . W . Bucks ; S . Nowakowski , F . Bartlett , and A . B . Bennett . Bro . Harry Nicholls , P . M ., passed to the Second . legree Bros . E . E . Lawford and
Leigh Warner . Bro . Henry Neville , the W . M . of th . ' lodge , had been chosen to serve the office of W . M . for another year , Bro . VV . E . Chapman , the W . M . elect , having gone to South Africa . The brethren were unable to elect the Junior Warden and install him before April , and as he was not a P . M ., if he went outof ofiice next February he would not have served 12 months as Master and would not be entitled to rank as a P . M . Bro . Henry Neville was not able to be present , he being on theatrical circuit at Northampton , and consequently there was no installation ; but the following brethren were
appointed the other officers : Bros . G . M . Maxwell , S . VV . ; Guy Repton , J . W . ; the Rev . C . J . Martyn , P . G . C , Chap . ; J . S . Fleming , Treas . ; Harry Nicholls , P . M ., Sec ; Lionel Rignold , S . D . ; Col . A . B . Bennett , J . D . ; Wm . Ganz , P . G . O ., Org . ; and J . Gcddard , P . M ., Tyler . After the addresses had been delivered , Bro . Oscar Barrett , in very complimentary terms , referred to the great services rendered to the lodge by Bro . I . H . Matthews , P . A G . D . C , as Secretary of the lodge for the last nine
years , which office he had just vacated , and mentioned the subject of a testimonial to him for his services . Bro . Matthews acknowledged in feeling terms the compliment paid to him by Bro . Oscar Barrett , and stated that he did not want any testimonial . If , however , the brethren wished to make such a presentation , he requested that it mig ' it not take the form of a jewel . Any amount which a testimonial would cost he would like to be presented in his name to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls .
Ihe ledge was then closed and the brethren adjourned to Freemasons' Tavern to ban juet . The customary toasts followed . Bro . Oscar Barrett , P . M ., in proposing " The Queen and the Craft , " said : It has been a marked by some illustrious foreigner that no public function in England can be held without the adjunct of eating and drinking . This year is the Ooth of the reign of her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Vicloria—a year which gives promise of being one of the most fiuitlul with regaid to public gatherings . It would be very curious , if it
were possible , to obtain a record of the number of times during the present year that her Majesty ' s health will be drunk in England and its Dependencies ; but I venture to augur that at no celebration or meeting will her Majesty ' s health be drunk with more true loyalty and enthusiasm than at Masonic gatherings . This year as regards her Majesty is unique in the world ' s history . Let us , then , as Masons , with true fervour , drink to the most womanly of women , the most queenly of queens—her Most Gracious Mijesty Queen Victoria . in The the Prince of
Bro . Oscar Barrett , P . M ., proposing , " M . W . G . M ., H . R . H . Walts , " said , during the last few days , the reflective person must have been struck with admirat ' on for our Most Worshipful Grand Master , who out of th ; chaos of thc many Well intentioned , but impracticable , and many absurd suggestions as to the means of commemorating the Ooth year of his illustrious mother ' s reign , has hit upon t ' ne happy idea of the Hospital Fund for London . In his letter to the nation , he says , " It is a project lying very near my heart , its object being to attach the sentiment of gratitude for the blessiners which th ; country has enj > yed ( luring the last Go ye irs to a scheme of
permanent beneficence . " Herein , brethren , we may observe that our most Worshipful Grand Master is aclua ' ed by the grand principles on which our Order is founded — Brotherly Love and Relief—and that distinctive ciancteristic of a Mis in—Charity . " Later on he says , ' The effurts of individual Institutions , competing with one another , have not availed to enl ' s ' . a large body of subscribers . I do not believe that this arises from any real indifference ; but partly from the difficulty of choosing an object of interest among so many , partly from the lack of any definite opportunity for giving annual subscriotions to the cause as a whole , and partly from the feeling that small sums are not worth contubutirg . " Now , brethren , before drinking the health of ojr Most
Craft Masonry.
Worshipful Grand Master , I would venture to suggest , that we as Masons , assist him to the realization of that project , which he says " Lies so near his heart . " I have little doubt that lodges throughout the Kingdom will most liberally subscribe to this end ; bet to show what small contributions mean , I would suggest that at every installation banquet a subscription limited to one shilling a head should be made . I venture to propose that we start this evening—lor he gives twice who gives quickly .
Bro . Thomas Catling , P . M ., proposed " The Pro G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Oflicers , Present and Past , " and said that it was always a pleasure to hav ; the presence of Grand Officers ; hut amongst the members of Drury Lane were many Grand Officers . He called on Bro . E . Terry , P . G P ., to respond . Bro . Edward Terry , P . G . T ., said that as " on their own merits modest m ; n were dumb , " he did not like to say much on that toast . The Grand Officers were alvays ready to do their duty and to show young Masons the right way to proceed on their Masonic career . To use another quotation he would say with regard to the Grand Officers
If to their share some trivial errors fall , Look in their face , and you'll forget them all . Bro . Oscar Barrett , P . M ., then announced that the Charity box had yielded £ 5 3 s . and he proposed to send the amount to the Daily Telegraph Shilling Fund . He then said be was sure all the breth'en would agree with him that although the W . M . wis absent they would all drink his health with no less enthusiasm than if he was present . He regretted Bro . Neville was on circuit—not the circuit known in the law , but in the
dramatic way , thank goodness . ( Laughter . ) He said thank goodness , because he had certain feelings with regard to the law . He was reminded by Sir H ; nry Isaacs that the law happened to be represented on the present occasion by Bro . Strachan , Q . C , and Bro . Bolton ; but , joking apart , the W . M . was on circuit in Northampton , but though absent in body , he was present in heart , and at the present moment was remembering the brethren . At the last two installation banquets , Bro . Neville had not been able to be present . The toast was most enthusiastically received .
Bro . T . H . Bolton proposed" The Past Masters , " naminj Bro . Oscar Barrett , who was in the chair , Bros . Sir Henry Isaacs , James Fernandez , Thomas Catling , and Harry Nicholls . To all those brethren the lodge owed a deep debt of gratitude , as to them was due the perfection to which the working of the lodge had attained . Bro . Oscar Barrett , P . M ., in acknowledging the toast , said it was exceedingly kind to couple his name with this toast . The position the Drury Lane Lodge was placed in that day was rather peculiar . The W . M . elect was , from unforseen circumstances ,
abroad . Then the W . M ., who should have been I . P . M ., was away on business engagements . It was a unique position for the lodge to be placed in , fora P . M . to have to occupy the chair . But having so many able assistants around him , they had been able to get through the duties of the lodge , at least , if not quite so satisfactorily as he could have wished . ( Yes , yes . ) He hoped the brethren would pardon him . He was not one of those men who did not know their own imperfections ; he knew his imperfections , and , another thing , he was not ashamed to say he knew them , and that the
brethren knew them too ; and he emphasised them . But to resume from where he was interrupted—there was one thing in the dramatic world , as they were all aware , that in a well-ordered theatre it was necessary to have understudies . He looked upon it that that day they had had a number of understudies ; but he was sure he was himself delighted with one understudy . He could not let that opportunity pass without expressing what he felt when he installed his successor . When the addresses had to be given in the lodge , he thought them beautiful , but he was afraid he should not get through
them ; he strove , and he did get through them ; but he never knew until that evening how he utterly failed as compared with what he saw could be made of the final address when he listened to Bro . Fernandez . There was something more than religious fervour in it ; there seemed to be an inspiration in it ; it was glorious ; that was all he could say , and he only wished that he personally had proved as gcod an understudy as Bro . Fernandez . When they found the lodge placed in the position it had been put in that
day all the P . Ms , rallied round , and all assisted . He saw his old friend , Harry Nicholls , do the passing , so that they had all been in the work itself . With such brethren , always able to take up any work , whatever emergency might happen , and always willing and desirous to maintain the proud position of the lodge in the Masonic world , there was no fear for its future . Bro . Sir Henry Isaacs , P . M ., P . G . W ., having proposed "The Visitors , "
Bro . Strachan , Q . C , P . P . G . S . W . Northumberland , responded , and slid if a viiit to a lodge was to be enj oyed and fully appreciated , commend him to the hospitality of the Druly Lane Lodge , They had seen how the brethren of the profession gave their musical services , and the perform ince of Bro . Beveridge in lodge would never be forgotten . Personally he felt rather like Rip Van Winkle after 20 years' absence , because it was exactly 20 years since he left his mother lodge , the Asaph , to go to the Kitskill Mountains of Northumberland , where he was visited by some demons , who were very
pleasant demons , Bros . Edward Terry , Johnny Toole , Charlie Stevenson , and some other boys , to go out with them , and have a Bohemian night . But now he was back in London . Bro . Barrett , when he found he had returned , sent him an invitation to the Drury Lane Lodge installation , and when he looked around and saw so many old friends , it seemed to him that he was back in the Junior Garrick Club . He had had a most pleasant evening . He was very glad to come back and be among his old professional brethren again . Although he was associated with a certain other profession of which Bro . Barrett had such a horror—he did not know why : but it was
quite unnecessary—he was glad to be associated with members of the dramatic profession . He never gave up his old associations with the drama , for on his return to London the first thing he did was to rejoin his mother lodge—the Asaph . Bro . Oscar Barrett , P . M ., proposed "The Officers , " and told those brethren that the success and t ' ne future of the lodge depended on the officers . When the Past Masters went the way of all flesh , to the officers was left ih ; legacy of keeping the lodge going . He was sure the officers who had been appointed that day would continue to persevere in maintaining the standard of excellence the lodge had held up to the present time .
Bros . Maxwell , S . W ., and Guy Repton , J . W ., responded , and the Tyle . - ' j toist closed the proceedings .
St . Mark ' s College Lodge , No . 2157 . The installation meeting of the above lodge was held at the Holborn Restaurant on Friday , the 15 th ult ., when Bro . John Stanton , W . M ., presided over a very large gathering , including Bros . A . Streeter , S . W ., W . M . elect ; j . Longhurst , l . W ,: R . H . Catling , I . P . M . ; John O'Connell , P . M ., P . P . G . O ., P . P . J . G . D . Surrey ; I . Easterbrook , P . M . ; VV . R . Carter , P . M ., P . P . G . S . Herts ; A . P . Lye , P . M .: I . R , Phillips , P . M . ; G . W . Stevens , P . M . 1 S 15 ; A . G . Fleming , P . M . 3 S 2 , P . P . D G . O . C
Middx . ; Rev . G . W . Gent , Chap . ; Rev . C J . Smith , Asst . Chap . ; Rev . J . Henry Smith , P . M ., P . P . G . C . Leicestershire and Rutland , Treas . ; T . Simpson , Sec ; 1 , Parry , J . D . ; R . West , D . C ; H . R . Elkin , I . G . ; L . H . Walker , Org . ; T . Canning and E . W . Cox , Stewards ; E . H . Hutchins , F . Handel Thompson , H . Milbank-Pmith , Hamlet Kinsiy , Edgar Sainsbury , J W . Jarvis , T . E . Cattell , H . Manghim , E . R . Cleave , G . B . Fluke , W . G . Mortlock , Rev . J . R . VV . Thomas , F . Jackson , John West , II . I . Whitehouse , G . Francis , G . H . Heathcote , F . W . Cox , Henry Carr , G . H . Poulton
, F . J . Lovell , A . II . Waller , J . H . Gamble , C Stanton , Edwin Sainsbury , and J . J . Shakespeare . Visitors : Bros . J . Boulton , G . P . Eng . ; T . Skewes Cox , M . P ., P . G . S . Eng . ; Rev . Langton S . Calvert , P . G . C . West Yorks ; Rev . Edwd . Houndle , P . P . G . C . Surrey ; J . R . Cleave , P . J . G . D . Surrey ; R . Sebastian Hart , P . P . S . G . D . Surrey ; H . VV . Clemow , P . P . G . D . C . Bucks ; E . Clare , P . P . A . G . D . C . Middx . ; I . Andrews , P . G . Std . Br . Surey ; T . Montague , P . P . G . P . Surrey ; E . G . Feild , P . M ., Sec . 1362 ; A . VV . G . Weekes , P . M ., D . C . 3 ; R . J . HenningsVV . M . 250 S ; W . B .
, Cockram , 102 ; J . Parsons , P . M . 1 SO 4 ; W . Ulrich , 24 ( 07 ; J . Appleton , W . M . 2 tqS > R . Hendy , 17 O 7 ; Lewis Beale , SU'd . 1707 ; W . B . Neville , P . M . 1767 ; A . J , 1 . Talc , S . W . 201 ; E . G . Wilson , J . W . 2422 ; J . Lewarne , D . C . S 05 ; W . J . Bo . echer , 204 O ; VVm . Salt , Stwd . SS 9 ; E . II . Bury , 1471 ; D . Hills , W . M . 1 S 5 ; E . Carrick , LP . M . 117 S ; H . A . Howe , W . M . 1362 ; VVm . Turner Wynn , S . D . ic ( ij ; G . R . Scott , S . VV . SSy ; J . Campbell , 1507 ; J . Kirby , Stwd . 1963 ; G . H . Silverwood , S . D ,
1343 ; andG . Griffin , P . M . 1555 . Lodge wis opened , and after the minutes had been read and conlirmed , the report of the Audit Committee was received and alopted . Bros . H . Milbank-S . nith and Hy , Carr were passed to the Second Degree . Ihe W . M . elect , Bro . Alfred Streeter , was then presentel to the W . M . and duly installed , and , having been proclaimed and saluted in the Three Degrees , he proceeded to appoint and invest his officers a < follows : Bros , lohn Stanton , I . P . M . ; J . Longhurst , S . vV . ; W . T . Thompson , J . W . j the Rev . G . W . Gent , Chap . ; the Rev . C . J . Smith , Asst . Chip . ; " the Rev . J . Henry Smith .