Article CONSECRATION OF THE ELLIOT LODGE (No. 1567). Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION OF THE ELLIOT LODGE (No. 1567). Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION OF THE ELLIOT LODGE (No. 1567). Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1
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Consecration Of The Elliot Lodge (No. 1567).
Last Saturday another lodge for the Province of Middlesex was consecrated at the Railway Hotel , Feltham . The consecrating officer was Bro . R . Wentworth Little , Provincial Grand S . W ., who was assisted by the Rev . P . M . Holden , P . G . C , as Chaplain , and Bro . Thomas
W . White , Past Grand Steward , as Director of Ceremonies . Colonel Burdett , Prov . G . Master , attended , as did also numerous other Grand and Provincial Grand Officers . The S . W . chair was occupied by Bro . John Hervey , Grand Secretary , and the J . W . chair by Bro . C . A .
Cottebrune , Past Grand Pursunant . Bro . W . r . Howe , Prov . Grand Steward , was I . G ., and among the other brethren present were Bros . Lt .-Col . Peters , Prov . S . G . D . of Middlesex ; H . G . Buss , Prov . G . Treasurer ; P . F . Knight Smith , Organist , 1441 ; T . H . Pearson , Frank
Green , W . Dunham , J , R . Nichols , T . W . Clark , Tudor Trevor , ( 944 , Bombay ) , H . Massey ( "Freemason" ) , D . W . Pearse , S . W . 1293 ; John Elliott , J . W . ( 1348 , Ebury ) , C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P ., ; Fred . Keily , W . M . 1293 , P . G . S . Middlesex ; T . W-. Clarke , John Coutts , P . G . P .,
etc . ; A . J . Ireton , F . A . Pemberton , 1348 ; Wm . Hale , P . M . 1351 ; S . Lovegreen , and C . B . Payne , G . T . of England . Bro . R . Stone , of the Thames Valley Lodge , also attended . The brethren having been formally erected into a lodge , the ceremony of consecrating ,
constituting , and dedicating the Elliot Lodge was proceeded with according to ancient custom , and the Rev . P . M . Holden delivered the oration , in which he said that Freemasonry was : m institution founded , not as the ignorant and tininstrtictcd vainly imagine , upon unmeaning mysteries
supported by mere good fellowship , but upon eternal reason and truth , whose deep recesses are the civilization of mankind , and whose everlasting glory it is to have the immoveable support of those two mighty pillars , science and morality . In proof of this assertion and asappropriate to their
illustrious gathciing . lcthim touch on the antiquity , extent , and comprehensiveness of their mystic art , concluding with a few words as to its excellence and utility . First , then , with regard to its antiquity . Now , Masons were well informed that the building of King Solomon ' s Temple was
an important era from whence they derived many mysteries of their art . Be it remembered that this great event , the building of King Solomon ' s Temple , took place 1000 years before the Christian era , and therefore a century before Homer , the first of the Grecian poets , wrote , and about
five centuries before Pythagoras brought from the East his sublime system of truly Masonic instruction to enlighten our Western world . But , remote as this period unquestionably was , we dated not from thence the commencement of our art ; for although it might owe to the wise and
glorious and great King of Israel some of its many mystic forms and several of its hieroglyphic ceremonies , yet certainly the art itself was coeval with man , the great subject of it , nay , even with the Creation itself , when the Sovereign Architect raised , on strictly Masonic principles , this
beautiful globe , and commanded that master science , geometry , to lay the line to the planetary world and regulate by its laws the whole stupendous system . And as Masonry was thus of remote antiquity , so was it also , as might readily be imagined , of boundless extent . We traced its
footsteps amongst the most remote and distant ages of the world ; we found it in the first and most celebrated civilizers of the East ; we could trace it regularly from thefi rst astronomers on the plains of Chaldea , to the wise and mystic kings and priests of Egypt , the sages of Greece ,
the philosophers of Rome , and even to the rude and Gothic builders ot a dark and degenerate age , whose vast temples still remain among us as monuments of their attachment to the Masonic art , and as signal proofs of the taste which , however irregular , must always nevertheless be
considered awful , beautiful , venerable , and sublime . In very truth , in no civilized age or country had Masonry ever been neglected . The most illustrious characters , kings and nobles , sages , legislators , authors and artists , warriors , statesmen and philosophers , had thought it their glory to
Consecration Of The Elliot Lodge (No. 1567).
advance , defend , protect , and honour it . And even at the present time , when our brotherhood is successfully established in every kingdom on the earth , Masons were proud and happy to include in that list names which did honour to their own , and which indeed have done honour
to any age ; and he could not but remark with infinite pleasure and satisfaction that in whatever else men might dispute and disagree , the } were all , without exception , unanimity itself in . their esteem and support of Freemasonry , which united all parties , conciliated all private opinions , and
caused those who by their Almighty Father were made of one blood to be also of one heart and mind , brethren firmly bound together by that most indissoluble of all ties , the love of God and the love of their kind . And not only was it a great civilizer to the world , but it was as , Young described , a place where
" Christians , and Jews , and Turks and Pagans stand , One blended throng , one undistinguished band . "
This alone might be judged a sufficient reason for the extent and , if he might so say , the universality of the Craft , and when to all this was added the comprehensiveness of the institution , the vast circle of arts and sciences which it
tonkin and embraced , then we could no longer for one single moment wonder at its vast extent , but must feel persuaded that it would ever keep pace and run parallel with the culture and civilization of mankind , Nay , we might pronounce with the strictest truth , that where Masonry was not ,
there civilization would never be found . And so in fact it appeared , for in those savage countries and barbarous climes where operative Masonry never laid the line or stretched the compass , where skilful architecture never reared the dome or planned the well-ordered columns ,
in those uncultured regions , without form and void , liberal science never softened nor did ingenious art exalt , refine , embellish , and beautify the mind . After these few and imperfect remarks could any man doubt for a single moment as to the excellence and utility of Freemasonry ,
thus deep in antiquity , boundless in extent , universal in its comprehension of every science , operative and speculative ; thus , as it were , in its wide bosom embracing the whole circle of arts and morals . Allow me , then ( continued the rev . gentleman ) , worshipful
fir , to congratulate you and all those present upon the advancement and the present most flourishing state of our useful , ancient , and beautiful Masonic art . Allow me more particularly and especially to congratulate you , the founders , officers , promoters of the Elliot Lodge , upon the
happy event of to-day , the consecration of your Masonic edifice , reared , I trust , upon a solid foundation , and which I hope will add stability and glory to Freemasonry in general , and to the province of Middlesex in particular . May the Craft always meet safe , happy , and secure
within its sacred walls , and may it flourish for ever like the palm tree , may private friendship and public virtue distinguish and adorn the heart and character of every Mason who shall ever form and fill the sacied and Masonic lodge
which WJ consecrate to-day to Freema sonry , to virtue , and to universal benevolence . May they adorn and ennoble the art they profess ; and I would , after thanking you for listening to me , complete my remarks with some old lines which occur to me as applicable to the Order : —
If all the social virtues of the mind , If an extensive love to all mankind , If hospitable welcome to a guest , And speedy charity to the distressed ,
If due regard to liberties and laws , Zeal for our house , and for our country ' s cause ; If these great principles deserve the name , Let Masons then enjoy the praise they claim . ( Cheers . )
The ceremony of consecration was afterwards completed , and Bro . Little installed Bro . John Mason as W . M ., on the presentation of Bro . Thomas W . White , D . C . The brethren invested were Bros . Frank Green , S . W . ; W . Dunham , J . W . Elliott , Secretary ; J . R . Nichols , S . D . ; A . J . Ireton , J . D . ; Pearson , I . G . 5 Samuel Love
Consecration Of The Elliot Lodge (No. 1567).
Green , D . C . ; T . W . Clarke , W . S . and Potter , Tyler . After this , Bros . Little and Hervey delivered the charges / Bros . Col . Burdett John Hervey , H . G . Buss , R . W . Little , Thomas W . White , Rev . P . M . Holden , SirG . Elliot , Lt . Col . Peters , and C . A Cottebrune were '
elected honorary members , on the proposition of the W . M ., seconded by the S . W . ; and the W . M ., in addressing the newly elected brethren , said that he felt there was much work still to bi done in the province , and he hoped that often when there was this work to do the new members of the lod ge would be present . ( The continuation of this report will appear in our next . )
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
A new Masonic lodge , the " Zetland , " No . 326 , Toronto , Canada , was consecrated last month , M . W . Bro . J . K . Kerr , Grand Master , officiating , assisted by P . W . Bros , Spry , Stephens , and F . J . Menet . A fine Masonic Hall is being built at Lexington , Missouri , U . S . A .
On the 19 th of August the corner stone of the Union Agency building for the five largest nations of Indian Territory—the Chcrokees , Choctaws , Creeks , Chickasaws , ami Seminoles—was laid at Prospect Hill , near Muksogee , by the Masonic Grand Lodge of the Territory .
The monument to Fitz Greene Halleck , the poet , was dedicated on July 8 th , 1869 , at Guildford , Conn . New Haven Commandery , K . T ., and St . Albans Lodge , No . 3 8 , assisted . In connection with our Royal Grand Master ' s visit to
India , Bro . Matthews , an enterprising chemist of Camberwell , has discovered the means of composing a solution of lime which is considered to be an antielote against diarrhoea or dysentery . The profits of the meelicine are to be given to the Masonic charities .
Bro . Alderman Iladley has received an address of congratulation from the London Coffee-house Keepers Benevolent Association . On Tuesday last the Prince « f Wales completed his thirty-fourth year , having been born on the < ith November , 1841 . There were the usual celebrations in London , at Windsor , and at Sandringham .
Bro . George Abbott , of the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon , street , has been presented with a valuable gold watch and chain , by the members of the Railway Guards' Universal Friendly Society , in testimony of their esteem , and in recognition of the ability and zeal displayed by him while
chairman of the General Committee for five years . The presentation was ( made at the society ' s usual monthly meeting at the Birkbeck Institute , on the 27 th ult ., and was accompanied with an address beautifully illuminated on vellum , expressive of the cordial esteem evinced to our brother by the members of the above society .
The Fifteen Sections will be worked , by a number of brethren from various lodges , in the St . John of VVapping Lodge of Instruction , on Tuesday , the iCth inst . The proceedings will commence at ; o ' clock . Our readers will be glad to hear that Bro . Major Creaton was gazetted on Tuesday night as Lieut .-Colonel .
The Islington Lodge of Instruction , No . 1471 , is held at the Crown and Cushion , London Wall , every Wednes day evening , at 7 . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Norfolk , and the instal
lationof Bro . Walpolcas the new Piovincial Grand Master in the room of the late 15 ro . B . B . Cabbell , will take place at Norwich , next Saturday . Lord Skelmcisdale will instal . It is expected that 500 Freemasons will attnd the banquet , which will be held in St . Andrew's Hall .
Bro . 'lorn Jackson , P . S . W ., was unanimously elected Worshipful Master for ensuing year of the Lodge of Truth , Huddersficld , 521 . The first meeting of the committee for making arratgements in connection with the forthcoming Masonic Bal in Liverpool , in aid of the West Lancashire Masonic
Educational Institution , was held on Friday evening , the 5 H 1 inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street . Bro . H . S . Aljass , P . G . Sec , will be the chairman of the ball committee ; Bro . W . M . Chudley , P . M . 241 , the vice-chairman ; and Bro . H . Neilson , P . M . 673 and 1505 , was elected the Secretary .
WIPE Yocn KKET , —The best Coco Nut Mats and Matting are made by Treloar & Sons , Go , Ludgate Hill . HOLLOWAY ' S PILLS have been put fairly to the ' test of experence for more than thirty years . During that period their merits have powerfully conlribute'el to give ease , health , strength , and longevity 10 mankind . This purifying anil regulating medicine shoult oo casiona ' . iy tie hail recourse to during foggy , cold , anil wet weather . These Fills are the best preventive of Hoarseness . Sore Tlroati
Dipthen . i , Pleurisy , and Asthma , anil are sure remedies forCongestion , Uronchilis , anil Inflammation . Moderate attention la the directions round each box will enable every invalid to tak : the Fills in the most advantageous manner ; they will thus be tiug ht ttie proper doses and the circumstances under which these mist be increased or diminished , ilolloways's Fills act as alteraWi aperients , and tonic * , —ADVT ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Elliot Lodge (No. 1567).
Last Saturday another lodge for the Province of Middlesex was consecrated at the Railway Hotel , Feltham . The consecrating officer was Bro . R . Wentworth Little , Provincial Grand S . W ., who was assisted by the Rev . P . M . Holden , P . G . C , as Chaplain , and Bro . Thomas
W . White , Past Grand Steward , as Director of Ceremonies . Colonel Burdett , Prov . G . Master , attended , as did also numerous other Grand and Provincial Grand Officers . The S . W . chair was occupied by Bro . John Hervey , Grand Secretary , and the J . W . chair by Bro . C . A .
Cottebrune , Past Grand Pursunant . Bro . W . r . Howe , Prov . Grand Steward , was I . G ., and among the other brethren present were Bros . Lt .-Col . Peters , Prov . S . G . D . of Middlesex ; H . G . Buss , Prov . G . Treasurer ; P . F . Knight Smith , Organist , 1441 ; T . H . Pearson , Frank
Green , W . Dunham , J , R . Nichols , T . W . Clark , Tudor Trevor , ( 944 , Bombay ) , H . Massey ( "Freemason" ) , D . W . Pearse , S . W . 1293 ; John Elliott , J . W . ( 1348 , Ebury ) , C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P ., ; Fred . Keily , W . M . 1293 , P . G . S . Middlesex ; T . W-. Clarke , John Coutts , P . G . P .,
etc . ; A . J . Ireton , F . A . Pemberton , 1348 ; Wm . Hale , P . M . 1351 ; S . Lovegreen , and C . B . Payne , G . T . of England . Bro . R . Stone , of the Thames Valley Lodge , also attended . The brethren having been formally erected into a lodge , the ceremony of consecrating ,
constituting , and dedicating the Elliot Lodge was proceeded with according to ancient custom , and the Rev . P . M . Holden delivered the oration , in which he said that Freemasonry was : m institution founded , not as the ignorant and tininstrtictcd vainly imagine , upon unmeaning mysteries
supported by mere good fellowship , but upon eternal reason and truth , whose deep recesses are the civilization of mankind , and whose everlasting glory it is to have the immoveable support of those two mighty pillars , science and morality . In proof of this assertion and asappropriate to their
illustrious gathciing . lcthim touch on the antiquity , extent , and comprehensiveness of their mystic art , concluding with a few words as to its excellence and utility . First , then , with regard to its antiquity . Now , Masons were well informed that the building of King Solomon ' s Temple was
an important era from whence they derived many mysteries of their art . Be it remembered that this great event , the building of King Solomon ' s Temple , took place 1000 years before the Christian era , and therefore a century before Homer , the first of the Grecian poets , wrote , and about
five centuries before Pythagoras brought from the East his sublime system of truly Masonic instruction to enlighten our Western world . But , remote as this period unquestionably was , we dated not from thence the commencement of our art ; for although it might owe to the wise and
glorious and great King of Israel some of its many mystic forms and several of its hieroglyphic ceremonies , yet certainly the art itself was coeval with man , the great subject of it , nay , even with the Creation itself , when the Sovereign Architect raised , on strictly Masonic principles , this
beautiful globe , and commanded that master science , geometry , to lay the line to the planetary world and regulate by its laws the whole stupendous system . And as Masonry was thus of remote antiquity , so was it also , as might readily be imagined , of boundless extent . We traced its
footsteps amongst the most remote and distant ages of the world ; we found it in the first and most celebrated civilizers of the East ; we could trace it regularly from thefi rst astronomers on the plains of Chaldea , to the wise and mystic kings and priests of Egypt , the sages of Greece ,
the philosophers of Rome , and even to the rude and Gothic builders ot a dark and degenerate age , whose vast temples still remain among us as monuments of their attachment to the Masonic art , and as signal proofs of the taste which , however irregular , must always nevertheless be
considered awful , beautiful , venerable , and sublime . In very truth , in no civilized age or country had Masonry ever been neglected . The most illustrious characters , kings and nobles , sages , legislators , authors and artists , warriors , statesmen and philosophers , had thought it their glory to
Consecration Of The Elliot Lodge (No. 1567).
advance , defend , protect , and honour it . And even at the present time , when our brotherhood is successfully established in every kingdom on the earth , Masons were proud and happy to include in that list names which did honour to their own , and which indeed have done honour
to any age ; and he could not but remark with infinite pleasure and satisfaction that in whatever else men might dispute and disagree , the } were all , without exception , unanimity itself in . their esteem and support of Freemasonry , which united all parties , conciliated all private opinions , and
caused those who by their Almighty Father were made of one blood to be also of one heart and mind , brethren firmly bound together by that most indissoluble of all ties , the love of God and the love of their kind . And not only was it a great civilizer to the world , but it was as , Young described , a place where
" Christians , and Jews , and Turks and Pagans stand , One blended throng , one undistinguished band . "
This alone might be judged a sufficient reason for the extent and , if he might so say , the universality of the Craft , and when to all this was added the comprehensiveness of the institution , the vast circle of arts and sciences which it
tonkin and embraced , then we could no longer for one single moment wonder at its vast extent , but must feel persuaded that it would ever keep pace and run parallel with the culture and civilization of mankind , Nay , we might pronounce with the strictest truth , that where Masonry was not ,
there civilization would never be found . And so in fact it appeared , for in those savage countries and barbarous climes where operative Masonry never laid the line or stretched the compass , where skilful architecture never reared the dome or planned the well-ordered columns ,
in those uncultured regions , without form and void , liberal science never softened nor did ingenious art exalt , refine , embellish , and beautify the mind . After these few and imperfect remarks could any man doubt for a single moment as to the excellence and utility of Freemasonry ,
thus deep in antiquity , boundless in extent , universal in its comprehension of every science , operative and speculative ; thus , as it were , in its wide bosom embracing the whole circle of arts and morals . Allow me , then ( continued the rev . gentleman ) , worshipful
fir , to congratulate you and all those present upon the advancement and the present most flourishing state of our useful , ancient , and beautiful Masonic art . Allow me more particularly and especially to congratulate you , the founders , officers , promoters of the Elliot Lodge , upon the
happy event of to-day , the consecration of your Masonic edifice , reared , I trust , upon a solid foundation , and which I hope will add stability and glory to Freemasonry in general , and to the province of Middlesex in particular . May the Craft always meet safe , happy , and secure
within its sacred walls , and may it flourish for ever like the palm tree , may private friendship and public virtue distinguish and adorn the heart and character of every Mason who shall ever form and fill the sacied and Masonic lodge
which WJ consecrate to-day to Freema sonry , to virtue , and to universal benevolence . May they adorn and ennoble the art they profess ; and I would , after thanking you for listening to me , complete my remarks with some old lines which occur to me as applicable to the Order : —
If all the social virtues of the mind , If an extensive love to all mankind , If hospitable welcome to a guest , And speedy charity to the distressed ,
If due regard to liberties and laws , Zeal for our house , and for our country ' s cause ; If these great principles deserve the name , Let Masons then enjoy the praise they claim . ( Cheers . )
The ceremony of consecration was afterwards completed , and Bro . Little installed Bro . John Mason as W . M ., on the presentation of Bro . Thomas W . White , D . C . The brethren invested were Bros . Frank Green , S . W . ; W . Dunham , J . W . Elliott , Secretary ; J . R . Nichols , S . D . ; A . J . Ireton , J . D . ; Pearson , I . G . 5 Samuel Love
Consecration Of The Elliot Lodge (No. 1567).
Green , D . C . ; T . W . Clarke , W . S . and Potter , Tyler . After this , Bros . Little and Hervey delivered the charges / Bros . Col . Burdett John Hervey , H . G . Buss , R . W . Little , Thomas W . White , Rev . P . M . Holden , SirG . Elliot , Lt . Col . Peters , and C . A Cottebrune were '
elected honorary members , on the proposition of the W . M ., seconded by the S . W . ; and the W . M ., in addressing the newly elected brethren , said that he felt there was much work still to bi done in the province , and he hoped that often when there was this work to do the new members of the lod ge would be present . ( The continuation of this report will appear in our next . )
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
A new Masonic lodge , the " Zetland , " No . 326 , Toronto , Canada , was consecrated last month , M . W . Bro . J . K . Kerr , Grand Master , officiating , assisted by P . W . Bros , Spry , Stephens , and F . J . Menet . A fine Masonic Hall is being built at Lexington , Missouri , U . S . A .
On the 19 th of August the corner stone of the Union Agency building for the five largest nations of Indian Territory—the Chcrokees , Choctaws , Creeks , Chickasaws , ami Seminoles—was laid at Prospect Hill , near Muksogee , by the Masonic Grand Lodge of the Territory .
The monument to Fitz Greene Halleck , the poet , was dedicated on July 8 th , 1869 , at Guildford , Conn . New Haven Commandery , K . T ., and St . Albans Lodge , No . 3 8 , assisted . In connection with our Royal Grand Master ' s visit to
India , Bro . Matthews , an enterprising chemist of Camberwell , has discovered the means of composing a solution of lime which is considered to be an antielote against diarrhoea or dysentery . The profits of the meelicine are to be given to the Masonic charities .
Bro . Alderman Iladley has received an address of congratulation from the London Coffee-house Keepers Benevolent Association . On Tuesday last the Prince « f Wales completed his thirty-fourth year , having been born on the < ith November , 1841 . There were the usual celebrations in London , at Windsor , and at Sandringham .
Bro . George Abbott , of the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon , street , has been presented with a valuable gold watch and chain , by the members of the Railway Guards' Universal Friendly Society , in testimony of their esteem , and in recognition of the ability and zeal displayed by him while
chairman of the General Committee for five years . The presentation was ( made at the society ' s usual monthly meeting at the Birkbeck Institute , on the 27 th ult ., and was accompanied with an address beautifully illuminated on vellum , expressive of the cordial esteem evinced to our brother by the members of the above society .
The Fifteen Sections will be worked , by a number of brethren from various lodges , in the St . John of VVapping Lodge of Instruction , on Tuesday , the iCth inst . The proceedings will commence at ; o ' clock . Our readers will be glad to hear that Bro . Major Creaton was gazetted on Tuesday night as Lieut .-Colonel .
The Islington Lodge of Instruction , No . 1471 , is held at the Crown and Cushion , London Wall , every Wednes day evening , at 7 . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Norfolk , and the instal
lationof Bro . Walpolcas the new Piovincial Grand Master in the room of the late 15 ro . B . B . Cabbell , will take place at Norwich , next Saturday . Lord Skelmcisdale will instal . It is expected that 500 Freemasons will attnd the banquet , which will be held in St . Andrew's Hall .
Bro . 'lorn Jackson , P . S . W ., was unanimously elected Worshipful Master for ensuing year of the Lodge of Truth , Huddersficld , 521 . The first meeting of the committee for making arratgements in connection with the forthcoming Masonic Bal in Liverpool , in aid of the West Lancashire Masonic
Educational Institution , was held on Friday evening , the 5 H 1 inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street . Bro . H . S . Aljass , P . G . Sec , will be the chairman of the ball committee ; Bro . W . M . Chudley , P . M . 241 , the vice-chairman ; and Bro . H . Neilson , P . M . 673 and 1505 , was elected the Secretary .
WIPE Yocn KKET , —The best Coco Nut Mats and Matting are made by Treloar & Sons , Go , Ludgate Hill . HOLLOWAY ' S PILLS have been put fairly to the ' test of experence for more than thirty years . During that period their merits have powerfully conlribute'el to give ease , health , strength , and longevity 10 mankind . This purifying anil regulating medicine shoult oo casiona ' . iy tie hail recourse to during foggy , cold , anil wet weather . These Fills are the best preventive of Hoarseness . Sore Tlroati
Dipthen . i , Pleurisy , and Asthma , anil are sure remedies forCongestion , Uronchilis , anil Inflammation . Moderate attention la the directions round each box will enable every invalid to tak : the Fills in the most advantageous manner ; they will thus be tiug ht ttie proper doses and the circumstances under which these mist be increased or diminished , ilolloways's Fills act as alteraWi aperients , and tonic * , —ADVT ,