Article Masonic MIscellaner. ← Page 2 of 2 Article LECTURE ON THE WAR. Page 1 of 1 Article LECTURE ON THE WAR. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Miscellaner.
together in unity . " The discourse is a most ad " mirable one , inculcating that brotherly union which is the principal object of Freemasonry . This sentiment is enforced by a variety of sterling argument , pointing out the best means by which it may
be promoted , and the happy effects that result from it . The sermon has been published by command , and is dedicated to the R . W . Bro . the Rev . John Huyshe , Prov . G . M ., and the other Grand Officers of the province of Devon .
Lecture On The War.
Bro . Colonel Wigginton , W . M . 1298 , recently delived a lecture at St . Paul ' s National Schools , Canonbury , on his " Trip to Sedan . " The lecturer passed rapidly over the journey from London to Antwerp , Brussels , and Bouillon , commencing his subject at the latter place by describing the castle
erected by Godfrey de Bouillon , a name well-known in England ' s history , and the advantage the colonel and his companions derived from the Masonic introduction given by Bro . Distin , of the English Hotel , Antwerp . We give tiiis in his own words : " Tired and wet , we at last reached the Hotel de la
Porte ( the best hotel in the place ) , where our entrance was greeted , not by obsequious waiters or smiling lasses , but by a stench that fairly staggered us . Imagine the smell of a large , crowded , badly-ventilated stable , in early morn , at first opening the door ; and you may have a faint idea of the
odours that we expected were to attend us at the dinner-table , coffee-room , and sleeping-berths . Stifling our feelings—as the smell stilled our olfactory nerves-we ferretted out the landlady ' s sacred domain , and presented our John Bull Distin ' s introduction ; when , after sundry questions being put to us , we
were handed over tc the care of a pretty little lass , who tripped upstairs before us to the best room in the house , where we espied two beds , in one of which she informed us Napoleon slept upon his journey from Sedan to captivity , the room being now called ' Napoleon ' s room . ' And here we found
the value of Bro . Distin ' s recommendation . What he said in his note we know not , but the result was , immediate ( and the best ) accommodation ; for three diys afterwards , at Sedan , we met two poor fellows who asked us how we were treated at Bouillon , for the night they saw us arrive , they told us , they were
turned out of' Napoleon s room , ' and had to turn about for a bed , getting one at last in a peasant ' s cottage ! These were non-Masonic Englishmen I Commend me hereafter to a body calling itself Masonic , the mysterious agency of which can reach even the landlady of an hotel , when over-politeness
and consideration , at that busy time , were conspicuous by their absence . I have experienced the gentle influence of the gentle Craft before , but here was a marvellous illustration of its power , it being felt most mysteriously by one of that sex which , as a rule , arc steeled against , and jealous of ,
i ' . s influence . Suffice it to say , that at Antwerp , Brussels , and Bouillon it opened gates that would have been fast barred against us , and cleared a road that would otherwise have been beset by difficulties . " We cannot follow the lecturer through two and a half hours' discourse ; suffice it to say , that it was
full of incident , and that the audience were held spell-bound , as it were , till its conclusion , when long-continued acclamations testified 10 their appreciation of what was unanimously accepted as an intellectual treat . Col . Wigginton proposed to deal further with the battle-field of Sedan , when we hope the charity for which he exerted himself will be largely benefited .
BREAKFAST . — Ei'i's ' s COCOA . — Grateful and Comforting . —The very agreeable character of this preparation ha * rendered it a general favourite . The Cr . 'il Serr' / ee Gazette remarks : - " lly » tln > rni ^ h knowledge of the natural taws which L . 'ovcrn the operations of digestion and nutrition , and by a careful application at the fine prnperti' .-s of well-setceted cocoa , . Mr . Kpps lias provided o ' . tr breakfast tabic with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills . " Each packet is labelled— J - * Errs ANIi Co ., llointeopathic Chemists L . adon . A ! :.--, makers of Epps ' s C ' acaoinc . a very light , thin , cvenin . j bevcraga . —[ Advt . J
Lecture On The War.
REPORT of Dr . Arthur Hill Hassall , Analyst of the " Lancet" Sanitary Commission , Author of " Food and its Adulterations , " & c , & c , on Mayar ' s Semolina : " I have carefully tested , chemically and microscopically , the samples of Semolina sent by Messrs . L . Mayar & Co ., 36 , Mark Lane , London , E . C . I find them to he perfectly genuine , of excellent quality , and eminently nutritious . They contain a very large percentage of
nitrogenous matter , chiefly gluten , and are far more nutritious than any other food , such as Arrowroot , Tapioca , Sago , Corn Flour , Farinaceous Food , ordinary Wheat Flour , or any of the Cereals in use as food in this country . — ( Signed ) ARTHUR HILL-HASSALL , M . D ., London . " --Highly recommended by the Faculty for Infants , Invalids , & c . Makes delicious Pudding , Custards , Blanc Mange , & c . After a trial no family will be without Mayar's Semolina .
CROSBY ' BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXER —Opiates Narcotics , and Squills are too _ often invoked to give relief in Coughs , Colds , and all Pulmonary diseases . ^ Instead of such fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief at the expense of enfeebling the digestive organs and thus increasing that debility which lies at the root of the malady , modern science points to Crosby ' s Balsamic Cough Elixer , as the true remedy . —Select Testimonial . Dr . Rooke , Scarboroughauthor of the "Anti-Lancet , " says : "I have
repeat-, edly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued cough , Pain , and irritation of the chest in cases of pulmonary consumption , and I can , with the greatest confidence , recommend itasa most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease . " —This medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allays the local irritation , hut improves digestion and strengthens the constitution Hence it is used with the most signal success es
Asthmas , Bronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , Influenza , Night Sweat , of Consumption , Qumsy , and all affections of the throad and chest . Sold by all respectable Chemists and Patent Medicine Dealers in bottles at is . ad ., as . 6 d . and us each , and wholesale by J . M . CKORBY , Chemist , Scarborough . * \ * Invalids should read Crosby ' s Prize Treatise on " Diseases of the Lungs and Air-Vessels , " a copy of which can be obtained gratis of any respectable Chemist .-- [ Advt . J
HOLLOW AY ' OINTMENT AND PILLS . —Ulcers , Wounds , Sprains . —TSad legs , old wounds , and sprains , whethcr recent or chronic , yield with surprising celerity to the cooling , healing , and curative properties of this invaluable Ointment . It may be rciicd upon in ail such cases as have baffled the slvill of our best hospital surgeons . No matter the length of time the malady has
endured , this Ointment , assisted by a course of Holloway ' s Puts , will quietly but certainl y reach thc ^ core of the complaint , and thoroughly eradicate it , without additional impediments to pleasure or business . These remedies will overcome the worst lorm of disease and the foulest state of the blood . They never fail in extirpating noxious humours , the first step towards renewing soundness .-fAdvt . l
^ bbcriiscments . THE NEW MASONIC CANDLES , Ionict DorL and Corinthian , Emhkuiaikally Arranged for the WORSHIPFUL MASTER , SKNIOR & JUXIOR WARDENS 6 s . per set of 3 one-pound Candles . Packing Cases 6 d . each . j BRO . GEORGE KENNING'S J MASOX 1 C DEPOT . LITTLE JIRITAIX . LONDO . W j
Mason ' s Hall Tavern , MASON'S AVENUE , BASING HALL STREET , CITY . THE above old-established Tavern is NOW OPEN , newly decorated , by Bro CHARLES GOSDEN , late Manager of the Freemasons' Tavern Company . Every accommodation will be found for Lodges , Chapters , Mark and other degrees , for their Meetings , Dinners , Suppers , & c , and every attention will be paid to their comfort and enjoyment by the new Proprietor .
" Radley ' s , " Blackfriars , BRO . JOHN HART begs to inform the Craft he has several open days in each month for MASONIC MEETINGS , and will be glad to submit bis terms to Lodges abo u to move . N . B . No charge for Lodge Rooms , except emergencie s .
City Terminus Hotel , Cannon Street , LONDON . WELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Amateur Dramatic Entertainments , Public Meetings , and Arbitrations . The large Hall is capable of seating upwards of Twelve Hundred people . SIDNEY SPENCER , Manager .
Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , E . C . SPACIOUS Dining-Rooms , Chop and Steakrooms , Luncheon-bars , and Smoking-rooms , Rooms of al ] sizes , suitable for Auction Sales , Consultations , Arbitrations , Building Societies , Sec : also for Freemasons' Lodges and Banquets , Private Dinners , etc . Guildhall Taverns Com / may ( Limited ) , 32 &> 33 , Gresham-street . GEORGE CRAWFORD , Manager and Secretary .
WILLIAM WINSOR , of 3 , Miles ' s-lane , London-bridge , Imports CIGARS of the very Finest Brands only , and Manufactures Cigars from the Choicest Tobaccos . Wholesale and retail .
p ALVANISM .-PULVERMACHER'S Monthly V _ J RECORD of CURES is now rcadj'for the benefit of sufferers , containing documentary evidence of remarkable cures effected by Pui . VKRMACHKKS iMl'KOVKH P . \ TKNT SKLF-AI'I'I . ICAW . B VOLTAKLKCTRJC CHAIN BANDSnnd POCKHT IJATTJ ; K )) : , and may be had on application lo the Sol- Inventor and Patentee , J . L . 1 I ; LVI : KM . \ CIIKU , 200 , Regent-street , London , W . A test on \ o : u \ sent grails if required . ' Caution . —Spurious electric appliances being advertised by Quack Doctors , Patients should consult Pulveimaeher ' s Pamphlet on that subject ( free by post ) , embodying other most interesting matter for those suffering from Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pains , Functions Disorders . Ssc . XVr
WEAK or Defective SIGHT—SPECTACLES scicntiileal ! y adapted to remedy impaired vUimt h > Mr . Ackland , surgeon , daily , at HOUNK and THOKNTHWAl ' TE'S , Opticians to the Queen , TJ ? and 123 , Xcwgatc-strcct , London . Send six stamps for * 'Ackland ' s Hints on Spectacles , " which contains valuable suggestions to sufferers from imperfect sight .
•\/ OUi \ G \ S ARNICATED CORN AND -i RUN'IN PLA 1 STERS arc the best ever invented for giving immediate .. tse , and removing those painful excrescences , I ' ricc 6 u and is . per box . May be had of most chemists . Observe the trade mark . —HV—without which none are genuine , liisu ,- and adefor YOUNG'S .
Window-Blinds ! ( DY STEAM POWER ) Window-Blinds I M . A . M'KEON AND SON , ( Late PATRICK M'KEON , ) The only Steam-Machine Patent Window-Blind Manufacturers in Ireland . Transparent and Venetian Winds . Italian Bonnet Blinds . Blinds Lettered . Holland Roller Blinds , on the newest and Wire and Zinc Blinds . most improved principle . Sunshades and Outside Blinds for Shop-fronts . Coats of Arms Painted . livery description of ] Vindo % s < Jl / i / itis 20 per cent , cheaper than any other house . Estimates furnished , and Plans submitted . Orders by Post punctually attended to . 15 , Aungier-street , Dublin . Workshops-15 & 16 , Aungier-st .
SCHWEITZER'SCOCOATINA, Anti-Dyspeptic Cocoa or Chocolate Powder . ^ jjriTJ ^ Guaranteed to contain NOTHING BUT PURE SOLU BLE COCOA of the finest quality / w ^ gzjp &^& K COCOATIXA is the highest das * i of Cocoa or Chocolate that can pos . Mbly be produced . It has been celebrated & fj jjfeS § £ ffl ( C £ ^ manv years tor purity , flavour , strength , unvarying quality , ami solubility . I » 7 «§* Ji ) CT ill i'hc K . UTS . TY pronounce it " the most nutritious and ferfecih digestible OVIM . " It is absolutel y free from I ' £ fl & il- « l /*) sus *" 1 ! " or all >* admixture , ( tic " excess of fatty matter " being extracted without prejudice to flavour or nutritive quality , ^ V **" C' ^ - ' ^ cte ^^ s lmis farming : i soothing , invigorating , perfectly digestible , and dc ! L mis beverage . \&^^ S ^ aaB » Vy Sold in air-tudit Cylindrical Tin Packages only , at is . Od ., 3 s ., 5 s . Cd ., 10 s . Gd ., and 20 s . each , by all Chemists , \^ S * 3 S 3 ^ 5 ?^/ Grocers , Italian Warehousemen , and Confectioners . xPA * L > X COCO AT IN A A LA VAN 11 . 1 , 1-, at same prices , is superior to the bcs * . Vanilla Chocolates—much cheaper , perfectly Krguicre . f . digestible , and made instantnne <> u > , ] y . Sole Proprietors , H . SCHWEITZER AND CO ., 10 , ADAM STREET , ADKI . PIII , LONDON .
t Three First Prize Medals in 1869 . ; & ^ . SEWINGMACHINES.ij^fept 9 , Newgate-street , London . Price Lists Post-free . \ ^^ Bs ^ he ^ S &^ i ^ i ^^ Superior Cabinet Furniture , Manufactured by WILLIAM()VI.TTS,UPHOLSTERER, COMMERCIAL ROM ) EAST , NEAR STEPNEY STATION , A . ' a : \ ry si / iail advance in price ci-. vc l : ' : c : v . v :.- \ 7 i \ v Art ; - ! :. A fr . rgc Stock always o » tand . Estimates given .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Miscellaner.
together in unity . " The discourse is a most ad " mirable one , inculcating that brotherly union which is the principal object of Freemasonry . This sentiment is enforced by a variety of sterling argument , pointing out the best means by which it may
be promoted , and the happy effects that result from it . The sermon has been published by command , and is dedicated to the R . W . Bro . the Rev . John Huyshe , Prov . G . M ., and the other Grand Officers of the province of Devon .
Lecture On The War.
Bro . Colonel Wigginton , W . M . 1298 , recently delived a lecture at St . Paul ' s National Schools , Canonbury , on his " Trip to Sedan . " The lecturer passed rapidly over the journey from London to Antwerp , Brussels , and Bouillon , commencing his subject at the latter place by describing the castle
erected by Godfrey de Bouillon , a name well-known in England ' s history , and the advantage the colonel and his companions derived from the Masonic introduction given by Bro . Distin , of the English Hotel , Antwerp . We give tiiis in his own words : " Tired and wet , we at last reached the Hotel de la
Porte ( the best hotel in the place ) , where our entrance was greeted , not by obsequious waiters or smiling lasses , but by a stench that fairly staggered us . Imagine the smell of a large , crowded , badly-ventilated stable , in early morn , at first opening the door ; and you may have a faint idea of the
odours that we expected were to attend us at the dinner-table , coffee-room , and sleeping-berths . Stifling our feelings—as the smell stilled our olfactory nerves-we ferretted out the landlady ' s sacred domain , and presented our John Bull Distin ' s introduction ; when , after sundry questions being put to us , we
were handed over tc the care of a pretty little lass , who tripped upstairs before us to the best room in the house , where we espied two beds , in one of which she informed us Napoleon slept upon his journey from Sedan to captivity , the room being now called ' Napoleon ' s room . ' And here we found
the value of Bro . Distin ' s recommendation . What he said in his note we know not , but the result was , immediate ( and the best ) accommodation ; for three diys afterwards , at Sedan , we met two poor fellows who asked us how we were treated at Bouillon , for the night they saw us arrive , they told us , they were
turned out of' Napoleon s room , ' and had to turn about for a bed , getting one at last in a peasant ' s cottage ! These were non-Masonic Englishmen I Commend me hereafter to a body calling itself Masonic , the mysterious agency of which can reach even the landlady of an hotel , when over-politeness
and consideration , at that busy time , were conspicuous by their absence . I have experienced the gentle influence of the gentle Craft before , but here was a marvellous illustration of its power , it being felt most mysteriously by one of that sex which , as a rule , arc steeled against , and jealous of ,
i ' . s influence . Suffice it to say , that at Antwerp , Brussels , and Bouillon it opened gates that would have been fast barred against us , and cleared a road that would otherwise have been beset by difficulties . " We cannot follow the lecturer through two and a half hours' discourse ; suffice it to say , that it was
full of incident , and that the audience were held spell-bound , as it were , till its conclusion , when long-continued acclamations testified 10 their appreciation of what was unanimously accepted as an intellectual treat . Col . Wigginton proposed to deal further with the battle-field of Sedan , when we hope the charity for which he exerted himself will be largely benefited .
BREAKFAST . — Ei'i's ' s COCOA . — Grateful and Comforting . —The very agreeable character of this preparation ha * rendered it a general favourite . The Cr . 'il Serr' / ee Gazette remarks : - " lly » tln > rni ^ h knowledge of the natural taws which L . 'ovcrn the operations of digestion and nutrition , and by a careful application at the fine prnperti' .-s of well-setceted cocoa , . Mr . Kpps lias provided o ' . tr breakfast tabic with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills . " Each packet is labelled— J - * Errs ANIi Co ., llointeopathic Chemists L . adon . A ! :.--, makers of Epps ' s C ' acaoinc . a very light , thin , cvenin . j bevcraga . —[ Advt . J
Lecture On The War.
REPORT of Dr . Arthur Hill Hassall , Analyst of the " Lancet" Sanitary Commission , Author of " Food and its Adulterations , " & c , & c , on Mayar ' s Semolina : " I have carefully tested , chemically and microscopically , the samples of Semolina sent by Messrs . L . Mayar & Co ., 36 , Mark Lane , London , E . C . I find them to he perfectly genuine , of excellent quality , and eminently nutritious . They contain a very large percentage of
nitrogenous matter , chiefly gluten , and are far more nutritious than any other food , such as Arrowroot , Tapioca , Sago , Corn Flour , Farinaceous Food , ordinary Wheat Flour , or any of the Cereals in use as food in this country . — ( Signed ) ARTHUR HILL-HASSALL , M . D ., London . " --Highly recommended by the Faculty for Infants , Invalids , & c . Makes delicious Pudding , Custards , Blanc Mange , & c . After a trial no family will be without Mayar's Semolina .
CROSBY ' BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXER —Opiates Narcotics , and Squills are too _ often invoked to give relief in Coughs , Colds , and all Pulmonary diseases . ^ Instead of such fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief at the expense of enfeebling the digestive organs and thus increasing that debility which lies at the root of the malady , modern science points to Crosby ' s Balsamic Cough Elixer , as the true remedy . —Select Testimonial . Dr . Rooke , Scarboroughauthor of the "Anti-Lancet , " says : "I have
repeat-, edly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued cough , Pain , and irritation of the chest in cases of pulmonary consumption , and I can , with the greatest confidence , recommend itasa most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease . " —This medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allays the local irritation , hut improves digestion and strengthens the constitution Hence it is used with the most signal success es
Asthmas , Bronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , Influenza , Night Sweat , of Consumption , Qumsy , and all affections of the throad and chest . Sold by all respectable Chemists and Patent Medicine Dealers in bottles at is . ad ., as . 6 d . and us each , and wholesale by J . M . CKORBY , Chemist , Scarborough . * \ * Invalids should read Crosby ' s Prize Treatise on " Diseases of the Lungs and Air-Vessels , " a copy of which can be obtained gratis of any respectable Chemist .-- [ Advt . J
HOLLOW AY ' OINTMENT AND PILLS . —Ulcers , Wounds , Sprains . —TSad legs , old wounds , and sprains , whethcr recent or chronic , yield with surprising celerity to the cooling , healing , and curative properties of this invaluable Ointment . It may be rciicd upon in ail such cases as have baffled the slvill of our best hospital surgeons . No matter the length of time the malady has
endured , this Ointment , assisted by a course of Holloway ' s Puts , will quietly but certainl y reach thc ^ core of the complaint , and thoroughly eradicate it , without additional impediments to pleasure or business . These remedies will overcome the worst lorm of disease and the foulest state of the blood . They never fail in extirpating noxious humours , the first step towards renewing soundness .-fAdvt . l
^ bbcriiscments . THE NEW MASONIC CANDLES , Ionict DorL and Corinthian , Emhkuiaikally Arranged for the WORSHIPFUL MASTER , SKNIOR & JUXIOR WARDENS 6 s . per set of 3 one-pound Candles . Packing Cases 6 d . each . j BRO . GEORGE KENNING'S J MASOX 1 C DEPOT . LITTLE JIRITAIX . LONDO . W j
Mason ' s Hall Tavern , MASON'S AVENUE , BASING HALL STREET , CITY . THE above old-established Tavern is NOW OPEN , newly decorated , by Bro CHARLES GOSDEN , late Manager of the Freemasons' Tavern Company . Every accommodation will be found for Lodges , Chapters , Mark and other degrees , for their Meetings , Dinners , Suppers , & c , and every attention will be paid to their comfort and enjoyment by the new Proprietor .
" Radley ' s , " Blackfriars , BRO . JOHN HART begs to inform the Craft he has several open days in each month for MASONIC MEETINGS , and will be glad to submit bis terms to Lodges abo u to move . N . B . No charge for Lodge Rooms , except emergencie s .
City Terminus Hotel , Cannon Street , LONDON . WELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Amateur Dramatic Entertainments , Public Meetings , and Arbitrations . The large Hall is capable of seating upwards of Twelve Hundred people . SIDNEY SPENCER , Manager .
Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street , E . C . SPACIOUS Dining-Rooms , Chop and Steakrooms , Luncheon-bars , and Smoking-rooms , Rooms of al ] sizes , suitable for Auction Sales , Consultations , Arbitrations , Building Societies , Sec : also for Freemasons' Lodges and Banquets , Private Dinners , etc . Guildhall Taverns Com / may ( Limited ) , 32 &> 33 , Gresham-street . GEORGE CRAWFORD , Manager and Secretary .
WILLIAM WINSOR , of 3 , Miles ' s-lane , London-bridge , Imports CIGARS of the very Finest Brands only , and Manufactures Cigars from the Choicest Tobaccos . Wholesale and retail .
p ALVANISM .-PULVERMACHER'S Monthly V _ J RECORD of CURES is now rcadj'for the benefit of sufferers , containing documentary evidence of remarkable cures effected by Pui . VKRMACHKKS iMl'KOVKH P . \ TKNT SKLF-AI'I'I . ICAW . B VOLTAKLKCTRJC CHAIN BANDSnnd POCKHT IJATTJ ; K )) : , and may be had on application lo the Sol- Inventor and Patentee , J . L . 1 I ; LVI : KM . \ CIIKU , 200 , Regent-street , London , W . A test on \ o : u \ sent grails if required . ' Caution . —Spurious electric appliances being advertised by Quack Doctors , Patients should consult Pulveimaeher ' s Pamphlet on that subject ( free by post ) , embodying other most interesting matter for those suffering from Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pains , Functions Disorders . Ssc . XVr
WEAK or Defective SIGHT—SPECTACLES scicntiileal ! y adapted to remedy impaired vUimt h > Mr . Ackland , surgeon , daily , at HOUNK and THOKNTHWAl ' TE'S , Opticians to the Queen , TJ ? and 123 , Xcwgatc-strcct , London . Send six stamps for * 'Ackland ' s Hints on Spectacles , " which contains valuable suggestions to sufferers from imperfect sight .
•\/ OUi \ G \ S ARNICATED CORN AND -i RUN'IN PLA 1 STERS arc the best ever invented for giving immediate .. tse , and removing those painful excrescences , I ' ricc 6 u and is . per box . May be had of most chemists . Observe the trade mark . —HV—without which none are genuine , liisu ,- and adefor YOUNG'S .
Window-Blinds ! ( DY STEAM POWER ) Window-Blinds I M . A . M'KEON AND SON , ( Late PATRICK M'KEON , ) The only Steam-Machine Patent Window-Blind Manufacturers in Ireland . Transparent and Venetian Winds . Italian Bonnet Blinds . Blinds Lettered . Holland Roller Blinds , on the newest and Wire and Zinc Blinds . most improved principle . Sunshades and Outside Blinds for Shop-fronts . Coats of Arms Painted . livery description of ] Vindo % s < Jl / i / itis 20 per cent , cheaper than any other house . Estimates furnished , and Plans submitted . Orders by Post punctually attended to . 15 , Aungier-street , Dublin . Workshops-15 & 16 , Aungier-st .
SCHWEITZER'SCOCOATINA, Anti-Dyspeptic Cocoa or Chocolate Powder . ^ jjriTJ ^ Guaranteed to contain NOTHING BUT PURE SOLU BLE COCOA of the finest quality / w ^ gzjp &^& K COCOATIXA is the highest das * i of Cocoa or Chocolate that can pos . Mbly be produced . It has been celebrated & fj jjfeS § £ ffl ( C £ ^ manv years tor purity , flavour , strength , unvarying quality , ami solubility . I » 7 «§* Ji ) CT ill i'hc K . UTS . TY pronounce it " the most nutritious and ferfecih digestible OVIM . " It is absolutel y free from I ' £ fl & il- « l /*) sus *" 1 ! " or all >* admixture , ( tic " excess of fatty matter " being extracted without prejudice to flavour or nutritive quality , ^ V **" C' ^ - ' ^ cte ^^ s lmis farming : i soothing , invigorating , perfectly digestible , and dc ! L mis beverage . \&^^ S ^ aaB » Vy Sold in air-tudit Cylindrical Tin Packages only , at is . Od ., 3 s ., 5 s . Cd ., 10 s . Gd ., and 20 s . each , by all Chemists , \^ S * 3 S 3 ^ 5 ?^/ Grocers , Italian Warehousemen , and Confectioners . xPA * L > X COCO AT IN A A LA VAN 11 . 1 , 1-, at same prices , is superior to the bcs * . Vanilla Chocolates—much cheaper , perfectly Krguicre . f . digestible , and made instantnne <> u > , ] y . Sole Proprietors , H . SCHWEITZER AND CO ., 10 , ADAM STREET , ADKI . PIII , LONDON .
t Three First Prize Medals in 1869 . ; & ^ . SEWINGMACHINES.ij^fept 9 , Newgate-street , London . Price Lists Post-free . \ ^^ Bs ^ he ^ S &^ i ^ i ^^ Superior Cabinet Furniture , Manufactured by WILLIAM()VI.TTS,UPHOLSTERER, COMMERCIAL ROM ) EAST , NEAR STEPNEY STATION , A . ' a : \ ry si / iail advance in price ci-. vc l : ' : c : v . v :.- \ 7 i \ v Art ; - ! :. A fr . rgc Stock always o » tand . Estimates given .