Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Durham.
A meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham was held in the Central Hall , John Street , on Tuesday afternoon , under the presidency of the R . W . P . G . M ., John Fawcett , Esq ., which was largely attended by the members of the various lodges in the county , when
satisfactory reports were presented by the different W . Masters . The report of the Fund Committee , which was received and adopted , in addition to the grants made to the widows and indigent brethren , recommended the following donations , viz ., to the Royal Masonic Institute for Boys ,
, £ 52 ios . ; the Royal Masonic Institute for Girls , ^ 52 ios . ; Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows , ^ 50 . After the transaction of the ordinary business , the P . G . M . invested the following officers for the ensuing year : — Sir H . Williamson , Bart ,
D . P . G . M . ; Rev . Canon Tristram , P . G . S . W . ; Henry Lawrence , P . G . J . W . ; Rev . F . W . Bewsher , P . G . Chaplain ; Robt . Edward Thomson , P . G . R . ; Rev . John Cundell , P . G . T . ; W . H . Crookes , P . G . Secretary ; A . Harkness , P . G . S . D . ; R . B . Lulert , P . G . J . D . ; S . P . Austin , P . G . S . of W . : Robert Hudson , P . G . D . cf C . ; Tohn Bell ,
P . G . Sword Bearer ; Angelo Forrest , P . G . O- ; J . T . Dickenson , P . G . P . ; J . Thompson , P . G . Tyler . The following were appointed stewards : — J . Holdsworth 1124 ) , S . Cockburn ( 661 ) , J . Tweedie ( 764 ) , Thos . Bradley ( 940 ) , A . Gray ( 949 ) , and C . B . Barnes ( 1119 ) . The brethren afterwards dined together at the Palatine Hotel .
Objects And Scope Of Statutes Of Convent General Knights Templar.
The object steadily kept in view and it is hoped effected by these statutes , has been , while uniting the order throughout the empire under one head , fully to preserve local self-government , so that there should be no possibility of one part of the order being subjecte d or swamped
by another portion . The new statutes come into effect in any one of the jurisdictions when signed by the Plenipotentiary and ratified by the Grand Master of that jurisdiction , and assented to by its Grand Conclave .
GENERAL EFFECT OF NEW STATUTES . The Grand Master is in future to be elected by the three representatives annually elected to the Grand Master's Council by each of the Great Prioiies ( Grand Conclaves ) . Thus , in this matter , no one portion of the order can swamp the others .
The Convent General is composed of the Great Priories sitting in common , and presided over by the Grand Master . It regulates the general affairs of the order , but has only limited powers of taxation . The Great Officers of the order , seven in
number , are appointed by the Grand Master , except the Arch Treasurer , who is annually elected by the Convent-General . The honours of Knights Grand Cross and Knights Commanders are given by the Grand Master . They are limited in number , and can only be conferred on Preceptors ( Eminent
Commanders ) . These honours have been instituted as rewards to Knights who have well served the order , and because , owing to the local self-government reserved to each separate jurisdiction , the Grand Master would otherwise have no power of granting distinctions , his power of conferring " Past Rank" having now been taken away .
The Council of the Grand Master is composed of the Great Priors , the Great Officers ( seven ) , and three Knights , annually elected by each of the Great Priories . It generally advises the
Grand Master , and hears appeals . The Great Priors in each nationality are appointed by the Grand Master . They are in effect his Deputy Grand Masters for their respective jurisdictions .
Objects And Scope Of Statutes Of Convent General Knights Templar.
The Great Priories are each composed of all the Great Officers , Provincial Priors ( Provincial Grand Commanders ) , National Great Officers , Grand Crosses , Knights Commanders , and Preceptors ( Eminent Commanders present and past ) , " who shall be snbscribing members of
Preceptories within its limits or jurisdiction . ' They are presided over by their National Great Priors . They make statutes and rule their own particular jurisdictions , provided that nothing is done contrary to the statutes of the Convent-General . All Knights at present enjoying past rank will still preserve that rank with all the
privileges belonging to it , but m future no office will confer rank except during the time that it is held . This does not apply to Preceptors ( Eminent Commanders ) who hold a degree as well as an office ; they hold their rank and privileges as long as they are subscribing members of any Preceptory ( Encampment ) . The ballot for candidates must be unanimous .
In future , candidates must have been two years Master Masons ; this in addition to , and not in substitution of , the National Statutes , which require that each candidate should be a Royal Arch Mason . The insignia and habits have been altered in some respects , but the alterations are not such as to require special mention .
American Honours To European Masonic Historians.
At the regular meeting of the Kilwinning Lodge , 356 , Cincinnati , Grand Lodge of Ohio ( U . S . A . ) , held on the 14 th of September , 1874 , the members elected Bros . J . G . Findel , author of " History of Freemasonry , " & c . ; W . J . Hughan , author of " Masonic Sketches and
Reprints , & c . ; and D . M . Lyon , author of" History of the Lodge of Edinburgh , " Szc , honorary members , and have forwarded to these brethren very handsome certificates , notifying the pleasing fact , signed by the officers , and countersigned by the Grand Secretary of Ohio , Bro . J . D .
Caldwell . In the By-laws of this important and flourishing lodge , we are told that it was named after " Mother Kilwinning , " the ancient Lodge of Scotland , and therefore the members have done well to honour the historians of that old lodge , and the other two brethren having
devoted much of their time and talents to the study of Freemasonry , at home and abroad , are accordingly thoroughly representative of the English and German views of " ye craft in ye olden tyme . " The seal of the Lodge , 356 , has engraved upon it a representation of the ruins
of Kilwinning Abbey , as they now exist , so also has the certificate , and the banquet tickets have another view of these ruins , copied from " Billings' Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland . " The lodge membership is limited
to 100 , and many more else would have joined it ere this , for it is noted throughout America for its special attention to the ceremonials , dresses , decorations , music , processions , and rituals of the symbolic degree .
The Masonic Boys' School And Mark Master Masons.
Bro . T . J . Sabine , of Brighton , has , we perceive , commenced active work as Stewardrcprcsentingthe Mark Lodges and their members throughout the county . He has issued a circular * which should produce material results . We are informed that a
copy has been sent to every Mark Lodge in the county , and to the leading members of the degree . We heartily wish Bro . Sabine every success in his great undertaking , and sincerely hope that his list on the day of the Festival will be nearer one thousand than one hundred guineas . If the Mark
Masons , who are members of the Mark Lodges scattered through the land , will but do something , if only five shillings each person , then Bro . Sabine ' s object is accomplished . The start is a good one , and the ending should be a triumphant success . We know from past services to the Masonic
Institutions rendered by Bro . Sabine for many years past , that no effort will be wanting on his part to bring about a long list of names and a large total of money in honour of the Mark degree . We would suggest to those who intend to subscribe something to send their names and addresses as early as possible .
* The Masonic Boys' School And Mark Master Masons.
" Since kind Heaven with wealth our realm has blest , Give it to Heaven by aiding the distrest . " 54 , Ship Street , Brighton October 21 st , 1874 . Dear Sir and Brother ,
I confidently appeal to the Mark Masons and to the Mark Lodges registered tinder the Grand Mark Lodge of England and Wales , & c , to support me as their representative on the occasion of the next Anniversary Festival in aid of the funds of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . The
Grand Mark Lodge has set an example worthy of imitation , in voting the school forty guineas ; and it is desired , for the credit of the Mark Degree , that a sum of at least five hundred guineas should on this occasion be the contribution of the Mark Masons of England . The Boys' School and its
usefulness is so widely known that it is unnecessary for me to dilate upon it . I may be pardoned for stating that in the school nearly two hundred boys are maintained , educated , and clothed . To accomplish this , many thousand pounds are needed yearly . I take the liberty of suggesting that a sum of not less than one guinea should be voted from
the funds of each Mark Lodge , as soon as possible , and that the W . M . or Secretary of each Lodge should assist me in my object by collecting from the members in small sums , a sum of not less than two guineas ; this done , I shall be enabled to far exceed the amount referred to above . In conclusion , I only ask every Mark Mason to bear in mind these lines : —
" I swore with generous gifts to care , For those in sorrow stricken , The brother on the darkened square , The mourner with dishevelled hair , The orphan doomed , alas ! to stray ,
Along Life ' s cold and cheerless way , Whose tears gush forth unbidden . " I remain , Dear Sir and Brother , Yours faithfully and fraternally , THOS . J . SABINE , P . M ., 73 , Treas . 1423 .
P . Z . and Treas . 73 , P . G . S . B . Middlesex , P . M . 22 , W . M . 75 Mark Lodge , P . A . G . D . of C . ( Mark ) , P . G . ( Mark ) , Sec . Sussex .
List of Subscribers to November 1 , 1874 . £ s . d . Grand Mark Lodge - - - - 42 o o Bro . John Sutcliffe ( Grimsby ) , Provincial Grand M . M . M . of Lincolnshire - - 52 10 o A Lady 10 10 o
Bro . Lockey ( Chftonville ) , Keystone Mark Lodge , 168 - - - -110 Bro . C . T . Rhodes , J . O ., Fearnley Mark Lodge , No . 58 , Halifax - - - 10 10 o Bro . W . J . Mantel ( Lincoln ) , Remigius Mark Lodge , 117 - - - - 10 10 o
Bro . G . J . Smallpiece , J . G . Mark Warden , P . G . Treasurer , Mark Province of Middlesex and Surrey - - - 1 1 o Mrs . Thos . J . Sabine - - - - I I o Bro . Thos . J . Sabine , P . A . G . D . of C . etc . 21 o o Bro . W . H . Morson - - - - 10 10 o
Bro . S . R . Ade , G ., Std . B ., S . W ., 164 - 10 10 o Bro . G . Wcllerd , Treas ., 166 - - - 10 10 o Bro . R . W . Little , Sec . R . M . ( Girls' ) School , G . M . O . 1 1 o Bro . I . J . Hooper Wilkins , W . M . 22 , G . J . O . S 5 o
Bro . C . Allen , G . A . D . of C . - - - 1 1 o Bro . E . Harris , Collector Royal Masonic ( Boys' ) School 5 5 o Bro . Col . Burdett , P . G . Mark M ., Middlesex and Surrey - - - -100 Bro . H . Muggeridge , Collector Royal
Masonic ( Girls' ) School - - - 5 5 o The Royal Sussex Mark Lodge , 75 - 1 1 o The Southdown Mark Lodge , 164 - - 1 1 o The Keystone Mark Lodge , 168 - - 1 1 o The East Sussex Mark Lodge , 166 - 1 1 o Bro . Funkenzstein , P . G . I . G . - - - 5 5 o
Bro . James Terry , Sec . Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution - - -110 Bro . G . Kenning , Proprietor of the Freemason 5 5 ° Bro . W . Read , 164 10 10 o The Southwark Mark Lodge , 22 - - 1 1 o
Bro . E . S . Stidolph , Gd . Steward , S . W ., 22 5 5 o Bro . H . J . A . 10 10 o Bro . T . H . Moseley , 164- - - - 1 1 o Bro . F . Binckes , Sec . Royal Masonic
( Boys' ) School 10 10 o Era Lodge , 1423 10 10 o Bro . Harry Brett , Treas . No . 22 - - 1 1 o Bro . J . H . Spencer , 22 - - - - 1 1 o Bro . Col . Adair , P . G . ( Marks ) Warden - 1 1 o
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Durham.
A meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham was held in the Central Hall , John Street , on Tuesday afternoon , under the presidency of the R . W . P . G . M ., John Fawcett , Esq ., which was largely attended by the members of the various lodges in the county , when
satisfactory reports were presented by the different W . Masters . The report of the Fund Committee , which was received and adopted , in addition to the grants made to the widows and indigent brethren , recommended the following donations , viz ., to the Royal Masonic Institute for Boys ,
, £ 52 ios . ; the Royal Masonic Institute for Girls , ^ 52 ios . ; Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows , ^ 50 . After the transaction of the ordinary business , the P . G . M . invested the following officers for the ensuing year : — Sir H . Williamson , Bart ,
D . P . G . M . ; Rev . Canon Tristram , P . G . S . W . ; Henry Lawrence , P . G . J . W . ; Rev . F . W . Bewsher , P . G . Chaplain ; Robt . Edward Thomson , P . G . R . ; Rev . John Cundell , P . G . T . ; W . H . Crookes , P . G . Secretary ; A . Harkness , P . G . S . D . ; R . B . Lulert , P . G . J . D . ; S . P . Austin , P . G . S . of W . : Robert Hudson , P . G . D . cf C . ; Tohn Bell ,
P . G . Sword Bearer ; Angelo Forrest , P . G . O- ; J . T . Dickenson , P . G . P . ; J . Thompson , P . G . Tyler . The following were appointed stewards : — J . Holdsworth 1124 ) , S . Cockburn ( 661 ) , J . Tweedie ( 764 ) , Thos . Bradley ( 940 ) , A . Gray ( 949 ) , and C . B . Barnes ( 1119 ) . The brethren afterwards dined together at the Palatine Hotel .
Objects And Scope Of Statutes Of Convent General Knights Templar.
The object steadily kept in view and it is hoped effected by these statutes , has been , while uniting the order throughout the empire under one head , fully to preserve local self-government , so that there should be no possibility of one part of the order being subjecte d or swamped
by another portion . The new statutes come into effect in any one of the jurisdictions when signed by the Plenipotentiary and ratified by the Grand Master of that jurisdiction , and assented to by its Grand Conclave .
GENERAL EFFECT OF NEW STATUTES . The Grand Master is in future to be elected by the three representatives annually elected to the Grand Master's Council by each of the Great Prioiies ( Grand Conclaves ) . Thus , in this matter , no one portion of the order can swamp the others .
The Convent General is composed of the Great Priories sitting in common , and presided over by the Grand Master . It regulates the general affairs of the order , but has only limited powers of taxation . The Great Officers of the order , seven in
number , are appointed by the Grand Master , except the Arch Treasurer , who is annually elected by the Convent-General . The honours of Knights Grand Cross and Knights Commanders are given by the Grand Master . They are limited in number , and can only be conferred on Preceptors ( Eminent
Commanders ) . These honours have been instituted as rewards to Knights who have well served the order , and because , owing to the local self-government reserved to each separate jurisdiction , the Grand Master would otherwise have no power of granting distinctions , his power of conferring " Past Rank" having now been taken away .
The Council of the Grand Master is composed of the Great Priors , the Great Officers ( seven ) , and three Knights , annually elected by each of the Great Priories . It generally advises the
Grand Master , and hears appeals . The Great Priors in each nationality are appointed by the Grand Master . They are in effect his Deputy Grand Masters for their respective jurisdictions .
Objects And Scope Of Statutes Of Convent General Knights Templar.
The Great Priories are each composed of all the Great Officers , Provincial Priors ( Provincial Grand Commanders ) , National Great Officers , Grand Crosses , Knights Commanders , and Preceptors ( Eminent Commanders present and past ) , " who shall be snbscribing members of
Preceptories within its limits or jurisdiction . ' They are presided over by their National Great Priors . They make statutes and rule their own particular jurisdictions , provided that nothing is done contrary to the statutes of the Convent-General . All Knights at present enjoying past rank will still preserve that rank with all the
privileges belonging to it , but m future no office will confer rank except during the time that it is held . This does not apply to Preceptors ( Eminent Commanders ) who hold a degree as well as an office ; they hold their rank and privileges as long as they are subscribing members of any Preceptory ( Encampment ) . The ballot for candidates must be unanimous .
In future , candidates must have been two years Master Masons ; this in addition to , and not in substitution of , the National Statutes , which require that each candidate should be a Royal Arch Mason . The insignia and habits have been altered in some respects , but the alterations are not such as to require special mention .
American Honours To European Masonic Historians.
At the regular meeting of the Kilwinning Lodge , 356 , Cincinnati , Grand Lodge of Ohio ( U . S . A . ) , held on the 14 th of September , 1874 , the members elected Bros . J . G . Findel , author of " History of Freemasonry , " & c . ; W . J . Hughan , author of " Masonic Sketches and
Reprints , & c . ; and D . M . Lyon , author of" History of the Lodge of Edinburgh , " Szc , honorary members , and have forwarded to these brethren very handsome certificates , notifying the pleasing fact , signed by the officers , and countersigned by the Grand Secretary of Ohio , Bro . J . D .
Caldwell . In the By-laws of this important and flourishing lodge , we are told that it was named after " Mother Kilwinning , " the ancient Lodge of Scotland , and therefore the members have done well to honour the historians of that old lodge , and the other two brethren having
devoted much of their time and talents to the study of Freemasonry , at home and abroad , are accordingly thoroughly representative of the English and German views of " ye craft in ye olden tyme . " The seal of the Lodge , 356 , has engraved upon it a representation of the ruins
of Kilwinning Abbey , as they now exist , so also has the certificate , and the banquet tickets have another view of these ruins , copied from " Billings' Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland . " The lodge membership is limited
to 100 , and many more else would have joined it ere this , for it is noted throughout America for its special attention to the ceremonials , dresses , decorations , music , processions , and rituals of the symbolic degree .
The Masonic Boys' School And Mark Master Masons.
Bro . T . J . Sabine , of Brighton , has , we perceive , commenced active work as Stewardrcprcsentingthe Mark Lodges and their members throughout the county . He has issued a circular * which should produce material results . We are informed that a
copy has been sent to every Mark Lodge in the county , and to the leading members of the degree . We heartily wish Bro . Sabine every success in his great undertaking , and sincerely hope that his list on the day of the Festival will be nearer one thousand than one hundred guineas . If the Mark
Masons , who are members of the Mark Lodges scattered through the land , will but do something , if only five shillings each person , then Bro . Sabine ' s object is accomplished . The start is a good one , and the ending should be a triumphant success . We know from past services to the Masonic
Institutions rendered by Bro . Sabine for many years past , that no effort will be wanting on his part to bring about a long list of names and a large total of money in honour of the Mark degree . We would suggest to those who intend to subscribe something to send their names and addresses as early as possible .
* The Masonic Boys' School And Mark Master Masons.
" Since kind Heaven with wealth our realm has blest , Give it to Heaven by aiding the distrest . " 54 , Ship Street , Brighton October 21 st , 1874 . Dear Sir and Brother ,
I confidently appeal to the Mark Masons and to the Mark Lodges registered tinder the Grand Mark Lodge of England and Wales , & c , to support me as their representative on the occasion of the next Anniversary Festival in aid of the funds of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . The
Grand Mark Lodge has set an example worthy of imitation , in voting the school forty guineas ; and it is desired , for the credit of the Mark Degree , that a sum of at least five hundred guineas should on this occasion be the contribution of the Mark Masons of England . The Boys' School and its
usefulness is so widely known that it is unnecessary for me to dilate upon it . I may be pardoned for stating that in the school nearly two hundred boys are maintained , educated , and clothed . To accomplish this , many thousand pounds are needed yearly . I take the liberty of suggesting that a sum of not less than one guinea should be voted from
the funds of each Mark Lodge , as soon as possible , and that the W . M . or Secretary of each Lodge should assist me in my object by collecting from the members in small sums , a sum of not less than two guineas ; this done , I shall be enabled to far exceed the amount referred to above . In conclusion , I only ask every Mark Mason to bear in mind these lines : —
" I swore with generous gifts to care , For those in sorrow stricken , The brother on the darkened square , The mourner with dishevelled hair , The orphan doomed , alas ! to stray ,
Along Life ' s cold and cheerless way , Whose tears gush forth unbidden . " I remain , Dear Sir and Brother , Yours faithfully and fraternally , THOS . J . SABINE , P . M ., 73 , Treas . 1423 .
P . Z . and Treas . 73 , P . G . S . B . Middlesex , P . M . 22 , W . M . 75 Mark Lodge , P . A . G . D . of C . ( Mark ) , P . G . ( Mark ) , Sec . Sussex .
List of Subscribers to November 1 , 1874 . £ s . d . Grand Mark Lodge - - - - 42 o o Bro . John Sutcliffe ( Grimsby ) , Provincial Grand M . M . M . of Lincolnshire - - 52 10 o A Lady 10 10 o
Bro . Lockey ( Chftonville ) , Keystone Mark Lodge , 168 - - - -110 Bro . C . T . Rhodes , J . O ., Fearnley Mark Lodge , No . 58 , Halifax - - - 10 10 o Bro . W . J . Mantel ( Lincoln ) , Remigius Mark Lodge , 117 - - - - 10 10 o
Bro . G . J . Smallpiece , J . G . Mark Warden , P . G . Treasurer , Mark Province of Middlesex and Surrey - - - 1 1 o Mrs . Thos . J . Sabine - - - - I I o Bro . Thos . J . Sabine , P . A . G . D . of C . etc . 21 o o Bro . W . H . Morson - - - - 10 10 o
Bro . S . R . Ade , G ., Std . B ., S . W ., 164 - 10 10 o Bro . G . Wcllerd , Treas ., 166 - - - 10 10 o Bro . R . W . Little , Sec . R . M . ( Girls' ) School , G . M . O . 1 1 o Bro . I . J . Hooper Wilkins , W . M . 22 , G . J . O . S 5 o
Bro . C . Allen , G . A . D . of C . - - - 1 1 o Bro . E . Harris , Collector Royal Masonic ( Boys' ) School 5 5 o Bro . Col . Burdett , P . G . Mark M ., Middlesex and Surrey - - - -100 Bro . H . Muggeridge , Collector Royal
Masonic ( Girls' ) School - - - 5 5 o The Royal Sussex Mark Lodge , 75 - 1 1 o The Southdown Mark Lodge , 164 - - 1 1 o The Keystone Mark Lodge , 168 - - 1 1 o The East Sussex Mark Lodge , 166 - 1 1 o Bro . Funkenzstein , P . G . I . G . - - - 5 5 o
Bro . James Terry , Sec . Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution - - -110 Bro . G . Kenning , Proprietor of the Freemason 5 5 ° Bro . W . Read , 164 10 10 o The Southwark Mark Lodge , 22 - - 1 1 o
Bro . E . S . Stidolph , Gd . Steward , S . W ., 22 5 5 o Bro . H . J . A . 10 10 o Bro . T . H . Moseley , 164- - - - 1 1 o Bro . F . Binckes , Sec . Royal Masonic
( Boys' ) School 10 10 o Era Lodge , 1423 10 10 o Bro . Harry Brett , Treas . No . 22 - - 1 1 o Bro . J . H . Spencer , 22 - - - - 1 1 o Bro . Col . Adair , P . G . ( Marks ) Warden - 1 1 o