Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . Sir James and Lady McGarel Hogg with ¦ their family have left town for Magheramorne , Co . Antrim . Bro . R . B . Martin , M . P ., has been elected a member of the Essex Chamber of Agriculture . Bro . the Emperor William of Germany left Gastein on his return to Berlin on Tuesday . A large sum is said to have been already subscribed for the purpose of erecting a statue of the late Bro .
Sir Moses Montefiore , in Central Park , New York . Bro . Sir J . B . Monckton , P . G . W ., Town Clerk of London , accompanied by Lady Monckton , has left town for Belgium and Switzerland . The Queen ' s dinner party on Thursday , the 6 th inst ., included the Prince and Princess of Wales , the Duke and Duchess of Connaught , and Bro . the Grand Duke of Hesse .
Bro . the Duke and Duchess of Connaught , who have been for some time on a visit to the Queen at Osborne , left for Portsmouth in the Royal yacht Alberta on Monday and travelled thence to Bagshot . Mr . Mark Judge was on Saturday last presented , at the Great Western Hotel , with an address and gold watch , as a slight recognition of his services in the work of
improving the moral , social , and sanitary condition of the community . The personal estate of the late Bro . Sir Moses Montefiore , Bavt ., has been stated at between £ 350 , 000 and £ 380 , 000 . The deceased ' s will was made some three years since , and under it many valuable legacies are left to Jewish institutions in the Holy Land and England .
Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon , Lord Lieutenant of Ireland , was prevented fulfilling his intention of starting on his brief tour in the South and West of Ireland , by a severe attack of rheumatism , tdwards the end of last week , which confined him to his bed .
Bro . Sir Archibald Campbell , Bart ., of Blythswood , Grand Master Mason of Scotland , has consented to lay the foundation stone of the new church being erected at Langside , with full Masonic honours , in the course of a few weeks . The arrangements for the ceremony will devolve upon Lodge Sir Geoige Cathcart , No . 617 . The Committee of the Gee Street Mission ,
Goswell-road , are anxious to take the poor people for a day out of London into the green fields , for which funds are earnestly solicited , which will be thankfully received by Mr . H . Rudgley , Superintendent , 82 , Wood-street , Cheapside ; Robert Baxter , Esq ., 6 , Victoria-street , Westminster ; or Messrs . Barclay , Bevan , Tritton , and Co ., bankers , 54 , Lombard-street .
We regret to announce the death on Friday , the 7 th inst ., of Bro . Sir Henry Josias Stracey , Bart ., P . Prov . G . S . W . Norfolk . A quarter of a century since our deceased brother took an active part in Freemasonry , and in i 860 presided at a banquet given in honour of the late Bro . B . Bond Cabbell , then P . G . M . Norfolk . Sir Henry had also sat in the House of Commons for different Norfolk constituencies , more or less , during the whole of the period from 1855 to 1878 .
The inauguration and dedication of a new conclave of the Order of Rome and the Red Cross of Constantine , to bear the style and title of the Pentangle Conclave , No . 147 , Chatham , will take place this day ( Friday ) at the Sun Hotel , Chatham , at 3 p . m . punctually . The ceremonies will be performed by Col . Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., M . 111 . G . S ., who will also enthrone Sir Knight Henry
Penfold , as M . P . S ., and consecrate Sir Knight Belgrave Ninnis , as V . E . The appointment and investiture of officers will follow , and the customary banquet will take place at 5 p . m . The opportunity was taken on the occasion of the annual dinner of the staff of the Middlesex County Times , at the Ray Mead Hotel , Maidenhead , to present
to the proprietor , Bro . E . J . Acworth , P . M . 133 , VV . M . elect 1612 , a slight token of the respect and esteem in which he was held by his employe ' s and some of his friends , in the shape of a travelling and dressing case , the case itself being of Russian leather , and the various fittings in ivory and silver . On the front of the former was the following inscription , namely— " Presented to E . J . Acworth ,
Esq ., by his employes and a few friends , Sth August , 1885 . The gift which cost about £ 40 , was very handsome , and Mr . J . F . Casworth , overseer of the news department , made the presentation in very complimentary terms . Bro . Acworth feelingly acknowledged the testimonial and cordially thanked those who had taken part in it for their great kindness .
It is with much regret that we learn of the demise of Mrs . Alice Layton , the beloved wife of Bro . Harry John Layton , of the Leopold Lodge , No . 1571 , which melancholy ¦ event occurred on Thursday , the 6 th inst ., at her residence , at Nunhead . The deceased lady had been ailing for some weeks , and had been attended by Bro . Dr . Cock , of Peckham , but no serious consequences were apprehended until
a very few days before the crisis arrived . Her removal , at the early age of 33 years , has evoked profound sorrow amongst a wide circle of friends , by whom she was deservedly respected , and whose sympathy with Bro . Layton and his family has been genuinely expressed . The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon , at Nunhead Cemetery , in the presence of a numerous assembly of
friends . On the coffin were placed several beautiful wreaths by loving hands , as a tribute ot respect and affection for the deceased , her husband , and family . Amongst the chief mourners were Bro . H . J . I . avton ( the husband ) , Mr . Jas . Hewson and Mr . Charles Hewson ( brothers ) , Bro . John
James , 1571 , Bro . Redmond Uniacke Steele , SS . Peter and Paul Lodge , 1410 , Bro . J . Penny , P . M . 1571 , Bro . J . Reynolds , Bro . S . Lampt-n , 30 , Bro . F . Noyce , 1571 , Bro . Cook Taylor , and others . We add our own tribute to that of many others of condolence with our brother in his sad bereavement .
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . the Earl and the Countess of Crawford and Balcarres have left town for Haigh Hall , Wigan . Bro . Horace Jones , G . Supt . of Wks ., City Architect , is recruiting his health at Carlsbad . Bro . the Lord Mayor , M . P ., will preside this day ( Friday ) at the anniversary festival of the Royal Albert
Asylum . The Prince and Princess of Wales were present on board the Osborne at Bembridge Bay Regatta on Saturday last . The medical bulletins as to the state of health of Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon , are satisfactory , his lordship having continued to make good progress towards recovery .
Bro . Lord Harlech , P . G . M . designate of North Wales , with Lady Harlech and the Hon . Miss Ormsby-Gore , have left town for Brogyntyn , Oswestry . It is understood that Bro . General Lord Wolseley will resume the duties of Adjutant General to the Forces on the ist of September .
The subscriptions to the fund for presenting a testimonial to Bro . Lord Richard Grosvenor , M . P ., had already reached £ 500 at the end of last week .
Bro . the Lord Mayor , M . P ., laid the first stone on Thursday , the 6 th inst ., of a new chancel at St . Simon ' s , West Kensington Park . The annual meeting of the Provincial G . Lodge of Essex was held at Saffron Walden on Thursday , the 6 th inst ., under the auspices of the Walden Lodge , No . 12 S 0 . Full account next week .
Owing to an application made to the Board of Trade by Bro . Sir E . W . Watkin , Bart ., M . P ., the Admiralty have stationed a gunboat off Folkestone in order to protect the interests of our fishermen . Bro . Alderman and Sheriff-elect Evans presided on Tuesday last , at a meeting of the members and
proprietors of the new City Constitutional Club ( Limited ) , Milk-street , Cheapside , E . C . Bro . Lord Edward Pelham-CUnton has just presented to the London Rifle Brigade , of which he is Colonel-Commandant , a handsome Muster Roll mounted in a gilt frame , the Roll being of a very artistic character .
Bro . the Lord Mayor , M . P ., has very kindly given permission for a meeting to be held at the Mansion House , on Friday , the gth October next , in aid of the Aged Pilgrims' Friend Society . Bro . Deputy and Mrs . East left for Dublin on Wednesday last , and after a week ' s sojourn there , will
visit the lakes of Killarney , returning to town during the first week of September . Bro . Earl Cowper , K . G ., is President , and Bros , the Duke of Manchester and Lord Ravensworth are among the Vice-Presidents of the newly-established Naval Volunteer Defence Association .
Bro . Lord and Lady Egerton of Tatton left Tatton Park on Monday , for his shooting box , Bleasdale Towers , Garstang , where they have since been entertaining a small part of guests . Bro . J ackson , M . P . for Leeds , has accepted the invitation of Lord Iddesleigh to serve on the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Depression of Trade . Bro . G . I . Shaw-Lefevre , M . P ., however , has declined .
A recent number of the Philadelphia Keystone contains some interesting particulars of a Masonic certificate , bearing date ist November 1765 , and issued by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania , which is in the possession of the Hartley Lodge , No . 199 , Lakeport , Lake County , California . It is granted to a Bro . Leeson Simmons , is on parchment , and written in three languages—Latin , French , and English , and is the property of Bro . Leeson J . Simmons , great grandson of its original owner .
The 2 5 th anniversary of Thompson Lodge , No . 340 , Duffryn Mawr , Chester Co ., Pa ., was celebrated on the 23 rd ult ., an appropriate address being delivered in honour of the auspicious event by Bro . W . Clifford P . MacCalla , G . S . W . Pennsylvania . This lodge is named after Bro . John Thomson , who still survives at the ripe age of 86 , and has filled the offices of Grand Master , Grand
Treasurer , and Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania . Bro . Thomson was initiated in 1827 in lodge No . 51 , and is deeply respected by the brethren in the jurisdiction over which it was his lot to preside for a time . Visitors to the Inventions Exhibition at South Kensington , who from choice or necessity are interested in perambulators , invalid and spinal chairs , & c , will do well
to visit Stand No . 737 , No . 6 , Belgian Court , Western Annexe , where arc to be seen various samples of the perambulator , bassinette , and invalid chairs . iinvented by Mr . Robert Dunnett , of Cobden House , High-street , Camden Town , N . W ., whose inventive ingenuity is only equalled by his ability as a maker . The doubling up of one ' s perambulator has hitherto been a slang phrase and nothing
more , but Mr . Dunnett has invented and patented a folding perambulator which deserves to be recommended to all who require such appliances . It is a double one , and therefore , when extended for use , a most commodious baby-carriage . When doubled up it occupies a comparatively small space , and has this great merit , that when conveyed by rail , it is charged as luggage , while a
perambulator that does not fold up must be paid for as a carriage . The invalid and spinal carriages are also of excellent design and manufacture , and may be recommended with equal confidence to those who need them . In fact , all Mr . Dunnett ' s contrivances for small children and invalids are of a high order of merit , both as regards their design and structure , and we have much pleasure in
directing to them the attention of our readers . HOLLOWAV ' S PILLS . —Sleeplessness , flatulency , acidity , na usea , and all dyspeptic indications may be speedily relieved by these famous Pills , ot which large quantities are shipped to all parts of the world . The constantly increasing demands for Holloway ' s medicine proves its power over disease , and its estimation by the
public . In weakness of the stomach , in diseases of the liver , and in disorders of the system , caused by cold or sluggish circulation , no medicine is so eilicncions , no remedy so rapid , as these Pills , which are altogether incapable of doing' mischief , lly quickening digestion they give refreshing sleep , sharpen the appetite , impart tone to the digestive organs , purify and enrich the hlood , regulate the secretions , and strengthen the whole physical frame- —[ Auvr . ]
Masonic And General Tidings
The usual presentation of fruit to Bro . the Lord Mayor by the Fruiterers' Company was made at the Mansion House on Saturday last . Bro . Lord Carrington , the newly-appointed Governor of New South Wales , will leave England by the mail leaving on October 30 th next . Bro . H . B . Samuelson has withdrawn his candidature for the Frame Division of Somersetshire , on the ground of ill health .
Bro . Joseph Dodds , M . P ., has been elected to fill one of the vacancies on the Council of the Incorporated Law Society . Bro . Alderman and Mrs . Staples have left town for Scotland , and Bro . Alderman and Mrs . De Keyser for Buxton , Derbyshire .
Bro . Lord Ashbourne , Lord Chancellor ol " Ireland , was one of the ministers who attended the Privy Council held by the Queen at Osborne on Wednesday . Bro . Lord Carrington , P . G . W ., will be entertained at a farewell dinner at Beaconsfield , on the 10 th prox ., when the chair will be taken by the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos .
The Queen has been pleased to confer the dignity of a Viscount on Bro . General Lord Wolseley in recognition of his services in planning and carrying out the recent expedition in the Soudan . Bros , the Lord Mayor , M . P ., Alderman Sir J . Whittaker Ellis , Bart ., M . P ., and Edward Clarke , Q . C , M , P ., were among those present as guests at a banquet given on Tuesday evening by the Mayor of Kingston .
Bro . Burdett-Coutts will to-morrow ( Saturday ) cut the first sod of the Sutton and Willoughby Railway at Sutton-on-Sea ; while the Baroness Burdett-Coutts has it in contemplation to establish at Yarmouth a boys' home for naval apprentices .
Bros . Sir E . VV . Watkin , Bart ., M . P ., and Sir Frederick Leighton , P . R . A ., have severally become guarantors for £ 1000 , in connection with the forthcoming National Art Treasures Exhibition at Folkestone . Bro . Sir F . S . Roberts , G . C . B ., who has recently been appointed Commander-in-Chief in India , has obtained three months' leave of absence , and will return to relieve General Sir Donald M . Stewart , about the middle of November .
Bro . H . B . Marshall , P . G . T ., was present at the 44 th half-yearly meeting , held at the Mansion House on Thursday , the 6 th inst ., of the Improved Industrial Dwellings Company ( Limited ) , and , as one of the directors , seconded the motion for the adoption of the report . Bro . the Lord Mayor , M . P ., as Treasurer of the Royal Asylum of St . Anne ' s Society , will to-day
( Friday ) open the new schools of the Society at Redhill , Surrey , while the Lady Mayoress will also be present and distribute the prizes to the successful pupils . Bro , Sir Henry Drummond Wolff , K . C . B ., M . P ., accompanied by the members of his Staff , left Charing Cross Station on his mission to Turkey and Egypt on Saturday last . A number of his personal and political friends were present to witness his departure .
Bro . Dr . Cross and Mrs . Cross gave a garden party at Portobello House , Norwood , on the 31 st ult . The band of the Queen ' s Westminster Rifles was in attendance , and the large party present thoroughly enjoyed themselves , the extensive grounds being precisely of a character to allow of their doing so to their hearts' content .
The Prince and Princess of VVales , who have prolonged their stay at Cowes during the present week , will leave for Aldershot on Monday , and witness a grand review of the troops in camp there the day following . Their Royal Highnesses will afterwards start on their cruise to Sweden and Denmark .
O NLY A F ORTNIGHT . —A very natural exclamation at Cannon-street Station yesterday afternoon from the lips of all who had come to welcome back their little ones from their holiday at the Home of the London Cottage Mission at Hall ' s Green Farm , Sevenoaks Weald , Kent . Yes ; a fortnight had made all the difference , and the sturdy , ruddy-cheeked , bright-eyed lasses , were the same
who had formed the pale-faced crowd who had been sent off 14 days before . Even the little cripple on her crutches skipped down the platform to meet her mother , with an agility that was impossible a couple of weeks ago . The very mothers themselves seemed at the sight of their children to shake off their share of the grime and shadow of the terrible " East-end , " and look young again . It will ,
indeed , be a pity if these children ' s parties to the gardens of Kent should come to an end ; but this we fear will be the case unless speedy help is forthcoming , for the Mission funds are at the lowest ebb . All who would help in a work so good are requested to forward their contributions , without loss of time , to the Managing Director of the Mission—Mr . Walter Austin , 44 , Finsbury-pavement , London , E . C—who
will gladly receive and acknowledge them . Among the exhibits at the Internationa ! Inventions Exhibition , South Kensington , which are likely to prove more rather than less attractive to the public , must be mentioned that of Mr . William Gibson , Wine Merchant , of 41 , Keppel-street , Gower-street , W . C , who has on view a choice selection of Blandy ' s well-known Madeira
Wines . It is not , perhaps , very generally known that though at one time good Madeira was scarcely purchaseable , most of what was sold as such having the smallest imaginable quantity of pure wine in it , there have been several excellent vintages of late years , and the Messrs . Blandy , whose firm has been established on the island for over 100 years , have spared no pains to recover for this old
favourite some of its old and well-merited popularity . The result is that Madeira Wines , of excellent quality , are now to be had in the market on very advantageous terms , the price list issued by . VIr . William Gibson , aforesaid , contrasting most favourably in respect of the moderation of
its charges with similar lists issued by other firms , while as regards purity and other important characteristics , the wines he offers for sale being imported direct from Messrs , Blandy , are guaranteed in all respects . Connoisseurs should avail themselves of the opportunity now afforded them of visiting Mr . Gibson ' s stand and judging for themselves .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . Sir James and Lady McGarel Hogg with ¦ their family have left town for Magheramorne , Co . Antrim . Bro . R . B . Martin , M . P ., has been elected a member of the Essex Chamber of Agriculture . Bro . the Emperor William of Germany left Gastein on his return to Berlin on Tuesday . A large sum is said to have been already subscribed for the purpose of erecting a statue of the late Bro .
Sir Moses Montefiore , in Central Park , New York . Bro . Sir J . B . Monckton , P . G . W ., Town Clerk of London , accompanied by Lady Monckton , has left town for Belgium and Switzerland . The Queen ' s dinner party on Thursday , the 6 th inst ., included the Prince and Princess of Wales , the Duke and Duchess of Connaught , and Bro . the Grand Duke of Hesse .
Bro . the Duke and Duchess of Connaught , who have been for some time on a visit to the Queen at Osborne , left for Portsmouth in the Royal yacht Alberta on Monday and travelled thence to Bagshot . Mr . Mark Judge was on Saturday last presented , at the Great Western Hotel , with an address and gold watch , as a slight recognition of his services in the work of
improving the moral , social , and sanitary condition of the community . The personal estate of the late Bro . Sir Moses Montefiore , Bavt ., has been stated at between £ 350 , 000 and £ 380 , 000 . The deceased ' s will was made some three years since , and under it many valuable legacies are left to Jewish institutions in the Holy Land and England .
Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon , Lord Lieutenant of Ireland , was prevented fulfilling his intention of starting on his brief tour in the South and West of Ireland , by a severe attack of rheumatism , tdwards the end of last week , which confined him to his bed .
Bro . Sir Archibald Campbell , Bart ., of Blythswood , Grand Master Mason of Scotland , has consented to lay the foundation stone of the new church being erected at Langside , with full Masonic honours , in the course of a few weeks . The arrangements for the ceremony will devolve upon Lodge Sir Geoige Cathcart , No . 617 . The Committee of the Gee Street Mission ,
Goswell-road , are anxious to take the poor people for a day out of London into the green fields , for which funds are earnestly solicited , which will be thankfully received by Mr . H . Rudgley , Superintendent , 82 , Wood-street , Cheapside ; Robert Baxter , Esq ., 6 , Victoria-street , Westminster ; or Messrs . Barclay , Bevan , Tritton , and Co ., bankers , 54 , Lombard-street .
We regret to announce the death on Friday , the 7 th inst ., of Bro . Sir Henry Josias Stracey , Bart ., P . Prov . G . S . W . Norfolk . A quarter of a century since our deceased brother took an active part in Freemasonry , and in i 860 presided at a banquet given in honour of the late Bro . B . Bond Cabbell , then P . G . M . Norfolk . Sir Henry had also sat in the House of Commons for different Norfolk constituencies , more or less , during the whole of the period from 1855 to 1878 .
The inauguration and dedication of a new conclave of the Order of Rome and the Red Cross of Constantine , to bear the style and title of the Pentangle Conclave , No . 147 , Chatham , will take place this day ( Friday ) at the Sun Hotel , Chatham , at 3 p . m . punctually . The ceremonies will be performed by Col . Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., M . 111 . G . S ., who will also enthrone Sir Knight Henry
Penfold , as M . P . S ., and consecrate Sir Knight Belgrave Ninnis , as V . E . The appointment and investiture of officers will follow , and the customary banquet will take place at 5 p . m . The opportunity was taken on the occasion of the annual dinner of the staff of the Middlesex County Times , at the Ray Mead Hotel , Maidenhead , to present
to the proprietor , Bro . E . J . Acworth , P . M . 133 , VV . M . elect 1612 , a slight token of the respect and esteem in which he was held by his employe ' s and some of his friends , in the shape of a travelling and dressing case , the case itself being of Russian leather , and the various fittings in ivory and silver . On the front of the former was the following inscription , namely— " Presented to E . J . Acworth ,
Esq ., by his employes and a few friends , Sth August , 1885 . The gift which cost about £ 40 , was very handsome , and Mr . J . F . Casworth , overseer of the news department , made the presentation in very complimentary terms . Bro . Acworth feelingly acknowledged the testimonial and cordially thanked those who had taken part in it for their great kindness .
It is with much regret that we learn of the demise of Mrs . Alice Layton , the beloved wife of Bro . Harry John Layton , of the Leopold Lodge , No . 1571 , which melancholy ¦ event occurred on Thursday , the 6 th inst ., at her residence , at Nunhead . The deceased lady had been ailing for some weeks , and had been attended by Bro . Dr . Cock , of Peckham , but no serious consequences were apprehended until
a very few days before the crisis arrived . Her removal , at the early age of 33 years , has evoked profound sorrow amongst a wide circle of friends , by whom she was deservedly respected , and whose sympathy with Bro . Layton and his family has been genuinely expressed . The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon , at Nunhead Cemetery , in the presence of a numerous assembly of
friends . On the coffin were placed several beautiful wreaths by loving hands , as a tribute ot respect and affection for the deceased , her husband , and family . Amongst the chief mourners were Bro . H . J . I . avton ( the husband ) , Mr . Jas . Hewson and Mr . Charles Hewson ( brothers ) , Bro . John
James , 1571 , Bro . Redmond Uniacke Steele , SS . Peter and Paul Lodge , 1410 , Bro . J . Penny , P . M . 1571 , Bro . J . Reynolds , Bro . S . Lampt-n , 30 , Bro . F . Noyce , 1571 , Bro . Cook Taylor , and others . We add our own tribute to that of many others of condolence with our brother in his sad bereavement .
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . the Earl and the Countess of Crawford and Balcarres have left town for Haigh Hall , Wigan . Bro . Horace Jones , G . Supt . of Wks ., City Architect , is recruiting his health at Carlsbad . Bro . the Lord Mayor , M . P ., will preside this day ( Friday ) at the anniversary festival of the Royal Albert
Asylum . The Prince and Princess of Wales were present on board the Osborne at Bembridge Bay Regatta on Saturday last . The medical bulletins as to the state of health of Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon , are satisfactory , his lordship having continued to make good progress towards recovery .
Bro . Lord Harlech , P . G . M . designate of North Wales , with Lady Harlech and the Hon . Miss Ormsby-Gore , have left town for Brogyntyn , Oswestry . It is understood that Bro . General Lord Wolseley will resume the duties of Adjutant General to the Forces on the ist of September .
The subscriptions to the fund for presenting a testimonial to Bro . Lord Richard Grosvenor , M . P ., had already reached £ 500 at the end of last week .
Bro . the Lord Mayor , M . P ., laid the first stone on Thursday , the 6 th inst ., of a new chancel at St . Simon ' s , West Kensington Park . The annual meeting of the Provincial G . Lodge of Essex was held at Saffron Walden on Thursday , the 6 th inst ., under the auspices of the Walden Lodge , No . 12 S 0 . Full account next week .
Owing to an application made to the Board of Trade by Bro . Sir E . W . Watkin , Bart ., M . P ., the Admiralty have stationed a gunboat off Folkestone in order to protect the interests of our fishermen . Bro . Alderman and Sheriff-elect Evans presided on Tuesday last , at a meeting of the members and
proprietors of the new City Constitutional Club ( Limited ) , Milk-street , Cheapside , E . C . Bro . Lord Edward Pelham-CUnton has just presented to the London Rifle Brigade , of which he is Colonel-Commandant , a handsome Muster Roll mounted in a gilt frame , the Roll being of a very artistic character .
Bro . the Lord Mayor , M . P ., has very kindly given permission for a meeting to be held at the Mansion House , on Friday , the gth October next , in aid of the Aged Pilgrims' Friend Society . Bro . Deputy and Mrs . East left for Dublin on Wednesday last , and after a week ' s sojourn there , will
visit the lakes of Killarney , returning to town during the first week of September . Bro . Earl Cowper , K . G ., is President , and Bros , the Duke of Manchester and Lord Ravensworth are among the Vice-Presidents of the newly-established Naval Volunteer Defence Association .
Bro . Lord and Lady Egerton of Tatton left Tatton Park on Monday , for his shooting box , Bleasdale Towers , Garstang , where they have since been entertaining a small part of guests . Bro . J ackson , M . P . for Leeds , has accepted the invitation of Lord Iddesleigh to serve on the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Depression of Trade . Bro . G . I . Shaw-Lefevre , M . P ., however , has declined .
A recent number of the Philadelphia Keystone contains some interesting particulars of a Masonic certificate , bearing date ist November 1765 , and issued by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania , which is in the possession of the Hartley Lodge , No . 199 , Lakeport , Lake County , California . It is granted to a Bro . Leeson Simmons , is on parchment , and written in three languages—Latin , French , and English , and is the property of Bro . Leeson J . Simmons , great grandson of its original owner .
The 2 5 th anniversary of Thompson Lodge , No . 340 , Duffryn Mawr , Chester Co ., Pa ., was celebrated on the 23 rd ult ., an appropriate address being delivered in honour of the auspicious event by Bro . W . Clifford P . MacCalla , G . S . W . Pennsylvania . This lodge is named after Bro . John Thomson , who still survives at the ripe age of 86 , and has filled the offices of Grand Master , Grand
Treasurer , and Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania . Bro . Thomson was initiated in 1827 in lodge No . 51 , and is deeply respected by the brethren in the jurisdiction over which it was his lot to preside for a time . Visitors to the Inventions Exhibition at South Kensington , who from choice or necessity are interested in perambulators , invalid and spinal chairs , & c , will do well
to visit Stand No . 737 , No . 6 , Belgian Court , Western Annexe , where arc to be seen various samples of the perambulator , bassinette , and invalid chairs . iinvented by Mr . Robert Dunnett , of Cobden House , High-street , Camden Town , N . W ., whose inventive ingenuity is only equalled by his ability as a maker . The doubling up of one ' s perambulator has hitherto been a slang phrase and nothing
more , but Mr . Dunnett has invented and patented a folding perambulator which deserves to be recommended to all who require such appliances . It is a double one , and therefore , when extended for use , a most commodious baby-carriage . When doubled up it occupies a comparatively small space , and has this great merit , that when conveyed by rail , it is charged as luggage , while a
perambulator that does not fold up must be paid for as a carriage . The invalid and spinal carriages are also of excellent design and manufacture , and may be recommended with equal confidence to those who need them . In fact , all Mr . Dunnett ' s contrivances for small children and invalids are of a high order of merit , both as regards their design and structure , and we have much pleasure in
directing to them the attention of our readers . HOLLOWAV ' S PILLS . —Sleeplessness , flatulency , acidity , na usea , and all dyspeptic indications may be speedily relieved by these famous Pills , ot which large quantities are shipped to all parts of the world . The constantly increasing demands for Holloway ' s medicine proves its power over disease , and its estimation by the
public . In weakness of the stomach , in diseases of the liver , and in disorders of the system , caused by cold or sluggish circulation , no medicine is so eilicncions , no remedy so rapid , as these Pills , which are altogether incapable of doing' mischief , lly quickening digestion they give refreshing sleep , sharpen the appetite , impart tone to the digestive organs , purify and enrich the hlood , regulate the secretions , and strengthen the whole physical frame- —[ Auvr . ]
Masonic And General Tidings
The usual presentation of fruit to Bro . the Lord Mayor by the Fruiterers' Company was made at the Mansion House on Saturday last . Bro . Lord Carrington , the newly-appointed Governor of New South Wales , will leave England by the mail leaving on October 30 th next . Bro . H . B . Samuelson has withdrawn his candidature for the Frame Division of Somersetshire , on the ground of ill health .
Bro . Joseph Dodds , M . P ., has been elected to fill one of the vacancies on the Council of the Incorporated Law Society . Bro . Alderman and Mrs . Staples have left town for Scotland , and Bro . Alderman and Mrs . De Keyser for Buxton , Derbyshire .
Bro . Lord Ashbourne , Lord Chancellor ol " Ireland , was one of the ministers who attended the Privy Council held by the Queen at Osborne on Wednesday . Bro . Lord Carrington , P . G . W ., will be entertained at a farewell dinner at Beaconsfield , on the 10 th prox ., when the chair will be taken by the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos .
The Queen has been pleased to confer the dignity of a Viscount on Bro . General Lord Wolseley in recognition of his services in planning and carrying out the recent expedition in the Soudan . Bros , the Lord Mayor , M . P ., Alderman Sir J . Whittaker Ellis , Bart ., M . P ., and Edward Clarke , Q . C , M , P ., were among those present as guests at a banquet given on Tuesday evening by the Mayor of Kingston .
Bro . Burdett-Coutts will to-morrow ( Saturday ) cut the first sod of the Sutton and Willoughby Railway at Sutton-on-Sea ; while the Baroness Burdett-Coutts has it in contemplation to establish at Yarmouth a boys' home for naval apprentices .
Bros . Sir E . VV . Watkin , Bart ., M . P ., and Sir Frederick Leighton , P . R . A ., have severally become guarantors for £ 1000 , in connection with the forthcoming National Art Treasures Exhibition at Folkestone . Bro . Sir F . S . Roberts , G . C . B ., who has recently been appointed Commander-in-Chief in India , has obtained three months' leave of absence , and will return to relieve General Sir Donald M . Stewart , about the middle of November .
Bro . H . B . Marshall , P . G . T ., was present at the 44 th half-yearly meeting , held at the Mansion House on Thursday , the 6 th inst ., of the Improved Industrial Dwellings Company ( Limited ) , and , as one of the directors , seconded the motion for the adoption of the report . Bro . the Lord Mayor , M . P ., as Treasurer of the Royal Asylum of St . Anne ' s Society , will to-day
( Friday ) open the new schools of the Society at Redhill , Surrey , while the Lady Mayoress will also be present and distribute the prizes to the successful pupils . Bro , Sir Henry Drummond Wolff , K . C . B ., M . P ., accompanied by the members of his Staff , left Charing Cross Station on his mission to Turkey and Egypt on Saturday last . A number of his personal and political friends were present to witness his departure .
Bro . Dr . Cross and Mrs . Cross gave a garden party at Portobello House , Norwood , on the 31 st ult . The band of the Queen ' s Westminster Rifles was in attendance , and the large party present thoroughly enjoyed themselves , the extensive grounds being precisely of a character to allow of their doing so to their hearts' content .
The Prince and Princess of VVales , who have prolonged their stay at Cowes during the present week , will leave for Aldershot on Monday , and witness a grand review of the troops in camp there the day following . Their Royal Highnesses will afterwards start on their cruise to Sweden and Denmark .
O NLY A F ORTNIGHT . —A very natural exclamation at Cannon-street Station yesterday afternoon from the lips of all who had come to welcome back their little ones from their holiday at the Home of the London Cottage Mission at Hall ' s Green Farm , Sevenoaks Weald , Kent . Yes ; a fortnight had made all the difference , and the sturdy , ruddy-cheeked , bright-eyed lasses , were the same
who had formed the pale-faced crowd who had been sent off 14 days before . Even the little cripple on her crutches skipped down the platform to meet her mother , with an agility that was impossible a couple of weeks ago . The very mothers themselves seemed at the sight of their children to shake off their share of the grime and shadow of the terrible " East-end , " and look young again . It will ,
indeed , be a pity if these children ' s parties to the gardens of Kent should come to an end ; but this we fear will be the case unless speedy help is forthcoming , for the Mission funds are at the lowest ebb . All who would help in a work so good are requested to forward their contributions , without loss of time , to the Managing Director of the Mission—Mr . Walter Austin , 44 , Finsbury-pavement , London , E . C—who
will gladly receive and acknowledge them . Among the exhibits at the Internationa ! Inventions Exhibition , South Kensington , which are likely to prove more rather than less attractive to the public , must be mentioned that of Mr . William Gibson , Wine Merchant , of 41 , Keppel-street , Gower-street , W . C , who has on view a choice selection of Blandy ' s well-known Madeira
Wines . It is not , perhaps , very generally known that though at one time good Madeira was scarcely purchaseable , most of what was sold as such having the smallest imaginable quantity of pure wine in it , there have been several excellent vintages of late years , and the Messrs . Blandy , whose firm has been established on the island for over 100 years , have spared no pains to recover for this old
favourite some of its old and well-merited popularity . The result is that Madeira Wines , of excellent quality , are now to be had in the market on very advantageous terms , the price list issued by . VIr . William Gibson , aforesaid , contrasting most favourably in respect of the moderation of
its charges with similar lists issued by other firms , while as regards purity and other important characteristics , the wines he offers for sale being imported direct from Messrs , Blandy , are guaranteed in all respects . Connoisseurs should avail themselves of the opportunity now afforded them of visiting Mr . Gibson ' s stand and judging for themselves .