Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Portraits.
To the Editor of the Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother , — I have refrained from addressing you on the question of Masonic portraits , though just now it is a subject in which I am deeply interested , yet , as I find a weekly correspondence in your paper , indicating that
there is a public feeling in favour of such a mode of illustration , I am induced to send you a suggestion , in the hope that it may ultimately benefit the Craft in general , and your paper in particular . It may be interesting to the brethren to know that during the last twelve months I have published several thousand portraits of public characters for book illustration , and
where the number of prints required will admit of it , the application of permanent printing reduces the cost materially , besides giving to the portraits the same permanency as printing ink . Last month , Grand Lodge honoured mc by accepting an elegantly bound album , for the " Portraits and Autographs of our Rulers , " which I , am now compiling , several of which portraits it is my intention to print
m carbon . I therefore suggest that permission be asked to publish such of my portraits as may be of interest to your numerous readers , when I will willingly lend any of the cliche that you may approve , as the printing in carbon docs not
damage the negative for silver print . . A selection might also be made from the various albums which I have supplied to rfiffereut lodges . am , dear Sir . and Brother , fraternally yours , Edw . M . IIAIGII , P . M . 29 , P . G . Steward . 213 , Regent-street . W .
To the Editor of the Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother , — Allow me to congratulate you upon the vastly improved appearance of the Freemason for the 2 nd inst ., and to thank you for the greatly increased matter that you have presented to us . The suggestions that have been made in your columns
as to illustrations , tec , are , 1 believe , good , and , if carried out , would do much to extend the circulation of the paper , even among the outward world . The keeping the advertisements on separate sheets is an inducement for binding , as one does not care to have the continuity of letter-press broken every moment by matters of no interest ( then ) , and of considerable
annoyance . Wishing you success ' among the lodges , and , through them , with the brethren , 1 am yours fraternally , WM . WIOGINTON , P . M . 902 , 1 29 8 ; W . M . 1503 , & c . Ian . 4 , 1854 .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
On Monday last the usual quarterly court of the subscribers and governors of this institution was held in the board room , Freemasons' Hall . The chair was taken by Bro . Henry Browse , vice-patron . There were also present Bros . John Symonds , W . Roebuck , Major J . Creaton , John
Boyd , It . Wentworth Little , II . Massey ( Freemason ) , and V . Binckes , Secretary . The motion of Bro . John Symonds ( for which see report of Girls' School ) was dealt with in the same way and referred to the same committee as is named in the Girls' School report , and besides the confirmation of the minutes no further business remained to be
transacted . Attention was called by the Secretary to the anniversary festival of the institution , which is announced to take place on the 30 th of June , when the Earl of Carnarvon , R . W . Pro Grand Master , and R . W . Prov . Grand Master for
Somerset , will preside . The total receipts of 1874 were stated to be £ 10 , 185 , including £ 466 , a grant from Grand Chapter The debit balance account at the bankers' at the close of the past year was £ 151 us . 4 d . A vote of thanks was accorded to the chairman , and the proceedings terminated .
Entertainment At The Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The establishment of Christmas holidays to be spent at home when wished , and their extension to three weeks , has been extensively taken advantage of during the season by the pupils of the Masonic Boys' School , only 42 out of the total number of 17 6 having remained in the institution .
Neither the comforts nor the enjoyments of these few have been neglected . As a matter of course , good Christmas cheer was not wanting , but with out-door enjoyment the weather has materially interfered . A present of a large box of excellent fireworks , however , most kindly and thoughtfully given by a resident in the neighbourhood , Mr . Dixon , Secretary of the Alexandra Palace Company ,
afforded a treat which was highly appreciated by the lads on Friday evening- last . Also , on the Monday following , Mr . VI . Br ' ulgman Smith , gave an evening lecture , entiiL-d , "Mont Blanc , How 1 went there , What I saw , and What 1 did . " By invitation a large number of local residents attended , and by their presence added considerably to the enjoyment of the e \ ening , lending a warmth and
enthusiasm to the proceedings which would otherwise have been wanting , though our young friends themselves contributed their full share to the applause with which Mr . Smith ' s efforts to amuse and instruct were received . At the close of the lecture , an exhibition of ehromalropes
was given , with which everyone was delighted . Mr . Bridginan Smith possesses a happy talent fir condensation , with quiet humour in making good points , and an emphatic delivery . The improvements he has effected in the lantern have brought the " Bridginan Lantern " to a hig h pitch of excellence ; the manipulation
Entertainment At The Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
is perfect ; and the views , which arc numerous , arc admirably painted , and come out on the disc clear and sharply defined . A vote of thanks , proposed by Bro . Binckes , Secretary of the institution , was enthusiastically acquiesced in by all present and suitably acknowledged by Mr . Smith . The company then separated , all , young and old alike , expressing themselves as intensely pleased with the evening ' s entertainment . It should be staled that the whole oi the domestic' staff of the institution also attended .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The Quarterl y Court of Subscribers to this School was held last Saturday at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Major Creaton presided , and the other members present were Bros . T . J . Barnes , II . Browse , John Symonds , 11 . Massey ( Freemason ) , Herbert Dickctts , G . M . E . Snow , II . Muggeridge , Griffiths Smith , 11 . A . Dubois , Thos . W . White
Hyde Pullen , Robert B . Webster , F . Binckes , Richard Spencer , and H . W . Little , Secretary . The Secretary , having read the minutes , announced that he had written to the Marquis of Ripon to know whether His Lordship wished to remain a trustee of the Girls' School , and had received a reply that he did not . A question therefore arose whether the vacancy should now be filled up . Bro .
Symonds thought it should be filled up at once , Law 7 of the Institution being in favour of that step . The Chairman , on the contrary , believed it would be better to defer it to another meeting , notice of motion being in the meantime given to fill up the vacancy . According to law 7 , quoted by Bro . Symonds , no doubt they had power to act at once , but it would be more prudent , perhaps , to let the matter
stand over . Bro . Symonds said it was unfortunate they had not had the resignation earlier , but under all the circumstances he agreed that it would be belter to adopt the chairman's suggestion . This was concurred in , and the minutes were then put and confirmed . The consideration of the following motion of Bro . Symonds was the next business on the paper :
" Every Steward at the Anniversary Festival who shall procure Donations and Subscriptions to the extent of One Hundred Guineas or more , and shall collect and pay over the amount ( exclusive of his personal Donation ) to the Funds of the Institution , shall receive , if such amount be not less than One Hundred Guineas , one additional vote ; One Hundred and Fifty Guineas , two additional voles ;
fwo Hundred Guineas , three additional votes ; and a further extra vote for every additional sum of not less than Fifty Guineas so obtained and paid over . " Bro . Symonds saiil he was willing that it . should be referred to a committee of the two schools , and he would also suggest that the mode of election to the House and Audit Committees should be referred to the same body . The election , he thought , should be con ducted in the same way
as the half-yearly elections of children into the school were now conducted , by proxy papers , scrutineers being appointed , the poll lo remain open till , say , 5 p . m . The reference to a committee was agreed to , and Bros . Browse , Symonds , Griffiths Smith , Thos . W . White , Hy de Pullen , T . J . Barnes , Major Creaton , Herbert Dickctts , and John Boyd , were appointed the said committee . A vote of thanks to the chairman concluded the proceedings .
New Year's Treat At The Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The New Year ' s treat to the children of this Institution was given by the members of the House and Audit Committees , on the 8 th inst ., at the school at St . John's Hill , Battersea Rise . Among the brethren present were Bros . Benj . Head , A . II . Draper , Robert B . Webster , W . V , C . Moutrie , 11 . C . Levander , 11 . Massey ( FreemasonJ ,
Joshua Nuiin , A . II . Tattershall , Louis Hirsch , 1 homas W . White , Edw . Cox , Thomas Massa , Griffiths Smith , W . Winn , F . J . Cox , R . W . Little ( Secretary ) , 11 . Muggeridge ( Collector ) , and several ladies . Most of the children had gone home for the holidays , but there were about thirty left . These were entertained , first of all , at tea , after which they enjoyed some dancing .
Dissolving views and magic lantern were then provided by Bro . F . J . Cox , of Lttdgate-hill , and some very interesting pieces of scenery were produced , together with a verbal explanation . This lasted for a couple of hours , during all which time the children and the visitors were much amused , and expressed their gratification at the exhibition .
As soon as the last diagram— " Goo / 1 ingbl —was given , the children retired to the dining-hall to supper , where all the visitors wailed on their little friends , and pulled crackers with them , to the intense delight of the children . The supper , however , as a repast , did not appear to have half the interest for them that the crackers had , and , unlike boys , they left the refection almost
untouched , tti revel in the delight of wearing the caps , coronets , collars , and other becoming articles of dress , which were enclosed with the bon-bons . They were occupied a considerable time in this amusement , and perhaps no previous part of the evening had such allurements for either the big or the little girls . The pleasure was sustained during the dancing which
followed , when the fortunate possessors of caps continued lo wear them . Il was getting late when the visitors bade adieu to the dear little girls , who shook them most heartil y by the hand as they left . When the dancing was over , and before retiring , Bro .
Benj . Head addressed a few words to the children , fitsaid : My good friends all , I hope you will excuse me for addressing ' ) ou . 1 think 1 am the oldest member of this institution , and if you will allow me I will say a few words before parting . We meet here at the beginning of a new year . We meet here with a number of you young chil-
New Year's Treat At The Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
then who arc remaining in the school for the holidays , and knowing that many of the girls of this institution have gone home , I hope , to have a happy , comfortable , and merry Christmas . Though they have gone to . spend their merry Christmas at home , I hope , little ones , you have enjoyed yourselves to-day . We have come here on purpose that you should have a little pleasure , and 1 think we have
been successful . Well , then , I think , in looking back to the year that has passed , we have to be very thankful to the great and good God that rules over all , for the restoration to health of one who is dear to us all ( Miss Jarwood ) , a lady who has been in this establishment for many many - years , a lady who has been kind and motherly to you ami hundreds before you , and I am sure a lady clear to all of
us who are on committees , a lady whom we all love and admire . I ask you now to thank God that she is restored to health , and to wish her many , many happy years still 10 come , that we may all have the pleasure of meeting her here in many future years . ( Cheers . ) I now bid you all good night . The decorations of the different rooms were very tastefully arranged by the children and the governesses , and
the building bore all the signs of a hearty welcome to visitors . Evergreens in festoons , " A Merry Christmas , " " A I Iappy New Year , " " Welcome , " and , not the least , cheerful , roaring fires , and well lighted rooms , revived the memories of old-fashioned Christmascs , as handed down by traditional history . The brethren will be glad to know that the inmates of the school appear to be in the enjoyment of excellent health and unalloved happiness .
Multam In Parbo; Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Multam in Parbo ; or Masonic Notes and Queries .
Oiir-Kn or l ' noeussioN AT A FVNUHAI .. in reply to " one of your old subscribers " as to the order of procession , it is laid down in a book I possess , dated 1819 , as follows , viz .: — Tyler , with a drawn sword . Musicians ( if any ) . Master Masons . Senior and Junior Deacons .
Secretary and Treasurer . Senior and Junior Wardens . Past Masters . The Holy Writings , on a Cushion , Carried by the Oi . nr . ST Muunun of the Lodge The Master .
Clergy . Pall Bearers . UOOY 1 > a" lk'ai x'rs-In the above order the youngest Past Master goes before the W . M . in the procession . Yours , fraternally , MACISI-S OH HEX , P . M . and P . Z .
MASONIC PI : DIOIII : K WIIHAT . Referring to the article in the Freemason of the 19 th Sept . last , headed " Royal Masonic Pedigree Wheat , " giving au account of the produce of a single grain which fell from the hand of Ii . R . II . the Prince of Wales on the occasion of laying the foundation stone of the New
Grammar School at Reading , picked up and planted by Bro . Thos . Dellt-r , P . M ., of Newbury , we are now informed that the corn has been threshed , the yield being nearly five quarters . This has been drilled into sixteen acres of suitable land ; thus we see this large result from a single grain in five years .
Tin-: ScAi . n MisEit . Mii . ii MASONS . 1 have seen an old print in the window of Messrs . Golding and Lawrence , Antiquarian Print and Booksellers , Ivy lane , an engraving with the above description . It represents " the front of Somerset I louse in 1742 , copied from the view of the Grand Processiov . of the Scald Miserable
Masons . " It appears to be a burlesque of Freemasonry , as some of the persons forming the procession are seated on asses . Some are playing musical instruments , others carry banners with Masonic emblems . Can any brother tell me what the Scald Miserable Masons were , if any such body existed , Qurn 1 ST .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The following brethren form the Board of Stewards for the Anniversary Festival on behalf of this Institution , on Wednesday , 27 th January , 18 75 , the Right Hon . Earl of Shrewsbury and Talbot , Provincial Grand Master for Staffordshire , in the Chair . PiiEsiDEST : —11 . W . Bro . Samuel Rasvson , P . Dist .
G . M . China . Vic : i :-Pni : sini ; . sTS : —R . W . Bro . Lord II . Thymic , ( M . P . ) , S . G . W ., W . M . 1478 ; V . W . Bro . Rev . C . J . Martyn , ( Vice-Patron ) , P . G . Ch ., P . M . 1224 ; \ V . Bros . J . P . Leith , S . G . D ., P . M . S 10 ; C . W . C . Ilutton , J . G . D ., P . M . , )( , ; W . J . I lughan , P . G . S . D . ; II . Pullen , P . G . S . B ., 1383 ; Capt . R . Cope , ( V . P . ) , P . G . S . H ., P . G . W . Cheshire ; J . D . Moore ,
( M . U . J , P . G . S . B ., P . M . 281 ; T . Cubilt . G . f'urst ., P . M . 1415 ; R . Stokes , P . l' . S . G . W . Wilts .. Province of Wiltshire Rev ' . | . N . Palmer , P . P . G . W . Hants and Isle of Wight , iM' . G . Chap . Oxon ., P . M . 6 9 8 , 10 ; J . Craven , P . P . G . S . W . West Yorks . ; Capt . J . Wordsworth , ( V . P . ) , P . P . G . S . W . West Yorks . ; II . Day , P . P . G . W . West Yorks ., P . M . 20 S ; Rev . II . A . Pickard , ( M . A . ) , P . P . G . S . W . Oxou , W . M . eleel 157 ; F . Dcrrv , P . P . G . W . Staffordshire , P . M . 4 82 ;
E . T . Inskip , Prov . G . Sec . BnstoI , iM ' . G . J . W . . Vmit-iwi , P . M . O 26 , P . M . 97-, ; G . Lambert , ( V . P . ) , P . P . G . J . W . I Kits . P . M . 504 ; Rev . F . W . Harnett , I ' . G . Chap . Berks ami Bucks , Chaplain 840 ; Rev . D . J . Drakeford , P . P . G . Chap . Somerset , S . D 256 ; W . II . Gill , P . Prov . G . R . West Yorks , 1019 ; C . Horsley , P . Prov . G . R . Middlesex , P . M . 1 309 ; II . 11 . Hodges ; P . Prov . G . R ., Berks and Bucks , P . M . 795 ; J . Jacobs ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Portraits.
To the Editor of the Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother , — I have refrained from addressing you on the question of Masonic portraits , though just now it is a subject in which I am deeply interested , yet , as I find a weekly correspondence in your paper , indicating that
there is a public feeling in favour of such a mode of illustration , I am induced to send you a suggestion , in the hope that it may ultimately benefit the Craft in general , and your paper in particular . It may be interesting to the brethren to know that during the last twelve months I have published several thousand portraits of public characters for book illustration , and
where the number of prints required will admit of it , the application of permanent printing reduces the cost materially , besides giving to the portraits the same permanency as printing ink . Last month , Grand Lodge honoured mc by accepting an elegantly bound album , for the " Portraits and Autographs of our Rulers , " which I , am now compiling , several of which portraits it is my intention to print
m carbon . I therefore suggest that permission be asked to publish such of my portraits as may be of interest to your numerous readers , when I will willingly lend any of the cliche that you may approve , as the printing in carbon docs not
damage the negative for silver print . . A selection might also be made from the various albums which I have supplied to rfiffereut lodges . am , dear Sir . and Brother , fraternally yours , Edw . M . IIAIGII , P . M . 29 , P . G . Steward . 213 , Regent-street . W .
To the Editor of the Freemason . Dear Sir and Brother , — Allow me to congratulate you upon the vastly improved appearance of the Freemason for the 2 nd inst ., and to thank you for the greatly increased matter that you have presented to us . The suggestions that have been made in your columns
as to illustrations , tec , are , 1 believe , good , and , if carried out , would do much to extend the circulation of the paper , even among the outward world . The keeping the advertisements on separate sheets is an inducement for binding , as one does not care to have the continuity of letter-press broken every moment by matters of no interest ( then ) , and of considerable
annoyance . Wishing you success ' among the lodges , and , through them , with the brethren , 1 am yours fraternally , WM . WIOGINTON , P . M . 902 , 1 29 8 ; W . M . 1503 , & c . Ian . 4 , 1854 .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
On Monday last the usual quarterly court of the subscribers and governors of this institution was held in the board room , Freemasons' Hall . The chair was taken by Bro . Henry Browse , vice-patron . There were also present Bros . John Symonds , W . Roebuck , Major J . Creaton , John
Boyd , It . Wentworth Little , II . Massey ( Freemason ) , and V . Binckes , Secretary . The motion of Bro . John Symonds ( for which see report of Girls' School ) was dealt with in the same way and referred to the same committee as is named in the Girls' School report , and besides the confirmation of the minutes no further business remained to be
transacted . Attention was called by the Secretary to the anniversary festival of the institution , which is announced to take place on the 30 th of June , when the Earl of Carnarvon , R . W . Pro Grand Master , and R . W . Prov . Grand Master for
Somerset , will preside . The total receipts of 1874 were stated to be £ 10 , 185 , including £ 466 , a grant from Grand Chapter The debit balance account at the bankers' at the close of the past year was £ 151 us . 4 d . A vote of thanks was accorded to the chairman , and the proceedings terminated .
Entertainment At The Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The establishment of Christmas holidays to be spent at home when wished , and their extension to three weeks , has been extensively taken advantage of during the season by the pupils of the Masonic Boys' School , only 42 out of the total number of 17 6 having remained in the institution .
Neither the comforts nor the enjoyments of these few have been neglected . As a matter of course , good Christmas cheer was not wanting , but with out-door enjoyment the weather has materially interfered . A present of a large box of excellent fireworks , however , most kindly and thoughtfully given by a resident in the neighbourhood , Mr . Dixon , Secretary of the Alexandra Palace Company ,
afforded a treat which was highly appreciated by the lads on Friday evening- last . Also , on the Monday following , Mr . VI . Br ' ulgman Smith , gave an evening lecture , entiiL-d , "Mont Blanc , How 1 went there , What I saw , and What 1 did . " By invitation a large number of local residents attended , and by their presence added considerably to the enjoyment of the e \ ening , lending a warmth and
enthusiasm to the proceedings which would otherwise have been wanting , though our young friends themselves contributed their full share to the applause with which Mr . Smith ' s efforts to amuse and instruct were received . At the close of the lecture , an exhibition of ehromalropes
was given , with which everyone was delighted . Mr . Bridginan Smith possesses a happy talent fir condensation , with quiet humour in making good points , and an emphatic delivery . The improvements he has effected in the lantern have brought the " Bridginan Lantern " to a hig h pitch of excellence ; the manipulation
Entertainment At The Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
is perfect ; and the views , which arc numerous , arc admirably painted , and come out on the disc clear and sharply defined . A vote of thanks , proposed by Bro . Binckes , Secretary of the institution , was enthusiastically acquiesced in by all present and suitably acknowledged by Mr . Smith . The company then separated , all , young and old alike , expressing themselves as intensely pleased with the evening ' s entertainment . It should be staled that the whole oi the domestic' staff of the institution also attended .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The Quarterl y Court of Subscribers to this School was held last Saturday at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Major Creaton presided , and the other members present were Bros . T . J . Barnes , II . Browse , John Symonds , 11 . Massey ( Freemason ) , Herbert Dickctts , G . M . E . Snow , II . Muggeridge , Griffiths Smith , 11 . A . Dubois , Thos . W . White
Hyde Pullen , Robert B . Webster , F . Binckes , Richard Spencer , and H . W . Little , Secretary . The Secretary , having read the minutes , announced that he had written to the Marquis of Ripon to know whether His Lordship wished to remain a trustee of the Girls' School , and had received a reply that he did not . A question therefore arose whether the vacancy should now be filled up . Bro .
Symonds thought it should be filled up at once , Law 7 of the Institution being in favour of that step . The Chairman , on the contrary , believed it would be better to defer it to another meeting , notice of motion being in the meantime given to fill up the vacancy . According to law 7 , quoted by Bro . Symonds , no doubt they had power to act at once , but it would be more prudent , perhaps , to let the matter
stand over . Bro . Symonds said it was unfortunate they had not had the resignation earlier , but under all the circumstances he agreed that it would be belter to adopt the chairman's suggestion . This was concurred in , and the minutes were then put and confirmed . The consideration of the following motion of Bro . Symonds was the next business on the paper :
" Every Steward at the Anniversary Festival who shall procure Donations and Subscriptions to the extent of One Hundred Guineas or more , and shall collect and pay over the amount ( exclusive of his personal Donation ) to the Funds of the Institution , shall receive , if such amount be not less than One Hundred Guineas , one additional vote ; One Hundred and Fifty Guineas , two additional voles ;
fwo Hundred Guineas , three additional votes ; and a further extra vote for every additional sum of not less than Fifty Guineas so obtained and paid over . " Bro . Symonds saiil he was willing that it . should be referred to a committee of the two schools , and he would also suggest that the mode of election to the House and Audit Committees should be referred to the same body . The election , he thought , should be con ducted in the same way
as the half-yearly elections of children into the school were now conducted , by proxy papers , scrutineers being appointed , the poll lo remain open till , say , 5 p . m . The reference to a committee was agreed to , and Bros . Browse , Symonds , Griffiths Smith , Thos . W . White , Hy de Pullen , T . J . Barnes , Major Creaton , Herbert Dickctts , and John Boyd , were appointed the said committee . A vote of thanks to the chairman concluded the proceedings .
New Year's Treat At The Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The New Year ' s treat to the children of this Institution was given by the members of the House and Audit Committees , on the 8 th inst ., at the school at St . John's Hill , Battersea Rise . Among the brethren present were Bros . Benj . Head , A . II . Draper , Robert B . Webster , W . V , C . Moutrie , 11 . C . Levander , 11 . Massey ( FreemasonJ ,
Joshua Nuiin , A . II . Tattershall , Louis Hirsch , 1 homas W . White , Edw . Cox , Thomas Massa , Griffiths Smith , W . Winn , F . J . Cox , R . W . Little ( Secretary ) , 11 . Muggeridge ( Collector ) , and several ladies . Most of the children had gone home for the holidays , but there were about thirty left . These were entertained , first of all , at tea , after which they enjoyed some dancing .
Dissolving views and magic lantern were then provided by Bro . F . J . Cox , of Lttdgate-hill , and some very interesting pieces of scenery were produced , together with a verbal explanation . This lasted for a couple of hours , during all which time the children and the visitors were much amused , and expressed their gratification at the exhibition .
As soon as the last diagram— " Goo / 1 ingbl —was given , the children retired to the dining-hall to supper , where all the visitors wailed on their little friends , and pulled crackers with them , to the intense delight of the children . The supper , however , as a repast , did not appear to have half the interest for them that the crackers had , and , unlike boys , they left the refection almost
untouched , tti revel in the delight of wearing the caps , coronets , collars , and other becoming articles of dress , which were enclosed with the bon-bons . They were occupied a considerable time in this amusement , and perhaps no previous part of the evening had such allurements for either the big or the little girls . The pleasure was sustained during the dancing which
followed , when the fortunate possessors of caps continued lo wear them . Il was getting late when the visitors bade adieu to the dear little girls , who shook them most heartil y by the hand as they left . When the dancing was over , and before retiring , Bro .
Benj . Head addressed a few words to the children , fitsaid : My good friends all , I hope you will excuse me for addressing ' ) ou . 1 think 1 am the oldest member of this institution , and if you will allow me I will say a few words before parting . We meet here at the beginning of a new year . We meet here with a number of you young chil-
New Year's Treat At The Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
then who arc remaining in the school for the holidays , and knowing that many of the girls of this institution have gone home , I hope , to have a happy , comfortable , and merry Christmas . Though they have gone to . spend their merry Christmas at home , I hope , little ones , you have enjoyed yourselves to-day . We have come here on purpose that you should have a little pleasure , and 1 think we have
been successful . Well , then , I think , in looking back to the year that has passed , we have to be very thankful to the great and good God that rules over all , for the restoration to health of one who is dear to us all ( Miss Jarwood ) , a lady who has been in this establishment for many many - years , a lady who has been kind and motherly to you ami hundreds before you , and I am sure a lady clear to all of
us who are on committees , a lady whom we all love and admire . I ask you now to thank God that she is restored to health , and to wish her many , many happy years still 10 come , that we may all have the pleasure of meeting her here in many future years . ( Cheers . ) I now bid you all good night . The decorations of the different rooms were very tastefully arranged by the children and the governesses , and
the building bore all the signs of a hearty welcome to visitors . Evergreens in festoons , " A Merry Christmas , " " A I Iappy New Year , " " Welcome , " and , not the least , cheerful , roaring fires , and well lighted rooms , revived the memories of old-fashioned Christmascs , as handed down by traditional history . The brethren will be glad to know that the inmates of the school appear to be in the enjoyment of excellent health and unalloved happiness .
Multam In Parbo; Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Multam in Parbo ; or Masonic Notes and Queries .
Oiir-Kn or l ' noeussioN AT A FVNUHAI .. in reply to " one of your old subscribers " as to the order of procession , it is laid down in a book I possess , dated 1819 , as follows , viz .: — Tyler , with a drawn sword . Musicians ( if any ) . Master Masons . Senior and Junior Deacons .
Secretary and Treasurer . Senior and Junior Wardens . Past Masters . The Holy Writings , on a Cushion , Carried by the Oi . nr . ST Muunun of the Lodge The Master .
Clergy . Pall Bearers . UOOY 1 > a" lk'ai x'rs-In the above order the youngest Past Master goes before the W . M . in the procession . Yours , fraternally , MACISI-S OH HEX , P . M . and P . Z .
MASONIC PI : DIOIII : K WIIHAT . Referring to the article in the Freemason of the 19 th Sept . last , headed " Royal Masonic Pedigree Wheat , " giving au account of the produce of a single grain which fell from the hand of Ii . R . II . the Prince of Wales on the occasion of laying the foundation stone of the New
Grammar School at Reading , picked up and planted by Bro . Thos . Dellt-r , P . M ., of Newbury , we are now informed that the corn has been threshed , the yield being nearly five quarters . This has been drilled into sixteen acres of suitable land ; thus we see this large result from a single grain in five years .
Tin-: ScAi . n MisEit . Mii . ii MASONS . 1 have seen an old print in the window of Messrs . Golding and Lawrence , Antiquarian Print and Booksellers , Ivy lane , an engraving with the above description . It represents " the front of Somerset I louse in 1742 , copied from the view of the Grand Processiov . of the Scald Miserable
Masons . " It appears to be a burlesque of Freemasonry , as some of the persons forming the procession are seated on asses . Some are playing musical instruments , others carry banners with Masonic emblems . Can any brother tell me what the Scald Miserable Masons were , if any such body existed , Qurn 1 ST .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The following brethren form the Board of Stewards for the Anniversary Festival on behalf of this Institution , on Wednesday , 27 th January , 18 75 , the Right Hon . Earl of Shrewsbury and Talbot , Provincial Grand Master for Staffordshire , in the Chair . PiiEsiDEST : —11 . W . Bro . Samuel Rasvson , P . Dist .
G . M . China . Vic : i :-Pni : sini ; . sTS : —R . W . Bro . Lord II . Thymic , ( M . P . ) , S . G . W ., W . M . 1478 ; V . W . Bro . Rev . C . J . Martyn , ( Vice-Patron ) , P . G . Ch ., P . M . 1224 ; \ V . Bros . J . P . Leith , S . G . D ., P . M . S 10 ; C . W . C . Ilutton , J . G . D ., P . M . , )( , ; W . J . I lughan , P . G . S . D . ; II . Pullen , P . G . S . B ., 1383 ; Capt . R . Cope , ( V . P . ) , P . G . S . H ., P . G . W . Cheshire ; J . D . Moore ,
( M . U . J , P . G . S . B ., P . M . 281 ; T . Cubilt . G . f'urst ., P . M . 1415 ; R . Stokes , P . l' . S . G . W . Wilts .. Province of Wiltshire Rev ' . | . N . Palmer , P . P . G . W . Hants and Isle of Wight , iM' . G . Chap . Oxon ., P . M . 6 9 8 , 10 ; J . Craven , P . P . G . S . W . West Yorks . ; Capt . J . Wordsworth , ( V . P . ) , P . P . G . S . W . West Yorks . ; II . Day , P . P . G . W . West Yorks ., P . M . 20 S ; Rev . II . A . Pickard , ( M . A . ) , P . P . G . S . W . Oxou , W . M . eleel 157 ; F . Dcrrv , P . P . G . W . Staffordshire , P . M . 4 82 ;
E . T . Inskip , Prov . G . Sec . BnstoI , iM ' . G . J . W . . Vmit-iwi , P . M . O 26 , P . M . 97-, ; G . Lambert , ( V . P . ) , P . P . G . J . W . I Kits . P . M . 504 ; Rev . F . W . Harnett , I ' . G . Chap . Berks ami Bucks , Chaplain 840 ; Rev . D . J . Drakeford , P . P . G . Chap . Somerset , S . D 256 ; W . II . Gill , P . Prov . G . R . West Yorks , 1019 ; C . Horsley , P . Prov . G . R . Middlesex , P . M . 1 309 ; II . 11 . Hodges ; P . Prov . G . R ., Berks and Bucks , P . M . 795 ; J . Jacobs ,