Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Craft Masonry. Page 3 of 3 Article The Craft Abroad. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 2 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Craft Masonry.
two years ago they had their misgivings as to Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis , but hiscareer as W . M . had astonished them , and , although he was a busy man in his profession , it was marvellous that he had been so efficient in the ritual , and the ceremony of installation could not have been done better . His year of office and grand working would long be rememberedas would the way he entertained the ladies while he was in the chair .
, Bro . Dr . Ivor Davies , I . P . M ., responded , and said he was thankful to Bro . Ham , P . M ., for the eulogistic way he had referred to him , but what he had done was his duty , as others had done before him in the lodge . He had introduced music in the lodge , and he thought it added to the beautiful ritual . He had had the honour of entertaining the ladies three times during his year of office , and concluding , he again thanked them for the kindness he had always received at their hands .
The W . Mf , in proposing " The Past Master , " said that it seemed hardly necessary at that late hour for him to speak of the merits of the Past Masters—Bros . Spicer , Ham , Jones , Hoggins , Conway , Buxton , Perry , Lichtwitz-as they were all well-tried brethren , and they always came up smiling . He could not extol their abilities too highly , and he thought it showed the love they had for the lodge by the large array at his left that evening , and great praise was due to them for the example they had set him , which he should sincerely endeavour to follow , and he coupled with the toast the names of Bros . F . VV . Buxton , P . M ., and J . C . Conway , P . M .
In responding , Bro . Buxton , P . M ., thanked the W . M . for his kind words , and said that the Past Masters would do all they could to assist the W . M ., but they did not think that he would require any help . He was glad to see Bro . Geo . May installed as W . M ., who was one of his initiates , as was the I . P . M ., Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis , and at the end of his year of office , the VV . M . would instal his successor in a way that the same nice things would be said of him as had been said of Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis Bro . I . C . Conway , P . M ., also acknowledged the toast , which he did in eloquent
"The Treasurer and Secretary" and "The Officers of the Lodge" having been duly honoured , the Tyler ' s toast brought the happy and very successful proceedings to Trie musical arrangements were under the able direction of Bro . Geo . Thatcher , in which the following contributed to the harmony ot the evening : Miss Carrie Tulib , Bros . Fred Rains , Thos . Lynes , A . Meo , and Geo . Thatcher . Bro . Sidney Scott ably presided at the pianoforte .
Enfield Lodge , No . 1237 . A very successful meeting of the above lodge was held on Monday last at the George Hotel , Enfield , to witness the installation of Bro . James M . Dexter as W . M . for the ensuing year . The following were present : Bros . C H . Penny , W . M . ; J . M . Dexter , S . W . ; W . Hibbtrdine , J . W . ; G . Gange , S . D . ; H . V . Clements , P . M ., & c , Treas . ; A . G . Fidler , P . M ., & c , Sec ; H . E . Brown , J . D . ; A . Millbourn , I . G . ; C Offord , D . C . ; H . Woodley , P . M . ; VV . Humphries , P . M . ; t-i R Mav PM . ; A . Mond . P . M .: I . Hicks . P . M .: I . H . M . Mevers . E . T .
Vint . J . Marshall , F . G . Lacey , and J . H . Kirk . Visitors : Bros . A . H . Maddocks , 10 S 7 ; W . Saville , 1 S 0 ; Gilbert Scott , P . M . 1579 ; T . A . Bullock , P . G . S . B . ; R . Berridge , P . G . D . ; E . Knifton , 127 S ; J . Graham , 1579 ; W . H . Recknell , P . M . 212 ; C . Sergeant , 1 S 9 ; A . G . Thompson , 12 S 7 ; Walter Wood , VV . M . 1 G 72 ; J . Gough , 12 S 7 ; T . Wholey , P . M . 2470 ; VV . Davies , 212 S ; A . Carger , 2750 ; and 5 . E . Bostock , 2050 .
The ledge was opened , the minutes of the last meeting read and conlirmed , and the report of the Audit Committee adopted . Uro . Penny then installed Bro . Dexter as his successor in a faultless manner , also delivering the addresses to the officers with great imnressiveness . The VV . M . appointed Ihe following as the officers of the lodge : Bros . C H . Penny , I . P . M . ; W . Hibberdine , S . VV . ; G . Ginge , J . VV . ; H . V . Clements , PM .. Treas . ; A . G . Fidler , P . M .. Sec . ; H . E . Brown , S . D . ; J . Marshall , J . D . ; A . E ! Millbourn , I . G . j C . W . Offord , D . of C . j E . T . Vint , A . D . of C . j F . G . Lacey , Stwd . j and A . Bryant , P . M ., Tyler .
Craft Masonry.
A banquet followed , at which the lengthy toast list necessitated a brevity of speech , which , perhaps , added to the enjoyment . Following the usual loyal and patriotic toasts , Bro . R . Berridge , P . G . D ., in replying for " The Grand Officers , Present and Past , " said it had given him great pleasure to attend . He thought Bro . Penny had by his excellent working of the installation ceremony , earned the congratulations of all . Bro . Bullock , P . G . S . B ., also replied .
In reply to the toast of " The Provincial Grand Master and Officers , " Bro . Woodley , P . M ., said it was with much pleasure he had to acknowledge on behalf of the Prov . S . G . O . He hoped in the course of time to congratulate the W . M . on his attaining Prov . Grand rank . He took the opportunity of wishing him a most successful
year . Bro . Penny , I . P . M ., said that to him fell the privilege of proposing the toast of the evening . As " good wine needs no bush , " so the Worshipful Master needed no eulogium from him . Bro . Dexter had served all the offices in such a manner that he was never excelled in the lodgei which was saying a very great deal , and the brethren all looked forward to his year of office with every confidence in Bro . Dexter ' s ability to discharge the duties in a way creditable to himself and satisfactory to the lodge .
Bro . Dexter , in reply , after thanking Bro . Penny and the brethren , both for the toast and its hearty reception , said that he was mindful of the splendid example set by his predecessors of correct working , which he would do his best to follow for the lodge ' s best welfare . In proposing "The Health of the I . P . M .,- " the W . M . expressed the feelings of
the lodge at the high opinion held by every brother of the brilliant manner he had performed the ceremony of installation , which ended his successful yearof office , and that as a conscientious and energetic Master , and as a true and genial brother , he should be regarded as an example to be followed by all . The lodge had voted him a Past Master ' s jewel , which he now had the pleasure of presenting with the assurance of the brethren that thev were conscious it was so well deserved .
Bro . Penny having replied , the toasts of " The P . Ms . " and " The Vistors " were proposed by the Senior and Junior Wardens , and acknowledged by Bros . May and Humphries for the Past Master , and Bro . Wholey for the visitors . " The Officers •" and Tyler's toasts brought a thoroughly enjoyable evening to a close .
The musical arrangements were ably carried out by Miss Rey Porter and Misses Beatrice and Irene Marner , Bros . J . Gough , Marner , and Bostock , Bro . Wilfrid Davies , A . R . A . M ., accompanist , and Prof . Nelson on the "Glassophone . "
The Craft Abroad.
The Craft Abroad .
Cambrian Lodge of Australia , No . 656 ( E . C . ) The regular monthly meeting of the above lodge took place in the lodge room , Castlereagh-street , Sydney , N . S . W ., on Wednesday , the ist ult . Nearly every member of the lodge was present , also visitors belonging to the English , Irish , and Scottish Constitutions ( unattached ) , as well as a large number of Masters , P . Ms ., and brethren of the United Grand Lodge of New South Wales .
The chair was taken by the W . M ., Bro . Capt . Salt , R . N . ( this being his first meeting after installation ) . The work of the evening embraced the initiation of a candidate . The Degree was given in its entirety by the W . M ., assisted by the I . P . M ., Bro . Captain Campbell . A Past Master of the New South Wales Constitution was also admitted as an affiliating member . Before closing the lodge the W . M . presented a very massive and unique Past Master ' s jewel to the I . P . M ., who , owing to illness , was unable to attend the installation of his successor in October . Bro . Campbell responded , and assured the W . M . that although now a P . M . his energies
would still be devoted to make the Cambrian Lodge the premier lodge in New South Wales , that in adding members to the lodge , the endeavour would be quality not quantity . A handsome Past Master ' s collar and jewel was also presented to Bro . Campbell by an esteemed member of the United Grand Lodge of New South Wales . The lodge being closed , a pleasant hour was spent in harmony . The decision of Grand Lodge of England in favour of the Cambrian Lodge has given great satisfaction to nearly all the Freemasons in Sydney , the I . P . M . as well as the present W . M . being well-known and popular brethren in Sydney .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
Prince Leopold Lodge , No . 238 . A meeting of this lodge was held at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , E . G ., on the 2 ist ult ., when there were present Bros . T . B . Dodson , I . P . M ., as W . M . ; E . Bond , S . W . ; H . Hawkins , J . VV . j F . F . Bonney , P . M . iSi , M . O . ; T . L . Pewtress , J . O . ; Rev . R . C . Fillingham , M . A ., P . M ., Treas . ; Major T . C . Walls , P . M ., Sec . ; A . Tisley , P . M ., P . A . G . D . C ; and F . W . Driver , M . A ., P . M ., P . G . S . ( hon . member ) . Ihe lodge was in mourning consequent upon the death of Bro . R . BurletonW . M .
, , who died a few days after his installation in May last . The ballot was taken on behalf of Bro , Aubone S . Reed , S . W . 5 , G . S ., and he was duly advanced by the Secretary . A vote of condolence was passed to the widow and family of the late W . M . Apologies for non-attendance were received from Bros . Holroyd , P . M ., and J . V . Sherrin , S . O . A sum of money was votfd from the funds to the Da'ly Telegraph Widows and Orphans Fund , which was subsequently augmented by individual contributions at the banquet table . The lodge was then closed . council 01 iwvmariners
« mc . uegree was men opened . Amongst those present were Bros . F . F . bonney , W . C . N . ; Alfred Tisley , P . W . C . N ., J ., W . C . N , elect ; F . VV . Driver , M . A ., P . W . C . N ., S . ; Rev . R . C . Fill ngham , M . A ., P . W . C . N ., Treas . ; and Major T . C . Walls , P . W . C . N ., P . G . C , Scribe . , 'reas ., Ihe minutes of the previous council having been read and confirmed , the W . C . N , inducted Bro . A . Tisley into the chair of N ., who invested Bros . F . W . Driver as J . ; F . F . Bonney as S . ; Rev . R . C . Fillingham , M . A ., Treas . ; and Major T . C . Walls , Scribe . The council was then closed .
A banquet followed , and was presided over by Bro . T . B . Dodson , I . P . M . of the Mark lodge . Upon the removal of the cloth the customary toasts received full justice . Bro . Alfred Tisley , P . A . G . D . C , responded on behalf of " The Grand Officers . " " Ihe Health of the I . P . M . " having been proposed , and warmlv received , •. J . P j > ° n . in reply , expressed his great grief that his very old ' friend and worker with him in the Dalhousie Craft Lodge should have been so unexpectedly called away . The late Bro . Burleton was greatly respected in Masonic circles , his geniality , liberality ,
Telephone—1389 Holborn . Telegraphic Address— "Cigarotype " S.COHEN&C°"^0LeitJ%Y^er^nts' m * HAVANA CIGARS FULLY MATURED FOR CjH ^! STJV ! AS _ BOXES . Ho . vilf llnxof lloxof Jliixof Box of J . S . Murias \ .. 50 ... 12 'J Romeo & Juliet 5 o ... l ' . i , - La Vencedora ... 25 ... 21 / - Bock & Co . ... 25 ... 12 0 Casimiro Alvarez 50 18 / - „ ' 10 . ' - .. „ ( .,- liS < i Rosa de Santiago OO ... J . " , / - ,,... 27 / 0 „ „ 25 ' . ' . ' . 13 / - „ „ ... „ ... 1 <> , '> ( Vii-lw llii-in )) ** ' "' „ „ „ ... 20 / - Flot'de A'Wlui-iaa 50 ... ia /( i , 25 20 / - „ „ ... „ •••17 , ii La Vencedora ... " iii ... is / - La Comerclal ... „ ... 1 ( 1 ,- „ „ ... „ ... 22 / 0 „ ' " JO " 10 ' - ... ,, .. - ' - -li , - '•" ' .. •11 / " ., - „ ... IS ,- „ , ... 27 / 0 A . Al'iones " .. 25 '" !> ' ' « , 25 ... 25- „ „ ... . ... i ; s , - Bock & Co . ... „ ... 12 / - Flor el Todo ... ,.... 19 / - Larranagas ... 100 ' . 30 / - „ „ ... . ... U 0 , - „ „ ....... 103 „ „ 17 / - Casimiro Alvarez 25 ... 7 / - Puro Habana ... 00 ... 20 / - Will be sent Carriage Free in the United Kingdom on receipt of remittance .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
two years ago they had their misgivings as to Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis , but hiscareer as W . M . had astonished them , and , although he was a busy man in his profession , it was marvellous that he had been so efficient in the ritual , and the ceremony of installation could not have been done better . His year of office and grand working would long be rememberedas would the way he entertained the ladies while he was in the chair .
, Bro . Dr . Ivor Davies , I . P . M ., responded , and said he was thankful to Bro . Ham , P . M ., for the eulogistic way he had referred to him , but what he had done was his duty , as others had done before him in the lodge . He had introduced music in the lodge , and he thought it added to the beautiful ritual . He had had the honour of entertaining the ladies three times during his year of office , and concluding , he again thanked them for the kindness he had always received at their hands .
The W . Mf , in proposing " The Past Master , " said that it seemed hardly necessary at that late hour for him to speak of the merits of the Past Masters—Bros . Spicer , Ham , Jones , Hoggins , Conway , Buxton , Perry , Lichtwitz-as they were all well-tried brethren , and they always came up smiling . He could not extol their abilities too highly , and he thought it showed the love they had for the lodge by the large array at his left that evening , and great praise was due to them for the example they had set him , which he should sincerely endeavour to follow , and he coupled with the toast the names of Bros . F . VV . Buxton , P . M ., and J . C . Conway , P . M .
In responding , Bro . Buxton , P . M ., thanked the W . M . for his kind words , and said that the Past Masters would do all they could to assist the W . M ., but they did not think that he would require any help . He was glad to see Bro . Geo . May installed as W . M ., who was one of his initiates , as was the I . P . M ., Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis , and at the end of his year of office , the VV . M . would instal his successor in a way that the same nice things would be said of him as had been said of Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis Bro . I . C . Conway , P . M ., also acknowledged the toast , which he did in eloquent
"The Treasurer and Secretary" and "The Officers of the Lodge" having been duly honoured , the Tyler ' s toast brought the happy and very successful proceedings to Trie musical arrangements were under the able direction of Bro . Geo . Thatcher , in which the following contributed to the harmony ot the evening : Miss Carrie Tulib , Bros . Fred Rains , Thos . Lynes , A . Meo , and Geo . Thatcher . Bro . Sidney Scott ably presided at the pianoforte .
Enfield Lodge , No . 1237 . A very successful meeting of the above lodge was held on Monday last at the George Hotel , Enfield , to witness the installation of Bro . James M . Dexter as W . M . for the ensuing year . The following were present : Bros . C H . Penny , W . M . ; J . M . Dexter , S . W . ; W . Hibbtrdine , J . W . ; G . Gange , S . D . ; H . V . Clements , P . M ., & c , Treas . ; A . G . Fidler , P . M ., & c , Sec ; H . E . Brown , J . D . ; A . Millbourn , I . G . ; C Offord , D . C . ; H . Woodley , P . M . ; VV . Humphries , P . M . ; t-i R Mav PM . ; A . Mond . P . M .: I . Hicks . P . M .: I . H . M . Mevers . E . T .
Vint . J . Marshall , F . G . Lacey , and J . H . Kirk . Visitors : Bros . A . H . Maddocks , 10 S 7 ; W . Saville , 1 S 0 ; Gilbert Scott , P . M . 1579 ; T . A . Bullock , P . G . S . B . ; R . Berridge , P . G . D . ; E . Knifton , 127 S ; J . Graham , 1579 ; W . H . Recknell , P . M . 212 ; C . Sergeant , 1 S 9 ; A . G . Thompson , 12 S 7 ; Walter Wood , VV . M . 1 G 72 ; J . Gough , 12 S 7 ; T . Wholey , P . M . 2470 ; VV . Davies , 212 S ; A . Carger , 2750 ; and 5 . E . Bostock , 2050 .
The ledge was opened , the minutes of the last meeting read and conlirmed , and the report of the Audit Committee adopted . Uro . Penny then installed Bro . Dexter as his successor in a faultless manner , also delivering the addresses to the officers with great imnressiveness . The VV . M . appointed Ihe following as the officers of the lodge : Bros . C H . Penny , I . P . M . ; W . Hibberdine , S . VV . ; G . Ginge , J . VV . ; H . V . Clements , PM .. Treas . ; A . G . Fidler , P . M .. Sec . ; H . E . Brown , S . D . ; J . Marshall , J . D . ; A . E ! Millbourn , I . G . j C . W . Offord , D . of C . j E . T . Vint , A . D . of C . j F . G . Lacey , Stwd . j and A . Bryant , P . M ., Tyler .
Craft Masonry.
A banquet followed , at which the lengthy toast list necessitated a brevity of speech , which , perhaps , added to the enjoyment . Following the usual loyal and patriotic toasts , Bro . R . Berridge , P . G . D ., in replying for " The Grand Officers , Present and Past , " said it had given him great pleasure to attend . He thought Bro . Penny had by his excellent working of the installation ceremony , earned the congratulations of all . Bro . Bullock , P . G . S . B ., also replied .
In reply to the toast of " The Provincial Grand Master and Officers , " Bro . Woodley , P . M ., said it was with much pleasure he had to acknowledge on behalf of the Prov . S . G . O . He hoped in the course of time to congratulate the W . M . on his attaining Prov . Grand rank . He took the opportunity of wishing him a most successful
year . Bro . Penny , I . P . M ., said that to him fell the privilege of proposing the toast of the evening . As " good wine needs no bush , " so the Worshipful Master needed no eulogium from him . Bro . Dexter had served all the offices in such a manner that he was never excelled in the lodgei which was saying a very great deal , and the brethren all looked forward to his year of office with every confidence in Bro . Dexter ' s ability to discharge the duties in a way creditable to himself and satisfactory to the lodge .
Bro . Dexter , in reply , after thanking Bro . Penny and the brethren , both for the toast and its hearty reception , said that he was mindful of the splendid example set by his predecessors of correct working , which he would do his best to follow for the lodge ' s best welfare . In proposing "The Health of the I . P . M .,- " the W . M . expressed the feelings of
the lodge at the high opinion held by every brother of the brilliant manner he had performed the ceremony of installation , which ended his successful yearof office , and that as a conscientious and energetic Master , and as a true and genial brother , he should be regarded as an example to be followed by all . The lodge had voted him a Past Master ' s jewel , which he now had the pleasure of presenting with the assurance of the brethren that thev were conscious it was so well deserved .
Bro . Penny having replied , the toasts of " The P . Ms . " and " The Vistors " were proposed by the Senior and Junior Wardens , and acknowledged by Bros . May and Humphries for the Past Master , and Bro . Wholey for the visitors . " The Officers •" and Tyler's toasts brought a thoroughly enjoyable evening to a close .
The musical arrangements were ably carried out by Miss Rey Porter and Misses Beatrice and Irene Marner , Bros . J . Gough , Marner , and Bostock , Bro . Wilfrid Davies , A . R . A . M ., accompanist , and Prof . Nelson on the "Glassophone . "
The Craft Abroad.
The Craft Abroad .
Cambrian Lodge of Australia , No . 656 ( E . C . ) The regular monthly meeting of the above lodge took place in the lodge room , Castlereagh-street , Sydney , N . S . W ., on Wednesday , the ist ult . Nearly every member of the lodge was present , also visitors belonging to the English , Irish , and Scottish Constitutions ( unattached ) , as well as a large number of Masters , P . Ms ., and brethren of the United Grand Lodge of New South Wales .
The chair was taken by the W . M ., Bro . Capt . Salt , R . N . ( this being his first meeting after installation ) . The work of the evening embraced the initiation of a candidate . The Degree was given in its entirety by the W . M ., assisted by the I . P . M ., Bro . Captain Campbell . A Past Master of the New South Wales Constitution was also admitted as an affiliating member . Before closing the lodge the W . M . presented a very massive and unique Past Master ' s jewel to the I . P . M ., who , owing to illness , was unable to attend the installation of his successor in October . Bro . Campbell responded , and assured the W . M . that although now a P . M . his energies
would still be devoted to make the Cambrian Lodge the premier lodge in New South Wales , that in adding members to the lodge , the endeavour would be quality not quantity . A handsome Past Master ' s collar and jewel was also presented to Bro . Campbell by an esteemed member of the United Grand Lodge of New South Wales . The lodge being closed , a pleasant hour was spent in harmony . The decision of Grand Lodge of England in favour of the Cambrian Lodge has given great satisfaction to nearly all the Freemasons in Sydney , the I . P . M . as well as the present W . M . being well-known and popular brethren in Sydney .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
Prince Leopold Lodge , No . 238 . A meeting of this lodge was held at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , E . G ., on the 2 ist ult ., when there were present Bros . T . B . Dodson , I . P . M ., as W . M . ; E . Bond , S . W . ; H . Hawkins , J . VV . j F . F . Bonney , P . M . iSi , M . O . ; T . L . Pewtress , J . O . ; Rev . R . C . Fillingham , M . A ., P . M ., Treas . ; Major T . C . Walls , P . M ., Sec . ; A . Tisley , P . M ., P . A . G . D . C ; and F . W . Driver , M . A ., P . M ., P . G . S . ( hon . member ) . Ihe lodge was in mourning consequent upon the death of Bro . R . BurletonW . M .
, , who died a few days after his installation in May last . The ballot was taken on behalf of Bro , Aubone S . Reed , S . W . 5 , G . S ., and he was duly advanced by the Secretary . A vote of condolence was passed to the widow and family of the late W . M . Apologies for non-attendance were received from Bros . Holroyd , P . M ., and J . V . Sherrin , S . O . A sum of money was votfd from the funds to the Da'ly Telegraph Widows and Orphans Fund , which was subsequently augmented by individual contributions at the banquet table . The lodge was then closed . council 01 iwvmariners
« mc . uegree was men opened . Amongst those present were Bros . F . F . bonney , W . C . N . ; Alfred Tisley , P . W . C . N ., J ., W . C . N , elect ; F . VV . Driver , M . A ., P . W . C . N ., S . ; Rev . R . C . Fill ngham , M . A ., P . W . C . N ., Treas . ; and Major T . C . Walls , P . W . C . N ., P . G . C , Scribe . , 'reas ., Ihe minutes of the previous council having been read and confirmed , the W . C . N , inducted Bro . A . Tisley into the chair of N ., who invested Bros . F . W . Driver as J . ; F . F . Bonney as S . ; Rev . R . C . Fillingham , M . A ., Treas . ; and Major T . C . Walls , Scribe . The council was then closed .
A banquet followed , and was presided over by Bro . T . B . Dodson , I . P . M . of the Mark lodge . Upon the removal of the cloth the customary toasts received full justice . Bro . Alfred Tisley , P . A . G . D . C , responded on behalf of " The Grand Officers . " " Ihe Health of the I . P . M . " having been proposed , and warmlv received , •. J . P j > ° n . in reply , expressed his great grief that his very old ' friend and worker with him in the Dalhousie Craft Lodge should have been so unexpectedly called away . The late Bro . Burleton was greatly respected in Masonic circles , his geniality , liberality ,
Telephone—1389 Holborn . Telegraphic Address— "Cigarotype " S.COHEN&C°"^0LeitJ%Y^er^nts' m * HAVANA CIGARS FULLY MATURED FOR CjH ^! STJV ! AS _ BOXES . Ho . vilf llnxof lloxof Jliixof Box of J . S . Murias \ .. 50 ... 12 'J Romeo & Juliet 5 o ... l ' . i , - La Vencedora ... 25 ... 21 / - Bock & Co . ... 25 ... 12 0 Casimiro Alvarez 50 18 / - „ ' 10 . ' - .. „ ( .,- liS < i Rosa de Santiago OO ... J . " , / - ,,... 27 / 0 „ „ 25 ' . ' . ' . 13 / - „ „ ... „ ... 1 <> , '> ( Vii-lw llii-in )) ** ' "' „ „ „ ... 20 / - Flot'de A'Wlui-iaa 50 ... ia /( i , 25 20 / - „ „ ... „ •••17 , ii La Vencedora ... " iii ... is / - La Comerclal ... „ ... 1 ( 1 ,- „ „ ... „ ... 22 / 0 „ ' " JO " 10 ' - ... ,, .. - ' - -li , - '•" ' .. •11 / " ., - „ ... IS ,- „ , ... 27 / 0 A . Al'iones " .. 25 '" !> ' ' « , 25 ... 25- „ „ ... . ... i ; s , - Bock & Co . ... „ ... 12 / - Flor el Todo ... ,.... 19 / - Larranagas ... 100 ' . 30 / - „ „ ... . ... U 0 , - „ „ ....... 103 „ „ 17 / - Casimiro Alvarez 25 ... 7 / - Puro Habana ... 00 ... 20 / - Will be sent Carriage Free in the United Kingdom on receipt of remittance .