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/ " ¦ tREAT WESTERN RAILWAY . CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY EXCURSIONS ' ON DECEMBER iSth to 25 th inclusive , CHEAP THIRD CLASS RETURN TICKETS , available on December 20 th , 2 ist , 22 nd , 23 rd , 24 th , or 25 th , and for return December 26 th to 30 th inclusive , will be issued from PADDINGTON , Clapham junction , Victoria ( L . C and D . Rly . ) , Kensington ( Addison-road ) , Hammersmith , & c , to Bath , BRISTOL , Taunton , Barnstaple , ILFRACOMBE , EXETER , TORQUAY , PLYMOUTH , Falmouth , PENZANCE , Yeovil , " Dorchester , WEYMOUTH , & c On December 21 st and 23 rd , to GUERNSEY and JERSEY ( fare 24 s . Gd . ) , to return within 14 days . ADDITIONAL TRAINS will leave PADDINGTON STATION as under : — DECEMBER 22 nd and 23 rd . —7 . 5 p . m ., for BATH , BRISTOL , EXETER , PLYMOUTH , & C . SATURDAY , DECEMBER 23 rd . —7 . 5 p . m ., for Bath , BRISTOL , EXETER , PLYMOUTH , TRURO , & C . 1 . 0 night , for Reading , SWINDON , Bath , BRISTOL , Taunton , EXETER , GLOUCESTER , Cheltenham , Newport , CARDIFF , Swansea , & c . DECEMBER 24 th and 25 th . —5 . 30 a . m ., as on WEEKDAYS , as far as EXETER and SWANSEA , with connections to Trowbridge , Frome , YEOVIL , Bridport , Dorchester , WEYMOUTH , & C . 5 . 35 a . m ., to OXFORD , Banbury , Leamington , BIRMINGHAM , Wolverhampton , Wercester , Malvern , Kidderminster , Sic . EXCURSIONS will leave PADDINGTON STATION as under : A FORTNIGHT IN IRELAND . —THURSDAY , DECEMBER 21 st . To CORK ar . d KILLARNEY . FRIDAY' , DECEMBER 22 nd . —To WATERFOKD , Clonmel , LIMERICK , Tralee , Kilkenny , KILLARNEY , BELFAST , Armagh , GIANTS' CAUSEWAY , & C . DECEMBER 22 nd and 23 rd , NIGHT . —To EXETER , Dawlish , Teignmouth , PLYMOUTH , Devonport , Bodmin , Wadebridge , Newquay , 'IHURO , Falmouth , St . Ives , PENZANCE , SIC , to return DECEMBER 2 fi ; h or 27 th . SATURDAY , DECEMBER 23 rd , NIGHT . —To Chipping Norton , Evesham , WORCESTER , Malvern , Hereford , & c , for 3 days ; to OXFORD , Banbury , Leamington , Warwick , BIRMINGHAM , WOLVERHAMPTON , Shrewsbury , CHESTER , Birkenhead , LIVERPOOL , & C , for 3 or 5 days ; to BATH ' and BRISTOL , for 3 or 4 days ; to SWINDON , Cirencester , Stroud , Stonehouse , GLOUCESTER , CHELTENHAM , Newport , CARDIFF , Swansea , Llanclly , Llandovery , Carmarthen , Newcastle , Emlyn , Cardigan , Tenby , NEW MILFORD , & C , for 3 days . For times of trains , tares , and full particulars of alterations in ordinary train arrangements , see pamphlets and bills , which can be obtained at the Company ' s Stations and usual Receiving Ollices . J . L . WILKINSON , General Manager .
MAYO'S CASTLE HOTEL EAST MOLESEY , HAMPTON COURT STATION . BRO . JOHN MAYO . MASONIC TEMPLE . Accommodation in the new wing for Banquets for any number up to 120 . Every convenience for Ladies' Gatherings . Spacious landing to river , whence Steam Launches can start . Five Lodges meet here , and reference may be made to the respective Masters as to the catering , & c .
TOWER BRIDGE HOTEL , TOOLEY-STREET , S . E . PROPRIETOR r C . J . BROWN . Within five minutes L . B . andS . C . Railway , and S . E . Railway ( London Bridge ); 10 minutes from Liverpoolstreet and Broad-street Stations . SPLENDID ACCOMMODATION FOR MASONIC LODGES AND CHAPTERS . LARGE BANQUETING HALL . All up to date , and latest improvements . Acknowledged by the Press to be the finest Masonic Hall in London . Telephone No . 222 Hop . Inspection invited .
A 0003 AND USEFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENT TO A MASJIIIO FRIEND . J . Vilu ami tiu /> iiil . iilt II ' oik aj Dei / ' lilliicsl io . UHSMS . liEAUTl ' . 'l ' I . I . V ll . l . L ' . STKA'Nil ) AND lioUNO IS lil . lll ! Cl . OTII AND UOLU . CliOWN 4 TO . AllT l ' AI'KK . 1 ' HICI : $ 1 : FREEMASONRY AND THE TABERNACLE AND TEMPLES OF THE JEWS . Ttiviiti'lMt HU . irv-sliui-M .. •¦„ l :. ;/ . V . i .-l .. n 1 Al ... li . il—Tli- ; U . » u -M » -t , m R .. i , iii . | mi-lli , i > ..-. iti .. ii in IT .. V . T- I .... 111 . 1 . iii'l ; > .- mm -H . M i . l . . 1 .. I .. IH .. N . .. ii . l Jlir : iil-Hiram Al . il -TI .. I I l , r . . hm ¦ l-l-r .. I Arr « , , ! , _ . ¦ , ,.., „ . „ ,. I ,- „ , |* .-TntrOl . t I-... llI . lltl-. n » .. l | . 1 |» -. uli .. r M ..-. I .. - M ... » .- 1-1 .. I . .- ¦ n . i- , „ " ..,- •. il l ' ., l . liw : iy- | . i . li . i-l II " ...:- . ' ; ; "" »"" ¦ ¦ ¦ . '" l ' - "llil :-.. I .-I »« - ¦¦•--- . 1 " : . , . „ ol" SI .-I ,. I-TII- W ., lk . il-. l-li : i- -lull Ml , . 1 1 ..-1 . 111 . 1 I . " . I - fTilvrr-l ' r-lsL - I n . ll - l '< - '«¦ •<^ •) ... -I-. ! -. ! l-. lirl .. f . vins ll . i .-M .- I . T . l 1 , 11 . 1 NV ii ., h -V- mil I'V ! " -. •«V I ' ll" £ ... '"•It .., -lis , „¦ . „! ,. „ I " ..., . 1 .. i . - Jlci ¦!' . I .. | , i | . l .. -Ill ,: 11 ¦¦ nil . tn . ii .. f Hi- l .-iii | .. i- ... Hi- 7 .. H . y- . i 'II By KOl'I'RT WOOIIi ' . l'k I'OWKKS , I ' . M ., . M . I :. / ., etc . May I" - ot . iaiiK-. l ul BOWERS BROTHERS . 89 Blackfrlars Road , London , OEORQE KENNING ) , 16 and 16 a Great Queen St ., W . C .
I / - * REAT CENTRAL RAILWAY . ' CHRISTMAS AND * NEW YEAR HOLIDAY EXCURSIONS FROM LONDON ( Marylebone , near Baker Street and Edgware Road ) . On FRIDAYS , 22 nd and 29 th DECEMBER ( for 5 , S , and iG days ) , To Northallerton , Darlington , Newcastle , Berwick , Elinburgh , Glasgow , & c , at 7 . 45 a . m . On FRIDAY , 22 nd DECEMBER ( for iG days ) , To Ireland ( via Liverpool ) , see pamphlet . On SATURDAY ( midnight ) , 23 rd DECBMBER ( for 3 and 5 days ) . On FRIDAY ( midnight ) , 29 th DECEMBER ( for 3 , 4 , and 5 days ) . To Rugby , Lutterwor'h , Leicester , Loughboro ' , Nottingham , Sheffield , Liverpool , Manchester , & c , at 12 , 15 a . m . The above Trains will also call at Harrow-on-the-Hill . On SATURDAYS , 23 rd ( for 4 or 6 days ) , and 30 th DECEMBER ( for 4 or 5 days ) , To Finmere , Brackley , Rugby , Lutterworth , Leicester , Loughboro ' , Nottingham , Chesterfield , Sheffield , Cleethorpes , Hull , Goole , Grimsby , Gainsboro ' , Retford , Barnsley , Penistone , Huddersfield , Macclesfield , Staleybridge , Oldham , Guidebridge , Manchester , Stockport , Warrington , Liverpool , Wigan , Knutsford , Northwich , Southport , Bridlington , Filey , Middlesboro' , Newcastle , Scarboro ' , South Shields , VVest Hartlepool , York , & c , see pamphlet . For full particulars see printed pamphlet , which can be obtained at any of the Company's Receiving Offices or Marylebone Station , and from MESSRS . DEAN Si DAWSON , 55 , Charing Cross , Trafalgar Square , London . VVILLIAM POLLITT , General Manager . Manchester .
p REAT NORTHERN RAILWAY . CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS . DECEMBER 2 o ' . h , 21 st , 22 nd , and 2 $ rd , additional trains will be run to meet the requirements of traffic . Saturday , December 23 rd , the 5 . 0 p . m . express from King ' s Cross will be continued to Melton Constable , calling at all stations east of Peterboro ' . A Special express , at ordinary fares , will leave London ( King ' s Cross ) at 12 . 20 midnight on Saturday , December 23 rd , for VVelwyn , Stevenage , Hitchin , Biggleswade , Sandy , St . Neots , Huntingdon , Holme , Peterboro' , Spalding , Boston , Louth , Grimsby , Grantham , Lincoln , Nottingham , Newark , Retford , Doncaster , Wakefield , Leeds ,, Laisterdyke , Bradford , Halifax , Selby , York . CHRISTMAS DAV , the trains will be run as on Sundays . CHEAP EXCURSIONS . FRIDAY NIGHT , DECEMBER 22 nd ( for 5 and S days ) , and Friday night , December 29 th ( for 5 and 8 days ) , to Northallerton , Darlington , Richmond , Durham , Newcastle Alnwick , Berwick , Edinburgh , Glasgow , Perth , Dundee Oban , Fort W illiam , Aberdeen , Inverness , and othe stations in Scotland , will leave Woolwich ( Arsenal and Dockyard ) , Greenwich ( S . E . & C ) , Victoria ( S . E . Si C ) , Ludgate Hill , Moorgate , Aldersgate , Farringdon , King ' s Cross ( G . N . ) , Sic Passengers by the excursion on December 22 nd return on Tuesday , 2 Gth , or Friday , 29 th December , and those by the excursion December 29 th return on Tuesday , 2 nd , or Friday , 5 th January , according to period of tickets taken . TICKETS AT A SINGLE FARE FOR THE DOUBLE J OURNEY will also be issued by above excursions to places named , available for return by one fixed train on any day Within iC days , including days of issue and return . SATURDAY , DECEMBER 23 id , for 4 and 0 days , and SATURDAY , DECEMBER 30 th , for 4 and 5 days , to LINCOLN ; -HI KK , NOTTINGHAMSHIRE , STAFFORDSHIRE , LANCASHIRE , YORKSHIRE , NORTH-EASTERN DISTRICT , & c , from LONDON ( . Woolwich Arsenal and Dockyard ) , Greenwich ( S . E . & C ) , Victoria ( S . E . & C ) . Ludgate Hill , Moorgate , Aldersgate , Farringdon , and King's Cross ( G . N . ) . FRIDAY , DECEMBER 29 th ( for 3 , 4 , or 5 days ) , to Nottingham , Sheffield , Penistone , Stockport , Manchester , Warrington , and Liverpool , from Woolwich ( Arsenal ) , at 8 47 p . m ., Woolwich Djrkyard , S . 50 , Greenwich ( S . E . & C ) , . S . 42 , Victoria ( S . E . Si C . ) , 10 . 40 , Ludgate Hill , 11 . 12 , Moorgate , ri . 19 , Aldersgate , 11 . 21 , Farringdon , 11 . 23 , King's Cross ( G . N . ) , 12 . 0 , Finsbury Park , 12 . 5 . For fares and full parti : ulars see bills , to be obtained at the Company's stations and town ollices . WEEK-END TICKETS . CHEAP S HORT DATE WEHK-END TICKETS to the principal inland and seaside health resorts on and in connection with the Great Northern Railway , will , for the Christmas Holidays , be issued on Friday , December 22 nd , and Saturday , December 23 rd , available for return ( it train service admits ) on Sunday , December 24 th , Monday , 25 th , Tuesday , 26 th , or Wednesday , 27 th . CHARLES SI EEL , General Manager .
BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR MACHINE FOR 1899 , INSPECT THE " HOLBORN . " Guaranteed to be a First Class Machine at a Moderate Price . THE HOLBORN CYCLE COMPANY , 39 , GREAT QUEEN STRBBT , HOLBORN . ( Nearly opposite the Freemasons' Hall . )
THE FOLLOWING HOTELS OF THE MIDLAND RAILWAY COMPANY will be found complete in all the arrangements , and the charges moderate . MIDLAND GRAND ( St . Pancras Station ) , LONDON , N . W . The new Venetian Rooms at this Hotel are available for Wedding Breakfasts , and Public and Private and Masonic Banquets . ADELPHI ( Near Central Station ) , LIVERPOOL . QUEEN'S , LEEDS . MIDLAND , BRADFORD . MIDLAND , DERBY . MIDLAND , MORECAMBE . Tariffs on application . Telegraphic Address— " MIDOTEL . " WILLIAM TOWLE , Hotels , & c , Manager
THE ¦ pREEMASON PHRISTMAS ia UMBER , PRICE ONE SHILLING , WILL BE READY ON DECEMBER iSth . It will contain Contributions by G . BLIZARD ABBOTT , P . P . G . D . Herts . W . J . CHETWODE CRAWLEY , P . G . D . W . J . HUGHAN , P . G . D . PROFESSOR F . W . DRIVER , M . A . MAJOR T . C . WALLS , P . G . Std . Br ., and others . PRESENTATION PLATE .
MASONIC MUSIC—A P . M ., P . Z ,, Org ., & c , would act as ORGANIST to Lodges or Chapters . Good worker . ARTISTES , ORCHESTRA , & c „ for Banquets , provided . — Write Mr . DALTON , 17 , York-place , Baker-street , W .
ENGLAND'S HOMELESS POOR . The Committee of FIELD-LANE REFUGES , VINE-STREET , Clerkenwell-road , E . G ., Are HELPING the HOMELESS and The DESERVING POOR . We WANT to GIVE DINNERS to Soo HOMELESS on XMAS DAY . 3500 RESPECTABLE POOR PEOPLE at their Own Homes , and to KEEP our REFUGES OPEN DAY and NIGHT . Please SEND a CONTRIBUTION . Our Funds are Exhausted . Treasurer—W . A . BEVAN , Esq ., 54 , Lombard-st ,, E . C . Secretary—PEREGRINE PL ATT .
FISH , POULTRY , GAME , OYSTERS . IOHN GOW , LIMITED ° 17 , NEW BROAD STREET , E . C , 1 J , HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE , E . C , 23 , LONDON STREET , MARK LANE , E . G ., 9 S , THEOBALD'S RD ., HOLBORN , W . C , AND 86 . HIGH STREET , PECKHAM , S . E . JOHN GOW , Limited , always have oa sale the Larreit Stock in London of the Very Best Quality at Lowest Prices
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
/ " ¦ tREAT WESTERN RAILWAY . CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY EXCURSIONS ' ON DECEMBER iSth to 25 th inclusive , CHEAP THIRD CLASS RETURN TICKETS , available on December 20 th , 2 ist , 22 nd , 23 rd , 24 th , or 25 th , and for return December 26 th to 30 th inclusive , will be issued from PADDINGTON , Clapham junction , Victoria ( L . C and D . Rly . ) , Kensington ( Addison-road ) , Hammersmith , & c , to Bath , BRISTOL , Taunton , Barnstaple , ILFRACOMBE , EXETER , TORQUAY , PLYMOUTH , Falmouth , PENZANCE , Yeovil , " Dorchester , WEYMOUTH , & c On December 21 st and 23 rd , to GUERNSEY and JERSEY ( fare 24 s . Gd . ) , to return within 14 days . ADDITIONAL TRAINS will leave PADDINGTON STATION as under : — DECEMBER 22 nd and 23 rd . —7 . 5 p . m ., for BATH , BRISTOL , EXETER , PLYMOUTH , & C . SATURDAY , DECEMBER 23 rd . —7 . 5 p . m ., for Bath , BRISTOL , EXETER , PLYMOUTH , TRURO , & C . 1 . 0 night , for Reading , SWINDON , Bath , BRISTOL , Taunton , EXETER , GLOUCESTER , Cheltenham , Newport , CARDIFF , Swansea , & c . DECEMBER 24 th and 25 th . —5 . 30 a . m ., as on WEEKDAYS , as far as EXETER and SWANSEA , with connections to Trowbridge , Frome , YEOVIL , Bridport , Dorchester , WEYMOUTH , & C . 5 . 35 a . m ., to OXFORD , Banbury , Leamington , BIRMINGHAM , Wolverhampton , Wercester , Malvern , Kidderminster , Sic . EXCURSIONS will leave PADDINGTON STATION as under : A FORTNIGHT IN IRELAND . —THURSDAY , DECEMBER 21 st . To CORK ar . d KILLARNEY . FRIDAY' , DECEMBER 22 nd . —To WATERFOKD , Clonmel , LIMERICK , Tralee , Kilkenny , KILLARNEY , BELFAST , Armagh , GIANTS' CAUSEWAY , & C . DECEMBER 22 nd and 23 rd , NIGHT . —To EXETER , Dawlish , Teignmouth , PLYMOUTH , Devonport , Bodmin , Wadebridge , Newquay , 'IHURO , Falmouth , St . Ives , PENZANCE , SIC , to return DECEMBER 2 fi ; h or 27 th . SATURDAY , DECEMBER 23 rd , NIGHT . —To Chipping Norton , Evesham , WORCESTER , Malvern , Hereford , & c , for 3 days ; to OXFORD , Banbury , Leamington , Warwick , BIRMINGHAM , WOLVERHAMPTON , Shrewsbury , CHESTER , Birkenhead , LIVERPOOL , & C , for 3 or 5 days ; to BATH ' and BRISTOL , for 3 or 4 days ; to SWINDON , Cirencester , Stroud , Stonehouse , GLOUCESTER , CHELTENHAM , Newport , CARDIFF , Swansea , Llanclly , Llandovery , Carmarthen , Newcastle , Emlyn , Cardigan , Tenby , NEW MILFORD , & C , for 3 days . For times of trains , tares , and full particulars of alterations in ordinary train arrangements , see pamphlets and bills , which can be obtained at the Company ' s Stations and usual Receiving Ollices . J . L . WILKINSON , General Manager .
MAYO'S CASTLE HOTEL EAST MOLESEY , HAMPTON COURT STATION . BRO . JOHN MAYO . MASONIC TEMPLE . Accommodation in the new wing for Banquets for any number up to 120 . Every convenience for Ladies' Gatherings . Spacious landing to river , whence Steam Launches can start . Five Lodges meet here , and reference may be made to the respective Masters as to the catering , & c .
TOWER BRIDGE HOTEL , TOOLEY-STREET , S . E . PROPRIETOR r C . J . BROWN . Within five minutes L . B . andS . C . Railway , and S . E . Railway ( London Bridge ); 10 minutes from Liverpoolstreet and Broad-street Stations . SPLENDID ACCOMMODATION FOR MASONIC LODGES AND CHAPTERS . LARGE BANQUETING HALL . All up to date , and latest improvements . Acknowledged by the Press to be the finest Masonic Hall in London . Telephone No . 222 Hop . Inspection invited .
A 0003 AND USEFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENT TO A MASJIIIO FRIEND . J . Vilu ami tiu /> iiil . iilt II ' oik aj Dei / ' lilliicsl io . UHSMS . liEAUTl ' . 'l ' I . I . V ll . l . L ' . STKA'Nil ) AND lioUNO IS lil . lll ! Cl . OTII AND UOLU . CliOWN 4 TO . AllT l ' AI'KK . 1 ' HICI : $ 1 : FREEMASONRY AND THE TABERNACLE AND TEMPLES OF THE JEWS . Ttiviiti'lMt HU . irv-sliui-M .. •¦„ l :. ;/ . V . i .-l .. n 1 Al ... li . il—Tli- ; U . » u -M » -t , m R .. i , iii . | mi-lli , i > ..-. iti .. ii in IT .. V . T- I .... 111 . 1 . iii'l ; > .- mm -H . M i . l . . 1 .. I .. IH .. N . .. ii . l Jlir : iil-Hiram Al . il -TI .. I I l , r . . hm ¦ l-l-r .. I Arr « , , ! , _ . ¦ , ,.., „ . „ ,. I ,- „ , |* .-TntrOl . t I-... llI . lltl-. n » .. l | . 1 |» -. uli .. r M ..-. I .. - M ... » .- 1-1 .. I . .- ¦ n . i- , „ " ..,- •. il l ' ., l . liw : iy- | . i . li . i-l II " ...:- . ' ; ; "" »"" ¦ ¦ ¦ . '" l ' - "llil :-.. I .-I »« - ¦¦•--- . 1 " : . , . „ ol" SI .-I ,. I-TII- W ., lk . il-. l-li : i- -lull Ml , . 1 1 ..-1 . 111 . 1 I . " . I - fTilvrr-l ' r-lsL - I n . ll - l '< - '«¦ •<^ •) ... -I-. ! -. ! l-. lirl .. f . vins ll . i .-M .- I . T . l 1 , 11 . 1 NV ii ., h -V- mil I'V ! " -. •«V I ' ll" £ ... '"•It .., -lis , „¦ . „! ,. „ I " ..., . 1 .. i . - Jlci ¦!' . I .. | , i | . l .. -Ill ,: 11 ¦¦ nil . tn . ii .. f Hi- l .-iii | .. i- ... Hi- 7 .. H . y- . i 'II By KOl'I'RT WOOIIi ' . l'k I'OWKKS , I ' . M ., . M . I :. / ., etc . May I" - ot . iaiiK-. l ul BOWERS BROTHERS . 89 Blackfrlars Road , London , OEORQE KENNING ) , 16 and 16 a Great Queen St ., W . C .
I / - * REAT CENTRAL RAILWAY . ' CHRISTMAS AND * NEW YEAR HOLIDAY EXCURSIONS FROM LONDON ( Marylebone , near Baker Street and Edgware Road ) . On FRIDAYS , 22 nd and 29 th DECEMBER ( for 5 , S , and iG days ) , To Northallerton , Darlington , Newcastle , Berwick , Elinburgh , Glasgow , & c , at 7 . 45 a . m . On FRIDAY , 22 nd DECEMBER ( for iG days ) , To Ireland ( via Liverpool ) , see pamphlet . On SATURDAY ( midnight ) , 23 rd DECBMBER ( for 3 and 5 days ) . On FRIDAY ( midnight ) , 29 th DECEMBER ( for 3 , 4 , and 5 days ) . To Rugby , Lutterwor'h , Leicester , Loughboro ' , Nottingham , Sheffield , Liverpool , Manchester , & c , at 12 , 15 a . m . The above Trains will also call at Harrow-on-the-Hill . On SATURDAYS , 23 rd ( for 4 or 6 days ) , and 30 th DECEMBER ( for 4 or 5 days ) , To Finmere , Brackley , Rugby , Lutterworth , Leicester , Loughboro ' , Nottingham , Chesterfield , Sheffield , Cleethorpes , Hull , Goole , Grimsby , Gainsboro ' , Retford , Barnsley , Penistone , Huddersfield , Macclesfield , Staleybridge , Oldham , Guidebridge , Manchester , Stockport , Warrington , Liverpool , Wigan , Knutsford , Northwich , Southport , Bridlington , Filey , Middlesboro' , Newcastle , Scarboro ' , South Shields , VVest Hartlepool , York , & c , see pamphlet . For full particulars see printed pamphlet , which can be obtained at any of the Company's Receiving Offices or Marylebone Station , and from MESSRS . DEAN Si DAWSON , 55 , Charing Cross , Trafalgar Square , London . VVILLIAM POLLITT , General Manager . Manchester .
p REAT NORTHERN RAILWAY . CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS . DECEMBER 2 o ' . h , 21 st , 22 nd , and 2 $ rd , additional trains will be run to meet the requirements of traffic . Saturday , December 23 rd , the 5 . 0 p . m . express from King ' s Cross will be continued to Melton Constable , calling at all stations east of Peterboro ' . A Special express , at ordinary fares , will leave London ( King ' s Cross ) at 12 . 20 midnight on Saturday , December 23 rd , for VVelwyn , Stevenage , Hitchin , Biggleswade , Sandy , St . Neots , Huntingdon , Holme , Peterboro' , Spalding , Boston , Louth , Grimsby , Grantham , Lincoln , Nottingham , Newark , Retford , Doncaster , Wakefield , Leeds ,, Laisterdyke , Bradford , Halifax , Selby , York . CHRISTMAS DAV , the trains will be run as on Sundays . CHEAP EXCURSIONS . FRIDAY NIGHT , DECEMBER 22 nd ( for 5 and S days ) , and Friday night , December 29 th ( for 5 and 8 days ) , to Northallerton , Darlington , Richmond , Durham , Newcastle Alnwick , Berwick , Edinburgh , Glasgow , Perth , Dundee Oban , Fort W illiam , Aberdeen , Inverness , and othe stations in Scotland , will leave Woolwich ( Arsenal and Dockyard ) , Greenwich ( S . E . & C ) , Victoria ( S . E . Si C ) , Ludgate Hill , Moorgate , Aldersgate , Farringdon , King ' s Cross ( G . N . ) , Sic Passengers by the excursion on December 22 nd return on Tuesday , 2 Gth , or Friday , 29 th December , and those by the excursion December 29 th return on Tuesday , 2 nd , or Friday , 5 th January , according to period of tickets taken . TICKETS AT A SINGLE FARE FOR THE DOUBLE J OURNEY will also be issued by above excursions to places named , available for return by one fixed train on any day Within iC days , including days of issue and return . SATURDAY , DECEMBER 23 id , for 4 and 0 days , and SATURDAY , DECEMBER 30 th , for 4 and 5 days , to LINCOLN ; -HI KK , NOTTINGHAMSHIRE , STAFFORDSHIRE , LANCASHIRE , YORKSHIRE , NORTH-EASTERN DISTRICT , & c , from LONDON ( . Woolwich Arsenal and Dockyard ) , Greenwich ( S . E . & C ) , Victoria ( S . E . & C ) . Ludgate Hill , Moorgate , Aldersgate , Farringdon , and King's Cross ( G . N . ) . FRIDAY , DECEMBER 29 th ( for 3 , 4 , or 5 days ) , to Nottingham , Sheffield , Penistone , Stockport , Manchester , Warrington , and Liverpool , from Woolwich ( Arsenal ) , at 8 47 p . m ., Woolwich Djrkyard , S . 50 , Greenwich ( S . E . & C ) , . S . 42 , Victoria ( S . E . Si C . ) , 10 . 40 , Ludgate Hill , 11 . 12 , Moorgate , ri . 19 , Aldersgate , 11 . 21 , Farringdon , 11 . 23 , King's Cross ( G . N . ) , 12 . 0 , Finsbury Park , 12 . 5 . For fares and full parti : ulars see bills , to be obtained at the Company's stations and town ollices . WEEK-END TICKETS . CHEAP S HORT DATE WEHK-END TICKETS to the principal inland and seaside health resorts on and in connection with the Great Northern Railway , will , for the Christmas Holidays , be issued on Friday , December 22 nd , and Saturday , December 23 rd , available for return ( it train service admits ) on Sunday , December 24 th , Monday , 25 th , Tuesday , 26 th , or Wednesday , 27 th . CHARLES SI EEL , General Manager .
BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR MACHINE FOR 1899 , INSPECT THE " HOLBORN . " Guaranteed to be a First Class Machine at a Moderate Price . THE HOLBORN CYCLE COMPANY , 39 , GREAT QUEEN STRBBT , HOLBORN . ( Nearly opposite the Freemasons' Hall . )
THE FOLLOWING HOTELS OF THE MIDLAND RAILWAY COMPANY will be found complete in all the arrangements , and the charges moderate . MIDLAND GRAND ( St . Pancras Station ) , LONDON , N . W . The new Venetian Rooms at this Hotel are available for Wedding Breakfasts , and Public and Private and Masonic Banquets . ADELPHI ( Near Central Station ) , LIVERPOOL . QUEEN'S , LEEDS . MIDLAND , BRADFORD . MIDLAND , DERBY . MIDLAND , MORECAMBE . Tariffs on application . Telegraphic Address— " MIDOTEL . " WILLIAM TOWLE , Hotels , & c , Manager
THE ¦ pREEMASON PHRISTMAS ia UMBER , PRICE ONE SHILLING , WILL BE READY ON DECEMBER iSth . It will contain Contributions by G . BLIZARD ABBOTT , P . P . G . D . Herts . W . J . CHETWODE CRAWLEY , P . G . D . W . J . HUGHAN , P . G . D . PROFESSOR F . W . DRIVER , M . A . MAJOR T . C . WALLS , P . G . Std . Br ., and others . PRESENTATION PLATE .
MASONIC MUSIC—A P . M ., P . Z ,, Org ., & c , would act as ORGANIST to Lodges or Chapters . Good worker . ARTISTES , ORCHESTRA , & c „ for Banquets , provided . — Write Mr . DALTON , 17 , York-place , Baker-street , W .
ENGLAND'S HOMELESS POOR . The Committee of FIELD-LANE REFUGES , VINE-STREET , Clerkenwell-road , E . G ., Are HELPING the HOMELESS and The DESERVING POOR . We WANT to GIVE DINNERS to Soo HOMELESS on XMAS DAY . 3500 RESPECTABLE POOR PEOPLE at their Own Homes , and to KEEP our REFUGES OPEN DAY and NIGHT . Please SEND a CONTRIBUTION . Our Funds are Exhausted . Treasurer—W . A . BEVAN , Esq ., 54 , Lombard-st ,, E . C . Secretary—PEREGRINE PL ATT .
FISH , POULTRY , GAME , OYSTERS . IOHN GOW , LIMITED ° 17 , NEW BROAD STREET , E . C , 1 J , HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE , E . C , 23 , LONDON STREET , MARK LANE , E . G ., 9 S , THEOBALD'S RD ., HOLBORN , W . C , AND 86 . HIGH STREET , PECKHAM , S . E . JOHN GOW , Limited , always have oa sale the Larreit Stock in London of the Very Best Quality at Lowest Prices