Article CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 3 →
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R EPORTS or MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry Instruction * Roval Arch \ 3 Red Cross of Constantine J Stal . tics of Masonry in Germany * restrict Grand Lodge of British Burmah J ***
First Things in Philaelelphia * > The Lodge and the World ' = Masonic and General Tidings = An Important Announcement The Last Quarterly Communication ioo The Cambridge Local Examination and the Boys School rofj The Hebrew Question in Germany too A Breach of Promise
C ORRESPONDENCE : — The Girls' School ' ° ? Masonic Queries ' <"• Sergea nt ' s Inn - ' ° J United Grand Lodge i ° 7 A Suggestion * ° 7 To Hungarian Brethren i ° 7 Masonic Notes and Queries ioj Grand Lodge-A Sketcfi ... ...... . ............ 108 masonic onamaoie / biieii
The Langtnorne vs . _ e- __ » - ~ Consecration of a Mark Lodge at Croydon 10 S The Exclusion of the Hebrews 108 Roval Masonic Benevolent Institution roe ) Presentation to Bro . J . Hannah roe ) ¦ f reemasonry in New Zealand 09 Obituary * ° 9 Lotte Meetings for Next Week no Advertisements no . i . iUii . iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft Utefltrca .
FAITH LODGE ( No . 141 ) . —The members of this lodge met very strongly at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Tuesday , the 27 th ult . Amongst those present were Bros . Davis , W . M . ; Mallett , S . W . ; Dairey , J . W . ; Rumball , S . D . ; Whitby , I . G . ; Morrison , A . W . S . ; Heaphy , D . C ; Walls , A . D . C , acting J . D . ; Carter , P . M ., Treas . ; Stuart , P . M ., Sec ; Waygcod , I . P . M . ; Pcevor , P . M . ;
Hopwood , P . M . ; Harris , P . M . ; Taylor , P . M . ; Green , P . M . -, and Kennett , P . M . Thc minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Pending the arrival of the candidates for passing and initiation , thc W . M ., with the assistance of the Secretary , worked the fourth section of the First Lecture . The brethren passed were Bros . Jordan , Marchant , and Allen , and the gentlemen
initiated were Messrs . J . Broadhurst and T . A . Smith . Both ceremonies were exceedingly well performed by the W . M . Bro . Marks having been unanimously elected a joining member , and the widow of a deceased brother of the lodge assisted to the extent of nearly ten pounds , the lodge was formally closed , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet . Upon the removal of the cloth the
usual preliminary toasts were given and duly honoured . " The Health of the W . M . " was proposed by the I . P . M . and most warmly received by the brethren . The W . M . having briefly replied , immediately proposed "The Health of the Initiates , " in which he congratulated both the lodge and them upon their admission that evening . The newlyadmitted brethren having replied in very appropriate
terms , the W . M . made a telling speech in introducing the toast of " The Visitors . " Bro . J . B . Hall , in responding to this toast , made a very good reply . He said , as a member of a country lodge , and as hc had the honour of holding provincial rank in two counties , he had had many opportunities of visiting rural lodges , but he had nev cr seen the ceremonies of the three degrees better " worked . "
than he had in thc Faith Lodge . It was not his first vis t , and he hoped it would not be his last , because it vvas very pleasing to him , as an old Mason , to witness thc excellent efforts of younger members of the Craft , who mainly composed thc working staff of No . 141 , and who appeared to be , from the W . M . downwards , thoroughly conversant with their duties . In conclusion hc congratulated the
lodge upon possessing so strong and efficient a body of Past Masters . Several other visiting brethren having replied , the W . M . proposed "The Health of the Past Masters , " in which he expressed his thanks to them all for thc excellent advice and assistance they were always ready to give when required . This toast having been received with great warmth , was briefly acknowledged .
" The Treasurer and Secretary" and " The Officers " teillowed . In introducing these toasts thc W . M . dwelt upon the great and valuable services rendered by those worthy brethren . In addition to Bros . Carter and Stuart ' lc particularly mentioned thc names and abilities of his Wardens , Bros . Mallett and Dairey . These toasts having bien duly acknowledged , the Tyler ' s toast was called ,
and the brethren adjourned until the last Tuesday in the present month . During the proceedings Bros . Robinson , Davis , sen ., Walls , Leftly , and others entertained the brethren . Amongst the visitors were Bros . Hall , P . P . G . D . C . of Leicestershire and Rutland ; Simmonds , P . M ., ale of 141 ; Cox , 10 ; White , 432 ( India ); Clifford , 773 ; Simpson , 1178 ; and Wilson , 1624 .
KENNINGTON LODGE ( No . 1381 ) . — This ° < l gc met on thc 6 th inst . at the Surrey Club House , Kennington Oval , when there were present , amongst ^ hcrs , Bros . H . Higgins , W . M . ; Reeves , S . W . ; T . C . J alls , J . W . ; G . Everett , I . P . M . ; Page , P . M ., Treas . ; ^ uart , P . M . 141 , & c , Sec ; Mann , P . M . ; Koch , P . M . ; JJrysdale and Pope , Hon . P . M . ' s ; Ellis , jun ., Org . ; "Onevwrll PM Acctcf Clrrr l _ r \ ViW * .. ! " *• RnPi-H ..
J-D . ; Webb , I . G ; Robinson , ' D . C . ; Marston , W . S . ; and Slokes , A . W . S . The visitors were Bros . Pinder , P . M . Ke nt j Fenner , Upton ; and Cole , Granite . The minutes ™ the previous meeting having becn read and confirmed , "ic W . M . raised Bro . Sleigh and initiated his son , Mr . "' ggins , both ceremonies being well and carefully per-Wrncd . The sum of five pounds having been voted to 'he Secretary , and a vole of thanks passed to the S . D . for
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
his gift of two cushions for the use of the lodge , it was formally closed , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , which did great credit to the caterer , Bro . Trotman . The preliminary toasts having been done full justice to , the I . P . M . arose and proposed " The Health of the W . M ., " which he said should be a " bumper toast . " In the course of his remarks he said that the way in which
Bro . Higgins had " worked " the Third Degree that day was a matter for congratulation , and he was sure with their kind indulgence the W . M . would go through his year well . The W . M ., in reply , said it was no easy task to discharge the duties of the chair even creditably , but he would do his best . Unfortunately he suffered from a weakness of the voice , which made much speaking
irksome ; but with their indulgence he hoped to carry out the ceremonies to their satisfaction ; and he was pleased that his first essay had been successful . In introducing " The Health of the Initiate , " the W . M . said that in consequence of their affinity this toast was a very pleasing one . He doubly welcomed him to the Kennington as a son and as a brother , and he was confident that his principles
would be ever characterised by those beautiful precepts as set forth in the Masonic ritual ; and , in conclusion , he hoped that his son ' s advent into the lodge would never be regretted by its members . Bro . Higgins , in reply , briefly said that he felt quite unable sufficiently to express his ideas upon the ceremony he had that day witnessed , but would simply conclude by thanking them all for the
honour they had done him by electing him one of their body , and that He should ever look back with pleasure to that day as one of the brightest days of his existence . " The Health of the Visitors " followed , and was duly acknowledged by Bros . Pinder , Cole , and Fenner . In giving "The Past Masters , " the W . M . took occasion to speak very highly of the capabilities and services in Masonry of
those worthy brethren ; and in concluding his remarks he particularly alluded to the abilities of the I . P . M ., and thanked him very sincerely for the great assistance he had given him in lodge that day . This toast having been duly honoured , elicited from Bro . Everett , the I . P . M ., an excellent speech in acknowledgment . In consequence of the lateness of the hour the remaining toasts were but
briefly given . They were " The Treasurer and Secretary , " "The Officers , " and "The Masonic Charities . " Selections of instrumental and vocal harmony were furnished by Bros . Ellis , jun ., Walls , Webb , Sirgood , and others ; and Bro . Warner Sleigh recited with dramatic skill " The Dream of Eugene Aram . " The next meeting of the lodge will take place on the first Tuesday in April .
IVY LODGE ( No . 1441 ) . —An emergency meeting of this high-class lodge was held on Tuesday , 27 th ult ., at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New-road . The agenda paper was unusually heavy , there being no less than two raisings , five passings , and four initiations . The lodge was opened about 5 p . m . by the W . M ., Bro . J . J . Cantle , who was ably supported by thc following
officers and brethren : —Bros . Goodman , S . W . ( acting ) ; Cornelissen , J . W . ; D . D . Ashford , S . D ., acting for Bro . Ashwell , who , we regret to say , was unable to attend the lodge through illness and domestic affliction ; Bro . Knight Smith , J . D ., who , with his usual kindness , presided at the harmonium , to enable him to do which Bro . Skeg , W . S , assisted Bro . Ashford in the duties of Deacon ; C . S . Jolly ,
Sec . ; Mattock , P . M ., Treas . ; Thurkle , P . M ., W . S . ; Foster , I . G . ; and Fox , Tyler . This being an emergency meeting , of course no minutes were read . The W . M , therefore at once proceeded to thc business of the evening . Bros . Calling and Reynolds being in attendance , passed the necessary examination in a manner which was not only highly creditable to themselves , but at the same lime
showed thc a mount of interest they already evince in thc Order they have entered , were then entrusted , anil retired . The lodge was then opened up into the Third Degree , and on the re-entry of those brethren they were raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M ., the W . M . rendering that beautiful ceremony in a most perfect and impressive manner . The next business was to pass Bros . Williams ,
Taylor , Raymond , Jaques , and Gunncll , and for which purpose the lodge was lowered to the First Degree , when those brethren also proved their proficiency in a very fair manner , and were dismissed . The lodge was then resumed in thc Second Degree , and on their re-entry they were passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft . The lodge was again lowered to the First Degree , and the ballots
were then severally taken for the following gentlemen , viz ., Bro . Robert Charles , of the Phcenix Lodge , 173 , as a joining member , and Messrs . J . S . Lucas , B . Cooper , P . Dyke , and J . Neilson , all of which ballots proved unanimous . At this juncture the S . W . and W . M . elect , Bro . Poupard , arrived anil took his seat , and Messrs . Lucas , Cooper , Dyke , and Neilson were regularly initiated into
thc mysteries of ancient Freemasonry , and We feel bound to note that all the ceremonies were rendered by the W . M . wilh great care , skill , and ability ; and during his year of office he has rendered himself a highly popular Master with thc lodge , and on his retirement from office next month into ^ the ranks of the P . M . ' s hc will carry with him thc hearty good wishes of every member of the lodge . All
Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed in due form with solemn prayer . The following were amongst the members present , viz ., Bros . Noke , P . M . ; C . Smith , P . M . ; Mattock , P . M . ; visitor , Greene , W . M . 1275 ; members : Bros . J . R . Ashford , Matthews , Vernon , Bowley , Miller , Wright , Laurence , Phillips , and others . The banquet which followed was admirably served up by Bro . Geider , the custodian of the hall , and great praise is due
to him for the careful manner in which thc various dishes were placed upon the table , and a most enjoyable evening , interspersed with songs and recitations , was spent by the brethren , who separated about half-past eleven evidently well satisfied with thc evening's entertainment which is always to be met with in the Ivy Lodge . ALDERSGATE LODGE ( No . 1657 ) . —Thc March meeting of the above lodge was held on Monday
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
last , at thc Castle and Falcon Hotel , Aldersgate-street . Brethren present : Bros . John Derby Allcroft , W . M . ; Rev . Dr . P . H . Ernest Brette , S . W . ; Dr . Chas . Hogg , J . W . ; George Kenning , Treas . ; P . Saillard , S . D . ; W . H . Froom , J . D . ; T . Benskin , D . C . ; A . J . Altman , I . G . ; E . Y . Jolliffe , W . S . Chapman , Dr . H . A . Smith , Rev . R . Lee , Sam . White , W . W . Landell , Hyde Pullen . Visitors
Col . Francis Burdett , G . M . Middx . ; Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B . ; Henry Muggeridge , P . M . 715 ; Charles Godfrey , 214 ; E . Brookman , 192 ; A . J . Protheroe , 23 ; George Watson , 21 . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for Mr . A . Brookman and Dr . Samuel Benton , which resulted unanimously in their favour . Mr . A . Brookman being in attendance was
initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . Dr . Benton was unable to be present owing to indisposition . Bros . Lee , Smith , and Chapman were passed to the Second Degree . One gentleman was proposed for initiation . The lodge was then closed in due form , and adjourned until Tuesday , the 10 th day of April . Thc brethren then dined together , the usual loyal and Masonic
toasts being most ably proposed by the W . M . Bro . Col . Burdett replied for the Grand Officers , Bros . Nunn and Muggeridge for the visitors . BATH . —Royal Cumberland Lodge ( No . 41 ) —The regular monthly meeting was held at the Masonic Hall on Thursday , March ist . Bro . F . Wilkinson took the chair at a quarter to eight , when there were present
Bros . Brown , I . P . M . ; Falkner , S . W . ; C . Wilkinson , J . W . ; Ashley , P . M . and Treas . ; Braham , Sec . ; Wilton , P . M . and Dir . of Cers . ; Carey , P . M . and Asst . D . C . ; Gummer , S . D . ; Hunt , J . D . ; Radway , I . G . ; Robinson and J . Smith , Stewards ; Bigwood , Tyler ; Past Masters Cooper , Captain Peel Floyd , Mitchell , Ruble , Major Preston , Clark , Moutrie , Dr . Hopkins , P . M . 43 and 958 , and P . P . G . S . W . for
Warwickshire . As visitors , Bros . Hughes , Jos . Dutton , Marillier , of No . 53 ; and Bros . Hill , P . M ., Young , Hayward , Glover , Bright , Stuckey , of No . 906 ; also about a dozen members of No . 41 . After the lodge had been opened the minutes of thc previous meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree . Bros . Ames and Holmes were examined as to their
proficiency , which they fully proved by their readiness of reply to a considerable number of questions . They were then entrusted and dismissed for preparation . All requisite arrangements having been made the candidates were readmitted , and raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M . by Bro . Ashley , assisted by Bro . Cooper , as Chaplain , by Bro . Moutrie , who gave the traditionary history , and by
the S . W ., Bro . Falkner , who explained the symbolism of the working tools . By these four brethren , aided by thc subordinate ofiicers , thc old York ritual was most impressively and admirably rendered . Thc lodge was closed down to the First Degree , and the W . M . again took his chair . A ballot was taken for three candidates to be initiated at thc next meeting , which was unanimously in
their favour , and five gentlemen were proposed and seconded , to be balloted for on that occasion . Among them were two sons of the late highly esteemed and deeply lamented Bro . G . Mann * , one of the oldest members of the lodge , whose recent death was feelingly commented on by Bro . Ashley ; and on his proposition , seconded by Bro . Wilton , a letter of sincere condolence was ordered to
be sent to the members of his family , a communication from whom was read by the I . P . M ., thanking the many members of the lodge who testified their respect for the deceased by attendance at the funeral . The lorlge was finally closed at ten o ' clock . SHREWSBURY . —Salopian Lodge of Charity ( No . 117 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this
lodge was held at the Raven Hotel on Wednesday , the 28 th ult . There were present Bros . W . Spraggon , W . M . ; W . Morris , S . W . ; T . W . Thompson , J . W . ; R . Lewis , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Vine , Sec . ; W . Litt , S . D . ; G . Smith , J . D . ; V . C . L . Crump , I . G . ; J . B . Bagnall , I . P . M . ; Past Masters Bros . John Evans , Philip Evans , Horatio Jones , and J . B . Boucher , and a full lodge of brethren
The lodge having been opened in due form and the ordinary business having been transacted , the W . M . rose , and in the name of the past and present members of the lodge presented Bro . Lewis , P . M . and Treasurer , with an elegant silver tea and coffee service , remarking on thc high esteem entertained for him by the brethren , and also thanking him for the very valuable and indefatigable services he
had rendered to the lodge ; and attributing it to his zeal that the lodge had been raised to its present high standard of efficiency . Bro . Lewis expressed his thanks for the honour conferred upon him , both by thc presentation and also by the flattering remarks made by the W . M . He reviewed the progress of the lodge since he had become a member of it in 1855 , but remarked that any services hc
may have rendered he had been actuated to perform by a love for Freemasonry in general and of his mother lodge in particular . The lodge was afterwards closed in peace and harmony , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment . WINDSOR . —Etonian Lodge of St . John ( No . 209 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 6 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall .
Present : Bros . C . D . Hume , W . M . ; Roberts , S . W . ; Schieman , J . W . ; Wilson , P . M ., Treas . ; J . O . Carter , P . M ., P . G . D . C . Berks and Bucks , Sec . ; Pears , J . D . ; Cousins , I . G . ; Dixon , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C ; Hopwood , P . M . ; Mc Illwham , P . M . ; Tolley , P . M . ; Apted , Dick Radclyffe , Pitts , Dore , Legg , Knighton , Wilkins , Lancaster , Larkin , & c . Visitors : Bros . Powell , P . M . 771 ; Bingham , P . M . 771 ; Scott , W . M . 771 ; Mitchell , 771 ; Goddard , 771 ;
Hanms , 771 ; Johnson , 771 ; Hart 134 8 ; Jewell , 1597 ; Petts , 342 . Mr . C . M . H . Crawshay was initiated into Freemasonry , Bros . Apted , Bailey , and Dore passed to the degree of F . C , and Bro . Lancaster raised to degree of M . M . Thc whole of the three degrees were worked by the W . M . in a manner that caused great gratification to the brethren generally . Thc sum of twenty guineas was voted from the lodge funds to be added to Bro . Carter's
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
R EPORTS or MASONIC MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry Instruction * Roval Arch \ 3 Red Cross of Constantine J Stal . tics of Masonry in Germany * restrict Grand Lodge of British Burmah J ***
First Things in Philaelelphia * > The Lodge and the World ' = Masonic and General Tidings = An Important Announcement The Last Quarterly Communication ioo The Cambridge Local Examination and the Boys School rofj The Hebrew Question in Germany too A Breach of Promise
C ORRESPONDENCE : — The Girls' School ' ° ? Masonic Queries ' <"• Sergea nt ' s Inn - ' ° J United Grand Lodge i ° 7 A Suggestion * ° 7 To Hungarian Brethren i ° 7 Masonic Notes and Queries ioj Grand Lodge-A Sketcfi ... ...... . ............ 108 masonic onamaoie / biieii
The Langtnorne vs . _ e- __ » - ~ Consecration of a Mark Lodge at Croydon 10 S The Exclusion of the Hebrews 108 Roval Masonic Benevolent Institution roe ) Presentation to Bro . J . Hannah roe ) ¦ f reemasonry in New Zealand 09 Obituary * ° 9 Lotte Meetings for Next Week no Advertisements no . i . iUii . iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft Utefltrca .
FAITH LODGE ( No . 141 ) . —The members of this lodge met very strongly at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Tuesday , the 27 th ult . Amongst those present were Bros . Davis , W . M . ; Mallett , S . W . ; Dairey , J . W . ; Rumball , S . D . ; Whitby , I . G . ; Morrison , A . W . S . ; Heaphy , D . C ; Walls , A . D . C , acting J . D . ; Carter , P . M ., Treas . ; Stuart , P . M ., Sec ; Waygcod , I . P . M . ; Pcevor , P . M . ;
Hopwood , P . M . ; Harris , P . M . ; Taylor , P . M . ; Green , P . M . -, and Kennett , P . M . Thc minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Pending the arrival of the candidates for passing and initiation , thc W . M ., with the assistance of the Secretary , worked the fourth section of the First Lecture . The brethren passed were Bros . Jordan , Marchant , and Allen , and the gentlemen
initiated were Messrs . J . Broadhurst and T . A . Smith . Both ceremonies were exceedingly well performed by the W . M . Bro . Marks having been unanimously elected a joining member , and the widow of a deceased brother of the lodge assisted to the extent of nearly ten pounds , the lodge was formally closed , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet . Upon the removal of the cloth the
usual preliminary toasts were given and duly honoured . " The Health of the W . M . " was proposed by the I . P . M . and most warmly received by the brethren . The W . M . having briefly replied , immediately proposed "The Health of the Initiates , " in which he congratulated both the lodge and them upon their admission that evening . The newlyadmitted brethren having replied in very appropriate
terms , the W . M . made a telling speech in introducing the toast of " The Visitors . " Bro . J . B . Hall , in responding to this toast , made a very good reply . He said , as a member of a country lodge , and as hc had the honour of holding provincial rank in two counties , he had had many opportunities of visiting rural lodges , but he had nev cr seen the ceremonies of the three degrees better " worked . "
than he had in thc Faith Lodge . It was not his first vis t , and he hoped it would not be his last , because it vvas very pleasing to him , as an old Mason , to witness thc excellent efforts of younger members of the Craft , who mainly composed thc working staff of No . 141 , and who appeared to be , from the W . M . downwards , thoroughly conversant with their duties . In conclusion hc congratulated the
lodge upon possessing so strong and efficient a body of Past Masters . Several other visiting brethren having replied , the W . M . proposed "The Health of the Past Masters , " in which he expressed his thanks to them all for thc excellent advice and assistance they were always ready to give when required . This toast having been received with great warmth , was briefly acknowledged .
" The Treasurer and Secretary" and " The Officers " teillowed . In introducing these toasts thc W . M . dwelt upon the great and valuable services rendered by those worthy brethren . In addition to Bros . Carter and Stuart ' lc particularly mentioned thc names and abilities of his Wardens , Bros . Mallett and Dairey . These toasts having bien duly acknowledged , the Tyler ' s toast was called ,
and the brethren adjourned until the last Tuesday in the present month . During the proceedings Bros . Robinson , Davis , sen ., Walls , Leftly , and others entertained the brethren . Amongst the visitors were Bros . Hall , P . P . G . D . C . of Leicestershire and Rutland ; Simmonds , P . M ., ale of 141 ; Cox , 10 ; White , 432 ( India ); Clifford , 773 ; Simpson , 1178 ; and Wilson , 1624 .
KENNINGTON LODGE ( No . 1381 ) . — This ° < l gc met on thc 6 th inst . at the Surrey Club House , Kennington Oval , when there were present , amongst ^ hcrs , Bros . H . Higgins , W . M . ; Reeves , S . W . ; T . C . J alls , J . W . ; G . Everett , I . P . M . ; Page , P . M ., Treas . ; ^ uart , P . M . 141 , & c , Sec ; Mann , P . M . ; Koch , P . M . ; JJrysdale and Pope , Hon . P . M . ' s ; Ellis , jun ., Org . ; "Onevwrll PM Acctcf Clrrr l _ r \ ViW * .. ! " *• RnPi-H ..
J-D . ; Webb , I . G ; Robinson , ' D . C . ; Marston , W . S . ; and Slokes , A . W . S . The visitors were Bros . Pinder , P . M . Ke nt j Fenner , Upton ; and Cole , Granite . The minutes ™ the previous meeting having becn read and confirmed , "ic W . M . raised Bro . Sleigh and initiated his son , Mr . "' ggins , both ceremonies being well and carefully per-Wrncd . The sum of five pounds having been voted to 'he Secretary , and a vole of thanks passed to the S . D . for
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
his gift of two cushions for the use of the lodge , it was formally closed , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , which did great credit to the caterer , Bro . Trotman . The preliminary toasts having been done full justice to , the I . P . M . arose and proposed " The Health of the W . M ., " which he said should be a " bumper toast . " In the course of his remarks he said that the way in which
Bro . Higgins had " worked " the Third Degree that day was a matter for congratulation , and he was sure with their kind indulgence the W . M . would go through his year well . The W . M ., in reply , said it was no easy task to discharge the duties of the chair even creditably , but he would do his best . Unfortunately he suffered from a weakness of the voice , which made much speaking
irksome ; but with their indulgence he hoped to carry out the ceremonies to their satisfaction ; and he was pleased that his first essay had been successful . In introducing " The Health of the Initiate , " the W . M . said that in consequence of their affinity this toast was a very pleasing one . He doubly welcomed him to the Kennington as a son and as a brother , and he was confident that his principles
would be ever characterised by those beautiful precepts as set forth in the Masonic ritual ; and , in conclusion , he hoped that his son ' s advent into the lodge would never be regretted by its members . Bro . Higgins , in reply , briefly said that he felt quite unable sufficiently to express his ideas upon the ceremony he had that day witnessed , but would simply conclude by thanking them all for the
honour they had done him by electing him one of their body , and that He should ever look back with pleasure to that day as one of the brightest days of his existence . " The Health of the Visitors " followed , and was duly acknowledged by Bros . Pinder , Cole , and Fenner . In giving "The Past Masters , " the W . M . took occasion to speak very highly of the capabilities and services in Masonry of
those worthy brethren ; and in concluding his remarks he particularly alluded to the abilities of the I . P . M ., and thanked him very sincerely for the great assistance he had given him in lodge that day . This toast having been duly honoured , elicited from Bro . Everett , the I . P . M ., an excellent speech in acknowledgment . In consequence of the lateness of the hour the remaining toasts were but
briefly given . They were " The Treasurer and Secretary , " "The Officers , " and "The Masonic Charities . " Selections of instrumental and vocal harmony were furnished by Bros . Ellis , jun ., Walls , Webb , Sirgood , and others ; and Bro . Warner Sleigh recited with dramatic skill " The Dream of Eugene Aram . " The next meeting of the lodge will take place on the first Tuesday in April .
IVY LODGE ( No . 1441 ) . —An emergency meeting of this high-class lodge was held on Tuesday , 27 th ult ., at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New-road . The agenda paper was unusually heavy , there being no less than two raisings , five passings , and four initiations . The lodge was opened about 5 p . m . by the W . M ., Bro . J . J . Cantle , who was ably supported by thc following
officers and brethren : —Bros . Goodman , S . W . ( acting ) ; Cornelissen , J . W . ; D . D . Ashford , S . D ., acting for Bro . Ashwell , who , we regret to say , was unable to attend the lodge through illness and domestic affliction ; Bro . Knight Smith , J . D ., who , with his usual kindness , presided at the harmonium , to enable him to do which Bro . Skeg , W . S , assisted Bro . Ashford in the duties of Deacon ; C . S . Jolly ,
Sec . ; Mattock , P . M ., Treas . ; Thurkle , P . M ., W . S . ; Foster , I . G . ; and Fox , Tyler . This being an emergency meeting , of course no minutes were read . The W . M , therefore at once proceeded to thc business of the evening . Bros . Calling and Reynolds being in attendance , passed the necessary examination in a manner which was not only highly creditable to themselves , but at the same lime
showed thc a mount of interest they already evince in thc Order they have entered , were then entrusted , anil retired . The lodge was then opened up into the Third Degree , and on the re-entry of those brethren they were raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M ., the W . M . rendering that beautiful ceremony in a most perfect and impressive manner . The next business was to pass Bros . Williams ,
Taylor , Raymond , Jaques , and Gunncll , and for which purpose the lodge was lowered to the First Degree , when those brethren also proved their proficiency in a very fair manner , and were dismissed . The lodge was then resumed in thc Second Degree , and on their re-entry they were passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft . The lodge was again lowered to the First Degree , and the ballots
were then severally taken for the following gentlemen , viz ., Bro . Robert Charles , of the Phcenix Lodge , 173 , as a joining member , and Messrs . J . S . Lucas , B . Cooper , P . Dyke , and J . Neilson , all of which ballots proved unanimous . At this juncture the S . W . and W . M . elect , Bro . Poupard , arrived anil took his seat , and Messrs . Lucas , Cooper , Dyke , and Neilson were regularly initiated into
thc mysteries of ancient Freemasonry , and We feel bound to note that all the ceremonies were rendered by the W . M . wilh great care , skill , and ability ; and during his year of office he has rendered himself a highly popular Master with thc lodge , and on his retirement from office next month into ^ the ranks of the P . M . ' s hc will carry with him thc hearty good wishes of every member of the lodge . All
Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed in due form with solemn prayer . The following were amongst the members present , viz ., Bros . Noke , P . M . ; C . Smith , P . M . ; Mattock , P . M . ; visitor , Greene , W . M . 1275 ; members : Bros . J . R . Ashford , Matthews , Vernon , Bowley , Miller , Wright , Laurence , Phillips , and others . The banquet which followed was admirably served up by Bro . Geider , the custodian of the hall , and great praise is due
to him for the careful manner in which thc various dishes were placed upon the table , and a most enjoyable evening , interspersed with songs and recitations , was spent by the brethren , who separated about half-past eleven evidently well satisfied with thc evening's entertainment which is always to be met with in the Ivy Lodge . ALDERSGATE LODGE ( No . 1657 ) . —Thc March meeting of the above lodge was held on Monday
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
last , at thc Castle and Falcon Hotel , Aldersgate-street . Brethren present : Bros . John Derby Allcroft , W . M . ; Rev . Dr . P . H . Ernest Brette , S . W . ; Dr . Chas . Hogg , J . W . ; George Kenning , Treas . ; P . Saillard , S . D . ; W . H . Froom , J . D . ; T . Benskin , D . C . ; A . J . Altman , I . G . ; E . Y . Jolliffe , W . S . Chapman , Dr . H . A . Smith , Rev . R . Lee , Sam . White , W . W . Landell , Hyde Pullen . Visitors
Col . Francis Burdett , G . M . Middx . ; Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B . ; Henry Muggeridge , P . M . 715 ; Charles Godfrey , 214 ; E . Brookman , 192 ; A . J . Protheroe , 23 ; George Watson , 21 . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for Mr . A . Brookman and Dr . Samuel Benton , which resulted unanimously in their favour . Mr . A . Brookman being in attendance was
initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . Dr . Benton was unable to be present owing to indisposition . Bros . Lee , Smith , and Chapman were passed to the Second Degree . One gentleman was proposed for initiation . The lodge was then closed in due form , and adjourned until Tuesday , the 10 th day of April . Thc brethren then dined together , the usual loyal and Masonic
toasts being most ably proposed by the W . M . Bro . Col . Burdett replied for the Grand Officers , Bros . Nunn and Muggeridge for the visitors . BATH . —Royal Cumberland Lodge ( No . 41 ) —The regular monthly meeting was held at the Masonic Hall on Thursday , March ist . Bro . F . Wilkinson took the chair at a quarter to eight , when there were present
Bros . Brown , I . P . M . ; Falkner , S . W . ; C . Wilkinson , J . W . ; Ashley , P . M . and Treas . ; Braham , Sec . ; Wilton , P . M . and Dir . of Cers . ; Carey , P . M . and Asst . D . C . ; Gummer , S . D . ; Hunt , J . D . ; Radway , I . G . ; Robinson and J . Smith , Stewards ; Bigwood , Tyler ; Past Masters Cooper , Captain Peel Floyd , Mitchell , Ruble , Major Preston , Clark , Moutrie , Dr . Hopkins , P . M . 43 and 958 , and P . P . G . S . W . for
Warwickshire . As visitors , Bros . Hughes , Jos . Dutton , Marillier , of No . 53 ; and Bros . Hill , P . M ., Young , Hayward , Glover , Bright , Stuckey , of No . 906 ; also about a dozen members of No . 41 . After the lodge had been opened the minutes of thc previous meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree . Bros . Ames and Holmes were examined as to their
proficiency , which they fully proved by their readiness of reply to a considerable number of questions . They were then entrusted and dismissed for preparation . All requisite arrangements having been made the candidates were readmitted , and raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M . by Bro . Ashley , assisted by Bro . Cooper , as Chaplain , by Bro . Moutrie , who gave the traditionary history , and by
the S . W ., Bro . Falkner , who explained the symbolism of the working tools . By these four brethren , aided by thc subordinate ofiicers , thc old York ritual was most impressively and admirably rendered . Thc lodge was closed down to the First Degree , and the W . M . again took his chair . A ballot was taken for three candidates to be initiated at thc next meeting , which was unanimously in
their favour , and five gentlemen were proposed and seconded , to be balloted for on that occasion . Among them were two sons of the late highly esteemed and deeply lamented Bro . G . Mann * , one of the oldest members of the lodge , whose recent death was feelingly commented on by Bro . Ashley ; and on his proposition , seconded by Bro . Wilton , a letter of sincere condolence was ordered to
be sent to the members of his family , a communication from whom was read by the I . P . M ., thanking the many members of the lodge who testified their respect for the deceased by attendance at the funeral . The lorlge was finally closed at ten o ' clock . SHREWSBURY . —Salopian Lodge of Charity ( No . 117 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this
lodge was held at the Raven Hotel on Wednesday , the 28 th ult . There were present Bros . W . Spraggon , W . M . ; W . Morris , S . W . ; T . W . Thompson , J . W . ; R . Lewis , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Vine , Sec . ; W . Litt , S . D . ; G . Smith , J . D . ; V . C . L . Crump , I . G . ; J . B . Bagnall , I . P . M . ; Past Masters Bros . John Evans , Philip Evans , Horatio Jones , and J . B . Boucher , and a full lodge of brethren
The lodge having been opened in due form and the ordinary business having been transacted , the W . M . rose , and in the name of the past and present members of the lodge presented Bro . Lewis , P . M . and Treasurer , with an elegant silver tea and coffee service , remarking on thc high esteem entertained for him by the brethren , and also thanking him for the very valuable and indefatigable services he
had rendered to the lodge ; and attributing it to his zeal that the lodge had been raised to its present high standard of efficiency . Bro . Lewis expressed his thanks for the honour conferred upon him , both by thc presentation and also by the flattering remarks made by the W . M . He reviewed the progress of the lodge since he had become a member of it in 1855 , but remarked that any services hc
may have rendered he had been actuated to perform by a love for Freemasonry in general and of his mother lodge in particular . The lodge was afterwards closed in peace and harmony , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment . WINDSOR . —Etonian Lodge of St . John ( No . 209 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 6 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall .
Present : Bros . C . D . Hume , W . M . ; Roberts , S . W . ; Schieman , J . W . ; Wilson , P . M ., Treas . ; J . O . Carter , P . M ., P . G . D . C . Berks and Bucks , Sec . ; Pears , J . D . ; Cousins , I . G . ; Dixon , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C ; Hopwood , P . M . ; Mc Illwham , P . M . ; Tolley , P . M . ; Apted , Dick Radclyffe , Pitts , Dore , Legg , Knighton , Wilkins , Lancaster , Larkin , & c . Visitors : Bros . Powell , P . M . 771 ; Bingham , P . M . 771 ; Scott , W . M . 771 ; Mitchell , 771 ; Goddard , 771 ;
Hanms , 771 ; Johnson , 771 ; Hart 134 8 ; Jewell , 1597 ; Petts , 342 . Mr . C . M . H . Crawshay was initiated into Freemasonry , Bros . Apted , Bailey , and Dore passed to the degree of F . C , and Bro . Lancaster raised to degree of M . M . Thc whole of the three degrees were worked by the W . M . in a manner that caused great gratification to the brethren generally . Thc sum of twenty guineas was voted from the lodge funds to be added to Bro . Carter's