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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
list for the benefit of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . Two candidates for initiation and two candidates as joining members were proposed . The lodge was afterwards closed in due form . BRIGHTON . —Royal York . Lodge ( No . 315 ) . On Tuesday , the Cth inst ., the installation of the W . M . of the Royal York Lodge , No . 313 , took place at the Royal
Pavilion , Brighton . The W . M ., Bro . S . T . Foat , who has passed with the utmost credit through every minor office , and who was unanimously voted to thc chair , was installed in office by Bro . Nell , the immediate Past Master . The newly appointed W . M . then proceeded to invest his officers , Bro . Hawkes being appointed S . W . ; Bro Charles Hudson , J . W . ; Bro . H . Saunders , Treas . ;
Bro . T . Packham , Sec . ; Bro . R . J . Pope , S . D . ; Bro . G . Nash , J . D . ; C . Erredge , I . G . ; Payne and Willard , Stewards ; and Bro . Hughes , Ty ler . A Past Master ' s jewe ! , voted by the lodge at the previous meeting , was then , in the name of the lodge , presented by W . M . Foat to Bro . Nell , the Immediate Past Master , after which the lodge was closed with the usual formula . The brethren then
adjourned to a banquet , a magnificent provision being made for them by Bros . Sayers and Marks , of Westernroad , Brighton , who , by their liberality and careful catering , proved themselves thorough " craftsmen . " The chair was taken by the newly-elected W . M ., Bro . Foat , who discharged his duties most admirably . The general company included Bros . Scott , Prov . G . S . ; Kuhe , Walter Smith ,
Bramwell , Brown , Reed , V . P . Freeman , Booty , and the Masters of thc various lodges in the province . The usual loyal and patriotic toasts were given , and the proceedings generally passed off most harmoniously . The musical arrangements were under the immediate direction of Bro . Dcvin , who was most ably assisted by Bro . George Cole and other members .
HADLEIGH . —Lodge of Virtue and Silence ( No . 532 ) . —At the regular meeting on the 22 nd ult ., the lodge was attended by thc W . M ., Wardens , and members of the lodge , Bros Hart , Golding , Downs , Powell , Gardiner , Pettit , sen . and jun ., Spalding , P . M's . ; Eltham ( W . M . elect ) , Chisnall , Grinwadc , Aldous , Sexton , Mackney , Cooper , Seaborne , Hitchcock , King , Everett , Grinwade , C . Archer ,
Jones , and others . The lodge was opened in the rirst and Second Degrees . The W . M . was presented and duly installed by Bro . A . J . Grinwade , in a very solemn and impressive manner . The W . M ., after duly acknowledging the honour conferred upon him , proceeded to appoint his officers for the year ensuing : Bros . Chisnall , S . W . ; F . Grinwade , J . W . ; Mackney , Sec . ; Cooper , S . D . ; Sea .
borne , J . D . ; Hitchcock , Org . ; King , I . G . ; delivering to each a suitable address upon their several duties , and investing them with the insignia of their office . Thc brethren of thc lodge being anxious to show their appreciation of thc services of Past Master A . J . Grinwade , resolved to present him with a P . M . ' s jewel as a mark of their esteem and regard for the very able manner in which he
conducted the lodge during the past year . Bro . Hunt , in the absence of Bro . Muriel , P . M ., was delegated to present it , who , in a neat and appropriate speech begged of Bro . Grinwade to accept thc jewel , not for its intrinsic value , but as a token cf esteem , adding the hope that the G . A . O . T . U might endue him with health long to wear it . The brethren afterwards sat down to an excellent banquet ,
provided by Bro . Aldous , and a pleasant evening was spent . BATH . —Lodge of Honour ( No . 379 ) . —Thc monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall on Monday , March 12 th . At 8 . 15 p . m . Bro . H . Gore , W . M ., opened the lodge in thc First Degree , supported by Bros . G . H . Cook , I . P . M . and Treas . ; Dr .
Hopkins , as Chaplain ; H . Gulliford Hopkins , S . W . ; Falkner , as J . W . ; Davis , P . M ., Sec . ; Bush , Dir . Cers . ; Robinson , as S . D .: Johnston , J . D . ; Radway , as I . G . ; and Gazzard , Tyler . There were also present several members of the lodge , and as visitors , Bros . Pegler , P . M . 304 , Leeds ; Walker , P . M . 33 ; Jas . Dutton , P . M . 85 s j Marillier , c 3 ; Sumsion , P . M . 53 ; Watts , P . M . 53 ; W .
Smith , P . M . S 3 ; Ames , 41 ; Sondcrman , J . D . 535 C . Collins , Sec . 53 ; and W . F . Collins , 33 . The minutes having been read and confirmed , the W . M . read a communication asking support in thc present movement relative to the exclusion of Jews from German lodges , and after a few remarks in its favour from thc Secretary and the Director of Ceremonies , a resolution was passed
authorising thc W . M . to sign thc petition on behalf of the Lodge of Honour . Bro . Dr . Hopkins then took the chair , examined the candidates , whose correct and ready replies elicited the acclamations of thc brethren , and entrusted them . After they left the room , the W . M . opened the lodge in the Second Degree . Bros . Rev . Sanderson and Bell were re-admitted and duly passed to the Degree of
Fellow Craft by Bro . Dr . Hopkins . He also gave an elaborate explanation of the working tools , delivered thc charge and the Lecture on the second Tracing Board , which hc concluded amid the hearty applause of the brethren . The lodge was then closed in the Second Degree by the W . M . The Secretary gave notice of a proposed alteration in thc bye-laws with regard to the time of
meeting . On the proposition of the W . M ., seconded by thc S . W ., a vote of thanks to the visitors was passed , which was acknowledged by Bros . Walker and Pegler , the latter especially expressing his satisfaction at the resolution passed in favour of the Jews , and the pleasure he had derived from witnessing the ability with which the complete ceremony of passing had been conducted . The
lodge was closed at ten o ' clock . ABERDARE .-St . David's Lodge ( No . 679 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge took place on Thursday , id . * 1 st inst ., St . David's Day . The members of the lorlge mustered > n great force , and there were several visiting brethren present from a distance , amongst the latter being Bros . W . J . Morgan , P . M . of St . Peter's Lodge , Carmarthen ; I Dr . Hall , W . M . of thc Talbot
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Lodge , Swansea ; Morgan , Alexander , and Mole , of the Merlin Lodge , Pontypridd , and others . Bro . G . H . White , S . W . and W . M . elect , was installed as Master of St . David ' s Lodge for the ensuing year , the ceremony being very ably performed by Bro . W . J . Morgan , P . M . of St . Peter ' s Lodge . The W . M . then appointed his officers as follows : Bros . G . Smith , I . P . M . ; Evan Jones ,
S . W . ; W . Little , J . W . ; Dr . Price , Chap . ; T . B . Powell , Treas ., for the 21 st time ; T . Phillips , Sec ; Chas . Bolting , S . D . ; D . Davies , J . D . ; J . Rhys , I . G . ; J . Roberts and T . Moody , Stewards ; and H . Bray , Tyler . Amongst other business brought before the lodge , an important official letter was read from Sir George Elliot , Bart ., the R . W . P . G . M . of the Eastern Division of South Wales ,
intimating that he had decided on holding a Provincial Grand Lodge at Aberdare on the 4 th of April next , under thc banner of St . David's , when he would be installed in his new office by the R . W . iEneas Mclntyre , Q . C , Grand Registrar of England . The announcement was received with great gratification by the members of the lodge , and a committee was appointed to carry out the necessary
arrangements . After the business of the lodge was concluded it was closed in due form , and the brethren thereafter adjourned to the banquet room . Upwards of 40 brethren sat down to an excellent dinner , under the presidency of W . M . White . After ample justice had been done to thc repast thc usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the chair and well received . In
proposing "The Health of the R . W . P . G . M ., " the W . M . dilated on the honour Sir George Elliot had shown St . David ' s Ledge , by deciding to have his installation carried out under its banner . He hoped it was a decision which the members of sister lodges would approve of , when they considered that Sir George had for some years been a member of St . Tavid's , and that his connection with
Aberdare was of long standing . Bro . Smith , I . P . M . proposed , in felicitous terms , " The Health of the W . M . " He spoke of his popularity in the lodge and his zeal for Masonry , and augured for St . David ' s a year of great prosperity under his guidance . Thc W . M . made an able reply , and said that he calculated on thc support of the P . M . ' s , whose advice would sustain him in all his duties
and in particular hc depended on the support of his officers . Thc Installing Master , Bro . W . J . Morgan , made an able speech in reply to thc toast of his health . As a very old friend of the W . M ., it hael given him the greatest pleasure to perform the installation ceremony . The proceedings of the evening were varied and enlivened by songs , admirably rendered by Bros . Rosser , Rhys , Smith , and the
W . M . Bro . F . Atkins , of Cardiff , acted as Organist at the ceremony in the lodge , and hc officiated at the piano at the banquet . ROTHERHAM . —Phoenix Lodge ( No . 904 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held at the Ship Hotel , Rotherham , on Thursday , February 22 nd , 1877 . The minutes of the last regular lodge having been read
and confirmed , the lodge was opened in the Second Degree , when W . Bro . J . Oxley , P . M ., P . P . G . R . for W . Yorks ., took the chair for thc purpose of installing the W . M . elect , Bro . Benjamin Saville , which was duly performed according to ancient custom . Bro . Saville , W . M ., then appointed and invested thc following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year : W . Bro . C . H . Perrot , Prov .
G . Org ., I . P . M . ; Bros . H . J . Bingham , S . W . ; T . W . Roome , J . W . ; John Fawcett , P . M ., Treas . ; J . H . Wragg , Sec ; C . Harvey , S . D . ; Wilfrid Badger , J . D . ; G . J . Hinchliffe , Org . ; W . H . Pearce , I . G . ; R . J . Evans , Steward ; T . Chester , Tyler . The brethren afterwards sat down to a sumptuous banquet , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly given and honoured , the toast
of the W . M . meeting with the very warmest reception . Amongst those present we noticed Bros . W . Jervis , W . M . 139 ; John Ridal , W . M . 29 6 ; S . B . Ellis , W . M . 1239 ; also representatives of Lodges 33 , 43 , 108 , 242 , and 1144 . A most harmonious evening was spent , and all augurs well for a prosperous year for the lodge under its new and very efficient W . M .
GREENWICH . —Star Lodge ( No . 1275 ) . — This well established lodge held its regular meeting at the Ship Hotel , Greenwich , on Friday , the 2 nd inst . Bro . H . J . Green , W . M ., presided . The minutes of the previous mciting were read and unanimously confirmed . The ballot was unanimous in favour of the admission of Mr . Wm . Wilson . lie being in attendance , was duly initiated into
Freemasonry , the ceremony being rendered in a solemn , impressive , and correct manner by the W . M . Some formal business having becn disposed of , thc lodge was closed and adjourned to June . There were present Bros . R . W . Williams , P . G . Org . Middlesex , S . W . ; C . W . Williams , J . W . ; the Rev . G . R .- Purcfoy Colles , Chap . ; J . Smith , P . G . P ., P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . G . J . D . Aliddlesex ,
P . M ., Sec ; W . B . Woodman , P . M ., S . D . ; W . Kipps , J . D . ; E . W . Chetwynd , I . G . ; A . Tisley , D . C ; S . Marketis , W . S . ; C . J . Hogg , P . G . S ., P . M . ; W . Ough , P . G . P ., P . M . ; H . Keeble , P . M . ; J . J . Limebeer , P . M . ; and others . Visitors -. T . Ross , 188 ; F . B . Williams , 1 G 2 ; G . F . Guest , W . M . 1531 ; C . A . Rose , 144 6 ; J . H . Kemp , 27 ; and others . The usual first-rate banquet was
served . The regular toasts were given anrl responded to . An agreeable evening was well spent and enjoyed by all present . MANCHESTER . — Lodge of Truth ( No . 1458 ) —This lodge held its regular March meeting on Saturday the 3 rd inst . Bro . Batcheldcr , W . M ., having opened the lodge , the minutes of the last meeting were read and
confirmed . The ballot having been taken and declared unanimous for Mr . James Smith , a candidate proposed by the W . M ., he was in due course received into the Craft b y him , the attendant ceremony being well rendered . Bro . Pearson was passed to the Second Degree ; and Bros . Barber and Brown to the M . M . degree . Bro . Pearson was raised by thc Director of Ceremonies , Bro . Caldwell , P . M ., in his masterly and accustomed manner : better known
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
than comment can describe . A visiting brother , Bro . Dr , Barlow , P . M . 645 , expressed a wish to confer the third degree upon Bro . Brown ; the chair was therefore as . signed to him . This being the first ceremony preformed by Bro . Dr . Barlow at 1458 , it must not be passed unnoticed . Our medical brother possesses that self command so cssential to his profession , which combined with attention to
punctuation and elocution , certainly brings out a Masonic ceremony clothed in its true meaning . Real oratory pro . duces that which the simple utterance of words is not capable of . Such was the quality of the ceremony performed by Bro . Barlow , and which produced a good impression upon Bro . Brown , which was descernible from the remarks made by him at a later period of the evening .
Prior to the closing of the lodge , Bro . Batchelder , W . M ,, resumed command of the lodge , and received from the hands of Bro . Kleinmann , J . S ., a sword which he had worn during the Franco-Prussian war , and which he presented to the lodge for the use of its Inner Guard . The W . M . having thanked Bro . Kleinmann on behalf of the lodge , summoned to the E . Brother Proctor , I . G ., and
invested him with the weapon of separating and protecting capabilities . Its deeds of deadly separation are probably completed ; it yet , well wielded , will separate the cowan from thc Craftsman . Bro . Proctor , ever mindful of his business , will at his post of I . G . doubtless suggest the same course to others , should they require such wise advice , with his well tried sword to second the motion . Business
having been concluded , Lodges 643 and 1219 tendered their " Hearty Good Wishes , " and the lodge was closed . Thc brethren then adjourned lo the social board . Upon the cloth being withdrawn , the usual toasts were given and received . During the evening harmony abounded freely ; the new initiate , Bro . Smith , fully proved his ability as a
vocalist of no mean order . Bros . Nicholson , Pearson , and Smith entertained the brethren with some good glee sing , ing , and last , but not least , Bro . Goodchilde rendered with pleasing strain his comic adventure "The Hole in the Shutter . " ¦ The brethren separated at a reasonable hour , 0 . 30 p . m .
NORTH WOOLWICH . — Henley Lodge ( No . 1472 ) . —The installation meeting of the above lodge took place on Tuesday , the 6 th inst ., at Bro . E . West ' s house , the Three Crowns , as above , and may well be remembered as a red letter day in thc history of this pretty and flourishing little lodge , not only on account of the number of the brethren and visitors present , but for the
splendid working of the Installing Officer , Bro . J . Ives , who well and worthily installed his successor , Bro . " W . Steele , into the chair of King Solomon ; nor will the style in which the new W . M . afterwards initiated three candidates be soon forgotten . Suffice it , both ceremonies were performed in such a manner as to justify the hopes of every one present , that a great , if not a distinguished future , lay
before the lodge , and that if its present excellence is maintained it must soon take its position as one of the first in the district both for numbers and efficiency . The lodge was opened at one o ' clock sharp , and Bro . Ives immediately proceeded to the important business before him , Bro . West , P . M . of this and many other lodges , as well as a Provincial G . O . for Herts , officiating as D . C . After Bro .
Steele had been installed and saluted according to custom , he proceeded to invest his officers as follows : —Bios . J . Ives , I . P . M . ; A . J . Manning , S . W . ; W . T . Turner , J . W . ; T . Geller , Treas . ; J . Henderson , P . M ., Sec . ; N . Stanford , S . D . ; J . Plume , J . D . ; W * . F . Vance , I . G . 5 M . Sherwin , Organist ; G . A . Elder , D . C ; W . Davis , W . S . ; and W . Steadman , P . M . 754 , Tyler .
Among the company present were Bros . T . Butt , W . M . 700 ; J . Dorton , W . M . 1076 ; CT . Barham , W . M . 754 ; W . Graham , P . M . 700 ; T . Day , P . M , 1076 ; J . Gaskill , P . M . 1076 ; H . B . Holliday , P . M . 1076 ; B . B . Brayshaw , P . M . 1076 , and ofthe lodge ; S . Watkins , P . M . 1076 ; J . White , 1076 ; A . Woodley , J . W . 700 ; F . Wakefield , P . M . 548 ; J . Jacobs , 1327 ; J . West , 5 e ; D . Old , 1076 ;
and C . Jolly , 913 . Thc installation having been splendidly finished , Messrs . Beazley , Guy , and Lloyd were initiated by Bro . Steele into Masonry , and then , after a vote of thanks , to be engrossed on vellum , had been voted to Bro . Ives , for his efforts as Installation Officer , and Bro . P . M . Graham had presented thc lodge with a fine rough ashlar , bearing the following inscription on a silver plate : " Presented to the Henley Lodge , No . 1472 , by P . M .
W . G . Graham , No . 700 , March 6 th , 1877 , " the lodge was duly closed , and thc brethren sat down to their banquet , which was of the choicest and most elaborate description , no expense being spared by Bro . West in catering to the tastes of his guests , both edible and bibulent . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly given and loyally responded to . In proposing " The Health of thc W . M ., " Bro . Ives said that Bro . Steele had worked hard to fit
himself for the honourable position he now held . They had a taste of his quality in seeing him work the First Degree that afternoon , and if he continued to work the ceremonies in the same able manner they would never regret having placed him in that chair . He asked them to join him in drinking " The Health of Bro . Steele , " their esteemed W . M . Bro . Steele , whose reception was m est
enthusiastic , thanked them for their toast . He said that from the remarks that had fallen from Bro . Ives , an _ which they had so heartily endorsed , he believed that he had g iven them every satisfaction up to thc present . N ° one could appreciate the many difficulties attending the position of W . M . more than he did , and no one could more heartily and sincerely ask them for their assistance
and co-operation in carrying out these duties than h 6 . The honour of a lodge was essentially bound up with the character and conduct of its Master , and he trusted to leave that chair at the end of his year of office , as pure , a * bright , and unsullied from stain as he had found it . V again thanked them for their toast , and resumed his chain amid much cheering . In proposing the toast of " i " Past Masters , " the W . M . presented , in flattering let ""'
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
list for the benefit of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . Two candidates for initiation and two candidates as joining members were proposed . The lodge was afterwards closed in due form . BRIGHTON . —Royal York . Lodge ( No . 315 ) . On Tuesday , the Cth inst ., the installation of the W . M . of the Royal York Lodge , No . 313 , took place at the Royal
Pavilion , Brighton . The W . M ., Bro . S . T . Foat , who has passed with the utmost credit through every minor office , and who was unanimously voted to thc chair , was installed in office by Bro . Nell , the immediate Past Master . The newly appointed W . M . then proceeded to invest his officers , Bro . Hawkes being appointed S . W . ; Bro Charles Hudson , J . W . ; Bro . H . Saunders , Treas . ;
Bro . T . Packham , Sec . ; Bro . R . J . Pope , S . D . ; Bro . G . Nash , J . D . ; C . Erredge , I . G . ; Payne and Willard , Stewards ; and Bro . Hughes , Ty ler . A Past Master ' s jewe ! , voted by the lodge at the previous meeting , was then , in the name of the lodge , presented by W . M . Foat to Bro . Nell , the Immediate Past Master , after which the lodge was closed with the usual formula . The brethren then
adjourned to a banquet , a magnificent provision being made for them by Bros . Sayers and Marks , of Westernroad , Brighton , who , by their liberality and careful catering , proved themselves thorough " craftsmen . " The chair was taken by the newly-elected W . M ., Bro . Foat , who discharged his duties most admirably . The general company included Bros . Scott , Prov . G . S . ; Kuhe , Walter Smith ,
Bramwell , Brown , Reed , V . P . Freeman , Booty , and the Masters of thc various lodges in the province . The usual loyal and patriotic toasts were given , and the proceedings generally passed off most harmoniously . The musical arrangements were under the immediate direction of Bro . Dcvin , who was most ably assisted by Bro . George Cole and other members .
HADLEIGH . —Lodge of Virtue and Silence ( No . 532 ) . —At the regular meeting on the 22 nd ult ., the lodge was attended by thc W . M ., Wardens , and members of the lodge , Bros Hart , Golding , Downs , Powell , Gardiner , Pettit , sen . and jun ., Spalding , P . M's . ; Eltham ( W . M . elect ) , Chisnall , Grinwadc , Aldous , Sexton , Mackney , Cooper , Seaborne , Hitchcock , King , Everett , Grinwade , C . Archer ,
Jones , and others . The lodge was opened in the rirst and Second Degrees . The W . M . was presented and duly installed by Bro . A . J . Grinwade , in a very solemn and impressive manner . The W . M ., after duly acknowledging the honour conferred upon him , proceeded to appoint his officers for the year ensuing : Bros . Chisnall , S . W . ; F . Grinwade , J . W . ; Mackney , Sec . ; Cooper , S . D . ; Sea .
borne , J . D . ; Hitchcock , Org . ; King , I . G . ; delivering to each a suitable address upon their several duties , and investing them with the insignia of their office . Thc brethren of thc lodge being anxious to show their appreciation of thc services of Past Master A . J . Grinwade , resolved to present him with a P . M . ' s jewel as a mark of their esteem and regard for the very able manner in which he
conducted the lodge during the past year . Bro . Hunt , in the absence of Bro . Muriel , P . M ., was delegated to present it , who , in a neat and appropriate speech begged of Bro . Grinwade to accept thc jewel , not for its intrinsic value , but as a token cf esteem , adding the hope that the G . A . O . T . U might endue him with health long to wear it . The brethren afterwards sat down to an excellent banquet ,
provided by Bro . Aldous , and a pleasant evening was spent . BATH . —Lodge of Honour ( No . 379 ) . —Thc monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall on Monday , March 12 th . At 8 . 15 p . m . Bro . H . Gore , W . M ., opened the lodge in thc First Degree , supported by Bros . G . H . Cook , I . P . M . and Treas . ; Dr .
Hopkins , as Chaplain ; H . Gulliford Hopkins , S . W . ; Falkner , as J . W . ; Davis , P . M ., Sec . ; Bush , Dir . Cers . ; Robinson , as S . D .: Johnston , J . D . ; Radway , as I . G . ; and Gazzard , Tyler . There were also present several members of the lodge , and as visitors , Bros . Pegler , P . M . 304 , Leeds ; Walker , P . M . 33 ; Jas . Dutton , P . M . 85 s j Marillier , c 3 ; Sumsion , P . M . 53 ; Watts , P . M . 53 ; W .
Smith , P . M . S 3 ; Ames , 41 ; Sondcrman , J . D . 535 C . Collins , Sec . 53 ; and W . F . Collins , 33 . The minutes having been read and confirmed , the W . M . read a communication asking support in thc present movement relative to the exclusion of Jews from German lodges , and after a few remarks in its favour from thc Secretary and the Director of Ceremonies , a resolution was passed
authorising thc W . M . to sign thc petition on behalf of the Lodge of Honour . Bro . Dr . Hopkins then took the chair , examined the candidates , whose correct and ready replies elicited the acclamations of thc brethren , and entrusted them . After they left the room , the W . M . opened the lodge in the Second Degree . Bros . Rev . Sanderson and Bell were re-admitted and duly passed to the Degree of
Fellow Craft by Bro . Dr . Hopkins . He also gave an elaborate explanation of the working tools , delivered thc charge and the Lecture on the second Tracing Board , which hc concluded amid the hearty applause of the brethren . The lodge was then closed in the Second Degree by the W . M . The Secretary gave notice of a proposed alteration in thc bye-laws with regard to the time of
meeting . On the proposition of the W . M ., seconded by thc S . W ., a vote of thanks to the visitors was passed , which was acknowledged by Bros . Walker and Pegler , the latter especially expressing his satisfaction at the resolution passed in favour of the Jews , and the pleasure he had derived from witnessing the ability with which the complete ceremony of passing had been conducted . The
lodge was closed at ten o ' clock . ABERDARE .-St . David's Lodge ( No . 679 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge took place on Thursday , id . * 1 st inst ., St . David's Day . The members of the lorlge mustered > n great force , and there were several visiting brethren present from a distance , amongst the latter being Bros . W . J . Morgan , P . M . of St . Peter's Lodge , Carmarthen ; I Dr . Hall , W . M . of thc Talbot
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Lodge , Swansea ; Morgan , Alexander , and Mole , of the Merlin Lodge , Pontypridd , and others . Bro . G . H . White , S . W . and W . M . elect , was installed as Master of St . David ' s Lodge for the ensuing year , the ceremony being very ably performed by Bro . W . J . Morgan , P . M . of St . Peter ' s Lodge . The W . M . then appointed his officers as follows : Bros . G . Smith , I . P . M . ; Evan Jones ,
S . W . ; W . Little , J . W . ; Dr . Price , Chap . ; T . B . Powell , Treas ., for the 21 st time ; T . Phillips , Sec ; Chas . Bolting , S . D . ; D . Davies , J . D . ; J . Rhys , I . G . ; J . Roberts and T . Moody , Stewards ; and H . Bray , Tyler . Amongst other business brought before the lodge , an important official letter was read from Sir George Elliot , Bart ., the R . W . P . G . M . of the Eastern Division of South Wales ,
intimating that he had decided on holding a Provincial Grand Lodge at Aberdare on the 4 th of April next , under thc banner of St . David's , when he would be installed in his new office by the R . W . iEneas Mclntyre , Q . C , Grand Registrar of England . The announcement was received with great gratification by the members of the lodge , and a committee was appointed to carry out the necessary
arrangements . After the business of the lodge was concluded it was closed in due form , and the brethren thereafter adjourned to the banquet room . Upwards of 40 brethren sat down to an excellent dinner , under the presidency of W . M . White . After ample justice had been done to thc repast thc usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the chair and well received . In
proposing "The Health of the R . W . P . G . M ., " the W . M . dilated on the honour Sir George Elliot had shown St . David ' s Ledge , by deciding to have his installation carried out under its banner . He hoped it was a decision which the members of sister lodges would approve of , when they considered that Sir George had for some years been a member of St . Tavid's , and that his connection with
Aberdare was of long standing . Bro . Smith , I . P . M . proposed , in felicitous terms , " The Health of the W . M . " He spoke of his popularity in the lodge and his zeal for Masonry , and augured for St . David ' s a year of great prosperity under his guidance . Thc W . M . made an able reply , and said that he calculated on thc support of the P . M . ' s , whose advice would sustain him in all his duties
and in particular hc depended on the support of his officers . Thc Installing Master , Bro . W . J . Morgan , made an able speech in reply to thc toast of his health . As a very old friend of the W . M ., it hael given him the greatest pleasure to perform the installation ceremony . The proceedings of the evening were varied and enlivened by songs , admirably rendered by Bros . Rosser , Rhys , Smith , and the
W . M . Bro . F . Atkins , of Cardiff , acted as Organist at the ceremony in the lodge , and hc officiated at the piano at the banquet . ROTHERHAM . —Phoenix Lodge ( No . 904 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held at the Ship Hotel , Rotherham , on Thursday , February 22 nd , 1877 . The minutes of the last regular lodge having been read
and confirmed , the lodge was opened in the Second Degree , when W . Bro . J . Oxley , P . M ., P . P . G . R . for W . Yorks ., took the chair for thc purpose of installing the W . M . elect , Bro . Benjamin Saville , which was duly performed according to ancient custom . Bro . Saville , W . M ., then appointed and invested thc following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year : W . Bro . C . H . Perrot , Prov .
G . Org ., I . P . M . ; Bros . H . J . Bingham , S . W . ; T . W . Roome , J . W . ; John Fawcett , P . M ., Treas . ; J . H . Wragg , Sec ; C . Harvey , S . D . ; Wilfrid Badger , J . D . ; G . J . Hinchliffe , Org . ; W . H . Pearce , I . G . ; R . J . Evans , Steward ; T . Chester , Tyler . The brethren afterwards sat down to a sumptuous banquet , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly given and honoured , the toast
of the W . M . meeting with the very warmest reception . Amongst those present we noticed Bros . W . Jervis , W . M . 139 ; John Ridal , W . M . 29 6 ; S . B . Ellis , W . M . 1239 ; also representatives of Lodges 33 , 43 , 108 , 242 , and 1144 . A most harmonious evening was spent , and all augurs well for a prosperous year for the lodge under its new and very efficient W . M .
GREENWICH . —Star Lodge ( No . 1275 ) . — This well established lodge held its regular meeting at the Ship Hotel , Greenwich , on Friday , the 2 nd inst . Bro . H . J . Green , W . M ., presided . The minutes of the previous mciting were read and unanimously confirmed . The ballot was unanimous in favour of the admission of Mr . Wm . Wilson . lie being in attendance , was duly initiated into
Freemasonry , the ceremony being rendered in a solemn , impressive , and correct manner by the W . M . Some formal business having becn disposed of , thc lodge was closed and adjourned to June . There were present Bros . R . W . Williams , P . G . Org . Middlesex , S . W . ; C . W . Williams , J . W . ; the Rev . G . R .- Purcfoy Colles , Chap . ; J . Smith , P . G . P ., P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . G . J . D . Aliddlesex ,
P . M ., Sec ; W . B . Woodman , P . M ., S . D . ; W . Kipps , J . D . ; E . W . Chetwynd , I . G . ; A . Tisley , D . C ; S . Marketis , W . S . ; C . J . Hogg , P . G . S ., P . M . ; W . Ough , P . G . P ., P . M . ; H . Keeble , P . M . ; J . J . Limebeer , P . M . ; and others . Visitors -. T . Ross , 188 ; F . B . Williams , 1 G 2 ; G . F . Guest , W . M . 1531 ; C . A . Rose , 144 6 ; J . H . Kemp , 27 ; and others . The usual first-rate banquet was
served . The regular toasts were given anrl responded to . An agreeable evening was well spent and enjoyed by all present . MANCHESTER . — Lodge of Truth ( No . 1458 ) —This lodge held its regular March meeting on Saturday the 3 rd inst . Bro . Batcheldcr , W . M ., having opened the lodge , the minutes of the last meeting were read and
confirmed . The ballot having been taken and declared unanimous for Mr . James Smith , a candidate proposed by the W . M ., he was in due course received into the Craft b y him , the attendant ceremony being well rendered . Bro . Pearson was passed to the Second Degree ; and Bros . Barber and Brown to the M . M . degree . Bro . Pearson was raised by thc Director of Ceremonies , Bro . Caldwell , P . M ., in his masterly and accustomed manner : better known
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
than comment can describe . A visiting brother , Bro . Dr , Barlow , P . M . 645 , expressed a wish to confer the third degree upon Bro . Brown ; the chair was therefore as . signed to him . This being the first ceremony preformed by Bro . Dr . Barlow at 1458 , it must not be passed unnoticed . Our medical brother possesses that self command so cssential to his profession , which combined with attention to
punctuation and elocution , certainly brings out a Masonic ceremony clothed in its true meaning . Real oratory pro . duces that which the simple utterance of words is not capable of . Such was the quality of the ceremony performed by Bro . Barlow , and which produced a good impression upon Bro . Brown , which was descernible from the remarks made by him at a later period of the evening .
Prior to the closing of the lodge , Bro . Batchelder , W . M ,, resumed command of the lodge , and received from the hands of Bro . Kleinmann , J . S ., a sword which he had worn during the Franco-Prussian war , and which he presented to the lodge for the use of its Inner Guard . The W . M . having thanked Bro . Kleinmann on behalf of the lodge , summoned to the E . Brother Proctor , I . G ., and
invested him with the weapon of separating and protecting capabilities . Its deeds of deadly separation are probably completed ; it yet , well wielded , will separate the cowan from thc Craftsman . Bro . Proctor , ever mindful of his business , will at his post of I . G . doubtless suggest the same course to others , should they require such wise advice , with his well tried sword to second the motion . Business
having been concluded , Lodges 643 and 1219 tendered their " Hearty Good Wishes , " and the lodge was closed . Thc brethren then adjourned lo the social board . Upon the cloth being withdrawn , the usual toasts were given and received . During the evening harmony abounded freely ; the new initiate , Bro . Smith , fully proved his ability as a
vocalist of no mean order . Bros . Nicholson , Pearson , and Smith entertained the brethren with some good glee sing , ing , and last , but not least , Bro . Goodchilde rendered with pleasing strain his comic adventure "The Hole in the Shutter . " ¦ The brethren separated at a reasonable hour , 0 . 30 p . m .
NORTH WOOLWICH . — Henley Lodge ( No . 1472 ) . —The installation meeting of the above lodge took place on Tuesday , the 6 th inst ., at Bro . E . West ' s house , the Three Crowns , as above , and may well be remembered as a red letter day in thc history of this pretty and flourishing little lodge , not only on account of the number of the brethren and visitors present , but for the
splendid working of the Installing Officer , Bro . J . Ives , who well and worthily installed his successor , Bro . " W . Steele , into the chair of King Solomon ; nor will the style in which the new W . M . afterwards initiated three candidates be soon forgotten . Suffice it , both ceremonies were performed in such a manner as to justify the hopes of every one present , that a great , if not a distinguished future , lay
before the lodge , and that if its present excellence is maintained it must soon take its position as one of the first in the district both for numbers and efficiency . The lodge was opened at one o ' clock sharp , and Bro . Ives immediately proceeded to the important business before him , Bro . West , P . M . of this and many other lodges , as well as a Provincial G . O . for Herts , officiating as D . C . After Bro .
Steele had been installed and saluted according to custom , he proceeded to invest his officers as follows : —Bios . J . Ives , I . P . M . ; A . J . Manning , S . W . ; W . T . Turner , J . W . ; T . Geller , Treas . ; J . Henderson , P . M ., Sec . ; N . Stanford , S . D . ; J . Plume , J . D . ; W * . F . Vance , I . G . 5 M . Sherwin , Organist ; G . A . Elder , D . C ; W . Davis , W . S . ; and W . Steadman , P . M . 754 , Tyler .
Among the company present were Bros . T . Butt , W . M . 700 ; J . Dorton , W . M . 1076 ; CT . Barham , W . M . 754 ; W . Graham , P . M . 700 ; T . Day , P . M , 1076 ; J . Gaskill , P . M . 1076 ; H . B . Holliday , P . M . 1076 ; B . B . Brayshaw , P . M . 1076 , and ofthe lodge ; S . Watkins , P . M . 1076 ; J . White , 1076 ; A . Woodley , J . W . 700 ; F . Wakefield , P . M . 548 ; J . Jacobs , 1327 ; J . West , 5 e ; D . Old , 1076 ;
and C . Jolly , 913 . Thc installation having been splendidly finished , Messrs . Beazley , Guy , and Lloyd were initiated by Bro . Steele into Masonry , and then , after a vote of thanks , to be engrossed on vellum , had been voted to Bro . Ives , for his efforts as Installation Officer , and Bro . P . M . Graham had presented thc lodge with a fine rough ashlar , bearing the following inscription on a silver plate : " Presented to the Henley Lodge , No . 1472 , by P . M .
W . G . Graham , No . 700 , March 6 th , 1877 , " the lodge was duly closed , and thc brethren sat down to their banquet , which was of the choicest and most elaborate description , no expense being spared by Bro . West in catering to the tastes of his guests , both edible and bibulent . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly given and loyally responded to . In proposing " The Health of thc W . M ., " Bro . Ives said that Bro . Steele had worked hard to fit
himself for the honourable position he now held . They had a taste of his quality in seeing him work the First Degree that afternoon , and if he continued to work the ceremonies in the same able manner they would never regret having placed him in that chair . He asked them to join him in drinking " The Health of Bro . Steele , " their esteemed W . M . Bro . Steele , whose reception was m est
enthusiastic , thanked them for their toast . He said that from the remarks that had fallen from Bro . Ives , an _ which they had so heartily endorsed , he believed that he had g iven them every satisfaction up to thc present . N ° one could appreciate the many difficulties attending the position of W . M . more than he did , and no one could more heartily and sincerely ask them for their assistance
and co-operation in carrying out these duties than h 6 . The honour of a lodge was essentially bound up with the character and conduct of its Master , and he trusted to leave that chair at the end of his year of office , as pure , a * bright , and unsullied from stain as he had found it . V again thanked them for their toast , and resumed his chain amid much cheering . In proposing the toast of " i " Past Masters , " the W . M . presented , in flattering let ""'