Article DISTRlCT GRAND LODGE OF BRITISH BURMAH. Page 1 of 1 Article DISTRlCT GRAND LODGE OF BRITISH BURMAH. Page 1 of 1 Article FIRST THINGS IN PHILADELPHIA. Page 1 of 1 Article THE LODGE AND THE WORLD. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Distrlct Grand Lodge Of British Burmah.
A quarterly communication , was held at the Masonic Temple , Rangoon , on Wednesday , the 27 th day of Derember , 1876 , being the festival of St . John the Evangelist . Present : W . Bros . H . Krauss , Dy . D . G . M ., as D . G . Master ; Jos , Dawson , P . D . G . S . W ., as Dy . D . G . Master ; Edward Hopper , P . D . G . S . W ., as D . G . S . W . ; A . M .
Buchanan , P . D . G . S . W ., as D . G . J . W . ; Bro . the Rev . J . E . Marks , P . D . G . C , as D . G . Chaplain ; W . Bros . E . G . Man , D . G . Reg . ; W . H . Porter , D . G . Sec ; B . Samuel , P D . G . Sec . ; A . Hotson , D . G . S . Deacon ; G . C . Hodding , DC . Sword Bearer ; W . H . Wooton , D-G . Steward , as p G . Org . ; J . F . Briddon , as D . G . Pursuivant ; Bros . H . B DavidsonD . G . Steward ; J . H . Clarkson , as D . G .
, Tyler ; and several representatives of lodges . The Grand Lodge was opened in form at 6 15 p . m . The summons convening the communication was read . The proceedings of the last regular communication , held on the 12 th September , 187 C , having been printed and circulated , were , on the motion of the District Grand Master in the chair , taken as read , and were duly
confirmed . The District Grand Secretary read the report of the proceedings of a meeting of the District Grand Lodge Committee , which was unanimously adopted . The District Grand Master in the chair , after a few observations on the report of the District Grand Lodge Committee , addressed the brethren as follows : — The
Masonic year which closes to-day has been an important one to this province , and we have to record many changes ; chief among them the resignation of our Right Worshipful District Grand Master , W . Bro . Colonel Hervey Tucket Duncan , C . S . I . We have already recorded our sense of the loss which Freemasonry has sustained by his resignation of the office of ruler in this province , and our
appreciation of the services he has rendered to the fraternity during his Masonic career in Burmah . I have now to tell you that his resignation has been accepted by the M . W . the Grand Master H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , and I lately received a letter from our R . W . District Grand Master conveying the command of the M . W . the Pro Grand Master , the Earl of C _ rnarvon , that the wishes of
the lodges in the province regarring a successor to him should be ascertained and made known to the Pro Grand Master through R . W . Bro . Duncan . This information I have procured , and am sending to R . Wor . Bio . Duncan , and we shall no doubt in due time be informed what is the pleasure of H . R . H . the M . W . the Grand Master regarding a successor to R . W . Bro .
Duncan as District Grand Master of British Burmah . The hand of death has been busy amongst us during the past year , and we have to deplore a serious loss in the untimely demise of W . Bro . J . V . Douglas de Wet , our District Grand Treasurer , and a Past Grand Warden of this lodge . I need not enlarge on his excellent Masonic qualities , which are well known to all present . His place
will be hard to fill , and his familiar face will long be missed by those who have had the pleasure of meeting him within these walls , and those of the other lodges in Rangoon . Lodge Star of Burmah has also to mourn the loss of an old and worthy brother in the person of Bro . Andrews . But it is not merely by the hand of Death that worthy brethren are taken from our midst . Changes of
other kinds in a station like this are frequent , and we have to regret the removal of our universally esteemed Bro . W , D . Cruickshank , who has just left us to fill a higher post in his profession in Calcutta . I know that I am expressing the feelings of every brother in this Grand Lodge , in recording our sense of the untiring zeal and energy which this Worshipful brother has displayed in promoting
every good work in the Craft during his stay in the province . That useful institution the Greenlaw Masonic Orphan Fund is largely indebted to him , not only in the matter of liberal personal contributions , but for the excellent organization under which the funds are invested and managed , and for the untiring attention its affairs have received at his hands during his tenure of
office as its Secretary and Treasurer . But , brethren , though we have lost and arc losing many good brethren and true , many old and tried brethren still remain to us , and many more , either as initiates or joining members from other Districts , are enrolling themselves under our banners , - < _ us one and all assist each other in upholding the anc " " nt principles of our Order , and in extending its sphere
of usefulness , and be careful not to do anything which mi gbt dim or sully the lustre of Freemasonry . I now pro-Wed to notify the appointments of thc District Grand Officers for the ensuing year , but before doing so it is my pleasing duty to express to the officers of the past year ™ thanks of the District Grand Lodge for their valuable services , and in doing this I would wish to record specially
JJiy thanks for the services rendered by the District Grand j «' _ etary and Treasurer . Our retiring District Grand "' aster has been pleased to express a hope that I would retain the chair of Deputy District Grand Master for another year , which 1 have much pleasure in doing , and ? continuing to be the officiating head of the fraternity " 'he province until a District Grand Master is duly
appointed and installed , I have every confidence that I shall ° n . inue to receive the advice , assistance , and support nich I gratefully acknowledge have always been afforded _ ic by the other Masons in the Province of British "wmah . . 'be other annointments are as follows : —Bros . W . H .
*? "ss , D . D . G . M . ; D . G . Macleod , Maulmain , D . G . g , * > E . J . L . Twynam , Rangoon , D . G . J . W . ; Rev . J . ; , ' "arks , D . G . Chap . ; B . Samuel ( elected ) D . G . Treas . ; [ Sen >' ' Toungh-o , D . G . Reg . ; W . H . Porter , D . G . I j , ' ' E . G . Man , D . G . S . Deacon ; H . Prince , D . G . J . f _ c . * A * Nico 1 ' * * Su P' * of Work s ! " vV- Ford , '*' ¦ Uir . of Cers . ; Malcolm Furlong . D . G . Swd . B . ;
Distrlct Grand Lodge Of British Burmah.
W . H . Wotton D . G . Org . ; J . F . Briddon , D . G . Purst . ; and J . H . Clarkson ( elected ) Tyler . The District Grand Master in the chair proposed , and the Deputy District Grand Master seconded , that W . Bro . B . Samuel be the D . G . Treasurer for the ensuing year . — Carried unanimously . W . Bro . E . Hopper proposed , and W . Bro . A . M .
Buchanan seconded , that Bro . J . H . Clarkson be D . G . Tyler for the ensuing year . —Carried unanimously . The District Grand Master in the chair nominated six brethren as the District Grand Stewards , and seven brethren as the District Grand Lodge Committee for the ensuing year . The business for the evening being ended , the District Grand Lodge was closed in form at 8 p . m .
First Things In Philadelphia.
The "City of Brotherly Love" has led the way in every Masonic movement on the American continent . Philadelphia had the first Master Masons' Lodge in America , in 1730— "The Hoop , Water Street "—which was No . 79 on the register of the Grand Lodge of England ; the first Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Daniel Cox
appointed by the Duke of Norfolk , Grand Master of England , in 1730 ; the first Provincial Grand Lodge , in 1732 , of which Bro . William Allen was elected Grand Master ; the first Masonic Hall , erected on Lodge-alley , west of Second-street in 17-14 : the first Royal Arch Chapter—Jerusalem Ctrapter , No . 3 ( the minutes of which are in existence of the year 1767 , and which mention prior minutes );
the first Grand Chapter—the Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania—organized in lygj ; the first subordinate Commandery of Knights Templar—Philadelphia Encampment , No . I , chartered February 14 th , 1714 ; the fiist Grand Commandery , organized May 12 th , 1797 ; and the first Masonic Periodical in America— " The Freemason ' s
Magazine "—started in 1811 . It is thus evident that all of the degrees of both Ancient Craft and Chivalric Masonry were first worked in America in the " City of Brotherly Love , " and that here , also , Light was first dispensed among the Brethren by the Masonic Press . Philadelphia has richly earned the title of the " Mother City of Freemasonry in America . "
The Lodge And The World.
When Bro . the Hon . F . Whitaker ( a member of the New Zealand Cabinet ) , on November 28 th , 1876 , was constituted Provinical Grand Master of the North Island of New Zealand ( Scottish Constitution ) , in the course of the address he delivered at the banquet afterwards he used this striking language : " I recently came from a
place where there was a gathering of about the same number , but it was of a widely different character ( the New Zealand House of Representatives ) . Here we are met in fellowship . There , there was nothing of the kind , and we fought—if I may be allowed to use the expression—like cats and dogs . But leaving politics out of the question , if I could take you there with me , \ ou
would see something wliich would surprise you , and I feel altogether greatly relieved in coming out of a house like that into a community like this , where we all feel alike . It is totally unlike what I have left , and I feel a certain amount of recreation in being amongst you . ( Cheers . ) I feel that I have come to a reunion of brethren ,
and feel that it is a happy occasion on which men of different religious beliefs and different political opinions can meet on a common platform , where all their endeavours are directed to one object—the benefit of each other and the benefit of the community —( cheers ) , without bickering or quarrelling , seeking the same end , the benefit of the Craft , and through the Craft of the world . "
The consecration of the Stuart Lodge , No . 1632 , and the installation of Bro . C . Stuart-Barker , jun ., as W . M . will take place at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New-road , on Saturday next , the 24 th inst ., at 3 o'clock . The ceremonies will be conducted by Bro . R . Wentworth Little , D . P . G . M . Middlesex , assisted by Bros . Rev . P . M . Holden , P . G . Chaplain Middlesex , and
Hyde Pullen , P . G . S . B ., and P . D . P . G . M . Isle of Wight . The musical arrangements will be under the conductorship of Bro . W . H . Hook , S . W . 186 and 142 G . The Confidence Lodge of Instruction has been removed to the " Whittington , " Moor-lane , Fore-street , where , under the able preceptorship of Bro . Gottheil , the lodge will meet every Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock .
EASTER MONDAY REVIEW . —At a meeting of the Dover Town Council a letter was read from General Parke , stating that , in compliance with the Mayor ' s request , a review of the troops would take place on Easter Monday . Mr . C . C . Rowe , the well-known manufacturer of oroide gold jewellery , has extended and improved
his premises at No . 88 , Brompton-road , South Kensington . The elegant productions of Mr . Rowe's establishment do not need recommendation from us . ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . —Out of seven candidates who offered themselves for the collectorship of this institution , Bro . George Knill was unanimously elected .
Bro . Captain Mercier has retired from active connection with the Hospital Saturday Fund . On Wednesday , at the Hereford Quarter Sessions , the magistrates passed a resolution petitioning the Privy Council for the prohibition of the importation of live cattle from foreign countries during the prevalence of the cattle plague on tbe continent .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
An amateur dramatic performance in aid of the Masonic Charities , which was originally arranged for April thc 21 st , is postponed until Saturday , May 5 th . The theatre chosen is the Opera Comique . We understand their Royal Hi ghnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales have graciously consented to honour the performance with
their presence . ERRATUM . —Lord Limerick ' s name was inadvertently printed for that of Lord Carnarvon in a part of the report of Grand Lod ge which appeared in our last , We are very sorry we have led any kind copyist into this little mistake .
The installations in connection with the Antient Union Lodge , No . 203 , Liverpool , and the Pembroke Lodge , No . 1292 , West Derby , Near Liverpool , took place on Thursday last , the 15 th inst . Reports of the proceedings will appear in our next issue . COSMOPOLITAN MASONIC CALENDAR , DIARY
AND POCKET BOOK . —This is the title of a comprehensive Masonic book of reference , published annually by Geo . Kenning , 19 8 , Fleet Street , London . The issue for 1877 is before us , and is indeed a vade mecum for brethren who want to keep posted , and who may desire to refer to facts and statistics from time to time . This little work
purports to contain full particulars of every Grand Masonic body throughout the Globe ; and most certainly it supplies an important want in the Fraternity . —Freemasons' Repository . The fourteenth anniversary of the marriage of the Prince and Princess of Wales was celebrated at Windsor on Saturday . It is said that the Prince of Wales intends
setting the fashion of holding fancy dress balls during thc season . PRESENTATION TO THE LATE TOWN CLERK OI- MIDDLESBROUGH . —On Thursday evening a very massive and handsome silver double . inksland was presented to Br . Jno . T . Belk , bearing the following inscription ,
Presented to Jno . T . Belk , Esq ., by the officials connected with the Borough Surveyor's Department , as a token of their appreciation of his uniform kindness and courtesy during the eight years lie held the office of Town Clerk of Middlesbrough . March , 1877 . " The ordinary Half yearl y General Meeting of
the Crystal Palace District Gas Company will be held 011 Thursday the 29 th inst . Jat the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-Street . The chair will be taken at half past two by Bro . Dr . Erasmus Wilson . I ' IIF . SHAKESPEARE NATIONAL MEMORIAL . —The 23 rd of next month , the anniversary of the
illustrious poet ' s birth and death , has been fixed for laying the foundation-stone at Stratford-on-Avon . The subcommittee met recently , and drew up a preliminary programme . It will be subject to alteration , but indicates the probable course of proceedings . Colonel Machen , D . G . M ., of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Warwickshire ,
conferred with the committee as to the part to be taken by the Freemasons on the occasion , and it is understood there will be a very large assembly of the fraternity . The Prince of Wales presided on Wednesday evening , at Willis ' s Rooms , at the Festival of the Association for the Oral Instruction cf the Deaf and Dumb , when subscriptions to the amount of over £ 2000 were
announced . Bro . John Sutcliffe , of Grimsby , carried in the largest list , consisting of over forty guineas . GRAND LODGE OI * LOUISIANA . —The following Grand Officers have just been elected : Bros . Saml . J . Powell , of Bayou Sara , Grand Master ; Edwin Marks , D . G . M . ; Wm . R . Whittaker , S . G . W . ; A . L . Abbott , J . G . W . ; A . W . Hyatt , G . Treas . ; Jas . C . Batchelor , M . D ., of New Orleans . G . Sec .
L / LEOPATRA S NEEDLE . —The Khedive on > Wednesday last formally presented to the British nation ^ through the British Diplomatic Agent and Consul-General } at Alexandria , the Obelisk known as Cleopatra ' s Needle , j ECLIPSE 01 * THE SUN . —On Thursday morn-1 ing a partial eclipse of the sun took place . It was not ? visible in England . } It is stated that the office of Black RocJ . ^
vacant by the death of Sir A . Clifford , has been accepted } by General Sir W . Knollys ; and that the salary has ;& een ' fixed at £ 2000 per annum , with the residence within the precincts of the palace of Westminster . , ' ACCIDENT TO LORD DUI-I- 'ERIN . —A Reuter ' s telegram from Ottawa says : —The Earl of Duffi . rin met with an accident while walking on Wednesday , March
14 . His lordship slipped and fell on the ' pavement , breaking a rib , and straining his ankle in the fall . The physician attending his Excellency pronoumces that no serious result is to be anticipated from the ' accident . The Bishop of Salisbury will , irj consequence of illness , be unable to hold the confirm ations which were fixed to take place this week in Dorsetshire .
It has been resolved in Dublin to send a deputation of Irish artisans to the Paris Exh " lit ' oii , as had been done in thc case of English artisans to t ic Philadelphia and Vienna Exhibitions . A Shock of an earthquake , stated to have lasted a minute , was felt on Sunday morning in the island of Mull , and in thc smaller island ? , of Coll and Tiree , Scotland .
The oldest Mason in England is stated to be Bro . Norris , Warden at the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , Croydon . He was born January 21 , 1790 , and made a Mason in the Jjjt ' tsje of Sincerity , [ No . 174 , on March 10 , 1812 . ">
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Distrlct Grand Lodge Of British Burmah.
A quarterly communication , was held at the Masonic Temple , Rangoon , on Wednesday , the 27 th day of Derember , 1876 , being the festival of St . John the Evangelist . Present : W . Bros . H . Krauss , Dy . D . G . M ., as D . G . Master ; Jos , Dawson , P . D . G . S . W ., as Dy . D . G . Master ; Edward Hopper , P . D . G . S . W ., as D . G . S . W . ; A . M .
Buchanan , P . D . G . S . W ., as D . G . J . W . ; Bro . the Rev . J . E . Marks , P . D . G . C , as D . G . Chaplain ; W . Bros . E . G . Man , D . G . Reg . ; W . H . Porter , D . G . Sec ; B . Samuel , P D . G . Sec . ; A . Hotson , D . G . S . Deacon ; G . C . Hodding , DC . Sword Bearer ; W . H . Wooton , D-G . Steward , as p G . Org . ; J . F . Briddon , as D . G . Pursuivant ; Bros . H . B DavidsonD . G . Steward ; J . H . Clarkson , as D . G .
, Tyler ; and several representatives of lodges . The Grand Lodge was opened in form at 6 15 p . m . The summons convening the communication was read . The proceedings of the last regular communication , held on the 12 th September , 187 C , having been printed and circulated , were , on the motion of the District Grand Master in the chair , taken as read , and were duly
confirmed . The District Grand Secretary read the report of the proceedings of a meeting of the District Grand Lodge Committee , which was unanimously adopted . The District Grand Master in the chair , after a few observations on the report of the District Grand Lodge Committee , addressed the brethren as follows : — The
Masonic year which closes to-day has been an important one to this province , and we have to record many changes ; chief among them the resignation of our Right Worshipful District Grand Master , W . Bro . Colonel Hervey Tucket Duncan , C . S . I . We have already recorded our sense of the loss which Freemasonry has sustained by his resignation of the office of ruler in this province , and our
appreciation of the services he has rendered to the fraternity during his Masonic career in Burmah . I have now to tell you that his resignation has been accepted by the M . W . the Grand Master H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , and I lately received a letter from our R . W . District Grand Master conveying the command of the M . W . the Pro Grand Master , the Earl of C _ rnarvon , that the wishes of
the lodges in the province regarring a successor to him should be ascertained and made known to the Pro Grand Master through R . W . Bro . Duncan . This information I have procured , and am sending to R . Wor . Bio . Duncan , and we shall no doubt in due time be informed what is the pleasure of H . R . H . the M . W . the Grand Master regarding a successor to R . W . Bro .
Duncan as District Grand Master of British Burmah . The hand of death has been busy amongst us during the past year , and we have to deplore a serious loss in the untimely demise of W . Bro . J . V . Douglas de Wet , our District Grand Treasurer , and a Past Grand Warden of this lodge . I need not enlarge on his excellent Masonic qualities , which are well known to all present . His place
will be hard to fill , and his familiar face will long be missed by those who have had the pleasure of meeting him within these walls , and those of the other lodges in Rangoon . Lodge Star of Burmah has also to mourn the loss of an old and worthy brother in the person of Bro . Andrews . But it is not merely by the hand of Death that worthy brethren are taken from our midst . Changes of
other kinds in a station like this are frequent , and we have to regret the removal of our universally esteemed Bro . W , D . Cruickshank , who has just left us to fill a higher post in his profession in Calcutta . I know that I am expressing the feelings of every brother in this Grand Lodge , in recording our sense of the untiring zeal and energy which this Worshipful brother has displayed in promoting
every good work in the Craft during his stay in the province . That useful institution the Greenlaw Masonic Orphan Fund is largely indebted to him , not only in the matter of liberal personal contributions , but for the excellent organization under which the funds are invested and managed , and for the untiring attention its affairs have received at his hands during his tenure of
office as its Secretary and Treasurer . But , brethren , though we have lost and arc losing many good brethren and true , many old and tried brethren still remain to us , and many more , either as initiates or joining members from other Districts , are enrolling themselves under our banners , - < _ us one and all assist each other in upholding the anc " " nt principles of our Order , and in extending its sphere
of usefulness , and be careful not to do anything which mi gbt dim or sully the lustre of Freemasonry . I now pro-Wed to notify the appointments of thc District Grand Officers for the ensuing year , but before doing so it is my pleasing duty to express to the officers of the past year ™ thanks of the District Grand Lodge for their valuable services , and in doing this I would wish to record specially
JJiy thanks for the services rendered by the District Grand j «' _ etary and Treasurer . Our retiring District Grand "' aster has been pleased to express a hope that I would retain the chair of Deputy District Grand Master for another year , which 1 have much pleasure in doing , and ? continuing to be the officiating head of the fraternity " 'he province until a District Grand Master is duly
appointed and installed , I have every confidence that I shall ° n . inue to receive the advice , assistance , and support nich I gratefully acknowledge have always been afforded _ ic by the other Masons in the Province of British "wmah . . 'be other annointments are as follows : —Bros . W . H .
*? "ss , D . D . G . M . ; D . G . Macleod , Maulmain , D . G . g , * > E . J . L . Twynam , Rangoon , D . G . J . W . ; Rev . J . ; , ' "arks , D . G . Chap . ; B . Samuel ( elected ) D . G . Treas . ; [ Sen >' ' Toungh-o , D . G . Reg . ; W . H . Porter , D . G . I j , ' ' E . G . Man , D . G . S . Deacon ; H . Prince , D . G . J . f _ c . * A * Nico 1 ' * * Su P' * of Work s ! " vV- Ford , '*' ¦ Uir . of Cers . ; Malcolm Furlong . D . G . Swd . B . ;
Distrlct Grand Lodge Of British Burmah.
W . H . Wotton D . G . Org . ; J . F . Briddon , D . G . Purst . ; and J . H . Clarkson ( elected ) Tyler . The District Grand Master in the chair proposed , and the Deputy District Grand Master seconded , that W . Bro . B . Samuel be the D . G . Treasurer for the ensuing year . — Carried unanimously . W . Bro . E . Hopper proposed , and W . Bro . A . M .
Buchanan seconded , that Bro . J . H . Clarkson be D . G . Tyler for the ensuing year . —Carried unanimously . The District Grand Master in the chair nominated six brethren as the District Grand Stewards , and seven brethren as the District Grand Lodge Committee for the ensuing year . The business for the evening being ended , the District Grand Lodge was closed in form at 8 p . m .
First Things In Philadelphia.
The "City of Brotherly Love" has led the way in every Masonic movement on the American continent . Philadelphia had the first Master Masons' Lodge in America , in 1730— "The Hoop , Water Street "—which was No . 79 on the register of the Grand Lodge of England ; the first Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Daniel Cox
appointed by the Duke of Norfolk , Grand Master of England , in 1730 ; the first Provincial Grand Lodge , in 1732 , of which Bro . William Allen was elected Grand Master ; the first Masonic Hall , erected on Lodge-alley , west of Second-street in 17-14 : the first Royal Arch Chapter—Jerusalem Ctrapter , No . 3 ( the minutes of which are in existence of the year 1767 , and which mention prior minutes );
the first Grand Chapter—the Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania—organized in lygj ; the first subordinate Commandery of Knights Templar—Philadelphia Encampment , No . I , chartered February 14 th , 1714 ; the fiist Grand Commandery , organized May 12 th , 1797 ; and the first Masonic Periodical in America— " The Freemason ' s
Magazine "—started in 1811 . It is thus evident that all of the degrees of both Ancient Craft and Chivalric Masonry were first worked in America in the " City of Brotherly Love , " and that here , also , Light was first dispensed among the Brethren by the Masonic Press . Philadelphia has richly earned the title of the " Mother City of Freemasonry in America . "
The Lodge And The World.
When Bro . the Hon . F . Whitaker ( a member of the New Zealand Cabinet ) , on November 28 th , 1876 , was constituted Provinical Grand Master of the North Island of New Zealand ( Scottish Constitution ) , in the course of the address he delivered at the banquet afterwards he used this striking language : " I recently came from a
place where there was a gathering of about the same number , but it was of a widely different character ( the New Zealand House of Representatives ) . Here we are met in fellowship . There , there was nothing of the kind , and we fought—if I may be allowed to use the expression—like cats and dogs . But leaving politics out of the question , if I could take you there with me , \ ou
would see something wliich would surprise you , and I feel altogether greatly relieved in coming out of a house like that into a community like this , where we all feel alike . It is totally unlike what I have left , and I feel a certain amount of recreation in being amongst you . ( Cheers . ) I feel that I have come to a reunion of brethren ,
and feel that it is a happy occasion on which men of different religious beliefs and different political opinions can meet on a common platform , where all their endeavours are directed to one object—the benefit of each other and the benefit of the community —( cheers ) , without bickering or quarrelling , seeking the same end , the benefit of the Craft , and through the Craft of the world . "
The consecration of the Stuart Lodge , No . 1632 , and the installation of Bro . C . Stuart-Barker , jun ., as W . M . will take place at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New-road , on Saturday next , the 24 th inst ., at 3 o'clock . The ceremonies will be conducted by Bro . R . Wentworth Little , D . P . G . M . Middlesex , assisted by Bros . Rev . P . M . Holden , P . G . Chaplain Middlesex , and
Hyde Pullen , P . G . S . B ., and P . D . P . G . M . Isle of Wight . The musical arrangements will be under the conductorship of Bro . W . H . Hook , S . W . 186 and 142 G . The Confidence Lodge of Instruction has been removed to the " Whittington , " Moor-lane , Fore-street , where , under the able preceptorship of Bro . Gottheil , the lodge will meet every Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock .
EASTER MONDAY REVIEW . —At a meeting of the Dover Town Council a letter was read from General Parke , stating that , in compliance with the Mayor ' s request , a review of the troops would take place on Easter Monday . Mr . C . C . Rowe , the well-known manufacturer of oroide gold jewellery , has extended and improved
his premises at No . 88 , Brompton-road , South Kensington . The elegant productions of Mr . Rowe's establishment do not need recommendation from us . ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . —Out of seven candidates who offered themselves for the collectorship of this institution , Bro . George Knill was unanimously elected .
Bro . Captain Mercier has retired from active connection with the Hospital Saturday Fund . On Wednesday , at the Hereford Quarter Sessions , the magistrates passed a resolution petitioning the Privy Council for the prohibition of the importation of live cattle from foreign countries during the prevalence of the cattle plague on tbe continent .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
An amateur dramatic performance in aid of the Masonic Charities , which was originally arranged for April thc 21 st , is postponed until Saturday , May 5 th . The theatre chosen is the Opera Comique . We understand their Royal Hi ghnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales have graciously consented to honour the performance with
their presence . ERRATUM . —Lord Limerick ' s name was inadvertently printed for that of Lord Carnarvon in a part of the report of Grand Lod ge which appeared in our last , We are very sorry we have led any kind copyist into this little mistake .
The installations in connection with the Antient Union Lodge , No . 203 , Liverpool , and the Pembroke Lodge , No . 1292 , West Derby , Near Liverpool , took place on Thursday last , the 15 th inst . Reports of the proceedings will appear in our next issue . COSMOPOLITAN MASONIC CALENDAR , DIARY
AND POCKET BOOK . —This is the title of a comprehensive Masonic book of reference , published annually by Geo . Kenning , 19 8 , Fleet Street , London . The issue for 1877 is before us , and is indeed a vade mecum for brethren who want to keep posted , and who may desire to refer to facts and statistics from time to time . This little work
purports to contain full particulars of every Grand Masonic body throughout the Globe ; and most certainly it supplies an important want in the Fraternity . —Freemasons' Repository . The fourteenth anniversary of the marriage of the Prince and Princess of Wales was celebrated at Windsor on Saturday . It is said that the Prince of Wales intends
setting the fashion of holding fancy dress balls during thc season . PRESENTATION TO THE LATE TOWN CLERK OI- MIDDLESBROUGH . —On Thursday evening a very massive and handsome silver double . inksland was presented to Br . Jno . T . Belk , bearing the following inscription ,
Presented to Jno . T . Belk , Esq ., by the officials connected with the Borough Surveyor's Department , as a token of their appreciation of his uniform kindness and courtesy during the eight years lie held the office of Town Clerk of Middlesbrough . March , 1877 . " The ordinary Half yearl y General Meeting of
the Crystal Palace District Gas Company will be held 011 Thursday the 29 th inst . Jat the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-Street . The chair will be taken at half past two by Bro . Dr . Erasmus Wilson . I ' IIF . SHAKESPEARE NATIONAL MEMORIAL . —The 23 rd of next month , the anniversary of the
illustrious poet ' s birth and death , has been fixed for laying the foundation-stone at Stratford-on-Avon . The subcommittee met recently , and drew up a preliminary programme . It will be subject to alteration , but indicates the probable course of proceedings . Colonel Machen , D . G . M ., of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Warwickshire ,
conferred with the committee as to the part to be taken by the Freemasons on the occasion , and it is understood there will be a very large assembly of the fraternity . The Prince of Wales presided on Wednesday evening , at Willis ' s Rooms , at the Festival of the Association for the Oral Instruction cf the Deaf and Dumb , when subscriptions to the amount of over £ 2000 were
announced . Bro . John Sutcliffe , of Grimsby , carried in the largest list , consisting of over forty guineas . GRAND LODGE OI * LOUISIANA . —The following Grand Officers have just been elected : Bros . Saml . J . Powell , of Bayou Sara , Grand Master ; Edwin Marks , D . G . M . ; Wm . R . Whittaker , S . G . W . ; A . L . Abbott , J . G . W . ; A . W . Hyatt , G . Treas . ; Jas . C . Batchelor , M . D ., of New Orleans . G . Sec .
L / LEOPATRA S NEEDLE . —The Khedive on > Wednesday last formally presented to the British nation ^ through the British Diplomatic Agent and Consul-General } at Alexandria , the Obelisk known as Cleopatra ' s Needle , j ECLIPSE 01 * THE SUN . —On Thursday morn-1 ing a partial eclipse of the sun took place . It was not ? visible in England . } It is stated that the office of Black RocJ . ^
vacant by the death of Sir A . Clifford , has been accepted } by General Sir W . Knollys ; and that the salary has ;& een ' fixed at £ 2000 per annum , with the residence within the precincts of the palace of Westminster . , ' ACCIDENT TO LORD DUI-I- 'ERIN . —A Reuter ' s telegram from Ottawa says : —The Earl of Duffi . rin met with an accident while walking on Wednesday , March
14 . His lordship slipped and fell on the ' pavement , breaking a rib , and straining his ankle in the fall . The physician attending his Excellency pronoumces that no serious result is to be anticipated from the ' accident . The Bishop of Salisbury will , irj consequence of illness , be unable to hold the confirm ations which were fixed to take place this week in Dorsetshire .
It has been resolved in Dublin to send a deputation of Irish artisans to the Paris Exh " lit ' oii , as had been done in thc case of English artisans to t ic Philadelphia and Vienna Exhibitions . A Shock of an earthquake , stated to have lasted a minute , was felt on Sunday morning in the island of Mull , and in thc smaller island ? , of Coll and Tiree , Scotland .
The oldest Mason in England is stated to be Bro . Norris , Warden at the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , Croydon . He was born January 21 , 1790 , and made a Mason in the Jjjt ' tsje of Sincerity , [ No . 174 , on March 10 , 1812 . ">