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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
"vsr __ a : oz-. __ ± ! s _^ -. i _ , _ - _] _ A _ isr _ D _ E 2 ,-EDT ^ . . EVERY requisite in GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING , SHIRTS , and HOSIERY , for home or abroad , supplied on demand or promptly made to order by BRS . GAM , JOKES & CO ., Tailors , Shirtmakers , Hosiers , Glovers , Outfitters , and Manufacturers , 171 , FENCHUECH STKEET ; AND MANUFACTORY , 15 & 16 , BLOMFIELD STREET , E . C . The principles of business in the Retail Department are specially recommended to the Craft and others seeking the best market . The unvarying rule is to give good value for money , - to sell cheap when cheapness is consistent with quality , and to make a reduction on the price of an article when a quantity is taken . From this system of business—first established in 1805—their Wholesale Trude has grown , and GANN , JONES & CO . ' s Shirts and Clothing are fast finding favour with Merchants , Shippers , and tho best Houses in Town and Country . Wholesale Lists forwarded to Shippers and the Trade , and Retail Price Lists on application
BRO . HIGMAN'S MASONIC BOUQUET , GREATLY ADMIRED FOR ITS RICHNESS AND PERMANENCY OF FRAGRANCE . sold in stoppered Bottles , at 2 s . 6 d . each , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL At the MASONIC DEPOT , 3 & 4 , Little Britain , London .
BRO . BUSBRIDGE'S MASONIC NOTE AND LETTER PAPER . Sanctioned by The Most Worshipful The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England IT is impressed with Masonio Die , and has also Masonic Emblems incorporated with its texture , as Water Marks , while being manufactured . Sold , in Quarto and Octavo Packets of 5 Quires , Wholesale and Retail , at tho MASONIC DEPOT , 3 & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , E . C . Masonic Envelopes can also be obtained at the Depot-
SET OJEP 0-A . _ E _ : 0 _ EE-A . I _ E ^ S FOR CRAFT LODGE . PRICE , £ 8 8 s . MASONIC DEPOT , 3 & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN .
KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOT . Just Published , Price 2 s ., Post free , FUEEMASONS' CALENDAR and POCKETBOOK for the Year 18 G 9 , with tho Charge and Entered Apprentices' Song . To be had at BRO . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOT , Little Britain , London . Tylers supplied .
Price Five Shillings , LIFE OF CONSTANTINE , HY EUSEBIUS . Masonic Depot , 3 & 4 , Little Britaian .
JUST PUBLISHED . rnllE GENERAL STATUTES of the Imperial , A Ecclesiastical , and Military Order of the Red Cross of Rome and Constantine , and the Laws of the K . II . S . ; with an Appendix and Engravings of tho Jewels and Regalia , to which is added a Sketch of the History of tho lied Cross Order . Published under the authority of the Grand Council by It . WKNTWOKTH LITTLE , G . Recorder , and sold by G . KKSNINC , Little Britain , E . C . \ 2 mo Cloth , Bound and Lettered , Price Is . Gd .
To all who Advertise . SAVE TROUBLE AND EXPENSE BY SENDING TO Bro . JOHN BAPTIST WOLPERT , Authorised Agent to receive Advertisements for all the London and Country Newspapers . OFFICE , 3 , BIRCHES LANE , CORNHILL , LONDON .
GREYHOUND HOTEL , RICHMOND , SURREY . Opening of the New Masonic Hall & Banqueting Rooms . BRO . G . T . NOYCE has great pleasure in announcing to the Brethren and Public generally that he is now prepared to accommodate Lodges and Societies who may select his house for their Summer Festivals or other Meetings . The New Hall will seat 500 , and the Banqueting Room 200 persons . Wines and Viands of first-rate quality . Terms on application .
THE ELEPHANT TAVERN . HIGH STREET , KINGSLAND , N . E . BRO . B . P . TODD , many years of the Canonbury Tavern , Islington , and late of tho George Hotel , Aldermanbury , E . C , having taken the above Tavern , begs to inform his numerous Friends and Patrons that his present establishment combines every accommodation for Dinner Parties , & c . Wines , Spirits , & c ., of the finest quality .
F . G . S MYRK , Asphalte Importer , Manufacturer , and Contractor , BEGS most respectfully to call tho attention of the Nobility , Gentry , Architects , Sec ., Sec , to his well-known Asphaltes , which has been so successfull y applied throughout tho United Kingdom on tho following works : — ASYLUJt 1 'LOORS | PASSAGES BARN FLOORS | riQGEItlES BARRACK FLOORS j TR 1 SON CELLS COACII-IIOUSES TUBLIC FOOTWAYS COAL AND COKE STORES j PLAY GROUNDS CONSERVATORY FLOORS j RAILWAY PLATFORMS COURT YARDS i RACQUET COURTS COW SHEDS : SCHOOL ROOMS CARRIAGE DRIVES i STABLES DOG KENNELS SUSPENSION BRIDGES DENS FOR ANIMALS TERRACES ENGINE HOUSES i TENNIS COURTS FOOT PAVEMENTS TUN ROOM FLOORS GARDEN WALKS TAN YARDS GOODS' SHEDS ¦ WAREHOUSE FLOORS GRANARIES ( for COl'll , COttoll , KITCHEN FLOORS hops , WOol , SCed , LAUNDRIES ; & C . ) LINING OF TANKS WASHIIOUSE FLOORS MALT ROOMS WINE CELLARS And all descriptions of work where it is desirable to prevent the rising of damp , or goods required to bo kept perfectly dry . Estimates given and works executed at home and abroad . All applications for Prices , itc , to be made to the Office , No . 6 , Guildhall Chambers , London , E . C .
The Cheapest Patent Geometrical Mosaic and Encaustic Tile Depot in London . SMIT H EM AN'S ( For many years with Messrs . Maw and Co . ) , 15 , COLLEGE STREET , FULIIAM ROAD , S . W ., where Architects , Builders , and others , can be supplied on demand with every kind of Tiles for Pavements . Wall Decorations , & c , for Churches , Schools , Entrance Halls , and Conservatories , Experienced Fixers sent to all parts . Ornamental Flower Pots nnd Boxes supplied . Patterns , Special Designs , and Estimates forwarded on application . Country orders promptly attcuded to .
MESSES . ELLIOTT , DESBOIS AND CO .. 27 , ST . MARV-AT-HILL , LONDON ' , E . C , and at 11 , RUE D'AUTIN , PARIS , GENERAL MERCHANTS AND AGENTS , i Shippers to Italy , all the Mediterranean Ports and the Levant , are desirous to make Consignments of English Produce and > ; Manufacture to leading houses on the Continent of Europe , and receive such ; against which liberal advances will be made i as well as on all goods shipped through their medium , which ' . they are able to do at the lowest rate , being in direct communication with the principal houses and for which only a ! small commission will be charged .
BR . JAMES STEVENS ( 25 , 720 , 1216 , & c ) , Auctioneer and Surveyor , House and Estate Agent , & c , Clapham Common . —Valuations for Probate or Legacy Duties . Agent to the Imperial Fire & Life Insurance Offices .
ARMS , CRESTS , and MONOGRAMS . — MASONIC EMBLEMS Engraved on Seals , Dies , & c . Official Stamps designed and Engraved . —Bro . D . G . BERRI , Engraver to Her Majesty ' s Post Office , Stationery Office , & c , 36 , High Holborn ( opposite Chancery-lane ) , London , W . C .
NICOLL , HAIR CUTTER to H . R . H the Prince of Wales , 40 , GLASSHOUSE STREET ,. REGENT STREET . The Hair artistically Cut and Brushed by Machinery—Charge Gd . Shampooing with the celebrated Indian IJeetah , and cold , tepid , and warm Distilled Water—Charge 6 d . ( including Brushing by Machinery ) . NICOLL'S GOLDEN TINCTURE , forgiving a brilliant Golden shade to Hair of any colour—Sample Bottle , 3 s . Gd . NICOLL'S UNIVERSAL TOILET COMPANION . — It cleanses and beautifies the Hair , rendering it soft , glossy , and elastic ; it purifies the skin , eradicates dandriff ; its use in the bath is most refreshing and invigorating . —Is . NICOLL'S CELEBRATED SYRIAN LIQUID HAIR DYE . —Instantaneous . —In Cases , 3 s . Gd . Extract from the Weekly Times , Hay . — "Nicoll ' s Syrian Liquid Hair Dyo may justly bo termed the Wonder of the Ago , being free- from all unpleasant smell ; and , acting instantaneously on tho hair , must please and astonish thoso who havo occasion to uso it . " Extract from tho Polytechnic Magazine . " — "It is with great pleasure wo call tho attention of our readers to tho Hair Dyo invented by Jlr . G . Nicoll . Its great superiority over other dyes confors a boon on that portion of tho community who require its use , which wo ourselves acknowledge , and our improved looks will tostify . " NICOLL'S TRICHONAPHRON removes the Scurf from tho skin , prevents it turning grey , and imparts to the Hair a beautifully glossy appearance . —2 s . Gd . per bottle . Hair-cutting and Shampooing Saloons . N . B . —Private Saloons for Ladies .
T \ It . LEA'S CELEBRATED MEDICINES . " The efficacy of Lea ' s Medicines is proverbial . " Daily Telegraph . " Lea ' s preparations are excellent . "—Morning Star . LEA'S BENGAL ATRABILIOUS PILLS . Invaluable in all liver complaints , and as a Family Medicine ( without Mercury ) . 2 s . Od . and 4 s . ( id . LEA'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS . Will eradicate these disorders when every other remed y has failed , excellent also in Neuralgia , Lumbago , and Sciatica . 2 s . 9 d . and 4 s . Gd . LEA'S CONSUMPTION SPECIFIC . If persevered in , will seldom fail . lis . and 22 s . LEA'S ASTHMATIC EMULSION . Maintains its superiority for this complaint , Chronic , Cough , Bronchial affections , Colds , & c . 2 s . 9 d . and 4 s . Od . LEA'S WHOOPING-COUGH EMULSION . A certain cure for this destructive complaint in a few days . 2 s . Od . and 4 s . Gd . Prepared by G . LEA , M . D . Camberwell , Surrey . LONDON AGENTS—BARCLAY , Farringdon-slrcct ; PAGE and TIBBS , 47 , Blackfriars-road ; and SUTTON , Bow Churchyard , % * Advice free .
CONSUMPTION OE THE LUNGS . — \ J Dn . RAIT has discovered a CEItTAIN CURE for thisfatal malady . Advice gratis . Address W . RAIT , M . D ., Pcckhum , Surrey .
Printed by Brother J . HBS ADLBV RHKVHS - SOX , Pla-houso Yard . Blackfriars , in tho City of London , and published by tho Proprietor , Brother GBOHOB KBNJIINQ . at his OlIlcoB , 3 and 1 , Littlo Britain , in tho City of Londou .-S . Ti / BD . ur , ASM - 17 , 1808 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
"vsr __ a : oz-. __ ± ! s _^ -. i _ , _ - _] _ A _ isr _ D _ E 2 ,-EDT ^ . . EVERY requisite in GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING , SHIRTS , and HOSIERY , for home or abroad , supplied on demand or promptly made to order by BRS . GAM , JOKES & CO ., Tailors , Shirtmakers , Hosiers , Glovers , Outfitters , and Manufacturers , 171 , FENCHUECH STKEET ; AND MANUFACTORY , 15 & 16 , BLOMFIELD STREET , E . C . The principles of business in the Retail Department are specially recommended to the Craft and others seeking the best market . The unvarying rule is to give good value for money , - to sell cheap when cheapness is consistent with quality , and to make a reduction on the price of an article when a quantity is taken . From this system of business—first established in 1805—their Wholesale Trude has grown , and GANN , JONES & CO . ' s Shirts and Clothing are fast finding favour with Merchants , Shippers , and tho best Houses in Town and Country . Wholesale Lists forwarded to Shippers and the Trade , and Retail Price Lists on application
BRO . HIGMAN'S MASONIC BOUQUET , GREATLY ADMIRED FOR ITS RICHNESS AND PERMANENCY OF FRAGRANCE . sold in stoppered Bottles , at 2 s . 6 d . each , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL At the MASONIC DEPOT , 3 & 4 , Little Britain , London .
BRO . BUSBRIDGE'S MASONIC NOTE AND LETTER PAPER . Sanctioned by The Most Worshipful The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England IT is impressed with Masonio Die , and has also Masonic Emblems incorporated with its texture , as Water Marks , while being manufactured . Sold , in Quarto and Octavo Packets of 5 Quires , Wholesale and Retail , at tho MASONIC DEPOT , 3 & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , E . C . Masonic Envelopes can also be obtained at the Depot-
SET OJEP 0-A . _ E _ : 0 _ EE-A . I _ E ^ S FOR CRAFT LODGE . PRICE , £ 8 8 s . MASONIC DEPOT , 3 & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN .
KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOT . Just Published , Price 2 s ., Post free , FUEEMASONS' CALENDAR and POCKETBOOK for the Year 18 G 9 , with tho Charge and Entered Apprentices' Song . To be had at BRO . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOT , Little Britain , London . Tylers supplied .
Price Five Shillings , LIFE OF CONSTANTINE , HY EUSEBIUS . Masonic Depot , 3 & 4 , Little Britaian .
JUST PUBLISHED . rnllE GENERAL STATUTES of the Imperial , A Ecclesiastical , and Military Order of the Red Cross of Rome and Constantine , and the Laws of the K . II . S . ; with an Appendix and Engravings of tho Jewels and Regalia , to which is added a Sketch of the History of tho lied Cross Order . Published under the authority of the Grand Council by It . WKNTWOKTH LITTLE , G . Recorder , and sold by G . KKSNINC , Little Britain , E . C . \ 2 mo Cloth , Bound and Lettered , Price Is . Gd .
To all who Advertise . SAVE TROUBLE AND EXPENSE BY SENDING TO Bro . JOHN BAPTIST WOLPERT , Authorised Agent to receive Advertisements for all the London and Country Newspapers . OFFICE , 3 , BIRCHES LANE , CORNHILL , LONDON .
GREYHOUND HOTEL , RICHMOND , SURREY . Opening of the New Masonic Hall & Banqueting Rooms . BRO . G . T . NOYCE has great pleasure in announcing to the Brethren and Public generally that he is now prepared to accommodate Lodges and Societies who may select his house for their Summer Festivals or other Meetings . The New Hall will seat 500 , and the Banqueting Room 200 persons . Wines and Viands of first-rate quality . Terms on application .
THE ELEPHANT TAVERN . HIGH STREET , KINGSLAND , N . E . BRO . B . P . TODD , many years of the Canonbury Tavern , Islington , and late of tho George Hotel , Aldermanbury , E . C , having taken the above Tavern , begs to inform his numerous Friends and Patrons that his present establishment combines every accommodation for Dinner Parties , & c . Wines , Spirits , & c ., of the finest quality .
F . G . S MYRK , Asphalte Importer , Manufacturer , and Contractor , BEGS most respectfully to call tho attention of the Nobility , Gentry , Architects , Sec ., Sec , to his well-known Asphaltes , which has been so successfull y applied throughout tho United Kingdom on tho following works : — ASYLUJt 1 'LOORS | PASSAGES BARN FLOORS | riQGEItlES BARRACK FLOORS j TR 1 SON CELLS COACII-IIOUSES TUBLIC FOOTWAYS COAL AND COKE STORES j PLAY GROUNDS CONSERVATORY FLOORS j RAILWAY PLATFORMS COURT YARDS i RACQUET COURTS COW SHEDS : SCHOOL ROOMS CARRIAGE DRIVES i STABLES DOG KENNELS SUSPENSION BRIDGES DENS FOR ANIMALS TERRACES ENGINE HOUSES i TENNIS COURTS FOOT PAVEMENTS TUN ROOM FLOORS GARDEN WALKS TAN YARDS GOODS' SHEDS ¦ WAREHOUSE FLOORS GRANARIES ( for COl'll , COttoll , KITCHEN FLOORS hops , WOol , SCed , LAUNDRIES ; & C . ) LINING OF TANKS WASHIIOUSE FLOORS MALT ROOMS WINE CELLARS And all descriptions of work where it is desirable to prevent the rising of damp , or goods required to bo kept perfectly dry . Estimates given and works executed at home and abroad . All applications for Prices , itc , to be made to the Office , No . 6 , Guildhall Chambers , London , E . C .
The Cheapest Patent Geometrical Mosaic and Encaustic Tile Depot in London . SMIT H EM AN'S ( For many years with Messrs . Maw and Co . ) , 15 , COLLEGE STREET , FULIIAM ROAD , S . W ., where Architects , Builders , and others , can be supplied on demand with every kind of Tiles for Pavements . Wall Decorations , & c , for Churches , Schools , Entrance Halls , and Conservatories , Experienced Fixers sent to all parts . Ornamental Flower Pots nnd Boxes supplied . Patterns , Special Designs , and Estimates forwarded on application . Country orders promptly attcuded to .
MESSES . ELLIOTT , DESBOIS AND CO .. 27 , ST . MARV-AT-HILL , LONDON ' , E . C , and at 11 , RUE D'AUTIN , PARIS , GENERAL MERCHANTS AND AGENTS , i Shippers to Italy , all the Mediterranean Ports and the Levant , are desirous to make Consignments of English Produce and > ; Manufacture to leading houses on the Continent of Europe , and receive such ; against which liberal advances will be made i as well as on all goods shipped through their medium , which ' . they are able to do at the lowest rate , being in direct communication with the principal houses and for which only a ! small commission will be charged .
BR . JAMES STEVENS ( 25 , 720 , 1216 , & c ) , Auctioneer and Surveyor , House and Estate Agent , & c , Clapham Common . —Valuations for Probate or Legacy Duties . Agent to the Imperial Fire & Life Insurance Offices .
ARMS , CRESTS , and MONOGRAMS . — MASONIC EMBLEMS Engraved on Seals , Dies , & c . Official Stamps designed and Engraved . —Bro . D . G . BERRI , Engraver to Her Majesty ' s Post Office , Stationery Office , & c , 36 , High Holborn ( opposite Chancery-lane ) , London , W . C .
NICOLL , HAIR CUTTER to H . R . H the Prince of Wales , 40 , GLASSHOUSE STREET ,. REGENT STREET . The Hair artistically Cut and Brushed by Machinery—Charge Gd . Shampooing with the celebrated Indian IJeetah , and cold , tepid , and warm Distilled Water—Charge 6 d . ( including Brushing by Machinery ) . NICOLL'S GOLDEN TINCTURE , forgiving a brilliant Golden shade to Hair of any colour—Sample Bottle , 3 s . Gd . NICOLL'S UNIVERSAL TOILET COMPANION . — It cleanses and beautifies the Hair , rendering it soft , glossy , and elastic ; it purifies the skin , eradicates dandriff ; its use in the bath is most refreshing and invigorating . —Is . NICOLL'S CELEBRATED SYRIAN LIQUID HAIR DYE . —Instantaneous . —In Cases , 3 s . Gd . Extract from the Weekly Times , Hay . — "Nicoll ' s Syrian Liquid Hair Dyo may justly bo termed the Wonder of the Ago , being free- from all unpleasant smell ; and , acting instantaneously on tho hair , must please and astonish thoso who havo occasion to uso it . " Extract from tho Polytechnic Magazine . " — "It is with great pleasure wo call tho attention of our readers to tho Hair Dyo invented by Jlr . G . Nicoll . Its great superiority over other dyes confors a boon on that portion of tho community who require its use , which wo ourselves acknowledge , and our improved looks will tostify . " NICOLL'S TRICHONAPHRON removes the Scurf from tho skin , prevents it turning grey , and imparts to the Hair a beautifully glossy appearance . —2 s . Gd . per bottle . Hair-cutting and Shampooing Saloons . N . B . —Private Saloons for Ladies .
T \ It . LEA'S CELEBRATED MEDICINES . " The efficacy of Lea ' s Medicines is proverbial . " Daily Telegraph . " Lea ' s preparations are excellent . "—Morning Star . LEA'S BENGAL ATRABILIOUS PILLS . Invaluable in all liver complaints , and as a Family Medicine ( without Mercury ) . 2 s . Od . and 4 s . ( id . LEA'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS . Will eradicate these disorders when every other remed y has failed , excellent also in Neuralgia , Lumbago , and Sciatica . 2 s . 9 d . and 4 s . Gd . LEA'S CONSUMPTION SPECIFIC . If persevered in , will seldom fail . lis . and 22 s . LEA'S ASTHMATIC EMULSION . Maintains its superiority for this complaint , Chronic , Cough , Bronchial affections , Colds , & c . 2 s . 9 d . and 4 s . Od . LEA'S WHOOPING-COUGH EMULSION . A certain cure for this destructive complaint in a few days . 2 s . Od . and 4 s . Gd . Prepared by G . LEA , M . D . Camberwell , Surrey . LONDON AGENTS—BARCLAY , Farringdon-slrcct ; PAGE and TIBBS , 47 , Blackfriars-road ; and SUTTON , Bow Churchyard , % * Advice free .
CONSUMPTION OE THE LUNGS . — \ J Dn . RAIT has discovered a CEItTAIN CURE for thisfatal malady . Advice gratis . Address W . RAIT , M . D ., Pcckhum , Surrey .
Printed by Brother J . HBS ADLBV RHKVHS - SOX , Pla-houso Yard . Blackfriars , in tho City of London , and published by tho Proprietor , Brother GBOHOB KBNJIINQ . at his OlIlcoB , 3 and 1 , Littlo Britain , in tho City of Londou .-S . Ti / BD . ur , ASM - 17 , 1808 .