Article THE ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OF IMPROVEMENT. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Royal Arch Chapter Of Improvement.
Queen and Royal Arch Masonry . " He then gave in hearty terms " The Health of the Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , ICG ., ist Grand Principal of the Order , " alluding specially to the important mission with which his lordship had been recently entrusted , and to the success which had crowned his endeavours in the sacred cause of
peace . The toast was received with enthusiasm , as was also the next , namely , " The Health of Lord Zetland , as Past Grand Z . " Comp . Hervey then proposed " The Healths of the Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , 2 nd Grand Principal , and the Officers of the Grand Chapter ,
Present and Past . " He said that the ability and zeal evinced by the noble earl , not only as a Mason , but as a statesman and senator , were so widely acknowledged that eulogy would be a work of supererogation on an occasion like the present . Lord de Tabley , the 3 rd Grand Principal , was likewise a
well-known and popular Provincial Grand Master , who had done great service to Masonry ; and the other present and past Grand Officers were also excellent supporters of the Order . Fortunately ( continued the V . E . Chairman J , we have a representative of Grand Chapter amongst us this evening
and he is one who deserves , in every sense of the word , the distinction which has been conferred upon him . I shall have occasion to refer to him more particularly hereafter , so I will not detain you now , companions , further than to announce that , with the toast of the Grand Officers , I couple the
name of our esteemed Comp . James Brett . ( Great cheering . ) It is almost needless to add that the toast was drunk with the utmost cordiality , and elicited a handsome speech , in acknowledgment , from Comp . Brett .
" The Chairman ' s Health was then given b y Comp . Carpenter , P . Z . 177 , who , amidst general manifestations of approval , spoke at some length upon the services which Comp . Hervey had rendered to the Craft during a long Masonic career . He ( Comp . Carpenter ) alluded to the delight with
which Comp . Hervey ' sadvcnt to the offices of Grand Secretary and Grand Scribe had been hailed at the time by all who knew him , and to the courtesy , ability , and attention he had since so conspicuously displayed in discharging the important duties connected with the secretarial department . On Comp .
Hervey ' s abilities as a Mason , it would ill become him ( the speaker ) to dilate , because those abilities were already appreciated by many thousands in the Craft . The Grand Scribe E . was , as all were doubtless aware , the Treasurer of the R . A . Chapter of Improvement ; he had helped it forward in its
earlier stages , when success seemed doubtful , and he had shown ever since a great interest in its progress . He therefore called upon them to rise and drink the health of the brother and companion who presided over them so ably and so gracefully that evening .
The toast was received with loud and continued applause , which was renewed when the Chairman rose to return thanks , which he did in eloquent and pleasing terms , after which he gave the toast of tli 2 evening , " Success to the Royal Arch Chapter of Improvement , " coupled with the name of its prince
of Preceptors , Comp . Brett . This toast was likewise greeted with great cheering , and in the course of his reply , Comp . Brett detailed the history of the formation of the chapter and of its progress to the present time . The visitors'healths were responded to by Comps .
Smith , Paton , and Levy—the officers' by Comps . Boyd , Thomas , and Little ; and Comps . Major Finney and G . S . States very abl y expressed the thanks of the members of the Chapter Committee the latter especially alluding to the preliminary meetings having been held at his place of business ,
the Caledonian Hotel , Adelphi-terrace , where sixty or seventy of the founders had assembled last September . The Janitor was then called upon for the final toast , and the companions separated . AVe must not omit to state that if the magnificent working of Comp . Brett and his coadjutors deserved
our first and highest meed of praise , there is yet a warm corner in our cor cordium for the worthy Comps . E . H . Finney , jun ., and T . AV . White for the admirable way in which they managed to ensure the comfort of all present , especially the guests—in fact , all the details of the evening had evidentl y been well considered beforehand , and the- result was simply perfection .
RED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE . —A ncwconclave called the "Earl of Bective , " No . 58 on the roll , has just been formed at Towanda , Bradford County Pennsylvania , with Sir Kt . H . B . M cKcan , G . C . K . T . of theStatc . as the first M . P . S ., and SirKt . C . S . Russell
as the first Viceroy . 111 . Sir Kt . Alfred Creigh , 33 ° LL . D ., the local chief for Pennsylvania , is ' now Intendant-Gcneral for the Northern Jurisdiction of the United States , and is assuredly the right man in the tight place ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
METROPOLITAN . Cavcac Lodge , No . 176 . —fin Saturday , 10 th instant , this justly-celebrated lodge held its installation meeting at Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars . The W . M ., Bro . _ T . Quihampton , having taken his seat in the Solomonic chair , opened the lodge in due form , and the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed . The report
of the Audit Committee was also read , which showed that the funds were in a sound position . There was no work before the lodge except the all-important ceremony of installation . The AV . M . having most satisfactorily explained why he had not been able to work up that ceremony in the efficient manner he would like to have rendered it , state . ! lhat Bro . P . A . Nairne , P . M ., at a short
notice , had kindly consented to perform the work for him . The W . M . accordingly vacated the chair , which was then taken by Bro . P . A . Nairne , P . M ., who appointed as his Wardens Bros . Dr . C . Brown , P . M ., D . C , as S . W ., and Pemble Brown , P . M ., Treas ., as J . W .. Bro . T . Quihampton then presented Bro . Robert Stannard Foreman , S . W . and W . M .-elect , to receive the benefit of
installation . That brother was duly installed into the chair of K . S ., and , at the proper time , appoii . ted as his officers : Bros . H . Beslcy . S . W . ; F . H . Godsell , J . W . ; Pemble Brown , P . M ., Treas . ( re-invested ) ; E . Litchfield , P . M ., Hon . Sec . ( this reappointment was received by a perfect ovation , the venerable brother being escorted to the pedestal by the two senior P . M . ' s present , and the
prolonged applause which greeted him proved how sincerely the brethren appreciated the father of their lodge ) ; II . Jermyn , S . D . ; AV . D . Barnett , J . D . ; AV . A . Hinde , I . G . ; Dr . C . Browne , P . M ., D . C , ( re-invested ); A . E . Tower , W . S . ( re-invested ) ; and T . Riley , P . M ., Tyler ( re-invested ) . Then followed the beautiful addresses , which were well given , those to the AV . M . and the
Wardens by the Installing Master , ancl that to the members generally by the polished elocutionist , Bro . Dr . C . Browne . Never have wc had the good fortune to hear the ceremony of installation better rendered . It was indeed an intellectual treat to be present on this auspicious occasion , and we cordially congratulate the lodge on its possessing two such excellent workers as Bros . Nairne and Dr . Browne ,
who are worthy contemporaries of the many excellent Masons who are still on the lodge roll . Neither is there any fear lhat the present W . M ., Bro . R . S . Foreman , and the officers under him will in any way lower the high standard of reputation so justly and deservedly earned by this lodge , as being one of the best worked in our great metropolis . Superior music was introduced during the
ceremony of the installation , Bro . Beslcy , S . W ., presiding at the harmonium , which , if possible , added to its beauty , and certainly promoted and enhanced to its effectiveness . A cordial vote of thanks was given to Bros . Nairne and Dr . Browne , which compliment they duly acknowledged . Bro . Dr . C . Browne , P . M ., D . C , in an eloquent speech proposed that the usual ten-guinea Past Master ' s jewel be
presented from the lodge funds to Bro . T . Quihampton , I . P . M .,-as a recognition or the able manner in which he had presided over their meetings during his year of office as AV . M ., which was carried by acclamation . Bro . R . S . Foreman then , in the name of the lodge , presented the Past Master ' s jeivel to Bro . T . Quihampton , I . P . M ., who , in an appropriate speech , acknowledged this gift .
A petition on behalf of a widow of a member ( who over thirty years ago once belonged to this lodge ) was signed , recommending her to the Lodge of Benevolence . The worthy Secretary , Bro . E . Litchfield , in the kindest Masonic manner , consented to support this application at the next Lodge of Benevolence . Bro . G . II . Payne ( 176 ) was proposed as a rejoining member . It was understood
that at the next meeting 111 October Bro . 1 « . II . Godsell , J . \ V ., will be elected as the Steward to represent this lodge at the festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , to be held next January . Arrangements having been made to decide upon where the next meeting of the lodge will be held ( in consequence of Bro . J . Hart being about to relinquish his position as the proprietor of
this hotel ) , the lodge was closed for the season . Then followed one of those superb first-class banquets for which Bro . J . Hart is so famous , served under his own superintendence , and followed by an elegant dessert . The wines were of the very finest brands , and every one seemed well pleased at the fare placed before them . Deep regrets were expressed that this should belheir last meeting under
the old hospitable roof , where so many pleasant evenings had been spent . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . AVarin euljgies were passed on the Secretary and Treasurer for the efficient manner both had performed their duties , and each responded in very happy and appropriate speeches . Bro . Dr . J . Harrington , P . P . G . S . AV . Herts , responded for the
visitors . Songs , recitations , anil other amusements brought this enjoyable evening to a close . There were present besides those named ( and many whose names we were unable to ascertain ) : Bros . AV . G . Quihamption , F . Burghard , J . J . AVilkinson , AV . Jones , K . Humphreys , & c . The visitors were Bros . E . Clark , P . P . G . D . C . Middlesex ;
AV . Giles , P . P . G . S . D . Essex ; G . II . Daw , P . M . 7 ; E . Martin , 23 ; F . AValtcrs , P . M . 73 ; T . II . Perrin , S . AV . 92 ; G . II . Payne , 176 ; F . Mitchell , P . M . 340 ; C . Marshall , 742 ; G . K . Leman , J . D . 890 ; C . F . Pearson , S 90 ; P . C . Nixon , 957 ; A . Phillips , J . AV . 1155 , and others .
Lodi > e of Jo / ipa , A o . ISS . —At the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , on Monday , 5 th inst ., this old and flourishing lodge held its regular meeting . Bro . Maurice Alexander , AV . M ., opened tlie lodge , and there were present during the evening Bros . B . AV . Aaron , I . P . M . ; J .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Abrahams , IT . M . Levy , L . Alexander , M . Van Diepenheimer , H . Harris , and L . Lyons , P . M . 's ; Berkowith , S . AV . ; E . Hunt , J . AV . ; J . Elkan , Treas . ; E . P . Albert , Hon . Sec ; O . Roberts , S . D . ; C . Nathan , J . D . ; S . Hickman , I . G . ; Dobson , D . C ; J . Goldsmid , Steward ; E . P . Van Noorden , Organist ; and the usual large attendance of members . Amongst the numerous visitors
were Bros . A . L . Emanuel , P . P . G . J . D . Hants ; J . Harvey , AV . M . 957 ; AVebb , J . D . II ; J . G . Shearman , 2 S ; B . Rotchchild , late iSS ; L . H . Beck , 185 ; M . H . Benjamin , 416 ; J . Freeman , 12 S 7 , and others . The work done ( after the minutes were confirmed ) was raising Bro . C . Hyman to the third , passing Bros . Morris and Frank to the second , and initialing Messrs Gregory ancl Nathan into the first degree . The lodge was then called off . Bro .
Jennings , the manager , provided a recherche banquet served under the superintendence of Bro . Keeping , which gave universal satisfaction . The usual toasts were given . AVhen resumed , after refreshment , several propositions were made , and the lodge was duly closed until next October . Bro . E . P . Van Noorden , Organist , carried out the musical arrangements in an able manner . He sang some buffo songs , and Miss Eldon sang her songs in the usual delightful manner so pleasing to all .
Finsbury Lodge , No . 861 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , May 26 th , at the Jolly Anglers , Bath-street , St . Luke ' s . Bro . Nicholls , AV . M ., opened the lodge . The minutes of the previous meeting were read , and after some discussion , confirmed . The business done was raising Bro . Farrcll by Bro . Mackey , P . M . and AV . M .-elect , and installing Bro . Mackey as
W . M ., which ceremony was admirably performed by Bro . A . Day , P . M ., Treas . The newly-installed AV . M . then aopointed as his officers Bros . Stokes , S . AA . ; Meanwell , J . AV . ; A . Day , P . M ., Treas . ; T . E . Purday , P . M . Sec ; Odell , S . D . ; Thomas , J . D . ; Legg , I . G . ; Groom , Steward ; Lowles , A . S . ; J . Owens , D . C ; C . J . Speight , P . M ., Tyler . The retiring Master , Bro . Nicholls , was presented with a handsome silver cup , in place of the
ordinary Past Master ' s jewel . The lodge was closed , and banquet followed . A large number of visitors were present . Lodgeof Asaph No . 1319 . —This popular lodge held its usual monthly meeting at Freemasons' Hall on Monday , 5 th inst . Present : Bros . E . S . Jones , P . M ., AV . M . ; Charles Coote , P . M ., S . AV . ; J . M . Chamberlin , P . M ., J . AV . ; James AVeaver , P . M . S 62 , P . G . O . Middlesex , S . D . ; Charles Coote , jun ., Treasurer ; AV . A . Tinney ,
D . C ; C . J . Jekyll , I . G . ; T . A . Adams , P . G . P . ; IT . J Tinney , f . Egerton , J . Baker , AA . IT . AVeston , J . Horton , C . II . AVright , AV . Graves , \ V . Oastell , J . Strachan , L . . Silberberg , IT . J . Snyders . Visitors : Bro . M . \ A . Marrity , Star of Bethlehem , Chelsea , U . S . A . ; G . C . Pritchard , S 62 ; IT . M . ITorsec , 1 S 96 . The business consisted in initiating Messrs . G . A . Compton , Professor of Music ,
and AV . IT . Farnie , dramatic author ; passing Bros . Graves , Castell , Horton , and Wright ; and raising Bro . Silberberg to the sublime degree of M . M . Bro . [ ames Weaver ' s musical and vocal Masonic services added much to the solemnity of the respective degrees so excellently worked in this lodge . The lodge then voted the requisite sum
of money to become Governors of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . This young lodge is setting an example which ought to be observed in every lodge . Although only seven months old , it is cleir of debt , Life Governors of the two charities , and has over ^ 60 in hand to pay their Grand Lodge dues when they become due . Mr . Reynolds , Professor of Music , was proposed for initiation . PROVINCIAL . BERKELEY . —Royal Lodge of Faith and Friendship , AV . 270 . —This old-established lodge held its last meeting for the season at the Berkeley Arms Hotel , Berkeley , on Monday , the 5 th inst . The lodge was opened in due form by Bro . Charles Partridge , P . M ., who was supported by Bros . William Pinncll , S . W . ; Samuel Davis , J . AV . ;
Daniel Bcsley , S . D . ; John Neale , J . D . ; John Gamble , I . G . ; Joseph Menett , Tyler ; Octavius Long , P . M . ; John Carey , James T . Handy , AV . Smith , T . Morse , AV . Sinderby , James Oliver , E . Long , E . Rogers , Lieut . Boxsomc , & c . The minutes of the last meeting having been read and unanimously agreed to , the business of the evening was to raise Bro . E . Rogers to the sublime
degree of M . M ., after which , the lodge having been closed in harmony , the brethren adjourned to another room , and sat down to an ample repast , and a happy evening was spent . LEICESTER . —St . John ' s Lodge , A o . 279 . —The last regular monthly meeting of this lodge before the summer recess was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on AVednesday ,
the 7 th inst .. when , in addition to the AV . M ., Bro . C . Stretton , P . P . G . R ., there were present Bros . Kelly , P . M . and R . W . P . G . M . ; L . A . Clarke , P . M . and P . P . G . S . AV . ; AV . Weare , P . M . and Treas . ; Crow , S . W . ; Dr . Pearce , J . W . ; WiJdowson , Sec ; J . AVright Smith , J . D . ; Halford , I . G . ; Bembridge , Tyler ; M'Allisler , Worthington , Edwards , Tarratt , Donisthorpe , Blankley , Cleaver ,
Beeton , Statham , and Kirby . Visitors : Bros . Buzzard , W . M . ; Toller , P . M . ; AV . Beaumont Smith , P . M . ; Sculthorpe , S . AV . ; Partridge , S . D . ; Dr . Clifton , AVhittakcr , and Parsons , of No . 523 . After the transaction of some preliminary business , Bro . Charles J , AA ' ortlungton , having been duly examined , was passed a Fellow Craft , after , which , Mr . Thomas Henry Kirby , M . A ' . C . S , was initiated into our mysteries , the ceremonies being
performed by the P . G . M ., and the woiking i 0 o ! s being explained by Bro . Toller . At the last meeting Bro . Win . Pettifqr , an old and highly-respected Past Master of the lodge , had a vote of thanks accorded to him for his past services , and he was nominated an honorary member , the ballot being on the list of business for this meeting . His death having , however , occurred in the previous week , the AV . M . announced the fact to the lodge in appropriate terms of regret . The Prov . CM ,, after alluding in high
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The Royal Arch Chapter Of Improvement.
Queen and Royal Arch Masonry . " He then gave in hearty terms " The Health of the Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , ICG ., ist Grand Principal of the Order , " alluding specially to the important mission with which his lordship had been recently entrusted , and to the success which had crowned his endeavours in the sacred cause of
peace . The toast was received with enthusiasm , as was also the next , namely , " The Health of Lord Zetland , as Past Grand Z . " Comp . Hervey then proposed " The Healths of the Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , 2 nd Grand Principal , and the Officers of the Grand Chapter ,
Present and Past . " He said that the ability and zeal evinced by the noble earl , not only as a Mason , but as a statesman and senator , were so widely acknowledged that eulogy would be a work of supererogation on an occasion like the present . Lord de Tabley , the 3 rd Grand Principal , was likewise a
well-known and popular Provincial Grand Master , who had done great service to Masonry ; and the other present and past Grand Officers were also excellent supporters of the Order . Fortunately ( continued the V . E . Chairman J , we have a representative of Grand Chapter amongst us this evening
and he is one who deserves , in every sense of the word , the distinction which has been conferred upon him . I shall have occasion to refer to him more particularly hereafter , so I will not detain you now , companions , further than to announce that , with the toast of the Grand Officers , I couple the
name of our esteemed Comp . James Brett . ( Great cheering . ) It is almost needless to add that the toast was drunk with the utmost cordiality , and elicited a handsome speech , in acknowledgment , from Comp . Brett .
" The Chairman ' s Health was then given b y Comp . Carpenter , P . Z . 177 , who , amidst general manifestations of approval , spoke at some length upon the services which Comp . Hervey had rendered to the Craft during a long Masonic career . He ( Comp . Carpenter ) alluded to the delight with
which Comp . Hervey ' sadvcnt to the offices of Grand Secretary and Grand Scribe had been hailed at the time by all who knew him , and to the courtesy , ability , and attention he had since so conspicuously displayed in discharging the important duties connected with the secretarial department . On Comp .
Hervey ' s abilities as a Mason , it would ill become him ( the speaker ) to dilate , because those abilities were already appreciated by many thousands in the Craft . The Grand Scribe E . was , as all were doubtless aware , the Treasurer of the R . A . Chapter of Improvement ; he had helped it forward in its
earlier stages , when success seemed doubtful , and he had shown ever since a great interest in its progress . He therefore called upon them to rise and drink the health of the brother and companion who presided over them so ably and so gracefully that evening .
The toast was received with loud and continued applause , which was renewed when the Chairman rose to return thanks , which he did in eloquent and pleasing terms , after which he gave the toast of tli 2 evening , " Success to the Royal Arch Chapter of Improvement , " coupled with the name of its prince
of Preceptors , Comp . Brett . This toast was likewise greeted with great cheering , and in the course of his reply , Comp . Brett detailed the history of the formation of the chapter and of its progress to the present time . The visitors'healths were responded to by Comps .
Smith , Paton , and Levy—the officers' by Comps . Boyd , Thomas , and Little ; and Comps . Major Finney and G . S . States very abl y expressed the thanks of the members of the Chapter Committee the latter especially alluding to the preliminary meetings having been held at his place of business ,
the Caledonian Hotel , Adelphi-terrace , where sixty or seventy of the founders had assembled last September . The Janitor was then called upon for the final toast , and the companions separated . AVe must not omit to state that if the magnificent working of Comp . Brett and his coadjutors deserved
our first and highest meed of praise , there is yet a warm corner in our cor cordium for the worthy Comps . E . H . Finney , jun ., and T . AV . White for the admirable way in which they managed to ensure the comfort of all present , especially the guests—in fact , all the details of the evening had evidentl y been well considered beforehand , and the- result was simply perfection .
RED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE . —A ncwconclave called the "Earl of Bective , " No . 58 on the roll , has just been formed at Towanda , Bradford County Pennsylvania , with Sir Kt . H . B . M cKcan , G . C . K . T . of theStatc . as the first M . P . S ., and SirKt . C . S . Russell
as the first Viceroy . 111 . Sir Kt . Alfred Creigh , 33 ° LL . D ., the local chief for Pennsylvania , is ' now Intendant-Gcneral for the Northern Jurisdiction of the United States , and is assuredly the right man in the tight place ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
METROPOLITAN . Cavcac Lodge , No . 176 . —fin Saturday , 10 th instant , this justly-celebrated lodge held its installation meeting at Radley ' s Hotel , Blackfriars . The W . M ., Bro . _ T . Quihampton , having taken his seat in the Solomonic chair , opened the lodge in due form , and the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed . The report
of the Audit Committee was also read , which showed that the funds were in a sound position . There was no work before the lodge except the all-important ceremony of installation . The AV . M . having most satisfactorily explained why he had not been able to work up that ceremony in the efficient manner he would like to have rendered it , state . ! lhat Bro . P . A . Nairne , P . M ., at a short
notice , had kindly consented to perform the work for him . The W . M . accordingly vacated the chair , which was then taken by Bro . P . A . Nairne , P . M ., who appointed as his Wardens Bros . Dr . C . Brown , P . M ., D . C , as S . W ., and Pemble Brown , P . M ., Treas ., as J . W .. Bro . T . Quihampton then presented Bro . Robert Stannard Foreman , S . W . and W . M .-elect , to receive the benefit of
installation . That brother was duly installed into the chair of K . S ., and , at the proper time , appoii . ted as his officers : Bros . H . Beslcy . S . W . ; F . H . Godsell , J . W . ; Pemble Brown , P . M ., Treas . ( re-invested ) ; E . Litchfield , P . M ., Hon . Sec . ( this reappointment was received by a perfect ovation , the venerable brother being escorted to the pedestal by the two senior P . M . ' s present , and the
prolonged applause which greeted him proved how sincerely the brethren appreciated the father of their lodge ) ; II . Jermyn , S . D . ; AV . D . Barnett , J . D . ; AV . A . Hinde , I . G . ; Dr . C . Browne , P . M ., D . C , ( re-invested ); A . E . Tower , W . S . ( re-invested ) ; and T . Riley , P . M ., Tyler ( re-invested ) . Then followed the beautiful addresses , which were well given , those to the AV . M . and the
Wardens by the Installing Master , ancl that to the members generally by the polished elocutionist , Bro . Dr . C . Browne . Never have wc had the good fortune to hear the ceremony of installation better rendered . It was indeed an intellectual treat to be present on this auspicious occasion , and we cordially congratulate the lodge on its possessing two such excellent workers as Bros . Nairne and Dr . Browne ,
who are worthy contemporaries of the many excellent Masons who are still on the lodge roll . Neither is there any fear lhat the present W . M ., Bro . R . S . Foreman , and the officers under him will in any way lower the high standard of reputation so justly and deservedly earned by this lodge , as being one of the best worked in our great metropolis . Superior music was introduced during the
ceremony of the installation , Bro . Beslcy , S . W ., presiding at the harmonium , which , if possible , added to its beauty , and certainly promoted and enhanced to its effectiveness . A cordial vote of thanks was given to Bros . Nairne and Dr . Browne , which compliment they duly acknowledged . Bro . Dr . C . Browne , P . M ., D . C , in an eloquent speech proposed that the usual ten-guinea Past Master ' s jewel be
presented from the lodge funds to Bro . T . Quihampton , I . P . M .,-as a recognition or the able manner in which he had presided over their meetings during his year of office as AV . M ., which was carried by acclamation . Bro . R . S . Foreman then , in the name of the lodge , presented the Past Master ' s jeivel to Bro . T . Quihampton , I . P . M ., who , in an appropriate speech , acknowledged this gift .
A petition on behalf of a widow of a member ( who over thirty years ago once belonged to this lodge ) was signed , recommending her to the Lodge of Benevolence . The worthy Secretary , Bro . E . Litchfield , in the kindest Masonic manner , consented to support this application at the next Lodge of Benevolence . Bro . G . II . Payne ( 176 ) was proposed as a rejoining member . It was understood
that at the next meeting 111 October Bro . 1 « . II . Godsell , J . \ V ., will be elected as the Steward to represent this lodge at the festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , to be held next January . Arrangements having been made to decide upon where the next meeting of the lodge will be held ( in consequence of Bro . J . Hart being about to relinquish his position as the proprietor of
this hotel ) , the lodge was closed for the season . Then followed one of those superb first-class banquets for which Bro . J . Hart is so famous , served under his own superintendence , and followed by an elegant dessert . The wines were of the very finest brands , and every one seemed well pleased at the fare placed before them . Deep regrets were expressed that this should belheir last meeting under
the old hospitable roof , where so many pleasant evenings had been spent . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . AVarin euljgies were passed on the Secretary and Treasurer for the efficient manner both had performed their duties , and each responded in very happy and appropriate speeches . Bro . Dr . J . Harrington , P . P . G . S . AV . Herts , responded for the
visitors . Songs , recitations , anil other amusements brought this enjoyable evening to a close . There were present besides those named ( and many whose names we were unable to ascertain ) : Bros . AV . G . Quihamption , F . Burghard , J . J . AVilkinson , AV . Jones , K . Humphreys , & c . The visitors were Bros . E . Clark , P . P . G . D . C . Middlesex ;
AV . Giles , P . P . G . S . D . Essex ; G . II . Daw , P . M . 7 ; E . Martin , 23 ; F . AValtcrs , P . M . 73 ; T . II . Perrin , S . AV . 92 ; G . II . Payne , 176 ; F . Mitchell , P . M . 340 ; C . Marshall , 742 ; G . K . Leman , J . D . 890 ; C . F . Pearson , S 90 ; P . C . Nixon , 957 ; A . Phillips , J . AV . 1155 , and others .
Lodi > e of Jo / ipa , A o . ISS . —At the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , on Monday , 5 th inst ., this old and flourishing lodge held its regular meeting . Bro . Maurice Alexander , AV . M ., opened tlie lodge , and there were present during the evening Bros . B . AV . Aaron , I . P . M . ; J .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Abrahams , IT . M . Levy , L . Alexander , M . Van Diepenheimer , H . Harris , and L . Lyons , P . M . 's ; Berkowith , S . AV . ; E . Hunt , J . AV . ; J . Elkan , Treas . ; E . P . Albert , Hon . Sec ; O . Roberts , S . D . ; C . Nathan , J . D . ; S . Hickman , I . G . ; Dobson , D . C ; J . Goldsmid , Steward ; E . P . Van Noorden , Organist ; and the usual large attendance of members . Amongst the numerous visitors
were Bros . A . L . Emanuel , P . P . G . J . D . Hants ; J . Harvey , AV . M . 957 ; AVebb , J . D . II ; J . G . Shearman , 2 S ; B . Rotchchild , late iSS ; L . H . Beck , 185 ; M . H . Benjamin , 416 ; J . Freeman , 12 S 7 , and others . The work done ( after the minutes were confirmed ) was raising Bro . C . Hyman to the third , passing Bros . Morris and Frank to the second , and initialing Messrs Gregory ancl Nathan into the first degree . The lodge was then called off . Bro .
Jennings , the manager , provided a recherche banquet served under the superintendence of Bro . Keeping , which gave universal satisfaction . The usual toasts were given . AVhen resumed , after refreshment , several propositions were made , and the lodge was duly closed until next October . Bro . E . P . Van Noorden , Organist , carried out the musical arrangements in an able manner . He sang some buffo songs , and Miss Eldon sang her songs in the usual delightful manner so pleasing to all .
Finsbury Lodge , No . 861 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , May 26 th , at the Jolly Anglers , Bath-street , St . Luke ' s . Bro . Nicholls , AV . M ., opened the lodge . The minutes of the previous meeting were read , and after some discussion , confirmed . The business done was raising Bro . Farrcll by Bro . Mackey , P . M . and AV . M .-elect , and installing Bro . Mackey as
W . M ., which ceremony was admirably performed by Bro . A . Day , P . M ., Treas . The newly-installed AV . M . then aopointed as his officers Bros . Stokes , S . AA . ; Meanwell , J . AV . ; A . Day , P . M ., Treas . ; T . E . Purday , P . M . Sec ; Odell , S . D . ; Thomas , J . D . ; Legg , I . G . ; Groom , Steward ; Lowles , A . S . ; J . Owens , D . C ; C . J . Speight , P . M ., Tyler . The retiring Master , Bro . Nicholls , was presented with a handsome silver cup , in place of the
ordinary Past Master ' s jewel . The lodge was closed , and banquet followed . A large number of visitors were present . Lodgeof Asaph No . 1319 . —This popular lodge held its usual monthly meeting at Freemasons' Hall on Monday , 5 th inst . Present : Bros . E . S . Jones , P . M ., AV . M . ; Charles Coote , P . M ., S . AV . ; J . M . Chamberlin , P . M ., J . AV . ; James AVeaver , P . M . S 62 , P . G . O . Middlesex , S . D . ; Charles Coote , jun ., Treasurer ; AV . A . Tinney ,
D . C ; C . J . Jekyll , I . G . ; T . A . Adams , P . G . P . ; IT . J Tinney , f . Egerton , J . Baker , AA . IT . AVeston , J . Horton , C . II . AVright , AV . Graves , \ V . Oastell , J . Strachan , L . . Silberberg , IT . J . Snyders . Visitors : Bro . M . \ A . Marrity , Star of Bethlehem , Chelsea , U . S . A . ; G . C . Pritchard , S 62 ; IT . M . ITorsec , 1 S 96 . The business consisted in initiating Messrs . G . A . Compton , Professor of Music ,
and AV . IT . Farnie , dramatic author ; passing Bros . Graves , Castell , Horton , and Wright ; and raising Bro . Silberberg to the sublime degree of M . M . Bro . [ ames Weaver ' s musical and vocal Masonic services added much to the solemnity of the respective degrees so excellently worked in this lodge . The lodge then voted the requisite sum
of money to become Governors of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . This young lodge is setting an example which ought to be observed in every lodge . Although only seven months old , it is cleir of debt , Life Governors of the two charities , and has over ^ 60 in hand to pay their Grand Lodge dues when they become due . Mr . Reynolds , Professor of Music , was proposed for initiation . PROVINCIAL . BERKELEY . —Royal Lodge of Faith and Friendship , AV . 270 . —This old-established lodge held its last meeting for the season at the Berkeley Arms Hotel , Berkeley , on Monday , the 5 th inst . The lodge was opened in due form by Bro . Charles Partridge , P . M ., who was supported by Bros . William Pinncll , S . W . ; Samuel Davis , J . AV . ;
Daniel Bcsley , S . D . ; John Neale , J . D . ; John Gamble , I . G . ; Joseph Menett , Tyler ; Octavius Long , P . M . ; John Carey , James T . Handy , AV . Smith , T . Morse , AV . Sinderby , James Oliver , E . Long , E . Rogers , Lieut . Boxsomc , & c . The minutes of the last meeting having been read and unanimously agreed to , the business of the evening was to raise Bro . E . Rogers to the sublime
degree of M . M ., after which , the lodge having been closed in harmony , the brethren adjourned to another room , and sat down to an ample repast , and a happy evening was spent . LEICESTER . —St . John ' s Lodge , A o . 279 . —The last regular monthly meeting of this lodge before the summer recess was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on AVednesday ,
the 7 th inst .. when , in addition to the AV . M ., Bro . C . Stretton , P . P . G . R ., there were present Bros . Kelly , P . M . and R . W . P . G . M . ; L . A . Clarke , P . M . and P . P . G . S . AV . ; AV . Weare , P . M . and Treas . ; Crow , S . W . ; Dr . Pearce , J . W . ; WiJdowson , Sec ; J . AVright Smith , J . D . ; Halford , I . G . ; Bembridge , Tyler ; M'Allisler , Worthington , Edwards , Tarratt , Donisthorpe , Blankley , Cleaver ,
Beeton , Statham , and Kirby . Visitors : Bros . Buzzard , W . M . ; Toller , P . M . ; AV . Beaumont Smith , P . M . ; Sculthorpe , S . AV . ; Partridge , S . D . ; Dr . Clifton , AVhittakcr , and Parsons , of No . 523 . After the transaction of some preliminary business , Bro . Charles J , AA ' ortlungton , having been duly examined , was passed a Fellow Craft , after , which , Mr . Thomas Henry Kirby , M . A ' . C . S , was initiated into our mysteries , the ceremonies being
performed by the P . G . M ., and the woiking i 0 o ! s being explained by Bro . Toller . At the last meeting Bro . Win . Pettifqr , an old and highly-respected Past Master of the lodge , had a vote of thanks accorded to him for his past services , and he was nominated an honorary member , the ballot being on the list of business for this meeting . His death having , however , occurred in the previous week , the AV . M . announced the fact to the lodge in appropriate terms of regret . The Prov . CM ,, after alluding in high