Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Dedication Of The Surrey Masonic Hall, And Consecration Of The Surrey Masonic Hall Lodge (No. 1539).
bright- northern star of Masonry , as we may fairly •all him , and of whom we , as members of the Craft , arc justly jir md as a distinguished friend and lover of the art—that beautifu ' , honorable , ancient art , to spread and to dignify which lodges are 'formed in every quarter of the globe . Thus much as to the extent , and , so to speak , the universality of Masonry ; and when to this is
further added the comprehensiveness of the institution , the vast circle of arts and sciences which it takes in and cmbraces , then we shall no longer for one single moment wonder at its vast extent , hut feel jiersuaded that Masonry must and ever will keep pace and run parallel with the outline and civilisation of mankind . Nay , we may state with the greatest truth , that where Masonry is not , there
civilisation will never be found . And so in very fact it ap - pears ; for in those barbarous nations and savage countries where operative Masonry never lays the line nor stretches thc compass , where skilful architecture never jilans the structure nor rears thc well ordered columns in those uncultured regions liberal science never softens , nor does elegant art refine , beautify
and embellish the mind . With these very few , imjierfect remarks can any man tloubt for a single moment as to the excellence and great utility of Masonry , thus deep in antiquity , boundless in extent , universal in its comprehension of every science , ojierative and sjieculative ; thus as it were in its wide arms embracing the whole circle of arts and morals . Indeed , the well known
and often quoted eulogy which Cicero once pronounced upon philosophy may I think with equal jiropriety be applied to Freemasonry . He says , " Hicc studia adolescentiam alunt , senectulem oblectant . Sccundas res ornant , adversis perfugium ac solatium pro-bent . Delectant domi , non impediunt foras . Pernoctant nobiscum , peregrinantur , rusticantur . " And for the
information of those brethren whose Latin may be somewhat musty , allow mc to put that freely into English , and it reads thus , that Masonry , like philosophy , will be found eminently to be the improvement of youth , the delight of old age , thc ornament of prosperity , the solace and refuge of our adverse hours : it pleases at home ; it is not an incumbrance abroad ; it lodges with us ; travels with us ;
and adds jdeisure and amusement to our rural retirement . ( Hear , hear . ) Allow me then , Most Worshipful Dejiuty Grand Master , and you , most excellent brethren , to congratulate you all upon the advancement , and the present most flourishing state of our ancient , honourable , and beautiful art . Allow me more especially to congratulate you upon the dedication to-day ,
with solemn pomp , song and ritual , of an edifice reflecting the greatest credit upon the architect and upon the Craft . May the Craft always meet happy , safe and secure , within its walls , and may it flourish for ever like the palm tree ; may private friendship and public virtue distinguish and adorn the heart and character of every Mason who shall ever , form and fill the sacreti and Masonic lodge
consecrated to day ; and while through Thy bounty , Omnipotent Parent of the world , rich , and generous dispenser of every blessing , our cups o ' erflow with gladness , may our hearts never be wanting in gratitude , and in the voice of thanksgiving , while earnestly and emphatically saying Father of all , in every age ,
In every clime adored , By saint , by savage , and by sage , Jehovah , Jove , or Lord ; To Thee , whose temple is all space , Whose altar , earth , sea , skies , One chorus let all being raise , All nature ' s incense rise .
The rev . brother sat down amidst hearty applause . An anthem was then sung , another prayer was offered by Bro . Holden , another anthem was sung , Bro . Little pronounced the invocation , and Bro . the Rev . J . M . Vaughan read a jiortion of the Sacred Law . Lord Skelmersdale afterwards scattered the elements of consecration , pronounced the purposes to which thelodgewas consecrated . and
Bro . Vaughan handled the censer , the organ playing all the time , and the prayer was offered by Bro . Holden . The lodge ' s consecration was completed , and Lord Skelmersdale requested Bro . Little to instal Bro . Mark Samuel Larlham in the chair . Bro . Little having taken the chair , Bro . E . Clark presented Bro . Larlham , whom Bro . Little formall y installed . The following brethren were invested
with office * . Bro . Ramsey , S . W . ; Bro . Green , J . W . ; Bro . Little , Treasurer ; Bro . Oliver , Secretary ; Bro . N . Eitherdon , S . D . ; Bro . W . Smale , J . D . ; and Bro . Geider , Tyler . Bros . Little and John Hervey delivered the addresses , and Lord Skelmersdale was elected an honorary member ol the lodge , with a wish that he mi ght frequently visit it . Lord Skelmersdale , in acknowledging the compliment ,
said he thanked the brethren most heartil y for their kindness , and congratulated the lotlge on having such a W . M . rrom what he had seen of his work , he was sure the lotlge would be well worked during his year , and under his auspices it would become one of the best lodge's in the district . He hoped on some future occasion to come and pay the brethren a visit , and when he should come he exnected tn
lind the lotlge in a very flourishing state . ( Hear , hear . ) Bros . Woodford , Holden , Vaughan , Hervey , and Hutw \ WCre a ' * ecte ( I honorary members of the lodge , the W -M . also exjiressing a hope that they would come and visit the lodge as often as they could . Bro . Woodford acknowledged the vote , and wished we brethren every prosperity . He also added that
" and the other brethren just elected felt great pleasure on all occasions to do anything which would cement more and more the brethren of the Order , H'w to advance the good old Craft . Joining members -tj initiates were thereafter proposetl , the lodge was closed , m 'he brethrel- sat -lowi *> accompanied by Lord Skelin f FSlla ' ' to an excellent banquet , which spoke volumes vour ° f " - culinary arrangements of the new hall .
Dedication Of The Surrey Masonic Hall, And Consecration Of The Surrey Masonic Hall Lodge (No. 1539).
Bra . George Bridges , of Camberwell , supplied the beautiful non-Masonic jiortion of the furniture and the draperies , both of the lodge and thc banqueting-room , and Bro . George Kenning supplied the Masonic furniture . The Master and Wardens' chairs were kindly lent by the Macdonald Lodge , 1216 . The musical arrangements , under the direction of Bro . Henry Parker , were admirable .
He was assisted by Bros . Farquhairson and Kerr Gedge , who sang in their best style , and gave to the dedication and consecration a finish which , it was remarked bymany brethren , they had never seen before . After the banquet Bros . Farquharson and Kerr Getlge also sang some pretty songs , ballads , ami trios , in which they were assisted by Miss Jessie Royd . The whole of the
proceedings were highly successful , and were an admirable beginning for the new hall and lodge . The following is a list of thc brethren present , as far as we were able to ascertain their names . Lord Skelmersdale , D . G . M . ; Col . Burdett , P . G . M . of Middlesex -, John Hervey , G . Sec . ; C . H . Hutton , J . P ., P . G . D . ; T . VV . ' Goldsboro , P . P . G ., S . W . -, Dr . VV .
Woodman , G . S . B . ; R . W . Little , Sec . Royal Masonic Institution for Girls ; F . Binckcs . Scc . Royal Masonic Institution for Boys ; Rev . P . M . Holden , S . D . 907 ; James L . Thomas , P . M . 142 ; Joshua Nunn . P . M . ; II . C Levander , P . M . ; P . Nairn , P . M . ' 176 ; B . Turner , 132 S ; H . Parkin , P . G . O . ; J . II . Hastie , W . M . 1216 ; N . Bridges , P . M . 772 , 1216 ;
James Garner , 975 ; John Multon , 437 ; Dr . Pinder ; F . Beastonj George Kenning , P . M ., P . Z . ; Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , P . G . C . ; M . S . Larlham , W . M . ; W . Ramsay , S . W . ; T . L . Green , J . W . ; R . Little , Treas . ; J . Oliver , Sec ; N . Ritherdon , S . D . ; W . Smale , J . D . ; D . A . Ross , I . G . ; F . Geider , Tyler .
Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
Owing to a mistake in our last lmjiression we give the true return to-day as regards the ever energetic province of West Yorkshire . Bro . Erasmus Wilson , F . R . S ., is the Vice-Chairman for the Cruikshank Art Collections Fund . Bro . Wilson has also been re-elected Professor of Dermatology .
Bro . Joseph Taylor , P . M ., has taken a permanent residence in Margate , where he has been appointed a Justice of the Peace . An emergency meeting of the Ivy Lodge , No . 1441 , will take place on Tuesday next , at the Windsor Castle Tavern , Southwark Bridge-road .
An emergency meeting of the ^ Chaucer Lodge , No . 1540 , will take place at the Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge , on Friday the 30 th inst . - Bro . George Ward Hunt , M . P ., has kindly consented to distribute the prizes at the Royal Naval School on the 27 th inst .
In recognition of the services rendered b y Sir Knt . S . B . Ellis in the formation of the White Rose of York Conclave at Sheffield , the Grand Council have been pleased to confer upon him the honorary grades of Viceroy and Sovereign of thc Order of the Red Cross of Constantine , eVc .
ANONYMOUS CIIAHITV . —A roll of bank-notes , value £ 800 , was last week left by a lady , under the initials of E . C , at the office of the Curates' Augmentation Fund . We understand Bro . Captain Boyton intends giving a public entertainment on Wednesday next , the 21 st inst ., in aid of the funds of thc Boys' and Girls' Schools . The
entertainment will consist of an exhibition of the capabilities of his life-saving dress , with a number of amusing experiments , & c . It is hoped that the brethren in general will avail themselves of this opportunity for increasing the funds of these noble charities by attending in full force with their friends . Particulars as to the time anil place of meeting will be duly advertised in the daily papers .
I-iiKEMASON-RV . —A controversy is being carried on iii some of the American papers ancnt the propriety of invoking the name of thc founder of Christianity in Masonic prayers ; some prominent Masons permit such an invocation . To jiersons lacking the acutcness of vision which can see through a brick wall the problem must remain
insolulable how a prayer can at one and the same time lie undenominational ( such as Masonry claims to be ) , and yet Christian . To ordinary minds this must appear as talking of a triangular or a circular square . But minds which can conceive Three to be One and One to be
Three , and who can talk with assurance of a virgin who is a mother , though it be the mother of God , will no doubt find also the means of solving the Masonic problem . The term mystery is elastic enough for anything . —Jewish Chronicle .
Rosicrucian Society.
The quarterly convocation of the above society was held on Thursday , 8 th inst ., at the Cafe Royal . Regent-street . Present : Fraters Wm . Robt . Woodman , M . D ., as Master of the Temple , T . B . Yeoman , T . W . White , Rev . Church , Dewar Weaver , Stanton Jones , Foulger , George Kenning ,
Massa , E . Macartney , M . P ., and several other fraters . Frater Woodman , inducted Frater Weaver into the chair of Master of the Temple . Frater Weaver then appointed his officers for the year ; some brethren were ballotted for . The M C was then formed , after which the Fraters separated .
The Boys' School Festival.
Owing to the late hour at which wc received the Stewards' Lists , several inaccuracies . crept in , * notably the following : — Bro . Bingemann's ( Constitutional No . 55 ) list , amounted to £ 246 15 s ., instead of £ 63 . Bro . J . H . Leggott ' s list ( Prudent Brethren ) , should have been £ 233 5 s . 6 d ., instead of £ 5 3 5 s . Od .
Bro . Thomas Meggy ( Emulation No . 21 ) brought up if 121 16 s ., and is only credited in our report with £ 43 is . The entire contribution of the Province of West Yorkshire was placed to thc credit of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge . The entire list of the various Stewards in this ex- ' tensive province was as follows : —
LODGES . 61 Edwards , Lieut . Col . Sir Henry , Bart ., Prov . G . M . ( V . P ) ... 10 10 o 61 Scarborough , Geo . ... ... ... 10 to o 61 Tasker , William , P . M . ... 1010 o 139 Hayes , Simeon , W . M 1010 o 13 ; Short , William , P . M ., P . P . G . D ., Group
of Subscribers ... ... ... 10 10 o 139 Morris , T . S . Ditto 10 10 o l 3 <) Tyzack , W . A . Ditto 10 10 o 154 Simj-ison , Edward . S . D 105 o o 275 Shaw Bentley , J . P ., D . L ., W . P . Deputy Prov . G . M . ( V . P . ) 5 s 0 290 Harroji , W ., W . M 10 10 o
296 Chauntly , John F . 10 10 a 29 6 Edwards , Thomas Armstrong , a Lewis 5 5 o 302 Broughton , Benj ., P . M . ( V . P . ) 10 10 o 302 Farrar , Hanson , Treasurer ( V . P . ) ... 10 10 o 306 Seanor , Samuel Exley , W . M 10 10 o 380 Wordsworth , Capt . J ., P . P . G . W ., ( V . P . ) 10 10 o 387 Lodge Airedale , S . Warden Chair , by
subscription ... ... ... ... 10 10 o 408 Lodge Three Graces , W . M . Chair ... 10 10 o 827 Tattersfield , Josejih 5 S o 8 . 37 Pegler , Chas 10 10 o 904 Fawcett , John S . W . ... 10 10 o 904 Perrot , Clement Hamil P . M 10 10 o 910 Simpson , John P . M 10 10 o 910 Tew , Tliomas William , J . P ., Deputy
Prov . G . M 10 10 o 971 Lodge Trafalgar , W . M . Chair 15 15 o 1018 Lodge Shakespeare , W . M . Chair ... 21 o o 1018 Longley , William 10 10 o 101 9 Newton , George ... 10 10 o 1034 Eccleshill , Chaplain of 10 10 o „ Charity Steward per Bro . C .
Turner ... 10 10 o „ Treasurer , per Bro . Christr . Pratt , P . P . G . S . of Works 10 10 o „ Secretary , „ , Ditto ... 10 10 o „ . Organist , by subscription .., 10 10 o ., Master of Cere ' s ' „ ' ' ... 10 10 o „ I . G ., per Bro . Geo . Pearson ... 10 10 o
„ Lodge Steward , by subscript . 10 10 o „ _ I . G ., per Bro . Geo . Pearson ... 10 10 o 1042 Lodge ' Excclsior , W . M . Chair ... ... 21 o o 1042 Beedle , Joseph , P . M . ... ... ... 10 10 o Hamilton , Mrs . Lucy ... 1 1 o 1221 Lodge Defence , W . M . ' s Chair 10 10 o 1231 Crossley , Frederick , P . M ., Prov . G .
Sword Bearer ... ... 10 10 o 1231 Crossley , John Edward , P . M 10 10 o 1311 Kitchin , George , P . M . ... 10 10 o 1311 Turner , Thomas , P . M . ... 10 10 o 1311 Lodge Zetland , J . W . Chair , by subsciijition ... ... ... ... 21 o o 1462 Bustard , J ohn ... ... ... ... 10 10 o
1513 Carter , Richard , W . M ., P . Prov . G . W .... 1010 o 1513 Watson , J . H 1010 o 1513 Beardsall , Francis Knowles 10 10 o 1522 Lodge Olicana , W . M . Chair , ; per Bro . John Gaunt , P . Prov . G . D 10 10 o 1522 „ S . W . Cfiair , per Bro . Joe Hammond , S . W 10 10 o
1522 „ J . W . Chair , per Bro . Wm . Margerison , J . W j 0 I 0 o Anonymous , per F . Binckes , Sec . R . M . I . Boys 100 o o Rhodes , C . T ., Fearnley Lodge , Mark Masters , No . 58 10 10 o
W . M . ' s Chair , Fearnley Lodge . Mark Masters , No . 58 10 10 o W . M . ' s Chair , Prince Edward Lodge , Mark Masters , No . 14 1010 o Prov . G . Lodge Mark Masters , per Bro . W . Cooke 10 10 o
To Our Subscribers Abroad.
Colonial and Foreign Subscribers are informed , that acknowledgements of remittances received , will in future be published in thc first number of every month .
HOLLOWAY ' S PILLS AND OINTMENT . — To persons of a delicate constitution , and ol ' tender fiame , also to females of all ages and youiiK children , these remedies will he found most suitable , because they act only in snch a manner ( by reason of their careful preparation and selection ) as to conserve nature's powers , at ihe same time as they act in the most cltkicnt manner possihle as purifvinir and cleansing agents , and so necessary are ihese properties for" the proper cure of female disorders , aud children ' s accumulations , that all remedies arc worse than unless if they do not possess them . It is not necessary or desirable here * to detail all the complaints attended to , hut females and children can safely use tlicm . —Auvr .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Dedication Of The Surrey Masonic Hall, And Consecration Of The Surrey Masonic Hall Lodge (No. 1539).
bright- northern star of Masonry , as we may fairly •all him , and of whom we , as members of the Craft , arc justly jir md as a distinguished friend and lover of the art—that beautifu ' , honorable , ancient art , to spread and to dignify which lodges are 'formed in every quarter of the globe . Thus much as to the extent , and , so to speak , the universality of Masonry ; and when to this is
further added the comprehensiveness of the institution , the vast circle of arts and sciences which it takes in and cmbraces , then we shall no longer for one single moment wonder at its vast extent , hut feel jiersuaded that Masonry must and ever will keep pace and run parallel with the outline and civilisation of mankind . Nay , we may state with the greatest truth , that where Masonry is not , there
civilisation will never be found . And so in very fact it ap - pears ; for in those barbarous nations and savage countries where operative Masonry never lays the line nor stretches thc compass , where skilful architecture never jilans the structure nor rears thc well ordered columns in those uncultured regions liberal science never softens , nor does elegant art refine , beautify
and embellish the mind . With these very few , imjierfect remarks can any man tloubt for a single moment as to the excellence and great utility of Masonry , thus deep in antiquity , boundless in extent , universal in its comprehension of every science , ojierative and sjieculative ; thus as it were in its wide arms embracing the whole circle of arts and morals . Indeed , the well known
and often quoted eulogy which Cicero once pronounced upon philosophy may I think with equal jiropriety be applied to Freemasonry . He says , " Hicc studia adolescentiam alunt , senectulem oblectant . Sccundas res ornant , adversis perfugium ac solatium pro-bent . Delectant domi , non impediunt foras . Pernoctant nobiscum , peregrinantur , rusticantur . " And for the
information of those brethren whose Latin may be somewhat musty , allow mc to put that freely into English , and it reads thus , that Masonry , like philosophy , will be found eminently to be the improvement of youth , the delight of old age , thc ornament of prosperity , the solace and refuge of our adverse hours : it pleases at home ; it is not an incumbrance abroad ; it lodges with us ; travels with us ;
and adds jdeisure and amusement to our rural retirement . ( Hear , hear . ) Allow me then , Most Worshipful Dejiuty Grand Master , and you , most excellent brethren , to congratulate you all upon the advancement , and the present most flourishing state of our ancient , honourable , and beautiful art . Allow me more especially to congratulate you upon the dedication to-day ,
with solemn pomp , song and ritual , of an edifice reflecting the greatest credit upon the architect and upon the Craft . May the Craft always meet happy , safe and secure , within its walls , and may it flourish for ever like the palm tree ; may private friendship and public virtue distinguish and adorn the heart and character of every Mason who shall ever , form and fill the sacreti and Masonic lodge
consecrated to day ; and while through Thy bounty , Omnipotent Parent of the world , rich , and generous dispenser of every blessing , our cups o ' erflow with gladness , may our hearts never be wanting in gratitude , and in the voice of thanksgiving , while earnestly and emphatically saying Father of all , in every age ,
In every clime adored , By saint , by savage , and by sage , Jehovah , Jove , or Lord ; To Thee , whose temple is all space , Whose altar , earth , sea , skies , One chorus let all being raise , All nature ' s incense rise .
The rev . brother sat down amidst hearty applause . An anthem was then sung , another prayer was offered by Bro . Holden , another anthem was sung , Bro . Little pronounced the invocation , and Bro . the Rev . J . M . Vaughan read a jiortion of the Sacred Law . Lord Skelmersdale afterwards scattered the elements of consecration , pronounced the purposes to which thelodgewas consecrated . and
Bro . Vaughan handled the censer , the organ playing all the time , and the prayer was offered by Bro . Holden . The lodge ' s consecration was completed , and Lord Skelmersdale requested Bro . Little to instal Bro . Mark Samuel Larlham in the chair . Bro . Little having taken the chair , Bro . E . Clark presented Bro . Larlham , whom Bro . Little formall y installed . The following brethren were invested
with office * . Bro . Ramsey , S . W . ; Bro . Green , J . W . ; Bro . Little , Treasurer ; Bro . Oliver , Secretary ; Bro . N . Eitherdon , S . D . ; Bro . W . Smale , J . D . ; and Bro . Geider , Tyler . Bros . Little and John Hervey delivered the addresses , and Lord Skelmersdale was elected an honorary member ol the lodge , with a wish that he mi ght frequently visit it . Lord Skelmersdale , in acknowledging the compliment ,
said he thanked the brethren most heartil y for their kindness , and congratulated the lotlge on having such a W . M . rrom what he had seen of his work , he was sure the lotlge would be well worked during his year , and under his auspices it would become one of the best lodge's in the district . He hoped on some future occasion to come and pay the brethren a visit , and when he should come he exnected tn
lind the lotlge in a very flourishing state . ( Hear , hear . ) Bros . Woodford , Holden , Vaughan , Hervey , and Hutw \ WCre a ' * ecte ( I honorary members of the lodge , the W -M . also exjiressing a hope that they would come and visit the lodge as often as they could . Bro . Woodford acknowledged the vote , and wished we brethren every prosperity . He also added that
" and the other brethren just elected felt great pleasure on all occasions to do anything which would cement more and more the brethren of the Order , H'w to advance the good old Craft . Joining members -tj initiates were thereafter proposetl , the lodge was closed , m 'he brethrel- sat -lowi *> accompanied by Lord Skelin f FSlla ' ' to an excellent banquet , which spoke volumes vour ° f " - culinary arrangements of the new hall .
Dedication Of The Surrey Masonic Hall, And Consecration Of The Surrey Masonic Hall Lodge (No. 1539).
Bra . George Bridges , of Camberwell , supplied the beautiful non-Masonic jiortion of the furniture and the draperies , both of the lodge and thc banqueting-room , and Bro . George Kenning supplied the Masonic furniture . The Master and Wardens' chairs were kindly lent by the Macdonald Lodge , 1216 . The musical arrangements , under the direction of Bro . Henry Parker , were admirable .
He was assisted by Bros . Farquhairson and Kerr Gedge , who sang in their best style , and gave to the dedication and consecration a finish which , it was remarked bymany brethren , they had never seen before . After the banquet Bros . Farquharson and Kerr Getlge also sang some pretty songs , ballads , ami trios , in which they were assisted by Miss Jessie Royd . The whole of the
proceedings were highly successful , and were an admirable beginning for the new hall and lodge . The following is a list of thc brethren present , as far as we were able to ascertain their names . Lord Skelmersdale , D . G . M . ; Col . Burdett , P . G . M . of Middlesex -, John Hervey , G . Sec . ; C . H . Hutton , J . P ., P . G . D . ; T . VV . ' Goldsboro , P . P . G ., S . W . -, Dr . VV .
Woodman , G . S . B . ; R . W . Little , Sec . Royal Masonic Institution for Girls ; F . Binckcs . Scc . Royal Masonic Institution for Boys ; Rev . P . M . Holden , S . D . 907 ; James L . Thomas , P . M . 142 ; Joshua Nunn . P . M . ; II . C Levander , P . M . ; P . Nairn , P . M . ' 176 ; B . Turner , 132 S ; H . Parkin , P . G . O . ; J . II . Hastie , W . M . 1216 ; N . Bridges , P . M . 772 , 1216 ;
James Garner , 975 ; John Multon , 437 ; Dr . Pinder ; F . Beastonj George Kenning , P . M ., P . Z . ; Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , P . G . C . ; M . S . Larlham , W . M . ; W . Ramsay , S . W . ; T . L . Green , J . W . ; R . Little , Treas . ; J . Oliver , Sec ; N . Ritherdon , S . D . ; W . Smale , J . D . ; D . A . Ross , I . G . ; F . Geider , Tyler .
Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
Owing to a mistake in our last lmjiression we give the true return to-day as regards the ever energetic province of West Yorkshire . Bro . Erasmus Wilson , F . R . S ., is the Vice-Chairman for the Cruikshank Art Collections Fund . Bro . Wilson has also been re-elected Professor of Dermatology .
Bro . Joseph Taylor , P . M ., has taken a permanent residence in Margate , where he has been appointed a Justice of the Peace . An emergency meeting of the Ivy Lodge , No . 1441 , will take place on Tuesday next , at the Windsor Castle Tavern , Southwark Bridge-road .
An emergency meeting of the ^ Chaucer Lodge , No . 1540 , will take place at the Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge , on Friday the 30 th inst . - Bro . George Ward Hunt , M . P ., has kindly consented to distribute the prizes at the Royal Naval School on the 27 th inst .
In recognition of the services rendered b y Sir Knt . S . B . Ellis in the formation of the White Rose of York Conclave at Sheffield , the Grand Council have been pleased to confer upon him the honorary grades of Viceroy and Sovereign of thc Order of the Red Cross of Constantine , eVc .
ANONYMOUS CIIAHITV . —A roll of bank-notes , value £ 800 , was last week left by a lady , under the initials of E . C , at the office of the Curates' Augmentation Fund . We understand Bro . Captain Boyton intends giving a public entertainment on Wednesday next , the 21 st inst ., in aid of the funds of thc Boys' and Girls' Schools . The
entertainment will consist of an exhibition of the capabilities of his life-saving dress , with a number of amusing experiments , & c . It is hoped that the brethren in general will avail themselves of this opportunity for increasing the funds of these noble charities by attending in full force with their friends . Particulars as to the time anil place of meeting will be duly advertised in the daily papers .
I-iiKEMASON-RV . —A controversy is being carried on iii some of the American papers ancnt the propriety of invoking the name of thc founder of Christianity in Masonic prayers ; some prominent Masons permit such an invocation . To jiersons lacking the acutcness of vision which can see through a brick wall the problem must remain
insolulable how a prayer can at one and the same time lie undenominational ( such as Masonry claims to be ) , and yet Christian . To ordinary minds this must appear as talking of a triangular or a circular square . But minds which can conceive Three to be One and One to be
Three , and who can talk with assurance of a virgin who is a mother , though it be the mother of God , will no doubt find also the means of solving the Masonic problem . The term mystery is elastic enough for anything . —Jewish Chronicle .
Rosicrucian Society.
The quarterly convocation of the above society was held on Thursday , 8 th inst ., at the Cafe Royal . Regent-street . Present : Fraters Wm . Robt . Woodman , M . D ., as Master of the Temple , T . B . Yeoman , T . W . White , Rev . Church , Dewar Weaver , Stanton Jones , Foulger , George Kenning ,
Massa , E . Macartney , M . P ., and several other fraters . Frater Woodman , inducted Frater Weaver into the chair of Master of the Temple . Frater Weaver then appointed his officers for the year ; some brethren were ballotted for . The M C was then formed , after which the Fraters separated .
The Boys' School Festival.
Owing to the late hour at which wc received the Stewards' Lists , several inaccuracies . crept in , * notably the following : — Bro . Bingemann's ( Constitutional No . 55 ) list , amounted to £ 246 15 s ., instead of £ 63 . Bro . J . H . Leggott ' s list ( Prudent Brethren ) , should have been £ 233 5 s . 6 d ., instead of £ 5 3 5 s . Od .
Bro . Thomas Meggy ( Emulation No . 21 ) brought up if 121 16 s ., and is only credited in our report with £ 43 is . The entire contribution of the Province of West Yorkshire was placed to thc credit of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge . The entire list of the various Stewards in this ex- ' tensive province was as follows : —
LODGES . 61 Edwards , Lieut . Col . Sir Henry , Bart ., Prov . G . M . ( V . P ) ... 10 10 o 61 Scarborough , Geo . ... ... ... 10 to o 61 Tasker , William , P . M . ... 1010 o 139 Hayes , Simeon , W . M 1010 o 13 ; Short , William , P . M ., P . P . G . D ., Group
of Subscribers ... ... ... 10 10 o 139 Morris , T . S . Ditto 10 10 o l 3 <) Tyzack , W . A . Ditto 10 10 o 154 Simj-ison , Edward . S . D 105 o o 275 Shaw Bentley , J . P ., D . L ., W . P . Deputy Prov . G . M . ( V . P . ) 5 s 0 290 Harroji , W ., W . M 10 10 o
296 Chauntly , John F . 10 10 a 29 6 Edwards , Thomas Armstrong , a Lewis 5 5 o 302 Broughton , Benj ., P . M . ( V . P . ) 10 10 o 302 Farrar , Hanson , Treasurer ( V . P . ) ... 10 10 o 306 Seanor , Samuel Exley , W . M 10 10 o 380 Wordsworth , Capt . J ., P . P . G . W ., ( V . P . ) 10 10 o 387 Lodge Airedale , S . Warden Chair , by
subscription ... ... ... ... 10 10 o 408 Lodge Three Graces , W . M . Chair ... 10 10 o 827 Tattersfield , Josejih 5 S o 8 . 37 Pegler , Chas 10 10 o 904 Fawcett , John S . W . ... 10 10 o 904 Perrot , Clement Hamil P . M 10 10 o 910 Simpson , John P . M 10 10 o 910 Tew , Tliomas William , J . P ., Deputy
Prov . G . M 10 10 o 971 Lodge Trafalgar , W . M . Chair 15 15 o 1018 Lodge Shakespeare , W . M . Chair ... 21 o o 1018 Longley , William 10 10 o 101 9 Newton , George ... 10 10 o 1034 Eccleshill , Chaplain of 10 10 o „ Charity Steward per Bro . C .
Turner ... 10 10 o „ Treasurer , per Bro . Christr . Pratt , P . P . G . S . of Works 10 10 o „ Secretary , „ , Ditto ... 10 10 o „ . Organist , by subscription .., 10 10 o ., Master of Cere ' s ' „ ' ' ... 10 10 o „ I . G ., per Bro . Geo . Pearson ... 10 10 o
„ Lodge Steward , by subscript . 10 10 o „ _ I . G ., per Bro . Geo . Pearson ... 10 10 o 1042 Lodge ' Excclsior , W . M . Chair ... ... 21 o o 1042 Beedle , Joseph , P . M . ... ... ... 10 10 o Hamilton , Mrs . Lucy ... 1 1 o 1221 Lodge Defence , W . M . ' s Chair 10 10 o 1231 Crossley , Frederick , P . M ., Prov . G .
Sword Bearer ... ... 10 10 o 1231 Crossley , John Edward , P . M 10 10 o 1311 Kitchin , George , P . M . ... 10 10 o 1311 Turner , Thomas , P . M . ... 10 10 o 1311 Lodge Zetland , J . W . Chair , by subsciijition ... ... ... ... 21 o o 1462 Bustard , J ohn ... ... ... ... 10 10 o
1513 Carter , Richard , W . M ., P . Prov . G . W .... 1010 o 1513 Watson , J . H 1010 o 1513 Beardsall , Francis Knowles 10 10 o 1522 Lodge Olicana , W . M . Chair , ; per Bro . John Gaunt , P . Prov . G . D 10 10 o 1522 „ S . W . Cfiair , per Bro . Joe Hammond , S . W 10 10 o
1522 „ J . W . Chair , per Bro . Wm . Margerison , J . W j 0 I 0 o Anonymous , per F . Binckes , Sec . R . M . I . Boys 100 o o Rhodes , C . T ., Fearnley Lodge , Mark Masters , No . 58 10 10 o
W . M . ' s Chair , Fearnley Lodge . Mark Masters , No . 58 10 10 o W . M . ' s Chair , Prince Edward Lodge , Mark Masters , No . 14 1010 o Prov . G . Lodge Mark Masters , per Bro . W . Cooke 10 10 o
To Our Subscribers Abroad.
Colonial and Foreign Subscribers are informed , that acknowledgements of remittances received , will in future be published in thc first number of every month .
HOLLOWAY ' S PILLS AND OINTMENT . — To persons of a delicate constitution , and ol ' tender fiame , also to females of all ages and youiiK children , these remedies will he found most suitable , because they act only in snch a manner ( by reason of their careful preparation and selection ) as to conserve nature's powers , at ihe same time as they act in the most cltkicnt manner possihle as purifvinir and cleansing agents , and so necessary are ihese properties for" the proper cure of female disorders , aud children ' s accumulations , that all remedies arc worse than unless if they do not possess them . It is not necessary or desirable here * to detail all the complaints attended to , hut females and children can safely use tlicm . —Auvr .