Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Multum In Parbo; Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
same night 5 s . Underneath these two entries we read , N . B . The English Masters to pay for entering into the said Masterships 2 s . Od . per majority . High order continued : —Bro . Dodd , 1 ; Wm . Gibson , 2 ; M . Ecclcs , 3 ; John Howdon , 4 ; Michael Howdon , 5 ; John Lee , b ; Thos . Liddle , 7 ; Wm . Hall , S ; W . Burton , 9 ; John Gibson , 10 ; Stephen Chambers , 11 : Thos . Hunter , 12 ; Thos . Wake , 13 . Account carried forward .
Over the leaf follows a list of names , one paying 2 s . Od ., one paying is . 6 d ., a list of " raised members , " 5 in number , in 1771 and 1772 , and 7 names , June 24 th , 17 O 2 , cither of members of the Order , of new members , or of those present on that date . The " Highrodiams " seem to us to be a corruption of " Harodim , " what Domaskin or Forin may be , deponent cannot even guess . A . F . A . WtionKoim .
Consecration Of The Abercorn Lodge (No. 1549).
The consecration of this lotlge and the installation of its first Master took place on Saturday , the 20 th ult . About forty brethren assembled to do honour to the occasion ; among whom were Bros . R . Helsdon , P . M . 733 , W . M . designate ; J . W . Garrod , 435 , S . W . designate " ;
Joshua Nunn , P . M . 134 , 820 , 1201 , P . G . S . B ., J . W . designate ; R . Wentworth Little , P . M ., P . G ., Secj Middlesex , Sec . to the Girls' School , & c , & c , Installing Master ; Chas , Neal , P . M . 88 9 , P . G . S . D . Surrey , to whom the lodge is principally indebted for its existence ; W . A . Rogers , 435 ; J . Tidcombe , jun ., 34 ; W . Hammond , P . M . 201 , W . M . 132 O and of 1512 , Pro G . Steward Middlesex ; L T .
Woo . ' . stock , P . M . 749 ; W . L . Hoare , P . M . 1415 ; Thos . Mackintosh , Scone and Perth , 3 ; | as . Squire , P . M . and Sec . 88 q , P . P . G . S . B . Surrey ; Thos . Long , P . M . 880 ,, P . G . D . C . Surrey ; H . Llewellyn Winter , 88 9 ; John Holden , 435 ; G . Townsend , P . M . 820 ; J . Patterson , of the Euphrates ; H . W . Sinton , 889 ; John Garrod , 889 ; Osman Vincent , 571 ; Faulkner Lee , 404 ; John Martin , 733 , and
other distinguished members of the brotherhood . Bro . R . Wentworth Little , the officer appointed to perform the ceremonies by the R . W . Bro . Colonel Burdett , Prov . Grand Master of Middlesex , took the chair at three o ' clock , and appointed his two Wardens , Bro . Hammond , S . W ., as the senior officer of the province present , and Bro . Thos . Long , J . W ., the procession to the lodge-room having
taken place in the usual order . The lodge was then opened in the three degrees , and the ceremony commenced with the opening prayer . Thc Director of the Ceremonies next placed the petitioning brethren before the chair in the order of seniority , viz ., Bros . Helsdon , J . W . Garrod , Joshua Nunn , W . A . Rogers , C . Veal , J . Holden , J . Tidcombe , jun ., II . Llewellyn Winter , and J . Patterson , and
Bro . Little having addressed them in a very impressive manner upon the nature ' and object of the meeting and the important part they as the first officers of the new lodge were expected to take in the Craft , called upon the Hon . Sec , Bro . Veal , to read the Warrant of Constitution from the Grand Lodge of England , one of the earliest charters bearing the authority of His Royal Highness the Prince of
Wales , M . W . Grand Master , and designating the lodge as the Abercorn , No . 1549 . -he Consecrating Master then delivered the beautiful and eloquent oration , listened to with the most profound attention by the whole of the assembled brethren , in the feeling and able manner which on all such occasions ever characterises our distinguished Bro . Little .
Bro . Winter presided at the organ , and led the musical portion of the ceremony , taking also the solo part in the anthem . The dedication of the lodge being completed by the Installing Master and his Wardens , the former pronounced the " patriarchal benediction , " and the Director of theCeremonies prcsentetl the W . M . designate , Bro . R . Helsdon , for the
benefit of installation . The Board of Past Masters having been duly formed , Bro . Helsdon , as a P . M ., was at once with the accustomed forms installed as the First Master of the Abercorn Lodge , into the chair of King Solomon . The Board of Past Masters having been dissolved , and thc lodge having assumed its normal form , the brethren in
ranks and degrees were admittetl , when the usual salutations took place . The First Officers and Assistant Officers were Bro . R . Wentworth Little as I . P . M ., the same brother also , for the very effective services of the day , was unanimously elected an honorary member of the Abercorn ; Bros . ] . W . Garrod , S . W . ; Joshua Nunn , J . W . ; W . A . Rogers ,
Treasurer ; Charles Veal , Secretary ; J . Holden , S . D . ; J . Tidcombe , jun ., J . D . ; H . L . Winter , Org . ; J . Patterson , I . G . ; and J . Middleton , Tyler . Letters of apology for absence were read from a number of brethren , and one in particular from Col . Burdett , P . G . M . of the Province , regretting his absence from indisposition , having been or . dered to the seaside for a change of air . A number of
propositions for future work having been proposed , the lod ge was closed and the brethren rambled for the next half-hour in the beautiful and well kept grounds . Anelcgrant banquet , a la Husse , was subsequently sat down to by the greater number of the brethren present at the ceremonies . Afterwards a very enjoyable evening was spent in the inteichange of thought , and those fraternal amenities only to be experienced in the brotherhood .
the various loyal and Masonic toasts were then proposed , duly honoured and responded to by the various appropriate brethren , during which it was remarked that the Abercorn might very aptly assume the motto of the noble fannl y whose name it bore , Sola Virtute Vincit . The meeting house of the lodge is at the Abercorn Arms , in the confines of the province , in a beautifuljdistrict at Great Stanmore , about ten miles from London , and -ihree-and-a-half from Harrow .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Leicestershire And Rutland.
The half-yearly communication of the above Provincial Grand Lodge took place at the Town Hall , Ashby-dc- ! a-Zuuch , on the 29 th ult ., in the Ioilgc-room of the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge , No . 779 , under the auspices of which the meeting was held .
The Craft Lodge was opened at one o ' clock . Shortly after that time the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , the Rig ! Hon . the Earl Ferrers , accompanied hy his Prov . G Officers , entered the lodge-room and received the customary salute . After the minutes had been confirmed and the ballot taken for several joining members and candidates for
initiation , the principal event of the day , that of installing Bro . S . E . Johnson as W . M . of No . 799 , took jilace , the ofiice of Installing Master having been , by thc special desire of the members of that lodge , undertaken by the Provincial Grand Master . It is almost needless to state that the duties of that important office , anil the impressive ritual of the ceremony of installation , were performed in a very
admirable and efficient manner . The brethren , not only of the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge , but of other lodges also in the province , are under deep obligations to his lordship for having on several occasions fulfilled the onerous duties of Installing Master , and too much praise cannot be accorded to him for the ready and gracious spirit in which he has always been pleased to
comply with the wishes of the brethren that he should undertake those duties . On the completion of the business of the Craft Lodge , the Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due form by the Prov . Grand Master , who was assisted by the following officers : —W . Bros , the Revd . J- Denton , P . P . S . G . W ., as Deputy Prov . G . M . ; Samuel Love , Prov . S . G . W . ; E . F . Mannwatt , P . Prov . S . G . W ., as I . G . W . ; W . B . Smith ,
Prov . G . Treasurer ; T . G . Tippetts , Prov . G . Reg . ; S . S . Partridge , Prov . G . Secretary ; W . Johnson as Prov . G . S . D . ; W . Hardy , Prov . G . J . D . ; J . T . Thorp , Prov . G . A . D . C , as D . C ; R . Boughtou-Smith , P . P . G . A . D . C , as Grand Sword Bearer ; C . E . Stretton , Prov . G . A . P . as Grand Purst . ; G . W . J Statham anil R . Dalgleisb , P . G . Stewards ; and C . Bembridgc , Prov . G . Tyler . A fuller report of the proceedings will appear in our
next . The following brethren were also present : —W . Bros . Rev . W . Langley , P . P . S . G . W . ; H . Etherington-Smith , P . P . J . G . W . ; Revd . F . S . Cuyler , 779 , P . P . G . Chaplain , Bristol ; J . C . Duncombe , P . P . G . D ., Leicester and Rutland , and P . P . G . D . Norths , and Hunts ; H . Blood , I . P . M . ; S . E . Johnson , W . M . ; W . S . Allen , S . W . ; R . Dalgleish , J . W . ;
and a considerable number of brethren of No . 779 . Visitors , Bros . G . A . Taverner , S . W . 353 ; J . Hill , 254 and 850 -, and D . Field , 7 . The roll of lodges and of P . G . Officers having been first called , the minutes of the last annual meeting of Prov . G . Lodge were read and confirmed . The report of the Earl Howe Memorial Window
Committee was read , announcing thc termination of their labours , and thanking the subscribers to the fund for their generous assistance , by means of which a memorial highly creditable to the Craft in this province had been placed in the Church ( St . Peter ' s ) recently erected at Leicester , in memory of the late lamented and esteemed Past Prov . Grand Master , the Right Hon . the Earl Howe . It was
resolved that the report , with the statement of account accompanying it , be received and adopted . A vote of thanks , proposed by Bro . Denton and seconded by Bro . Boughton-Smith , was accorded to the Memorial Committee for their valuable services . W . Bros . Clement Stretton , P . Prov . J . G . W ., and L . A . Clarke , P . P . S . G . W ., were re-elected to represent the Prov .
G . Lodge , as members of the committee of the Freemasons ' Hall , Leicester . Bto . Langley proposed " That when any brother who , having represented this province as Steward for two of the central Masonic Charitable Institutions , has become qualified to wear the Charity Jewel , such jewel should be presented to him hy Prov . G . Lodge , and that W . Bro . Robert
Waite , Prov . J . G . W ., who is just completing his second year of office as Charity Steward for this province , he the first recipient of such jewel . " Bro . Denton seconded the motion , which was carried unanimously . Letters of apology were received from several Prov . G . Officers and others , including one from Bro . W . J . Hughan ,
P . G . D ., and an honorary member of Lodges 279 and 523 in this province . A hearty vote of thanks to the members of the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lotlge for the reception they had given to the Prov . G . Lotlge , brought the business to an end , anil the Prov . G . Lodge was closed in due form . Thc brethren afterwards adjourned to the Queen ' s Head Hotel , where an excellent banquet was most admirably
served by the worthy host , Bro . Love , flic Prov . G . M . presided , and after tlie dinner his lordship proposed the loyal and Masonic toasts usual on these occasions . The iittendance , notwithstanding the vcry wet weather and the inconvenient nature of the railway accommodation , was extremely good , and this , the first meeting under the new arrangement for the assembling of the Prov . G . Lotlge half yearly , may be considered a complete success .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The Quarterly General Court of thc subscribers to the Masonic Girls' School was beld last Saturday at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Major J . Creaton , Vice-Patron , presided , and the other brethren present were John Symonds , Giiffiths Smith , Thomas W . White , Robert B . Webster , H . M , Levy , Edward Harris , H . Muggeridge , Thomas F .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
Peacock , H . Browse , II . Massey ( Freemason ) , antl R . W . Little ( Secretary ) . After the formal business had been transacted , Bro . Thomas W . White said hc had much pleasure in moving , pursuant to notice , that the rank of honorary Vice-Patron be conferred on Bro . T . S . Howell , the honorary medical officer of the Institution . On thc 21 st Oct ., 1852 , the
committee received a letter from Bro . Howell , in which he offered to serve the Institution as its honorary medical officer . On the 13 th Jan ., 1853 , he was appointed , and from that time downwards hail most kindly and attentively actetl in the capacity to which he had been chosen . The brethren would , of course , all remember the services he had rendered at the time of the outbreak of scarlet
fever in the School two or three years ago . Last year , when the School was laid up with the mumps , he attended to all the girls with his usual kindness , attention , and efficiency . When Miss Jarwood , the matron , was very ill , and some of the I louse Committee were sent for one day , Bro . Howell ' s partner , Mr . Etlie , saw them , and toltl them in case any further advice should be considered
necessary they were not to wait for authorisation , but to send for it immediately . They thought it was necessary , and they sent for Mr . Hilton , whose fees Bro Howell paid out of his own pocket . When the Committee heard of that they enquired what the amount of the fees was , and finding it was forty guineas , they drew a cheque for the amount , and handed it to Bro . Howell . He , however ,
returned it , and refused altogether to receive it . It had , therefore , been thought but due to Bro . Howell that he should be elected an honorary Vice-Patron , he being already an honorary Vice-President . Bro . John Symonds said he should be very glad to second that motion . He belonged to the House Committee at the time when Bro . Howell kindly tendered his services ,
and had had an opportunity of witnessing the great and tender care which Bro . Howell always showed to the girls in the School . Bro . White had been able to speak for himself of the more recent period of Bro . Hewell ' s service , but he could not speak of the much older period . He ( Bro . Symonds ) , who was an older Mason , and a very old member of the House Committee , could speak of the
early as well as the late period of their history , and he could say that whether serving more recent House Committees or the old one , or serving the interest of the School , Bro . Howell was well deserving of the compliment they proposed to pay him . The Chairman said hc also could bear testimony to the truth of all that had been said . He had been a member
of the House Committee many years , and had seen that Bro . Howell had paid great attention to his duties , and had given entire satisfaction to every member of the House Committee . The motion was put and carried unanimously . Bro . Griffiths Smith rose to propose that the rank of honorary Vice-President should be conferred upon Bro .
Peter Matthews . His reason for proposing it was that Bro . Peter Matthews had been the honorary surgeon dentist of the Institution for 30 or 40 years . He was now 70 years of age , and was obliged to have a carriage every time he went to the school . As he had been so many years honorary surgeon dentist to the School , it was but right that the rank of honorary Vice-President should hc
conferred upon him . Bro . II . Browse seconded the motion , which was also put and adopted without a dissentient . Bro . Griffiths Smith proposed anil Bro . II . Browse seconded Lords Carnarvon and Skelmersdale to fill the two vacant trusteeships to the Institution , which was also
unhesitatingly adopted . The Court settled the list of candidates for next election in October . There were 30 candidates , but will only be six vacancies , to make up the number of children educated in the school to 150 . A vote of thanks to the chairman closed thc proceedings .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The Quarterly Court of Subscribers of this Institution was held on Monday , July 12 th , at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Major J . Creaton , Vice-Patron , in the chair . Among the other brethren present were Bros . R . B . Webster , John
Hervey , James Terry , H . Massey ( Fi-rc-iiu . * --- **) , W . F . C . Moutrie , G . R . Ware , II . Browse , W . C . Parsons , W . Clifton Crick , and F . Binckes , Secretary . There was nothing but formal business to be transacted , and after settling the list [ of 57 candidates , nine to be elected , for the October election , the Committee adjourned .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The monthly meeting took place on the 14 th July at Freemasons'Hall , present W . Bro . John Creaton , P . G . D ., Vice-Patron , in the chair ; Bros . John Newton , Griffiths Smith , Thomas W . White , Samuel Rawson , C . A . Cottebrune , William Stephens , James Brett , II . M . Levy ,
William Wilson , anil Thomas Cubitt . The minutes ot thc previous meeting were read and verified . The deaths of two male annuitants were reportetl , one having received £ 107 antl the other £ 159 . The Report of the Finance Committee was reatl and adopted , and cheques for various amounts were ordered to be signed . The Treasurer was authorized to purchase
Stock for both the Male and Widows' Fund , pursuant to recommendation of Finance Committee . Petitions were received from three male candidates . All being regular , they were directed to be placed on the list for election iu May next . Application was made on behalf of two of the newlyelected annuitants for permission to resitle in th ; asylum at Croydon , which was unanimously granted .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Multum In Parbo; Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
same night 5 s . Underneath these two entries we read , N . B . The English Masters to pay for entering into the said Masterships 2 s . Od . per majority . High order continued : —Bro . Dodd , 1 ; Wm . Gibson , 2 ; M . Ecclcs , 3 ; John Howdon , 4 ; Michael Howdon , 5 ; John Lee , b ; Thos . Liddle , 7 ; Wm . Hall , S ; W . Burton , 9 ; John Gibson , 10 ; Stephen Chambers , 11 : Thos . Hunter , 12 ; Thos . Wake , 13 . Account carried forward .
Over the leaf follows a list of names , one paying 2 s . Od ., one paying is . 6 d ., a list of " raised members , " 5 in number , in 1771 and 1772 , and 7 names , June 24 th , 17 O 2 , cither of members of the Order , of new members , or of those present on that date . The " Highrodiams " seem to us to be a corruption of " Harodim , " what Domaskin or Forin may be , deponent cannot even guess . A . F . A . WtionKoim .
Consecration Of The Abercorn Lodge (No. 1549).
The consecration of this lotlge and the installation of its first Master took place on Saturday , the 20 th ult . About forty brethren assembled to do honour to the occasion ; among whom were Bros . R . Helsdon , P . M . 733 , W . M . designate ; J . W . Garrod , 435 , S . W . designate " ;
Joshua Nunn , P . M . 134 , 820 , 1201 , P . G . S . B ., J . W . designate ; R . Wentworth Little , P . M ., P . G ., Secj Middlesex , Sec . to the Girls' School , & c , & c , Installing Master ; Chas , Neal , P . M . 88 9 , P . G . S . D . Surrey , to whom the lodge is principally indebted for its existence ; W . A . Rogers , 435 ; J . Tidcombe , jun ., 34 ; W . Hammond , P . M . 201 , W . M . 132 O and of 1512 , Pro G . Steward Middlesex ; L T .
Woo . ' . stock , P . M . 749 ; W . L . Hoare , P . M . 1415 ; Thos . Mackintosh , Scone and Perth , 3 ; | as . Squire , P . M . and Sec . 88 q , P . P . G . S . B . Surrey ; Thos . Long , P . M . 880 ,, P . G . D . C . Surrey ; H . Llewellyn Winter , 88 9 ; John Holden , 435 ; G . Townsend , P . M . 820 ; J . Patterson , of the Euphrates ; H . W . Sinton , 889 ; John Garrod , 889 ; Osman Vincent , 571 ; Faulkner Lee , 404 ; John Martin , 733 , and
other distinguished members of the brotherhood . Bro . R . Wentworth Little , the officer appointed to perform the ceremonies by the R . W . Bro . Colonel Burdett , Prov . Grand Master of Middlesex , took the chair at three o ' clock , and appointed his two Wardens , Bro . Hammond , S . W ., as the senior officer of the province present , and Bro . Thos . Long , J . W ., the procession to the lodge-room having
taken place in the usual order . The lodge was then opened in the three degrees , and the ceremony commenced with the opening prayer . Thc Director of the Ceremonies next placed the petitioning brethren before the chair in the order of seniority , viz ., Bros . Helsdon , J . W . Garrod , Joshua Nunn , W . A . Rogers , C . Veal , J . Holden , J . Tidcombe , jun ., II . Llewellyn Winter , and J . Patterson , and
Bro . Little having addressed them in a very impressive manner upon the nature ' and object of the meeting and the important part they as the first officers of the new lodge were expected to take in the Craft , called upon the Hon . Sec , Bro . Veal , to read the Warrant of Constitution from the Grand Lodge of England , one of the earliest charters bearing the authority of His Royal Highness the Prince of
Wales , M . W . Grand Master , and designating the lodge as the Abercorn , No . 1549 . -he Consecrating Master then delivered the beautiful and eloquent oration , listened to with the most profound attention by the whole of the assembled brethren , in the feeling and able manner which on all such occasions ever characterises our distinguished Bro . Little .
Bro . Winter presided at the organ , and led the musical portion of the ceremony , taking also the solo part in the anthem . The dedication of the lodge being completed by the Installing Master and his Wardens , the former pronounced the " patriarchal benediction , " and the Director of theCeremonies prcsentetl the W . M . designate , Bro . R . Helsdon , for the
benefit of installation . The Board of Past Masters having been duly formed , Bro . Helsdon , as a P . M ., was at once with the accustomed forms installed as the First Master of the Abercorn Lodge , into the chair of King Solomon . The Board of Past Masters having been dissolved , and thc lodge having assumed its normal form , the brethren in
ranks and degrees were admittetl , when the usual salutations took place . The First Officers and Assistant Officers were Bro . R . Wentworth Little as I . P . M ., the same brother also , for the very effective services of the day , was unanimously elected an honorary member of the Abercorn ; Bros . ] . W . Garrod , S . W . ; Joshua Nunn , J . W . ; W . A . Rogers ,
Treasurer ; Charles Veal , Secretary ; J . Holden , S . D . ; J . Tidcombe , jun ., J . D . ; H . L . Winter , Org . ; J . Patterson , I . G . ; and J . Middleton , Tyler . Letters of apology for absence were read from a number of brethren , and one in particular from Col . Burdett , P . G . M . of the Province , regretting his absence from indisposition , having been or . dered to the seaside for a change of air . A number of
propositions for future work having been proposed , the lod ge was closed and the brethren rambled for the next half-hour in the beautiful and well kept grounds . Anelcgrant banquet , a la Husse , was subsequently sat down to by the greater number of the brethren present at the ceremonies . Afterwards a very enjoyable evening was spent in the inteichange of thought , and those fraternal amenities only to be experienced in the brotherhood .
the various loyal and Masonic toasts were then proposed , duly honoured and responded to by the various appropriate brethren , during which it was remarked that the Abercorn might very aptly assume the motto of the noble fannl y whose name it bore , Sola Virtute Vincit . The meeting house of the lodge is at the Abercorn Arms , in the confines of the province , in a beautifuljdistrict at Great Stanmore , about ten miles from London , and -ihree-and-a-half from Harrow .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Leicestershire And Rutland.
The half-yearly communication of the above Provincial Grand Lodge took place at the Town Hall , Ashby-dc- ! a-Zuuch , on the 29 th ult ., in the Ioilgc-room of the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge , No . 779 , under the auspices of which the meeting was held .
The Craft Lodge was opened at one o ' clock . Shortly after that time the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , the Rig ! Hon . the Earl Ferrers , accompanied hy his Prov . G Officers , entered the lodge-room and received the customary salute . After the minutes had been confirmed and the ballot taken for several joining members and candidates for
initiation , the principal event of the day , that of installing Bro . S . E . Johnson as W . M . of No . 799 , took jilace , the ofiice of Installing Master having been , by thc special desire of the members of that lodge , undertaken by the Provincial Grand Master . It is almost needless to state that the duties of that important office , anil the impressive ritual of the ceremony of installation , were performed in a very
admirable and efficient manner . The brethren , not only of the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge , but of other lodges also in the province , are under deep obligations to his lordship for having on several occasions fulfilled the onerous duties of Installing Master , and too much praise cannot be accorded to him for the ready and gracious spirit in which he has always been pleased to
comply with the wishes of the brethren that he should undertake those duties . On the completion of the business of the Craft Lodge , the Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due form by the Prov . Grand Master , who was assisted by the following officers : —W . Bros , the Revd . J- Denton , P . P . S . G . W ., as Deputy Prov . G . M . ; Samuel Love , Prov . S . G . W . ; E . F . Mannwatt , P . Prov . S . G . W ., as I . G . W . ; W . B . Smith ,
Prov . G . Treasurer ; T . G . Tippetts , Prov . G . Reg . ; S . S . Partridge , Prov . G . Secretary ; W . Johnson as Prov . G . S . D . ; W . Hardy , Prov . G . J . D . ; J . T . Thorp , Prov . G . A . D . C , as D . C ; R . Boughtou-Smith , P . P . G . A . D . C , as Grand Sword Bearer ; C . E . Stretton , Prov . G . A . P . as Grand Purst . ; G . W . J Statham anil R . Dalgleisb , P . G . Stewards ; and C . Bembridgc , Prov . G . Tyler . A fuller report of the proceedings will appear in our
next . The following brethren were also present : —W . Bros . Rev . W . Langley , P . P . S . G . W . ; H . Etherington-Smith , P . P . J . G . W . ; Revd . F . S . Cuyler , 779 , P . P . G . Chaplain , Bristol ; J . C . Duncombe , P . P . G . D ., Leicester and Rutland , and P . P . G . D . Norths , and Hunts ; H . Blood , I . P . M . ; S . E . Johnson , W . M . ; W . S . Allen , S . W . ; R . Dalgleish , J . W . ;
and a considerable number of brethren of No . 779 . Visitors , Bros . G . A . Taverner , S . W . 353 ; J . Hill , 254 and 850 -, and D . Field , 7 . The roll of lodges and of P . G . Officers having been first called , the minutes of the last annual meeting of Prov . G . Lodge were read and confirmed . The report of the Earl Howe Memorial Window
Committee was read , announcing thc termination of their labours , and thanking the subscribers to the fund for their generous assistance , by means of which a memorial highly creditable to the Craft in this province had been placed in the Church ( St . Peter ' s ) recently erected at Leicester , in memory of the late lamented and esteemed Past Prov . Grand Master , the Right Hon . the Earl Howe . It was
resolved that the report , with the statement of account accompanying it , be received and adopted . A vote of thanks , proposed by Bro . Denton and seconded by Bro . Boughton-Smith , was accorded to the Memorial Committee for their valuable services . W . Bros . Clement Stretton , P . Prov . J . G . W ., and L . A . Clarke , P . P . S . G . W ., were re-elected to represent the Prov .
G . Lodge , as members of the committee of the Freemasons ' Hall , Leicester . Bto . Langley proposed " That when any brother who , having represented this province as Steward for two of the central Masonic Charitable Institutions , has become qualified to wear the Charity Jewel , such jewel should be presented to him hy Prov . G . Lodge , and that W . Bro . Robert
Waite , Prov . J . G . W ., who is just completing his second year of office as Charity Steward for this province , he the first recipient of such jewel . " Bro . Denton seconded the motion , which was carried unanimously . Letters of apology were received from several Prov . G . Officers and others , including one from Bro . W . J . Hughan ,
P . G . D ., and an honorary member of Lodges 279 and 523 in this province . A hearty vote of thanks to the members of the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lotlge for the reception they had given to the Prov . G . Lotlge , brought the business to an end , anil the Prov . G . Lodge was closed in due form . Thc brethren afterwards adjourned to the Queen ' s Head Hotel , where an excellent banquet was most admirably
served by the worthy host , Bro . Love , flic Prov . G . M . presided , and after tlie dinner his lordship proposed the loyal and Masonic toasts usual on these occasions . The iittendance , notwithstanding the vcry wet weather and the inconvenient nature of the railway accommodation , was extremely good , and this , the first meeting under the new arrangement for the assembling of the Prov . G . Lotlge half yearly , may be considered a complete success .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The Quarterly General Court of thc subscribers to the Masonic Girls' School was beld last Saturday at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Major J . Creaton , Vice-Patron , presided , and the other brethren present were John Symonds , Giiffiths Smith , Thomas W . White , Robert B . Webster , H . M , Levy , Edward Harris , H . Muggeridge , Thomas F .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
Peacock , H . Browse , II . Massey ( Freemason ) , antl R . W . Little ( Secretary ) . After the formal business had been transacted , Bro . Thomas W . White said hc had much pleasure in moving , pursuant to notice , that the rank of honorary Vice-Patron be conferred on Bro . T . S . Howell , the honorary medical officer of the Institution . On thc 21 st Oct ., 1852 , the
committee received a letter from Bro . Howell , in which he offered to serve the Institution as its honorary medical officer . On the 13 th Jan ., 1853 , he was appointed , and from that time downwards hail most kindly and attentively actetl in the capacity to which he had been chosen . The brethren would , of course , all remember the services he had rendered at the time of the outbreak of scarlet
fever in the School two or three years ago . Last year , when the School was laid up with the mumps , he attended to all the girls with his usual kindness , attention , and efficiency . When Miss Jarwood , the matron , was very ill , and some of the I louse Committee were sent for one day , Bro . Howell ' s partner , Mr . Etlie , saw them , and toltl them in case any further advice should be considered
necessary they were not to wait for authorisation , but to send for it immediately . They thought it was necessary , and they sent for Mr . Hilton , whose fees Bro Howell paid out of his own pocket . When the Committee heard of that they enquired what the amount of the fees was , and finding it was forty guineas , they drew a cheque for the amount , and handed it to Bro . Howell . He , however ,
returned it , and refused altogether to receive it . It had , therefore , been thought but due to Bro . Howell that he should be elected an honorary Vice-Patron , he being already an honorary Vice-President . Bro . John Symonds said he should be very glad to second that motion . He belonged to the House Committee at the time when Bro . Howell kindly tendered his services ,
and had had an opportunity of witnessing the great and tender care which Bro . Howell always showed to the girls in the School . Bro . White had been able to speak for himself of the more recent period of Bro . Hewell ' s service , but he could not speak of the much older period . He ( Bro . Symonds ) , who was an older Mason , and a very old member of the House Committee , could speak of the
early as well as the late period of their history , and he could say that whether serving more recent House Committees or the old one , or serving the interest of the School , Bro . Howell was well deserving of the compliment they proposed to pay him . The Chairman said hc also could bear testimony to the truth of all that had been said . He had been a member
of the House Committee many years , and had seen that Bro . Howell had paid great attention to his duties , and had given entire satisfaction to every member of the House Committee . The motion was put and carried unanimously . Bro . Griffiths Smith rose to propose that the rank of honorary Vice-President should be conferred upon Bro .
Peter Matthews . His reason for proposing it was that Bro . Peter Matthews had been the honorary surgeon dentist of the Institution for 30 or 40 years . He was now 70 years of age , and was obliged to have a carriage every time he went to the school . As he had been so many years honorary surgeon dentist to the School , it was but right that the rank of honorary Vice-President should hc
conferred upon him . Bro . II . Browse seconded the motion , which was also put and adopted without a dissentient . Bro . Griffiths Smith proposed anil Bro . II . Browse seconded Lords Carnarvon and Skelmersdale to fill the two vacant trusteeships to the Institution , which was also
unhesitatingly adopted . The Court settled the list of candidates for next election in October . There were 30 candidates , but will only be six vacancies , to make up the number of children educated in the school to 150 . A vote of thanks to the chairman closed thc proceedings .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The Quarterly Court of Subscribers of this Institution was held on Monday , July 12 th , at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Major J . Creaton , Vice-Patron , in the chair . Among the other brethren present were Bros . R . B . Webster , John
Hervey , James Terry , H . Massey ( Fi-rc-iiu . * --- **) , W . F . C . Moutrie , G . R . Ware , II . Browse , W . C . Parsons , W . Clifton Crick , and F . Binckes , Secretary . There was nothing but formal business to be transacted , and after settling the list [ of 57 candidates , nine to be elected , for the October election , the Committee adjourned .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The monthly meeting took place on the 14 th July at Freemasons'Hall , present W . Bro . John Creaton , P . G . D ., Vice-Patron , in the chair ; Bros . John Newton , Griffiths Smith , Thomas W . White , Samuel Rawson , C . A . Cottebrune , William Stephens , James Brett , II . M . Levy ,
William Wilson , anil Thomas Cubitt . The minutes ot thc previous meeting were read and verified . The deaths of two male annuitants were reportetl , one having received £ 107 antl the other £ 159 . The Report of the Finance Committee was reatl and adopted , and cheques for various amounts were ordered to be signed . The Treasurer was authorized to purchase
Stock for both the Male and Widows' Fund , pursuant to recommendation of Finance Committee . Petitions were received from three male candidates . All being regular , they were directed to be placed on the list for election iu May next . Application was made on behalf of two of the newlyelected annuitants for permission to resitle in th ; asylum at Croydon , which was unanimously granted .