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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
care and attention displayed by the Secretary in his department were most praiseworthy . Bros . Page and Stuart having briefly replied , "The Health of the Officers" followed , and was acknowledged by Bros . Higgins , S . W . ; Beeves , J . W . ; Marston and Robinson , Stewards , upon behalf of themselves and absent colleagues . During the evening Bros . Honnerwell , Reeves , Walls , Sirgood , Stokes ,
Webb , and other 1 * , instrumentally and vocally entertained the brethren . The Tvler ' s toast at eleven terminated the proceedings , and the brethren adjourned until the first Tuesday in February , when Bro . Higgins , S . W ., will be duly installed into the chair . BATH . —Royal Cumberland Lodge ( No . 41 ) . —A regular meeting was held on Thursday , January 4 th ,
at the Masonic Hall . It was attended by Bros . Brown , W . M . ; Cooper , as I . P . M . ; Carey , P . M . ; Capt . Floyd , P . M . ; Rubie , P . M . ; B . Little , P . M . ; Turner , P . M . ; Dr . Hoplcins , P . M ., and P . P . G . S . W . for Warwickshire ; F . Wilkinson , S . W .: Falkner , J . W . ; Wilton , P . M . and Dir . of Cers . ; C . Wilkinson , Sec . * , Braham , S . D . ; Robinson , as J . D . ; Gummer , I . G . ; Bigwood , Tyler ;
Hunt , Steward ; Styles , as Steward ; Mercer , Baldwin , Wheeler , Tanner . As visitors , Major Ramsay , District Grand Master of the Punjaub , India ; C . Peglcr , P . M . 14 , 304 , 837 , West Yorkshire ; Collins , 53 ; Jas . Willson , ' 53 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Mr . Harris as a candidate for initiation , which was
unanimously tavourable . Messrs . Albert Holmes and Thomas Ames were introduced , properly prepared , and initiated by the W . M ., Bro . Cooper giving the charge , and the S . W . explaining the symbolism of the working tools . Bro . F . Wilkinson was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year ; Bro . Ashley , P . M ., as Treasurer ; and Bro . Bigwood , Tyler . By permission of the W . M ., Bro . Dr .
Hopkins , P . M ., read an address recently delivered at a meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Devon by Bro . Metham , D . P . G . M ., forcibly recommending care and enquiry into the character and motives of candidates for admission into the Order , with illustrations of the result of neglect of such caution drawn from experience . A vote of thanks was passed to the visitors for the sanction
of their presence , which was acknowledged by Bros . Ramsay and Pegler , the former especially remarking on the impressive , delivery of the charge , and the latter on what was to him a novelty , namely , the working of an old form of ritual which is peculiar to this lodge . Arrangements having been made for the annual festival , the lodge was closed at to o ' clock .
NORTH WALSHAM . —Unanimity Lodge ( No . 102 ) . —The annual meeting of the members of ihis lodge , for the installation of the W . M . for the ensuing year , was held at the King ' s Arms , North Walsham , on Monday , Jan . 1 st . Lodge was opened in the First Degree by the Acting W . M ., Bro . Colonel Duff , M . P ., with Bros . R . Wortley , I . P . M . ; G . Wilkinson , S . W . ; E . Parr ,
J . W . ; B . B . Sapwell , S . D . ; F . Clowes , J . D . ; and J . R . Dewhirst , I . G . The Rev . H . Lubbock and Mr . G . Walker , two initiates , were admitted . When the lodge had been duly opened in the Third Degree , the Acting W . M . proceeded to instal as W . M ., in succession to the Right Worshipful Prov . G . M ., Bro . Right Hon . Lord Sufficld , K . C . B . ; Bro . G . Wilkinson , who appointed the following
brethren to the several offices : —Bros . J . B . Bond Cabbell , S . W . ; B . B . Sapwell , J . W . ; G . Smith , Secretary and Treasurer ; F . Clowes , S . D . ; J . R . Dewhirst , J . D . ; and Rev . H . Neville White , I . G . After the " working , " which was of the most satisfactory character , the officers being well up in their duties , the brethren adjourned to a handsome banquet , which worthily sustained the reputation of
the King ' s Arms cuisine . The newly-installed W . M . presided , the S . W . ' s chair being filled by Bro . R . S . Baker , Bro . Bond Cabbell unfortunately being obliged to leave after the closing " of the lodge . All the other lodge officers were present , and also Bros . J . Hales , J . Shepherd , R . Wortley , Rev . H . T . Griffith , E . D . Horsfotd , Bvaittvwavte ( Yorkshire ) , G . Ives , W . Smith ,
W . T . Coy , P . Powell , Rev . H . Lubbock , G . Walker , H . J . Martin ( Norwich ) . J . Chapman , & c . 'After Masonic honour had been paid to " The Queen and the Craft , " " The M . W . the G . M . of all England , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " and " The R . W . the Prov . G . M ., the Right Hon . Lord Suffield , K . C . B . " whose absence was much regretted , Bro . R . S . Baker proposed " The W . M ., " speaking in high
terms of the manner in which Bro . Wilkinson discharged the duties of that office some years since . The toast was drunk with the customary honours . In responding , the W . M . said it was so long since he served the office that he felt somewhat green at the work . The last two or three years had been years of unexampled prosperity for the lodge , and he hoped during the ensuing year it would
make further strides in the same direction , and advance the cause of Masonry , so that it would long continue to hold its present high position in the province . For the confidence they had again reposed in him he thanked them . He then proposed " The Health of the I . P . M ., Bro . Colonel Duff , M . P ., " to whom the lodge was under considerable obligation for the masterly manner in which for
the last two years he had performed the duties of the chair . The toast having been fully honoured Bro . Col . Duff , M . P ., returned thanks . He said that it was at considerable inconvenience that he had sometimes attended the meetings of the lodge , but had the trouble to which lie had been put been much greater , he should have felt amply repaid by the kindness with which they had always
received him . During the two years he had been in office —one year as Master the other as Acting Master—they had been good enough to say that he had done his duty , but he was bound to remark that he should himself have been able to do but little had it not been for the assistance of those brethren who had held office with him . He was particularly pleased to think that the lodge was worked and carried on as well as any in the province , all the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
officers knowing their duties and faithfully performing them . He was sorry that the Prov . Grand Master was not able to be with them on this occasion , for had he been they might have heard from him when the Prov . Grand Lodge would be held , and also some information on the subject of the Masonic Charities of England . Lord Suffield ' s opinion was that the subscriptions sent up from
Norfolk were not what they ought to be in comparison with the benefits received by the province , or which it ought and might receive . The income of the Masonic Charities in England last year amounted very nearly to £ 40 , 000 , showing an increase upon the previous year of upwards of £ 7000 . Of this sum between £ 8000 and £ 9000 went in pensions to aged women and men . When they saw the
way in which the money was laid out , and the good that was done by the several charities , the county of Norfolk —especially as it was the residence of the M . W . the G . M . of all England—should come forward in a more worthy and liberal spirit . The province , he believed , did give a good deal of money in one way or another , but the amount was nothing like what it should be , and the matter
was not only about to le taken up by the Prov . G . M ., but he had signified his intention of taking the chair at the festival of one of the charities ( the Girls' ) when he hoped the Masons of Norfolk would give him every possible support . The W . M . having given " The Initiates , " for which Bros , the Rev . H . Lubbock and G . Walker responded , proposed " The Visitors , " coupled with the names of Bros .
Brathwaite , of Yorkshire , and H . J . Martin , of Norwich . Both these brethren responded to the toast , which was drank with honours . Bro . Martin referred to the subject of the charities , mooted by Bro . Colonel Duff . He stated that the part which the province of Norfolk had hitherto played in this great cause was simply disgraceful , as he proposed to show from statistics in his possession .
He asked if the brethren of the province could possibly be aware that the gross amount contributed by Norfolk to the several charities during the last three years was only £ 322 4 s . ? The facts had only to be known , and he felt that this province would not lag behind in a work which was especially dear to all true Masons . During the past three years the contributions from Norfolk had been as
follows : —Boys , 1874 , £$ 6 14 s . ; 1875 , £ 38 17 s . ; 187 C , £ 18 18 s . ; total , £ 114 9 s . Girls ' , 1874 , £ 16 16 s . ; 1875 , £ 28 7 s . ; 187 b , £ 12 12 s . The aged Masons for the three years had received aboLt £ 100 ; and the Widows £ 50 . Let the brethren contrast this discreditable record with the advantages derived by the province . There had been three and there were now four boys in the Boys '
School , involving an expenditure of £ 1500 ; one girl ( from this very lodge ) was in the Girls' School , involving an outlay of £ 209 ; three annuitants ( men ) were in receipt of £ 40 a year each , and two annuitants ( women ) , £ 32 each , making a total under this head of £ 184 per year . To remedy the existing state of things Bro . E . Baldwin , a subscribing member in 213 , was making praiseworthy efforts
for the establishment of a Masonic Charitable Association , by which almost every brother would be enabled to obtain a life governorship in one or all three of the charities , and he commended this movement to the earnest consideration and cordial approval and co-operation of the brethren throughout the province . An association having a similar object had been established in Essex , and he believed had
worked with marked success and corresponding benefit to the charities . " The Health of Bro . Baker , " proposed by Bro . Hales , and " The Secretary ' s toast" were drank during the evening , and a general opinion expressed that the subject of the charities demanded the attention of the brethren of the province . BATH . — Lodge of Honour ( No . 379 ) . —The
first meeting under the new W . M . was held in the Masonic Hall on Monday , January 8 th , by whom the lodge was opened at 8 p . m . The following brethren were present : —Bros . H . Gore , W . M . ; Cook , I . P . M . ; Cooper , P . M . 41 , as Chaplain ; Phillips , P . M . ; H . C . Hopkins , S . W . ; Dickenson , J . W . ; Dr . Hopkins , P . M . and P . P . S . G . W ., as S . D . ; Dulton , P . M ., as J . D . ; Bush , P . M .,
as Dir . of Cers . ; Baldwin , I . G . ; Gazzard , Tyler ; and others . As visitors , besides those already named , Bros . Pegler , P . M . 14 , 304 , 837 ; General Doherty , C . B ., P . M . 906 ; Hunt , 329 ; Harrington , 37 , Aberdeen ; Townsend , 1363 ; Marillier , 53 ; Reynolds , 41 . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed , and the report of Bro . Cook , Treasurer , was presented . The
W . M . read a circular relative to a proposed memorial in honour of the eminent Masonic author , the late Dr . Oliver , consideration of which was postponed . A ballot was taken for three candidates for initiation , which proved clear in their favour , of whom , however , only one was present . Bro . Phillips , P . M ., . then took the chair . Mr . Francis Bell was introduced , properly prepared , and duly
admitted as a member of the Order . The charge was given by Bro . Dr . Hopkins . A vote of thanks was passed to the visitors for their attendance , which was duly acknowledged . A candidate for initiation was proposed and seconded by the Wardens . The lodge was closed at 10 o ' clock . DORCHESTER . —Lodge of Faith and
Unanimity ( No . 417 ) . —This lodge held its annual installation meeting on Monday , the 3 rd inst ., the W . M ., Bro . W . Osmond , occupying the chair . Notwithstanding the very wet weather and almost impassable roads , there was a very full attendance of the brethren of lodge 417 , as well as several visiting brethren from neighouiing lodges , who had to come " thro' flood and fen " to be
present . Bro . Robert Case , P . Prov . G . Sec , Dorset , the W . M . elect , was presented and obligated in due form . Brethren below the chair having withdrawn , a Board of Installed Masters ( nine in number ) was opened , and Bro . Robert Case duly placed in the chair of K . S . The Board of Installed Masters having been closed , the brethren below that rank were re-admitted and saluted the W . M in ancient form . The W . M , then appointed and invested
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
his officers as follows * . Bros . W . Osmond , I . P . M . ; T . S . Biggs , S . W . ; W . E . Brymer , J . W . ; Rev . T . Russell Wright , Chap . ; W . Chick , P . M ., Treas . ; Rev . H . Everett , Sec . ; T . Beavis , S . D . ; T . M . Dron , J . D , ; G . J . G . Gregory , P . M ., M . C . ; J . Robinson , P . M ., Org . ; A . H . Lock , I . G . ; Charles Parsons , P . M ., and W . H . Dean , Stewards ; J . Lovelace , Tyler ; W . Talbot , Asst .
Tyler . The Installing Officer of the evening was Bro . W . S . Gillard , P . M . 1168 , and P . Prov . GJ . D . Dorset , who very kindly undertook the ofEce on the sudden indisposition of Bro . W . P . Cockeram , and performed the ceremonies in a most admirable manner . Bro . W . Osmond also assisted in the installation ceremony very satisfactorily . Before the lodge was closed two very
interesting events took place to signalise the W . M's . accession to the chair . Bro . W . E . Brymer , the J . W ., having presented the lodge with a very good and powerful harmonium , which was used for the first time this evening , and a letter was read from W . Bro . John Symonds , P . G . A . D . C ., regretting his inability to leave town to be present at his lodge , and asking the brethren to accept
from him 16 volumes of the F > -eemaso ? is' Magazine as an additioa to the lodge library . Cordial votes of thanks to Bros . Brymer and Symonds were carried by acclamation , and the lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to a banquet , under the presidency of Bro . Case , and the usual loyal Masonic toasts were given . During the course of the evening the W . M . alluded to the
fact that the Past Masters of the lodge , as well as the Junior Wardens , were either Life Subscribers or Life Governors of one or the other of the Masonic Charities , thus proving that the watch-words of the order , Loyalty and Charity , were in good keeping in Lodge 417 . Amongst the visitors present were W . Bros . H . C . Burt , P . P . G . J . W ., Dorset ; A . J . Budden , W . M . Lodge 622 , and Prov .
G . S . D ., Dorset ; J . Whitehead Smith , P . M . Lodge 622 , and P . P . G . C , Dorset ; John Cook , P . M . Lodge 3 86 , and others . HALIFAX . —St . James ' s Lodge ( No . 44 8 ) . — The annual installation festival was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Halifax , on Tuesday , January 2 nd , at which an unusually large number of brethren were present .
The lodge was opened in due form in the Three Degrees at 3 p . m ., and after the ordinary business was concluded Bro . Christopher Tate Rhodes was installed W . M . for the ensuing year in a masterly and impressive manner by Bros . G . Normanton , P . P . G . D ., and James Charnock , P . M . 307 . The newly installed W . M . then invested the following brethren as his officers for 1877 : —Bros . Thos .
Whitaker , P . M . 307 , as S . W . ; N . W . Scholefield , J . W . ; W . F . Wilkinson , P . M ., Treas . ; George Taylor , Sec ; William Swale , S . D . ; G . H . Radcliffe , J . D . ; Councillor J . B . Brierley , M . C . ; A . H . Booke , Org . ; Walter Walshaw , I . G . ; R . Worsick , P . M . 307 , J . G . Lee , J . C . Crocker , and T . L . Ogdcn , Stewards ; Jno . Greenwood , P . M . 308 , Tyler ; Bro . R . Jessop , P . M ., being appointed
Almoner , and Bro . T . Wheelhouse , Charity Steward . The Rt . W . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Lieut .-Col . Sir Henry Edwards , Bart ., J . P ., D . L ., then presented in complimentary terms on behalf of the brethren a very chaste P . M . ' s jewel to Bro . Taylor Wheelhouse , as a small token of appreciation of his services in the chair during the past year ; after which the lodge was closed by the new W . M .
in harmony and due form . The brethren , about sixty in number , adjourned to the large dining hall , which has been recently very tastefully decorated , and also specially prepared for this occasion , to partake of a sumptuous banquet , which reflected the highest credit upon the purveyor , Bro . J . C . Crocker , of the White Swan Hotel , Bro . C . T . Rhodes presided , and was supported by the
Rt . W . Prov . G . M . of West Yorks ., Bro . Lieut .-Col . Sir H . Edwards , Bart ., J . P ., D . L . ; Bros . T . W . Tew , J . P ., W . Dep . Prov . G . M . ; Henry Smith , Prov . G . Sec . ; Jno . Fisher , P . M . 61 , and Prov . G . Prior of West Yorks , & c . ; T . Perkinton , P . M . 61 , 448 , and Prov . G . M . M . of West Yorks ., & c . ; Councillor F . Whitaker , P . P . J . G . D . ; Geo . Normanton , P . P . G . D . ; Edwin Walshaw , P . G . Std . ;
Taylor Wheelhouse , I . P . M . ; James Charnock , P . M . - ( 07 ; W . F . Wilkinson , P . M . ; Josh . Gankrogcr , W . M . 61 ; Wm . Parker , P . M . Airdale Lodge , Shipley ; Jno . Forth , P . M . ; Jno . Seed , P . M . 1 - ( 02 ; Henry Moseley ; Thos . Woodhcad ; J . Y . Rideal , P . M . ; Geo . Battinson , W . M . elect 61 ; Wm . Gankrogcr , J . W . 61 ; T . G . Knowles , P . M . ; W . B . Spencer , P . M . ; Rev . R . Jessop , P . M . ; and
numerous other P . M . ' s and brethren from Bradford , Huddcrsfield , fix . The usual loyal toasts having been ably proposed from the chair , and suitably responded to , the W . M . next gave " The M . W . the G . M . of England , the Prince of Wales ; the M . W . the Pro G . M ., the Earl of Carnarvon ; the bep . G . M . Lord Skelmersdale , and the Officers of the Grand Lodge , Past and Present , "
lemarking that the Craft were exceedingly proud of their Royal Master , and though he was not the only Royal personage who had not thought it derogatory to his dignity to exchange the sceptre for the trowel , to patronise our mysteries and join in our assemblies , still none who had preceded him had been more popular , and it was very gratifying that he had been pleased to become a Freemason
and accept the chief position in this our secret society , and thus ascertain for himself that we were not plotters who ought to be excommunicated , but rather the most loyal and patriotic of the Queen ' s most loving subjects . He ( Bro . Rhodes ) was present at the never-to-be-forgotten ceremony of the installation at the Albert Hall , performed so nobly by the Earl of Carnarvon , who with Sir Albert
Woods as G . D . C ., were deserving of the highest praise , the vast assemblage on that occasion being conducted as if by clockwork . Lord Skelmersdale was very popular , more especially amongst the Lancashire brethren , and he well merited the distinction which had been conferred upon him . In proposing the toast of " The Right Worshipful Prov . G . Master of West Yorks , Lieut .-Col Sir H . Edwards , Bart ., and the Provincial Grand Officers , "
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
care and attention displayed by the Secretary in his department were most praiseworthy . Bros . Page and Stuart having briefly replied , "The Health of the Officers" followed , and was acknowledged by Bros . Higgins , S . W . ; Beeves , J . W . ; Marston and Robinson , Stewards , upon behalf of themselves and absent colleagues . During the evening Bros . Honnerwell , Reeves , Walls , Sirgood , Stokes ,
Webb , and other 1 * , instrumentally and vocally entertained the brethren . The Tvler ' s toast at eleven terminated the proceedings , and the brethren adjourned until the first Tuesday in February , when Bro . Higgins , S . W ., will be duly installed into the chair . BATH . —Royal Cumberland Lodge ( No . 41 ) . —A regular meeting was held on Thursday , January 4 th ,
at the Masonic Hall . It was attended by Bros . Brown , W . M . ; Cooper , as I . P . M . ; Carey , P . M . ; Capt . Floyd , P . M . ; Rubie , P . M . ; B . Little , P . M . ; Turner , P . M . ; Dr . Hoplcins , P . M ., and P . P . G . S . W . for Warwickshire ; F . Wilkinson , S . W .: Falkner , J . W . ; Wilton , P . M . and Dir . of Cers . ; C . Wilkinson , Sec . * , Braham , S . D . ; Robinson , as J . D . ; Gummer , I . G . ; Bigwood , Tyler ;
Hunt , Steward ; Styles , as Steward ; Mercer , Baldwin , Wheeler , Tanner . As visitors , Major Ramsay , District Grand Master of the Punjaub , India ; C . Peglcr , P . M . 14 , 304 , 837 , West Yorkshire ; Collins , 53 ; Jas . Willson , ' 53 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Mr . Harris as a candidate for initiation , which was
unanimously tavourable . Messrs . Albert Holmes and Thomas Ames were introduced , properly prepared , and initiated by the W . M ., Bro . Cooper giving the charge , and the S . W . explaining the symbolism of the working tools . Bro . F . Wilkinson was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year ; Bro . Ashley , P . M ., as Treasurer ; and Bro . Bigwood , Tyler . By permission of the W . M ., Bro . Dr .
Hopkins , P . M ., read an address recently delivered at a meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Devon by Bro . Metham , D . P . G . M ., forcibly recommending care and enquiry into the character and motives of candidates for admission into the Order , with illustrations of the result of neglect of such caution drawn from experience . A vote of thanks was passed to the visitors for the sanction
of their presence , which was acknowledged by Bros . Ramsay and Pegler , the former especially remarking on the impressive , delivery of the charge , and the latter on what was to him a novelty , namely , the working of an old form of ritual which is peculiar to this lodge . Arrangements having been made for the annual festival , the lodge was closed at to o ' clock .
NORTH WALSHAM . —Unanimity Lodge ( No . 102 ) . —The annual meeting of the members of ihis lodge , for the installation of the W . M . for the ensuing year , was held at the King ' s Arms , North Walsham , on Monday , Jan . 1 st . Lodge was opened in the First Degree by the Acting W . M ., Bro . Colonel Duff , M . P ., with Bros . R . Wortley , I . P . M . ; G . Wilkinson , S . W . ; E . Parr ,
J . W . ; B . B . Sapwell , S . D . ; F . Clowes , J . D . ; and J . R . Dewhirst , I . G . The Rev . H . Lubbock and Mr . G . Walker , two initiates , were admitted . When the lodge had been duly opened in the Third Degree , the Acting W . M . proceeded to instal as W . M ., in succession to the Right Worshipful Prov . G . M ., Bro . Right Hon . Lord Sufficld , K . C . B . ; Bro . G . Wilkinson , who appointed the following
brethren to the several offices : —Bros . J . B . Bond Cabbell , S . W . ; B . B . Sapwell , J . W . ; G . Smith , Secretary and Treasurer ; F . Clowes , S . D . ; J . R . Dewhirst , J . D . ; and Rev . H . Neville White , I . G . After the " working , " which was of the most satisfactory character , the officers being well up in their duties , the brethren adjourned to a handsome banquet , which worthily sustained the reputation of
the King ' s Arms cuisine . The newly-installed W . M . presided , the S . W . ' s chair being filled by Bro . R . S . Baker , Bro . Bond Cabbell unfortunately being obliged to leave after the closing " of the lodge . All the other lodge officers were present , and also Bros . J . Hales , J . Shepherd , R . Wortley , Rev . H . T . Griffith , E . D . Horsfotd , Bvaittvwavte ( Yorkshire ) , G . Ives , W . Smith ,
W . T . Coy , P . Powell , Rev . H . Lubbock , G . Walker , H . J . Martin ( Norwich ) . J . Chapman , & c . 'After Masonic honour had been paid to " The Queen and the Craft , " " The M . W . the G . M . of all England , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " and " The R . W . the Prov . G . M ., the Right Hon . Lord Suffield , K . C . B . " whose absence was much regretted , Bro . R . S . Baker proposed " The W . M ., " speaking in high
terms of the manner in which Bro . Wilkinson discharged the duties of that office some years since . The toast was drunk with the customary honours . In responding , the W . M . said it was so long since he served the office that he felt somewhat green at the work . The last two or three years had been years of unexampled prosperity for the lodge , and he hoped during the ensuing year it would
make further strides in the same direction , and advance the cause of Masonry , so that it would long continue to hold its present high position in the province . For the confidence they had again reposed in him he thanked them . He then proposed " The Health of the I . P . M ., Bro . Colonel Duff , M . P ., " to whom the lodge was under considerable obligation for the masterly manner in which for
the last two years he had performed the duties of the chair . The toast having been fully honoured Bro . Col . Duff , M . P ., returned thanks . He said that it was at considerable inconvenience that he had sometimes attended the meetings of the lodge , but had the trouble to which lie had been put been much greater , he should have felt amply repaid by the kindness with which they had always
received him . During the two years he had been in office —one year as Master the other as Acting Master—they had been good enough to say that he had done his duty , but he was bound to remark that he should himself have been able to do but little had it not been for the assistance of those brethren who had held office with him . He was particularly pleased to think that the lodge was worked and carried on as well as any in the province , all the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
officers knowing their duties and faithfully performing them . He was sorry that the Prov . Grand Master was not able to be with them on this occasion , for had he been they might have heard from him when the Prov . Grand Lodge would be held , and also some information on the subject of the Masonic Charities of England . Lord Suffield ' s opinion was that the subscriptions sent up from
Norfolk were not what they ought to be in comparison with the benefits received by the province , or which it ought and might receive . The income of the Masonic Charities in England last year amounted very nearly to £ 40 , 000 , showing an increase upon the previous year of upwards of £ 7000 . Of this sum between £ 8000 and £ 9000 went in pensions to aged women and men . When they saw the
way in which the money was laid out , and the good that was done by the several charities , the county of Norfolk —especially as it was the residence of the M . W . the G . M . of all England—should come forward in a more worthy and liberal spirit . The province , he believed , did give a good deal of money in one way or another , but the amount was nothing like what it should be , and the matter
was not only about to le taken up by the Prov . G . M ., but he had signified his intention of taking the chair at the festival of one of the charities ( the Girls' ) when he hoped the Masons of Norfolk would give him every possible support . The W . M . having given " The Initiates , " for which Bros , the Rev . H . Lubbock and G . Walker responded , proposed " The Visitors , " coupled with the names of Bros .
Brathwaite , of Yorkshire , and H . J . Martin , of Norwich . Both these brethren responded to the toast , which was drank with honours . Bro . Martin referred to the subject of the charities , mooted by Bro . Colonel Duff . He stated that the part which the province of Norfolk had hitherto played in this great cause was simply disgraceful , as he proposed to show from statistics in his possession .
He asked if the brethren of the province could possibly be aware that the gross amount contributed by Norfolk to the several charities during the last three years was only £ 322 4 s . ? The facts had only to be known , and he felt that this province would not lag behind in a work which was especially dear to all true Masons . During the past three years the contributions from Norfolk had been as
follows : —Boys , 1874 , £$ 6 14 s . ; 1875 , £ 38 17 s . ; 187 C , £ 18 18 s . ; total , £ 114 9 s . Girls ' , 1874 , £ 16 16 s . ; 1875 , £ 28 7 s . ; 187 b , £ 12 12 s . The aged Masons for the three years had received aboLt £ 100 ; and the Widows £ 50 . Let the brethren contrast this discreditable record with the advantages derived by the province . There had been three and there were now four boys in the Boys '
School , involving an expenditure of £ 1500 ; one girl ( from this very lodge ) was in the Girls' School , involving an outlay of £ 209 ; three annuitants ( men ) were in receipt of £ 40 a year each , and two annuitants ( women ) , £ 32 each , making a total under this head of £ 184 per year . To remedy the existing state of things Bro . E . Baldwin , a subscribing member in 213 , was making praiseworthy efforts
for the establishment of a Masonic Charitable Association , by which almost every brother would be enabled to obtain a life governorship in one or all three of the charities , and he commended this movement to the earnest consideration and cordial approval and co-operation of the brethren throughout the province . An association having a similar object had been established in Essex , and he believed had
worked with marked success and corresponding benefit to the charities . " The Health of Bro . Baker , " proposed by Bro . Hales , and " The Secretary ' s toast" were drank during the evening , and a general opinion expressed that the subject of the charities demanded the attention of the brethren of the province . BATH . — Lodge of Honour ( No . 379 ) . —The
first meeting under the new W . M . was held in the Masonic Hall on Monday , January 8 th , by whom the lodge was opened at 8 p . m . The following brethren were present : —Bros . H . Gore , W . M . ; Cook , I . P . M . ; Cooper , P . M . 41 , as Chaplain ; Phillips , P . M . ; H . C . Hopkins , S . W . ; Dickenson , J . W . ; Dr . Hopkins , P . M . and P . P . S . G . W ., as S . D . ; Dulton , P . M ., as J . D . ; Bush , P . M .,
as Dir . of Cers . ; Baldwin , I . G . ; Gazzard , Tyler ; and others . As visitors , besides those already named , Bros . Pegler , P . M . 14 , 304 , 837 ; General Doherty , C . B ., P . M . 906 ; Hunt , 329 ; Harrington , 37 , Aberdeen ; Townsend , 1363 ; Marillier , 53 ; Reynolds , 41 . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed , and the report of Bro . Cook , Treasurer , was presented . The
W . M . read a circular relative to a proposed memorial in honour of the eminent Masonic author , the late Dr . Oliver , consideration of which was postponed . A ballot was taken for three candidates for initiation , which proved clear in their favour , of whom , however , only one was present . Bro . Phillips , P . M ., . then took the chair . Mr . Francis Bell was introduced , properly prepared , and duly
admitted as a member of the Order . The charge was given by Bro . Dr . Hopkins . A vote of thanks was passed to the visitors for their attendance , which was duly acknowledged . A candidate for initiation was proposed and seconded by the Wardens . The lodge was closed at 10 o ' clock . DORCHESTER . —Lodge of Faith and
Unanimity ( No . 417 ) . —This lodge held its annual installation meeting on Monday , the 3 rd inst ., the W . M ., Bro . W . Osmond , occupying the chair . Notwithstanding the very wet weather and almost impassable roads , there was a very full attendance of the brethren of lodge 417 , as well as several visiting brethren from neighouiing lodges , who had to come " thro' flood and fen " to be
present . Bro . Robert Case , P . Prov . G . Sec , Dorset , the W . M . elect , was presented and obligated in due form . Brethren below the chair having withdrawn , a Board of Installed Masters ( nine in number ) was opened , and Bro . Robert Case duly placed in the chair of K . S . The Board of Installed Masters having been closed , the brethren below that rank were re-admitted and saluted the W . M in ancient form . The W . M , then appointed and invested
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
his officers as follows * . Bros . W . Osmond , I . P . M . ; T . S . Biggs , S . W . ; W . E . Brymer , J . W . ; Rev . T . Russell Wright , Chap . ; W . Chick , P . M ., Treas . ; Rev . H . Everett , Sec . ; T . Beavis , S . D . ; T . M . Dron , J . D , ; G . J . G . Gregory , P . M ., M . C . ; J . Robinson , P . M ., Org . ; A . H . Lock , I . G . ; Charles Parsons , P . M ., and W . H . Dean , Stewards ; J . Lovelace , Tyler ; W . Talbot , Asst .
Tyler . The Installing Officer of the evening was Bro . W . S . Gillard , P . M . 1168 , and P . Prov . GJ . D . Dorset , who very kindly undertook the ofEce on the sudden indisposition of Bro . W . P . Cockeram , and performed the ceremonies in a most admirable manner . Bro . W . Osmond also assisted in the installation ceremony very satisfactorily . Before the lodge was closed two very
interesting events took place to signalise the W . M's . accession to the chair . Bro . W . E . Brymer , the J . W ., having presented the lodge with a very good and powerful harmonium , which was used for the first time this evening , and a letter was read from W . Bro . John Symonds , P . G . A . D . C ., regretting his inability to leave town to be present at his lodge , and asking the brethren to accept
from him 16 volumes of the F > -eemaso ? is' Magazine as an additioa to the lodge library . Cordial votes of thanks to Bros . Brymer and Symonds were carried by acclamation , and the lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to a banquet , under the presidency of Bro . Case , and the usual loyal Masonic toasts were given . During the course of the evening the W . M . alluded to the
fact that the Past Masters of the lodge , as well as the Junior Wardens , were either Life Subscribers or Life Governors of one or the other of the Masonic Charities , thus proving that the watch-words of the order , Loyalty and Charity , were in good keeping in Lodge 417 . Amongst the visitors present were W . Bros . H . C . Burt , P . P . G . J . W ., Dorset ; A . J . Budden , W . M . Lodge 622 , and Prov .
G . S . D ., Dorset ; J . Whitehead Smith , P . M . Lodge 622 , and P . P . G . C , Dorset ; John Cook , P . M . Lodge 3 86 , and others . HALIFAX . —St . James ' s Lodge ( No . 44 8 ) . — The annual installation festival was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Halifax , on Tuesday , January 2 nd , at which an unusually large number of brethren were present .
The lodge was opened in due form in the Three Degrees at 3 p . m ., and after the ordinary business was concluded Bro . Christopher Tate Rhodes was installed W . M . for the ensuing year in a masterly and impressive manner by Bros . G . Normanton , P . P . G . D ., and James Charnock , P . M . 307 . The newly installed W . M . then invested the following brethren as his officers for 1877 : —Bros . Thos .
Whitaker , P . M . 307 , as S . W . ; N . W . Scholefield , J . W . ; W . F . Wilkinson , P . M ., Treas . ; George Taylor , Sec ; William Swale , S . D . ; G . H . Radcliffe , J . D . ; Councillor J . B . Brierley , M . C . ; A . H . Booke , Org . ; Walter Walshaw , I . G . ; R . Worsick , P . M . 307 , J . G . Lee , J . C . Crocker , and T . L . Ogdcn , Stewards ; Jno . Greenwood , P . M . 308 , Tyler ; Bro . R . Jessop , P . M ., being appointed
Almoner , and Bro . T . Wheelhouse , Charity Steward . The Rt . W . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Lieut .-Col . Sir Henry Edwards , Bart ., J . P ., D . L ., then presented in complimentary terms on behalf of the brethren a very chaste P . M . ' s jewel to Bro . Taylor Wheelhouse , as a small token of appreciation of his services in the chair during the past year ; after which the lodge was closed by the new W . M .
in harmony and due form . The brethren , about sixty in number , adjourned to the large dining hall , which has been recently very tastefully decorated , and also specially prepared for this occasion , to partake of a sumptuous banquet , which reflected the highest credit upon the purveyor , Bro . J . C . Crocker , of the White Swan Hotel , Bro . C . T . Rhodes presided , and was supported by the
Rt . W . Prov . G . M . of West Yorks ., Bro . Lieut .-Col . Sir H . Edwards , Bart ., J . P ., D . L . ; Bros . T . W . Tew , J . P ., W . Dep . Prov . G . M . ; Henry Smith , Prov . G . Sec . ; Jno . Fisher , P . M . 61 , and Prov . G . Prior of West Yorks , & c . ; T . Perkinton , P . M . 61 , 448 , and Prov . G . M . M . of West Yorks ., & c . ; Councillor F . Whitaker , P . P . J . G . D . ; Geo . Normanton , P . P . G . D . ; Edwin Walshaw , P . G . Std . ;
Taylor Wheelhouse , I . P . M . ; James Charnock , P . M . - ( 07 ; W . F . Wilkinson , P . M . ; Josh . Gankrogcr , W . M . 61 ; Wm . Parker , P . M . Airdale Lodge , Shipley ; Jno . Forth , P . M . ; Jno . Seed , P . M . 1 - ( 02 ; Henry Moseley ; Thos . Woodhcad ; J . Y . Rideal , P . M . ; Geo . Battinson , W . M . elect 61 ; Wm . Gankrogcr , J . W . 61 ; T . G . Knowles , P . M . ; W . B . Spencer , P . M . ; Rev . R . Jessop , P . M . ; and
numerous other P . M . ' s and brethren from Bradford , Huddcrsfield , fix . The usual loyal toasts having been ably proposed from the chair , and suitably responded to , the W . M . next gave " The M . W . the G . M . of England , the Prince of Wales ; the M . W . the Pro G . M ., the Earl of Carnarvon ; the bep . G . M . Lord Skelmersdale , and the Officers of the Grand Lodge , Past and Present , "
lemarking that the Craft were exceedingly proud of their Royal Master , and though he was not the only Royal personage who had not thought it derogatory to his dignity to exchange the sceptre for the trowel , to patronise our mysteries and join in our assemblies , still none who had preceded him had been more popular , and it was very gratifying that he had been pleased to become a Freemason
and accept the chief position in this our secret society , and thus ascertain for himself that we were not plotters who ought to be excommunicated , but rather the most loyal and patriotic of the Queen ' s most loving subjects . He ( Bro . Rhodes ) was present at the never-to-be-forgotten ceremony of the installation at the Albert Hall , performed so nobly by the Earl of Carnarvon , who with Sir Albert
Woods as G . D . C ., were deserving of the highest praise , the vast assemblage on that occasion being conducted as if by clockwork . Lord Skelmersdale was very popular , more especially amongst the Lancashire brethren , and he well merited the distinction which had been conferred upon him . In proposing the toast of " The Right Worshipful Prov . G . Master of West Yorks , Lieut .-Col Sir H . Edwards , Bart ., and the Provincial Grand Officers , "